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The Liberal Democrat from Liberal, Kansas • Page 5

Liberal, Kansas
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9 Local and Personal We want another car load of old roosters at the Liberal Creamery. Bill Lano of Virginia, is here this week, visiting his brother Had. and family. Miss Edna Stevesson went to Kansas City this week, with Mr. and Mr9.

Kilph Summers. Oklahoma farm loans and city loans favorable terms; quick service Moorr Falls. 2 14-tf. Jack Evans went to Wichita on business, Monday morning on No. and returned Wednesday night.

If. H. 'Hobble's father and step- A number of Liberal business mother are nere visiiinij iiitJir suu i uicu vruu lamvou and fatnilv this week Mr. Ilullet is reported improving and exnects to return home next week, after a severe illness. atSantanta Thursday, ticulars next week.

Full par- Geo. M. Glenn, left Wednes day for Ojoaha and other Nebraska points, on business connected with leasing a large ranch in that C. V. Manatt went to ToDeka bi Omaha Tuesday, where he will 1)0 on business matters for a few day Si We have old papers for sale at the Democrat office.

They are done up in neat bundles. Five cents per bundle. Felix Jones returned Wednesday from a trip to Shattnck, Oklahoma, H. S. 'came with him from We are in receipt of a beautiful Swift Company calender, which depicts with pictures the Elements: Water, Earth, Fire and Air.

VVm. Hyde and his fatherdrove down from Sntanta Tuesday, along with Hon. Bill Custer, postmaster of that thriving city. These genr tleroen report that the Santa Fe is planning an extension northwest Soulier or later you will buy a Do Laval separator, why notnow! slate Liberal Hardware Comoany; Ihos. W.

Gaw. We are in receipt of a paper by Mrs. V. H. Grinsted, read at the Mr Ralph Heath, who has been Seward Jounty tarmers Institute, quite ill at (he home of Rev.

Ihde. which will be published in full iu was able to be removed Friday, to our next issue. his home in the country Elmer G. lucker is excavating i T. M.

Deal, of Wichita, the a cellar ami will soon oegiu iue lumberman, returned home Wed- erection of a house in block 1, utter innkinir ftpp his Glenn addition. He will soon hiisinnss interests at Ilntroton. drill himself a well 0. M. Woods recently made a deal whereby he will likely become owner of a large tract of Northern Minneso a timber land.

This land has over six miles of lake front and is located in the best hing and bunting country in the northern lake country. 0, Joy I Of course we will expect an invitation to go as chaperon on the first hunting and tishiog party taken up there. Next week we expect to have an Will Postelwait recently left artir-la aVinnt. tlm armparnnt. advan.

for Raton. N. where he has taues of establishing a business secured a position as engineer on college course in public a big Reeves logging engine, for schools. the rioneerMercaiitiie jO. Jimmy Sealy went to Haviland, Kansas, this week to attend the Methodist District Conference.

It is expected lhat he will get an ap poiuim'enl, but we have no idea as yet where it will be. E. E. Armour, who shot him self two weeks ago last night, was moved Tuesday from the house on North Kansas avenue, where he has been staying, to a small house. on the south side, of the track.

The lady at whose house he has been staying has been quite 11 since the shooting; At times it seems that Mr. Armour will live but a few more hours, but he invariably rallys and gets better. le may live. O. D.

NicHp, auctioneer, Terms reasonable Can furnish clerk and lunch when so desired, lelephone 173 or address Liberal, Kansas, for dates. 1 24-tf. Paul Funk, the young rancl Eugene arret, Charley Sealy man from Stevens county, spent a Ln( (Jljde Atha went down to the muple of days th past week with (Jimarron Tuesday for a duck home folks and took in the Club nunli They weren't OVERLOAD- iance Friduv evening. ED with ducks wheu they return ed. Good exercise though.

W. A On t.T. the postmaster at Santnnla, suid that a numoer on For Kent 100 acres, i miles iras traction outfits have been pur- east and 3-4 north of Liberal, 80 chased in Southwest Haskell coun- acres iu cultivation, 35 of which ty. and with a little more moist- jg sown wheat, which goes with lire tiiey would be tqrnmg the pace. For further particu? oyer the soil.

