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Richmond Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia • Page 1

Richmond Dispatchi
Richmond, Virginia
Issue Date:
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Midlinenti fispatrli. Mh-THK DAILY DISPATCH l. to sub icrfhers at a wm. Price for $4 a $2.50 for moMHi, in MvntiM, WVTHK £KMI WKKKI.Y DIRI'ATCH I J' 4 in advance. F.hKLN DISPATCH 1

and mailed at 1 per nnnnm. SPECIAL NOTICES. Fairbanks' STAN DA BCAL KS Adapted tn ei-erv branch of pos'ness where a cor rect ami durable scale is required. staler for rah.roads. AI.F.S FOR COAf DKAI-KR" AND MINKRB.


FOR FARM AND FAMILY L'SK, MASTERS' Hi A.ViS, srai.F.S, IW SCALES. TVVRSVV nsrrKST-Nr a warranted in particular, r.s.. fxsmine. or for an Illustrated Cata to the Aden's. CLARKSON A ANDERSON, r.o 15- lm No.

10S Main Kictunor.d, Va. SV I LI FF and the lowest Tf 'pensiWr companies 11 of I nam a nee upon ral it Ihe (it Hiral lmurini-r on I'earl ir' xi to V. Kaeho, nnnosite N. iordon. V.

RF.S PA F.S represented, and i promptly paid. R. BHICKKN, Insurance If the Whole Afflicted World Rend 1 i'K PKSTIMONV A LADY AFTFR 3s OF SM'FKRINii. CoVxtt, April I.lth lr attlietei) with Rhenmatistn. at tinies my twelfth I tifty iSthoi this month.

The vttacks were, at severe as to render me helpless. 1 tried inous remedies to very little etlect. Last i was. attacked in my shoulders, sides, and is. 1 cou not icst or nuht.

I could not p.irtol without with pain. A' tins time i tried remedies, internal external, without receiving relu'l. i n.t HAMPTON'S VT.i.KTABLK i "Tl iiK: before I had taken one ol 1 feit much Wetter, and I continued taki. i let strength commit hack and arid Hitouiaeh strengthened and revived I have taken live nm much VH'-r tnan 1 ever expected to 1 intend to use tt need it, and would recoinmeiid it to i Hi. ted.

believing it to It? unequalled. Elizabstb BmviU. Mortimtr 4" u-n. Mrs. zabeth Baitwell isaladvofthf re-s and lie lie: ase speaks volumes oi ttm wonderful T.n'ture.

Several other persons irU of have derived great benefit from iti We areentirely out the arti I- iiid '-ave inquirers to know whei receive another supfly. We expect of it from the present deitnii'l, and want joi to send us a as soon possible. Ymira, 1 ylkr a Adair. April lflh. Northampton ni'l Pami i.v ITHCK.I 1..

I.ADD Richmond: COOK K. -v all the pnijtl'vs in Itv NIORII.MKR A MOWBRAY. and DrtutisU ar.d Shop where. 61 per ,55. dicwts ji AVp call attention a Special TirK.f BAKER'S BITTERS.

in an -tlier co umn. For us tosa)> tiiitit; in praise at tins nrtkowl ud universally used BlSulCinS. unnecessary. We deem it so. at least, in -w ill ihot tint three l-mrthsof Christendom use it nuil fire conscious of its virtues.

A tentieniaii of first inteliwence and stanJini in this community said to us the day I lee! ill from cause whatsoever. I culp down a dose ol BAKER I'KLMII-Al lam ail n-lit for tiie next week, Ksamin-r. I'liesc BITTERS can lie had of all Drncsut" in i' and elsewhere in Vi'mma. Oiders tilled r' it K. BAKER, Proprietor, Richmond.

Vn fci Great Fok CASH, AT PERKINS N.I. 141, 'ILK SQUAKB. 4 Prnwn SHIRTING, Heavy, at 6d. 4 Bleached attid. Super.

at 10 cents The tient 4-4 everjsuldhere, at lik. pV K-if! Col'd i'RINTS. at 01.o 1 cents Rest and American I'Ri at 11 cents 5" ALE NT IAS and DELAINES, at cts. K. tfELA! at 62 Worth cts.

I.K*. ctie'tp 25 K- ii SI ROBES, st worth Kll GJ EB. cood Alexander's, at 75 cts. 10-4 eacheU BHBETI se No. 141 Eaeie Square.

(Vila rtshorue's t'nre-At I. IT CURES Aid- PAIN. Tins valuable preparation is used internally and externally. It cures Tt A OH K. KADACIIK.


EKOSTE'i ET. PAIN IN THE MACK, I'AIN in the BoWEI.S. Be in a fin" ts very beneficial lor a weak stomach or In 12. 25 arid 50 cents. Sold by in Richmond, Petersburg and Norlolk.Hud throughout the State.

je isfin j.mi nent phvtiiciaas now using T. K. BASS' COl'Gli Hi'KUr. Coughs, Colds. Consumption, Ac in their practice, can testify that it is the best in use: find if von are suffering.

do as others are uns, it a trial, and continue its use il it heneiits you. as much is accomplished every way by per severance. His other remedies, equally valuable, the I'tin Extractor. Compound Aperient and l.iver Eve Water, fie Diarrhoea. and Bloody Flux Remedies, Toothache Tincture, cure for neuralgia, and others, can he had, by wholesale and retail, of T.

R. BASS, Proprietor, Clay street, west side, between Ist and Ft lehmond, Virginia. Also, APiJCRKON DUPLV, Druggis's, 01, Broaistreet. veil those wh" are ill Hie njoytiient of perfect health frequently have need to re course to tonics as preventives ot disease. are timer too well armored against the assaultsof "114? tils tint flesh is heir to nm invuorator they may find in HOSTETTLK'S 151T1 medicine that cannot be taken raitilarly wTthout 1 vitality and elasticity to the system.

At this set son, particularly, the strongest man is not proof against the malaria, in certain sections of the country. In all cases of lever and Hitticks is more potent than any amount of quinine, while the most dangerous cases ol billions lever yield to its wonderful properties. Those, who have tried the medicine will never nse another, for any of the ailments which the Bittkks professes to sulslue. To those who have not made the experiment, we cordially recommend an early application to the Bittrrs. whenever they are stricken by diseases of the digestive organs.

Sold by drtVKi-its and dealers generally, everywhere. Bx The (irral Virginia Ketiiedy. and HMB fSi KAL LIHI. ERKMK P'l FOR GONORRHrtiA, AM) ALL SUCRE'I treat American remedy, contain mi no Mercurril or Balsamic properties, everything heretofore lie red the public, in its curative. restorative, and renovating powers; and the medical world are astonished when toid that the above remedy cure the above diseases, aud confounded when tiiey have ocular demonstration of the facts.

