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The Daily Empire from Dayton, Ohio • Page 1

The Daily Empirei
Dayton, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ERINTING 41 OK VP.RY K1NI, M'Crf' AS posts ns, LARUE AND SMALL, 1 AUCTION, SALE BILLS, AC, rj TO Till! OFFICE OK THE SENT DAILY EMPIRE, Br the MORNINU TRAIN, will be printed mid th work returned by tie KVKNINO. TRAIN OKFH'E. Third between Main mid Jefferson et Dayton. HAD REMEM3ER WHVT YOlfl READ. NEW STOCK! NK.V GOOD WORK 11! AT IV 110, Main street.

N. W. WILSON TJMIANKKUIj fur the vory liberal pRtroniipfl heiWofure extnital to him, would affatn cull the attention nf the puhUc Ms uewtml complete assortment of Summer Hoots and Shoes! RsvplorVng none hut the nest of workmen, am eonltiientthat I up the best rt rriNxi and wadk Boots and Shoes ia the oily, and I will guarantee eattslsctton in silences. tr Olvo mo a Trial I p. W.

WILaOK, 1U Main street, 5 iloortioulli of the Market. N. W.W. lmki BLACKING. ps a.

superior articleor FRRNCH jeao. rati 'oxfs 0 S. AJh) NO. 85 MAIN QTHBET. AT Til OS.

SHCPPER'S! GOOD GO 0 AT ll 0 AS At 13 It S. Pretty Goods AT Thomas Shaelfcr's. A l.nrco Slock of looU AT THOMAS Come with your I'll Mi AND GUT THOSSHAEFFER'S. SALE OF EXPRESS GOODS! LIST OF GOODS RlCMAfMNO IN THE UNITED STATES KXPKRS3 OFFICE, AT DAYTON, OHIO, WILL be eold to the higlient Lidder on. the 6th of November, 6AM, at one o'clock, P.

M.f not onUe4 for mul oh 'ks. ptiltl ttfloi-e 1 1mt tiiue. box, Jatnea Iroii.laea; I pack, a. B.m; 1 box, II. yugury; I C.Unj, Willi, I 1 box, do do pick, No inarkt 1 box, W.

V. Joailyn; I box, J. S. Bently; I itove, J. W.

I John lMnkei; 3 A. H. Turkur; m.ntlon. M. JOHN, Akcnt.

Head Quarts. 3d Iiiv.o. V. M. Uavton, October 14, IBOK.

i Speolxl OrOer,) No. 6. Thee.uatlfled elector.of Cominy No. (Lafayette of the lat Refflinenf, Brigade, Dlvl.lon O. V.

will meet at Froh-atnn Hail, In the city ol lMyton, on Tue.Uay. Octo bar 46th, 1M, between the hours of lOo'clock A. aland P.M., and there proceed to elect, by ballot, one Captain and one Flr.t lieutenant. The election will beeoiuluoled In accordance with the provi.lona of the act of March UHtli, IhAT, anti the poll book will be returned te Brigade head-quartera aasooo aa made up andpealed. By order of c.

L. Vallanuiuhah, Brig. Gen. 3d Brigade, 3d Dlvl.lon V. M.

D. A. HAYNK4, ootl6-tt llrlK'le Mnjor. Oysters, Oysters! THE FINEST IN TOWN! AND NO IN. W.

(iliKKN' are now renewing dally by Kxpreaa, the finest Haiti Ovtlersof theaeaaon. We are the only Western Agents lot this Uoupany, and as we receive them direct front the Pacalng House, we onn nnd will sell them lu aeaters ana ismines at unprecedented low prices. Please give us a Irlal. Vt warrunt all oysters sold by us to be fresh and ptooil. Heniembtr the place, No.

Third t. U. notlb-dtf Fresh Baltimore OYSTERS. THE Subscriber tnkee prent pleasure in oalllns; the attention of his customers snd cltl-aens generally to his extra brauils of Kresn Haiti-more Oysters received ilnlly by Kxpress. Allor ders promptly rilled at tielnnatl pi lues.

Also, a lull supply ol Cove and Spiced Oysters. Hithmm also just received a large and choloe supply Fine Candies, or every possible style, and ouleutluue of eveiy description. Also, Toys of every oouceivuble shape and design. lu a word, he has every lltlug ulueln hie Ulie, and Invitee the puhlle to call and examine. y.

J. WKI.TV, oetli V. B. Buildinit, Miiln And Fourth. New Oloth'g Store VALENTINE FRIES HAS KKMOVKD TO TH IUKIMKK.

eently occupied by HALVATOH SAIT BIOS OF MAIN Where he ha. o.ened out a large, new stock READY-MADE CLOTHING. He ti Alio prfpuml to mniuifrtj1ure to orltr anyw thtnf la tha hue ol KN '1LKMKSS CLOTHING, wUti linrstnett ftiiO (li-nitalLh. uctl7-3m Fine Candies! uat received 5(H) boxen, of OUA DHOfB, LKMONS, l.iijuuricM, rtiriiwherry Chooolitte, 'h'lic, I'ecUirul I All Havora, SiiKHr Alntoiuls, Iiren-ges, Ac. Witolsale and Metail, ht octl BHANIIKNBl'Htl fe I'll'M.

Id illll prepared to fiu niali (lie Leht uuuli-tleaof Youghiougheny Perry Co. and Massillon J. ILm cokii, ttuAit villi: i V4MI, Ac. Persona will And his Coal coarse and oleaa. The best brought to this market.

