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The Donaldsonville Chief from Donaldsonville, Louisiana • Page 1

Donaldsonville, Louisiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DONALDSON VILLE CHIEF. Official Journal of the State of Loluisiana, Parish of Ascension and Town of Donaldsonville. VOLUME VI. )DO)ALDSO NILLE, SATU! CDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1876. NUMBER 6.

Blibi1EZ L()ief A'micilA Imuritni A Wide-Awake Home News paper, Pulblislied atiurday. at Donaldsonville, Ascensiou Parish, 1I)E1 E. IX BESTLE EhITOR AltI L'EKiL 01' SL.I;S'1?I IPIION: (lno copy. Out 01 1411V co y. 011 11a I 5UI SiX one at" ('0 1Lactlri copici.

o41 4 1)V I1? ((t)ue inch ui' ecu. a 6t41" 5 3I I 10-- ti cu InI 1 13 50 20 00 21 0. 33 005 44 :00 .8 i. 'Il 1 t1 lD -IS i ti 3 II 11 Dl 0i 1. Si-i 1:) III 115, Oi 5I IL I to 1 01 161 Il)itth, 001 (11 00lI All otqtiuare 115c20 0 01 00 0i0r 313 h01 4 00CI line.

I-ruit t'otni 01)011 ))111)jcrtI ol JIllllic Crolicitc)Il. No at 1)111 1 1 5 )11 0Il' 1'i lett0rs. 3 be till tor i r- spo)'i 35le f)' the. I iie1 or Address1H: ('nIEF. La.

FOll TIlE 1 S'Ir. ut 1J l4)U liIO 00 5)o lihlIue I5 0uidu00 Aui-ytinsetion ejii chL Plantation. Jonpi itiwin. New 1-hit .1. 11.

Alexs. ib lull Port Vincent. lIline. J. ('ucitnn Walldao.

ts uposrl bjnt. l.a. uio. in. Iee csi soli td k.

Ltwell (lI F.L Dot.ldous. issouri. 1m)l44t a halt (14rop of and corn ill this parish. -1Adertiser The house, of lMr. Sidney l'reig, destroyed by fire.

Lake Charles Echo: Rice, sweet 1'tatoL pea Cl'o1ls, tfhe orange 4itop ofit ('ahcasion. wiil short probably oneI4-third, to the ldrotlih. cV Lafoiurcht Untion A full crop of crln has been tllldi iin this parish lld it is vir'v probablhe that onr llhnters will aill have ellnough io Supply tIhe llfor the nexit. year. 1 H.

ides lJaztefle Mr. F.iank Biossat, g)t inlto an ateeaiti o4 1t ('otile with a fir. Liihtlfioot, was shot by the latter with a ldoulte-bairrel shotgun, cas lling dlicntl Ialmost infstantly. Ilandeville A youngI, 111 4n 11llne41 Roque, aceidentalilv shotl hilself while o(llt in the woodl1s n1eair townl. The.

c'ha ge pllassed enltireily through the front patt (it' his head, and must have ahlost charged with arson, 'hlie Gran'id Jury reIturied not a trie bill. 11r. lSt 'rus was aceorldigly relecased, aid is tnow eljloying tihat liherty whichl pIopular opinion, aied by prejlndi ce, depiriv1ed lt. lr llerville Southl: lthe canll opl )of this plarisl this yearn is unusually large and) now in ttle contlition. Tlhe are forgtettiog politics and are busy preparing for their roling tlaolil.

The New Orleans inarkiet is bale of sugarL and prices cons1eq1uentlly ra igo high. I New Iberia Sugar-Bowl: It is that six thieves d(esleradoes, alluling whom weie 'adettlell the mne who traped a youlllg thdy in iberia, were lately Cngllhit steal iig oll one of the Cheniei isliands, andiill agile or shot. hlave nilo a ball 4on Prairie Petite Ainse, Th'eolin Il abiillo.1 shot Joseph Segura, the pissi ng thril ogtli the abdloieii, intlictinlg a woulid which it is flelared will prove The three year pjld son of Mr. Zenonll Dcullir fell inlto the vault, of a water-closet and suffocaited. E-t Vnerilionville Cotto-BoIT1 Bly letter from U.

