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Richmond Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia • Page 1

Richmond Dispatchi
Richmond, Virginia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

lUrJiiMiib Bisjiatrji. HI rOWAROtWfc IVTHK PAH.Y UIHPATCM ib tn tab rt-t to the Carrier veokty. for mailiin, 4 yi (At in MITHK SKMi WEEKLY DISPATCH MtttMd i hrw J- fjw.ia THK WKi KIA msr VTUi it i to a) 1 an num. SPECIAL NOTICES 1 i hole MdiiiH Woilil OF I.AIiV AHKH as OK Si I'f'i'RiiXvT. Nt i tiuMi ton i rti ntv, April Utn.

i Aiair h' i'lw. i hcU wwh f. tucli wiil rrtiinln '1 ill were at ti.i.o.v roijni help'os I have tried J. CS X'l'fl lit! efteot list OctO ked i'. no shouldors hvk ftt-d ii rest or lit- I eon'd no" without, with i od in remodles, I tuv relic' 4 HAMPTON'S VKiiKIAIU.V hid taken one bottle of I coiit.m.ed 5 i IH: ami sti.m.'h remtboned md rev v.

kii wii t' 1 intend 0, OOd t. 1 n.mend it the st! mi it to iimsiiml-ed. Yours. lUi.wnv. v-s wo i el t.r i- refcpei 11i n'u: the i.rvf«l»rin<! treat it? urf knt iiuuNn know ben We U.

-e it from the demand. and .1 Tvi PR At orTh.illipt<>n Vn. PmipNii'ts ruros. KCI i I. A Kiohmond iv K.

Kietlerscks'uri tlio MORTlii Kit A Mow V.tii l.j Shop orj si in'r six kj oc 1 iri Ilir fiijojniftil th JrC4U'-Rtij lie 'ii hive ro ss We sro ftfii. jwrnjorcrf nsttho is? liiltJ of tn ftn orator I itiMi H. it t.ik*r to.iiiirU ivin elasticity to the At the RtMir. Fit ninn not tiic in oertain of tue Inuli of more potont than sin amount of quinine. cineiiiost onsen of tuitions pnoperties.

Those who novel use another, for whioh the Hitth-- to suUino To who have not mmlo rinient. we oordially reooinmend in ihe whenever are diseases of the di .1 (Jruii.issi ami generally, everyv re. i Ifsrlstiomr'sl ure- IT CURES ALL PAIN'. preparation is used internally and HVAPACHK. 1 ISKS Clll 1.8 L.M XS, M.tKBVS.

SCALPS and BURNS, CHOM.RA. NTHK I.T BS, IN THE I t'AIN in the BR F. AST rHEOAt. PBOSTKI) FECT, i'llK RACK, PAIN in the BOWELS. it 1 fin? very beneficial for a A nr bowela.

IJ. 29 and SO cents. bv a', I 1 momd. I'elertharg and Norfolk, and Mate. je avv on! to the Wise Sufficient.

T. R. BASS' COUGH HI P. tor Coa.n*. Colds.

Consumption. tti jr-i re. can testify that it is the best, in use and yon are suflennf. do an are doint, -t'a tna! and continue its use if it lie lie tits as iituc accomplished every way bt remedies, equally valuable. Pain Kx'r tor.

Compound Aperient and I ner Fills. Water, ie Piarrhca, and Bloody Fius Remedies. Toothache Tincture, pure for neural-ri. and ethers, can be had, by ilessleand retail. of T.

R. BASS, Proprietor. Clar street, west side, between Ist and Richmond. Virginia. APPERSON A DUTY, llruzxists.

No. Broaditreet. oc Itook-Keeper and JuliN WILLIAMS oilers his services to keep efts of Rooks retularlv and neatiy. and to exam irte. lup.

settle and adjust has had a experience in and testimonials from men of the first standing in Richmond. Application mav be made to JOHX L. WILLIAMS. the office of Messrs. John A.

Lascas-1 Sox. oc Light! l.i"ht! Light the KE-t CANNEI. COAT. OIL. manufactured from Virginia Cannel Coal.

A beautiful roil. vfti ranted to I'nrn well, not to smoke or 1 an. unpleasant ordor. Th oil is free from fc adulte-ation, will not explode, and is the most economical oil in use. Sold by FiSHKR WINSTON, os Wholesale Agents.

To Tobacco attufa re rs. -We 1 arrangements with Messrs. Mnwr i to 1111 and seii their I 1 AT F.N )BAC-1 'R with movable RKTAININO i'lt KS SKS. ami are now prep red to make them at short We call the attention of all manufacturers oi dneco to them. We claim for these lot.

Labor sav inf. 2d The work is done hetter. The small space they occupy. iV. The; inmense saving of money in the outlay for mach.nerv.

mill of tobacco is br one of these machines from three to five minutes, and relied oil in the to a sidn trick, and allowed to sta'd at ing as the maita-'er Ifenou hof the relamers are procured, the tobacco can stand for boors in the miils. We refer to Messrs. Palmer Jc Allison, A. Pill, 1. i.ofier.