Verdana Offlcs.on Tliltd street, near the Xeni lspu. aovts-lyuaw VOL, X. JA YTON OHIO, TtlKS DAY, OCT. 25, 1S5), NO. '250.

fir I Ji.iill MtfttME THE DAILY EMPIRE OFFICE OF PUBLICATION: Umpire liili.g,T.irit.,8iUiidecL.Iii JrlTrrM BrauilSB.OOpsvresrlnsaTsnos. 1 tm pr week psysbl to the oarrter aiuslsoopiea.putu In aesnta. Cincinnati Agency. Tint Cincinnati Type Foundry Company our duly authorised Agent to make outrscts and receipt for Advertisements subscriptions, in lhat city. To Busisr-ssMi.

The Empire Job Room arc in complete trim, and we are now prepared to do work of all descriptions in the beat style oftheart. Callin sndexamineour work and learn our prices. ITo AnTTita. Advertisements Notice Tor the Empire must be handed into the office by fen o'etoe on the day they aro de-aired to be published net later. We cannot them afterthatbonr.

LOCAL AND OTHER ITEMS. READING MATTER ON EVERY PAGE. Weekly Advertisements. Time who flnaira to have advertieements Inserted in the Weekly Umpire ihonld head theai in by Saturday morning, at the latest. ttxjL-Oiir advertiaine patrooi will peroeWe that by our arranjremen of reading matter, their advertisement will be alway nrte vetf important matterto thein, See 4th page for Telegraph Reports.

T0n yeaierday afiernoon, two tare i(iers f. entered the Oceola Wills; one of lliero en tered tba counting room, the other paased oo and eugened iu conreraation with one of the hunda, who was close by, while his companion in the counting room, made himself busy in prying open the till in the desk and helping himself to what chsnge their waa in it, about ten dollars. They both made their eaoape. CTBIiib hne been treating himself to a pair of new boots I We were on the point of con. gnitiilitling him, wheu we eaw that he waa in pain, and we paused.

Not having had a pair of new boola since laet wi oter, and having for gotten the aony of a 6rsl pruminade in exem. cia'ingly tight slogaa, we did not at first divine the came of bis rueful countenance, "What's the inalier with you, Ulub we asked, in a kindly tone. "Why, these confounded boots They are squeezing all the marrow out of my feet I I've a big notion to throw them to the dogs At this moment Snip (whose imper tinence is only equalled by bis sharpness) suggested that "lhre muat have been some mistake about the beoU; they bed evideutly been made for awhile man What further suggestion he would have made we may never know; at this point, one of the boots the one on Club's right foot, we frel sure disturbed our diabolorum's equilibrium, and he performed the difficult fest of standing on bis head, with his pockets full of apples. TauL or Tut: Insihskchonists The Circuit Court of Jefferson county, Va Hon. Richard Parker, Circuit Judge commenced its session on Thursday.

The examination of the insur, recliooists. Brown and his associates, will take place to day before eight Justices of the Pesce, in the Court rooms, the Circuit Conrt adjourn ing for that purpose. Judge Parker's charge to the Grand Jury referred mainly to the au tempt to excite insurrection id their midst. ICTA horse attached to a buggy took fright near the corner of Fifth and Wayne streets yea totdsy evening, and ran awsy. Ie attempting to stop him a gentlemen was thrown to the ground with great violence, but was not serious ly injured.

ITU will be seen, by refeireoce to our ad vertising columns, that Mr. Felix, long associst- ed with Mr. Welty in the confectionary and Fruit business, is now associated with Mr. Zel-lers in the confectionery, toy, and fruit trade at the old old Ohmer stand, corner of Main and Sd street. These gentlemen are also in the Oyster business, receiving daily those large and luss cirus Baltimore bivalves, that are grateful to the palates of the epicure.

Felix sod Zellers are already fixing up for the Holidays. Give the new firm atrial. tTThe Dayton Gazette, a republican paper, has ths following in relation to Messrs-Smith end Giddings Tba language of Gerrit Smith's letter to Brown, about bis "Kansss work a rather auspicious, and, from the confession of Brown, it would appear, that Mr. Oiddinga had some knowledge of the conspiracy- It would not surprise ua much if both of these men were ar rusted by the Government. Hoi nor would it surprise us much if some others, near home, would yet be implicated ie the Harper's Ferry emeu to.

The Journsl seems to be getting very nervous about the matter I DitranBiKQ GAitrnHix Acowxirr at Usios City On Sunday evening last, Mr. Geo. Steu ber, wife and two children the entire family were dreadfully burned, caused by the fluid ta king tire while tilling the lamp. Tha youngest child lived but a short lime after tha burning. Mrs.

Stuber is probably desd, our infoimsnt states that she could not possibly live when left yesterday. Mi. S. is bsdly burnt, but will also the other child. Wur ask Tuxr Ukcast? The Republicsn pera are Uying to make out that there is a conflict between the State snd Federal authorities about jurisdiction over the Hsrper's Ferry eriniioale and thoreby distract attention from the insur reclioo itself.

Why is it thst they are so un easy under the developments made in reference to this affai if ss they claim, their party had nothing to do with ill 13 O. P. Boyer set two upholetera at work and in his absence for a few minutes they vsm oaed lakiug with theiu about fifty dollars worth of hair cloth. ClXl-lkNATl Po.tmastss Hxatovio. the Pre dent yesterday removed Hon, John J.

Far hom the Cincinnati Poetofllce and appointed Dr. John L. Vallier iuahis stead. Tbis ie blow, which has been anticipated by Mr. Far ran, ever since the Enquirer, with which paper he ia connected, took ground favorable to the position of Douglas upon Popular Sorer eignty.

Whst Mr. Bcchsnsa expects to gain by bte decapitation, it is not easy to divioe. is hsrdly to be believed, thst, be expects to gain an) credit for himself, or supposes that rnu weaken the strength of Mr. Douglas, the immolation of the friends of the latter gen lleuiait, simply because they are hie friends. Mr.

