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Statesman Journal from Salem, Oregon • Page 4

Statesman Journali
Salem, Oregon
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Whafs all the shootin9 About?" "MA CINDERELLA" fe i 1 Ann. thrUlinar to the touch of her "No Favor Sways Us; No Fear Shall Awe" From First Statesman March 28, 1851 THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. Charles A- Spbacui Editor-Manager SHELDON F. Sackett Managing Editor Member of the Associated Press Tfe Associated Press la exclusl-el- entitled to tbe use tor publlca-tkm of all news dispatcher credited te It or not otherwise credited In this paper With a quiet tittle laugh Ann turned to the lawyer: "111 buy hit, Mr. Belden, jest as bit stands.

How much?" Mr. Belden was slightly disconcerted. "I fear you misunderstood me, Mrs. HaskeL The place is not for sale that is, not at present; later, perhaps well it all depends upon certain developments. I am to lease it because, as you can readily understand, it would be much better the place to have it occupied by good, reliable, appreciative people.

"When can we move in!" Mr. Belden turned to the butler. "How about servants, Wilson "If madam desires, I can have a full staff here within two hours. I have them all in readiness as you ordered, sir. If madam wishes, she need not return to the hotel at alL will arrange for the luggage to be brought immediately.

If I may veav ADVERTISING Portland Representative Gordon a Bell. Security Building. Portland. Ore. Eastern Advertising Representatives Bryant.

Griffith Brunswi. Inc. Chicago, New Tors. Detroit. Boston.

Atlanta Mrr-rTrn Entered at the Hostoffice at Salem, Oregon, at Second-Class Matter. Published every morning except Monday. Business eiffice, S15 S. Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall SubecrlBtton Rates, a AdTjinoe.

Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday. 1 Mo. 50 cents: Mo $115; 6 Mo 1 year 14.00. Elsewhere 5t cents Mo. or $5.00 for 1 year In advance.

By City Carrier: 45 cents a month: $5 00 a year In advance. Per Copy rents. On trains and News Stands cents. CHAPTER XXIX. "I sure am Interested, Mr.

Bel-den. Leastways, I be if your place is the sort of place I'm a-wantin. I may's well tell yon right now, though, we-ans aint a-wantin' no thin' leas'n the best what's to be had." "Good!" ejaculated the lawyer. "I can assure yon that this home is complete in every detail. It is distinctly a home of culture and refinement a home of the best traditions.

And, fortunately, it stands exactly as it was when the late occupant left it the furnishings, the paintings and works of art, the. library, the automobiles even to the butler who has had the management of the establishment for years. The butler, yon understand, has been held to look after things pending some disposition of the property. Everything is in readiness for immediate occupancy. The grounds, I should add, are ara- Ele and very beautiful.

It is all a it old-fashioned, perhaps, and the city has grown up around it, but. as I say, it is distinctly a home of culture, of good taste, fine traditions, and beauty. But why not drive oat with roe right now and inspect the property see it for yourself! My car is waiting. It will require only a little time. Resily" he smiled "now that I know you as Judge Shannon's friends, I am anxious, for more than business reasons, to see yon settled in this Ideal home." "Hit all sounds fine, Mr.

Bel-dea," Ana returned. "But wal, sir. I war figzerin' on gittin' Nance asr me some clothes first thinr- boy's hand, whispered, with fall understanding. "Hit's jest like that thar fairy place I done read about once, whar the princess and everything war asleep, waitin fer the prince to come along an wake 'era all op with a kiss." Which, we most allow, was a remarkable observation to come from a woman of Ann Haskel's general reputation. Nance Jordan drew a long breath.

"Smell the trees an' grass an' everything! Hit's jest like lis at home, ain't hit? Only prettied up 4 mite more. I sure liko to wane on tnat grass an' feel hit under my feet if a body dast." They were met at the aoor oy a orave-faced elderly man who bore himself with a Ine air of mingled authority and deference, and who greeted Mr. Belden with restrained friendliness. With a quiet little laugh, Ann turned for 1 Collective Bargaining SECTION 7-a of the national industrial recovery act, which has been a great breeder of strikes and labor disputes, guarantees the privilege of collective bargaining to employes in industry. The labor unions have appropriated to themselves the exclusive authority of functioning in this capacity.