J- R. Turpi -V Yar i.roujih F.BMONU. Man.ifacturers of Portable and Stationary Kit ines and Saw Mihs, Carv Richmond. oc Great Virginia Remedy, and no Hi PKTKRS- KMKDY FOR i. KH'KA, AND ALL DlB A it American remedy.

containing do or Balsamic properties, excels nrjtninj heretofore offered the public, in itscur'tti-e, restorative, and renovating powers; and ths medical world are astonished when told tnat the above remedy will cure the above diseases, and confounded when they have ocular demonstrations of the facts. But the proprietor, who has known of the remedy for twenty-odd years, has known of a case of twenty years standing to lie restored to perfect health, nnd all other cases of shorter duration to tie restored, without a single exception, and therefore challenges my case of Gonorrhoea which the remedy will not cure, provided the directions are carried out with prudence on the part of the patient; nnd one purchasing is! a dozen bottles, and using accordingly, in his her case, he guarantees a perl et cure and in case of failure, will furnish additional medicine, free of charge, to complete the cure, through his agents; and a eure will be effected without inconvenience to the patient. Sold by APPERBON DUPUY, Druggists, Agents for the city of Richmond, au Wo. ail. Broad street.

and Bladder The newest and most impoitant discovery lor Kidney, Bladder Con jlaints, Urinary Obstructions, Leucor riiu'a or Whites, Sexual weaknesses, Physical Prostration and Debilitv of either sex, is BAR TSHORNE'S BUCHU COMPOUND. Pa rsons who have been unible to walk, have soon heen relieved liv this powerful CO.MPOU N'D. it is prepared by a Chemist, and is pronounced by medical men and those who have used it, to be the liest til cue COMPOUND in the world. Large bottles fci small bottles 4tf cents. A iresh supply just received In EISHERfc IN.STON, Druggists, je 4in street, Richmond.

li. Great Jk CASH. AT PERKINS At No. HI, Eaulk Sqvauk. 4 4 Brown MIIRTING, ileavy, at tid.

4-4 Bleached at6d. Super. at 10 cents Tne best 4 4 eve here, at lUO Col'd at 6U rents Best Knii'ish and American I'HIN I'S, at 11 cents 60 p's VALKNTJAS and DELAIN KS, at cts. kich Par DKLAi NES, fiiii worth cts. DRESS S'LKS.

verv cheap Vers SILK lIOBKs, at worth $45 K1 GLOVES, as good us Alexander's, at 76 cts. i'efct lu-4 Bleached at 23 cts. PERKINS se 19-ts No. 141 Eagle Square. KV, Public are invited to call at NEW and beaut.lul ROU.VjS, recent fitted up tor the.

purpose of couduetiAJg tho FHOTOGHAI Hlv AKI in ait its varied branches, and examine the numerous iin- Lroveuienls ia'eiy to-the Alt I. IHOIO'jkAPBS cotoren in WATER or OiL. from miniature up to life which les combine all tne delicste fmish of the Miaiaturg. ami the bold and speaking Pot trait iu oil. AM BkO PKB taken iii every variety of style.

G. VV. 217 st. Licorice, in Mass and Stick, the best Gl LA BEANS-Angastura, Black and talized. OLIVE OIL, class, of newerof.

In store ana fur sale low bj J. PITFIELD GEORGE In M. Biairand Building, O.mer mj 13th and Gary PVR. Practical Hair Cutter AXI) DRESSER-His 11AIH CUTTING, SHAVING, SHAMPOOING and HYKfNG ROOMS are under tins American Hotel, Gentlemen wishing to get their HA IK CUT in the latest and most approved style, I would advise jou to call on Kutraace on Uth street. IV Mrs.

J. A. Williams. M. D.i offers her services to of her own sex, and to cuildrsn, who need medical advice or attendance.

Kspocisl attention given to the managementoi female diseases, and displacements. Those wishing an interview at their residence, can address Post-Office, Box jE on Clay, between 4th and sth streets, n.uhnttmd. Va. oc Ksiinr tor two-and-a---h lifhoTiMj IK A ENGINE, in complete order, uiM-d only three weeks. It Will sold at a am.

Apply at this otfi oc feiA Kvery Lever ef Bread, should tNFAI.UBLK BAKING price cents. For saleovsrj'where. daily dispatch. VOL. 108.

iiirhinunti fftspalcfi. KRIDAY MOKNIKU NOV. V. THE ELECTION IN BILTIMORK. A Ulettce nnd Shot Down nt the th hands ol the rings, fcc, tvlejtraph brief account of the violence the rUs tiou in Baltimore, odiiosday.

