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Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 8

Times Heraldi
Washington, District of Columbia
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QUICK! STOP INDIGESTION Pain lo Stomach, Sourness, Gases and Acidity relieved with "Pape's Diap-epsin" Your upset stomach will feel flue! waiting! When your meal? don ftt and you when you belch acid? or uudla-isled food When you feel lump? of pain, heartburn headache from acidity. eat a tablet vf harmless and reliable a Diapepsin and the alomach Millions of peopl? know th? magic Pape'? Diapepsin aa an antacid. They know that most indigestion disordered stomach ar? from acidity. The relief cornea quickly, no disappointment, and the coat so little too Pape's Diapepsin helps regulate your stoinath so you can favorite fooda without fear. PIMPLY7WELL.D0NTBE People Notice It Drive Them Off with Dr.

Edwards' Olive Tablets A pimply (ace will not emharrass you much Iiwikit if a pa-dcage of Dr. Edwards' Olive i The chould begin to clear an you have taken the tablets a tew Cleanse the blond, bowel? and livei with Dr. Edwards' OHve Tablets, the rratxessful (or calomel there's no sickness or pain after taking them. Dr. Olive Tablets do that wliich caktmel does, and just as effec.ively, but their action is gentle and safe instead of severe and irritating.

No one who t-dee? Ohre Tablets is ever a-raed a "dark brown a bar! a dull, "no good" itsetirtg, ronstipation, torpid liver, bad or pimply face. Ohve Tablets are a purely vegetable Ct-anpound mixed olive oil; you know them by their olive Dr. Edwards spent years among patients afflicted with fiver and bowel complaints, and Olive Tablets are the immensely effective result. Take one or two nightly for a week. See how much better you feel and look.

10c and 25c. oy Tabi fufe, Conven 'nick 1er Nc-ralgia AI- Drattists HIN PEOPLE NEED BITROPHOSPHATE Weight. Strength and Nerve F-twre In Two Time In Many Instances. Jetlgina? from the countless preparatlona and treatments which are continually being advertised for the of making thin people fleshy, developing arms, neck and bust, and replacing ugly hollows and angles by th? soft curved lines of health and beauty, there are evidently thousands ef men and women who keenly feel their exoetselve thinness. Thinness and weakness are often to starved nerves.

Our bodies -need more phosphate than Is contained In modern foods. Physicians claim there Is nothing that will supply this deficiency so well aa the or phosphate known among drugplats as bltro-phosphate, which Is Innxpenslve and Is sold by People's Drug Stores in Washington and most all druggists under a guarantee of atisfartlon or money back Tly feedlaa the nerves directly and by supplying Ihe body cells with tho nereasary jjhosporlc food elements, bltro should produce a welcome transformation In the appearance; the Int In weight frequently being astonishing. Increase In weight also carries with It a general Improvement In the health. Nervousness, sleeplessness nnd lack of energy, which nearly always arrnmnany excessive thinness, soon disappear, dull eyes ought brighten, and pale rlieeks alow with the bloom of perfect hialth. Alisa t.ei.ra-la Hamilton, who te'Ss once thin snd frail.

reportniK her own expert? noe, writes: "Win? Phosphate hs? brought about mairie transformation with me. I gained IR pounds and before felt so well." CAUTION: -While lllti-o Phoaphats Is unsurpassed for the relief of nervousness, general debility, eta, those aJtlng it do not desire to put on ahould tie-? In avoidf Final Action on Cummins or Esch Bill by That Date Deemed Improbable. te. li nth flati Paaaag? of regulatory legislation prior to the return of tke railroad? to their private owners oa March 1, as ordered by President Wilson, bow terms Improbable leader? of both House and Sanate uncertainty upon the final aclion on either the Kaeh or bill before that time. Home go as far aa to aay it is Impossible.