But ihe proprietor, who has known of the remedy for twenty-odd veurs, hatknown of a ease of twenty years standing to restored to pcrfect Mid all other cases of shorter duration to lie restored, without a single exception, and therefore challenges. any case of (ioriorrhcea which the remedy will not cure, provided the directions are carried out with prudence on the part of the patient; and any one purchasing half a dozen bottles, and using accordingly, in his or her ease, he guarantees a perfect cure; arid in case of failure, will furnish additional medicine, free of charge, to complete the cure, through his agents; and a cure will Is? effected without incon venience to the KoM hv APPKRSO.N ft DIJPUY, Druggists, Agents for the city of Richmond, au Mo. 801, Broad street. and Bladder newest and important discovery lor Kidney, Bladder Coin planus. Urinary Olwtructions, l-eueorror Whites, Weaknesses, Physical Prostration and Debility of either sex, is 11 ARTSHORN E'N BUCHU COMPOUND.

Persons who have la-en unable to walk, have soon lieeii relieved lo this powerful COMPOI ND. It IS prepared a Chemist. and is pronounced by medical men anil those who have used it, to be the liest BL'CHL' COMPOUND in the world. Large bottles small bottles 60 cents. A Iresh supply just received by EISHKR4 WINSTON, Druggists.

je H--1201 Main street, Richmond. tv. TWO One Seven. The Public are respectfully invited to call at iny NEW and ROOMS, rei-entH fitted up for tlie purpose of conducting the PHOtOGHAPHIC ART in all its aued branches, and examine the numerous improvements la'eiy added to the ART. PHOTOGRAPHS colored in WATER or OIL, from mm lature up to life siz.

which combine all the dele-ate finish of the Ivort Miniature, and thettok) and speak Ine Portrait in ml. AM BHOT YPEfi taken in every variety of style. li. W. MINNIB, 217 Main st.

IVH. C. tiobson, Practical Hair Cutter A NT? DREB.SKR.-Hls HAIR CUTTINII, SHAVING. SHAMPOOING and KINO unilsi the American Hotel. Gentlemen wishing to get tueir HAIR CUT in the latest and most stvle, I won Id advise you to call on Entr on 11th street.

Lfcerice-A. O. V. abevs weuknowr favorite Brand alwavson sale by JAMF.B C. McANDREW, ds M.

Pins strset. New York. St. Lawrence House, Corner 9th and Mam streets. Richmond, is now open for the reception of BOARDERS, either the day, month or year.

Mas. R. MACDONOLtiH. oc Itrsm Engine for two-and-a-haTrTiorse STEAnt ENGINE, in complete order, used only three weeks. It will bo sold at bargain.

Apply at this office. oe n. W. Bsrtsa. Dualist, nun ruutovM to Brown's building, oulttt street, door the Mechanics' Institute.

DAILY DISPATCH. VOL. 124. Ilirljinaiiti fMspatrii. MORNING NOV.

23, AFFAIRS AT CHARLBSTOWN. Journey of the irliiriond to f'harlestou meeting In the Sew Developments for the of the border People of harlrstown, Ac. IAL I'ORRXftFOXDKNCKOV THE DISPATCH 1 Nor. 21. The military Who left Richmond on Saturday night were highly delighted at the scene which attended lheir departure Viewed from the windows of the moving cars, the sea of heads which covered the pavement, in which was seen a plentiful sprinkling of bedecked bonnets and gracefully flowing nubias, all rendered plainly visible in the bright rays of the presented a singular picture.

All along Broad street, the cheers of the men, handkerchief-waving of the ladies, showed the departing military that their mission had the earnest sympathies of theentire population. The train ol ten wirs Was densely crowded, and ihe warm and fresh air of the night was anything hut disagreeable. The enure rrimber of military on board exceeded 100, consisting of the (Jrays, under Lieutenant Bossieux, (('apt. Elliott, iiy right of seniority, being in command of the Regiment;) Com. panv Capt.

Cary: the Lieut. Maulr: the Montgomery Guard, Capt. Moore; the Va. Riflemen, Capt. Miller; the Young Guard, Capt.

Rady; and the Howitzer company, Capt. Randolph. A large ouantity of baggage was brought with the military. Governor Wise was Commander-in-Chief, with Cols. Alex.

Thompson, Chaplain White, Samuel T. Bayly, Bryant of (who was created aid to thttGovernor, with the rank ot Major, at his own request, in order to visit the scene oi action,) and others. ThestafT was very strong. The strength of the companies as reported to Adjutant Munford, was as follows: Grays, Oompany the Blues, i Montgomery Guard, Va. Rifles, 41; Young Guard, Uti: Howitzer, 51.

The soldiers were in high spirits at the prospect of meeting the aiders and abettors of Old Brown. At Kredericlcsburgquite a long stop wns made, and a number of persons congregated at the depot to see so unusual a turn out of the military. On the departure of the train, the cheers of the crowd waked up echoes ol the night. The boat had been detained, by telegraph, at Acquia Creek, and when the irain arrived she was found waiting, fhe embarkation of the troops presented a very interesting picture. In the distance, the just risen moon was throwing its beams aslant across the rippling waters of the Potomac; and at the wharf lay the steamer careening as company after company marched with heavy tramp to her spacious decks.

The loud tones of command of the busy officers and the hurried rush of the baggage porters, were the only sounds that disturbed stillness of the night, lu a few moments every available pari of the vessel was covered with men sleeping. The forward deck presented a lively appearance, Commissary it. A. Caskie being busily engaged in sorting out the blmkets for the various unfortunates who only had that thin partition between them and the hard planks. About an hour before reaching Washington, a large and brilliant flame was seen in what appeared to be the cent re of the city.

Various humorous suggestions were made as to the origin of the fire, the majority of them being to the effect that Qssawatomie had escaped and "conflagrated" the Capitol. The tire had subsided before the boat, reached Washington, but it had effectually waked up the passengers, presenting the picture of a tire seen at sea, without any of the dangers usual to witnessing such scenes. The movement of the Virginia military was so expeditious that probably not a dozen persons in Washington knew of their intended arrival, and when the boat touched the wharl only a few hack drivers were there to witness the debarcation. The first company that left the boat was the "Howitzers," who excited the curiosity of the aforesaid hackmen by the simplicity of their uniform, consisting as it did of nothing more than citizens" clothes, and their unique tied across the shoulders with a siring. Their curiosity being satisfied, they unanimously expressed 'he opinion that the "Howitzers" were "old Revolutionary ducks, who would fight like if they got a chance." Their expressions of admiration of the other soldiers were quite as complimentary, but riot so blasphemous as those applied to the "Revolutionary ducks." The line of march was taken up for the Washington and Baltimore Railroad, fully two miles distant; and the Washingtoniatis, who threw up riieir windows at the sound of the drum, were not a little surprised to find nearly 400 Virginia troops (who, 1-J hours before, were not even in uniform,) marching through their streets, fully equipped for action.

li woiml not be justice to withhold the ftat, that the Virginians did have a military reception in though it A. military company of one, arrayed in the cast-oil' togaof some great but deceased military chieftain, (who died of starvation, probably, from the appearance of the coat,) was promptly on tne wharf to receive them, and waited with a martial dignity worthy of a larger corps. A llint musket, all except the Hint, the weapon of'death carried by this solemn warrior, and he filed in behind the Virginians, forgiving and forgetting the cool reception which his reception met with, he shouldered his piece in as military a manner as any of them. It may be stated that this eccentric soldier applied to Gov. Wiseforpertr.ission to accompany the troops to Charlestown.

