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Meade County News from Meade, Kansas • Page 1

Meade County Newsi
Meade, Kansas
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i KstoncalSocie(y Jean VOL. IV. NO. 27. MEADE, KANSAS, THURSDAY, JULY 2.

1903. JOHN O. WEHBLE, Editor mo Publisher. be ft I'll I ssssssss A II 'is That you will save bv writing to us IMPROVED. RANCHES A SPECIALTY.

PROSPER Meade, WILL SHELLEY. BONDSO AltTMOTH. After June 1st 'Will sell -pos-itively for cash. Below are a few of the Bargains we offer: l81bs Granulated Sugar, Triie Flour, per sack, I gal Iowa Sorghum, I gat Fancy Syrup, I gal can Apples, 3 cans 31b Apples, 3 cans Cream Sugar corn 3lb can Solid Pack Tomatoes 30 per cent off on all shoes, hats, clothing notions, etc. Produce taken in exchange for Groceries.

GEORGE FOWLER, Fowler, Kansas. Latest Styles In Dry Goods, Millinery and Notions at WBHRLB'S Fee's DrugStoke Has A Complete Line of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles Palnta Glass. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. DR. W.


Entire Charge of Property Taken; Taxes Paid. 500 BXCbUSIYE AGENCIES. BK2 R. A. HARPER, President.



S. BERRYMAN. This bank is distinctively a cattlemen's and stockgrower bank solicit the business of the legitimate cattlemen and stockgrow- tfoe southwest. Money on buttle loans with good margins. PACT time and money for information.

LAND Kansas. JOHN D. WCHRLEi Notary Public $1.00 2lb can Cat Island Oysters, 15c. 90c. 3 cans 31b Plantation Hominy, 25c.

40c 2 cans 31b Blackberries, 25c. 40c. 3lbs Evaporated Apples, 25c. 25c. 3lbs Frany Evaporated Peaches, 25c.

25c. ilb Evaporated Apricots, 10c. 25c 4 lbs California Prunes 25c. ioc Sib Lard 55c- 1 1 CONES, Abstracts, 8 W. S.

BERRYMAN, Cashier. B.S. McMESL, LOUIS BOEHLER, Wm. KOBS. hand at all times for legitimate NO PURCHASE LOANS.

LocaI News. Harvest hands are in demand. The trains continue late every day. Wheat harvest is in full blast this week. Buy "A Glimpse of Meade County." Price socts.

Normal is in session and the town is full of school inarms. All kinds of Fourth of July goods may be found at the Owl Restaurant. Dr. W. W.

Simpson, of Dodge Citywill be in Meade about July 6th. Ed, Blair and wife are the proud parents of a boy baby, born June 29. Dr. and Mrs. Sterrett left Monday evening for their home in Kinsley.

Dr. Smyser, painless dentist, will be in Plains, Kansas. Monday, July 6th." Roscoe at Plains this week finishing the telephone line at that place. Profs. Baugher and Vinsonhaler arrived Suaday and began Normal work Monday.

Mrs. Myron Byrns has been seriously ill with measles but is improving at present. Dr. Fee is still smiling over that new boy baby which arrived at his home one day last week. J.

H. Camp and son, Marshall took out a new header Tuesday. They have a large crop. Meade seems to be afflicted with a matrimonial epidemic and there is no telling where it will end. Jim Eason pulled out a new Milwaukee binder last week, with which to Harvest bis immense crop.

We- wonder if the Normalites would like to have another spelling contest with the citizens, this year. Snnday and Monday were the hot test days of the season, the thermometer registering about the 100 degree mark. Will Shelley left Monday for his claim on the Cimarron. He will go to Beaver and make final proof on is homestead. Dr.

W. Simpson, of Dodge City, will be in Meade about July 6th, prepared to perform all kinds of dental operations. The "Glimpse of Meade County" as been placed on sale at fees Drug Store, where anyone can se cure a copy, rnce 50 cents. Junior League social at city hall, Thursday evening, July 1903. Ice cream will be served by the uniors.

Everybody invited. The "Glimpse of Meade County" contains 65 beautiful views of differ ent places in Meade County for the small sum of so cents. Send them to your friends in the east. At the school meeting last Thurs day, A. T.