Labor leaders read the law to jzanize industry and force union give couraged them, although organized labor has never embraced more than a minority fraction of the gainfully employed in the country. The trouble with organized At does not engage in collective tranr and unwarranted demands the prevailing longshoremen's one for union dominance, not leaders want a strangle hold on And, the "collective bargaining" is implemented by use of force, strikes, boycotts, etc. The strike is a legitimate tool of labor; but its use may be unjust and unfair. Capital has in the past been harsh and exacting in its treatment of labor; and the working man has often dealing with the employer. But Belden, jest as hit stands, now mucnf Bits (or Breakfast Health By Royal S.

Copeland, M.D. mands and the use of improper methods are by no means confined to the employer side. The point we are making is that collective bargaining implies genuine purpose to arrive at an agreement, which will be mutually agreeable. When men bargain over the sale and purchase of an article the effort is to arrive at a fair consideration as speedily as possible. But where threats, force, interference are resorted to on the part of either side then the negotiations can hardly be said to be Capital and labor need to get back to the bargaining idea, recognizing that the best interests of both lie in agreements mutually beneficial rather than in deals which are mere truces made under duress.

By R. J. HENDRICKS neers, with their wives and children, to undertake such a Journey and sustained them through the Myths of the Jungle SUNDAY we quoted Henrik Van Loon who found Tahiti in the south seas less glamorous than the Bronx. Reading Peter Fleming's recent "Brazilian Adventures" we find his description of the terrors of the jungle, they are largely mythical. He writes: "As a matter of fact, most of the terrors of the Central Brazilian jungle had a way of paling into rather ludicrous insignificance when you looked at them closely.

In the dry season Matto Grosso is more of a health resort than a Wrhite Man's grave. I suspected before I went there, and I know now, that it them carte blanche to or- recognition. Politicians en labor is that all too often bargaining, but makes arbi and resists In strike the struggle is chiefly for The labor the supplying of labor. been at great disadvantage themaking of unfair de supporting a bevy of schools, "This is Wilson, the butler of, whom I told yoa, Mrs. Haskel," said the lawyer.

"Wilson, this is Mrs. Haskel and her son Mr. John Her bert, and Miss Jordan. Is every-thing in order for Mrs. Haskel to inspect the place, Wilson "Right, sir.

This way, you please, madam." From room to room they followed Wilson silently. In describing that home the lawyer had not exaggerated. Several eenerations of true culture had contributed to its charm and beauty. There was not a false note anywhere. There was not the faintest touch of vulgar display.

Wealth was evidenced on every hand, it is true, but never for itself. Johnyfierbert was delighted be yond expression. Nance crept on tiptoe, with frequent glances over her shoulder as if fearful of being pounced upon and dragged off to prison for being "whar sich as we-uns aint got no right to be." Ann Haskel was as one walking in a dream. Now and then she crowded close to her son's side and put a questioning hand on his arm, as if she needed to reassure herself by his presence When the inspection was over, the mountain woman, in her rude back woods speech, expressed accurately the feeling of the place: "Hit's plum' easy to see that the folks what lived hyear war sure-'nougfa quality. I've alius sort of knowed thar'd be houses like this fer the right sort of folks to live in.

But 1 sure never lowed I'd git a chance to see one of 'em with my own eyes." Then she paid what lawyer Bel den considered a beautiful tribute to her son: "Hit sure fits you. Herb. Seems like hit war jest natchallv made fer you. Do you reckon you could make out to do your writin' hyear 7 There was no need for John Her bert to put his answer into words. ROBERTS, June 11.

The construction of a new dairy barn on the E. A. Rhoten farm near here is rapidly nearlg completion. The work on the outside construction is being rushed as fast as possible to be ready for the putting away of the hay crop. The barn will he 124 feet long by 36 feet wide and over 40 feet to the top of the roof.

It is one of the largest in the state and when completed will be fully modern, It will have room for 60 cows and aproximately 180 tons of loose hay. The installing of the inside finishisg will be delayed as It is secessary to do a considerable amount of ground grading before the concrete floor and the the stanchions are installed. J. W. Knapp, well-knwn local HUGE HEN BARN owes its evil reputation largely to a combination of circamstan-ces which I have seen at work in other parts of the world.