Barry Sullivsu got into a row wilh Mr Perry, at the Walnut street theater, in Pbiladcl. phia, the other eveuing, They were playing together, and Sullivan spit in Perry 'e face. Ibis," says a writer describing the scene "wss deemed sn insult to Mr. Perry," audience refused to hear Sullivan any farther. (7 For Fresh Oysters, Fish and Game, go the St.

Charles, No. 61, Jefferson St. IrSee Cincinnati advertisemanla ia an of column, To the Tune of Old Grimes. la a BillOomly ia mad, lhat good old soul. We ne'er ehall please him more; He used to mix with soma White folks, But now that thing is o'er.

Should sny inquire foe treason's riraiafs, They'd better let it he For every day old Bill does swear The negroes shall be free. With a striped shirt tail on a burkes pure, He'll muster bis negro clans, And welcome Val to a eold, cold grave, ilh his great "oWy The Journal vs Vallandingham. a I Ths silly attempts of the Journal to distrsrt the attention of the public from the actual facia connected with the conspiracy at Harper's Fer ry, sre so very transparent, that it requires no great amount of penetration. In disoover the motives by which the conductors of that sheet are actuated. They well kaow lhat the bloody proceedings of the misguided actors.

In that fearful tragedy are simply the result of theii own teachings, and no each trifling efforts will for a siugla moment slieoiste, or distract the alten lion of our citixer.s from the indisputable facts which sre daily elicited, and eabmitted (o their consideration. The method adopted by the Journal for effecting tbis objeot is every way worthy of its ususl system of tactics; what does it propose tgain by evading the question at issue? Away wilh snch chsrlatsny, come up to the work like men and adopt this child of your own getting and don't add to the amount of your iniquity, by throwing dust in the eyee of your readers. The unusual amount of sympathy exhibited, very naturslly creates suspicion of complicity, or st least spprovsl of the proceedings at Harper's Ferry, by the edit tors of the Journal themselves. When Paulding, Williams and Van Wert, were enjoying their game or carde under that celebrated tree on tha banks of tha beautiful Hudson, a quiet looking, and apparently In offensive gentleman passed them. It occurred to one of that ever to be remembered trio, that appearaucea are sometimes deceptive.

He com municated his suspicions to his companions, the gentlemen was stopped, snd subjected to a rigid examination, resulting in the discovery of a conspiracy, by which one of our strongest fortifications waa to pass into the handa of lha enemy, now this wss doubtless a very ungtg. (Itmanly proceeding on the part of those three men; but a grateful country hsa never ceased to remember them, and the act of duly which asred the country and secured the liberties of the colonies, will bs kindly remembered by every lover of bis country, ss long as virtue exists in the heart of msn. But limes bsve sadly changed since the day on which the brave but unfortunate Andre was srrested, thai which wss patriotic then, is criminal now, and when one of our citizens happens to pssi through the region in which fearful insurrection has Just been qusllod.snd with motives every way commendable endeav ors to ascertain from tha actors, themselves, not only the object of the insurrection, but the parties who were the instigators of the terrible crime, the Journal muat forsooth make a sickly effort to cover the criminality of its political associates, by diverting the attention of its read. ers from the only point at issue, and fastening it on a few well put and most pertinent questions propounded by-Mr. YslUtidlghsm, to the chief actor in this horrible drama.

Tha effort does not exhibit any of the qualities for which Solomon waa remarkable I The Omlltd Jtiik evidently wincing, but we hsva the satisfaction of knowing that our withere are onwrung. One of the accusations of the Journsl against Mr. Vallandighamia, lhat he tried to inculpate some of our own cilixens here in (Southern Ohio. Slay we ask the Journal if traitors are specially limited to any particular locality; is the soil in this part of our Stale iucspsble of producing a traitor? We era, indeed, sorry to be obliged to inform the Journal, lhat Mr, Val landigbam was not wandering far out of the re cord when he put that very objectionable quae lion to John Brown, for our very city of Dayton hss the unenviable credit of having contrib- ted at least ons of the conspirators. The negro Copelsnd has been long a resident of our good ly city.

We regret being compelled to make the humiliating admission, and would have careful ly avoided doing so, were it not to meet the whining complaints of the Jo urnal, and justify the praiseworthy action of Mr. Vallandigham; which all the efforts of a bostof scribbling sympathizing cannot turn into ridicule. We had got thus far when our attention Wss called to a letter in the Cincinnati Enquirer, of this morning, frcm Mr. Vallandigham, it ia a plain statement of tha facta as they occurred' and renders it unnecessary for us to add anolh er word on the subject. We earnestly Invite the attention of the whole public to the letter itself, it will well repay perusal.

It will be found In another column. Anecdote of Mr. Fillmore. he The Boston Evening Gazette ie responsi ble for the following, anecdote. TbeOaxutte's commentary on it is, "What ia feme?" Our'l simply is, what a stupid post'officc elerk Clerks in post offices are generally pretty well posted ap ia political matters, but caae happened recently whion is rather amusing.

Ex President Fillmore was stop. ping at a emeu piaoe, ana bad occasion to send letter by hie servant to the village poetonioe. it waa tranked all h.x dents bavins; that privilege; The bearer dropped it in, but the oraoial caught it up and, glancing at the frank, exclaimed, Who the deuoe is Mr. hillmorer "Why, he's the ex President, replied the messenger. rape he is, my friend; but I re voted lor all the Presidents einoe General Jackson, and I'll be banged if 1 recollect any such name.