They expect to Uars inquire of Hubert Burns nlant the largest crop ever known I mm 1 ft through to Ulysses and Johnson there this spring. He -also in- ti. M. uleun picKed up a nerce City. It is expected that the formed us that several new famW looking pair tf knucksdown by Wnihlin will hpirin in thirty to lies had located near nis town in me aepoi uennesuay mur i bi vt the last tlill'ty Clays.

Mimr.ui mnrwiiUKJ iiueum inn i.i i nanus oi a mail couiu easny ue I used as an implement of murder CHARMING GARMENTS ARE MADE The name selected in T. FOR THE YOUTHfUl CONVALESCENT 1 i J' 'VV Ufa y4 iV 'i s' si- 1 'J "A i i i A 1 'If 4 Poultry Farm." A list of the lucky contestants and prizes awarded will appear next week C. W. Ellsaesser made a trip last Saturday to see his father in Southeast Haskelt county. The elder gentleman has been cod fined to his bed for some time.

Chas reports that the roads are yery rough. D. D. Land returned from, a buying trip to Kansas City and other ea tern points Tuesday. reports that he saw Fred Ilullet nd that he was going to recovc in all probability.

He says that Fred was suffering from spina meningitis. Mr. and Mrs. K. and S.

M. Martin v( Garden City thjs. week, where thoy will be for some timesettling the Marti estate. While away the remains I of Mrs. Martin will be taken from the vault in the Garden City ceme tery and put into the Mausoleum at Hutchinson.

The state of Kansas vs. A. II. Beardsley came up in Justice court last Friday and was heard by a jury or twelve men. The evidence was quite smutty, consequently the at tendance was good.

The evidence was Riven to the jury late in the at ternon. They argued and balloted all night, and until nine o'clock the following moruing. They stood seven for conviction and live for acquit tal. It was then declared that they could not agree, and they were dis missed. It is probable that thecaso will be tried again In the near future.

IN THE WORLD OF SPORT Jim Thorpe May Take Up Professional Hockey. 0 TIMELY HINTS FOR FARMERS Do Not Complain Newspaper subscribers who are in arrears should bear in mind that a dun is not an impeachment of their integrity, but simply the outcropping of a publisher's necessity. For instance, a thousand men who owe him from one to four dollars each. It is a small amount to each individual, but to him the aggregate is large. In stead of becoming indignant be cause the publisher asks for his honest dues, the deliuqueut sub scriber should be grateful to him for waiting so patiently and in ad dition to paying up, express his appreciation of his kindness and uncomplainiug indulgence.

Daily Mail. The old reliable 'Oliver listers, built for service ard to please Liberal Hardware Company, Thos W. Gaw. Take your cieam, eggs and poultry to the Libeial Creamery aud receive the higi.est cash price. Go.

to Eidson1 candy store fresh home-made candies f(T Little Farmi From three to six acres, jam up against town. KaUe chickens- pigs and garden. Plenty of roojo for iho children. Keep a cow. Have your own mjk, butter and These littlo farms are the convenient home you can have.

The prices are. attractive, and terms will be easy. BAUGH-MAN owns 'em. Call on him. 117 ii Source of Hog Troubles.

log troubles are- due to too much dirt ami too much corn, says Kansas Farmer. Corn is a fat producer, but not a muscle Imlldur, and an exclusive corn diet during the growing period not only fulls to supply the element! needed by the autmal, but Is produc tlve of digestion troubles and weak uessea in the system which invite disease. Corn is a good element in the ration of miy bog at any time. Then1 Is nothing better, but it must be balanced by alfalfa, clover or some other nitrogenous feed during the growing period of pigs a ud the breeding periods of hogs. There Is only one period In the life of the bog when au exclusive corn ration should be used, and that la at the lust end of the fattening period of market hogs.

