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The Daily Empire from Dayton, Ohio • Page 1

The Daily Empirei
Dayton, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

tnmi ii jtu mu in Btna Positive Fact. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT ARD OBIAPB8 STOCK OP "Watches and Jewelry!" lit THIRD BTREET. 6TTo hay his goods for Nrt Cash, end le'untlar no xnenae whatever) he thereloraoensell ehaaper th.n the cheapest. No. 116, Main street ILADIES a gentlemen, A RB TOO IN WANT OF anything In the way of lie Boot, 116 Ma In Shoes, Onllrra or Ma In Children' Wear, Of any Hindi If to, yon would no well to remember that N.

W. Wilson. NO. 118 MAIN Complete Assortment HIS O.WN Manufacture, 116 Mis In Which he nfTVtra at TOW PBI- 'Kj assay other houas lathe Cliy. V.Call and judee for yourselves.


SCHNE II IVY'S SADDLEK II 0 Ho. 33ft Third tinder the Phillip! Hons, Where he hai moved hit entire ttorlr of Hnrnese. Collars, Trunk, Vaiisft, Fonnet Boxes, Butfilo Robes, Home Bankets, Whta of all ml, in fact, everything perialiilng to the Saddlery I invite itit ohl customers and the pablie In general to call and examine my stock. It la MADE of the BEST MATERIAL, AND BY "NO.

ONE" WORKMEN! I WILL BELL CHEAI FOR CASH! roRQET TBI 33S 3d at, under the Phillips IIoubc TURKS DOORS WK8T or MAIN, DAYTON, OHIO. Jnl8-tf JAS. H. SCHNEBLT. Oranges and Lemons FOR I860.

HE UNDERSIGNED IS PLEASED TO announee to hie euitomen and the trade generally, that he hue become oonneotrd with one of the largest Importing la NKU and also oueln NEW VO CITY, for the purpose of carrying on more eSeetually the FOREIGN FRTJIT TRADH, ORANGES AND LEMONS, In partieular, and Foreign Fruits soneraliv Br these arrangements, having an lntereeted home at either of these important points, we ehall always have a full auunlv of CHOICK srleoted with especiai cam for our house in Cincinnati. We respectfully invite you to call, or lend in your ordero. OUR FIB6T ARRIVAL OF SICILY FRUIT WILL BB RBCEIVBD On TUE8DAT next. when we will oFer for Bale: 100 BOXES CHOICE PALAMO ORANGES 100 LEMONS. 75 MESENIA 30 BARRELS CREOLE 0KANUES.

In prime order, being entirely freih and the flr.t of the New Crop. Cargoes of" fruit will be received, el-her by our New Orleanc or New York houce, everv few days during the season, from whence we will ooastantly reoeive a frush cupply. t. biACiX S3 Bact Third ctreet, Clnoluratl. janll-iw Bulletin! rPHIS DAYTON PUIILIC AND THE A Peopleof the Miami Vallev, are Inform od that from tliia date until f.irther notice, I will cell the beat BAITliMUHU OVMXJlH3 at the following aslonlshiugratesi Whole Cans, Selected, 93 cent Half 4s i.

Vvholo Cana, No. 1, 89 Half 40 I am determined to cell a littij: Lowra than tha lowest, aluce I cee a dieposltiou to "run thingc into the ground." P. II. D'ARCV, 1 JanlT P. O.

Building, Third ctreet. SHERIFFS BALD. BY virtue of an Kxecution issued from tha Superior Court nf Montgomery eounty, and to me directed, I will offer at public cale at the door of the Court Houce, in the city of Uajton, On SAT URDAY, January 28th, 1800, At Jo'clock P. M. of cald day the following property, to wit: One Fine Hunting Case Gold Watch.

To be cold aa the property of William Caen, at the cuitof Hcrchman A Gorman, ti. Wm. Caah, at. al. Terms of JOHN at ILLS, Sheriff.

JoDAK A JonA, Att'ys. janlS-dtt Notice. THE publio are hereby notiSH thut on after this date wa chall cell Maltbys world rsuvtrs: Oy.ters at the following ratei: Wool- Cane No. 1 'ytteri 80 eti Halt Cane do 46 Whole Cam Selected do 1,00 Half Cans do 60 All Oysters warranted good and freib some and buy your Oyiierc where you can get them the cheapest ai'd beet. PATTERSON A HERSEY.

janU-tf No. 61 Jeffers street. NEW LAW FIRM! a. TOUNO, DATID A. BOUK.

YOUNG UOUK, ATTORNEYS 5 LAW, OFFICE IN GORMAN'S BUILDING, NO. 38 THIRD 8TREBT, DAYTON, OHIO. Janl7-SmdAw ohaa SHORT AND SWEET. 5 II CDS. CChoice lirown Hugar, buahela choice Dried a oa.kc choice e'reuch Prunes; a bhlc.

Peuucylvanla Heart Cherries) Dried Applre, are, Blackberries, and 91 cans (rajies, hallong and quarts. Alio, iti bags choice golnen )e low ftloOoffea. Foresleby CHARLKS P08T, Kast neeond street, 4 lours from MaUl. Jan 13 GEO. W.

