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Statesman Journal du lieu suivant : Salem, Oregon • Page 5

Statesman Journali
Salem, Oregon
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PAC5 nV2 Thm OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Tuesday Mornl December 24, 1943 Swift Is LTome Rev. George H.

Swift, rector of St. Paul's Proceeds ot Party Auction Go to Cheer: Fund Local News Briefs Parole Fira Answers To Four Suits Corning Events Episcopal church, returned to his home Sunday- following a week spent in a local hospital where he was resting from am attack of inflaenia. He expects to take part in the church services Christmas eve. Clothing Stolen Vera-Moore. 488.

North 12th street, reported yesterday to city police a large quantity of clothing was tak. en from her room early Sunday night, including several dresses, a Knekenberg Construction compa- purse, shoes and sweatee mm ay has replied to tear damage Look Toy prices slashed at Farm- suits based on the automobile er Hdw. 118 8. ComL accident on the Pacific highway Office to Cloae Selective eerv- norUt of Salem in November, Ice headquarters here will be 1889, in which Glen Campbell dosed all day today and Wednes- Nash aad Marshall William Kit-day in compliance with a preai- mm m1tA dentlal order. Lieutenant-Colonel cheB w6P0 klIlod nd Rbdrt Elmer V.

Wooton is state select- Berniee Kitchen injured. Ive service director. The burden of the answers Is Sim. Garage Barn A gasoline that Nh' drlTer 6f th in wood saw caught fire when being whicli the Kitchens were also rld- States That Driver was Under. Influence of Liquor In nearly identical answers the lng, was- uoder the "influence of uquor at the time, "and that In a Joint enterprise.

and yet mads no protest as' to the alleged man ner of the operation. W. T. Dunn. Circuit Court State vs.

Steena Frederlckson; transcripts from Salem Justice forery and NSr cneck State'va. WesUy Early and Jack Atkins; transcript from Salem riven into a garage yesterday and I was; slightly damaged along with! XX "tPltt rldlni.wtta Wm war I Goes to California 1 1 1 a I Kephart of the Macleay dietrlct sAMlhaea rallfvMile I I where he expects to spend the The answer lUtM tht A-Chrlstmas holidays. He will re- fendant had leased trucks from Ad dab members aitd gnests gathered Friday noon for the nannal Cnrlstmas party in the foyer of the Elstnoro theatre mm guests of Warmer Bros, aad Manager Garl Porter. All proceeds derived from a mock auction of gift were turned over to Captain John K. Allen of the Sal ratio Army for turn some time after January I Get a Mickey Mouse movie film for Christmas.

Henry's Photo Mm A "a0P- Drives New Car Home Paul au'tnoblriTom1. BSar b' An4r" Nothins Take Entry to Kiln-1 Js Payments Received Mario county received two checks, on for $8 1 IS.t and the other "forr $2297.28, from the depart-mmt ot the Interior of the federal government yesterday, representing-the county's tall share of receipts from the Oregon and California great' lands for specified periods. The Larger check represents halt the receipts of the lands to, June 80. 1949. end will be paid tat the connty'a general fund, Tha-amalier check will be divided lessens: the taxing districts affected, and represents the second In-stallnaeat paid oa the county's claim for 18X8 taxes under the Sjsaf lold act.

Esridge Contract Signed 8igna-tares of Marion and Linn county epurt members affixed yesterday to the formal contract between the counties and. the J. p. Johnson company of Newberg for construction, of the new bridge OTer the: North San tiam at Gates. The new.

structure is to cost and is to be finished, by next June 30. Signatories of the contract, besides I. T. Johnson as contractor, are Judge J. J.

Barret and. Commissioners H. A. Ren- alager and H. W.

Cooley of Linn county, and J. C. Sigmund. Mar- lesw county judge, and Commis sioners Roy 8. Melson and J.

