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Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 3

Times Heraldi
Washington, District of Columbia
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THE WASHINGTON TIMES; MONDAY; OCTOBER 11; 1915 i HEARINGS BEGUN ON LIQUOR tICENSES BY EXCISE COMMISSION Nearly Four Hundred Cases on Docket to Be Disposed of by Board: NEARLY ALL ARE CONTESTED Attorney for Anti-Saloon League Enters Protests on All Except One. ftearlnga on applications for liquor llcatuea were begun before tho Hxclno floard In tho District building today. oil of tho applications being disponed of by the'bqard shortly after noon. Thcro are 894 cases on the docket for hearlnc. and It Is expected that ther hearings will take up at least two weoks of tho board's time.

All but ono of tho applications wcro contested by A. E. Shoemaker, attorney for the Anti-Saloon aPtrlck O'Connor's application, which was made for permission to opcrato a saloon at 617 street nbrthweat. was tho only ono passed on during the morning which was not contested. Terence Fegah, who applied to operate a saloon at 830 Fourth street northwest, was tho only applicant who appeared before tho board with an attorney.

Many witnesses were summoned by the Anti-Saloon League representative In his attack on this application. Tries To Show Disorder. Attorney. Shoemaker made a vigorous effort to show that disorder had frequently occurred In tho vicinity or Fegan's saloon. All of the witnesses summoned by tho Anti-Saloon League counsel were nronerlv owners.

Protest against tho application of tht Metropolitan Company, for re-granting of tho license for the saloon In me mggs building, Fifteenth and a streets northwest, was mado by At tornev Shoemaker the around that the entrance from tho bar to the lohhv if the Jllggs building Is within 400 feet if the Temnln Hehnnl. On the ground thnt tho application for 11 llcenHo at 318 Seventh street southwest, filed by James H. McDonnell, Is within 400 feet of St. Mary's Academy, and 300 feet of two Inhabited alloys, the attorney for tho Anti-Saloon League protested the granting of the license. William J.

Vondcrheldo's application for a license at COS Ninth street northwest, was protested by Mr. Shoemaker on the ground that the applicant's pllce 1h within 400 feet of Stray's Business College. It All Ends Up With the Laugh Being on the Hotel Qlerk in Wise Washington. Through the lobby of ono of Washington's hotels Sunday there sounded the echoes of the shrill miIco of a bellhop-' calling: "Mr. John Uunjan, Mr.

John Bun-Mn: Mr. Cotton Mather, Mr. Cotton Mather." A serious-faced Texan, in Washington to see the sights, stood cxuectantly at the desk. Tho page reported that neither Mr. Uunyan nor Mr.

Mather I ef ponded "Strange," said the Texan. He turned to the clcik and conlldcd further: "They promised to meet mo here. Old friends of mine." The clerk said he'd call up another hmrl so. ami he did. Hut Tiunyan and Mather were not registered any- here.

Then the blinked rapidly three times, recalled that the name of Uunyan sounded paitlcularly familiar, and began to scratch his head. "He's the that wrote 'Pilgrim's rrogress, imany voiuiucerru jiuit rr of rcllBloui turn of mind. Hut the Texan had gone. Uvery- hndv laUKhcd. John Christian martvr and author, dler: in iw.

iouon great scholar, yet tho foe of "wltclv e.rf(" in New Kneland's early days passed p.way in Tho Texan toid the facts with great glee today to his trier Sues for Divorce; Says Hubby Watched Ankles CINCINNATI, Ohio, Oct. 11. Because she could not keep her husband home on rainy evenings, as he Insisted on standing on tho downtown street cor-mers watching the girls as they erossod tho rtreetn. boarded or'got off the cars. Mrs Kthel Redmond Moegllng has hied suit for dlvoiro from Richard E.

Moeg- hhe charge thnt her husband used a Ipher tem In keeping trace of his "ladv friends." of whom she gave the namea of sixty-three. Realty Transfers 1:45 Union ureot muthwcRt-Benjamin 1, an'l lranln Williams, truitees. to Ilenjnhiln II. Parker, part loin 0 and 41. o.uari.