MALAMBKE, Attorney at Law, 0FFCE ON MAIH STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE OOTJKT HOUSE, DAYTON, OHIO, janl 18M DISSOLUTION OF PABTNBRSHIP. mHR P.rtn.K.hin h.tMn th. H.ri..drt.ll la V. a rracnce ol Law, is tills Usv dl.solvrd inu. tual eune'ut, OI.O.

W. hIALAMBRK, jania-oiw DAVID A. HOI it. t'OR BALB HELPER'8 IMPENDING CRIPlfl OF tha aouth," at PAVNBI, 'jM'k-lf He, Uiana; 116 la Itlt VOL, XI. i.

i i DAYTON OHIO, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 25, I860, NO. 170 HIE DAILY EMPiia CeIOei Of nJSLlOATIONI Inpin BiiUiig, Thirl uit btl-Iiirt JelTerw -raaiMoi MalUS. OOperye.lnaaanoe. 10 cat.

per Wek.p.rahl. to the carrier. ainaleeoplee.autnp iawrappera.Soente. Cincinnati Agency. Tha Cincinnati Type Foutidrr Onmnan la oar dnly aathotiaed A Rent to make contract and receipt for AVdTorlieementa subscriptions arc, in mat cut.

To Boai-aaaMan. The Empire Job Rooms are in complete trim, and we are now prepared to do work of all deacriptiona in the best atyle nuneart. uainn anaexaroineoar work and learn our pricea. ilt I ADTiTiaa. Adrertiaaments or Notices for the Empire Bust ba handed into the office by fan e'eleea en the da; they are desired to he published war later.

We cannot airreetoinaert them aftarthathonr. LOCAL AND OTHER ITEMS. READING MATTER ON EVERY PAGE Weekly Advertisements. Those who desire to bare advertisements nserted in Ibe Weeklu Empire should hand coem in by Petard a morniBg, at the latest. M-Our advertisinc Datrons will serceive that, by our arraoftement of reading matter, ineir aavertiseroents win be always net; a very important matterto tnem.

CTSee 4th page for Telegraph Reports. Fasjuu, Attbstioh. Wanted. 90.000. bu.

of corn. In the ear, for which the highest tnarx aei price win ne CHRISTOPHER'S Auction Room, tf Jefferson and Market. Public Meeting! Having extended to the Legislatures of Kentucky and Tennessee, an invitation to visit Dayton on their return from Columbus to Cin cinnati, the citizens are requested to meet at the Mayor's Office this evening at 7 o'clock, for the pur pose of making suitable arrange ments for their reception. D. W.

IDDINGS, Mayor. Vol. XI, No. 170. Owing to inattention at first, and finally to chronio carelessness, the number and volume of the' Daily Empire had been wrongly giren for the past year or ts0.

Having given the matter an overhauling, we preaent our readers with the number and volume eorreot to day. It will be aeen that we are in our 12th year, whioh will be attained on the 4th of July next. The State Fair! It la decided that tha State Fair will be held at Payuja tiia. Jeafc. Jthaiouipatitloa of ads erae intereela waa very strong, and the State Board decided for Dayton on the 13th ballot for location.

This will be good news to our readers. Just aa the Fair succeeds here will our chance obtain for its coutinuance at this place. Let every one labor to increase its receipts. The Fair will commence on the 35ih and end on the of Sept. next.

Reception of the and Tennessee Legislatures. It la expected that theee Legislatures will visit our city on Friday morning. We hope our citizena will make the most ample and lib era! arrangements for their reception and enter tainment. Let tha meeting- this eveninir at the Mayor's office be fully attended. Attbstion I Col.

King has orders from State Head Quarters to go with a part of his eoinmand to morrow morning. Biikkmibb add his FaiDS We learn that the time for subscriptions to tha Ooamopoli tan Art Association will close on the evening of the laat of this month; and those who desire to secure the axquiaita, mammoth' engraving "bbakeepesre and hi friends" besides entitl ling the holder to a share in the beautiful articles in tha annual distribution of tha As aocialion, ahould at once hand in their names and subscriptions at tha Dayton Post Office. This will avoid confuaion, and insure a proper and careful The beautiful anirravinv i- nameo aoove, ina cosmopolitan Art Journal a large and excellent quality and a share in the annual distribution are worth the aubserip lion price twice over. Call, aoon, at the Post Office, and subscribe. A Editos Buimo We learn, from private source, that H.

B. Kelly, Publisher of the wapakonau Democrat, was badlr burned in the face with eamphene, on Monday evening of una wni, ii eeemi mat he waa eneaired in filling a lamp with flued while the wick waa burning, and the fluid taking fire, his face waa severely It ia believed that bis eye-, sight will be greatly injured, if not destroyed. fcsre ot heard the particulars of the misfor tune of our friend Kelly, and hope that it ia not so bad as represented toua, Mxoioal Batbs D.s. Bosler, at No. 177, Main at bare now in successful use the noted electro Therapeutic Batha, recently becoming so popular in be West.

The Drs. Bosler thoroughly versed ia all that ia new io the heal, iog art, and have cboaen what is valuable and practicable. We bear their Batha spoken of highly by many persons who have been benefit ted by them. wa.The Deaoon informs ns that the leg. ialatore aouth of ns, and who are taking a atep or two in this direction, have signified their acoeptance of all the arrangements made for them in this State, whioh largely inoludee a grand stare at Dayton and its eoneomitants.