I guess yon' II have to try it on at some other plaoe, for we read history down here we do. oat Ie lamer an a It be by The to her At it AoaIX. The Dayton Journal says tbis morning that Giddings Ss a Letter end bonester man than Mr. Yellandigheni, Ah ha, and ar you there, old True-Penny At it again. Defending Old Giddings.

Did we not say yon were the Giddings organ Stand up for Old Brown too again. Siumipicamt amd CusToatAiT. The Dayton Journal publishes Giddings' denial of impli cation in the Harper's Ferry Insurrection but ntpprenet the Washington despatoh giving an extract from a letter sound Brown's carpet sack, direotly establishing the charge. Just like the "Giddings Organ. In a case at Worcester, the Supreme Court Massachusetts hsvs decided lhat whesa conS dential eoaunaaiealioa, between client and counsel Is overheard by a third person, suck person susy testify thereto.

Communications to eonaawl sre only so far privileged that eoanael cannot be pennltled to testify them. In Hamburg, oat of 3,33 cases of cholera last summer, 1,194 died sad 1,149 recovered Anecdote of Mr. Fillmore. Letter from Hon. C.

L. Vallandigham Ferry Insurrection. lion. DAYTON, Saturday, Oct. 22, 1859.

in of lbs 7'e Ike Editor of the Enquirer: The Cincinnati llnxetto of yesterday cnn tains what purports to be a convrraulion bei tween John Brown, the Hnrper's Ferry insurgent, and myself. The editorial criticism In thnt piper, while unjust, ia, nnvertlmlee, moderate end decent in temper and lan guage. Not so the vulvar, but inoffensive oommcnts of 'lie Commercial and the Ohio State of to-iluy. Helf.respect forbids to a gentleman any notice of such assault. But the report nnd editorial of the (la.ette convey an erroneous impression, whieh 1 desire briefly to corroot.

Passing of necessity through Uurpor's Kerry, on Wednesday last, on my way home from Washington City, I laid over at that plaoa between morning and evening trains for the West Through the politeness of uolonel, tne commanding olucer, i was allowed to enter the Armory inolosure. Inspecting the several object of interest there, and among them the cilice building, I came the room where Brown nnd h'tophenn Iny, and went in, not snare that tienatnr Muson or any reporter waa present till I entered, and without any purpose of asking single question of Hie prisoners, and had there been no prisoners there I should have visted end inspected llie place, just as 1 did, in all these particulars. No "interview'' wss asked fur by me or sny one else of John Brown, und none granted, whether "voluntarily and out of pure good will" or otherwise. Brown had no voice in the matter, the room being open equally to all who were permitted to enter the Armory inolosure. All went end cam.

alike, without consulting Brown; nor did he know either myself or the other gentl men with whom ho conversed. Kntering the room I found Senator Mason, ol Virginia, there oasualiy, together with eight ten or others, and Brown conversing freely with all who chose to address liirn. Indeed, he seemed eager to talk to every one; and new visitors were coming and going every moment, There was no arrangement to have anyr porter; nor did I observe for some minutes after I entered that any were present. Home one from New Vork wns taking sketches of Brown and Stephens during the conversa tion, end lha roportur of the lloruM mado biinsnlf known tome a abort timeaftnrwnrd, but I eaw nothing of the Gazette reporter till several hoars lutor, and then at the hotel in the village. rinding Brown anxious to talk und roadv to answer any one who chose to ask qiics.

tion, and having heard that the insurrection had been planned ut the Ohio Stat Fair held at in Heptetn ber, 1 very naturally made the inquiry ol him, among other thinga, as to the truth of the statoment. 1 1 from hie answers that he had lived i i''i for and hod viaitod the in May or June hut, I prosecuted my my inquiiies to ascertain what connection his conspiracy might have had with llio "Oberlin Rescue" Trials then pending, and the insurrectionary movement at that lime made in the Western Keserve to organize forcible resistance to the Fugitive Clave; and I have only to regret thst I did not pursue the matter further, asking more questions, and waking tliem more epeoifio. It is possible that eome others who are so tenderly eentntirs in regard to what was de veloped, might nave been equally implicated. Indeed it ie incredible that a mere casual conversation, such as the one bold by uie with John Brown, should excite such paroxisms of rage and call forth so much vulgar but impotent vituperation, unless there be much mote yet undisclosed. Certain it is thnt three of the negroes, aud thov from Oberlin, and at least six of the white men, nine in all out of the nineteen, including John Brown, the leader of the insurrection, were, or bad been, Irom Ohio, where they had received sympathy and counsel, if not material aid in their conspiracy.

nut the visit, ana interrogation were both casual, and did not eontiuue over twenty minutes at tne longest, nrown, so tar from being exhausted, volunteered several sDeech- to the reporter, and more than one insis ted that the conversations did not disturb or annoy him in the least. The report in the New York Herald, ol Uctober -lit. is gen erally very accurate, though severul of the questions attributed to uie, and particularly the first four, ought to have been put in the mouth of who, by the way, represents ac least nan a score ol aillercnt persons. As to the charge prelerred ol "hreach ol good tiiBte and propriety," and nil thnt, 1 propose to judge oi it for myself, b-aving been present on the occasion. 1 here was neither "interview," "enteohising," "inquisition," "pumping' nor any c-H'ort of the kind, but a short and casual conversation with tha leader of bold and murderous insurrection, a man of singular intelligence, in full possession of all his faculties, and anxious to explain his plans ami motives so far as possible without implicating his confederates otherwise than by to answer.