A. (ulilbean of Amaildville, we learn that recently tile little piglit year old daughter 4of his sister, Mrs. Cyprien Roy of that vicinllity, while lighting a fire by pouring oil upOl the wood, hlad her clothes set on fire by tile oil exploding, and inll her agony she ran to her mother. The maternal feelings overcame tie poor lady's judgment, antid while tryillg to save her child, her own clothes were set on fire, and both were so horribly burned that they died soon afterward. Oar correspondent adds that some time since the life of a little girl named Artigue, aged twelve years, living at Mr.

Joseph FrozarlPs, a few miles above there, was lost in the same Nelson plantation, ituated three mliles below New Iberia, which comprises upwards of 2660 arpents, having been lately divided into forty-five tracts of about fifty lcires each, is now being offered for sale by the Citizen's Bank on most reasonable terms. WASHiLGTON CORRLEPONDENCE, W.rsm.eo, D. Oct. 7, 1876. EDIToR uiiF: This being the last week of the campaign in Ohio and Indiana, will be one of unparalleled activity, especially in the latter State.

Among the Republican speakers now actively engaged inl the canvass are Senato" Morton, Gen. Beni. Harrison, IHo. Robt. G.

Ingersoll. Senator Newton Booth, Canl Schlrz, Frye antd lhi1ii of Mail e. SKasson of liwa, Cnragin of New launmpshlire, Gov. Kirkwood of Iowa, Fred. Douglas, and about thirty-tivye others.

This State heeun So thoroughly cauvassen as in the tesent campaign. l'separations have been for eighty-three graitud county rallies and more than nine hundred Republieau meetings. The I)emlnocrats Inot less active, and during the closing days ot Ine contest the people will devote all the ir time and attention to their public duities. Aino how will all this mighty gathering ohf clans on the lOth of Ocltob'r end It is safe to piredict that if thlie vigihulctit of lthe RepItublicans shldll be equalt Io the task of preventitug the flour being ovecrrun by Saild ballot-box stuffers fromi Baltilmre, York, Louisville and Clhicago, Gen. harrison ill Ie the next G(over'nor of Indiana.

All lReplliean voters temporarily residing in this from both Ohio and have left f'l their houes to attend the election. There are thousands of tepttubllican voters now absent from the State attending thle Cenltetl; iatl visitinz their friends in the East. Knt xx ing the imptntance of this telection, it is hoped aill will Ieturn in ltime to vote. They should permtit no I Ilsontil con-' Ssicderation to interfere with this duty. They owe it to their -tlhey owe it to posterity-to crnsh thi, cuopperhead sec'ti, nal party, Ibefoe it gathels greater strength.

The OctohIer elections are of national impotrtance, and every vott east 'I'tueslday uest may coittlt til tell in moral lfcfe-it ill Evex vote is needed, itf not to lsecure theli State certainly ori its effect on itne Piresid4 election. no one hto desires the election of I. Halyes can affrt to away front the polls at this criticatl Imlm, nt. A1hot oue huhdred so-called left oning, the Bltinmore Ohio railroad, to attend the ladianapolis Convtntion iof Union sohliers who support Tiliel and lhen- I dricks. With them will be a coit pt of htundred roughs, plug- uglys andi blood-talbs distingished themselves last November in Hiaitiulore bi driving negroes wvy tfro thile Ipoll at the point of the pistol.