E. 8jnith, Lots florist. P. 88ft. 1278 N.

Lib Bobbed Saturday Loss of at least $14 was. reported to city po lice, yesterday by Charles B. Weld rick. 721 South 12th street, who aaid he missed' the money Saturday sight after being with a stranger whom he met la a local tarern. The stranger suggested they go to dance aad took Weldrick to a-.

car in which were three other Furlough Fredrick Rich ard Limbeck, prlrate US marine corps, with his father, Fred W. Limbeck of Dunsmuir, is risking his sister, Mrs. W. L. Wo 1 a i 6S2 Ferry street.

Young Limbeck has a fire-day leave from the US3 Tennessee which is now, stationed at Brem erton, wash. To Spend Christmas i Quartermaster Robert R. Fallon, naval recruiting officer at the Salem will spend Christ mas day in Chehalls with Mrs. Fallon. He expects to bring his wife back with him, following the holiday.

The Fallons Intend t. locate in Salem. 8afety of yonr savings is insured at Salem Federal. ISO 8. Liberty Broadcast Today A radio pro gram over KSLM at 2 o'clock this afternoon will feature Maurice Hudkins reading Christmas poetry with an- organ music background by Yrjo KoskL Sponsored by the Art Center, the broadcast will originate la the American Luther an church.

SlSSCamp Clatsop Now 850 Guardsmen on Program on Friday Is 6Bing SendOf ger's beer parlor, 8010 North Cap- to plaintiff and 840 monthly sup- ltal street, was gained Sunday port money. night by breaking the front door Mary Kusel vs. Otto Hunt; debut nothing was taken, city police fendsnfs moUon to strike, said yesterday. Edna Smith vs. E.

C. Alford; motion to strike. To Erect House A building Archie Bones vs. Robert J. and permit was Issued yesterday to B.

Zola L. Her rail; motion to strike Langs to erect a 1 story dwel- portions of complaint. CAMP CLATSOP, Dec. 22 Noon today saw 850 members of the 249th CA leave this camp. This left only ISO men in camp to carry on the necessary duties of guard, administration and fatigue details.

One hundred forty of the troops left the camp by a special train, arranged for by reduced rates for the men on Jirak Services Will Be Friday Victim of Bomber Crash. Lived in Salem Until 1933 ASTORIA, Dec 22-4P)- Fnneral services tor Corporal Frank J. Jirak. killed In the crash ot an army bomber near Saa Jacinto, last week will be held at Warrentoa December 27. He was born at Hammond.

in 1914 and moved to Salem la 1920 where he was graduated from high school la 1932. He was a member of the national guard before enlisting in the air corps in 1922. Survivors are his widow. Kola: his parents. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank J. Jirak; and a sister, Mrs. Harry Lw Eyerly, all ot Salem; aunts and uncles. Mr.

and Mrs. Walter Babson ot Salem and. and Mrs. Alex Cairns and Oscar I Kindred of Warrentoa; nephews. Larry Lb and Michael W.

Eyerly of Salem: grandmother. Mrs. Fan nle Jirak of Wilson. Kan. 8ervtces will be at Ocean View abbey at 1 p.

m. with burial in the family plot In Ocean View cemetery, Warrenton. Philco Badio EXCLUSIVE DEALER Nearly Deserted; Christmas Leave; Services Today ForMrSeWieder Funeral services for Mrs. Gladys L. Wleder.

wife ot Van Wleder. will be held today at 1:20 p.m. from the Clough-Barrick chapel. Rev. W.

Irvln Williams officiat ing. Concluding services will be at the Masonic cemetery, Albany, at 4 p.m. Mrs. Wleder died Sun dsy at her residence here at the age ot 47 years. She was born in Coburg.

March 1, 1893, the daughter ot Monroe and Emma Leach. Survivors Include her husband: a daughter, Jeanette Wleder, Sa lem; three sisters. Mrs. Lola Cochran of MeMlnnville. Mrs.

