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The Charlotte News from Charlotte, North Carolina • 2

Charlotte, North Carolina
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e' Vs L' i'S Fresh Meat Depot TeGNrlolTe JcW EVERY AKltKVJUN EXCEPT SUNDAY WAPS RTfHS Ed F- BUSTS SEED 'b ixnti few i i Pap ttetjvfcteoi in Advertising Ratrs low and liberal LM v- a Pei Wfk 10 the city by camera clo-ed mu -'a i of oo OVI'RSIIIRTS 200 from a manufacturer and have placed them on our counter at closing out prices ARMOUR RACKING CO This Beef retails at low pricts and the quality is f(ir ur killed in this section IT IS TENDLR SWEET ANL Ml ArllHy Ask your butcher fur it and take no other 1 I ABLE One trial will convince you of its superiority JOHN MILLER CO AGENTS TUESDAY APRIL 9 1 1889 SHE THEM McAden THE BEST CORN MEA Has just received a Is Linnetl in the Soup To the Editor of Tut Nbws I notice a cuJ in Sunday is-ue of the Chronicle from Vt Iinmtl chiiine to run Wir iid th ck'iig 'muds i nog vu hi i 1 mi- mi toi the ace Now it iti ikes me as well as many other Republicans that this card ot Mi was premature and uncalled for lie had never been offered the position as candidate for the mayor alty and hence there was nothing lor him to decline And besides Mr Republicanism is doubted by many good men in the party It is known that Mr Linnell on the 6th of last November balloted for the Democratic nominees instead of the Republican ticket it is granted that he voted the National Republican ticket and for one Republican on the Legislative ticket and the balance of his vote on that occasion was cast lor the Democratic nominees tNow I think one wallow makes summer nor do I think that this vote shows Mr Lin-nell to be a Republican He says he is forced to decline tire distinguished honor because of an application for another position Now why did not Mr Linnell give another reason and tell his Republican friends that having participated in the Democratic primaries and voted therefor the Democratic nominee Mayor McDowell that he could not conscientiously abandon his candidate or oppose him on the first Monday in May proximo and hence he was lorced to decline the distinguished honor that had never been offered him? Refi blican of jd Ward Does Mr Linnell not put himself "in the by his actions politically? of 3D Ward -AND- Full Supply Big stock of and Straw 1 lats in all the latest novelties Fine Clothing and perfect fits a specialty Truly A DIXON CO -OF- MILL FEED PRICES ALWAYS EIGHT STAR MILLS GO AT THE- The aristocracy at Kingston St Vincent Island West Indies hare a bhie-bloodcd member of the roj ally who is being lionized This remarkable person is a king in exile King JaJa of Cpobo West Ahica who lor many years lorded it over a small district among the Oil ers of the Niger delta All the people have the story of his career at their fin ends and they point him out to strangers as the curiosity of the land He appears the Government House receptions and other State occasions His costume is described as follows: He wears an coat with immense bullion epaulettes overajellovv plush vest ith big green enamel buttons The vest is cut very low displaying a large area ol immaculate linen His jean trousers have broad stripes ol blue and red and black silk hose and a pair ot gorgeous flow er-em-broidered slippers cover his neither extremities On his head he a broad-brimmed hat of African manufacture something like a sombrero and in the band are stuck at uniform distances five long ostrich feathers In his ears are' gold rings of unique design and encircling his neck is a collar of teeth with a tooth tipped with gold by way of a pendant He wears white cotton gloves and as many flashy rings as his fingers and thumbs will OLD EELIABLE BAKERY GRESHAM President CROWELL anagfr -OF- SEED! The Central Hotel ECCLES BRYAN IWkietcrs RIGLER WITH Selected exclusively for the Retail Tiade and WARRANTED FRESH! BELMON The Largest Hoieu rxntr State DUCHESS CAKES DUCHESS CAKES MADERIA CAKES MADFRIA CAKES Light airy handsomely furnish cd rooms and a Sill Calces of all Mi And crop of 1888 No 7 North Tryon Street A Si TABLE UNSURPASSED By any Southern Hotel Excellent accommodations for pleasure and commercial tourists Better assoitment than ever offered before PIANOS AND ORGANS Bent Pianos Mathushe Chickering Pianos