Otf theseI one veterans, fifty at It gray instead of ible le frauds of the tirst iThey were joined i.l passing thruglh Washington by ftew old tinsils of the Demoitcratic Jackson Association, hree hInl tired expelinced releaters and iballot-ox stniuffels are 1ni route for Indiain to do the reform" work of Tilden. A tlispatch has ieell received at the Post-)ffice D)epartment saying that there is no mail contonlication with 't'exas via City on aecciout of The New Orleans office has been instructed to send Texas mail via Moemphis and Little Rock. It is understood that the yellow fe ver in New Orleans has caused Galveston to establish a quarantine. The yellow fever seems to be spreading over the South. Peter Cooper, the greenback cantidate for President, has started on a stiumping tour through portions of Ohio, Pennsylvania and Indiana, going by way of Harrisburg and Cleveland to Itlianapolis.

The payments made from the U. S. Treasury by warrants during the month of September, 1876, were as follows: Civil and miscellaneous, $4,561,924 (l War, $3,553,208 25; Navy, $2,214,867 52: Interior (Indians and Pensions), $3,267,735 74-total, 12. The above does not inclnde payments inade on account of the interest or principal of the public debt of the United States. Col.

Robt. Lincoln. the eldest son i of the martyred President, has entered the political arena in the cause I of Haves and Wheeler. He. is represented as a fine looking young man of pleasing manners, good address, and displays an ability of no mean order.

SENTINEL. Moutague anti Capulet. As a tel anud gt slllllal in te re st, Ie ra th following sketc'h, wi ittell by Col. NV. II.

Sparks, it contributor to the coln in as atf the -NewC OCleans Times: There is i tcIri 10 Iiistoir'y colllnectiii hite a11 -Nichiolls. h'lir. fatlher educted ait St. OmIIer, F'ranLce, fori the utuallyl tlijillirt the il voca4iItioni. V11 lt to 'll'ennessee and located oan tlii Ciin oIt neat the tuot of at a ti stk.

somal twill 2 liltis below Nasihl. liltl1, aid l1'(' his iIIIIIC to thle cr.ik iautt aid loio ttttl ill one ocf tilt: A4. takaipit 12.lrisiles. 8'. Maritill I ire1215.

I oon il ter bird; 1 Ialid 1). ei'ilti, r(iibe 11tttl toi 1111( 142i'21ii: 'iX lut I I It 1.ialna Nl'2141 I ll5 2411 it 11 tt atun. Il'2 hlllit icholls rIct iinto (b eii iricti i iittl'l Itcl 11iIow.l~t III 111 idollpteld'ci111I 211 tame 1'u. 11and it4'lIC etasn1tlucc t. I hile 1211 0 Ilitl iii'' th i iIech 21 ui oii gave Ns 4.01' it "tlt 2 (i advIs 2 thie i vi I of 411 sIII! 1'tertstlls of his client.

flew into it 'oi, passion, '22l 122tilt Whitel on ithe 212is221 221 -Nicholls re 12ted 1 he tluslt 42 1322 l)Ia 5212 11215 sp hs, 2214the22 brot aid (12'1td'i, tl a221 ittiaigked sos 2 2icholleth 1slocate 222't lo tl22l.I'2212il 2. 1 VmeI 11ilu lli atal 2. hit lid'512jl til aIn 2i ith1u2h 124'a 11252 looled I sac at011 inch IV2I21C ili olr Wht XX i1 l11iteral 11221 211 (21 l' i ll- sal '211 4' t' so. 115 412 eirs st2lt-adu itili till l22l11i121I2 tlt1o 51o2 io urr rrS and The i1o1n-1 contin d. Nicholls died 1 i on1 tl4he 4wincih et riis after, lanld wasI succe'cded h4 his who dyiNg, wi' 1 I' hi, Eldwavtld.

IA toA ithe silon of il 1). hiPt(' ilgt. thl so(; L. 1,4 'ulSt'l lft to i 1 t4illii na1 tijolt 1' (4 1'I o4 WVt-llboa Ni.holls, thi ehlest 114t11 41lr, VIwas t(hi Il'st. to lente'lr tell pnlhw.e at Montle- wxith st o4fnliiig I.ti t.

in t1li' late war with are of nobleh hontr the attte of their 444tiI it v. The Levees. Ho11 E. Jhn Ellis of this State is tie '1 ississi)lp i Levi'es. 'l'here arI this t.