Ethel MeFarland of Seaside aad Mrs. Sadie Morris ot Monroe, and a brother. Ray Leach of 8alem. Gscd Candy The Perfect Gift is Spa Chocolalei ling and garage ai zss uroau way street at a cost of 88800. ri Annual get-togetherdance Crys- tal Gardens Dec.

88. It's a Leap year dance. Carnival dance fL i nnt new year in. Renorta Vandalism E. A.

Daue told city police yesterday that boys had been breaking windows in a house he owns at 160 East Owens street 2g 1 Cases Reversed 4 In Supreme Court Holds for Defendants in Suits, Adjourns Until Thursday The state supreme court yes-1 terday reversed Circuit Judge James T. Brand. Curry county, Figures Told Has Reviewed 1285 Case in 17 Months; 3C6 Are Released The new state parole hoard created ey the 1929 legJalaxare has conducted a stady ot apprecl- mately 12IS penitentiary county iatl cases, figures by the board hero yesterday dls- doeed. The board has been in ess a- tloa 17 months. Rsleasea ot all.

types at prisoners totaled Stf. Ot Ueeo 124 ware penitentiary parolee. XS paroles after.coamatat9Mu conditional commutations aad two straight commutations. Flfteea releases Involved county Jail prts-onecs. -Sis pardons'- were' granted ay Governor Charles A.

Spraguo. There were ft revocations er 19.2 per coat eased oa th total number ot parolees. Forty-nine revocations were ordered. by the) parole board while 14 others Inherited by the governor i ho cams Into office. There are now ill under the jurisdiction of the pa role board.

These Include 22f paroles, 222 oa probation. 11 under conditional pardon, seven under conditional commutation. 19 ewb of-etate and three county JafL The board has received and sent out 21,727 commas in flow. a large percentage of which deaSt with penitentiary aad county Jan The board now employs fear field officers exclusive ot a director and deputy director. Members ot the board are Paul R.

Kelty. Lafayette, chairman: Gerald Mason, Portland, aad K. S. "Spec" Keens, Salem. Old Turner Road.

Section Is Closed Closure of the old Turner road from the airport road to its Junction with county read gg a mile west of the penitentiary annex has been ordered by tha Marion county court because mt apparent disintegration of tner road's oiled surface aader the pounding ot heavy wood trucks. According to CommtmtBnar J. E. Smith, who made an tloa of the stretch, bad appear In a halt-mile teaxth the road tor about 200 yards ha one place appears to be breaking up. Whether the diffiealty might be caused by the contraction and.

expansion resulting from sadden cold weather was discussed, by members ot the court, thoaga-without any conclusion being reached. Heavy vehicular trains is thought to have had moot to do with breaking. up at the surfacing material. Tm Believe Misery mt COLEDS LIQUID Taaurrs Saxva ootran psora aross snort aas-aty-1 bill you Try OBITUARY in a suit filed by Harry A. In- lower court decree, wall, plaintiff and respondent, to C.

G. Croisant vs. Sophia Crois-recover damages for personal in- ant and A. C. Bark, sheriff; injuries from the Transpacific Lum- preme court mandate reversing ber company.

The lower court lower court and directing sheriff awarded a Judgment of $5160 in to amend return in accordance Dec. Chrlstmaa. Dec SaLaat day for aliens to register at poatofftce. Dec 87 Gecttea meetlag. Salem Miaeoeri dun, 7: SO p.

bsA S4H i North Commercial street Jam, 81 Salem public schools sesame. Jmm. a Willamette waiver, slty classes opes. New If embers Added Enroll ment of 140 new members In the Salem Fraternal Order of Eagles, aerie 2081, since June 1, 1940, was reported by officers yester day with the announcement that the aerie hopes to double its an nual quota by June 1, 1941. In cluded id the roster of coming events planned by the organisation are a watch party Nr Year's ere and card between the Salem Elks end Cbemawa Indians On January 7.