Senator chairman of the Senate Interstate Commerce Committee, said today: "Tbe committee on conference on the railroad bill haa not been to each a conclusion on aay important iiueatlon Involved In th? Bach or utniiuiis billa. Caafllet aa i.uai..itt4 it.tun. "We axe on section This is the question of guaranteed return on the valuation of the roads. The Cummlnj bill provides for the return with the guarantee but stipulates that excess profita or part of them, go Into Oovernment fund. "The Houae, or Kaeh bill, provldea for the continuation of tbe same plan of rate-fixing as waa practiced before the Oovernment took the There is no ground for compromise until one principals or tho other la adopted.

Tuia we have failed to agree on. "To guarantee a fair retura to tha roads by tho fixing of rates would be unfair to the public unless a maximum earning alao was fixed. I would rather see the bill defeated, and no legislation passed than to have such an unfair measure adopted. larra,! "If the roads are returned the House plan they could not obtain money for betterments or continuation. No one would feel freo to money to a carrier If It was not secured by some sort of a guaranteed earning on the valuation of the property.

For this reason the House bill would not be satisfactory. "The board of transportation future of the Senate bill, as well as the Government fund provlalon, are with the fixed earning In such a way that the fixed earning principle must be settled before we aaree on the others." "We have not considered the anil strike provision." Cummins concluded. Doubts Recall rMalainty. Senator Cummins said neither he nor Chairman Bsch, of the Houae committee, would go back to the main tjpambere for further instructions until it was absolutely necessary. Pressure of all parties concerned in the registration is being brought to bear on the conferees to have the question settled In one way or another.

To the suggestion that the President might recall his order returning the roads to their private owners March 1, Cummins said, it is "a question whether this would be possible. The law gava the President the power to return the roads, but does not give him the power to take them back. Into Government management. "Congress could give him auch authority or order the road? back to Oovernment control, however," Cummins aaid. CONFEDERATE VETERANS HOLD ANNUAL REUNION The principal speaker at tha annual reunion of the Confederate Veterans' which was celebrated In conjunction with the birthday anniversary of Gens.

Robert E. Lee and Stonewall son at the Mt Verno Placa M. EL Church last night, waa United Statea Commissioner of Education Dr. Philander D. Claxton.

The speaker gave a brief outline of the Ufo of Oeneral Lee and spoke of the opportunities of the South for industrial developments. He deplored the migration ot Southern labor to the North. Col. "uorla-Jt Price, of th? local association, read the laat order of Oeneral The Invocation was pronounced by the Rev. Dr.

Randolph H. McKim, and the benediction by the Rev. Dr. G. Chappell.

Others taking part In the program were: Mra. Benjamin S. Gants, Mrs. Ida Offutt Trenls, Mr. and Mrs.

Lee CrandaH, Mrs. J. J. Manafield. and the Oladya Price, Lillian Chenoweth.

Rmini? Thompson, and Margaret B. Mansfield. Capt. Fred Beali presided. U.S.

SEIZES DISTILLERY AND RUM IN KENTUCKY LOmSVTLLB, Jan. of the Internal revenue department yesterday aeixed the entire plant of Wathen Distillery and 60,000 barrels of whiskey, charging that an attempt to defraud the Oovernment has been made on the liquor taxes. The entire plant and the whiskey, the total value of which is estimated at between $2.000.000 and are subject to forfelturo to the Government. SOUND HEALTH to many thousand? is practically a matter of the right use of reliable means of maintaining vitality. SCOTT'S EMULSION time-honored and reliable, conrtbinea palat ability, inhermt and unrivaled At the first aign of (alte F.mulaion.

It known th? "Mark of m.h What a Candidate For the Third Degree Thinks About By Briggs TmS TimS Tomo Be ovea WOwDCSR To me how IT AvO PARC DO v-JOULP Feu-Oui vu mat's Twe uSB.vwORftv.10G I Ttomy ll The Tie But ve. wwite cclo-woA H-nve decisi lujoneo. I nope Trier pont D-RorMe HOLS I v-fi- (Sot a lot of STUFF To MEivioRiz.e Too hope DoiO'T wo-vjldwt it iF PID. vomat They'll co to Oh Hrs-js 3eeM TnR0o6M uwe T-hev TOU tT'A WOKdC TrtAlO Qo i HOW I J)0 PHCoxO W-3M IT WA5 Cawt Gei wY rAt GoiH I WITH Einstein Says His Relativity Theory Will Not Overthrow Principle Evolved by Newton By DR. ALBERT EINSTEIN, Famoua German Sciential Whose Recently Published Theory on Relativity of Time and Space Produced a Profound Sensation.