Arion Pianos Pianos Mason Hamlin Puii-a The best stock of 1 fats ever shown in the city Agents for the celebrate'! Coffee Cakes Pies Doughnuts Buns Rolls Rye Wheat and Vienna Biead -BARGAINS IN CLOCKS KNOX HAT Waterloo Organs Packard Organs Mason llamlfc Organs at low prices on vy terms Write me fur prices before buyii I The largest slock of Furniture ir the State ANDREWS A special dispatch to the New York Herald from Birmingham Ala says: "The negro preachers ot tins city have taken up the fight against the White Republican Protective TariffLeague which proposes to put the negro out of the councils of the party and keep him from sharing its rewards The ministers are denouncing the new movement from the pulpit and the lecture plat-f jrnt and the Rev Pettiford istor of the colored Baptist church ha3 gore to Washington to talk the matter over with the President The ministers are stirring up a strong and bitter feeling among the negroes agTnst a movement which they be-leve 13 intended to drive them out of the Republican party and ultimately disfranchise them Many negroes have already announced that they will go ov cr to the Democratic party The new movement is certain to divide the negro vote if it does not break the solid South" Price £4 50 price £3 Cal! and examine my stock and you will find the be-t selection of NICHO' BABY CARRIAGES ISY CARRIAGES! Mj Irs and l''C' ivcd Au elegant tine of Baby CiuYt shades to suit everybody Pleasg r' Silk Cassimere Soft Stiff and Straw IIat3 tycr shown in the city PUGRAM 30 South Tryon Streot CHARLOTTE just 1 and See them My start it pL Suits fyis kktHf every rspit Rtdrvam Suits stt' Safes wes Tables Caf snd in a Tit st-Class furniture lionet rVajAi vld on tke l- The oidrt Ailment pDn My nvnrprn mfi '0 nrUt 119 Ho ue In tb cdH lurt fimrds wMtprfc Erob''lrairf dove or ciij 0 1 ot fefhl Night nN 1 jBat How They Vote in Greece From the Lewson Journal man in Greece can be a candidate for any said Dr Constantine "and when a man announces himsell as a candidate the Government must provide a ballot box for him If ten men announce themselves as candidates for mayor a separate box is set up for each candidate and every voter must vote in each of the ten Then each candidate would get the same number of votes I should think" "That is possible but I never knew it to happen Let me explain a little further "We vote with black and white balls Each ballot box is divided into a black and white compartment with a tunnel in tie middle Every voter is given white balls and black balls and putting his hand down the fund drops them as he chooses A white ball is for and a black bail against a man If the citizen wishes to vote for Mr A and for him only he drops a white ball into his box and black balls into the other nine (there are ten candidates) or he can vote for two of the candidates or lor the whole ten if he chooses his vote being really of no account in that case of course The man who has most white balls in his box is elected When two representatives are to be elected the man having the next highest number ot white balls gets the second place and soon" The New South Beaton Herald Either people must ue more cotton goods or some of the factories in the country must shut down It is said that the Sta'e of Georgia alone has fifty-five cotton mills and that the city of Augusta contains tlurti cn cotton manufacturing plants which represents five and a half millions of capital It is the opinion of the Manufacturers' Record that the present year will be the greatest thus fr the devtfozwit industries of the SouKi F01 the fust three month of this year the num-b( of new enterprises in that part of the country was 1076 This is 200 below the number presenting the same months of last year but it stands for £38227000 against £43-668000 for the spring of 1888 '1 ins gives an inkling of the way in which mdustiiai progress at the South is advancing It is this change in its economic and industrial life which is doing quite as much as the general education of the people toward (hanging the whole direction of Southern life und the solving of its social problems in the natural way General Spurs GainfwiMe Git II Tompson while looking over the ruins of General home found a spur that wax prized very highly by the General having been worn by him through the Mexican and