If we don't repay it, then we give np the State. Like the great we "renounce nothing Our aouthern friends are 'expected along on Saturday next. If any obange be made in tho programme, of coarse we will post our reader. t. a ET We hear that 0.

P. Huber, the old-time auctioneer, is out at Winchester, kaocklog down goods at fabuloua prieas. He will sell 'em, and always baa a few. score of aama sort leftl i Day Goods flits. There will be mammoth aale of Dry Goods at auction, in the new Backel Building, on Saturday next, at 11, A.

9, P. U. Everything pretty and good I Res member, Iadiea, worth of Dry Goods at auction! Bests will be prepared for tha ladieal Arriksl Braadeiiburgh has just bsea galtUf aa I barrels of eaoiee apples. Zhey are almost we te talk eeoatl "A Lie Out." A few days sgo we copied sn article from the Detroit Free Preaa, giving an account of rlotoos proceedings between the negroes snd white people in the neighborhood of Olistham, Cansda. In a few days thereafter the Blsck Republican papera on the border denied the ec count, and stated that there was no foundation for tha diagrscrful rumor I Every one who knew anything at all felt that there waa soms foundation to the rumor snd the negro-worshippers saw the nt-eeasity of giving some mild relation which might account for the rumors in the papera.

A Chatham paper waa then made to say that "anfnrtuately a change of teachers was made at one of the negro schools which jnatly gsve ofTenss to tbs nearoeal" At snoth er school, a darkey parent, gelling his back up about tbe negro school, took his children to tba while school, and aealed them with the white childreu. When the teacher came he mildly observed You must remove yourchil dreo; it is against the rules I I he negro pai rent in the most amiable way possible removed bis pickaninnies, merely observing "I hope I've not offended snd the teacher replied "Oh nol" And thia, it waa claimed, waa the extent of the fracas). Bui this made matters no better. Tbe Chat ham paper had drawn tha thing entirely loo mild! It was sickening. No one could swsl low it.

Something must be done to put the metier upon a creditable basis, and account for tbe "nipger under the wood pile." Tbe tele' graph ia invoked It brings- the word that the whole difficulty grew out of a fight between the white and colored echolara of the schools I- Then there wss a fight; and it waa between whites and blacks only they were boys I There is a lie out I Some two or three have already been told by the Black Republican pa pera about the matter. JANUARY 24, 1860, Mr, Editos; T'o day, when the 8 40 a. train was about, leaving the depot, on tbe lu dianapolia Road, an arrest was made which de serves an especial notice. The circumstsnses were as follows: A passenger for Indiana, aomewhat Intoxica ted, had purchased some dry goods, in nne of our Main street stores, amounting to $6,50, and paid foi, the same with a Kentucky ten dollar bill. The merchant, supposing it to be aeoun terft-it, followed his customer to the depot, snd told him that the bill was counterfeit, when his customer sgreed to redeem it.

But in this job both were in a n-istske; tor the merchant re ceived 6,50 in atead of ten, and said ho was satisfied. But discovering the erior be soon returned, for $3,50 more, but his customer waa not willing to fork over, whereupon merchant got an officer, and just ss the train wss getting in motion Uie officer stepped in, seized custom er by tbe collar, gruffly jerked biro out of the thecsr, and marched him off, without ahow of authority or time for explanation by those who wilneesed tha mistake. Now, I wish to know by what authority this arrest waa made, aa tha bill waa genuine and tha whole mistake the merchant's; and no doubt thUnwirtcest man was mulcted in $5,00 costs besides, to say nothing of his detention. Are such proceedings right? Are tbey just? If this is justice in Dayton, ye gods, protect usl EYE WITNESS We give the above for the purpose of elicit ing the facts in tbe case. Ed.

Ext. Thi ''MiDtAToa." Dr. Horlacher, an aged Democrat, ia now here on his mission aa "mei diator" throughout the Unit.d States. The Doctor has been persecuted for his fsith, and hsving reduced It to a science, he is prepared to preach it to all who will hear the truth. Hia platform a large sheet, embellished with pop.

traits of the President snd Vice President, and containing a large number of paasages of scrip ture treating of the negro question, and dispo sing of it be hss with him for sale, price 25 cents apiece. The Doctor ia a mediator between the church and the government and holds things level. Ha will give anybody a correct account of the origin of the negroes in five minutea Tbe Doctor will remain here a day or two. As ha ia decrepid we commend him to the sy pathy of the people, and ia platform to their "quarters." UaT'Sonio of our Republican friends eng. gest that tbe Southern legislators be invited to take a look at the Oberlin and Wilber-t'oroe institutions when in our.

State this week. They will have no more right, how ever, to make suggestions with regard to the oulture and treatment of tbe nigger at these institutions than we will have with their concerns down the river I We know they ill make some objeotions to the intimacy between the whites and blacks, and remark upon the suggestive shade of color; but tbey "dareent" meddle "Oh, won't we have em thar would call tha attention of onr read ers to the advertisement of Helper's Impending Crisis, whioh will be f.und la another eolumn of our paper. It is said to be selling at tha rate of from 12,000 to 18.000 copiea per wsek, and tha demand is rapidly Increasing. i IsaTThoBe who want something to wear and who 'don't? will please remember. that William- Walker bus removed hit lotbiug store to the room in the new Beck' el Building adjoipingthe Phoenix llpuse, 3d street.