If a country contains regions very remote and almost unknown, everyone conspires to paint them in the most lurid colors possible, for two very good reasons: the few men who have been to them naturally want to make a good story out of their experiences, and the many inhabitants of the country who might have been to them like to have a good excuse for not having done so." Adventure may come upon one in very unusual places. Stevenson got thrills traveling on the slow-going canal boats of Belgium. A man in Curry county wrote a saga of human endurance the other day after a fall which broke his arm and injured his face and head. He made his way out of the woods down 28 miles of creek bed, a most heroic effort. Fleming, on the other hand, penetrated the little traveled country of central Brazil and says "The hardships which we were called on to endure were of a very minor order, the dangers which we ran were considerably less than those to be encountered on any arterial road daring a heat wave." The far places, when we study them on maps, conjure op fears and it is refreshing to find an author honest enough to tell the truth.

Much of course depends on the individual. As Carlyle said, some may "travel from Dan to Beersheba and find it all But adventure is after all quite accidental. Thrills may befall one driving a car from here to Silverton; or he may clamber over the Cascades for a summer without untoward experience. These we air a-wairins all rirbt fer whar we come from, but She finished with a laugh. -Oh, you ladies cried the bachelor, gaily.

"But think how much easier youll do yonr shopping with your owa automobile and chauffeur, Mrs. HaskeL" He looked at John Herbert. "I am sure your son will agree with me that yon will bo infinitely more comfortable in the privacy of yonr own home with your own servants than yon can possibly hope to be in this public place particularly as the city. I understand, is new to you." "I'm sure Mr. Belden is right, mother," said John Herbert.

"It will take only an hour or two, and it seems to be exactly what we want." "Really." added the lawyer, with his ready smile, "it would be an ideal place for you to entertain your friend. Judge Shannon, the first time he comes to the city." Ann Haskel arose abruptly. "I reckon-we may's well settle hit first as last. Git your bonnet, Nance." To Belden and her son she added 'Nance'd be scared plum' to death if I war to leave her hyear alone." All during that ride in Mr. Bel-den's car from the hotel to the home in which be was trying to interest her, Ann Haskel was absorbed with thoughts which, apparently, she could not share with her companions.

For the first time since leaving Wilderness Station the mountain woman took no interest in her surroundings. She was as indifferent to the roaring city which surged about them as if she had been born and reared in a crowded tenement district. Her son noticed his mother's mood and wondered uneasily. Could he have known the memories which had been aroused the dead hopes which had been awakened the banished dreams which had come again at the lawyer's smiling suggestion that she might entertain her friend. Judge Shannon the last of the Haskel 3 would have been astounded.

But when the automobile turned from the busy traffic of the street and stopped before tall, proudly de signed iron gates in a high stone wall, the mountain woman awoke to her surroundings. The gates were opened for them to enter, and closed behind them to shut out the city which on every side besieged the walls with noisy turmoil. As the automobile moved slowly up the long tree-shaded drive between wide lawns of velvet smoothness, and shrubs and flowers of many varieties, toward the house which stood with all the proud dig nity of other years to receive them, the young man caught his mother's arm with quick delight. and beneficent result. "By your great endeavors an empire in limits has been added to the jurisdiction of the United and today the sun in his Journey across the heavens shines down upon a continuous Union of American states, from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

Verily you have your reward! and they who come after you shall rise up and do you honor." Before his words in the two paragraphs just quoted. Judge Deadv had quoted from the speech of Governor Grover at Aurora Park the year before, saying that but for the pioneer settlement in Orezon the Mexican war would not have been fought; so that "the pioneers of Oregon were really the fathers of American Jurisdiction over all that magnificent domain of the United States west of the Rocky mountains an empire In Itself." TiidPA TtAArlv waa himself mure than a pioneer settler he was a pioneer who blazed new trails ia law and Judicial precedure; a maker of precedents coloring the fabric of universal justice. MKLLIS INJURED TURNER, June 11 Norman Mellis is in the Salem Deaconess hospital as result of an accident Saturday night when the car he was driving failed to negotiate a turn a mile north of town. Albert Robertson and Hans Peterson who were riding with him were not injured. Mellis may suffer loss of a foot as result of the accident.

