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Dixon Evening Telegraph from Dixon, Illinois • Page 8

Dixon, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

EVENING I SHAW ST'''I, EDITORS HY F. SHAW PRINTING COMPANY LAILY EXCEPT St' Ni 1 A Y. ptored at Dixon P. O. as confi nuit tor TERMS: tv I Per Year DHLlTBiifCD BYt'AHKiKH C.


.1 1 aro. A Lm 4 50 Ih. Pn Kx. .6:52 am A O'v Li pm A ller'l Fa 7:22 am Es 7:14 pn. CadrKps 11:00 Ps pr.

Pt.3;M -l- A pm, A Dar El HT TRAINS CARRYING PASSENGERS. 7:46 A Clinton a. pt Mon. 0- Daily Sun. only.


Dub. Pass. 5.4 a. m. a.

m. iih a. m. Pa. .5:05 P- m.

I'roight daily except Sur A NN A C. LA D. i. i p. m.

..11:47 p. no p. ml WEATHER REPORT ir week commencing a 04 31 (3 5 8 td 74 70 7( 66 .03 od 75 SO uRi T'jes, 60 71 61 72 (Vi 50 (SO Is ,01 Thus, 42 51 61 ,0 Frl .50 .27 THE WEATHER. The following the weather forecast telegraphed us at it: 10 a. ru.

today from the government observatory at Chicago: Generally fair tonight and Sunday Cooler in south portion tonight. K. Cassem of Aurora is here today. Miss Ollie Worthington is up from Mock Fails. Herrick returned to Chicago this morning.

Anderson drove to Sterling this morning. Lloyd Farver was here from Ashton today. and Mrs. Biinn Smith are home from Minnesota. changed this evening: A.

if. Tiilson. N. Smith is a new employe at the Star Restaurant, Mr. and Mrs J.

Klutz of Franklin Grove, were here today. Andrus and eon, Lex, went east this morning. Kate Raymond came up from Rock Falls this morning. Seloover of Franklin Grove, is visiting Dixon relatives. and Mrs.

Win. Woltiey of ark, are here Aisiting. McKinley at Clinton. We informed as to the pa-sage of McKinley through our star Cafe. D.H.

Finklo, proprietor: WHERE i DO YOU EAT? If you want a well served and weil cooked meal to order, patronize the city yesterday. It was simply a special running on a trial trip to see what time can be made on when President McKinley will assuredly pass through Dixon.about A stop will be made at Clinton, by the presidential -peciai of some 15 minutes and there will be an excursion train run to Clinton on the C. X. rail- H. Drynan, manager.

Meals at all hours, and home pastry made to order for families. 242tf Volume on Domestic Animals. A volume of 500 pages, giving the treatment, cure and car of domestic animals. Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs and Poultry, sent free: road at one and one third fare for the phreys Medicine Company, Corner round trip. tty, W.

H. Winn is in where, his father is vert ill. A mbo HOG AND GRAIN MAHKE1 Furnished daily by Joe. Wadolton, broker in stocks, grains, pork and lard. Direct wire to Chicago.

Office No. 1 First St, Open High Low Close .64 Dec .621 .63 .624 .627 .654 Dec .291 ,291 .314 .31 29 221 i rvt lili. 2H .21 Porn Dec 1 4 7 7 7.65 7.67 Lard 4 i 4.70 4,70 4 70 Sale IS A SUCC ESS, and on 1 lasts a few days longer. Better hustle around and see u- if you are going to want a piano or an organ within the next two years. Remember, wholesale prices is all you pay.

This is the greatest sale ever held in northern Illinois. Call any- now, and see that lug stock in the big music store in the oj era block. BICYCLES 16 Galena Avenue. OFF MA BLOCK, WHEN YOU vant to buy SHO that are satisfactory in Fit, Wear, Style and FRICK, go to HALEY DREW. 15 FIRST STREET, Dixon, III.