There is no time Id the life of a bog when be should notj have clean, dry sleeping quarters and pure drinking water. Hoth worms and cholera come with filth. Photo by American Press Association. Negotiations are being conducted bj professional hockey team of Toronto with Jim Thorpe, stai athlete or the Carlisle Indian school, which may result lu Thorpe's becom ing a professional hockey player next season. t'he management of the Tecumsch team learned upon good authority that Thorpe is a very ettlcleut hockey player, there is a scarcity of good material, a communication was forwarded to the Indian.

It is reported that Thorpe will not turn professional unless he receives an Irouhmind contract calling for a band some stipend. When questioned W. J. Bclllnghnm president of the Tecumseh Hockey club, practically admitted that be was negotiating with Thorpe, but declined to enter into particulars. la Coulon Going Backf A Chicago friend of Johnny Coulon, a man who has backed him In many of bis fights, says that he believes little Johnny Is Hearing the end of hist string aa a bantamweight champion.

"Coulou baa boeu in the game eight years now," he said, "and during the last year has lost a little something more in each of his battles. "With Kid Williams, Eddie Morgan of England. Charley Ledoux of Franco and Eddie Carapl of the coast urging to the front, It is bard to see bow Coulon can withstand the charge of all four combined. Some one of them Is bound to take bis measure." Phosphorus For the Land. Phosphorus can lie secured In no other way than to buy It.

In Its cheapest form it costs 3 to 4 cents a pound. There are seventeen pounds lu 100 bushels of corn. If tlfty bushel crops are raised about SO cents per acre annually would restore the phosphorus. This is merely the cost of ninlutenani-e. and the fertility would not Increase.

As this element usually limits the crop, more should be applied thnn Is tnkeD otT. It is considered that 1.KH1 pounds of raw rock phosphate applied per acre once In four years Is a reasonable expenditure. bulldiiiK up the soil rapidly and profitably. This will supply phosphorus about twice as fast as It will be removed lu large Farmers' Institute. Llvs Stock and Fertility.

It Is uot Impossible to build np a wornout farm without making liv stock raising a feature, but It Is much, easier to do It with live stock and. we think, unquestionably more protltablev says Farm and Kancb Live stock raising reipiires a diversified system ot crops, especially or legumes, wblcb greatly assist in restoring the Inuu in nitrogen, the clement most likely to be needed: the iminiHis consume tbe feed raised on the (arm and reduce tbe loss In fertility elements by returning to. the soil tbe manure from animals. Crg Standing to Rotlr. George Standing, champion racket player of the world, haa retired from competition.

With the eiceptlon of Tom He lit of Boston, Standing Is the oldest rucket aud court teunls pluyei Id tbe United States. Ills victory over Peter Lathum ol England several years ago gave him tbe world's championship, wblcb ha has since defended. Wltb Standing on tlio retired list tbe United States Is said to be without a player of world championship caliber In tbls branch of sport Fred D.eal, present post master at Springfield, in the north west township, of this was. in town lately and. reported that he was.

resign his position and that the postoffice would be discontinued, He sa.vs that the Fargo oSke at the N- H. 8-vink home has been out of existence for some time. The Domestic Science Club met Tuesday-evening, with, Euold as hostess, Those present had the pleasure of meeting Miss Brown, of Manhattan, whose experience as demonstratee of the above science proved of muh" yalwe. After delirious refrehments the club adjourned, tcvm.fe with M- George, nex? Wednesday evening promptly at 8:00 o'clock. SHIPPING EGGS BY PARCEL POST Regulations Prescribed Postollice Department.

6 For Salt? One five year old brown jttk and a good He. Will give terms to suit purchaser. vned by 0. Witt, l-a miles east aud 1 'J mile south of lxrena, Okla. 7 St-p Use Phone No.

S3 1 lor anything in the Harness line by parcel post, tf NRRLIfiEB OF FiCJt'RED NET. Cow For Sale I have a good milk cow (or sale. tier milk Is cop-. ne HAHMINft negligees for tne use or convuiesi-euia ore shops, one or ti.ese is Sie i. ver Bentle, IK.

inelKlllllW Cp wuru.UM l.nrara Km, ia nf Hon fln in IDs I iuu nu iui. wv" 7 nJ'JZrTZ: -c. call and cow uiu resilience uu; wimv adjusted just under tbe arms. II SETT i.lght hae a half sfctlon of land for sale at a saci'lllte price. NRripgyour hutter, eggs, poultry and cream to us and get the cash for them.