The theory of relativity is a theory of principle. To understand it, the principles on which it rests mnst be grasped. But before stating these it is necessary to point out that the theory of relativity is like a house with two separate stories, the special relativity theory and the general theory of relativity. Must Be Some Comparison. Since th? time of tha ancient Greeks it baa been well known that tn describing the motion of a body we must refer to another body.

The motion of a railway train is described with reference to the ground, of a with reference to the total of visible fixed atara. In physics the bodies to which motions are specially referred are termed eystema of coordinates. The law? of mechanics of Galileo and Newton can be formulated only by using a system of coordination'. The state of motion of a system of coordinates cannot chosen arbitrarily If the laws of mechanics are to hold rood (It must be free from twisting from acceleration). The system of coordinates employed In mechanics la called an inertia system.

Th? stato of motion of an Inertia system, far aa medianica are concerned. Is not restricted by nature to one condition. The condition in the following proposition a system of coordinates moving? in the same direction and at the same rate a -system of Inertia itseir a aystern of inertia. The special relativity theory is therefore the application of the following proposition to any natural process: "Every law of nature which holds good with respect to a coordinate system must also hold good for any other system K. provided that and are in uniform movements of translation.

The second principle whleh the special relativity theory rests is that of the constancy of the velocity of light In a vacuum. Light In a vacuum haa a definite and constant velocit) Independent of Ithe velocity of its source. Physicists owe their confidence In this proposition to the theory of electro-dynamics. The two principles which I have mentioned have received strong experimental confirmation, but do no! seem to be logically compatible. Thspecial relativity theories achieved their local reconciliation by making a change In kinematics; lhat Is to say, In the dottrine of the physical laws of and time.

Tt became evident that a ststement of fhe colnrldonce ol two events could have a meaning only In connection with a system of coordination, that the mass of bodies and the rate of movement of clocks must depend on their state of motion with regard to the co-onllnates. But the older physics. Including the laws of motion of Oallleo and Newton, clashed with the relativiatln that have Indicated. Th? latter gave origin to certain generalised mathematical conditions with which the laws of nature would htve to conform If the two fundamental principies were compatible. Phynlcs had to be modified.

The most notable change waa a new law for motion for (very rapidly) moving and this soon came to be verlfWd in the case of electrically laden The most Important result of the special relativity system concerned the Inert mass of a material system. It becomes evident that the Inertis of auch a system must depend on Its energy-content, so that we ia driven to the conception that Inert mas? wa? nothing else than laten? energy. The doctrine of the conser vation of mass lost Its independence and became merged In the dostrlne and conservation of energy. The tpeelal relativity theory, whlc? met simply a systematic e.Ufnslon of tO? mnUt Lorents, had consequences which reached beyond Itaelf. Must the independence of physical laws with regard to a system of co-ordinates be limited to systems of co-ordinates in uniform movement of translation with regard to one another? What has nature to do with the co-ordinate systems that propose and with their motions? Although it may be necessary to employ syatems of coordinates that we have selected arbitrarily, the choice Bhould not be limited in any way so far'as their state of motion Is concerned.

(General theory of relativity.) The application of this general ory of relativity was found to be in conflict with a well-known experiment, according to which It appeared that the weight and the Inertia of a body depended on the same constants (identity of inert and heavy masses). Consider the caae of a system of co-ordinates which is conceived aa being In stable rotation relative to a system of Inertia in the Newtonian sense. The forces which, relatively to this system are centrifugal must, In the Newtonian sense, be attributed to Inertia. But these centrifugal forces are, like gravitaUon, proportional to the masa of the bodies. Is II not, then, possible to regard the system of co-ordinates as at rest and the centrifugal forces as gravitation? Tho Interpretation seemed obvious, but classical mechanics forbade it.