A Wira Suae ilea Uussand. Quite a curl. oua case earns Up in Lapeer, Michigan, Circnilj at its recaut term. Two defendants, one of whom was the husband of the plaintiff, were appointed legates in trust, and having misappropriate! the funds, the wife tbe plaintin in the case suadto recover from the husband damages, wbioh were awarded le her te tha amount of 1826,20 and costs. fesVThe weather is bleak and raw to-day, yet wa do net perceive that thss have contributed to lasaea tha travel of pedestrians male and fa-male upon the streets.

CTDoctor Palmar, the man who waa arrested at Memphia several weeka ago, on suspicion ol being confederal of Old Brown in the at tempt to excite a servile ioaurreclton in the Southern Btalea, died at the Planter' Houae, in Memphia, on Saturday, th 14th, of con CTA mass masting of th Son of Mslta Is to held al Buffalo, to respond to that portion of th President' Message recommending the acquiaillo of the Island ef Cuba. aOTThewifeof Dr. Cbarlea Mackay died re cently. It waa but a abort time aiqce that hia daughter diad ia Italy. ITToere ia a alalent-aa of local aews at this tims.

fcrFrunk Welty has received snotaar supply of first tat sweet For the Empire. To Sallie L. Thou wilt soon, bid ns adieu, For your home in a distant land, But memory will retain you here, As if thou wert In our bsnd. Your voice will oft be heerd, By imagination, though it be, Aa when we roved io merrie mood, Under the old ahade tree. Yes, that will be a happy thought, Of pleasant times, in days gone by, Our childhoods' yous moments brsnght Before mind, and' R.

D. The Pegasan Twins. We did not slate, the other day, when con sidering the subject, that Armstrong, of the Tiffin Advertiser, would deliver and Stewart, of the Kenton Republican, would eaaay a poem at the gathering of the Ohio Ed itora at Sandusky next July. Matters more imperative, if not important, drove ll from our active thoughts, snd st the instigation of a friend, who is a seal editor, and who feels a little snubbed at the notice made of the eon vention and its doings during our absence the other day, we hasten to make the snnouncs ment. We have no fault to find with the part ef the programme given above iu advance, yet it does not quite meet our expectations Howatxa one of the Pegassn twins delivered the "Ele gy" at the recent "wake" of the "Ohio Editors' Convention," at Tiffin what could be more in unison with the most spproved system of dove.

tailing not to say of modern engraftiug than that the "other twiu" Piatt, cousin to a live Dool should grind the dusky transmigration in July I Bro, Stewart must not believe us capable of interfering with present arrangements; wsonly mentioned what we had a right te exneet from the fuf Uhlo Editors Convention. NEWS ITEMS. uuraocn and Mrs. uiadstane are playing at nonoiic, va. i North's Nstional Circus hss broken up, and to day ia to be aold at Columbua, Importsnt discoveries of gold, platiua and tin have been made in Missouri.

During the pset week, nearly ten tuns of eels have been sent to New York by parties in Or. lesns, Mass. The biggest men in the Maine Legislature ia Hon. Sam. Whitney, of Presque Isle; he Is ths only Democrat in the Senate.

Crane'a Hour milla at Marietta were burnt on on Saturday morning. Lose 130,000, insured for Jainea W. Jones, editor of the Augusta, Chronicle snd Sentinel, died on Tunrsdsy night Isat. Shocks of an earthquake were Mt at Charles ton, S. 0., snd al Macon, at aix o'clock on Thursday morning.

On Wednesday last there wareslve hundred snd sixty-seven convicts in ths Indisns Peni tentiary. Chas. H. French, a printer, formerly of Ohio, ied of consumption, in Lynchburg, oe Saturday. A female child was recently born at a place called Gaw thorp, England, having two beads and three arms.

The citizens of Galveaton, Texas, hsve Invi- ted the Hon. Edward Eveiett to deliver his oration on Washington in that city. Barnum is mskitig money with the Diaytons and their parlor operas in New York city. The partiea have juat divided $23,000 profits on tbs New York season. The New York correspondent of a Charles ton paper ssys: In the wsy of gossip, rumor hss it thst a fair niece of Mayor Wood is sood to be led to the hymeneal altar by a Cuban millionaire.

inere are in new lorx ninety insurance companies, and the total capitsl now invested the business is over 118,000,000, yet almost weekly new sompaniea are forming. In Adams County last week a lad named W. Murphy, for attempting to violate the per-aon of a very respectable young lady near Manchester, waa sentenced to five yesrs' imprisonment in the Penitentiary. The Gonsalea (Texaa) Enquirer aays that no less tbsn one fourth of a million of aheep have been brought into Texaa from Mexico since the 1st of January, 1859, exclusive of those import ed from Tennessee, Illinois, Missouri and Ar kansaa. It ia stated that the Lady Franklin will pay a viait lo New York within a few weeks, and that ahe will be the gueat of a leading citizen diatiDguiahed for hia philanthropic ezertiooa io prosecuting tha search for the lata Sir John Franklin.

A schoolmaster in Washington tttunty P. Baldwin, baa been bound over in $300 for trial, on a charge of asssult and battery, for cruelly whipping a girl of lSyeara, for diso bedience of school regulationa io going home ilhout leave. City Council. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER, TUESDAY EVENING, Jan 24, 1860. Present Messrs.