GLASSES Increase Stenographers' SPEED In other words, your ten fingers are as fast as your two eyes. Vision Is vitally important. Ton probably need glasses, if your speed is being lowered, or your head aches. to the lawyer: "111 buy hit. Mr.

ture the suggestion, madam, I think you and your family would be much happier dining at home this evening." Ann looked at her son and her dark eyes were fairly dancing with delight. "1 reckon me an' Herb could stand hit," she drawled. "But mebbe Nance'd rather go back to the hotel." "Now. Ann Haskel," whined Nance, "you know good an' well what I'm a-wantin'. You ain't got no call to make fun of me jest 'cause we-uns air in the city.

You didn't never used to do hit back home." When Mr. Belden was leaving he said: "I'm sure you will find Wilson invaluable, Mrs. HaskeL He has been in charge here for years. You can trust him to manage everything for yon perfectly. 1 suggest that you advise with him freely.

I imagine he can even tell you about the proper dressmakers. He is wise, experienced in all the ways of his former employers, and he never betrayed a confidence in all his life. As for myself, please feel free to call upon me at any time. I shall be most happy to serve you. As the mountain woman and her son stood en the veranda, watching the lawyer's automobile down the drive, Ann said, in an awed half- whisper: "Hits all jest like the story, ain't hit, Herb?" hat story, mother 7 What do you mean?" "You know," she answered "the fairy godmother, the chariot, the palace hit's jest like thar war somebody a-managin' hit all fer Soor old Ma Cinderella." She lughed with a little catch in her voice.

"I'm sure hopin' hit don't all vanish clean away come midnight. I'd hate to wake op a-sittin' in the cinders back home an' find all this war jest nothin' but another dream." (To Be Continued) Coprrtthl. 1 931. Harold Bl) WrtfM. Distributed to Civ rwluTM 8TndVt.

lot. contractor Is In charge of the building. Tuiner Girl He' lz Trio Scholarships to 4-H Club Study TURNER, June 11. LaVerna. Whitehead Is receiving congratulations upon her winning three scholarships to the 4-H club summer school at Oregon State College.

One for sewing In the local club and one in each county and state 4-H news writing contest with 375 inches printed matter. LaVerna will enter high school next fall. MODERN WOMEN N4 Not Soffsr monthly pain ud delay dur to causes. CU-ebes-tenmoDdBtiuidPillf an effective. reuaora aoagrreusK ReSeL BoW by suaracgiuaiaranrerTeara.

Ajfclet "THS aiAMOND BRAN 0 "I took your Tablets for painful periods. My back ached anatl bad cramping pains. This medicine relieved the pain taomcdiatelr. I aa able to do my work now." Mrs. Wedord, Rimte Bex71, Memlttm, AU i ts Miumntm i i iff it mm awi FOR MANY years little was known about the spleen and the nature of its disorders.

It a vital organ was looked upon and generally believed that the human body could not function without it We have found out that the spleen Is closely associated with the manufacture of red blood cells and the coloring matter of the blood. Its action Is related to digestion. But it Is now known that life can continue without this structure. Or Copeland Some surgeons advise the removal of the spleen In certain blood disorders. For example, this operation may be called for in a disease known as "purpura In this affliction the victim suffers from severe and sudden hemorrhages.

These follow a very slight fall or blow, and yet may be so severe as to prove fatal. "Gaucher Disea.e" Removal of the spleen is of great benefit to many a sufferer from purpura hemorrhagica. Afterward there are no longer severe and unexpected attacks of bleeding and the patient is able to lead a useful and happy life. Unfortunately, not all cases of purpura hemorrhagica are entirely cured by which is the name given the operation. "Gaucher's disease" Is another af fliction benefited by the removal of the spleen.

This is an anemic disturbance characterized by a yeftsw-Ish discoloration of the skin and eyeballs. As a rule, the spleen and liver are enlarged and the victim suffers from severe bleeding from the gums, lungs and intestinal tract. It la believed to be a hereditary disease, repeatedly occurring In cer tain families. This slow and insidious llsease Is more common among men than women. It generally begins In childhood but attracts no attention until the victim Is between twenty-Ave and forty years of age.

It Is only when splenectomy is performed that any relief or cure can be offered In this disease. With the removal of the spleen the anemia disappears and the patient Improves. Though the disease is a rare one, we are Indebted to those scientists who made available this method of cure. Enlargement of Spleen Banti's or splenic anemia. Is another ailment of the spleen that is curable by removal of the spleen.