11,250 llenlamin II Parker et one name property to Benjamin l-flRMon. 110. Handle Park William A Wllhur anil t'harli Werner, trnte, in trustee of Cohrtc-. Ilelihti Hapllst t'hurch, lot 17, square l'etttirth-charleii 1, Wire and William Terrell to C'harlen II Wire Incorporated, lot 111, nquare 74. 10 Hlanipe.

S.0. pWELRY Cash Pricej Easv Payments HVARTZ mNSEEBHIS tBJKvv 7087 ST. N. W. Chosen for Secretary To District Board Head MISS ALICE GEORGE.

U.S.SUPREMECOURT OPENS FOR WINTER Tho Supreme Court, with Justice Joseph Urnur missing from the bench, met this noon for the opening of the winter term. Justice Lamar re cently suffered a slight paralytic shock, and will bo unablo to sit for noma time. It Is feared, Tho court adjourned after the admls slon of a number of attorneys, and Immediately went to tho Wlilto House, where the Justices paid their respecta to President Wilson in tno Jiiue Jioom. After the formal meeting, the Justices offered congratulations on the Kxecu-tivo's engagement, which he received with many smiles. Decisions are expected shortly from ilm rnnrt nn the Orecon minimum wage law, and the application of tho Webb- Kenyon act.

Tne case involving me on-solution of the Harvester trust will be set for reargument In the near future, It is believed. Close Friends Call on Justice Lamar as He Recovers From'Stroke Associate Justlco Joseph It. Lamar, of the United States Supreme Court, who was brought to his home htre from White Sulphur Springs, W. a few davs ago suffering from a slight paralytic stroke. Is reported as convalescent today, and though confined to his bed he Is allowed to see his Intimate friends.

Only the left arm of the patient was nffected by the stroke, and he never entirely lost the use of it. His physical condition otherwise was very poor, due to a large amount oi worn nc na uono during the last fow months. It was said today, and he Is being encouraged to get all the rest possible. Justice Lamar's appointment to the Supreme bench was made by President Taft In 1910, and since that time he has been one of the most active members of the court. His home Is at 1751 New Hampshire avenue northwest.

The Boulevard to the Montgomery Country Club To Be Completed This Fall This morning a force of over one hundred workmen itarted the surfacing of the Boulevard to Great Falls through BRADLEY HILLS The contract, which has been let, calls for the completion of the Boulevard as far as the Montgomery Country Club (a distance of about 4i miles) this fall. Now. Is the Time to Buy Ground in Bradley Hills, while you can get from one to five acres at the average price of a city lot! Real Estate Trust Co. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS ELDRIDGE E. JORDAN, President 14th and Sts.

N. W. phone Main 4081 MISS ALICE GEORGE AIDE TO NEWMAN Ardent Suffragist Is Named Secretary to Head of District Board. Miss Alice Oeorge, ardent suffragist, secretary of the Slnglo Tax League of Washington, who Is a coutln of former Congressman Henry Oeorga today wa appointed prlvnto secretary to Commissioner OHer P. Jiew-man to succeed Thomas ClbfTcy.

-Mr. Olaffey will bocome secretary to En-ward hirley, of tho new Federal Trade Commlrslon. Miss George was secretary, for threo years, to Congressman Oeorge. While ho was compelled to go abroad on account of hla health Miss Oeorge attended to all his business affairs and. as he expressed It, "did every thing but vote." Previous to that she was private secretary to William C.

OeMllle, playwright, and she has Just returned from a visit fo tho DeMllle homo In California. Mrs. PeMtllo la her cousin. Though she has spoken frequently for sunrago ana taxen an active pari in various sunrago campaigns in Washington, Miss George has declined to hold office In suffrage organisations Hhe also has been a froouent soeakor at meetings of the Woman's tilnsle Tax League hero, and she has been actlvo in promoting us worn as secretary. She Is a nelie ol Henry Qoorge, father of the slnglo tax movement.

While was secretary to Congres-man (Jeorge ho was serving on the House District Committee, and thus Miss Oeorge ncnulred an intimacy with Washington municipal affairs. At that time her home was on Capitol HI I. Since her return from California she has been living with Mr. and Mrs. George at 17sl Kuclld street.