The slight sketch indicates how a generalized theory of relativity must include the laws of gravitation, snd actual pur of the conception has justified the hope. But the way was harder than was expected, because It contradicted Euclidian geometry. In other the laws according to Constipation Indigestion Sleeplessness Nervousness Liver Ailments Corrected by Paw Paw Pilis Don't suffer another with Don't be a victim at or liter These alimenta are unnecessary. Munyon's Paw Paw Pill? put th? liver into activity? acarry off th? bile and retjrtilate th? bowels. They adi.

gestion ao on? may aat anything; they want it i All. ir 30c a bottle. MUNYON'S Paw Paw Pills which material bodies are arranged In apace do not exactly agree with the law? of space prescribed by th? Su? geometry of aollds. This I what Is meant by the phrase "a warp In space." The fundamental concepts "plane," accordingly lose their exacting meaning in physics. Dethmm th? generalised theory of relativity the doctrine of space and time kinematic? Is no longer one of the absolute foundations of general The geometrical atatea of bodies the rates of clocks depend, in the first place, on their gravitational fields, which are produced by the material systems concerned.

Thus the new theory of gravitation diverges widely from that of Newton with respect to Its basal principle. But In practical application the two agree so closely that It has been difficult to find cases In whleh the actual differences could be subjected to observation. yet only the following have been suggested: distortion of the oval orbits of planets round the sun (confirmed In the case of the planet Mercury). 2, The deviation of light rays In a gravitational field (confirmed by the English solar eclipse expedition.) 3. The shifting of spectral Unes toward the red end of the spectrum in the ease of light coming to us from stars of appreciable mass (not yet confirmed.) The great of the is Its logical consistency.

Tf any deduction from it should prove untenable. It must be given up. A modification of it seems Impossible without destruction of the whole. No one must think that Newton's great creation can be overthrown in any real this or by other theory. His clear and wide ideas will forever retain their Htmniflcance hs tbe foundation whlcb our modern conceptions of physics have been built.

OLE HANSEN SUMMONED FOR SOCIALIST PROBE N. Jan. and George Tt. l.unn, former Socialist mayor of Schenectady, are to be called aa witnesses before the assembly judiciary committee in the hearing of the case of the five raspended Socialist assemblymen. Their testimony and that of rev eral former members of the party is expected to show that criminal anarchists have acquired control of the party.

Tells How to Stop a Had Couch HarprMar IhU tmmem? ele prepared eaat? iiitu. have cough or ehest cold accompanied with throat tickle, hoarseness, or difficult breathins, or if your child wakes up durine the night with croup ami toh want quick licip. try this reliable old homemade cMgn remedy. Anv druggist can yea with ounces of Pinex. Poor this into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup.

Or you can use molasses, honey, or oorn syrup, instesd of sugar syrup, if This recipe mslcet pint of really remarkable cough remedy. It tastes good, and In of it? low cost, it can be depended upon to give quick and lasting relief. Voti ran feel tht? take hold of cough in a way lhat means It loosen? and raiaet the phlegm, atop? throat tickle and too and healt the irritated membranes that line the throat and bronchial tube? with auch nromntneM, ease and certainty that it really astonishing. Pinex it a special highly concentrated compound of genuine Norwey pin? eitrirt, snd probably the beat known meant of overcoming couche, throat cheat colila. There are many worthies? imitation? of thit mixture To ditanpolnlmrnt, atk for ounce? of with full direction? and don't anvthinir eiee'.

Guaranteed glv? abeointe aalUfartlon or promptly refunded. The Pine? n't 9,009 HARVARD MEN SERVED DURING WAR Died in the Service, the Report of Lowell Showa. CAMBRIDGE, Jan. to figure? aet forth by A. Lawrence Lowell, president of Harvard Un I versi try, tn his ant.ual report "to the board of trustees.