4 to Wed Issued marriage licenses recently at Vancouver, were Henry E. Wood-vllle and Clara G. Koon, both Salem route seven; Lloyd C. Landing, Salem route fire, and Frances L. Turner, Salem route three; Roy A.

Foster, Salem, and Leona R. Buckingham, Dallas; Arthur. Epp-son, Albany, and Wanda Wyman, Portland, and Kenneth R. KUever and Viola E. Bucklngton, both Dallas.

Wall paper. Mathis. 184 8. Com I Prize Awarded A cash award as fifth prise for the United States was received yesterday by E. Brenner, window trimmer for the Price Shoe company, for a recent window trim at the firm.

Brenner has won a number of awards previously for his window decorations. Booked by Police Ray Nelson, 1792 Broadway street, was charged Sunday by city police with drunkenness. Jay 8ailing, 1470 north 18th street, was booked on a charge of running a red light and Charles Finney, Brokke, Los Angeles, on a charge of failure to stop. Wanted Young men and women to train for stenographic positions. More calls than we can supply.

Capital Busines college. Services Schedaled Funeral services for Mrs. Lillian Fincher who passed away at the Deaconess hospital Sunday will be held at the Aumsvllle Christian church Thursday at 2 p.m. She is survived by her husband. Amos Fincher, two daughters and a son and other relatives.

Licenses Granted The Marlon county court yesterday approved a dance hall license for J. B. Wha-len, Broadacres, and also granted a permit to school dirstrict number 74, Mehama, to lay a one-lncn pipe for 1000 feet parallel to a county road. Oklahoma, and Mrs. Jennie Mc-Gee of Salem; two brothers, Austin of Oklahoma and Ernest of Salem; also survived by father, H.

M. Winn of Oklahoma. Services will be held Tuesday, December 24, at 10 a. at the Clough-Barriek chapel, Rev. Guy L.

Drill officiating. Concluding services will be held in City View cemetery. Winn Arch C. Winn, late of 770 N. Front street, Salem, December 20.

Survived by widow, Dorothy, and two children, Cenith and Da vid, all of Salem; father, H. M. Winn of Oklahoma; two brothers, Austin of Oklahoma and Ernest of Salem; three sisters, Mrs. Nel lie Bond and Mrs. Oressa Royal of Oklahoma, and Mrs.

Jennie McGee of Salem. Services will be held Tuesday, December 24, at 10 a. Clough-Barrick chapel with Rev. Guy L. Drill officiating.

Concluding services will be held in City View cem etery. Dlmlck Augustus R. Dlmlck, late resi dent of 240 Marion street, Salem, at a local hospital Sunday, De cember 22. at the age of 70 years. Survived by widow, Mrs.

Euphemia Dlmlck Salem; son. Roland Dlmlck of Corvallis; two daughters, Mrs. Al Gerdlng of Portland and Miss Ruth Dlmlck of Salem. Private committal serv ices will be held Thursday, De cember 28, at Mt. Crest Abbey mausoleum.

Clough-Barrick com pany In charge. Please omit flowers. Rogers Harry Rogers, late of Salem Printing company, Tuesday, De cember 17. 1940, In Clackamas county. Services from Clough Parrick chapel Thursday, Decern ber 26, 1940.

Interment IOOF cemetery. Rev. Irving A. Fox of flclatlng. Casket open to friends from 1 p.

m. Tuesday. Herron Katie Herron. 79. late resident of 271 street, Sunday, Decem ber 22.

Survived by niecea aqd nephews, Tom and Ralph John son, Salem; Charley Johnson, Heppner; Bertha and Claude Muakers, Amity; Cliff Munkers, Cutler City; Glen Munkers, Salem; Bert and Will Munkers, Cas- cadia, and Mrs. H. Mulchay, Saa Francisco. Services will be held from the Ladd Funeral home Tuesday, December 24, at p. with Rev.