The request was granted. A delay of about two hours was experienced at the depot, and the military got breakfast, some of them at hotels and some at the depot. The hotel men used their advantage, and in one case charged a volunteer $-2 for a pint of from fair to whiskey. Before the train left, several hundred citizens gathered to see the military off, and a great deal of anxiety was exhibited by many to get a look at Governor Wise. The trip to Harper's Ferry was without auy particular incident, save that belore reaching there ten rounds of powder and ball were served out to the military.

The scenery at Harper's Ferry was viewed with much interest. The celebrated engine house, in which the insurgents made their last desperate stand, the rocK in the river upon which Leeinan was shot, the arsenal, Here we left the Hlues, Montgomery Guard and Howitzers as a message had been received from Col. Davis stating that 200 men was suflicieut to bring up to Cuarlestown at present. The "left" military are doubtless iu pleasant quarters, if we may judge from the large number of pretty girls who assembled to see the train pass through. They were also the recipients of military honors, being received by a volunteer company organized since the invasion.

Alter 11 slow ride, the Grays. Young Guard and Virginia Rifles, the Governor and his yids, arrived at Charlestowii about 0 o'clk yes turd ay evening. They were received the depot by the Winchester Continentals, Mount Vernon Guards and Alexandria Kifles. They were escorted to the front of the jail 111 which tho insurgents are confined, and were then assigned their quarters, from whence they were marched in squads to supper at citizens' houses. It may be proper here to speak of the hospitality of the citizens of Charlestown, which has made an indelible impression 011 our Richmond soldiers.

All day yesterday the ladies of the town were sewing up sacks to make bedding lor the expected military, and 111 other ways evincing their anxiety to make comfortable. The men have not been behind them, and this morning all are praising the really lavish hospitality shown them. The reports of "mad excitement" iu this tov are unwarranted. The citizens are naturally anxious, as would be in their position, but they are cool and determined. Tho presence of the Richmond military here in such large force will relieve them of the harassing watching and fatigue which they have undergone in defence of themselves and the honor of Virginia.

The letters received by Gov. Wise, threatening the rescue of the doomed murderers, have been all soon as received, to Col. J. It. Davis, iii command here.

In addition to ihese warnings, Col. Davis has received auother in a still more tangible form. It appears that Mr. Crane, a native of this town, but lately residing in Kansas, while coming here a week or two since, was taken sick at Bel-Air, Ohio. While on 11 sick bed, he overheard a plot discussed and agreed upon by abolitionists, for crossing in a large body at JJenwood, four iniles below Wheeling, and rescuing Brown and his companions from jail.

The plotters discovered that Mr. C. had overheard them, and -run him off" from Hel-Air. He came 011 here, and gave the information of their plans. Following this development, came letters to Mr.

Andrew Hunter, the prosecuting attorney, warning him that a body of men was beiug raised in the Western Reserve of Ohio for the same purpose. With these developments, Col. Havis believed it to be tils duty to increase the military force here, and telegraphed to Gov. Wise accordingly on Saturday. Rockets, it is stated, were fired from the direction of Shenandoah river last by uuknown persons.

Oasawatomie aud his companions are wetlin health. Toa gentleman who remarked to him Friday, that he appeared is good spirits, he replied that tie could see nothing to cuiio him uneflsilicas, either in the present or future. Cook, wltu is of liveliestof the y.a* yesterday interrupted by a gentleman, in reading Mrs. ID-man's poem, Richmond, Wednesday, November 23,1859. The Bell of the Wreck," to Coppie, and ex plaining; it to him as he read.

Stephens is rapidly improving, and his life, as far as his are concerned, is out of danger. They are ail confined in a very pretty jail, which llk handsome private residence than a prison. It is said, however, to strong and a faithful and determined guard keeps constant watch over the prisoners. Bartered with the "i Barrett has just cried, lights out, in to military rule, and closes with an acknowledgment to Mr Hell the courteous editor of theSpiritof JefTerson! for items of infoimation in this letter. Mr.

i ui been am 'he foremost citizens here in his hospitality to "our The Charlestown Excitement. The correspondent of the Baltimore American writes from Charlestown, Nov. 21, as follows 1 he excitement of Saturday morning, in reference to a battle in Clarke county, has completely died off. having been sent by Col. IJavis, who returned and reported a lalse alarm.

But the most exciting event of Saturday was the arrival in the evening of Mr. Smith Crane, a citizen of Kansas, but a native of this town, Mr. Crane is a pro-slavery maraud his arrival at once led our now suspecting to conclude that all was not right, and that he had come with news of dreadful import. He was immediately besieged by an anxtouscrowd, and made to relieve himself of any and everything he knew in reference to Brown in Kansas, and also the news he had in reference to a contemplated rescue of the prisoners. Mr.

Crane, who is beyond doubt an entirely reliable man, stated that the excitement in regard to the affair was very greatamongst the untislavery men in Kansas, and he knew for a certainty that they were arming in largenumbers, and hay hey openly proclaimed their intention of making Brown's rescue. Restates that at least five hundred can be raised in a few hours' notice, and that they are determined and desperate men, and have never failed to rescue Brown from the many narrow straits in which he had placed himself in the southern part of Kansas. He also states that Brown is the idol of the rufllans of Kansas, and that he had only to give the command and they would follow. Mr. Crane states that amongst the number who declare their intention to attempt a rescue, are some Danites, who hold Brown in high esteem.

After leaving Kansas, Mr. Crane traveled on until he reached Bel-Air, he was taken sick. One nignt, whilst lying awake in his bed, he says he heard a party of Abolitionists in the next room conversing in regard to Brown, ami the means of his rescue. One of the men said that they could raise three thousand in less than 24 hours, to go by way of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and that the rescue would be made at all hazards. A lew hours alter the arrival of Mr.

Crane in town, the Hon. Andrew Hunter received a telegraphic dispatch from United States Marshal Johnson, oTOhio, stating that a large number of men, from 600 to 1,000, ere arming under the leadership of John Urown, sou of Old Brown, and would certainly make an attempt to rejMtie the prisoners; thus continuing all reported by Mr. As soon as the contents of the dispatch were made known the greatest excitement was created, but it did not partake of fear. Col. Dans immediately dispatched to Gov.

Wise for 5W men, who, it was announced to the excited population, would be here last evening. With these facts spread before them, and a thousand reports which could not be traced to a reliable source, the good pe.jple of Charlestowu retired to their beds, some placing tl'eir trust iu Providence, others in the military, and others in their own stout aims. It may be mentioned here that the Artillery company from Alexandria, 50 men, arrived about daylight Saturday morning, causing much commotion. A large majority of the colored population, who rise earliest, thought the enemy "hade me and they were theirs." Your heard of numerous good jokes at the expense of some of our most benevolent and res pec table old ladies: but the moral wonhl lfct be sufficient to adorn the tale, so he forbears to mention them. As stated above, yesterday morning dawned on us preparations werecommenced early for the reception of the Richmond military.