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lehman were here from Palmyra Ibis morning. -Coleman .1, Norris i- moving out of th- Monroe houno in Dement town. imber Rhoads is expected homo this evening to spend Sunday with his parent-'.

Geo. Fell and Mrs. Bohart and Fmma and Ida Woyant of Ashton, were today. Rev. A.

R. Biekenbach will conduct services at the Palmyra church tomorrow afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wra.

McNinch of Sublette were yesterday visiting at tho N. Pumphrey homo. Mary Woodford has returned from her protracted trip to California, Mexico and the Northwest. Fred Moore, brother of Dr. Moore, who ir- at the hospital, is resting easily today and is somewhat better.

Ira Gaul and Sarah Uaiely of Ohio, 111., are visiting their cousin Mrs. Milton Stahl, 511 West First St. Cavanaugh, teacher at the Cook School house in Nelson, spent Sunday with her parents at Woosung. re was a meeting of the highway commissioners of Dixon township in the rooms of Attorney H. Burt lot! this afternoon.

Cashing and Rob Cheek, who were here on legal business from Harmon the past week drove, home this morning. Populist campaigners have been assisted slightly by the Western prairie lires, but the damage indicted is not -ubleient to enable them to succeed. Mrs. Martha Kaylorof Metz, Germany, who lias been visiting the family of her brother, J. B.

Clears, has returned to Chicago, where she is stopping for a time. Miss Bertha K. Knapp, after a three days visit here, returned today to Chicago accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Small, who expects soon to take up a promised position there. has been added to ihe list of rs at the Lutheran church for'Tuesday evening.

He will speak of the soldierly qualities Major Baldwin. Three hundred exti a chair will be placed in the iecturo room. A Setter Frank Dornblasi received today states that himself ai Carlton ropsey, both in Josiah Simpson hospital, Ft. Monroe, are now well and will home inside of a week, All the soldiers who were convalescent attended the launching of the battleship Illinois. Rock River Poultry Association held a most satisfactory meeting last evening in the office of Elias Bovoy, There was a good attendance, and sterling silver cup of elegant design and workmanship was shown by R.

B. Fargo. This will be given as a prize during the December Poultry Siiow to the exhibitor who has the greatest number of birds scoring DO points or over in the American class. Cuban War Spectacle Co. opened last mght at tho Dixon opera house.

A large and enthusiastic audi- I ence greeted the war company. At the termination of the battles of Manila and Santiago the audience cheered I itself hoarse. The moving pictures, comprising some of the iateet views of Cuba and kindred subjects pertaining to the Spanish-American warfare really wonderful and the machinery used by this company for projecting views is a triumph of scientific ingenuity. During the performance W.Silber sang with his sweet tenor, an illustrated song, also Master McDonald sang with great success. The music was furnished by Prof.

Frank Perlsou and was of the linest. Bis rag time was a special feature. The management. Mr, Clark has spared no pains in making this the best attraction of its kind on the road. About a Company Boy, L.

Kostenbauder of Catawis-a, writes that he has just returned home from a visit with his son Mark, of Company Sixth Regiment ill. Volunteers, who is recovering from fever i at a hospital in New York City. He learned of the whereabouts of his boy! through the ixon ktkgraph All; Mark get- now for his stomach is milk, whisky and beef tea. The fever has lit him arid it i- hopeu that he wil, soon recover his strength. Foot Ball Day of thf ason.

Two will be played at Pleasure Park on Saturdty, the 15th. The High School team will plav the Polo team and the N. 1 N. S. team will play Freeport team.

Further notices will be given. Watch for them. William and John N. Knights Templar Triennial Conclave, Pittsburgh, Oct. 10 14, I89B.

Oa account of the above, tickets to Pittsburgh via the North-Western L.r v. ill be -old October 7 to 10, at -peeialiy favorable rates, ppiy to agents for full particulars. PLYMOUTH CLOTHING SHOE HOUSE, No. 12, First Street, Dixon, Illinois. We thank you all very kindly for brav ing the storm last to attend our Eighth Anniversary Sale.