Miss Oeorge has a wide acquaintance with public men, acquired during the time sho was secretary to Mr. Oeorge, and also during her worx in single lax rciorm. When asked for his reasons for select' Ing a woman to be his secretary Com' mlssloner Newman said: "There Is no particular significance to my mind In the appointment of Miss Alice ueorge as my secretary. In en deavorlng to And some one for the ro sltlon I gave consideration only to the apparent efficiency of those whom I con sidered. Relieving Miss George to be the best qualified of all applicants for the place I selected her without regard to the question or sex, which.

It seems to me, should not bo a handicap to the appointment or advancement of any woman." Negro Given 80 Days For Train Brass Theft Declaring that loss of Ufa and property might have resulted had not the absence of brass Journals on a Southern railway passenger train been discovered. Assistant District Attorney Ralph Given In Pollen Court today asked that a heavy penalty be given Frank Spencer, colored, who pleaded guilty to stealing the Journals. Spencer wwaa charged with the theft of forty-three pounds of brass. Judge Pugh gave him 190 days for the offense. 50 Companies Licensed To Make Small Loans HAB.RI8BURO.

Oct. State licenses have been Issued to companies engaged In the business of making small loans, with or without collateral, under the new license system established by thn last legislature, and a number of examinations are now un der way by State officials. The Btata banking commissioner has required on examination to be made In each case, and has riven notice that licenses will be refused unless It can be shown that the applicants aro worthy to engage In the business, Brickmakers Meet. DAYTON. Ohio, Oct.

11. The National Paving Hrlck Manufacturers' Association began a three-day convention here today. SUGCESS SCORED BY HOLY NAME PARADE Catholics and Non-Catholics Alike Agree Pageant Here Was Inspiring. Catholics and non-Catholics alike agreed today that yesterdny'a great parade and oren-nlr religious services by the Holy Name Society was the most Inspiring ecc'eslnstlcal event staged In Washington, nnd that its effects would be felt throughout the National Capital Tho procession and services wero designed as a protest against blasphemy and Irreverence. Although the pageant which pasted along Pennsylvania avenue for two hours and a half thrilled the thousands who thronged the sldci uf tho thoroughfare, tho vesper iiervlccs or.

the Monument Grounds solemnly Impressed even a. larger crowd. Washington has never witnessed a more slgnitlcanC parade thnn yesterday's. Marchers from Baltimore and WnshlMrton. whoso mimbcn were estimated at ls.OOC, passed In review before some of the highest dignitaries of the Catholic church In this diocese end elicited tno aainiration ana respect of scores of thousands.

From Ninety-Two Down. The marchers ringed In age from Michael Cofley, ninety-two year old, to little tots, and from hoary-halred priests to converts, I ut thry were all In line for thn sumo rrpoe, all marching as a protest against the Irreverent use of the Redeemer's name. The public manifested a deep Interest In tho pageant because of Its religious significance and because of Its color and music. Although the great majority of marchers were plain cltlxens and wore quiet, business attire, there were also in the line prominent Washlngtonlana and Haltlmoreans mounted and attired In formal frock coats and silk hats, hundreds of soldiers and cadets in military garb, and more than a score of uni formed bands of musicians. There wero so many bands that at all times during the parade at least two of them were In a single block and In many Instances both were playing "Onwards Christian Soldiers." As a spectacle the parade was ss great a success as tne Holy Name Society could have wished, and as an example it served Its purpose most admlraDly.

The prelatea who reviewed the parade from the south portico of the New Will-am were the Rev. John Bonxano, apos tolic delegate to tne united stales; the Rt. Her. Bishop O. B.

Corrtgan. spiritual director of the Holy Hoclbty in tltla diocese; the Kt. Itev. Bishop 1). J.

O'Connell, of Rlchmone, the Rt. Rev. Bishop T. J. Shahan.

recter of the Catholic Unlvernlty ot America; the Rt Rev. Bishop Charles Warren Currier, of Matansas. Cuba; tne Ut. Rev, Mgr. W.