Large quantities of materials for bed-ticks were purchased, and theaid of the ladies, Sabballi as it was, solicited in making them up. Your correspondent happened to step in to see a friend about 'i o'clock in the afternoon. She is a lady of much piety, and usually attends church at least three times on the Sabbath. Judge of my surprise when I entered, to hear the busy hum of the sewing machine, under the direction of one of our ladies, who was turning off the cotton at a rapid rate. Seated around her were a number of Charlesiown's fairest daughters, busily plying their needles.

One ol them, a member of the church, assured me she did not think she should be held responsible for the sin she was committing, and thought that Col. Davis should respond to the question, guilty or not enil'v. in that upper Court when our actions will be passed on. At loui clock ill the afternoon almost the entire population turned out and made their way to the depot. It was soon announced that a dispatch had been received, and the cars would not be in until five o'clock.

Somewhat disappointed, the fair ladies and gallant beaux returned to their homes, whilst the soldiers detailed to receive the military, with a large number of citizens, remained on the ground. The companies to receive them consisted of the Alexandria Riflemen, Capt. Mayre; Mount Vernon Guards, Capt. Smith; and the Morgan Continentals, Major B. Washington and Capt.

Haines; all under the command of Col John Thomas Gibson. About six o'clock the shrill whistle of the iron horse heard, and citizens flocked to the court-house aud vicinity, where the soldiers would have to pass. The appearance of the troops as they marched down the main street was tine, and all were impressed with the soldierly tread of the visitors. Gov. Wise was met by Hon.

Andrew Hunter, and he and hi 3 staff conveyed to that gentleman's residence. It was with great difficulty that sufficient accommodations could be obtained for them, coming as they did after night, and not having had anything to eat for twenty-four hours. This morning a company of 100 horse arrived from Warrenton, Va. 311 is understood that Gov. Wise received a telegraphic dispatch from Gov.

Oliase, of Ohio, slating 'hat there were a large number of men, from (illli to arming, and would certainly be on here to make a rescue. Gov. Wise telegraphed in return that if they were permitted to cross the line he would hold Gov. Chase responsible, and have him tried for treason. The companies are now, o'clock, forming for a dress parade, which creates much excitement, as all are desirous to see them.

The prisoner Stevens is recovering from the effects of his wounds, and is able to walk about in his cell. He will soon be as well as ever. Captain John Hrewn has also recovered, and is getting quite active. He refuses to receive any ministers who countenance slavery, telling them to go home and read their Bibles. Rev.

Alfred Griffith had an interview with him a few days since, which lasted for nearly an hour, principally on the subject of slavery. They quoted Scripture to sustain their views, and had quite a clashing time of it, but neither was able to convince the other of the correctness of their peculiar doctrines. Dkfkxce or the Grafton, Taylor county, lately held a mass meeting to concert measures deemed necessary for protection, in consequence of the occurrences at Harper's Ferry. Among the resolutions adopted were the following: That, being well aware of our exposed frontier, and, consequently, vulnerable situation, we deem it our duty to repel by force, with the most availabla.weapons that may be had, any invasion of tlfe rights either of life, liberty or property, guarantied to us by the Constitution and laws of oar beloved aud much revered old Commonwealth. That we are ready as one man, not only to defend our own rights, but also to fly to theaid of onr brethren of the South, wherever and whenever assailed by traitors, insurrectionists aud murderers from the North.

Haltimorb and Ohio thirty-third annual report of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, shows that the workiiik expenses of the road have been decreased in the amount of the decrease in the gross revenue, a total increase in the nett of the main stem of 1 has been effected over the preceding year. In other words, the sum of over has been absolutely saved to the stockholders, whilst the permanent roadway is declared to tie in better condition than ever before, and the machinery and rolling stock of the road kept in the highest state of repair and efficiency. Upon the Washington and branches, the same system of management has had its appropriate effect, and the total decrease of working expenses upon the main stem and branches, is making, with the reduction of the sum paid for i terest, a total improvement in the finances of the company, as compared with the prsyions year, of Cot-tow Ceop East Perry brings sad newt from his section of State with regard to the cotton crop. He says that pretty much the entire East had made a failure 'his year, and a very bad failure. When it takes from Ave to ten acres to make otys tmg, we look upon It at raflief a total Taltcmaocc Smiintl, Xinister Ward's Kiitranre into the t'iiy of Pekin-A Dinner Party, Ac.

A ccTrespendent of the New York journal of Commerce thus Minister Ward's entrance into the city of Pekin Long before reaching the walls, however, we were surrounded by crowds whom no man could number. They did not rome there- they seemed to have srroten there; they did not move; they only and acres, and field after Held or human tlesh and bones, compacted into one solid body, out of which grew innumerable heads, artns, and shoulders. It addid to the impressiveness of the scene, that not one wore a hat or one covered his back and shoulders with shin or one wore a vest to protect his bosom. A singlearticle constituted the whole of their dress and piece of cotton made into an Oiiental petticoat, arid tied about the loins and reaching below the knee. All that met the eye, therefore, was naked flesh, glistening with the sweat which oiled It as thesuu shot down his burning rays while those thousands and thousands of piercing, prying, steadyeyes, and upturned faces, all wi thou a solemn in their wonder, indicated that till was not a mass of ilesh there mind was there; humanity was there; our brothers were there; almost the population of a common city was seen outsitfe of the walls; nor can any estimate of the amount of the population within amaze and stagger me, when I saw what there was around one gate in only without.

Not one shout was raised; not one voice was heard; not one foot or Ijand was moTed. The last European embasst was that of Lord Amherst la years ago, more than the period of a most of the living population of Pekin had never seen a white man. We passed under two imposing portals, something like triumphal archways, about halfa mile from the city, which, however, with the walls, the gates, the bastions, the towers, and other objects of interest within and without the cityi must be the subject of another letter. Passing through the Russian wall by the Gale," we entered the Tartar division of the city, and moving alone a street, compared with which Pennsylvania avenue in Washington, is a narrow lane, when we had gone a mile and a half, we turned at right angles to the right, when, proceeding a quarter or half a mile further, we reached the tfnarters which the government had assigned for our residence. A wall ran along in sight of the houses from the street; for they were a rluster, instead of one, and were owned and occupied a few years since by the Prime Minister, who lost them by confiscation for the crime of not deflating the rebels.

It is called "Lnukiuentang," or the "ifall of the a name given in honor of Loutsz, who was the founder of one of the religions systems and sects of China. Firt was the wall on the street, at the end of which on the right a gate opened into stables located in that quarter. Another gate on the lett opened into a long narrow space between the street-wall and a long parallel building for the use of servants and for offices. lieyond this was another court, with a wall separating it from another and larger court, in which were several trees, and a handsome building called the "Reception Hall" in which Mr. Ward held his interviews with the Imperial commissioners when they called upon him, and his Secretary and interpreters their interviews with inferior officers when they come to transact business.