Harvard men served during the war In the military or naval service.Of theae more than 72 per were commissione! officers. compiled to December show, says President Lowell, that (03 distinctions wer? won by Harvard men ani 223 men died In active service or as the result of such "The war," Preslder.t Lowell, "has shown the necessity of expert knowledge and training when parople is upon to put forth Its utmost effort. It haa shown also the value of general education. The excellence of college-bred men as material for military officers, their adaptability and resourcefulness, haa been widely recognised in the army. Th? name qualities are lesa Important In peace.

"With that object before us we must lay a foundation large and solid anil train our students to think clearly; to ser facts as they are; to be broad and tolerant from the study of past experience." The report speaks briefly of the work of Harvard students during the Boston police strike, when more than 400 students, at the request of Goeert.or Coolldge. enllstasd as special pellejo or in the Htate guard. The report sets forth at length the formation of the Harvard engineering school and emphasises need of a graduate school of education. It concludes with an expression of gratitude to the men who are spending ao much time and effort to the raising of the Harvard endowmer.t fund. Clip year t.Ifcer?t Moia? aad rifkaace tbea? S.

9., aislas yanraetf and year eaantry. Urge Closer ion Between Motor Car Dealers and Makers. Ctoaer co-operation between th? motor car dealer and manufacturar waa th? kayneta of th? flrat annusi banquet ot the Waahlngton Automotive Trad? Association at tha New Willard last evening. A. G.

Bachelder. chairman of tb? board ot the American Automobile Association, made tha address, bis Ar? on the reacklcsa pedestrians who Ignore trafSc rule? with consequent disaster to a "The pedestrian ahould com pelted to uaa the uma of caution aa a motorist," said Mr. Bachelder. l'y lie Johnston, secretary of tha National Automobile I'hamber of Commarce, discussed trad? condition? nd a unions of dealers and manufacturers for the repeal of discriminatory legislation. Kudolph Jos? was re-elected president; C.

It. II vice C. H. Warrington, secretary, and E.

J. yuinn. treaaurer. The following board of waa elected: E. J.

Murphy, W. Pierce Raynor. H. A. 8.

8. Foret, J. B. Trew, and P. Lum.

Juat bafor? th? adjournment of th? business meeting It waa voted to a telegram to Fred i'rendergast. one ot the charter now away recuperating from a serious illness, expressing the regrets of the aaaociatlon that he could not be A resolution was alao adopted expressing regret of the recent accident to IL Bruce Emeraon. 600 INSURGENT SYRIANS KILL 30 FRENCH SOLDIERS New Revolt Reported to Be in the Takia Mountains. LONDON, Jan. French loldlera were killed or'wounded when SOO Insurgent Syrians attacked the Preach forces of occupation east of Alaxandretta, eatd a Cairo dispatch to the Daily Express today, quoting advlcea received from Damascus.

A new Syrian revolt is reported to be developing in the Takia mountains. (Alexandretta is in the French sphere of influence in the extreme northern part of Syria. It lies on the Gulf of Iskanderun.) $2350,000 IRISH BONDS SOLDO? DAY IN NEW YORK NEW TORK, Jan. Tork already haa subscribed to tha loan, the drive for which was begun Saturday. It was announced yesterday at a In the Lexington Theater.

The driv to sell 110,000.000 bonds in tin United States. Gov. Alfred E. Smith in a read at the meeting at which Eerr.oi De Valera, president of the republit of Ireland, presided, expressed regre' that he was unable to be presen', when th? freedom of the city of Near York wss conferred on De Valera Saturday. He added that he looked forward with pleasure to meeting him in Albany on January 21, and extend "sincere best wishes'" for the success of the Irish rpubllc.

"De Valera should have the sympathy of all liberty loving Americans" in his fight for the freedom of Ire land. Governor Smith said, adding that the "right of national self-determination is the basin of our Declaration of Independence." Commander-ln-Chief Warren Shaw Fisher, of the United War in behalf of his organization, presented De Valera with a large silk Irish flag and pledged the support of his comrades "to the cause of Ireland." James O'Mara and James T. Burke, members of the Dail Eireann, or Irish parliament, who were said to have reached the United States in the same unknown manner as De Valere, attended the meeting. It was their first appearance at a public meeting. O'Mara is one of the three trustees of the finances of tho Irish republic.