Liberal Cold Storage Co. 8-6 tf p. ft, (J- Canton listers, single and double row. The kind you lke, Liberal Hardware Company, Thos. V.

Gaw. The editor of the Guymon Democrat makes the following confession: "In theory we stand for the mora.1 development and uplift Of our town, but when we have tha-opportnnlty of a little prac tice, business or social allurements claim our entire attention." Molntoih Quits Fight Game. Hugh Mcintosh, the Australian pro moter, announced recently that be bad disposed of bis Interests In the pugilistic game to "Snowy" Baker, a promt ncnt boilng promoter. Mcintosh will devote bis whole time to a theatrical cireuUr. (taker has purchased tbe stadium where all big fight arranged by Mcin tosh were staged aud hopes to arrange world's lightweight champiousblp match, and will offer champions in all divisions special Inducements to com hers, be snid Cyola Champion May Ratire.

Leon Meredith, tbe English blcycl rider, who won the world's 100 kilometer (about sixty-two and a bait miles) amateur championship on six different occasions and by virtue ot tbe event being ulmndoned in America this year on account of Insufficient en-trlea still retains bis title, plans to retire, lie hopes to establish an unpaced peed record from London to Brighton ud return before Anally quitting tb port Seta Nn Shimming Mark. In, one oi the most spectacular, mid linker aquatic events ever held on the Pacloc coast John- McMurray, aged twentv. won the annual i.nristmas day 100 yard wlm In tbe Willamette rtrer, rortland. recently in 35 1-5 aeconds. a new world's amateur mark.

Tbe time la within one and one-fifth seconds of the world's professional record In oiien water, held by Healj of Australia, tbe world's chawpluu. I Rtd 8.on Marty Krug. who acted as utility tnOeMer for tbe lied Sox last season, eyas recently sold to the Indlanapoll club' of toe American association un der an optional agreement Krug ha the making of a rattling good major Tbe Inauguration of tbe parcel post system should serve to greatly stimulate the business of producing, selling and shipping by mail sittings of egga intended for batching purposes. For local delivery It will be an easy matter to send table eggs In almost any numbers. But In sending a distance the law provides special regulations a to packing, Following are the exact' terms as prescribed by the postotllce department: Eggs will be accepted for mailing regardless of distance when each egg Is wrapped separately and surrounded wltb excelsior, cotton or other suitable material aud packed In a container made of double corrugated pnsteboard, metal, wood or other suitable material in such manner as to place each egg ou its end and to prevent them from striking together or against tbe side or top of tbe container, with an outer cover of double corrugated pasteboard, metal, wood or other suitable material, and -wrapped so that nothing, can escape from the package.

All such paftela must be labeled "Eggs." QkeaP Eaaily Wintered. Sheep are more easily wintered thai any other stock. I have a long shed In which I keep the sheep during cold; weather. Hay and screenings make a good, cheap food that given satisfac-j tory results. 1 feed the sheep all the! bay they will clean up nicely and onej pound of screenings per bead.

I also! feed some roots every day. It does, not pay to neglect tbe sheep during! tbe winter, aa such treatment is bound to affect the lamb crop. Sheep must, have plenty of room, and tbe shed In, which they are kept should be large) and then the sheep not crowded. Myj biggest profits In this bnslness arej made by having early lambs, wblcbj command high prices. -a.

Rising, Todd! Countyr Minn. Saving the Manure. Save all tbe manure and apply Ir where It will do the most good. Vat reason why there are so many pool farms la because there Is so little ma our to make the land richer. Tbli' also explains-why there are so man poor farmers.

Air the Htnhouee. After a severe spell of cold weathei tbe poultry bouses should be aired and ventilated, for during the cold weatnei league ball player, but lacke expert- a dampness arises irom me eu euce and Anton. He will et this la eengeais in tne nouse in loriu tUe Amertcao iseootaUoo. froet..

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