Hack of this edifice was another wall with a central gate, which opened into a court 50 feet by a line building being erected on llie right and lelt hand for domestic purposes, and in front a large edifice, but, like all the others, of one story only, which was the principal house, and, with its wings, was above 100 leet long. All was neat and tasteful, even to us, and must have been magnificent, according to Chinese ideas. Nothing met our eyes in Pekin superior to it; and we found a happy home where the Prime Minister, who built and occupied it, found the bitterest misery, though he held in his hand the power of life and death over four hundred millions. A DIKKEK I'AKTV. Thursday, August-Jd, the three commissioners returned Mr.

Ward's call, attended by a great retinue of mandarins of different grades, who had a long conference with Mr. Ward in the reception hall, where the only subject discussed was Mr. Ward's performance of the Ko-toic, against which he was as persistent as before. After a Ion? discussion they adjourned for dinner at :1 o'clock, which was served in the spacious and dining hall of the main house occupied by Mr. Ward.

It wua prepared with all tlie gastronomic science and art which the at work in the imperial kitchen could command. I have not space to name the various nests, sharks' fins, heifers' teats, watermelon seeds, the whole amounting to no less than thirty jursen, and including dishes, apart from those not agreeable to American and fancy, which the gentlemen upon their return declared were hardly equaled bv anything within their experience or knowledge. The tentleinen of thesuite, who have resided many years in China, said they had never known anything equal in sumptuousness, delicacy and richness, and even one of the commissioners, when the dinner was complimented, said nothing better could be got up for the Emperor himself. Though only the three Chinese commissioners and Mr. Ward, his secretary, and two interpreters, were present and sat down to it, the supply was enough for at least a hundred, and the expense was estimated at $1,500.

A table was set at the head of the room, at which sat Mr. Ward at the head, Kweiliangon his left, as the most honorable place, and belonging to the Prime Minister, while the other commissioner, Hwashana, sat on the right, and the third, or deputy commissioner, Sieh, on the left of Kweiliang, the secretary and interpreters occupying positions at the foot oi the table. A table was set for the rest of Mr. Ward's suite towards the other end of the room, and at first in a line with the other fable, which ail astute Chinese official observing, he requested it might be removed out of the line a little, as it would not be in harmony with Chinese ideas to have a table placed in a straight line with that of the first Minister of the State! A crowd of Mandarins came in with the commissioners, to whom we offered to give up our tables and seats, which was not allowed by the commissioners. Even when it was ascertained that the nephew of one of the commissioners was among them, and all were desirous he should sit down to dinner, his uncle peremptorily refused, as it would violate the Chinese rites to have an inferior, even of his rank and relationship, seated at table with officers of such high dignity.

I happened to sit in such a position as to have a fine opportunity to study the faces of the Imperial Commissioners, and observe their emotions, if emotions Chinese faces ever show. Kweiliang is a venerable man, 70 years old, of middling stature and spare frame, and without the least air of arrogance and selfimportance. Hwashana is stout, of round, heavy face, and light complexion and a Manchoo. He is about 5.5 and maintained great dignity of deportment. At the closeof the dinner he ordered his servant to bring his Chinese smoking apparatus, made of brass, and holding enough tobacco tofurnish exactly four whiffs, the last of which his Excellency always emitted from his nose.

Sieh is about 45, a stout man, and having a large head, with a face indicating cunning. The simplicity of their dress would astonish the poorest American clerk, and be thought discreditable for those who do not own the coats on their backs; but it was neat, and bjre the usual marks oi authority and place. It was hard lor us, the lookers-on at the other table, to divine the result of the conference from what we saw and heard Tor while at times there was a play of pleasantry in the conversation, or a in the or coarse, lend laugh, all suddenly subsided into the solemnity of a (Quaker meeting, showing that the pleasantry and good humor was forced and not natural. Dinner being at last ended, Mr. Ward and ihe Commissioners returned to the Reception Hail, where the discussions were continued.

DELIVERY OP THK LETTER. On the loth, Mr. Ward, with his Secretary and interpreters, proceeded! to the temple, where again he met the three! Commissioners, and delivered the President's-Jletter in the following oriental style: All the party stood; no business or discussion being allowed till this august ceremony was performed. First, Mr. Ward Secretary took the letter and handed ii to him, who raised it above his eyes, signifying that he was inferior to the President; and then pushing it over the left shoulder, in sign of according to Chinese ideas, handed it to Kweiliang, live Prime Minister, who in turn raised it above Am eyes, then passed it over An left shoulder, handing it to a high Mandarin, who placed it reverently with both his hands upon the table in the centre of the room, around which a guard was at once placed to protect aud houor it.

Such are Chinese customs and rites. Thus, everything being satisfactorily concluded, aud perfect good feeling preserved, the Commissioners and Mr Ward and his parly sat down with a better relish to the rich tables, spread as at the first visit. It was said by some of the Chinese officials that the Emperor was intent ou giving Mr. Ward an audience, aud to see him, and would in some way have managed to gratify his wishes, but for the persisteut opposition of princes of the royal family. His mind is evidently more enlightened and liberalised than those of most of the nobility, though the two Commissioners, and especially ibe Prime Minister Kweiliaug, exhibited talent wortHy of the respect of even European statetraer.

Mr. Ward compared Kweiliang totfeu. Cass aud liwaahana to the late Secretary Clayton TH RETURN TBI RAT- a IriCATIOSfI. i proposed, on the morning of Thursday, llih, We reached Tnng-Chow the first day without Tttoeh of suffering endured when we went op, fu most of onr party were furnished with horses. Three dayt' tracking, the aid of the enrreut, brought us through the immense forttU of vegetation upon the banks of the Peiho, and the innumerable towns and villages on each hank to Pei-tsang, where we arrived Sunday afternoon, near evening; and spending the night there in our junks, we left early Monday morning, and, resuming onr carriages-, reached this place about noon to-day.

A melancholy occurrence made our caravan for the last two days a funeral procession. Rev. Mr. Aitehison, a graduate and tutor in Yale College, and for a time settled in the ministry in iVorwich, Connecticut, had resided in Shiinghae and its neighborhood for the last five vears as a missionary of the American Board. He wa? requested by Mr.

Ward to attend him to Pekio one of his interpreters, his Chinese scholarship admirably qualifying him for this while his moral and social qualities won for him the respect and affection of all associated with hiin. Seized with slight illness in Pekin, it terminated in obstinate dysentery in the course of a few days, and he pass-ri from earth quietly, in his li'ter, a few hours after leaving the junk, yesterday nooii. His body was brought along with us, and will bo taken on hoard the steamer, and' conveyed to Shanghae for interment, If its condition shall make it possible. On reaching this town, everything was found in readiness for putting the last hand to the treaty. Mr.

"Ward and his suite were conducted at once to yamun, or Official Hall, a very respectable strufctute, and tastefully fitted up for the occasion. A regiment of cavalry lined the street on which the yatiun is situated, and soldiersand officers were drawn up at the gate, and lined each side of the passage from the street gate to the yamun. situated tiOrods back. Some were armed with short-swords, others with rusty match-locks, and others still with and arrmcs Icounted seven arrows iti one quiver. The gates and interior ot the yam tin were ornamented with stripes of red also with perpendicular stripes of red paper, covered with gilt Chinese characters, all containing sentiments of respect and good wishes.