This disease la characterized by an unusual enlargement of the spleen. Ordinarily It Is met In childhood but may be found In adults. Children afflicted with this disease are subject to repeated nose bleeds. They complain of poor appetite, constipation and other digestive disturbances. Upon examination, the spleen Is found to be enlarged and sometimes the liver is also enlarged.

When recognized in its early stages, cure can be obtained by removal of the spleen. In more advanced cases, where the liver Is Involved and other changes have taken place, the operation may not bo beneficial. The physician who has followed the case and Is familiar with the physical condition of the patient will be able to determine the advisability of operation. (Copyright. 1934.

K. F. Inc.) Judge Matthew P. Deady: Colorful old time Oregon career; broke new ground, marked new trails in law: (Continuing from Sunday:) Judge M. P.

Deady in his famous 1875 speech at the state fair grounds, mentioning various pioneers who were prominent in early days, said this of W. H. Rector: "Rector was no ordinary man. Amid the sneer3 and indifference of the community, he projected and established, in 1857, the pioneer woolen mill of the Pacific coast. Today, the town of Salem has good reason, because of her factories and water power, to be thankful that he ever settled within her borders." Before his speech was published and thus made a matter ot permanent record.

Judge Deady received a letter from Joseph Watt, part of which appeared as a footnote. Summarizing some of it: In the summer of 1S55 as wool was almost worthless for exportation, Mr. Watt, conceived the idea of building a woolen mill in Oregon. After conferring with A. H.

Reynolds and a few others, Watt drew up articles of incorporation of the Willamette Woolen Manufacturing company; capital, shares $250. The articles provided that the mill should be located at some point where $4000 was subscribed. Watt wanted to locate it at Salem, where, he thought, the people would take an interest in order to get their water power developed with additional water from the Santiam. By the spring of 1856, the necessary amount of slock for organizing the company wa3 taken, mostly in Tamhill and Polk counties. A meeting to locate the mill was held at Dallas and Watt and Reynolds having a majority of votes decided the question in favor of Salem, and thereafter, with great labor, Salem people subscribed the balance of the stock the most active of them in the enterprise being Dan Waldo, Joseph Holman, John Minto, Joseph Wilson, Geo.

H. Williams and J. D. Boon the last named giving the property on which to build the mill; the site of the Mission mills; now occupied by the Larmer warehouse. (There is something more to be said of A.

H. Reynolds, outstand ing Oregon and Washington pio neer, in an article to occupy this column at some future date. The writer has one of his old record books, telling a good many things never yet published.) I (From looking up the matter of the pioneer woolen mill, and digging of the race to bring more water by tapping the Santiam, the Bits man finds that the original creek now called Mill creek was in the beginning called Chemeketa creek. It was appropriate, from the Indian name of the site of Salem Chemeketa, place of meeting; likely ancient Indian city of refuge.) Quoting further from the Judge Deady 1875 speech: "When we consider how little was known of the country in those early days, and the dangers and hardships which might bo encountered and suffered along the route, who can hesitate to admire the heroism which led those pio- weary length of lti "Nothing like it has ever oc curred on this continent. The only parallel to it, In profane his tory, is the famous 'Retreat of the Ten Thousand" and in that case the distance traversed was less than 1000 miles compared with 2000 in this.

What a theme it af fords for the poet and the painter! Not the showy, sneering carica ture of Bierstadt, upon which the Ignorant and ostentatious Dives lavishes his surplus coin, but the truthful and heroic delineation ot some noble soul, capable of ap preciating the grandeur and simplicity of the motives which in duced those humble and unknown men and women to undertake this marvelous journey that Oregon might be brought under the egis of the American Union and her hills and valleys become the inheritance of their children. "But yesterday one of Oregon's poetic sons showed us in a few rough-hewn but graphic, imaginative stanzas, what high inspiration can be drawn from this memorable march by one capable of apreclating all that it reveals and suggests. Here are a few lines taken at random from the poem, "Pioneers of the Pacific," by Joaquin Miller: 'The wild man's yell, the groaning wheel. The train that moved like drifting barge; The dust rose up like a cloud. Like smoke ot distant battle! Loud The great whips rang like shot, and steel Flashed back as in some battle charge.

They sought, yea, they did find their rest Along that long and lonesome way. Those brave men buffeted the West With lifted faces. Full were they Of great endeavor. When Adown the shining iron track We sweep, and fields of corn flash back, And herds of lowing steers move by. I turn to other days, to men Who made a pathway with their "With the influx of the Immigration of 1843 and 1844, the committee government was found insufficient for the population.