T. Russell, D. rector of St. Patrick's Church; the ltt. llev.

Mgr, James F. Mackln, rector or Ht. Paul's Church; the Rt. Itev. Mgr.

Thomas S. 1-ee. rector ot St. Matthew's Church; the Rt, Rov. Mgr.

J. O'Brien, rector of Bt. Pcter'a Church; the Very Rev. n. A.

Skinner. C. 8. superior of the Paullst Fathers at Brookland, the Rev. L.

M. Kolly, C. 8 and W. A. Cary.

C. 8. of Holy Cross College. Brookland, thn llev. Paschal Robinson, O.

P. of the Franciscan Monastery; the Jtev. O. D. Miller, of the Cathollo University; tho Rev.

C. S. Lancaster, 8. or Gonuga College; the Rev. Ksther Anacine, O.

P. of the Franciscan Monastery; and Fathers A. Eck and J. J. O'Leary.

Founder Preaches. The Very Rev. J. Raymond Meagher, founder of tho Holy Name Society and a Dominican preacher of national repu-' tatlon. delivered the ermon from tha altar erected on the Monument Lot for the services.

The Rev. M. A. wamron, rector of 8t Dominie's Church, celebrated the benediction of the blessed sacrament following the sermon. He was assisted by the Rev.

E. J. Farmer and the Rev. J. A.

Cowan, while sacred chants were sung by the Knights of Columbus Choral Society, led -by Dr. James Dick enson. As the robe-clad priest lifted the golden monstrance from the altar and made uia aian ot mo ui perfumed from censors. In the hands of acolytes filled the air. every head In tho great multitude wt.s bowed, three muffled bolls wcro sounded.

After a moment or two of awe-Inspiring, death-like stillness, tho strains of music were heard, and tne great congregation left the Monument Lot, thus ending tho day's services. President Schaeffer and President John Hadley Doylo today expressed the greatest 'satisfaction over tho success of the parade and open-air services, and commended the police for their excellent work In keeping back the largo crowds. The Dr. R. II.

McKtm paid tribute to the objects of tho Holy Name Society In tho pulpit of tho Church of tho Rplphany, Episcopal, yesterday saying, "the desire to combat Was- la ,1 i.klna, ,1... millions banded together for that purpose and may God bless their efforts." Dr MrKIm referred to the lMtm'n as one of the religious events of the week, nnd said the worg or tno itoiy isame HnclMv was a treat necessity. Thn subjer; of Dr. McKlm's sermon nt the morning service was "Tho Oovcrnmcnt of tho Tongue." GONZAGA COLLEGE'S NEW HEAD GREETED The Rev. F.

P. Donnelly, 8. the new president of Gonzaga College, was welcomed to Washington by Knights of Columbus and a large assemblage of other Catholics at tho celebration of Discovery Day In the college hall last night. Extended greetings by Leo A. Rover, pasgrand knight.

Father Don nelly responded In eloquent terms or thanks nnd appreciation, nnd promising the knights his co-operation. Addresses wero also mado by Justice Ashley M. Gould, of the District Supreme Court, and Wllllom P. Normoyle, State deputy of the Knights of Columbus, and Michael D. Scharfer, president of the Washington, Baltimore, nnd Western Maryland branch of the Holy Name Society, who was In charge of yesterdav's parade.

Musical selections were contributed by Mlsa Edna F. Hill-yard, soprano: George II, O'Connor, baritone: Matthew Home, and other. The celebration of the rtlscoverv of America by the standard bearer of the Knights of Columbus attracted to Gonzaga Hall more members of the Holy name Society than could gain admittance. and Eleventh 1 a ill ijf ss Our Birthday Presents to Patrons Complimentary Prices in All Departments The Palais Royal page in yesterday's Sunday Times gave you all the details of this week's celebration. In this evening's Times you are reminded that Nowfs the Time to Get Your Fur Coat The models pictured above appearance, and guaranteed in $55.00.