ALL THIS WEEK WE CONTINUE OUR ANNIVERSARY SALE. Owing to the in- weather of last Saturday, which made itim- possible for a great many people to attend, all goods advertised at specially low prices for last Saturday will be on sale all this week at the advertised prices. Steamer Blackhawk. -t am boat, Blackhawk will take or picnic up the river any time. Leave ordern at Parker's rug -tore or John Denier -hop, 13tf.

FOOT BALLS. 1, by lot Balls 75c and Pig-skin Balls to $1.50 aiding Foot Balls $1.00 to $2.50 .5. R. ent 101 Galena avenue. Hen's Underwear and Hosiery.

Circuit Court, After the return of the verdict In Home Cheap Excursions. On October 18, November 1, 15, December and 20, tho North-Western Line will sell homo excursion ti Diets, with favorable time limits to ptrlC0 numerous points in the West and South at exceptionally low rates. For tickets case of the People vs Campbell, not and full information apply to agents guilty, court adjourned until 1:50 p. m. Chicago re North-Western R'y.

Monday, October 10, Stoie Supphes, A 11 ve-gailon can of gasoline, half a Go to the Omaha Exposition, Via the North-Western Line. Excursion tickets will be on sale daily, with limits providing for longer or shorter sojourn, according to rate. This dozen cabbages and one-half bushel of i position is a great educator and should onions wore stolen from the rear of re Dawson restaurant last night, 53 Loveland Stiteley made the following this week: Lot 12, River side Addition, to M. Gannon: consideration $525. Lot 4, in block 11, Hines Addition for Janies Honey; eansidera lion $175.

Lot No. 12 in first addition, to John S. Houser; consideration $80o. articles from the pen of our correspondent (G. Grosveticr Dawe) are usually so thoughtful that we seldom find anything in them to criticise.

So when we come across a sentence like this in the article published today, we are somewhat sur prised: old, pampered Job, our sex are too ready to curse God and die. If he will read Job ix 9-10 he will see that it was advised him to curse God and die, for which foolishness he rebuked Our correspondent's illustration illustrates the wrong way. HUY AND HELL! AND BUY AGAIN, AND PAY YOUR BILLS WHEN DUE. But Don't Pass oy These Local Ads. or You'll be Passed By Too.

Roller Rink opon: with music. Ladies free. tonight Reserved Seat Sale for Van second entertanrnent, Y. M. G.

A. course, begins Tuesday. October 11th, at 5:00 p. m. 2-NUH A set of Patent Stone Steps greatly improves a terraced lawn.

Reserved Seat for Van Winkle, second entertainment, M. C. A. course, begins Tuesday, October 11 th. at p.

m. 2851-6 Assumption Goal is guaranteed the cleanest coal in the State. Sole Agent for Dixon, 1). PiTCIlFR. 2ikV214tf Roses, carnations, and flowers for funerals, weddings, otc.

Gallon rs rank ratt Club 322tf Benjamin Chapin, Dramatic Interpreter, will give Yan Y. M. C. A. course, October 15th Admission 35 and 45 cents.

A. I. Gage is now running hacks to all trains, or any part of the city. Day calls leave at Drug Store, telephone 45: night calls at Hotel Bishop, Telephone 135, 2utf Hacks to trains or to any part of the city. Leave orders at L.

Edwards avenue: Evenings or Sundays at the Nachusa House; or tele phone to stable on Third street at any time. Telephone 133. 14tf The Dixon Transfer Co. Benjamin C. Chapin, Dramatic interpreter, will give Yan Winkh 5 M.

P. A. course, October 15th. Admission 55 and 45 cents. DRESSMAKING Miss illian elson will Ue pleased to see all her oid customers, and new ones aDo, at 257 College uue.

be seen by everyone. For further information apply to agents Chicago North-Western he Hawaiian Islands. The Chicago North-Western Hail-1 price way has issued a booklet with the I Children double-breasted knee pant abovrgtitie, giving a brief description of these islands, their topography, climate, natural resources, railways, schools, population, etc. It contains a folding map and mentions tho various steamship lines plying between the Pacific ports and the islands. Attention is also called to the unparalleled facilities offered by the North-Western Line, tho Pioneer west and northwest of for reaching San I1 ranc sco, Los Angeles, Portland and other western points.