The Baltimore American thus the of the TIM i iy was K' ven the control of i ufl.auism, ettpported aud encouraged bv 'he police, and approved of and urged on bv 'he leaders of the American pariv. Armed bands, of lawless characters held ssion of nearly all the polling plnoes. the el. rts Inch the ot a fair ami logal elec-1 ion made to preserve order were as riot.and the only made bv the police were ol resjievtable aud well-known i whose whole lives are tho guarantee their obedience to the laws. Every species Ol Iraud.

every degree of ruffianism, n'nd every Molatton of sworn duty, was used to detent I xpre-sion of the will of the people. Bands men, looks bespoke their character rode in omnibuses and carriages from one poli to the other, voting without check at each. I'lie accumulated disgrace shanie of the scene was painful to contemplate, ami we can scicely con irol our own feelings to write of it wltli any degree of calmness. The Keforiners madeamanly and determined for their rights, but it was such of ruffianism and fraud as sirred the contest hopeless. Taunted, in- Jietl, aud abused, the slightest demons tration they made toward self-protection was treated a breach of the peace, and they were ignotutniously dragged to the police stations, whilst their assailants were left to renew their outrages.

They might have continued the struggle to the end, but the result could only the sacrifice of valuable lives, without accomplishing any ultimate good. With a number of the wards in the uncontrolled possession of their opponents, and fraudulent voting progressing without check at al 1 but he Kijrlitli and the Eleventh, the succi ss of the ticket was an impossibility. Prudence, as well as necessity, dictated retirement from a conte-t which hopeless unless they descended to the Mle practices of their opponents. In the Fourteenth want, James Johnson alias Sonuy White," a notorious was shot and killed. Michael Duff, a watchman at the Kutaw House, was arrested for the crime.

In the Fifteenth ward, the murder of Mr. Kyle occurred, and is thus described: We regret to record that the blood of one of the best citizens was shed before the polls ere opened. Mr. Adam Harklee Kyle, well known in this community as a dry goods merchant of (ierman street, proceeded to the place with tlie in ten lion of and was attackedand sb.ot whilst defending himself from a crowd of desperadoes. lie was carried 011 a settee to his residence, No.

s- Hanover street, and the serv ices of llrs. Smith and Rich were availed of. At noon he was supposed to be sinking, lie is a single gentleman, and highlv respected. is brotner, Mr. Geo.

li. Kyle, of the firm of -more A Kyle, was also shot in the ieg, and conveyed to the same residence. His wound is not considered dangerous. A young man, named Hiram Ford, engaged in the State tobacco warehouse, received a bad wound from a pistol bail, and a boy, named Joliu Mo ran, was shot in the breast. 111 relation to this lamentable occurrence we have been at pains to obtain the particulars, especially as there has been judicial investigation in the case.

It appears that the two brothers attended a meeting of the Reformers on the evening previous to the election, when it was determined to meet at the Fifteenth ward polls at o'clock the next morning. They proceeded to the polls aad were met by a crowd, oue of whom, named Joseph Edwards, approached Mr. Geo. Kyle and insisted on having some Reform tickets, but Mr. K.

refused to give them to him. Edwards then left, adding that Mr. K. could get plenty of tickets duriug the day. Soon after a number of the party approached, and one ot them, using insulting language, knocked off his hat.

Mr. K. struck the assailant a blow upon the head with a steel cane, which was wrested from him. He was struck several times and knocked down, not until he drew a large dagger and stabbed one of his assailants in the breast. He then drew his revolver, and, whilst upon the ground, discharged three loads, whilst his assailants continued the assaults.

During the affair one of the presented a pistol close to his temple and fired, bit: he quickly changed his position, arid received the ball in his right shoulder. It struck the acromion, and passing under the shoulder-blade, rested there. The pistol was so near that its discharge burned him very severely in the face. It was one of the discharges from Mr. Kyle's pistol which took effect in the leg of liiram Ford.

Mr. Kyle suffers more from the condition of his tace than his arm. lie is attended by Drs. Smith, Baltzeli, and McKew. It was wliiist lus brother was upon the ground si rngeling with a number ol' assailants that Herkiee Kyle came to his rescue and discharged his revolver.

The cro soon turned upon him and he retreated to the steps of a house on the corner of CJ, ay alley and Eight streets, and was in ihe act of entering: tlie ame when he received the fatal The bill! entered the cerebellum, and passing along 'he base of the brain, lodged near the left eye. He fell instantly, and was shortly afterwards picked up by friends and conveyed to residence. l)rs. N. R.

Smith, Mackenzie, and Baltzell, was soon at his side and rendered what assistance was necessary. At times he was conscious and called for such things as he needed. One of the balls discharged from a pistol struck a lad named Bosley Giltnor, and caused a very bad, but not fatal wound. It seems that he was standing near at the time, having tieen attracted by the riot, when he received the wound. The ball passed into the left side of the breast, about three inches below the nipple, and penetrated the skin of the back.

