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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 22

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OAKLAND TRIBUNE Lei re of Fswitvsle srnd lis Mmms, I ike Home EuMdsF 2 MOzmmcEmisrG, Facts and ITS MANY RESIDENCES MP BEAUTIFUL GARDENS Fiffii res on Frultvale afford convenient and reliable means of transacting their affairs. The stability of these banks Is. well attested to when It ts mentioned that during the financial panlo of two-years. ago both of these Institutions paid all demands upon them in gold and currency, and at no period were their patrons called upon to accept one dollar's, worth of scrip. NEW HOMES ERECTED.

As a place of residence Frultvale boasts of many advantages in addition to the foregoing. Climatic conditions are far superior to most points round or about the bay. There is comparatively little to obscure the atmosphere, and the Fruitvale A Park-Like Section That is Without Su perior in Presenting the Advantages That Conduce to Model Homes uy act or annexation, carriea at a special election held last November, a great territorial domain was Included within1 the municipal boundaries of, Oakland and six prospering communities by variations In temperature throughout the overwhelmipg- majorities gave up a their individual iden titles, to form an lintegral EHfted by Publicity Committee of the fruitvale Eagles' Street Fair and Carnival. time qgip rJss A part of the "greater city that was thereby created. Fruitvale, with Its population of between 25,000 and 35,000, is essentially a year are much less than other sections.

Real estate holdings are not placed at excessive figures, and it is always possible for the man of moderate mfeans to secure for himself and family a comfortable home, with all of the latest (modern Improvements, by the payment: of a small amount down and the balance the same as rent. There 'have been hundreds of new homes erected during the past year, and at the present time the noise of the carpenter's hammer and hum of his saw can be heard in? every direction. New houses are going up here like, the proverbial mushroom, only on a more substantial basis. Fruitvale is certainly the ideal home site in Oakland, SANITARY CONDITIONS. In this connection it is not amiss to speak briefly of the sanitary conditions throughout fchla territory.

liong before annexation was thought of, the people of Frultvale took jnp the matter of proper sewage. The district was divided off, a bond issue authorized, and a far-reaching and permanent sewerage system" in-stalled- It is estimated that this system covers an extent of over twenty-five miles, and is ample to provide for the The John C. Fremont High School on the Boulevard. property values have not made any material advance -during the year, they have held their own firmly. owners of this section appreciate what Is being done for their section, and are lending material aid to the "city dads in every way possible.

A PLACE OF'RESIDENCE. This portion of Oakland has many features It extremely desirable as a place of residence. In the first place, its means s'of communication with other sections ol the city, as well as outside territory," are unsurpassed. The Oakland Traction Company operates (Several lines through the town, giving almost a continuous car service to all sections of 'the city and adjacent suburban towns. The new 'Western Pacific railroad passes through the town, and proposes to" maintain both a freight and passenger depot for local and transcontinental business.

The well-known Southern Pacific Railroad operates through this section, and passengers for all points reached by this road can take the cars at practically their own doors. In addition, this company maintains a. frequent local service into San Francisco. The com- Realizing the ever-growing importance of California towns and lands to the settler from the far East, as well as to the thousands already In -our midst, the Frultvale Board pf Trade take this "occasion to present to the readers of this sheet some interesting facts "relative to this section of Oakland. Although now a part of the greater metropolis, whose name Frultvale must in the future bear, the citizens who made this" possible will always point with pride to the old name of "Frultvale." From a geographical standpoint this section of Oakland practically becomes the center of the greater city.

While at "the present time this may signify tout little. It bids fair to be of vast Importance In the future. To the pessimist this statement, of course, will undoubtedly seem far-fetched. Let those who -doubt, however, look back on the experiences of localities far less favored to be the central points in their municipalities, and they will see many instances where this very fact has become a reality. There is of a Great Tract residential section.

It Is a park-like place of mansions and cottages and extensive gardens arid there no more beautiful location for the founding of a home than this community ef trees and flowers and rolling hills. During 'the pa3t year this sectSon has made much progress. The building of new residences has been active. Every month throughout the year has witnessed the starting of sixteen or twenty new houses. At a moderate estimate these private Improvements represent an outlay of from $450,000 to $500,000.

Much money ha9 also been spent in the construction of sewers, culverts, (bridges, roadbeds and other public improvements. The value of realty Is advancing in Frultvale along the line of the avenue, on Fourteenth street, popularly known as the San Leandro road, and along the line -of the' Boulevard. In the rest of the Fruitvale district, while Ffjiitvale's proximity to the State University, Mills College ahd the other not able leading institutions of learning In the state is a feature that commends It to the consideration of those of family ior residence purposes. Being a part of the city of Oakland. tt possesses all tho advantages that are attached to the splendid school system niPi of double, the population.