1 he(r Co1l4gress4m1 Ii inll th," ute from L.ouisiana, Randall G1ibson, 4on. VWilliam Levy aa44 lio 1Wn.4. V. 1. S)ec1('er.

The house is lrvgely lDel i(ocratie, and yet nut n1e itetInn has been apllopriaited that Democratic hlody tol re lpair' ihe tleees. If Demtuocratic Coll C.o'<s.nlll froImI Louisiana 4 1 ill int labor f1or the of 4or pleop'l, what call he expected ftoni the lublican 4I4ho are cont'il inu aibu1 sed nilir dciI1lo nced i4 tilihe people it this State Ito whllt t1he llevees aire so ets.4 1ti4al If ever'l re-built, it lll he throuigh theo eti st otl' of t'epiblicall-, as the Denin4'5 ails have failed vlihBile in thell i oli ity to i'tIidler lusa lilly se ti i1e 1 hat tr 4 r. 1IlI)arll anti Nash, the only ln4' iicainti in1 mb rs ft i4ii thisi alt1y1s ly tio east their vitl ori tir all a the levI(s; antll4 knoiit4ti4 4 this fact. ith voters ill till' third ioit sNresioill dist ic.t will lreturn n. C.

I. rrhi iall to rIss Iby ai largetr miajrit t3han ever tta.kpalt When lthe Cvi l'ntion wt ebil 0 1ntiniated S. I. lwas in session in N( O(rllans, it hla's for liis lopput i ts to 1say.V that Mr. Packard1(, it noui4iateld, would (anlvass the Stale sitting in his easy chair at the S('ustoni-Hosei, 01, in other wo'ds, that there wolid he lnothnlllg done to platce hiro conspiictouily before the peC4plh, as he woild be afraid to go ouit iamolng the 1 hlhl4oze We be lieved that lie would do better thaln that.

1)bt were 1not preplaredl to see hi4 t411ke tihe st, anp (tial the with sutch 4vigor 4and deterlinaition ais has been exhibited. He, 'vide'ntly, m'ans toi see and know the people of Louisiania and the condition in which they are placed. There Seetms to b'e at strOlng prolbability of his t. James Senltiinel. Fite occurred in the hold of a vessel iudergoinig repairs in New York harbor and tive ship carpenters were burned to death, several others receiviug serious inj liies.

The vessel had been used to transport coal oil, benzine, and the planks of the hold were saturated with these cornbustiblc materins. Fatherly Advice. Col. Patton, president of the Democratic state Central Comniittee, with a full knowiedze of the failing of the boys who rallyi under his lead, in his latest address to the people of Louisiana," gives themn the followvlug excellent and fathelly advice: In tile nlllle ot the whoie people of Louisiana. we call upon you to go forward with the good work so auspiciously Ibetgul to presartve the peace at all hazards, and not by the slighttest act oe vi 'eedt the outrage nill being aunt at the North." Oft comi it ino grist he sent to the mill it must Stop lnliniug.

Any one whoii, doubts such a plain proposition is liablel to say that two and two woiiltl make mlore or less than four. MI'. l'atton assumietd to speak in the of the whole people," but if hie hai said illn tehalf of tile l)emocratic party," it would have soundetl better, I etas.t within the hbonds of hisjurisdieuit atd lie kniris very well that oiil h', own bous need any such admlniti That they did needt it, is evidenced by the borrowed whichl lie ladded to his own to drive the home to them liki 1 Itledtgehalmmerlll stroke. Col. PaLtton lalbors unrlii thel belief that his word of colililal is law to the boys, and we miust confess, that for several days the publib press has been siingularily free fron illaly thiing in the shiaped "ligeir' killing or driving out white RepublicI hnot issued his circularl before Dilikigrave killed, in tiime to stop the Iuknown men oll Clreole jponies who have bravely shot off their gnulis and away ill severaill of the country plarishels, leiavinig dead Lteputblicans lelhiiid tlhiei i But foi all i fiiors receiived, ill tlhe langruilge of the p)relachelr, Lord ius truly thainktul." The Greatest Day.