He was carried to the house of Mr. John Moran, No. Go York street, near the polls, where his parents reside, and was attended by several physicians, lie is about fifteen years of age, and his father, a waterman, is at present absent from the city. Mr. George Kyle exliouerates Edwards from any blame in the matter.

Mr. Kyle breathed his last at half-past nine o'clock last evening, surrounded by the members of the family and relatives. He was scarcely conscious after two or three o'clock in the afternoon. An inquest will be held this morning by Dr. Coroner.

There were continued attacks throughout the day at the polls of this ward on the lew Heforipers who attempted to vote, and the police here, as elsewhere, made no attempt to aflord any protection. Gangs of the roughs trom other warris were arriving, voting and departing throughout the day. Dr. Charles H. Moore, residing on Hill street, was assaulted by a man named Yoglesang without the slightest provocation, lie was standing near the ward polls, when the assailant walked up behind him and dealt him a powerful blow in the face.

In the 11th ward the Black Snakes held complete possession of the polls up to the hour of their close, and having no Reformer to fight with, a general melee ensued among themselves. The police for a while were quiet observers of the scene, but they soon the polls of their presence; occasionally one might be seen, but they evidently concluded their services were not required. Parlies of men throughout the afternoon made their appearance lrom theinth ward, and were duly vuted by their brother "Snakes." Cries of come upand vote boys, were duly responded to by the guard around the polls, who relieved each other at short intervals. Several 'awls" were placed on exhibition on the steps of the house immediately fronting the polls, and the attention of gentlemen passing werecalled tothein with a sieniflcant look, on the part of druuken rascals who had them in charge. The tils were closed with a prolonged yell of 'O! you a discharge of pistols, and cheers for Davis, interspersed with cries of "the llth and 20th wards, all's right this time." In another ward the rowdies were reinforced after dinner, and took completo possession of the and for the balance of the dav were constantly driving up and voting carriages and vehicles filled with men who were taking the circuit of the city on a similar errand.

Germans were also dragged from the streets, and in some instances from their and compelled to vote the American ticket. John Hinesley, with Col. Houston, were the only Judges, at one of the wards Hinesley having beeu re-appointed by Mayor Spicer in defiance of the refusal of the Council confirm his nomination. Thomas H. Martin, the other judge, struck by Hinesley, whom he charged with refusing to put the Reform ballots in the box.

He shortly afterwards retired, fading that he wm not allowed to take any part in receiving the and made his statement to Mayor Spicer. He also pointed oat to the police the parties who commenced the violence iu the morning, bat they refused to arrest them. During the day several rowdies attacked Dr. John Morris, postmaster of the city, and beat him with great severity. He is acquainted with several of the party, and would have nrreMed if waa the slightest of their being punished.

Iho American wveral columns abouttbc of rowdies at the and the ibooUrig of ftbuuttdoMti sons Mini the bating of any quantity. In some of the wards the rowdies permitted native Reformers to vote, but wan Id allow naturalixed citizen to approach the polls. The Sun the following Yesterday alwnt half.p»»t ten o'clock, WUIIam P. I'resion, the democratic candidate in the third conirreesioiial district, visited the several wards in the district in this When he went to the of the soc.m<i ward he wan grossly insulted and assaulted. While talking with a gentleman ho was approached from behind and dealt a severe blow the back of the head with a slung shot, which was iustanHy followed by a heavy blow across the nose with brasc kuuekles, breaking the bridge or the nose.

He knocked insensible. Afier a nhort time Mr Preston was removed to liarnum City Hole) when llr. Buckler was hummotied to attend' linn. 'Ihewouud from the sluugyhot in the back of the head is very severe, and the injury is tst he was somewhat easier, but his condition is considered dangerous by his friends, lie no idea who were the parties who made the assault on him. The Election of a Lord Mayor of Londsn.

The election for Lord Mayor of London took place on the 29th ult. A correspondent of the Century gives the manner of conducting the election as follows: Tile only jiersons whofiave a right to vote for Hord Mayor are members of what is called ho livery ot London:" that is, members elect, and belonging to oue of the followingsocieties Apothecaries, Armorers and Braziers, rs Blacksmiths, Bowyers, Bricklajers and 11llers, Brewers, Butchers, Basket makers, Carpenters, Clock-makers, Cloth-workers Comb-makers, Cooks, Coach-makers, Cordw aiuers, Coopers, Card-makers, Curriers, Cutters, Carmen, Distillers. Drapers, Dyers, Embroiderers, Farriers, Fletchers, Fish-mongers, ruiterers, Fan-makers, Kelt-makers, Founders, Krarae-work Knitters, Gilders. Glass-sellers, Glaziers, (Hovers, Goldsmiths, Grocers, Gun-makers, Homers Iron-mongers, Joiners, Leather-sellers, Lorriners, Merchant Tailors, Musicians, Masons, Mercers, Needle-makers, Fain ter-stainers Uat tern-makers, Scriveners, Poulters, Pewterers, Plumbers, Saddlers, Sailers, Skinners, Silktlirowers, Shipwrights, Stationers, Tallow chandlers, Tin-plate Workers, Turners, Vintners, Upholders, Wax-chandlers, Weavers, Wire-drawers, Wheelwrights, Woolmen. The election is held at Guildhall, and in front ot the building a fence is built, with a gate for each society.