AlH of Oakland, which holds the very lead In streets and lots are provided with gas, electricity and city water. Fire plugs this state. In point of location for school purposes It has no rival in the West. What may be described as the cream of Fruitvale realty Is now offered for sale by the Ierby Estate Company. This tract Is practically in the center of the business section, and is bonnded on The north by1 East Fourteenth street, which Is the main artery for travel from Oakland proper as far as Ilay-wards, and on to San Jose.

The electric line is in operation as far as the former West of this tract are some of the handsomest and most substantial homes to be found hereabouts. Fruitvale avenuei another leading business street, skirts the property on the east. Extending through the property is the Southern acific Railroad, over which tho 'Frisco, Stonehurst. Melrose and Oakland local trains run at frequent intervals. Main line trains to the north, south and: east also stop here.

company is expending over half a mll- lion of dollars In reconstructing their lines with a view to operating by electricity Instead of steam. One of the largest power houses in the State Is now being completed by this company Just south of the Derby Estate holding. The new Western Paclflo Railroad also runs through the property, anl will shortly commence the erection of a large passenger and freight depot at this point. Two large and modern business blocks have already been erected on the property and contrasts-have recently been awarded for, another. This last building will be put up by the local carpenters' union, at an estimated cost of about $10,000.

The well-known real estate and Insurance man, Henry Barkmeyer, Is aole agent for this property. Ills office is located on Frultvale avenue south of East Fourteenth Mr. Barkmeyer will, be pleased to furnish full particulars. Including prices and terms. Factors in the Foreground of Fruitvale9 Big Carnival i fl lifii f.

IftMM. '-fgi 1 if! 'tfrtni LookingEast on Fourteenth Street. are placed at frequent intervals. and since annexation have been materially Increased. In fact, so -well is this section protected against a conflagration, that Insurance rates orrresidentlal properties have been reduced one-half during the past year.

1 THE BUSINESS SECTION. The growth of the commercial section of, this part of Oakland during the past year has been almost phenomenal. large business blocks, representing an hardly a doubt but what In years to come the old town of Frultvale will be the true center, both from a business and residential standpoint, of Oakland. MUNICIPAL. IMPROVEMENTS.

Prior to the great annexation election In the fall of 1909, Fruitvale was prominently known as an energetic ad thriving suburban town. The citizens appreciating, however, the vast Importance of becoming in reality a part of the ad-Joining city of Oakland, voted favorably for annexation. Although but a few months have elapsed since adopting this this section has already felt the pany Is engaged In transforming this porti6n of the system from a steam road lnt an electric road. In order to facilitated the handling of the ever-Increasing population in this section. They have nearly completed one of the largest power houses In the country at this point, the cost pf which Is estimated to be in the neighborhood of nearly half a millions of dollars.

EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES. Fruitvale Is particularly favored with educational facilities. During the past 5rear the citizens have made it possible to erect and complete three new grammar at an approximate cost of $80,000. 4 1 i mm I GEO. J.

HANS, member of executive committee and chairman committee on entertainment. IS A. LORSBACH, treasurer Eagles' Street Fairj and Carnival and president Board of Trustees, Fruitvale, because of its congenial climatic conditions and its proximity to population was chosen by W. H. Bentley as the site for one of his Ostrich Farms.

4 I 'law jl: The origin of ostrich farming In this country, dates back to 18S3, when the first ostriches for this purpose were imported from Port Elizabeth. South Africa, by the 'American Ostrich Corn-pan. Later this business was purchased by W. II. Bentley, who was one of the founders of the company.

Thus the s. Bentley Ostrich Farm at1 San Diego is one of the oldest concerns of its kind In streets. Here over fifty birds are kept. In his salesrooms here and in San Diego are displayed the most elegant ostrich" plumes, boas, stoles and ostrich feather products of all descriptions which are in vogue. Repairing, cleaning, dyeing and curling Is also given their prompt attention.

The salesrooms are open each day and visitors are welcome. Ten cents is charged for admission to the farm. The company's intentions are to make Oakland their headquarters shortly after January 1, 1910. and will bring expert feather workers here, thus adding a new enterprise to Oakland. The local manager, Eugene Buttles, ls always glad to give Information regarding his business.

Since coming here he has made many friends and Is esteemed as a progressive-citizen, this country. In San Diego the farm oc outlay of over $100,000, have been erected. Contracts are about to be placed for an additional struetiire for the accommoda-' tion of the Carpenters" tTnlon, at an estimated cost of $10,000., The Fraternal Order of Eagles have Just completed a magnificent brick halL There 'are three lumber yards and two planing Yriills that furnish employment to many Hands, besides numerous other mercan-tite and manufacturing enterprises. The Code-Portwood Canning Company have a large, plant at this point, and during the canning season furnish employment of over-1000 people. Just north -of the town 15 an extensive copper and sulphur mine, and also a number of rock quarries.