IN. Y. Oct. TIhuIrsdaiy last was tec greal day at the Centetniaiil Exiiitiio i. We were the .,73,01111 lpe coiis, more than at qutirter oft a million, within the I groliiids.

Aut yet for all this g1treat ii ill berl--exceilhiii' tile attendance, ill one d(ay, of ally tforeigli exhibition -thiere was peilfect order, piropi'ieyl ubr olt' coaul-test, filol rlll'llallc: ailln Inllivers good htuiorl tillhat the scenli was ci taiiiitiitly iiienjoyable, and nIIt anil iitident or ilecidenit occulrred to dimniish i the of thie mellorillei tcc.taC sioll. It i I liennlsytslvania's D)iy. And limin. hohday Phidel phia iittedeid. Everyh ld setmtile to Ibe there with his wite andi childiren.

lispelrsel owve' the gilrounilds the si'eventyt miles of valks ilhin the luiildings, it wvas fir this vast usultilide (eqtiual tot a large citi's whole poiultiio(i) to ilmii a. ionl hl elt ves facility. clIad ex-tet atll nted to looltlll Iat the Siiia tlliig iat the Sale time, theei was I1 is llt rilsh cru'sh, lnd 'every thing. 'Ihe lnelt il this whotle ofiail ieflecls great credit u0oni Gen. Ilaut tle- and the ('utlnuissionli aiid also iupon "it iiiad llphia is tile seat of the The city has dhle its pilt noblyt A' lit it has lnot done, is simply beyond energy to acctmplish under the lhnt the admirable Imlice regulations, thesanitarly care, thr large hospitality, andi the universal kiiindnss iof the tpeople will st-Vllle tfr Philadelphia lthe lasting reslpect aitd adllliraltion of lil mnillions wholi visited the city to tceelrate tlh litrst Cet1tenniall of Ameriain Indeetditlenee.

Mr. (co. i.n. Cu'rtis. who 1i elwoted by Democrat as a high a uthority when hel criticises Repltilican shortcomings, recently wrote a letter upon the political situation froll which we.copy this extra t.

It stems to, me that every intelligent m.tan a'n see that Mr. Tilden caI hle elected i only by t'he of a uniited South. does that mean but that the senlltimelllnt the old free al States of the war is against hi11, anrd that he can )be elected only by the olil slave States of the Rebellion This. is not a sectionalismll of our seeking. It is a fact which not be denli((ed, aid it sholws that the Demnocratic ploptition in this ea nvass is, that thei Government shall Ie en- I itristed Ito combialtiol of those whom we now ass arebeln coqPprhecods, from Xwhose ing hands it was saved.

that hlih constitutional enllld ll lts shall be ili firced by those Iwho have declared them void. I do lnot see h(w halrd mollell ll I(n call expect tinaneial reforml the soft-money party ill Ohio and PennllsIvania of last year, from tlhe repeatlers of the I resm'pltioll clause, or fromi a candidate who has surrelderedl to them. Nor can I 1ulnerstand how reform of the civil service can come from a which tlrned ulit office fiftyseven Union soldiers--uot because they were unfit, but because they were Repnlicans. I think that Maine and Vermont are equally unable 'to see it, and I trust that New York will respond to those steady States with an imperial Amen At Fairbault, a policeman named Henry ('avertick was shot through the heart by a man guarding thet' jail in wiich the brothers are oonitined. 'The policemanl had been ordered to keep away floml the NEWS ITEMS.