Ony Drill officiating. Interment Belcrest Memorial CARD OF THANKS The family of Mrs. Carrie Es-teiia Haynes are deeply grateful to all our friends for their kindness and sympathy la the hoar of our great loss. snnYDEn TOUCH 'Ci TMIISFEn rarattare Btevtag-ruat One DaUv trim to Fectlaas All Rolled Into One 11 granting custody of two children state vs. Bill Miller: criminal information charging forgery from Salem municipal court.

P.rwin.- State vs. Don Perkins: war i from Salem municipal court. rant on criminal information Chris Howard Eismaan vs. Mary Elsmann; affidavit ot plain tiff in opposition to defendant's application to set asiae aecree or divorce based on allegation that application not made at proper term court; that defendant has adequate remedy to enrorce sep- a ration agreement; mat court wvwtvia suvum vu auetuw vh eeam menu or the case as indicated mann and Chris Howard Elsmann. Credit Service company vs.

Allen Fruit company; return of attachment shows report of no property held by Hudson-Duncan company of Portland. Truck Insurance Exchange ot Oregon vs. Truck Insurance Ex- change ot Los Angeles: mandate from supreme court affirming with supreme court's decision. rTOOaie KAHXTl Btepaen Hemsnorn estate; N. M.

Lauby, Henry Wetland and Morris L. Fuchs appointed ap- pralsers. Amanda E. Hyde estate; L. H.

Grassman appointed executor and J- Woods, F. E. Morrison and C. J. Rice, appraisers, of 13167.99 in personal and 650 in real prop- erty.

Marry Kogers estate; A. r. merman named administrator na Artnur tiann, sam r. speer- anu buimn uavis, apprais- of personal property valued less than $1000. Moy Salmon estate; creditor's claim of Leona Brown Hughes tor 61200 and interest from De cemoer is, i07.

Basu or claim stateu to oe contract tor saie oi wmcu claimant pain 61200 on account, but failed to receive tne property Decause oi Pr unuer wnicn tne iive- iock was sola. Belle Fletcher guardianship final account of Silas M. Fletcher as guardian shows receipts of 6813.16 and disbursements of 647.38. leaving balance of 8765.78; approved, and guardianship dissolved; L. F.

Hill, Ruby Emrr and RmmIii Rlnfuin an. nntntd iBnin ltcher. E. O. Ammann estate; Edward Amman and Carl Bartruff, ad ministrator, authorised to sell wi dk.

ouex we sviim eaaaag, mvit erts stock, par 8100 per share. to highmt wide; Jostle Court Howard H. Smith, no opera tor's license, pleaded guilty and case continued to January 2. Roes W. PowoU, no PDC 11 eensw.

pleaded innocent and triaKl Ior January it si. similar PIe entered on charge of failure to have truck license, and further ai set ror same nay. Roy W. Hargrace, driving while under the Influence ot liquor. pleaded innocent and trial set foe 10 a.

m. today. Held la Ilea of 92 SO ball. James F. Bohall.

defective mut? tier, fined 21. Marriage licenses Walter H. Bomhaff, 21. cannery worker, aad Rita Becker, 28. stenographer.

Wood bum. Donald Albert Waller. 19, aer geant. Camp Murray, route two. Turner, and Rachel Marie Bloom.

heauty operator, route two, Norman V. Totton. 15. US aJ ronte aad Jnlla Q. ttogoaiau.

is. at aome. rosie three, both 8alem. saaaca jb. legu.

payst- liner street, both Sal em. BE KZXTKStXriSI JvChar gREATKtXO PASSaSES their 10-day furlough. Two carrot the four-car train were tilled by members ot Batteries A and C. Journeying to their homes around the city of Klamath Falls. The balance of the train was taken up by soldiers going to Ash-, land.

Junction City, Salem and Albany. The furloughs of most ot theirf will terminate on the morning of January 2, while some of the men will be required to come back on December 26, to relieve the members left behind to carry out duties in camp. Musical arrangements were presented through the night's schedules, and the evening was polished off with the singing of Christmas carols by the members of the gathering. Schedules for Friday were crowded with sending-off parties. Impromptu gatherings and hilarious entertainments for the troops who left Saturday noon.