The developments are important: let the galled jades wince. And now, allow me to ad that it is vain to underrate either the man or his conspira cy, captain onn nrown is us urave ana resolute a man as ever beaded an insurrec tion, and, in good oause, and with a suffi cient force, would hive lasen cousiimate partisan commander. He has coolness, daring, persistency, the stoic faith and patience, and a firmness of will aud purpose unconquerable, ile is tall, wiry, muscular, but with little llesb ith a cold, gray eye, gray hair, beard and mustache, ooinpreasod lipe and sharp, aquiline nose; of cast-iron face and frame, and with powers of emlu-sauoe equal to anything noeeded to be done or suffered in any oause. Though engaged in a wicked, mad and lunatical enterprise, be ie the furthest possible remove from the ordinary rutliau, funatio or madmen; but his powers are rather exeoutory than inven tive, aud he never bad the depth or breadth of mind to originate and contrive hlnueif the plan of insurrection whiobhe undertook to carry out 1 he conspiracy was, umiues tionably, fur more extended tliau yet ap pears, numbering among the conspirators many more than the bandlul of followers who assailed Harpers ferry, and having in the North and West, if not also the Kouth, as its counselors and abettors, men of Intel ligenoe, position and wealth' Certainly it ww one among the beat, planned and exueu ted conspiracies that ever failed. For two years he had been plotting aud preparing it with aidere and comforters a thousand miles apart, in the slave States and the free; for six months he lived without so much as suspicion in a slava State, and near uie scene ui uie insurrection, wiuning even the esteem and confidence nt bis oeigb bora, yet collecting duy by day large quun-lilies of arms, and waking ready for the out.

break, lie bad as complete an equipment, even to intrenching tools, a any oommauder in a regular campaign, aud inteuded, like Napoleon, to make war support war. He had riharpe rifles and Maynard'e revolvers lur marksmen, and pikes fur the slave. In the dead hour of night, orossing the Pom suae, be seitel Uie Armory with many thou sand eland ol arms and other muoilious of war; and makiug prisoner of mora then thirty of the workmen, othoer and cilixens, overawed the town of Harper's Feny with its thousand inhabitants. With lea than half seor of nes surviving, bs held the Armory for many hours, refusing, though cut off from nil succor, nod surrounded npon all sides, to surrender, and wan taken swora in nana, overpowered liy nnpitrior numbers, yet fighting to the laet. During this short insurrection eighteen men were killed and ten or more severely wounded twice the number killed and wounded on the part of the American force st the Haiti New Orleans, John Brown failed to exnite general and most winked, bloody snd desolating servile and civil war, only because the slaves and non slnveholding white men of the vioinity, the former twenty thousand in number, wntill not rise.

Lie hsd prepared arms and ammunition for fifteen hnndred men, snd captured, at the first blow, enough to arm more than fifty thousand; and yet he had less than thirty men more, nevertheless, than have begun half the revolution and conspiracies which history records. But had not tampered with slaves, nor solicited the nnn-slaveholding whites around he really believed that the moment the blow was struck they would gather his standard, and expeoting, furthermore, the promised reinforcements instantly from the North and West. This wns the basis upon which the wholo conspiracy woe planned; end had his belief been well founded, would unquestionably have euooeoded, stirring up a most formidable insurrection possibly involving ths peace of the whole oountry, and requiring, certainly, great armies and vast tre sure to surprise it Here was his follr snd madness. He be. lieved and acted npon the faith which for twenty years hoe been so persistently taught in every form throughout the free States.and which is but another mode of statement the dootrirve of the "irrepressible oonllict'1 that slavery and the three hundred and sev enty thousand slaveholders of the South are only tolerated, snd that the millions ef slaves snd non slnveholding white men sre ready und eager to rise against ths "oligarchy, needing only a loader and deliverer, i he conspiracy waa the natural snd necessary consequence of the doctrines proclaimed every day, year in sod year out, by the apostles of Abolition.

But Brown was sincere, earnest, practical: he piropoaed to add work io ins tttith, reckless of murder, treason, snd every other crime. Tbis was his madness and lolly. He perishes justly and miserably an Insurgent and a felon; but guiltier then nnd with hie blood npon their beads, snd the blood of sli whom hs caused to be alsin, are the false snd cowardly prophets and teacher of Abolition. C. L.

VALLANDIGHAM. NEWS ITEMS. The Albany Sta'esiuen is to be superseded new American paper. The Statesman was not considered orthodox. issnoounond lhat Mrs.

E. Hamilton Hollv daughter of (leu. Alexander Mamiltoo, died Washington on kloaday evening. It is ixpecled lhat by the middle of January, telegraphic communiestisn will have been rs talilisbed between London and Calcutta. Cul.

Lander, who baa explored all the region from the Miaaoari to the Pacific, has expressed the opiuion that tba "central rouu" is lha best for a rsilrosd. Messrs. I'sul and Straban, ths dislingiiiaaed English swindlers, have served out their Usee in prison, end bsve bassa diseltargtsi. Oapt. M'Cllotoak has dewliaiad ts reswisw any pecuniary reward from the British Government in compensation of his Isle brilliant service iu the Arctic regions.

The beef icking season bss commenced Lafayette, lnd. One Arm ers slaughtering aud packing about 150 head of csttle per day. Tba lion. Giantly Berkeley, English hun ter, is at Fort Riley sick with brsiu fever, bu' hopes to be well iu a few days, when be will forth In chase of lie Buffalo. He hopes to in New York in November.

Ohmar Pasha, Chief of the Army of Bagdad, baa been deprived of his command, ia eonao queues of serious abuses of bis autlieriiy. There is news for the Madsm, who is io New York. Old King Jerome the Emperor Napoleon's nearest living relative ia in a dying alale. Paris gossips asy. He lost heart after Ihede- paiture ol little Clutilde, whom he loves wilh father's fondness.