An otlicer called a beadle at each gate, and wears an embroidered cloak, and carries in oue hand a gilt rod, with a basket-shaped butt end to it, called a lie is supposed to know all the members of his society, and, theoretically, uo others are but, practically, those whose curiosity, like mine, was an overmatch lor their modesty, contrived to pet in. After the arrival of the Lord Mayor, Common Councilmen, Sheriff and his deputies, with sundry other oflicials, all rigged out in their gorgeous, fantastic, gold lace, fur and leather plumage, they adjourned to an adjoining church, where the' Lord Mayor's chaplain preached a sermon which was very good in one respect, as it was not more than fifteen minutes long. All hands theu went back to the hall, which by that time was tilled with people. It was then announced that the meeting would proceed to elt'Ct a Lord Mayor, and sundry candidates were named, and as each name was panned on a board and held up alternately above the heads ot the crowd 011 the platform, the j'rieuds of each candidate would hurrah and swing their hats. Alter putting up first oue board and then another, until it was very apparent whose name elicited the most noise, and induced the largest number to swing their hats, it was declared that Mr.

Jno. Carter was duly elected Lrird Mayor of the city. Mr. Carter "came forward and made a short speech, and the ended. Some of your readers may suppose that the me mbers of the different societies follow the tra de or occupation indicated by their name, and such probably was the case when the socie.

ies were formed, but it is not so now. Anybod.y who can command money and influence enoii gh, m.ty be elected in any of the societies, the i nitiation lee being from thirty to several hundred pounds. lien an election is contested, and there is any doubt about the candidate's election by the li urrah and hat-swinging method, thecandidat es demand a poll, and the election is adjourn ed until the nextday, and the kept open until all the voters have a chance to come vote vii a voce, for the man of their choice. There is one olllcer attached to the city government, called the "City Remembrancer," whose duty it is to watch the Farliamen and report to the Convention proceeding relating to the interests of the city. It is surprising that a people with so much couimo.i sense aj? the English should retain so many an cient and useless forms and dress up their officials like harlequins an clowns at a fandango.

But civilisation not much to boast of savage life, as gewgaws and Mankind have always been tickled with a tail like a and I suppose always will be. T. S. C. Lowe the aeronaut, who proposes to take a voyage to Europe in his he City of New York, which is now being inflated for the trip, has published a card, giving his and desires in undertakiuga transatlantic air voyage.

We copy a portion of the card: "Some people may think I am insane, rash, or a seeker alter fame; but this is not the case. I have lor two years coolly considered the subject, and have provided for every contingency. I intended to make my first trip across the ocean entirely a private undertaking; but findiri that the amount of expense to Vie incurred would overtax my personal means, I have been compelled to announce a public exhibition, while preparing for the voyage. I am confident of success for various reasons have a large balloon, which baa a capacity of 725,000 cubic feet; therefore, should the envelope be no more than those which are usually constructed, it will retain its power for a longer period. have devised mechanical appliances for raising and lowering the balloon while in the air, without of the lifting: power.

have invented an apparatus for indicating the differentcurrents, should I find myself going too far north or south. Should any accident occur, or should the balloon machinery fail to accomplish its work, the inetalic lifeboat, which will be suspended helow the ear, is rigged with sails, and will prove sufficiently strong; to endure any sea. It is true, I would have preferred auothei leason of the year for undertaking this firs experiment of transatlantic navigation out should this first attempt at an explorini expedition, as I term it, not prove entireij successful, 1 shall not be discouraged nor debarred from instituting experiments with view to ascertaining the eause of failure and the remedy therefor. I shall be supplied with all the philosophical apparatus necessary lo take meteorological observations. If a rial navigation is ever perfected, it will be accomplished by perseverance, eveu in the midst of opposition and detraction.

1 am willing to take the risk, and if lean do anything to add, in however small a measure, to the store of scientific knowledge, I shall feel amply repaid. How Duelling was Stopped in Illinois. In moralizing upon duelling, the Chicago Press and Tribune informs us how the law became a dead letter in Illinois, by reviving the history of the first and only duel ever fought in that State. In the year 1820, Alphonso Stewart and William Bennett fought with rides in St. Clair county, and Stewart fell mortally wouuded on the first fire.