In a talk delivered In the afternoon by Colonel Clifton M. Irwin, commanding officer of the regi ment, the troops were congratulated for the training they have accomplished in the It weeks period recently completed. Col. Irwin stated. "The way has been no bed of roses, but there have been but few thorns." He went on to say that the "thorns" encountered were the recent influenza epldem ic and the adverse weather condi tions prevalent during most ot the training period.

Colonel Irwin also released the welcome news that he expected the troops to move Into the can tonments being constructed at Fort Stevens by the first part ot February, 1941. He then told the troops present that he was ex pecting a group of 300 selectees to arrive at Camp Clatsop by Jan nary 18. He charged the citizen soldiers with the responsibility of training the selectees who would arrive. Friday night, members ot Head quarters battery. Battery the band and the medical detachment enjoyed greatly an evening of hilarious comedy and song pre sented by a group of Imported professional entertainers and tal ent from the batteries present.

Sergeant S. Herren, of Battery stole the show with his mirth ful rendition of a group of burlesque pantomimes, and as soon as this was over, the artillerymen were bombarded by a wild group of slapstick Jokes by Corporal Gordon Gemmell and Corporal Cunningham. A satire oa recruiting was giv en by a group of Battery men who were termed "Sgt. Herren and The usual scenes of en listing and uniform fitting were given in a way which had mem bers of the large audience remem baring how they too had under gone the aame proceedings. Fire Damages Wall A chimney fire at p.

m. yes terday at 1110 North Commercial! street spread to a nearby wall, doing slight damage, the fire department reported. Another chimney blase occurred at the aame hour at 1072 Oak street. WANTED WALNUTS and WALNUT MEATS CoJ ont Jk Norway Sta I.tUa.1 Ol Herbal remedies tor ailments of stomach. Urer.

kidneys, skin, blood, glaad aad artaary system of men aad women. 12 rears ta sec rice. Naturopathic Physicians. Ask your neighbors about CHAN LAM. A Subscription to favor ot the plaintiff.

Justice George Rossman, in I writing the high court opinion, held that Inwall already was re- celvlng compensation from the state industrial accident commls- slon as a result ot the accident, The sunreme court also re- versed Judre Howard Zlmmer- man of Clatsoo county in a re- olevln action filed by Walter Wodecki and others against Ha- sel West and others: The lower court held tor the plaintiffs. The opinion was written by Justice Harry Belt. Oral orders: Petltlon for rehearing denied in Ravlin against the Hood River peoole's utility district Motion to dismiss appeal de- nled in Deuchar vs Deuchnr. in- volving a divorce action in Mult- nomah county. Petition for appeal denied in Francisco vs.

8tringfleld, Multno- mah county. The supreme court recessed late Monday until Thursday. Rev. Siewert Dies In California, 68 Final rites for Rev. 8.

A. Sie wert. 68. who died at Whittier. Sunday, will be held at Whittier Thursday, It was learned here yesterday.

Rev. Siewert married Frances Cornelius, Sslem girl. In 1902. WUlam- UUIIUISlk Survivors include one daughter. Carmen Siewert, faculty member at DePaw university, In- fAti hnvtharc A IHArt va aiart aim isi.w.r nf whitnr cur and Dr.

A. D. Siewert of Pasa- dena. and four sisters. Mrs.

D. E. Cooper and Mrs. A. J.

Hilslker of Salem. Mrs. L. H. Schults of Los Angeles and Mrs.

Ford Potter of Portland. First Installment Of Budget Printed First Installment of state budgets for the 1941-42 blennlum was delivered at the state budget offices here yesterday. Approximately 1000 copies are being printed. Copies of the budget will be lalatura before the end of thai week. Approximately 780 copies vara nrlataA two min ir 1 these were exhausted befoire the! legislature convened.