A bill is under consideration in the I.egiala lure of Tennessee providing lhat all free per. sons of color over 18 years ofsge, sd under 511 years, shall either jo inlo slsvery or leave ihe ale. Iu England, lately a man yawning, dislocated hia jaw, so lhat he could not chut his mouth, and waa obliged to proceed wilh in that condition forlwo miles in order to have it repaired, Au Illinoia court bss recognised the legal character of the Jewish Sabbath, which begins at three o'clock, P. on Friday, and lasts twenty-four hours. How many Ssbbaths hsv we More Ihsu are observed certainly.

During the progress of a trial for petty lar ceny iu the epicial aeaaiona, New York, Saiur day morning, (une negro woman complaining sesinst another) witness stated there were ninetysooe colored laoiilH-a in the house No 40 Molt street. A dispatch from Placerville, California, Uati a lhat I he County Treasurer' oftire there waa robbed of $8,500 on the night of the 8lji ult. The Treasurer waa atupified wilh chloro form, and the safe keya aud hia piatol were Lakeu from him. His bed was eight feet from the asfe. Psrties hsvs Iwen arrested at Washington utlering counteifeit gold dollars snd hslvrs, remarkably well exec-ted, but lighter lhaa genuiue oova.

ll is supposed lhat several Ihuussnd dollsrs worth bsve been thrown circulation. They were brought from Peonayl vania. Ijive I ff Ti me ft AT 3M MAIN ITHECT, ADAM LEKOLD. MANUrAlTUaft. AND tssUUMIM CLOTi-nisra, CTA8 JUST KKVKIVKI A LABOR AKD vartsM a km of mw u4 Faehionbe fur Ihr fc'ail aatl WiutT which My IOUUQ OVKR COATS, PRKSH COATS, HA! i COATS Bt'MNKtfri I OATH, VflTH, I A NTH.

TRAVELING BAOS. HIMTA. AO. The ailfutiun ft bis nuuttoui uetoaters ajul pit Ktteraily, UiuviUhI Iu iUm wbicA ftsji iisfti. COMB AND TRY if I a I, um aKaUcwaf 1 RUUMl Ma IK St IBB.

NOTICB IS br)by givn that a petition will pr en led to lha Coiai wis loners of MotROtwary county ua tne Krst MusktUv ol iMtfmbmr. Inoa, st la4( (or tba a isaw ountr Koatl, liia atUMla ha at MujeB la, la Hararlta lwa-Aip Towo-htu Nu. ami to nil frost tfcaaaa tt-wartUyoa tha naif aaetioa 11m to Ut wat Una iMaiti eoisoa. atui eoat intra waatwanlljr alung aalf aactioa hue U.rouh Ui sjnttsila oi aeetioae 14 16 la M.iisoa to tla4 east ol Wolf i rMit, amd from Uirnae la a aoutkv veiterly CUraettoa, to Utewaaat Ua Dayt Woll Cre-afc Turuplka aaa tha ferialfe arvae on re, ajs4 ur ao tantaiiavata. 1 Xtviwl MANY Vf TITIOMlAi THE NEW WONDER.

Peter Josse's Hair of to THH Hair Itestorative Is now aoknowl edired to be the best ever Invented lor all rtlaeuea or the Hair and the Scalp, and it haa worsed wonders wherever use. Several of our ettisene have tried it, and apeak la the highest terms of Its eorative properties. The following Is one aasong the many eertlAeates Jn.trse.Sre4 by tha Pmprtetori Ha row, Sept. sth, IMS. Ma.

P. For aeveral years paat, from aom oause, our hair haa been gradually falling out, antll entire baldness threatened us. We ksr tried va rlous remedies, but without sny good result. We were Induced to try your "Restorative" by hearing It highly Ipoken of by those who hart used it, aa who assured as that It had the effeet st bringing a new and ignroiis growth of hair upon tbrlr heads We have uaed It, and Ita good not are plainly vis ible in the renewed growth ol hair where were fast besoming bald. We caanot recommend the Re storative too highly.

Yours, truly, W.M. S. t. BROADWKLL, OWKN TRGNOH, J. i.

SWALRM. For sale at the Barber H-iop of Peter Josse, 41, JenrsoB street, Dayton. octtS-Sm NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. of at ie in go lie So it for iulo 9 tlie Csvu- a oi the I bsutk 4U4 Wanted! APHUCHASKB for good Family Hons, Buggy an Harness, and al.o a new Piano ftales1 manufacture. Will be at a hare-sin Apply to SHU.

DH. t.kH.KR. Strayed or Stolen AWIIITK MARK, with Colt, from the undersigned. dark, iron-gray Five dollars re ward will he paid tne delivery ol the Mare and Coital he be. cnariea," in unyinn.

octw-dtl KIIWAHU STANI.I V. Notice. THK creditors of the lata firm of Brenner a Slentr. of llavton. Ohio, are notified that the undersigned, as receiver In the aws ol Jacob stents, against Jaoob G.

Brenner and others, now pending io theHupartor Court of Montgomery i Juniy, tiiuo, was oruerea py saia coun io ssevr-tsln the amount of Indebtedness of said Arm, and reHrt the assie to ssid sourt. Said creditors are therefore uotlUed to present to ml their claims, re-siieetlvaly, forthwith, for allowance, an.l Io be audited. DAVID A. WAHBHAM. oet'iS BOOKS Thefollowlng Hal or NKW BOOK, Just ree'd.

Br WII.I.A.KD II EATON. THB CORNER CTJPBOAHD, Or Fa Ota for Everybody! Forming aeosaplete Knoy clopedla of Tsetul Knowledge; Illustrated with over loon Kngravlnga. By autliorof "Inquire LBAVBB raOlal AH ACTOR MOTE BOOK: Wltk Reminiscences and Chit That of the breen Room and stage. By Geo. VAMUKNiiorr.