Bennett made his escajie into Arkansas, where he remained two years. His whereabouts was discovered, he was arrested, brought hack, indicted. tried, convicted of murder, and executed. Governor Bond was besieged days and weeks bv the disciples of the code, clamoring for pardon. But he closed his door against petition and entreaty, and William Bennett dangled at a rope's eud, in the presence of some thousands of spectators, who took in a great moral lesson.

This was the first aud ist duel ever fought on the soil of Illinois, and it effectually crushed out all rwpect for the bloody code in that State. Indian are thifee Indian Legislatures now' in session wot of Arkansas. The Cherokee Council is sitting at Tahl-guah, aud the annual message or John Ross was sent in on the first October. The Choctaw Legislature iifc sitting near Fort Smith. Their Governor, walker, has resigned, and Mr.

Leftlore is elected to succeed him. The Chickasaw Legislature is in session near Fort Washita. All these Legislatures have constitutions and laws like the States of the wfth executive, judiciary Each nation runs off into counties, in both branches of the LeglHa- tare from each county. severe earthquake was experienced at San Francisco on the 6th ult.J- Tbe shocks were strong enough to knock to pieces the "form" of the Times newspaper. RICHMOND, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1859.

THE TRIAL AT charlkstown. rU, Ut W. CHAUfctMToww, Nov. and Sennet, from Boston, reached to act as counsel for the prisoners Capt. Cook was brought nates' Court to4fa7, but waived tion connoitnl for tr Jdf Ooppee's trial was resumed but nAiim.

were called for ihe defence Dc j- 11 rdi ng opened for the Commonwealth and Messrs. Hoyt and UrlswoldMlJJJa fc the deiendant, when Mr. Hunter closertftfr prosecution. The speeches of all hy ability. Mr.

asked Jw TfZfi Instructions to the jury, which were all gran" ed by the Court, when the jury retired CAFT BROWN'S TO THE COURT Capt Brown was then brought in and the court-house was immediately thrWed The Court gave Its decision on the motion for an arrest of judgment, overruling the objection made. In regard to the objection that treason cannot be committed against the State the Court ruled that wherever allegiance is'due treason may be committed. Most of the Suites have passed laws against treason. The objection as to the form of the verdict rendered the Court also regarded as insufficient. The Clerk now asked the prisoner if he had anything to say why sentence should not be pronounced against him.

Brown stood up and, in a clear, distinct voice, said have, may it please tbe Court a few words to say. In the first place, 1 deny everything but what I have all along admitted, of a design on my part to free slaves 1 intended certaiiNy to have made a clear thine of that matter, as I did last winter when went into Missouri and there took slavewithout the snapping of a gun on either side, moved them through the country, and finally left them in Canada. I designed to have done the same thing again, on a larter scale. That was all I intended. I never did intend murder, or treason, or the destruction of projterty, or to incite slaves to rebellion, or to make insurrection.

"I have another objection, and that is, it is unjust that I should suffer such a penalty. Had I interfered in the manner which I admit, and which I admit has been fairly proved, admire the truthfulness and candor of the greater portion of the witnesses who testified in this case) I so interfered in of the rich and calle great, or in behalf of any of their friends, either father or mother, brother or sister, wife or children, or any of that class, and suffered and sacrificed what 1 ve this interference, it would have been all right, and every man in this Court would have deemed it an act worthy of re ivard rather than pnnislimeut. "This Court acknowledged, too. as 1 suppose, the validity of the law of God. 1 see a book kissed here which I suppose to be the Bible or 1 the Testament.

That teaehes'me that all things 'whatsoever 1 would men should do to me I should do even so to It teaches me, lurther, to 'remember them that are in bonds as bonded with I endeavored to act up to these instructions. I say I am yet too young to understand that God is any respecter of persons. I believe that to have interfered as I have done in behalf of His despised poor, was no wrong, but. right. Now, if it is deemed necessary that I should forfeit my life tor the furtherance of the ends of justice, and mingle my blood further with thp blood of my children, and with the blood of the millions in this slave country, whoserights are disregarded by wicked, cruel and unjust enactments.

I submit. So let it be done! "Let me stiy one word further: I feel entirely satisfied with the treatment I have received on my trial. Considering all the circumstances, it has been more generous than I expected, but I leel no consciousness of guilt. I have stated from the first what was my intentions, and what was not. 1 never had any design against the life of any person, any disposition to commit treason or excite the slaves to rebel or make-any general insurrection.

I never encouraged any man todo so.but always discouraged any idea of that kind. Let me say also, in regard to the statements made Ijv some of those connected with me, I fear it been stated by some of them that I have induced 1 hem to join me. But the contrary is true; 1 do not say this to injure them, but as regretting their weakness. There is not one of them but joined me of his own eccord, and the greater part at their own expense. A number of them I never saw and never had a word of conversation with till the day they came to me, and that was for the purpose I have stated.