Decker, Wigg'm, Phillipn, Bimm, Shank, Kiersted, Boyle, Gilliland, Butz Thomaa and Bomberger. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. A petition waa received from W. L. Darrow, asking thst Council or lot No.

521 to be grav eled aoaa to sbste a nuisance, upon which Mr. Phillips offered the following resolution! That E. Stout, as admioiatrelor, be notified to gravel the aidewalk on lot No. 521, on First atreet, near the line work to be done in ten daya. By Mr.

Lutz, That the Street Commiaaioner be authorised lo gravel Bacon street, betwee Clinton and Montgomery ale. Adopted. By Mr. Luis, That Mr. Wircher notified to gravel th aidewalk in front of Iota No.

3751 and 3752, on Wayo atreet, within ten By Mr. Decker, Thst the Dayton A Michigan Railroad Co. be notified to plank the road bt tween tbe tracks on Second st. work to don io ten dsys, lo th satisfaction of th treat Commiaaioner. Adopted.

By Mr. Decker, That the Clerk be authorised to draw ae order la favor of P. P. AltbofT for tha amount of work done on lot No. 9951 and 2959, to abate nuiaanoe, aa per order Council and that eaid Althoff aaaige hi slain) for tha aama to the City.

Adopted. By Mr. Kierated, That the owner of lot No. 188, on th corner of Fourth and St. Clair be again notified to flag the aidewalk in front of aaid lot, on both atreet.

If th aama be not don within thirty daya, that tbe Treeless of the Third Wsrd be directed to put the same under contract. Adopted. The commiue to whom was referred the bill for printing the city exhibit ia th JoorseL made a report recommending the allowance ef tbe same. By Mr. Buls, That the property holders on the West side of Brown street, between Oram snd 8milh, be notified to grsvsl their sidewalks within ten days; slso lot No.

2545 owned by Allen Fauver, east aide of the earns street. Adopted. By Mr. Decker, That the Chair appoint a committee of three members to whom ell mst ters requiring to be printed shall be referred, and by them contracted for. Adopted; and Messrs.

Decker, Bimin and Boyle appointed ssid committee. By Mr. Decker, Thst hereafter no printing bills shall be allowed.unlesa ordered by the City Council, or the Committee on printing. By Mr. Phillips, Thst Mr, Estsbrook bs al lowed $16,50 for paring and grading his side walk at ths junction of the line, provided he gives the City Solicitor the right of way to tbs city of Dayton for a drain.

Adopted. After paasing upon the bills presented, the Oouncil adjourned. A Downfall ir NoroaitTT. The gallant Zouave and distinguished French nobleman, Oapt. Henry de la Riviere, who figured ae largely, a year or two ago, among tha youn Iadiea of several wealthy and fashionable fam ilies, and particularly with Mrs.

snd Mias Em ily Blount, of Mobile is ssid to be in reduced cireumstsnces at New York. Thelan, tha billiard man, at the earnest solicitation of Lola Mootez, has given him a aituation aa market at one of hia uptown saloona, with a new auit of clothes and 40 dollars a month. Gen. Whitfield arrived from Kansas, last nlng, on his way to Texas. Bs take, out a portion of his negro fore, with tbe design of openin); a place for future settlements.

General Whit-' field reports affairs in Kansaa in a quiet few slaves remain in tha Territory. VrUant i'tcayanc, lOlA lnil. COMMERCIAL. Dayton Market. WEDNESDAY, 2 p.

Jan. 25, '60. There ia better feeling In tbe grain market to day. Buyera are readily offering the price quoted below, but there is but little changing handa. Wheat $1,20 Corn in good demand at 50 eta.

Rye brisk at 90 eta. Barley dull at 63 cts. Oats 40 eta. Whisky 21cte. Flaxseed $1,19.

Olr-verseed $4,50. Timothy seed $2,00, Buckwheat 40c. Hungarian Grass ftOe. Hsy, per ton, $I618. Receipts very light.

Dayton Tobacco Market. Buyers are offering for new tobacco Round from 46; Wrappera 58; Fillera 9(g3. Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, Jan. 24.

FLOUR Sales 1,900 brla at 5,35 to 5,40 for superfine, snd 5,50 to 5,05 for extra. WHISKY 900 bbla aold at 91Jic, including that from wagon. WHEAT We quote prime white, at ,30, and prime red at 1,23 1,25. CORN The market ia steady, with a good demand at 53c in bulk. OATS There ia a good demand, and pricea firm at 4950o.

RYE We have no change to notice in prices sines our last quotationa, BARLEY We quote prime fall at 6870c, and fair to good at 58G3o. New York Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 24. FLOUR Sales of 7.200 bbls al 4,955.00 for auperfioe atate; 5 ,20 5,30 for eztra for superfine Western; for common to medium extra do, 5, for shipping brands extra round hoop Ohio.

WHISKY Lower. Sales of 1,000 bbla at 93i24c. WHEAT Dull and declining. Shippers are willing to operate at a decline of5(36c per bush, while holders refuse to accept any further reduction than 23c. For prime Milwaukee Club 1,08, delivered, ia offered for export: sslea of 2,000 bush red Southern at 1,20 and a small parcel white Southern at 1,15 for unsound.