Three tables were also at each end, and one at the centre on the hack side of the loaded wirh thechoicest delicacies of the Chinese culinary art. Another table was set in front, on which the Were laid, and around which Mr. Ward and the Chinese officials were stnnding. Wang-Fuh, Governor-General of the Province of Chili, was deputed by the Imperial Commissioners to act in their place, an officer who, after the Prime Minister, has no other before him in the Empire. His residence is Tien-tsin, TO miles above tnis town, at the junction of the Peiho and the (treat Canal, from whence he was ordered to hasten down to meet Mr.

Ward and exchange the ratifications. Wun-liiuh, Treasurer ot the Province, was also in attendance, with a large number of officials, who had traveled quite a distance, some 50or Ino miles, to do honor to the occasion. The ratifications were laid upon the table, the treaty having the Emperor's seal attached to it, for h- never signs name, and the American President name fully and boldly written. The business was soon dispatched, and in a most agreeahle manner and spirit, all parties standing when Mr. Ward expressed the hope to the Governor-General that the treaty would be the bond of lasting peace and friendship between the two nations; to which the Governor replied, with great earnestness, and an apparent social tone, that the observance of the conditions by both parties would he much better for this end.

Both he and the Treasurer showed decided ability and humane feeling. The Nashville Nashville Gazette, of Saturday last, gives ihe following account of the recent deplorable tragedy in that city: Yesterday morning, soon after the usual breakfast hour, George G. Poindexter, Editor of the Nashville Union and American, was shot and instantly killed by Allen A. Ilall, editor of the Nashville trs. The scene of this truly deplorable occurrence was Cherry street, between the Gazette Hnilding and the Office Alley.

Having reason to anticipate an attack from Mr. IVindcxter, Mr. Hall had provided himself with a double-barrel shot-gun, and ascertaining that Mr. Poindexter was coming in the direction of the office, Mr. Hall took a position on the pavement, immediately in front of the office door.

When Mr. P. had got within haiiing distance, Mr. H. raised his gun, and requested him not to advance any further.

He repeated the request or order three times in rapid succession. His adversary, however, continued to advance until within about fifty feet of Mr. Hail when that gentleman discharged one barrel of the gun, which was loaded with buckshot. Ten of the shot took effect upon the body of Mr. Poindexter, several of them entering his left arm, and the others penetrating his breast and abdomen.

Mr. Poindexter fell upon the sidewalk, but was immediately carried into the law office of T. 15. Childress, where he almost instantly expired. He did not speak, we believe, after receiving his wound.

It was raining very hard at the time of the occurrence, and Mr. Poindexter had his umbrella over him, the staff of which was completely shattered by the shot. It is believed that Mr. P. had his pistol drawn when he was shot, but we have 110 positive information upon that The pistol was found lving in the umbrella, which had dropped from his hand simultaneously with the shooting.

It had not been tired. Mr. Ilall surrendered himself into thecustody of an officer of the law, and the trial was postponed until o'clock on Friday morning next, Mr. Hall giving bond for his appearance at that time in the sum of TUis deplorable occurrence proceeded from a political controversy. Fkom in Panama Star of the Huh instant, contains later intelligence from Chili, the most important items of which relate to a severe shock of an earthqauke at 8 A.M.

on the sth Oct'r, which was felt throughout the republic, but most severely in the province of Copiapa. The direction of the shock was from Southeast to Northwest, and its duration, it is said, about four minutes, having caused considerable damage in the city of Copiapa and the port of Calder.i, overthrowing some buildings and leasing a great many others in a ruinous condition, but fortunately we have not heard of any lives being iost. In Caldera the sea retreated several times from the coast, leaving a beach of 150 yards, which caused a panic amongst the inhabitants, who Hew to the neighboring hills; fortunately the sea returned to its place without any violence, and did not occasion the least disaster. We have been assured that after the first shock the earth has continued in unceasing motion: and, according to the observations made, the number of shocks in the lapse of hours after the first great one has not been less than 110. S'ill we have no very great losses to deplore, and the province of Aiacama will soon recover with the produce of its mines, which are stated to be in a very rich condition.

New and rich mines of copper and silver been discovered at Tartal, north of Copiapa, and several surveying parties have left to explore them. The Steamship North arrival of this steamer at New York has already been announced. A correspondent of the Journal of Commerce, writing from Aspinwall, says she had been days on the French Keys near Mayaguana passage. She struck on the 25th of October at 4:10 A. while runningat the rate of 12 to She went Jialf her length upon a coral reef lying between ledges of rock.

The captain had only left the deck about ten minutes when she struck; the second mate wits nominally on the watch, but it is said went below to prepare for ffasbingdecks. The captain suppo-t-d that he had passed the and was at least lj miles ahead of them. It had bten foggy weatUer fur the previous ts hour-, during which no observation had been obtained. 0 The passer.gers were landed on the key, and tents were erected for their The ship was then lighted of her coal, and by the help ol iho crew of the Saranac (who were on board as passengers,) alter six and a half days labor, she was again put afloat. While on the key the passengers were put on allowance of water, as the ship took but e.itWJ gallons from New York.

Allergetting afloat, and taking the passengers aboard, the ship touched at Crooked Island for water, and then at Kingston, Jamaica, for coal. Ax Ekragbd young female compositor, employed in a newspaper office in Cleveland, lately attacked a journeyman printer of that city for using, as she alleged, slanderous agressions about her. She obtained a barreled pistol, and sought hertraducer. Meeting on the street, she drew her pistol, which he seiited before could fire, and wrenched it from her. Afterwards she met him in the ball of bis hoarding bouse, and drawing her pistol, fired, the ball grazing his bead.

He sprang forward and wrenched the pistol from ber hand before she could fire a second shot. She left, vowing vengeauce. Commodore Charles Wilkes is sojourning in Charlotte, N. C. PRICE ONE CENT.

LOCAL MATTERS. House daring robbery was perpetrated in this city on Monday night between the hours of l() and II o'clock the auction store of Mr. Alexander Nott, southwest corner of 15th and Main was rubbed of four gold watches, eight silver watches, a quantity of jewelry, several packages of wearing apparel, a piece of cassimere, a number of of bed-clothing, several boxes of cigars', and perhaps other goods. Soon after the robbery, watchmen Bow and Davis were pacing through adark alley, leading east from 11th street, between Main and Gary, when they a yellow fellow named-Joe, the property of Wm. W.

Jones, skulking along near the houses, with a large bundle of goods upon his shoulder. They instantly arrested him, and then learned that be had gotten the bundle at Mr. Notts. On going to the store, they found aside door open, and dispatched a messenger for Mr. Nott.

When Mr. N. arrived, the premises were thoroughly searched, but no other thief could be found. AU the other doors were fastened, and the store was guarded by a vicious dug at the time. Mr.