civil waix Mr Thompson had a few (h-fists repaired and the spur brightened after which he presented it to the owner It is unnecessary to say that the General appreciated1 Mr kindness 17 West Tnulc StT't Clu S3 This Elegant Veneered Wooden Mantel Clock with alarm attachment ONLY $250 Here is a bargain for you Every Clock guaranteed: if not Satisfactory we will give you another in its lace BOYNE 8t BADGER Leading Jewelers I The fiiK-t 1 ilv Jersey Wakefield Plants ever otleied Uii- ritV' I hvei lant hu been iimspLnttd i nml are woith iicax mudia'itlw that have rmt la cn so lumiktl Cl taper Cabbage plants wl'M 'last 1-neb ns lhntki Fail i now leal)' 1 umatD Egg Plants and oilier planM on in season Celeiy of the finest flavor veiy cheap still on lunu Fnrouingc home entepn'e Addtess 712 College or at Tauror wr' 1 den Est limits Charlotle Ci There was sold in New York last week the cottage in which Edgar Allen Poe lived for many years and in which he wrote "The The Lt is situated in Fordam Ridge in the 24th ward of New York City opposite the Jerome Paik race track It was in 1S46 that Poe moved there and tliue it was that lc had hi3 fierce' smuggle with povetty At that time without the assistance of Mrs Schew now the wife of the Rev Dr Houghton of Llille Church Around the he would undoubtedly have come to a haaty end There it also vv-s that his devoted wife died The purchaser of the cottage is Win Gill who paid £3000 fur it The Minneapolis street car companies aie importing cowboys from Kansas City and other suburban towns to take the places of the striking car diivcrs and conductors The cowboy conductors and drivers the companies hope will frighten ofl the strikers and at the same time draw custom The poo! sellers of New Yoik arc happy Judge Gildcrslceve has decided ihit pool sellers on horse races only acted as lomnmdon merchants and cannot under the present reading of the statute lie inflated and punished for violating the provisions of the Ives bill passed by the New York Legislature last year A colmrd hutch in Indianapolis is going to reproduce on its own platform the scenes of the inaugu-ruion of Pic-ident Harrison all the memljeis of the Administration and their wives being represented in the allow by members of the TRADE HARK Tbs Choluit Tea Ivor CfTcrel PERFECTLY PURE A JIOKT DEIIUIOCH Drvnunr THY IT will wtM IM Ir (tie tiiUt tcir rtriti It I th nmnrrr rimn I nr nlikM fram 1H iM-il ilnltkiii nml iiriiUaf i ly JMir ml Ini ffiiin 11 ailiillrlliml fnlurliiit nirtilH- 'i ti pit in linrtiit-lIrnU m-fil il ml wmnliHl full wlidit uurawuu- luul' III UM III II til Inwnr glil Oriortal Ocddntal Tea Co lima It 1 Jtai-Huff Hlip Nrw rr 1 nr Bull- iy tli triH'm I or Sulc )ln7 II AIKX NDI ft CO And Agency for the LaV'e- HALES TOLAR jewelers CHailctto it PURCHASE AND SAIli I in nln Mint nmif pupulfir Mtniral imppf ptiMMind nml tin I nf lull nf ttti pn pi rin B'IlA'1 Hf -or- iojrOur repdiiing department la under the rue nf A Hales the "Old Reliable" watchmaker mid we warrant all of our woik twelve months TVaY homfl rfUh nf nis tr UKK BY 14 a uh i uiiiiium wriNiT ni -t 1 I'ricp 1 1 timr Fmir it NN 4 Ui Pi hi iimds tkd ASCKITEdfS BUILDERC Edl'lm or Sole nliflo Amcrlonfl A fTfttif It p( has nrh IttAtta hr in IHI OO nr hithHit Iniliiri NiiiikmhH" iif mi full Urn- mil I S' (''U'rf ('it li ciil 1 ml hi I'M (0iB fool! Ik IS Ml SX A (0 IS III HEAI ESTATE (ui 1 Jl lOTDGR API I lioloc and WfeUk? Itacurnl at OfUlWttL llmilr llmilarn WK)I I ijomm wwuauoi 1 -AND A Stylish Suit of Clothes is to me COVETED BY ALL I Imvi- it SpIi-KtliU Slot It of Cloths for Winter Suitiag3( Call ami examine ar pric ms IOIIN VOGIiL Tint Tailor 11 ilis uf the Graded School can tie Imd by leaving your mdeni nf Roin bookstore Also of the Fin-t Prenbyti riun Church taken the morning nfjet the last sumv It in a gcml ttjiictme Any one mating mi class enving their nidus nt hIoic or by Addressing milt 29 tm TROTTER Nol'llcion Them Once I lie common house fly JaS unknown in the Pacific Islands until Luropeani carried it thPm ships tgn pit Pit I Inf 1 1 pumlpfiHP rl Hr i TRADE MARKS Jn iimtk I no! rf 'rt" nor nttp pp' Mi rt pi trtt irntt hi hJ lll IUHHTN fif b-t-ki ahirii 1' kif prm urtftl PU'NN At 0 I'IIII Nolli'lotr Uihmi (mini wt 3a SOUTH TRYON STREET CHARLOTTE.

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