PARLOR THEATRICALS or Wlatsr waning' jantesrtsinmsnU; Containing Anting Pro.erba. Dramatis Charades, Acting charadee, Drawing Hoom with peserlptive Kngrevings. By authorof vMa- glolau'a Owa Book," "sociable," Ac. THB BOTS' WII TOT MAIBR; A Praetleal lllustsated (lulde to the Useful Kaa-ploysaent of Leisure Hours, with numerous K. Uicuu, BPUROBOM'B SIXTH SBRIBS OF SJtRMONS.

By a ti. Pruaoaon. lUcsswest teas Say, and tor sale at WO THIRD STRFKT. Oae door West of the To wa Cioos Butter and Oyster DEPOT, UT Walnut Street. West flde, a raw doors abovi sixth strkkt, CINCUfHATI.

O. AM NOW RECEIVING DAILY BY 1 HBP KSR, in good order, Excellent Table Butter, vul surraioa oualitv asd rtAVoa. DIRECT FAtOM THE PERRY CO. DAIRY I am also roeaiviug Bally, 'RESU BALTIMORE OVkTKR-S, by the Case, Can, a Half Can. ootas-dawsm I.

atiMAHAN. ROWE, MAHONY CO, Fresh Baltimore Oysters, FOR SALS AT NO 847, WALNUT STREET, Cincinnati. HaTAll orders promptly attended tnlM J.BfcMABAaT, Agent. octas-lmdAw OYSTERS! AT TODD'S OLD STAND! N. -ie Sixth Nireel, CINCINNATI.

AM RECEIVING DAILY, ROW MA- HONV PLANTED OYSTERS. wauh I am.elllne at unureerdented low pnees, ease or dosea. Deslers snd smlllts wsntlug a very lar, tresh Ulster, Will please tend inrir a itashsd to this esUbllsiimeet is a nice, quiet respectable Saloon, wbei you can have uysters cooked In every style, and served up 1 a slraaaad superior manner. merges less man muj JOHN NAIRN. Ilwi.

Jlucke To the Public at Large. rp BubrcribaT ratursA bit Aioocretbtoks to hie frlentla foe tba very Ubarnl patronatja whieH eeMivMl during lha twelve saontha ha haa been in tfcaiMistnaee. Me hu aoM nia aonieeiiunery esteSUsiiuaMt to Maaara. Fella A whom ha takea plestaura In avwesuiutnekidtug as being well quail tied and dcrrrvluf lha patronage heretofore euutarred upon hiw. Those Indebted to mm In eaafc or book account, ill be esvpeclri to asMCIa at once, in order that I may mwI nty obllgatloeM to other.

I will he found at tae store frnn to II, and front 1 to fto'tjlot-k during each day until the lat of hoveinber. W. n. VUt ex. sw FliOM th abofn it wiil that we bsve beeosne proprietors oi Mr.

Bucket well fttvowBouuiertiiouery establisUaient.coiuerof Mam aae aeoud atreeta, ftayton, Ohio, where we hope to receive the enount of patronage that Mr. tttiiaer aod Mr. Bucke aujojed, and aa a. ore as our friend nay see proper to allow us. Nothing ahaii lack on our part to snake our ratabllthntent all that it should be.

Our loe reasi sad ooo I tug drioas. shall be ol the beat; at nil tlaiea our atocc of eantliea, toya, fsvAtey goixls, nuaical InsUuiuenta, sbaii alway be eoinplato nothing ehall be want. tig on our uajt to sutvke our aalabltsvhnseut what tt ahoulk be. UX a 2KU R. aeptn EEMOVAL! FINKE LEGLEIt Hsvs xaut.1 to taetr 8 STORE, NO.

30T SECOND STBBBT, Baker'a Bixildlng, WITH THK IARGR8T AND BKST BTUCK Or OLOTHING-, AND GOODS FOR MENS" WEAR, Evesrs4 la Paytoa. OUR slock of I'lKCK OOOUS, to Bisk np ssae.ur. Is large an varfcrst. ror sui lavora retur seaaks, and sap to sserit future patroaage. Vvurs.uuljv, riHRB lEOLEB.

CTM Mrs. II. L. WARIIEII IIAS RKt'EI TEDA KKW AND Hf US -dMasaortmcnt ol miLLINERY GOODi), Bsstneta, Itihlfona. I lowrit, suing, Of the Latest and most ra.Mnaahle l.e Store on MAIN STREET, KTWKKFi MCCOND AND THIRD STRF.VT DA YTON, OHIO.

i lThe Ladles of travrna and vicinity ar to call and examine tliem. iiiii tie dopy.) BRN FHVeTltn. Maysi llle, Ky. Cincinnati. C1TV; TOBACCO For thr tn)tctlnn dm, Fnifnf IjMUtr TO IS PRIVATKLT AND AT AUCTION.

-Tearl utreet, between Plant and Wisteia Ho. CIHCINKAl'I, OHIO. P1I1RTKR HOW, PiiopnifTORS. Anct loi 8ali tr" WKDNKshA special attention to PHIYATK ALK evr itaj-. Slorase Tlire iHou Five! JOSEPH HOW, JACOB 0.

PHlXltll, itj laipeotor. (Late or MHyiviiii. Ky.) CwiiHadLnit I'Wrtt. xTlBr rrr Cftraful tit Mflri. rmir l.Hfr iful and aiark your ton.lriirnpntf 11 TOBArtt) WARhlKlUSK.