Nott, therefore, came to the conclusion, that when he fastened the doors, about In o'clock, the thief was secreted in some part of the building, and that immediately alter he left, his desk and one of his iron chests were searched and robbed. In the counting-room, near another chest which contained money and other found a lirge if (he thieves intended to force it; but they had not done so. Mr. Nott lost about StiOO worth of articles. Joe, the prisoner, when called In-fore the Mayor yesterday, stated that the bundle with which he was found, was given him by two other negroes, whose names he did not know, and that they took the jewelry and wa'ches for their share, leaving liim to carry the bundle to a Certain canal boat then lying in the With thehope of getting other factsand recovering the stolen goods, the examination of the was continued until this morning.

Company Capt. Samuel P. Mitchell, held an adjourned meeting at their armory last Monday night, and adopted a constitution and a set of by-laws for iheir government. Fortylive men were in attendance at drill, despite the inclemency of the weather, and several names of worthy gentlemen were proposed for membership, tine of the by-laws, which passed bv acclamation, prohibits the members from visiting bar-rooms and places of that sort when in uniform, thereby giving assurance that no man will tic induced to form intemperate habits by becoming a member of this corps. In years gone by, some of the volunteer companies made their parades mere frolics, and thereby induced the belief in the minds of many, that to become a soldier was to become intemperate.

Under that impression parents and friends did all they could to prevent their sons and acquaintances from connecting themselves with any ot the volunteer organizations but now, that the temperance feature has been added to the by-laws of nearly every company in the city, neither parents nor friends object to volunteers. Lumber. passing along the dock yesterday, we were astonished to see the immense amount of Northern lumber piled along its to learn that nearly all the builders in the city purchased Northern materials for their contracts. This fact is but an illustration of the extent to which our people patronise their worst enemies, when they could get just as good lumber at. their own doors and of their own friends, if they were but to determine to do so.

Virginia and her sister Southern states, if they to be independent of their enemies, must patronize each other more and the North less, and it they but once will it, there is not an article of necessity, great or small, that ihey cannot manufacture at their own doors. In our own S'ate an abundance of lumber, for all purposes, can readily be had, and the is not distant, unless the conservative portion of the North show their determination to support the Constitution, when no article of Northern commerce will lie allowed a Sjuthern lauding. held a meeting at First Market Hall, last Mond.iy night, andafterdrilling a short time, appointed one committee to prepare a constitution and by-laws for the government of the company, tjnd another to report on uniform at an adjourned meeting, to lie held next Friday night. Understand that seventy gentlemen have handed in their names as members of this new organization, and that the grev uniform, similar to the one worn by Company will probably be adopted. The Grenadiers, by an unanimous vote, resolved to incorporate th temperance feature in their by-laws, and to adhere rikidly to its provisions.

That it will be one of the finest looking companies in the regiment, when thoroughly equipped, there cannot a shadow of a doubt. Going or three, and perhaps four, ol' the Virginia racers, are preparing to start South wi fa their horses, and will probably leave here by the last of the month. T. W. Doswell, will take with him the invincible Planet, Fannie Washington and Exchequer, and if no accident will visit Charleston, Augusta.

Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans liefore his horses return. Planet is now looking as fine as silk, and if he darts in good condition and on a good track, the horse that beats him will have to make the best time yet on record We know that every racer, from here to New Orleans, will be glad to tear his laurels from his brow, and it may be that some of them will succeed; but if they do, the backers of Planet will have little use for other races this season. Suspirioux only the police but some of our active citizens, are on the alert to detect a certain character in our midst, whose secret operations in tlie day, late walks at night, frequent conversations with slaves, and occasional isits to the North, have attracted no little attention in certain quarters. Our informant does not preiend to say that the person alluded to is an agent of the underground railroad, but it is a singular fact, about which there can be 110 doubt, that whenever be leaves Richmond, a servant absents himself at the same time, and fails to return.

If the suspicions awakened are once confirmed, the worthy gentleman will find this climate too wai tn for him. Th' Trmfirrinee Sfcrh We take pleasure in calling attention to the notice of a public temperance meeting to-morrow night, at the African Church. The speaker, Mr. Moffat, is 011 his way South, and been prevailed on, by the friends of the cause here, to stop and deliver an address in this We are informed, by a gentleman who knows Mr. Moffat, that he is a line orator and a cultivated gentleman, who speaks for the cause of Temperance, not in view of compensation, but with the desire of benefiting his fellow-men.

There is room and need for the untiring efforts of such men in our midst. Go and hear Mr. Moffat; we are assured you will be gratified and benefitted. Impudent negro named Edward, in the service of Mr. Thomas Duke, as a hack driver, was be to re the Mayor yesterday morning, charged with using impudent and provoking language 111 the pre-ence of a white man.

Robert Graham, the witness, while he was standing in the front room of Stewart's snack house, 011 ITtli st, he heard the prisoner say to two negro women, that he would go to Harper's Ferry and fight for his he had raiher die in that cause than any other. The prisoner stated ihat he was only joking with the womeu, and that he meant no harm by what he said. The Mayor sent biin to jail until this niorniug, when he will be disposed of. Auutrnt. II o'clock yesterday morning, a laborer named Jukuv Sillivak, employed in excavating the t'uundauui lor tbe inaiainoth lumlier-house of Messrs.

liaxail, Crenshaw Co, on the south side ol the basin, was accidentally caught under a bank ol dirt, which fell a distance of eight feet, and crushed Rim severely, though none of his bones were broken. He was at once taken lo his lodging by his fellow-laborers, and a physician called in to atteud him. His left shoulder was considerably bruised, and back of his head slightly cut, but injuries are not believed to be daugeruus. the news reached here laM Saturday night, that the territory of Virginia had been invaded by a horde ol" fanatics, that troops were wanted At Charles town to repel them, a lady of our city hurriedly prepared the knapsack of her and, placing his mu-ket in bis haud, gave him a parting kiss and bule him go and flglti lor country and his rghta. Rtdurtiom of In order to KWHUBOdae the travel on as reasonable terms as possible, the Messrs.

Ourrie, ugeuts of the Haitimore sie tmers, have reduced the Aire on their line, meals included, toils, between this city and Baltimore. The accommodations on are said to be superior, the captains polite and skillful, and the in good weather, exceedingly pleasant. faying City Ooancll have ordered the payment of MOO to Mr. Slater, to repair the Injury to his house, which was seriously damaged hy an explosion of gas, caused bv carelessness of an named Sueul. who has siaca beaa discharged by C.

mtnittce on Light, under whose authority he wis employed and kept at service hy Inspector. fUclmcifo fispattjr. 'rilitma or Atntkriirm. aafe alfciffli ttnl WM, wm be charged mru nun of eight liaeefcr ft ret insertion. oaf fer aoattawea.

the boon of fire titti six o'clock yeatwrdar afternoon, a house oft Vth street near Leigh, owned by Mr. Joeeph P. Hanlon, mid occupied by Mr. disco ered to be on Are in the second story, and soon thereafter the saea to hurst ont of one of the front windows. Rrr.