Russians still flock into Servia. Snow fell in Ontario, Saturday. Large fire at Cleveland, Monday. The King of Greece has gone home. Internal disordersin China increase.

Spain is drafting troops for service in Cuba, Servias will purchase 25,000 Chassapot guns. Servia's last loan has been fully su ibed. TIl Supreme Court is in session at Washington. A man died from yellow fever in Brooklyn last weel'. Moutenegrins have bul ned Trebiuje and Turkish villages.

Slav arians and RIussians are enlisting in the Servian army. MIr. Cramer, U. S. minister at Copenhagen.

has been reiailed. The postal commnission visited Atilnta and Nashville last eek. 1Military operatioln weie at a standlstill in Mexico at last accounts. John Bullaid, a farmer, was robbed and murdered at WVorcester, Mass. The Anmerican Board of Missons held its annual session at HI-artford.

Minister Bassett. from Hayti, isvisiting his home in the United States. Capt. Chas. A.

Hartwell of the Eighth Cavalry died at San Antonio. Sir John Young, Governor General of Canada fromi 1868 to 1872, is dead. 'Th Spanish Cortes is expected to reassemble about the end of October. Michael Landyv of New Orleans eat his wife so so severely that she died. A destructive tire at Pine Blnftl destroyed three business blocks.

A block oi handsome buildings in the business centre of Houston burned. Hernandez, a caulker, fell into the river at. New Orleans and drowned. Jacob Lamb, a New York butcher committed suicide at his sister's funeral. hoisting gear of a coal mine at Pot tsville broke, and four miners were killed.

Thel reported capture of Massowah by the Abyssinias is otficially contradicted. R. W. Boyd beat J. H.

the chlmpion, in a scull race on the Americni Alliance, has resigned the position. Geo. Davis, eleven years old, fell into tithe river at New Orleans and was drowned. i All differences between Spain andtl a the United States have been amicably arranged. 0 The of Gen.

Mclherson will Si le unveiled at next I Wednesday. Tie pIresident of the 1Greek cabi net iul-is neutrality in the Turkish war. st The President has recognized An- i tonio Greppi, vice consul of Italy, at New Orleans. The rear niard of Monk tar Piasha's army was at Ltacked and defeated by Monitenegrius. Lanutei's restaurant, on the Centennial groniids.

was almost entirely de- striyed Iy tire. It Jos. W.aters as shot and killed by ioblt. Holland at Laramie City. Both 0 men are colored.

The front of an old ulihlding in New a Orleans tell, the leg of a lady ho wais passing. ri T'ulrks and Montenegrins had a bat- tie Saturday, resulting to the advantage of tlithe latter. The Richmotind Enquirer was sold at fi auction and Ipurchased by D)r. J. G.

fi If -at ie for 0. i Gen. Martinez Campos has been designated Calitaill General of Cuba i in place of Jovellar. England has made formal proposal a for a conference of leading powers on the Turkish l'rincet Milan has exculpated himself grom participation in the movement to make Kilig. The titl! receipts of Russian gold coin at the New Ytork IU.

a. issay oflice aggregate 1). A. C. Lee, a New Orleans policeIinit.

was shot and killed ii his own bar room by Wmu. Kunckley. Sir Hnry Egerton Iherbert, mem- ber of Pat liamtent, and Major General in tile army. is dead. Two youlllng ladies antl a boy died I Newark from eating which we mistaken for nimushroous.

C'harles MItliday, aged eleven. accidentally shot hiimself in the head, causing iustaut death, at New Orleans. An attempt Iby Chinese merchants to establish a line of stieamships between Shanghai and Japanese ports Ifailed. Jolhn Mason and John Sickles were ihott and wounded by a colored mani: turini a lepublican parade at Carluden N. J.

E. A. Woodward, late partner of Win. t. 'i'need, was arrested at Chii- I i cago and1 taken to New York.

He was fronm Englandi via hSiavalllah. alnt I tii tuist l. An uprising of Ute Indians in Colorado and New Mexico is feared. Troops are on the alert to suppress outbreaks. The striking employees of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railway company still lefuse to resume work.