Painful Piles A Stem Trial et rt temute rtte la ttma at Ik? i.i?4W?! I t.ue-r rimane. Tou suffering with Itching, blaedlri or lie uiurr holds Agar? Nra.ark.aa_? fymentan to any drug atore and get a rat box of Pyramid Pile Treatment Relief ahould com? ao quickly yon will jump for joy. If you ar? In doubl, for a trial package to mall. Ton will then convinced. Don't delay.

Taks no MEE SAMTLE COLTON PTRAMID DRUG COMPANT. Pyramid Maraball. Mich. Kindly send a free Barapl? Of frraalt PU? I rc.f___e... plain wrapper.

Nam? Ill Ktat? EASIEST WAY TO KNOCK OUT COLD ANO AVOID Gentle, Quick Acting System Cietaiacr Does the Work. NO HURRY OR WORRY Doctors you catch coM If bowels and liver are working right. The flrst thing to do Is speed them up for a cold is nothing but a congestion and although extremely dangerous can be relieved mighty easily this way. a few cents worth of E-Z tab lets. Take one right away.

They arc tiny little wonder working tablets that open up and cleanse the liver and bowels thoroughly without hast" or worry. They work while you discomfort. Take another In an hour, another tonight when you go to bed. Head clears up. AVaterv.

clogged up condition vanishes an-J cold disappears. Harsh, drastic, eoM breakers ur cathartics make you feel bad, break up the whole day. E-Z Tablets arc them at Intervals while you work or play. Pre ferred by here. Two 25c for 100 tablet wooden bottle, or 10c for handy pocket size.

Drug Store? or kny druggist in Waahlngton. A RAW. THROAT Eases Quickly When You Apply a Little Musterole. And Musterole won't blister luce the old-fashioned mustard plaster. Just spread it on with your fingers.

It penetrates to the sore spot with a gentle tingle, loosens the congestion and draws out the soreness and pain. Mustcrole is a clean, white ointment made with oil of mustard. It is fine for quick relief from sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back 01 joints, sprains, sore bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds on the chestNothing like Musterole for croupy children. Keep it handy for instant use. 30c and 60c jars; hospital size It's Acid-Stomach That Makes Millions Sick and Suffer ft ia a faet that Add-Stomaeh robs blood of ita vitality, resulting in flabby pale of energy, in fact causes many of the ills of suffering Yoa know what acid-mouth does to th? and the acid literally rats through the hard enamel, causing th? teeth to ache and decay.

Juat imagine, then, what havoc Acid-Stomach must create throughout the entire body. Millions of pasople arm weak and unfit, Buffering all the tima, in one way or another, from Acid-Stomach. They don't aeem dangerously alek. Just ailing. Going through life weak, listless, dragging one foot after another.

They're nervous and Irritable; lack power and punen, frequently have severe attack? of blinding, splitting headaches; subject to flta of melancholia and mental depression. And nearly always their stomachs are out of order, even though many experience no actual stomsrh pains digestion poor? never getting anywhere near the full strength from their food. An.l Si.mnrh interferes with digestion. It causea the food to ferment. This fermentstion ggg, sometimes causing painful bloating and belching, food-repeating, heartburn, etc.

Serious often follow, such as gastritis, dyspepsia, autointoxication. Also to the same often be traced cases of catarrh of the stomach, ulcer and cancer of the stomach and inteatinea, cirrhosia of the liver, valvular heart trouble and heart failure. The secret of good health is to get rid of the atomach in auch perfect condition that every mouthful of food you will be perfectly digested and assimilated. A nvodern remedy called EATONIC does this quicklj, easily and naturally. EATONIC is a tablet-eat them like candy.

Absolutely hsrmless. Nothing but beneficisi results can follow their use. The testimonials of thousands who hav? used EATONIC are so enthusiastic as to seem slmost beyond belief. Your drugaiet has EATONIC and is authorised to refund your money if you are not aatisfled. ATONIC TOUR.

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