RYE Quiet; at 9091c. BARLEY In moderate requeat; sales 17,000 bush at 76c for two-rowed, and 79o for four, rowed Stale. CORN A ahade firmer, with some export demsnd: sslee 17,000 bush at 7982c. OATS Vsry dnll, except for strictly prims, which is scarce; sale at 45 48c, for Western, Osnsdian and 8tata, COLBY'S PATENT CLOTHES EEEL It is ohcap and durable price only (6, painted and aet up la your vard. It ia elmple in lu construction, eaa be managed by any oni and besides, the ground occupied br tha old plan of hangtnf clothea all over tha yard, la worth more thaa the prlea of this Reel la one year, for shrubbery and fruit trees, and ia Just the thing for small yards.

Call and see one of them la operation ia front of my shop, and be ooavlucad for yourself. 8. THOMAS, Shop on It. Clair, near Third street. janSO-utf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.

Oti BBLS. OF PRIME APPLES It Just received BRANDENBURG No. too Thlra street. Janl W. D.

CALLENDER, Blank Book Manufacturer AND WHOLESALE FAPEE DEALER, DAYTON, O. jant MOVAL! WM. AVALKER'S ll Star Clothing Store" A BSIW BKMOTID TO NO. 301 TniRD STREET, Four extra west Bevkel Bet salt DAYT0H. OHIO, WHERE 11 IS FULLY PREPARED to supply th waata of hia cuatoaiera and tha Eubllc (enerally.

haa on aa a large stock of ady-soeue Clothlua and Uenta' Kuralabina lood. comprl.lue every alyl and varsity, Children's viuuuua vi an eiaea, waioa will sold at Uie LOWU8T BATBB1 A splendid assortment of Cloth, latla. Caahmar, kept oa hand, an CloiAiaf made te wdar, 1 mwu win Drvmuuv. ,) WM. VVALKSB.


BOSLER Homeopathic Physicians AND 6URGE0NS. HAVING OBTA1NKD THE K1GUT TO -A uMftntl ttlmlnater Dr. Kamiine'! POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE BATHS, Have them now In fiiowiful oparaMon at their UtMlK AMD MA i KUUMS, NO. 17TM MAIN STKEET, Weit Side, below Sixth itreet, DAYTON, OUIO. The following dlifnire ere ft part of the ounf waico are cure Die Dy KLtsvi mci i Pftley, or Paralysis of tha Face, and every dencription aod variety ot Consumption in its first Ptagee; ltheumatism.

whether aouta ur chronic; Neu ralgi Torpid Liver, Hron-' chit is, Asthma, Weak Dees of the ttpine, lfnee by Pmriyie, Ringing In the icAra, wean tvyee, njms. mimic, Retention 01 Urine, St. Vitui IUnoe, PrniTua, Uteri, rroitpam or Pllei, fremale Weahneee and Irregularities, (aleneral Debility, DerangnmeDtoftheNervouaKyi-tem, Stiff Joint or Contract- ed Muiclne, Conitlfia -tlon, Chronle Dlar- -I rlioea, Sick Head-aohe, Oearnaaa, Leuoorrhcea. Monamtnla and Flta, from different eaueea, and Skin IMsveaeee. We would itate.

for the beortlt of the public, that thetueceaiful application of (electricity a Thera peutic Ageai ior 100 ikjv naiu-u uiRoaieii, ana a variety of otheri, a fact well eatatiUahed by itieaioai men. I'araDiii or PaUv.thf great bane of Hum-n ex- litenoe the half-uat house to the Hnlrlt Land nua in tnie lmmeuiaie re net a epeeuy anu permanent cure. The mode of examination la very elmple, and entirely newt and by It Dleeaeei of the Internal urgane, or any parr ot ine i in vrr) lew moments detected with facility and certainty. The special claims of the Klectre-Baths eon I it In a Positive and negative Bath, the electricity being passed into the water, and so oontrol.ed at pleasure In Its application to the Human 8 -stem by UAitifULATiott, that we are able to dteot the slightest disturbance of the vitalizing force, and determine with an absolute certainty the location and charaoterof such dlseaee This treatment eures a long Hit of Chronic or Nervous uiseasei, 01 wntcn tne emaie is the great sufferer, fur years, by pain and expensive drugging. Hat she felt how gloomy are the pros- fieote of life, and how meagre every hope or earth happiness, while auriering each day from some new pum, new sorrow, and new physical derangement! VVht then not use at once that which will obviate suffering, and counteract the effects of mineral and vegetable poisons, proving that this Agent Is an absolute In eases not reached tn rough any of the grosser elemements.

If-Patlent from a distance can be accommodated with Bo.kD convenient to the office. COIVHULTATIONS FHKK. lA Lady ah will assist In the treatment of Ladies. Jan2o-iiud NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to Joseph Btudyba-ker, "Sandler," will please call at the Hardware Store of the undersigned, and pay up, thereby saving- the ooet ot collection.

jau3t-dw 1. LANGDON at BRO, SMITH WESSON'S HBW PATENT REVOLVER 1 LANGDON'S HARDWARE STORE, ISO. 78, MAIN STREET. THIS Pistol is the lightest one in tbe world that has force. Weight only Ten Ounces.

Is loaded quicker than other Pistols are captied. Is sure Are under all circumstances. No inmrvis caused to the Arm or Ammunition by allowing it to remain loaded any length of time. It le so simple in ita construction that it ts not liable to get out of order. It It Perfectly Safe to Carry! The cylinder holds seven shots.