CINriNSATI, OHIO. AjtttlA.emat 0ASr MACKS 1'OUTAHLK OAS (iKNEIt A-torhnp pevstmt all tha tnti unit rnma nut ric-tnrliiiis, aa helnr one of tha nloeit, rltMnest, nictat brlllMnt and only form in which Unit! cttn da uccd whleh la parteetljr frea irnai eKplnsloDs, I-or tiii pKrtlriilsr it far fxnwli Ail other lihtri nnw the imbHe. Call at J. Lanardun IV Hsrdwarp Store on Mulii street, and Irooome tFttUtiiHl that It Is Juit the thlnr to suit ou all. C'hurchm.

Stores, Midds and hami- omely littptl uja with tiaa FUtur-'n, itt hnrt nt- oea. W. I. octftMwdcWtw To the Citizens of Dayton Surrounding Country. T.TITRK KnWV If AH AM.

U'lliW li that GRORI1K HOf'HWALT't City Boot Shoe Store, Pill 1.1.1 1' IIOI ftlT. Main at 2 doors south of Third, 1 la tha plaea tor A RO A I Nd, hia tntk of Custom MaJ Bodta and Shows Is unnaimily larK, snd ilfst-rablie hoth aa to variety and quitllt). Hit Roots and Shoes are fresh, and made of tha peat qimllly toe. and are oflei ed at Reduced I'rices, Ki'ery body ehall Ire ftrcnmronrfatpii with the trt articles, and at low rates. Iu short, the iro'le shall have Iniots and shors at thelown turs in renfiim.

caliiitff on me, aa I am bouud to mil at plate's to suit liir 1 1 iu' Come ooo and I to (eore Hochwali's City Rfvnt and Mhor Store, llouie. Msin st a ilonts Inflow sd I'lvton, and you will never regret it iots and aiioea luaua iu nrtitr, octHr-imdxaiiiw (iK4: HlJt'HWALT. A. 1ST Swlf-Qenerating G-iVS LIGHT, COMBINING birapiicity, Liatety want A SS. wa AND THIS A LHABT.R fortabla Hall- ueneratinx uas Burner la now ol- Cered tu the piiblic In fUll eonfldeuee tf lis potltiva auperi orlty over eveiy oUi4f Lamp In ex laseamaet and With the assurances that for timplicity, aair-ty, euonowy aud brilliancy oi Uht, it haa no emiai.

It amirda berji and BHIbLlArvX OABLIOBT! Of a Irroad and clear ftane, retjuirins: no trinttTiiair or other atteotiuu, eict nillnf the Lamp with food biu-nlntf fluid one qusrt ol' which will lurnish a light or eixtren hour, equal tha llfht rroai stv. ordinary wloit tutea. ITi turt.r ean be re ad It aiiplied to all sty leu of eUr. Inn) coal burning flu Inrnj A lao to rnsniieiiers in nnirvrr lurm a pimti iipm nay be desired, at a small expense. Old Lamps ill be taken in exchange for new ones, or alterations made If desired.

It Is alio admlrahly ndspted lu tha llabtinc of Churches. Ieeture Reonis. Halls, Htoree, atc-i and the flxturri you have can le ch-uig-m1 without the eaix-nse of purchaalna nrvw rtu or sale ai ine urue; aiore oi ir w. a i ah No. at Main street, and also by A W.

of Jrtfrrson and Third streets. aept4 DAYTON, OHIO. Price of Beef Reduced. HENDERSON inforois hia ouatomArn an I tba public renerallr. that he has tniile ar- ateats for a lull aupply of superior Bi el, titai narvaiwr uie prior iur in" im-si cuts in EIOHT CERT3 PER POUNp He will eontinne to sunptv fsmtlles with dltTerent kinila, and vegetables la sesson, nl the lowest market prices.

His shop is on Msla atreet, west side, one door south ol the Phillips House. o.lil-011 BATHS, BATHS! MR. PETER D1STER would inform tl.e Clttisaa of Dayton and the traveling public, that has opened A II 1: At his Barber Shop, oa Market atreel, doors from JeBerson, where lis will have lead)' at alltiaira, Cwlst si4 kkswer llalb. Ttiee Baths will be kept eleaa and aeat. Connected wltk Uie Bath is aa EXCELLENT BARBER A large assortment of choice perfumery will a'io be found nt the earn place, otiu.

PKTSR DISTLH. GOOD NE WST GOOD- G001)S Bargains! Bargains! 33. F.WAIT, Ne. Eael Fllih fetriwi, rTAS JUST RECEIVED, AND IS LOW I oeTwrlag to Ike publis, at aedtmS I.r CASH, lb. largest sad Iw.t asorluiciil ul t'bV HJIiSevernpelisd out in thst psrt the cltT.

Tke Leslwe should eanjusue my atusk ol FASHIONABLE DEESS GOODS, Kuck aa Salalaee, Casameres, Keriaoes, lillu. Calicoes, Hps aad He Ikiru, all ieaeriptioae. ItONNKIS AND BONNET TRIM MINUS, Ribbons, I' lowers, Lacee and Linings. Heaila of Famlllee should also ee ir atoa ol rs" bricks. ssimUmI lor Ineir bsuettt, such ss CLOTHS, CASSIMKKES, Silk, Salis and raav VeaUags) 1 COTTON AND WOOLEN FLANNELS, Brow, Bleached and Colored Musllus, hks.1-tasa, wltklVtluaaad Woolen HoaMri ol etsry dsMiripuoa.

t. All very low for CASH. wlis-WAl Tslsstisliraler's Net Ice. OTICK is hrbv givon that th under- abrs vu thla lUv aiilMilutsd Administrator a m4 turie., lat ol fiSontgom.

C.a., 4MMM paviD BrRlttTT. etIT-sww AdaaluiMrator, Ba jz.

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