Now I have done!" While Brown was speaking perfect quiet prevailed. When ne had finished the Court, proceeded to pronounce SENTENCE OF DEATH. After some preliminary remarks, in which the Judge said thai no reasonable doubt could exist as to the prisoner's guilt, the Conrt sentenced him "to be hung in public on Friday, the dnd of December." Brown received the sentence with composure, and the only demonstration made was a clapping of hands by a man in the crowd, who is not a resident Of Jefferson This indecorum was promptly suppressed and much regret was expressed by citizens at its occurrence. COPrKE COXVICTED. After being out an hour the jury came in with a verdict that Coppee was guilty on ail the counts of the indictment.

His counsel immediately gave notice of a motion for an arrest of judgment, as in Brown's case. The Court then adjourned. The New York Herald recently sent a reporter to visit the residence of Gerrit His arrival there created some alarm, as tin wife and daughter of the abolitionist thought he sail officer with a requisition. Upon entering into conversation with Smith, the reporter introduced the subject of Harper's Ferry. The report gives the following account of the dialogue: "I can't speak about it at all," replied Mr.

"I am going to be irdicted. If any man in the Union is taken, it will be me. It would not be proper to say a word about it. I ought not to say one word. I am advised not to approach the subject at ail.

lam going to be indicted, sir; indicted! You must not talk to me about it." 1 dropped the subject as a matter of course. It is evident that the family of Mr. Smith are much alarmed and in a constant state of agitation for when I approached the house, a stranger to them, an dread painful to evident in the anxious countenances of his wife and daughter, who were on the piazza at the moment of my call. I subsequently conversed with a near relative and close adviser of Mr. Smith, and expressed to him a desire to obtain some statement.

that, while doing injury to none, might, on the other hand, remove erroneous impressions and lay facts bef the public. said, "Mr. Smith does desire to ntake such astatement scarcely be restrained from doing so. But if he should, he would do it in his own manner, and strike the thing square in the lace; let who might be injured. He is, however, strongly advised not to do so in the present position affairs, and has agreed to abide by the judgment of his counsel.

When he does tell his story, it will be found that many now only partially suspected are more implicated than he himself is. But at present he will say no word to any person," I made some inquiries about Capt. Brown, and found that he was here last spring for several weeks, a guest at Gerrit Smith's house, and that while here a'number of the most prominent leading republicans visited him, and were for days in consultation with him. Beowk ox Cleveland Herald, speaking of Capt. John Brown's wool operations, says: He initiated the system of grading system at this day universally adop'ed, and with perfect the New England manufacturers combined against him.

He had, at Springfleld, a large deposit of graded Western wools, and he warred against tlie combination of New England manufacturers, wbo, having had the wool buyiug all their own way, did not fancy that a party should step in between them and the producers, to show the latter what was for their interest, and to prevent the practice of imposition upon them. The combination was Brown, impetuous and iudignaat, shipped his wools to England, to tlnd out that the prices in Massachusetts was better than ia England. He reshipped his wools, took them to Bremen, and there sold them at such sacrifice as to ruin himself, pecuniarily, and seriously many friends. in behalf of Johu Brown were undertaken by a large audience at Shiloah Presbyterian Church last evening. Revs.

Mr. Wilson, Mr. Garret, Prime aud other ministers took part. The Rev, J. Sella Martin lectured on "Nat.

Turner, the Virginia Hero," at the same place. Wendell notorious Boston abolitionist, lectured at Brooklyn, ia Beecher'schurch, subject being "Lessons for the Hour." Hit address from beginning to end was a flowing eulogy on Old Brown, faily justifying course in Kansas and at Harper's Ferry. If. A OOHNBCTICCT RAILROAD OOMPAKIM held to be liable for tires. Lieu tenant Qojer.

Trask has recovered from Hartford Railroad Company a verdict of tor the loes of bondings ia Springfield rec ly alongside ot the railroad which dsstroyed by fire ia April last. Richmond Ditpatah. Gmi Region 0 Lehigh CanaL ft. I Oct 28th, 1P59. to the sunny South in! rrib 8 wo And ounelf this looking out on snow-covered ilretu nd on mow-covered hills, if.

roo 1 of bmvy threatening nr it hit's tlle bleak, chilly winds, are fleld the which 00k aod This is, f2J 'chrstand mosv interesting We feel as if in the w. the snow,) when I wide-extending fields of rich limearound us, with the tall and rugged ai at ihediminished hiiU tbe Wow We J. same geological formations, the same iron and the same bou Ph less profusely, scattered on hand. INaturally, we are the a ailabillt in Denind Around us we can count 18 or 20 huge ln fuU blast yielding thousands 1" rTfttovs of each week, and North anf oouth.and bringing back millionsofdollars per annum, to enrich the enterprising men who have laid out their "talents" so wealth and prosperity to former and mechanic merchant and miller: all share in the prosperity of the miner and the manufacturer. In fight, along the rapid ccmes down to this rich and pleasant valley from the deepest, darkest gorges of the most rugged and wild mountain region that mortal ever like a silver band, the celebrated Lehigh navigation.