Bodle was elected clerk for the ensuing term. We are in hopes that the Board will make an effort to get a good corps of teachers for the coming term. There is no reason why Meade should not have an excellent school. Henry Gruemken got mixed up with a wagon wneei last ween and as a result goes about on a pair of crutches with a sprained ankle. His team started to run away and he lumped out and the wheel ran over his ankle spraining it badly He is improving rapidly.

It is rumored that our harness- maker was married last Sunday at Fowler. We have no particulars, but when a man has a house rented, and is seen with a lady in another city, it looks ratner suspicious Will Brother Watt please rise and of fer an explanation. Miss Annie Johnston returned from Cleveland, Ohio, last week where she has been attending school for the past two terms. She was ac companied by her aunt, Miss May Johnston, of Cleveland, who will visit for a month or so. Miss An nie's many friends gladly welcome her home and are pleased to see her looking so well.

At the business meeeting of the Christian Endeavor Society Mon day evening, June 22nd, the follow ing officers were elected for one year President, Mr. Hulbert, Vice-President, Mr. Fuhr, Sec'y and Treasurer, Miss Sybil Thornton. Organist, Miss ThyHis Fuhr, Chorister, John Russell. Fire works at the Owl.

Horseshoe pitching is the latest fad. The wind was very warm Tues-ay. News is about as scarce as hen's teeth. Buy "A Glimpse of Meade Coun ty." Price socts. Don T.

Edwards was in the city Tuesday on business. Sourbeer Co. have a new ad in this issue of the paper. C. H.

Burford and wife, of Fow ler were in the city Tuesday. Will Pressly, our popular grain merchant, is on the sick list. Dr. Leslie reports the birth of a girl baby at the home of Rev. Robinson.

Rev. Parks held service at th'e Presbyterian church Saturday and Sunday. The second crop of alfalfa is about ready to cut and promises to be heavy. Geo. left last week eastern Kansas where he will visit for several days.

Who said our three home talent weddings would not occur? How is that for a prophet. The Gray County Times has very much to say regarding the Republican machine of Gray County. Frank Byrns, Faye Follick, Mrs. Drummond and Mrs. J.

E. Roberts returned from Englewood Monday. There will be regular services at the M. E. Church next Sunday.

Morning subject, "Our Pattern." Evening subject, "Excuses." Just the thing for the harvest field those Texas Eye Shields, made of wire gauze arid smoked mica. Price cents at Sourbeer Co's. The following persons united with the Presbyterian Church last Sun day: Miss Effie' Henry, Mrs. Ella Hamilton, and Mrs. Howard.

Jay Ellis came up from Dalhart Tuesday, to spend several days with his family. He is still employed in the Rock Island water service. Dick Griggs, who has been help ing in the Journal omce tor tne past week, left for his home in Meade, Kansas, last Friday. Dick has many warm friends in Beaver. Beaver Journal.

Wm. (XI) Roberts and his part ner in business, Mr. Adams, were in the city Monday accompanied by William Oliver and Robert McClelland who filed on homesteads in the XI pasture. John W. Savage, Dep uty District Clerk took their tilings.

Beaver Journal. Harry Hanson made a flying trip to Meade last week to summon Dr. Fee to Beaver in consultation with Dr. Munsell in the case of Mrs Will Thomas. Harry started from Beaver for Meade at 1 o'clock Friday morning, and arrived back to Beaver at 2 o'clock in the after noon with the Doctor.

Mrs. Thorn as is much improved. Beaver Jour nal. An interesting case occurred in ustice Hobble's court Monday in an action to collect commission on a piece of land sold, entitled Wood Scott vs. T.

H. Muir. The de fendant had some land to sell and told several land agents to sell it, and the first one that procured buyer would get the commission Wood Scott took a buyer to the place -but did not quite finish the deal, but told Mr. Muir that the man would probably buy. Subsequently some one else got hold of the prospective buyer and complet ed the deal and claimed tne com mission, which Mr.

Muir paid Wood Scott claimed the commis sion and therefore brought action accordingly. It was tried before jury who found a verdict for Wood Live-stock Farmer, Dodge City. Married. At Plains. Kansas, June 28, in the parlors of the Plains Hotel by Rev.