BOARD OF TRADE. The prosperity and future growth of Fruitvale are presided over by a Board of Trade, composed of almost all of the business men in this section. The objects of this board are to bring the merchants into more harmonious business dealings, to promote business, to encourage new manufacturing Industries to locate here, where they can secure both ample rail and water Communications, and to assist In every way possible in extending the growth of the town. The present officers of the board Irsbach, president; P. C.

Frederlckson, first Vice-president; I. II. Parks, second vice-president; R. Fl Thurston, secretary, and Henry Barkmeyer, i treasurer. These gentlemen are always ready and willing to furnish all the information that Is desired about Frultvale and Its advantages.

cupies several i acres at Mission Cliff Park, where hundred ostriches are kept. Mr. Bentley lias carefully selected and bred these birds until they have Increased In size fully one-third and their feathers are at least worth 60 perr cent 1 more In value. In August. 1908, Mr.

Bent ley started a branch of, his farm In Oakland at East Fourteenth and High li vw il Vs. Residence of R. Dawson, 1607 Fruitvale avenue 4 JUDGE W. R. GEARY, chairman publicity committee Eagles' Street Fair and Carnival.

Hi BARKMEYER. member executive committee and chairman committee on concessions. itapes of being part of the- greater There are now seven grammar schools In the district, as well as a paroohlal A ipality. Now known as a portion school. To the man with a growingj Lhe Seventh Ward of Oakland, this tan Is getting many much needed i improvements.

Over one mile of knt sidewalks and curbs has been Plans have been made for the laV- 'of a bituminous roadbed on Fast Poultry Raising Is Feature of Fruitvale irteenth street through the entire ramlly this feature Is of great Importance, solving, as It does, the ofttlme momentous question of how far his children will be compelled to traveV before reaching a school-. The religious welfare of the residents of this section of Oakland welj provided for, as churches of every de nomination are to be found the boundaries of the ward. FINANCIAL "AFFAIRS. To the man of business and finance the Citizens Bank and the Bank of siness section. Additional street lights being Installed, better police and fire The tidal canal, connecting Oakland harbor with San Leandro bay, to Fruitvale advantages which Insure cheaper transportatidn man Is enjoyed by any other part "of Oakland.

The, tidal canal, moreover, is inviting to. the location of manufacturing enterprises and wlthla the past few years industrial concerns have' been gravitating towards this section in increasing protection given; in fact, the City Council is giving to Fruitvale much in the way municipal improvements that could not -have been secured without an nexation. The residents and property to any other place. he says, Into consideration, has no superior in California as a locality for the pursuit and development of the poultry industry." I Code-Portwood Canning East Eleventh and 28th Ave. Contributed by J.

Stansfleld, Dealer In Incubators, Brooders, Poultry Supplies, 3301 East Fourteenth Fruitvale. Frultvale Is one of the most desirable spots to be found anywhere for poultry the climate being second to, none, and nowhere else can one find a place with transportation facilities so good and at the same time In such -close proximity to the leading markets of California. There are in Fruitvale scores of il-ii'i''''' .1 1 x- 4 families paying for their homes with the proceeds that come from the poultry they raise. Some are engaged in a strict market business, devoting all of their time to this pursuit? Others raise poultry as a side issue for the purpose only of furnishing their own table with strictly fresh eggs and poultry. As; a location for a fancier of fine Fruitvale cannot be beat.

Transportation is such that a man can reach-his place of business or employment In forty-five minutes from almost any part of Fruitvale. With such facilities, a man has ample time to care for his fowls, and at the same time gives him that outdoor occupation so much needed by people In office, mill or workshop. Another advantage possessed by those living in Fruitvale and following the poultry industry is the opportunity of belonging to and attending the Poultry Association meetings, which are held in Oakland. Uectures are given regularly on poultry raising in all its phases by Professor Jaffa and others from the University of California and the government experimental farms. Good sound talks are given by practical poultrymen from the market and fancier's point of view.

All of these advantages a man is deprived 'of when getting too far in-, the interior. In Fruitvale we have a fancier from a foreign country who spent one year travelling over Cali- fAMilo i mTmvsAivo- Vi i rf in rl rtf nll.i. I ar II S1 -i "rf matm rtT" X-k-4JoJL ovm jsr, -Ki'Cejjxfeftfft 5 A "I 'V Fruitvale in holiday attire for the Eagles' Carnival and Street Fair. Looking South on Fruitvale Avenue. The new eight-room School Building Recently Constructed in Fruitvale.

1 1 1 1 ii i 11 3SS.

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