Mr. Petherbrldge, on hearing the screams of a child, rushed into the house, and ascending to the second story, discovered Mr. child, uearly snffocaied with smoke, and la treat danger of being bnrut. He promptly rescued the little creature. and giving the alarm, the neighbors hastened to the scene, and aided la removing the furniture.

The tire great promptness, hurried to the scene, and procuring water from the corner of i'Jth and Broad, rendered material nid in saving adjoining building, owned by Mr. J. P. pennwa, the cornice of which was partially burned; but could not check the flames on Mr. building, which was entirely destroyed.

Mr. U. had an insurance in the Fire and Marina office of £1,100. Mr. Schmidt and bis wife absent Irura huincai the time, and the lady lelt in charge of the house knew nothing of the lire umil the neighbors informed herof It We think it probable that the child, who came so nigh being burnt, caused the Are luteal play.

Fnyriit are glad to see the efforts now being made to revive this old and valued corps, and nee rely trust thst they miy prove To night, at half-past 7 clock, a meeting of the friends of the company and all who have enrolled their names, or who dolgn doing so, will held at tha Hlues'old armory, in the law building. Let it he a full one, so that the organization may be perfected as speedily as The Artillery should number about oneliundred men, and should be officered in the best If the organization can be completed by tha first of January, we have no doubt that tha Legislature can tie induced to make such aa appropriation as will ensure its stability hereafter. Hear in mind the meetiug to-night, and be punctual to the hour. iVirrntp Yesurday afternoon, a horse attached to a fnrniMire wagon, ran down Main street from the direction of ttth, and taking the northern sidewalk his nigh running over a young lady and child, opposite the Post-Office. A gemlemali wno saw occurrence, natures us that the wheels of the vehicle passed within a inches of the Shiran into the Post- Oftice.

On opposite the Bank of tha Commonwealth the horse fell, and was therw captured. He hud, no doubt, been left standing in the street and ran ott in the absence of the diiver. Thr 1.. I. neatly-written nole, purporting to tie from a number of Indies, us to say that the i.Hlues, under command of Lieut.

Matile, uuinliered eighty-four men when they took the cars lor Charlestown, and that six other mein hers have since joined them from this that there are now OU Mines absent from Richmond in the service of the Slate. Every citizen re oices in the oT this gallant old corps, for there is scarcely a family In Virginia who has not had relative it at some period of its existence nautical drama called the "Lost Ship," for which considerable preparation has liern made, will be produced to-night Thora who are loud of looking stai tling spectacles and wonderful scenic effects, will be gratified by a visit to the Theatre on this occasion. The amusing comedy of "Ills Last Legs," in which Rogers has a'really amusing part, closes the performance. A dai ce by Miss S.ilotne, and an overture by the orchestra, take place between the plays. Thin Afternoon, at 3 o'clock, the ladies and children are to have an opportunity of seeing lionetti famous band ot monkeys, dogs and goats go through their wonderful perlormances, at Metropolitan Ifall.

To those wlfb have not seen these trained ammtls, the entertainment will prove a and worth witnessing. The friitral Annexation will hold a meeting at the City Hull on Friday night next, at half-past 7 o'clock. As matters of importance are expected to be brought before ihe body, not only the but citizens generally, are earnestly invited to attend punctually at the hour named. Crore City Council hare msdw an appropriation of to aid in improving the western extension of Franklin street, beyond the corporate limits. The city owns the old Fair Grounds, lying upon this street, and for that reason the subscription was made.

Xot a slave charged with stealing coffee from Dun lop, Moi.curc A proved his innocence before the Mayor, yesterday, and was discharged. Bricine FiiuM Amialten. ton, daughter ol Mr. lieu ton, of lowa, drowned herself in Creek, near Denmark. in that Slate, on Monday of last week.

She was intending the Denmark Academy. and was about twenty-one jt-arn of aire, an amiable girl, and much thought, of by her associates. Depression of caused by the apprehension that she was not loved at h' tne tike her slater, and had a capacity inferior to hers, seems to have been the cause of the suicide. Rev. J.

Monday the Rev. Hersev, a well-known eccentric Methodist divine, preached in Elkton, to a large congregation. In the cour-e of his remarks the reverend gentleman said that his health was good; that although years of age, lelt no decline, either mentally or physically that he could yet endure a reasonable amount of ta'igue, and that he Irequently Walked a considerable distance to preach, find did preach three or lour times a day. St ripe is A young farmer, named Averill, living at Najierville, Du Page county, mUide by cutting his throat with a razor. Averill married about a year ago, but lias pnrsued an unhappy wedded I lie, owing to difficulties with wile.

A few days ago, another difficulty ensued, when (be wife left him and went (o her father s. The result of the unfortunate quarrel is his death at his own hands The Erie Railuoad to hk Solo The first mortgage bondholders of the Eiie (N Company nave applied to the Comptroller ot the State to advertise and mil ibe road for the iiou-piiyiueiit ot interest. The Comptroller has the matter in the hands of the Attorney-General, who will proceed at once under the Act of 1M.5 10 a foreclosure and sell the road, with all its appurtenances. At ction Dn iF.s in Niw York merchants ot New York making a movement to have all the auction duties on merchandise repealed. They say the influence ot this restriction is feii injuriously the 'rsdeand commerce of the city, and than countertialHiices auy benefit that the State can drrlvw from it.

Maine Editors on a editors of Maine recently went out on ai excursion: they made a common purse, and bought a boxof for dinner. In cousequence ol that reckless exj-enditure fortynine of them have since taken the beuufilof the bankrupt act. So it is said. Pknii icntiary Marion county, Va, James D. Bradford has been Hie pei itentiary for two years and Dine larceny, aud George E.

Pricbard three years and three months for housebreaking and lareeny. or were informed a short time since that a deputation of (be above order, some fifty in number, from Rlchmoud, would soon visit Petersburg for the of establishing a division in this frtts. persons, calling themselves Johu Hastings, Henry King and Hrowu, have been arrested in Petersburg as "suspiciouscharacters," and lodgd in jail. A meeting for the relief of John Brown's family was held at Boston on Saturday ensuing. Two thousand people attended, and Several hundred dollars were contributed.

Joseph Allen was strangled to death ia Philadelphia, on Saturday evening, while sating his snpjter, by a piece of meat lodging ia throat. An affray took place lately at Nor ill Gibson, betweeu two men by the naanewl Hague and Oitwou, which resulted in ibe death ot the former by a blow on tbe head with a gun. The health of Judge Bougtas is improving, and it is expected he will be well enough lo takf his seat in the Seuaie at opening. Mrs. Myra Townsend.

a lady disilafttished for benevolence, died suddenly in Philadelphia last Sjuday. Mrs. Mary Worthing ton Morris, of General Geo. P. Morris, died ia New Xurk on Friday last.

Morris O. Smith, an cltisea rf geaues, VL, fall dead while plowing tm Ml gardea last week. Ia MemphU, P. K. Boydhjs Wsn anarlctnd for maliciously shooting 0- C.

MeMabaa, and Doed Joel Godwin was Innnd dsad to kinataes.

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