Gillidett of that place. Both of these young people are well and favorably known in this ritv. -Miss Wood is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.

M. Wood, and has resided here since girlhood. Mr, Russell is one of the most popular young men in this city and has host of friends. Mr. and Mrs.

Russell will reside in Meade. The News along with their many friends extend congratulations and wish them many year of joy and prosperity. When You Have Company, You want everything just right especially the dinner. It is. liable to be a failure if materials are poor or the Silverwareshabby.

Let us help you wiih Our 1847 Rogers Silverware. Knives Forks Spoons at at at $'75 2-75 -75 per per per '5 set set set SOURBEER The Jewelers. Normal Notes. The Normal Institute opened Monday with the following persons enrolled: Cora Walters, Eva Walters, Mrs. Backe, Nellie Sourbeer, Foy Danks, Levi Sealock, Mabel Perry, Agnes Wehrle, Maggie Smith, Bessie Mahan, Gertie Butler.

Martha Butler, Gertie Boyer, Florence Smith, Sue Painter, Lucy McCainpbell Ina Pinnick, Lois Byrns, Ethel Black, Mabel McMullen, Lucy Daniels Florence Williams Carrie Eliason Rebecca Erickson Ruth Bennett, Eugene McMeel, Maude Bunyan Sybil Thornton. The following entered Tuesday: Anna Sourbeer, Hilga Kragh, Phyllis Fuhr, Mattie Petefish. NORMAL RESOLUTIONS. Whereas in the course of human events we the teachers of Meade and surrounding counties in Normal assembled, do miss from these walls of learning the Petefish sisters, Laura Smith. Pink Steele, Carrie Campbell, and Sada Jenkins, whose familiar faces we have been accustomed to see for years and years and years and years and Whereas they have left the rank and file of wage earners and have ac cepted a more lucrative position, that, ofboard and keep and where as instead of laboring from Monday morning at 9 o'clock a.

m. until Friday evening-at 4 o'clock p. m. They weekly accept a position where a woman's work is never done." Therefore be it Resolved, that we extend to them our heartfelt sympathy, that while we sit in the cool school room wrestling with the problem pertain ing to future posterity, with the gen tle zephyrs fanning our brows and blowing the curl out of our frizes They are standing over the hot stove or dish pah catering to the whims of crahky man. But it was ever thus.

Buy "A Glimpse of Meade Coun ty." Price socts. Notice. It will be to the interest of all parties needing monumental work done, to call on me within the next thirty days. Lucy J. Daniel.

Strayed From Keith's pasture 12 miles east of Meade 4 head of cattle branded BX Bar on left hip. swallow fork in right ear underbit in left. Any information please notify, R. Buis, Meade, Ks, Notice. Round trip tickets to Chicago and St.

Louis will be on sale June 30 and July 1, at the one way rate, plus $2.00. Return limit Septem ber, 15. This will probably be the only op portunity tnat will occur tnis year of reaching Chicago or St. Louis at low cost. Take advantage of it.

Remember the dates-June 30 and July 1. 1 Buy "A Glimpse of Meade Coun ty, the only souvenir of the county ever published. It is a'beauty, and will cost you only 50 cents. For Sale. Before July 1st 400 picked cows out of 700; mostly young native cows.

On approved security will give one two and three years time at 8 per cent if desired. Would entertain proposition to put them out on shares. Also heifer calves to contract for fall Theis Cattle Co. Ashland Kansas fill. F.

S. SULLIVAN Editor. Ever see such wheat? Dr. Fee was a professional caller at Plains Tuesday. Harvey Grace, the cattle king, was in town this week.

Mead' banner wheat county of How does that sound? Mrs. J. A. returned Tues- ay from a month 's-visit in Chicago. Bruce and Bland King are visit ing their brother, J.

w. King, ot Plains. C. C. Myers, of St.

John, was in town this week long enough to buy two fine quarters of land. A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Copple, from Cowley county, is visiting her parents, south of town.

Mrs. Niss and Mrs. Griffin, both of Dalhart, were in this week. The former looking after her homestead, and the latter buying land. Elder Sons have received their new Minneapolis separator and are prepared to thresh that wheat of yours whenever you are ready.