The prospective purchaser of with skins patched or the imitation that proves an equal failure. Salt and the Palais Royal solve the problem. Note that "Salt" is the famous English maker of fabric furs, the nicety of detail linked with Oa third floor at only. $25 SCHOOLS OF CAPITAL TO BE OPEN TONIGHT Students of City Will Have Opportunity to Attend Many Classes Here. All night school classes In Washington schools are tn readiness to receive pupils for the opening this evening.

About 1,610 are expected to register for night work within a week of the opening, and this number usually Increases by several hundred, by tho end of October, II. V. Murch Is In charge of the night schools, Ono of the most Interesting school will be that for millinery training which will bo at Eighth and I stieets northeast. White high school night classes will he conducted at Business and McKln- ley. White grade schools will be at tno "inonipsoii.

Twelfth nnd northwest: the Wallnrh. Seventh street ami Pennsylvania avenue southeast: tnu Jefferson. Sixth and I) southwest: and the Madison, Tenth and northeast. in niiuiiion to tnese, incie win ue cook-Ing classes at the Berrett, Fourteenth nnd I), nt the Morse, It, near iS'ew Jersey avenue; nd the French. Sixth and southeast.

Colored high schools will be at the I'lieips, ermont avenue, near where business courses may be had, nnd at the Armstrong, for manual training work. Colored crade schools will bn In tho following schools: Uarnett, Tenth nno ii norinwcsi, mevens. Twenty-second and northwest; Randall, First and southwest: Cardoza Manual Training, First, near I southwest; tlar-lleld and lllrncy, Anacostla, Holy Name Society Gets Praise of Protestants In his sermoo nt Union M. U. Churo'i last opening tbj Rev.

John pastor, extolled the Holy Nunc the oclty for Itr motto. Its noble objects, and worthv nnd secred I purposes. He suggested lb: forming- of nnoth'r great society nn a r.nmllel with the Holj- Name, Holy Day Koc'etv, tho object to preserve a day In which I to worship and bow the 1'nee to Him of the Holy Name, and renow vows of allegiance to Ills cause and kingdom. Streets are reproductions of latest $500.00 to $800.00 Fur Coats, identical in every respect as to durability, while the prices are only $25.00 to a fur coat need no longer be puzzled or worried with the fur coat I the making of the most expensive to $55. MISS DORIS STEVENS, SUFFRAGIST, RETURNS Plunges Into Work at Once to Prepare for Big Convention Here in December.

Enlhurlaitlc over the success of tha woman voters' convention, which she arranged Ban Francisco, and ex-presslng confidence that the coming year will prove the most successful In the history of the woman suffrage cause tn America, Mls Doris Stevens, organizer and campaigner ot the Congressional t'nlon for Woman Suffrage, returned to Washington today after three months" work In California. She Immediately plunged into the work of making ready for the woman voters' convention here December 6 to 13. "While the convention tn San Francisco was a greater success than we had even dared to hope for," said Mist Stevens, "it was, of course, only preliminary to the convention here." Before Miss Stevens left San Fran- I Cisco she assisted In arranging for the I trans-continental tour, from San Fran-' cIsco to Washington, which is belnsf mado by two acnrorma suffragists, Mrs. Sarah Bard Field and Miss Fran- i ces Jolllffe, who are bringing the petl-1 tlons to Washington and holding suf-I rage meetings In the towns through WlCr lluoo. Father Can't Speak To Son, Court Holds ATLANTA, Ga Oct.

M. Ber-nolak must continue to refrain from even speaking to his two-year-old boy, Stephen L. Bernolak, aa the result of the refussl of Judge Bell, In I superior court, to modify the r- I straining order recently granted Ber-nolak's wife, Mrs. Lena Bernolak. Under this order Bernolak Is pre vented from speaking to either hi wife or his boy.

Through his attorney he asked Judge Bell to change the order so that he might "love and caress and talk to his boy. A. litner which have been made up with all 1 of fur garments. Palais Royal prx LOANS Or HORNING ltlcc. a.

(louth tnd ot HlKt.wy m.U r- to mob II from th n4 ta. d. A. Lisner Street MMMMtlfeMMWKWi 0 mw fnw- JmimBimmmjKvmiJ.

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