The booklet will be sent to any address upon receipt of four cents in stamps by W. B. Kniskern, 22 Fifth avenue. Chicago. LOST Clothing Department.

Our magmficent new fall suits for men it are without a peer. We are showing Unde-wear, the most attractive collection of all iu drawers, a regular tUe Jate-t novelty in it vetwy Sale faTice, ever been our pleasure to submit to Beavy leeced-lined Underwear, the public. In commemoration of our shirts and drawers, regular eighth anniver-ary we will have on value, Anniversary Sale sale this day only, all our suits bought Men's White Merino Underwear, all to at $12.00, 12 nO, 13.00 and 13.oO. sizes, shirts and drawers, regular 50e Anniversary sale price value, Anniversary Sale Price Suits, elegantly tailored, for Men's Extra Fine Mottled Fleece-lined fall ana winter oattarns Underwear, all sizes, shirts and draw- regular ceiling $8.50. Annivers- ers, a 75c value, Anniversary Sale ary sale Suits, good wear resisting, regu- Hygienic Hair Wool- lar selling prices $6.50 and 7.00.

An- hoed Underwear, all sizes, shirts and niversary sale drawers, an actual $1.00 value, Anni- Parties desiring extra fine suits would Sale find it profitable to investigate this Fine Cashmere and Royal Rib- granr) offor. WcHiail place on hed Underwear, strictly pure wool gar- thisday our $16.50, 18.00 and 20.00 all size-, value $1.25, Anniver- suits at this extremely low price. --ary Sab? Price 9Sc Camel Hair All Wool Boys Clothing Department. per Pants Suit, ages 13 to 19 Men tine Egyptian Lisle Hose, black years, black and gray cheviots, regu- brown, seamless. 2 pairs 25c lar price 8100 Anniversary sale Imitation Shaw Knit Socks seamless, 3 pair for 25c pants suits, ages 13 to 19 years, any color desired, regular price Department.

$6 50. Anniversary sale price $4.98 it -4, rx regular Derby and Fedora Boys long pants suits, ages 13 to 19 Hats, brown or black. ygc years, the handsomest line, we dare no a price 95 regular Derby and Fedora Hats, brown or Black Clothing Department. Our regular $3.00 Derby and Fedora r. U1 Hats, brown or Children double-breasted knee pant mLfi suits, 15 years, Anniver-arv hat made.

Derby and sain price 9So b.rorn eljual t0 ar-v 5 $0.00 hat, Annivory Sale Price $2.98 Children double-breasted knee pants vfla, suits, ages 5 to 15 years. Anniversary Winter Caps, the latest sale price double-breasted knee pant suits, ages 5 to 15 years, Anniversary 98 Satin alf Shoes, lace or congress, all styles of suits, ages 6 to 15 years, Anniversary Top Notch Calf Shoes, lace or -ale price all styles of double-breasted kuee pant Shoes, 24 to 54, $1.25 suits, ages 5 to 15 years, Anniversary Shoes, 12 to 2..... 1 10 l)rice Little Shoes 9 to 134, styles Our Great Shoe Department. double-breasted knee pant Crack-proof Calf Shoe 6 to suits, ages 5 to 15 years, our finest suits, at 7 I fl i fill nn 1 sell at $5.50 and $6 00, Anni ersary sal price knee knee pant, a 25c value 11 98 Don gola Shoes, 114 to Dongola Shoes, button or lace, 19c Fine Opera Toe Slippers 98c Medal arc! Championship of Finder please ave with Geokoe W. Dement, at the Postoffice.