Wheat harvrsting is in full blast at this Among those running new headers are Farmer Bisbee and Billy King, M. S. Gillidett, Albert Hemple, Russell Berkau, John Elair, L. F. Parsons, Mr.

Newhouse and we do not know how many more. Some sneak thief entered Parson's store the other evening and made his get-a-way with 16 pair of shoes. We hope he had enough to clothe the entire family, otherwise he might decide to pay a second nocturnal visit. Speaking of stealing, gentle read er, permit us to say a few words. Such acts are entirely too common, notwithstanding the commandment has never been repealed.

And wheth er you call the perpetrator a thief, robber, burglar, highwayman, pur-loiner, appropriator, defaulter, embezzler or kleptomaniac, his" acts are just plain stealing. For some forms of stealing the law provides a punishment, while others are passed unnoticed by the code and are punished only by remorse or social ostracism. Those familiar with the ethics of journalism know tha.t an editor who will publish clippings from his exchanges without giving due credit, is not considered worthy the respect of the fraternity; and among people of literary tendencies a liter ry thief is, and of right ought to be, considered depravity incar- uate. Now we have a right to pro ject our pedal extremity. Somebody has been stealing our thunder and we rise to a question ot personal privilege.

We are not going to men tion any names, or offer any evidence, at present, but unless some good cigars are found on our desk in the near future we will call the pub lic's attention to certain things that have appeared in this column, and elsewhere in our writings, that have recently been presented to the pub lic as original compositions in work that we never saw until it was submitted to the public, and had nothing to do with whatever. N. B. We perfer "General Ar thurs, or "Tom Moores." FRANK S. SULLIVAN, Attorney-at-Law, All legal instrumsnts carefully and ac curately executed.

PLAINS, KANSAS. GRAND FOURTH of JULY BALL We are requested to announce that there will be a grand ball at the city hall on the night of July 4th. Everyone invited to come and have a good time. Buy "A Glimpse of Meade Coun ty." Price socts. Fourth of July Program Base Ball Game.

Fowler, 1st. 2nd, Meade vs. Horse race. ix.oo 2.00 100 yard race 3. 00 2.00 3.00 100 yard race, (under 14 years) 1.50 1.00 Sack race 1.50 1.00 Barrel race 1.50 1.

00 Pie race 1.50 1.00 Cracker race 1.56 1.00 3 legged race 1.50 1.00 Old men's race 1.50 1.00 Girl's race 1-50. 1.00 Air Hand Concert, 7 till 8 Grand Ball at City Hall. Ice cream nmmmmminmmmmmmmmnwtmmmmmmn EE WILL, SHEbbEY, 3 Meade, rauamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauiaaaaaaaaauaaaaai IN i GO PARSON'S For your Lumber, Posts, Coal, Paints, Boots, Shoes, Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions, Tinware. 4 i Machinery and a Thousand Items we have not space to mention. Every dollar you spend with us means 100 cents worth of satisfaction to you.

Remember, every cents worth of our Merchandise is fortified by quality We want your trade, PARSON'S Plains, Kansas. ammmmmmnmimmmmmmnnn'imnmmntmimji Don T. Edwards, Write us immediately for Literature about Meade Ik III iifr COUNTY I I 11 liuinol can buy CHOICE LANDS at $2 to $5 per acre, Sz: which will produce greater revenue than your $20 to 3 $50 lands. 3 Don'i in ffi on mis nice tain. EIB CH0G9MI I X- Plains, Meade County, Kansas.

g- II in DkCOW MARTIN, Props. H-S-K Fresh Meats on hand at all times. Calll and see us. North Side, MEADE, KANSAS. mntntmfmnnniitnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm- READ GROCER Wants Youp Trade, AT White Front Grocery 1 Store, Opposite Postoffice Call on tiim when in Meade.

3. uaiuaiiaiiiiiiiiaiiiaaiaiuaiiiaaaaaiiaaaiaiauiauS HI Kansas, 3 TO Jonn W. Baughman, County, Kansas, where you in it mm i 3 THE si 3 THE.

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