Two more than other small ptatols. an2 Second lian tt Buggies Carriages W.W. PHILLIPS' OLD STAND 4th at. bet. Jefferson St.

Clair. LARGE lot of second hand Buceies an l- Carriages for sale at very low prices lor caah. DIALERS 1H CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES! VEHICLES of every description on hand and for aale cheap, at W1KKEN PHILLIPS' Id Itsnd, oa 4th Street between Jefferson and St. Clair. ROCKAWATS, l-HrroNS, UAHUUUHEI, JENNY LINDS, VOPK WAGDNS, rrninu uu.

Alio second hand Barouches and Buggies for ssle I J-Wora made to order, and repairing done in the best st-le, on short notice. janu4 JJELrEK'8 IMPENDING CRISIS. A LIVB BOOK. 16,000 COPIKg SOLD IN FOUH WKEKSt ThUis ths work that Is creatine so much excitement IN CONGRESS. Get the unabridged edition and you have all the 1 1 power vi nni.ra.ii-s aae.fl r-fcftl Unabridged large ISmo.

430 pages, cloth Price Ootavo edition. paiar eoveraao cents I f-poraaleby Booksellera and News ini. er where. atina aiiaan WANTED, to sell the work the country through. Terms liberal send ll an lor eamme coplee In both c.ld term, iw ipnii, uuirgia onvre'icij.

at onoe. No other Baak one-nuarter a. raaf ningieeopteei ant to any address, postpaid, on re- A. B. BDRKICK Publisher, Jan-Stdlmw No.

las Naaaau sl New-York Church for Sale. rpHE LUTHERAN CHURCH, coroar of -I- 4th and JeSeraoa stieeU, le for aale, (and if wnuivuf mn lurmiure ana oaturee. or I ma, appty P. GEBHA RT or JanSI JOHN WcRltYNdLDK. t'lauury Loss.

A BEAUTIFUL CANARY, (a first-rate elnger,) escaped yeaterday morning, Jan. ISth, from bla cage at the Swaynle Hoi Ha haa a pretty top-kuot. Is a bright yellow, wllh blrli on his wings. his return to the Swayals House idm wuioeeiven lor Jauo-dtf For Sale! FT WO aoree of land, with a stor house -a- and dwellinghoua oa it. altuated la Wmiia.

aoro, Preble c.unty, uhlo, Iweaty mile, west of Daytow, oa U. Dayton aad Weetern Kali Road. The houae le of brick, forty bv ftfty seel, two storiee high, situated right aa the Kali Road. The uw.iiiuk near we auire frame collage, containing Ova rooaie and a porch. 1 will aeli said proirty very low aod upoa easy payments.

Inquire oa ths prsmleas, or el II. I CKTI8, janSI Daytoa, Ohio. NOTICE. HAVING reoeivad a lara lot of Oystars, and la evaaeoueace oi tha weather hein voraau, we will aell (lor this day only at cenU ier eaa. Com all ye lovera of Oysters, aud be aupplled al t.

s. ei w. ai. uHaaja-a, Jan.1 No. SIS Third atreet.

WAUTEf Pound of old India A eoee skews, MOMKOI't Baeand etore, a Ko.aasihrdet, NATHAN HAAS, AUCTIONEER COMMISSION MERCHANT, VmT.L ATTRND PROMPTLY T(r At.f, hnlnes entru.tmt to Me care, at a lees er oertt. than any house in thlscltv. I will sen or hoinehclcl ttirnllnrS of ev. aeeerlutlon, either at my room or at but place the ownera ol snoils mav rpqulre, I also cell at mt. on, every nnhtilurlnt earn week Ladles' Dress Woods, auofeaa Trench and English 6-oodi, Merino Oooflg, DeLalnee, Cashmeres, and all styles of Dreea Ooode.

Alao, sflne assortment of or every ileeerlptinn, o. Anon every ThureiMy afternoon, (rom a to P. euctlou.exoluaivelvfor ladles. i The hast of reference can be li-Oltioe S.ll West Second street, near MI.e A. Goodman's Millinery Store, between Main ana l.ufl-' demo iltl COOPER SEMINARY.

-DAYTON, OHIO. Rev, Victor rro-dttit. Kev. P. W.

CONHAI, Vl-s Miss K.F. BEKCHUH, 1'rwiding Princinnl, nrnvs smfjKssFoN oi-' this -a- well-k imrn Seminary Tor Touhe: ta.lleswlll commence on the Sothol January. It altordaall the advantages of an Institution ol Hie MkIifiI arade In Tie Faculty le complete In Its departments! and It is tlioruiuMy suiUrd with ph lln.nih leal, hem anil nsrrnnom real niprtratns. acientlnccharla, cahlnat and library. For Catalogues and Inlorntation, apply to the Janl7-lwhfclinr For Sale Cheap, QIX and a half anrea of vround, situate in aJ liayton view, one fourth of a mile from Dritlee street bridge.

There Is on the preml.e. a lanre lo story brick Houae, with couvenli iit and ample ol-lar room, good barn and all necessary out nutld Inrei together with a well of fresh ater and a large cistern. A portion of the ground ia well set wllh strawberry, raspberry, Rooeeherry, curratrt plants, Ac. Also an orchar of apple, eh iry and par trees. The balance of the ground is In nice order to cultivate.