An enlarged and more absolute government was accordingly prepared and by the legislative committee submitted to the people, on July 5, 1845, and approved July 25 by a majority of 233 votes. By this change a single executive was substituted for the executive committee of three, while the legislative committee of nine was superseded by a house of representatives consisting of not less than 13 nor more than 61 members Thu3, 30 years ago, was established, by a mere handful of people, on this then remote and inaccessible land, that famous provisional government. which caried the country with honor and credit through the vi cissitudes of peace and war, until March 3, 1845, when the territorial government was proclaimed. But, already, the country wu practically the territory of the United States, by the highest and best title in existence the actual occupation and control of It by her citizens. "Worthy pioneers, to you, whom Heaven has kindly granted to see this day, and your absent but not forgotten brethren and friends, who made a pathway to the country with their dust, or have since given their lives for its defense, or fallen asleep in its valleys, are we chiefly indebted for thi3 grand A i Educational Overhead REDUCTIONS in costs of running the higher educational institutions of the state have been chiefly in the administrative rather than the instructional organization, according to the figures from the school officials.

Colleges long ago changed from the old idea of a student on one end of a log and "Mark Hopkins on the An elaborate overhead organization was built up, particularly in public-supported institutions, whichrhas been very costly. The Eugene Register-Guard wonders if the reductions in administrative costs in this state have been adequate, and observes "Where once a president and a few deans sufficed to run each school. it now requires a small army of titled functionaries. In addition to the chancellor, each school has its president and an executive secretary, and a dean of personnel, and deans of men and deans of women, and deans of schools and deans of lower division. The last board meeting, with appropriate salary gestures, elevated the publicity chief to the office of 'assistant to the and recently the staff was augmented by a grand comptroller.

"This type of development is not confined to Oregon. In recent years It has been the trend In education everywhere. It would be Interesting to have a study of the number of persons engaged In teaching and non-teaching activities now and the amber so employed before. Nor do the dollar savings lead us away from the fact that in the Oregon system there has been a deplorable slashing of teaching pay and a deplorable overloading ot teaching hours." a- This is along lines which The Statesman has emphasized from the beginning of this consolidation set-up. We opposed the establishment of an elaborate overhead organization in Salem; and have pointed out the extra costs of the chancellor-1 president system.

Oregon is by no means alone in over-supply "I Can Work Every Day If you must be on the job EVERY DAY, take Lydia E. Piakham's Tablets. They relieve periodic pain and discomfort. If you take them regularly i and if yours is not a surgical case you should be able to avoid periodic upsets, because this medicine helps to correct the CAUSE of your trouble. "I am a factory worker.

I was weak and nervous and my stomach and back pained me severely, but since I took Lydia E. OA Piakham's Tablets the pains "C-qr-LgV don't appear Mhs Heir tMuki, 3906 S. (fiZt CbristUnm AveH Cbksp, 10. 1 of top sergeants and educational staff colonels. But with our poverty and our persistence in there is even greater necessity here for rigid paring down of educational overhead.

public mind so deeply that few even of the militarists desire war. But probably the greatest deterrent of war Is fear of its consequences, for so scajtly is war today that even the victors lose. Some scientist has invented coffee flakes which yield far more of the coffee flavor than the prevailing ground coffee. Will Brazil then have to double the amount of coffee it destroys at present? optimistic cote in the year when, he declared in Washington recently he saw no probability ot a world war again. The prophets of gloom have been serving us with rations ot war and blood for months.

The Kellogg comment is a pleasing variation from the repetitions i ot the calamity-howlers. Kellogg further expressed the view that the peace machinery built up since lslt would be potent in pre-- rention of war. That la another opinion which runs counter to current expressions. His farther observation tfczi bo people on the face of the earth want wax may be accepted with little reservation The horrors ot modern warfare hare been Impressed on. the LYDIA E.

PINKHAM'S TABLETS Ask Yur Druggist for tbt 50 i six Portland's Rose Festival is on this week, and starts with glorious weather. Salem folk could well spend a day or two at Portland enjoying tfce many fine features of the festival. I mmswmj san i iai ai I -U 'fl' I', TV OtttH- Ex- 4.. 2 VVCiE tun.

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