Reward cs411 FDR REWT. You Washing should come to our laundry when in of anything from a pleasant smile to a clean shirt. is our business; At I VYVs Ho: I we do it right. IAN RN IS UK!) Rooms. A Enquire at U5Sixth HOUSE In Addition with barn.

St SAN Dui NKWATKit, North Side. Liast Fellows street. 27stfS A Everytliinc in good repair. Apply to ettje cko Wt Third st reet. Jjli RNI8HKD or unfurnisin'd rooms, for 1 houseki ping or bxlging, blocks from Fostoffiee Cull at 210 South rd avenue fori SEVEN room lionse with barn.

Enquire of us. Jojin K. Movkh, 103 North Craw avenue. 270tf I of seven rooms. No.

miy one block Horn Court House, Hector C. LF.t.AND, ids Ottawa A ve, TK A ht and seven rooms, located ITliSeeond street corner Madison avenue in repair, well, cistern, gas. i i as 2051 FDR I. 55 Kirst st rei known as the Smith 1 (taken Building, imiuireof 237 West First street. -M mi.

2501 W. M. Proprietors. 109 6aiena Ave. Both Phones, 8G, (42.

3team and Hot Water Hard and Soft Coal The Cheapest and Best For Sale by A. IJ. Thomas (Successors to I. D. Applesord) Plumbers and Steam Fitters, Appleford Building.

i'irst St. I HAVE A full line of the latest styles of wool ens for the Spring and Summer season of which I will make FOR SALE. ROOD hard coal burner cheap if taken soon. UtiAKt.KsU of Ninth and Ottawa avenue. 5 1 UI- I hen New.

In Good fp i Cunuit ion. ,1 ust the fora small boy. Will sell Mur Only Inquire of L. 472 South Galena Avenue. 2k2tf OI SKHOKD consisting stoves, tallies, bed-room sets, chairs, carpets.

Kinjuiri at 161 College avenue. 277tf 711 buy lot and build when you can buy a place for what the house cost and thrown in? One of the most desirable places ever offered In Dixon as regards location. Fine roomy and beautiful surroundings. For particulars enquire of Jason. C.

A yhks, 272tf mUERS-wtli 1 1 11 plant and guarantee 1 heir living kinds of trees. Leave orders at this office or address. Wm. H. McFai.l.

corner of Fourth street and Jefferson avenue. Dixon, Illinois. OI sF, ten rooms corner of Fast Fourth street and IUion avenue. Lot 100x100 feet, well shaded. Reynolds Sisters 2551 MONEY TO LOAN.

I OTS of it. in large or small amoun real security. Cornmisslot J. N. 11 ock.

large or small smt terest on 1.0 VEl.A NO STITELEY £03t24 I large or small i.iwt*st rate of in. terest on real security. Apply NFY to 11 In sut tmv of a surety bonds and real Jt mon son, Schuler Building. kinds A 3431 MUSIC. i atEF Miss enner for in Piano Le.ssvjiis.

Headquarters Music in first-class shape at prices that will surprise you. Give me a call and be convinced. J. W. Lonergan, High Art Tailor, 14 First over B.

Rosenthal Son. All who anticipate the purchase of a Piano within the next two years should hustle around to 64 street, at tho I. D. Aopleford building, and select a choice piano at factory cost sale. tdTer highest grade Cabinet Grand Piano; in all the various fancy that retail from $375 to 550, for $206, 218, $247 to 298.

Little used Upright Pianos in splendid condition, will go from $100 to $120. Brand new Organs, worth to $125, will go $43, $48, $53 to $68. Terms as cash on all new pianos; $7 to $10 per month on the balance. Organs $6 cash; $3 to $5 per month on the balance. HRS.

NINA M. HOORE, Agent, 64 First Street. Dixon, 111, JOB PRINTING' Notes, Cheeks. luKpt Invitations, Envelopes, Note Heads, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Receipt EVERYTHING ANYTHING Cards, Programes From a calling card to an eleg mt bound and examine stock and get booii Call THE TELEGRAPH OFFICE.

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