The above property will be seld on easy terms. lurthcr Iniorrualion, apply to JACJH MOMMA, nr AMOS PKOIITZ, on the Salem Koad, CHARLES FISHER; Coun ry Produce AND PROVISIONS, NO. 288 THIRD STRBET, DAYTOX.OIIIO. janll 15 Boxes JUST RECEIVE DBY, I NO 300 THIRD ST. janio W.

H. CALIENDER, Blank Book Manufact nrer AND Wholesale 1'iipcr O. i JanM FOR RENT! 7 A CONVENIENT DWELL INC. and in a nlasaDtneiehtMrh.i a 1 street. Inquire of CH4S.

1 C'cgg'a llmldlng, Third street. J. W. DIETRICH, Druggist Apothecary TIIIIU) STREET, DAYTON, OHIO. PKCIAL ATTENTION filVEN TO 1 putting up prencrlptlons aud medicines forfam- if- janm TOR CHAPPED HANDS, FACE, ryUE GLYCAMYL OK RO.KS IS AN I- elegant snd very ertlclent remedy for chaps, roughness of the skin and laie, rendering the skin sort and Proparcd and for sale by J.

YV. UIKTRICH, Ai-othocsry, Janl Phillip. Home, Third bayUm, O. FruKiant Toolli tHMi. fjHlS wash effectuully cleunses teeth A and mouth, and all that off nslve in the breath; It preserves the teeth and keep, the mouth inahealtiy ceudltlon.

i'lepared and tor sale by J. W. DlhTHICH, JanlH Apothecary, Plullliw Hou.e. liilblain. or I'rosK-d I'eet.

ANDON'ri Mnio Tain Uoliev ever is a cer- -a- tain cure for theae (one thorough aiiplication give, great reilrl.i ur liy J. W. IUKTHK'H, Jn Philllits Hou.e. 0r Arnira. AS a remedy for Bruises, Cuts, Burns and Scalds, the Glycerola of Arnica is unrirtllerl It haa more than three times the strei.gth ol 1 iur-ture of Arnica, aud cause, ncithrr pain nor sultr n- Lng in Its application.

Prepared hy Jn J. W. DIKTRICH, 3d st. Coru mid ii union l'luster. TOR the euro and alleviation of Corns.

-V rorsaieby J. w. P1ETRI(H, jan jo Phlliiie House, Sd.ln-et. Broiit lital Trorhes. II0ARSSNKS3 A BRONCHIAL AH-'ECTIOSS.

THIS unpleasant and painful result of A 'Catching Coid," may be relieved by using one or two'-Bionclal or oueh andy. Prepared aud aold by J. W. UIKTRICH, 'anno Apjthecajy, Phillips House, ad st. FOUND AT LAST.

WHY NOT for Woman'! IMI'ROVE MACHINES comfort li-rnttt n.ii ipend eo tuuuh time enU uuuey lur ei-pai-cttu. tj tnve jMao's it.bori colors nruovi CLOTHES REEL! PATENTED JANUARY 35TH. I -53, ronts ink HEIGHT OF PERFECTION! AB REGABDI DURABILITY, CHE A FN KSS.COJJVKNIKNCB AND FACILIT OK Oi'KKATiON. The REVOLVING CLOTHIuS RKKL becomlnfr Of almost univereitl uee, ntl od the ffrouotl of iti ecououiy sU well ae rrt't cun eiiit ucv, fur as it ia eoniiiAot II may itanj very nenr the kitchen door, aotl thua much hn elirg vi muw a iiitt-r, or walk lug through wet Rrae toMJiuuier. Kex'oud.

ly, ti-e wtpJ njuvee tti iwl aruuml ti. ciolhti are not suttpixtl out, bur torn or Horn ae when nunc on an extruded line, and hile revolv liieT, all isdre ot the clothes are turned to the tun. auil are thui dried more even and Utttr, and ia the titter Biuchquirhfr. While theurtJimtry frime tVe mnit ten-venient ptnition lor use, it i 1 olten te touud to eouie lu the ulh to the A oj.iie 1, CtrriMice Houie or,aud to be tn the way ot tUawiija wood and pauiiiK I li ia um tiaa lorvf been seen and felt, hente the various to throw the arms upon hither itoete, iowt by rack and iilnloa, aout hyonede. some another, while soui have biuit up platforms and the like to reach the frames.

Now turn from this cumbersome, slow movlnr, lnoouveotnt and rickety process to the SIMPLE, DOHABLB, CHBAP! And eaelly-opemtlnc apparatus we aow otter to the public, al the low put ot 6t painted and put up In the oonplvta. DIRECTIONS FOB USING. Walk inn to the post, one take hold of the lerer. and puahee It btwk, when, as it by max is, tha arms ol the mei tilt down directly before the tae. so while standing ka the very etepe then occupied, the who.

haute suay be filled turning it as used be iron, lett tort iit, so as to bring all sides of It within reach. To brine the Ii ante back to the boruoutal position, take hold of the lever and pull it to you and raise the lever by the rei.m It by the button or pin. Tbe upper md of the handle lvver wilt benottctNl to have several notches, the vliiuet of whiuh to KftUsS the UlUu. 8. THOMAS, CUir, near Tkird DAYTON, OHIO.

veaCouoty. Townebip Qii Town Right, fur mI mf0k.

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