At Baltimore, the supervisor of registrAtion and three U. S. deputy marshals were arrested, charged with intimidation. Willie Lewis, aged nine, was shot in thu5 head and dangerously wounded by Henry Warner, aged sixteen, at New Orleans. The Italian Chamber of Deputies has been dissolved, and new elections have been oideredfor the beginning of November'.

The eleventh annual session of the Grand International Union of Locomotive Firemen was held in Baltimore last week. Two battallions of Spanish troops in Cuba are reported to have revolted on account of not having received arrearages of pay. Win. Condou, a well known resident of New Orleans, best known as a base ball player, lied in the Charity Hospital last Saturday. Fifty-five Servian soldiers have been sentenced to three years' imprisonment for muailating their right hands to escape service.

A number of persons were injured by a collision of railroad trains near Greensburg, Ind. Conductor Allen is not expected to recover. The Servian battallion named after Princess Natalie went into the battle of the 28th 900 strong next day only forty answered at roll-call. Darius Allen, a lawyer, was arrested for placing obstructions on the track of tlhe Rochester and State Line railway. lie confesses his guilt.

Jos. II. Hill, an Indiana whisky convict, and Win. Bedenheimer, a defaulting receiver of the Missouri land office, Have been pardoned. An unsuccessful attempt was made to assassinate President Canales of ilayti.

Gen. Salamon, chief of the revolutionists, has left the island. The British steamship John Bramall cleared at New Haven for Constantinople, with fifteen million cartridges for the Turkish Government. Quebec made liberal donations for the relief of yellow fever sufferers at Savannah and Brunswick. The sub000.

The fishing season has been a failure in Iceland, and great destitution prevails among the laboring people, IS00 of whom have emigrated to Canada. The National Council of Colored Odd Fellows held its thirty-first ses- sion in Memphis last week. The next meeting will take place in New Orleans. An old colored womlan fell from the second htory of a building on Canal street, New Olleans, while engaged in washing windows. She was severely injured.

An aeronaut named Thomas, who ascended in a balloon at Bridgeport, was pitched into a tree at Rockland, and his balloon floated out to sea. General D)ix, on account of age, has declined a place expert on the monetary co.m Luittee. The position will be tendered lion. R. M.

T. Hunter of Virginia. Lord Derll instructs the British amilthassador at Constantinople to make demand of the Sultan in person for reparation and justice in case of Bulgarian atrocities. An express train was untracked and ditched near Paris, Ontario, killing five employees. The accidenutresulted from the wheels of the engine catching fire and breaking.

The convention of bankers which metin Philadelphia last week adopted resolutions declaring it the duty of banks and the government to hasten a return to specie payments. The locomotive and three cars of a passeniger train were thrown froml the track near Gennessee, N. by striking a horse. 'FThe engineer was killed and six persons injured. A man named Milburne, cook in a Iestaurant on the Centennial grounds, was arrested on suspicion of being guilty of tihe inurlderous ssault upon Mr.

Shaw of the Boston Herald. Win. Henry Harlison, grandson of the forimer President, assaulted Miss Moore, in Boote county, and stabbed her nine times in the breast because she refused to marry him. A band of twenty-fi ve Indians raided the Neuces river, Texas, killing three Americans and several Mexicans, and stealing over L.10 head of horses. Citizens and soldiers started in pursait.

An alarming conditiou of affairs is reported in the Tratvnna'l Republic, Southern Africa. Owing to the defeat of the Dutch troops, tihe natives have become unmanagelable, and a general nmassacre is ftared. An imperial edict is pnblished ini China, expreesing regret for Mr. Margary's murder, and affirming the right of foreigners to travel tlhrough the Icountry and enjoy the prutection of the aut! olities. An envoy, with a I letter of apology folr the Yttran io to to at oltet,.

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