Rlrtfin I I I 1 I I I 1 I I Taylor John Taylor, late of 147 North Commercial street, Thursday, December 19, at the age of 65 years. Survived by daughter, Mrs. Ger-t Thompson, of Wichita. also two sons, George and Charles Taylor, both in Alaska. Announcement of services to be made later by Clough-Barrick company.

Marhammer Janice "Kay Murhammer, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murhammer, route three, Salem, at a local hospital Saturday, December 21. Survived also by one brother, Ronald Thomas; grandmothers. Mrs.

Mary Lynch and Mrs. Sabina Murhammer, both of Salem. Graveside services will be held Tuesday, December 24, at 18:30 a. at IOOF cemetery, with Rev. Guy L.

Drill officiating, direction of Clough-Barrick company. Wold Mrs. Charlotte Wold, late of Newport, Oregon, in this city, Friday, December 20. at the age of 40 years. Survived by daughter, Mrs.

Margie M. Helvey, of Glen-wood, Oregon; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gosser, ot Oregon City, Oregon. Announcements to be made later by Clough-Barrick company.

Wleder Mrs. Gladys L. Wleder, at the residence, 888 N. Summer street, 8anday, December 22, at the age ot 47 years. Survived by widower.

Van Wleder; aad one daughter. Miss Jeannette Wleder, both of Salem; three sisters, Mrs. Lois Cochran ot MeMlnnville, Mrs. Ethel McFarland of Seaside and Mrs, Sadie Morris ot Monroe, also one brother, Ray Leach ot Salem. Services will be held Tuesday, December 24, at 1:30 at Clough-Barrick chapel.

Rev. W. Irvln Williams officiating. Concluding services will be held In the Masonic cemetery at Albany at 4 p. m.

Winn William M. Winn, late of route Salem, December 22, at the Silverton hospital. Survived by Widow, Mrs. Audrey Winn; two sons. Ray aad Brent, and a daughter, Juanlta, all ot Salem; three sisters.

Mrs. Nellie Bond aad Mrs. Odessa RyaL both of OTKZXS raiU Cm em cmm atf Bw CBSS for soer rv la CHIVA -Km mmtu with what stmeat rs arrMCTici uhc. st- Mltia. asart, wasi -nw.

wnmmr tMoW, fM. leM. Chinese nerh Office Ojlyt m. p. aad A Sa.

aa 9 J( sS) Sdicr IV Lcrjcr? Daily and Sunday (Except Monday) 311 days throughout the year The Oregon Statesman will reach a friend, or loved one, reminding them of your thonghtfnl well wishes. A Statesman subscription not a gift that is given and soon forgotten but a gift that will be appreciated in the utmost. SL-SL and we will January First Pcr Year Bjr Carrier $720 By Blail (Omtstda fftata t. l3sTilfl Bjr Carrier 60c Bj Blail 50c (Outside galssi Ctty LLmtts) .1 Cyrws To Mr. aad MrsEa-1 claaraad surgeon, 101 North Win-gene W.

Cyrus, route seven, I tor street, and. Beraelaa Clarke, daughter, Nancy Jean; born De-1 legal, secretary. ISO Worth Sum- cember 19, Salem General hoe pltaU Davis To Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H.

Davis, 2S25 South Summer street, a son, Garald Duane, born December 10, Salem General hos pital. Compton To Mr. and Mrs. Theodore V. Comptos.

Sliver Creek Falls, a son, Julias Ivan. I on. cnnii laii Chinaa Madldaa Co. Sl VartS Uaectv vlMlatrs PsctiaaS Oeaacal feaetrU Oa Ornee em Tmeaay aad aemraay ear-ieam. Ula lilt Mt arta taaM are (m at aaaraa.

s4nBW i liWHiiimai-iisn sss ass votwss 123 if. Coml Salem. Ore. born December 2..

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