Crowds of boats are always coming and going. At the entrance of tne locks at this season of the year, a half dozen boats are nearly always waiting to pass, while echoes of the boatman's born are forever resounding from the mountain passes above. At the undulating plains below, the freight in this single article of coal is four times as great as the present tonnage 011 the J. R. ic K.

Canal, and yet it might be reversed, amo may bt, if vet are teiff. Between ns and the canal, runs the Lehigh Valley Railroad, which is a splendidly built track of forty miles in length, and which was built almost entirely by the enterprise, energy and wealth of one ma Judge by the untiring assiduity and watchfulness of private care, with an eye to profit, as well as usefulness, this road has paid from the start, and now promises to be one of the most prosperous and paying roads in the world. An engine passed down a few minutes ago, with cars in a train, carrying over 700 tons of coal, it would seem, without extraordinary exertion. This road lies on the hanks of the Lehigh river, and presents an uninterrupted dowr. grade to the heavy traffic which passes over it.

llere, there is great competition with the water navigation; but with all the advantages of grade, of trade, of carefulness and economy, the railroad has no advantage over the canai, except its ability to freight in winter, when the waters of the Lehigh are locked up by two feet layers of solid It lias generally been supposed in Virginia, that iron masters were an ad venturous, needy class of speculators. Hut herej they are the most wealthy and influential men in this rich and wealthy region. The iron furnaces on the Lehigh are all pavmg handsome dividends, and we learn from undoubted authority, that some of them are making from 25 to 03 per cent, per annum on their investments. There are advantages here, but they only exist in early development; otherwise, our own James river presents a more inviting field for enterprise and capital, and, we must add, experience. lor, to practical experience are we much more indebted than to professional skill for the present resultsof our iron furnaces and the same may be said of the coal fields and ore banks, into which the mines of Pennsylvania have dug so from which they produce so much to swell the tide of trade and wealth No encouragement, however, nas been offered by the Stale of Virginia for the development ol her vast wealth.

Over have been spent by thisStatein geological researches, while millions in addition have been used individuals, thus encouraged, to open coal fields, iron mines, build furnaces, railroads We would be much pleased toaid in impressing our people at home with the importance of developing the immense mineral wealth of Virginia, which is, in fact, greater than this State can boast of, but which adds nothing to our resources in comparison to that which how encircles the Keystone State. The coal alone of Pennsylvania is worth nearly per annum, while the iron furnaces is, perhaps, equally as productive. liICHXOJID. Horrible Indian Persons emigrant train, numbering seventeen persons, from Buchanan county, lowa, was attacked by Indians on the night of the I'd of September, and nine persons killed. The massacre occurred about twenty-five miles west of Fort Hall.

The emigrants were surrounded just as they were about camping, and shot down before they had time to prepare for defence. Some who escaped fell in soon alter with a eomjiany of dragoons under command of Lieut. Livingston, who sent a detachment to the scenes of the massacre. The following is the description of what they found "Alter informing the command of our distress, Lieut. Livingston sent a detachment ot nine men, with one of our company to pilot them to tlie place of the massacre.

On their arrival they found the dead bodies of five persons on the ground, out of tile eight that were missing. The dead were horribly mangled and scalped. One little girl, live years old, had both her legs cut off at the knees; her ears were also cut off, and her eyes were dugout from their sockets; and to all appearance the girl, after having her legs cutoff, had been compelled to walk on the stumps, for the sole purpose of gratifying the hellish propensity of savage barbarity. Their animals were taken and their wagons plundered according to the usual mode of Indian spoliation." names of the murdered Miltimore, James Miltimore, Wlll. Miltimore, Mary Elleu and Myron Ciine, Mrs.

three months, and Albert Miltimore. After the Indians had completed their work of murder and plunder with the Miltimore party, they pressed ahead and attacked the remainder of the train. Here they met a warm reception, and were kept at bay by the incensed and determined emigrants, until welcomed darkness closed upon the scene, when the assailed, finding further resistance fu ile, made their escape, leaving the Indians possessors of their stock and goods. They traveled on foot two days without anything to eat, and finally reached a military post. Death or ax Ixgkmois James G.

ilendrickson, of Freehold, Monmouth known for his "perpetual motion" machiue, died ou Saturday last. He had devoted his life to obtaining perpetual motion, and his machines have been a puzzle toall who examined them, as they have certainly moved for six years without the application of auy external powers, and apparently with no intention of stopping. Mr. H. suffered much ridicule and persecution, but he was a quiet, honest and patient old man.

He was once arrested at Keyport for practicing "jugglery" nndor the "Act for suppressing vice and immorality." At the trial, several builders, millwrights, engineers and philosophers were called, who testified positively that no such motive power as that alleged could drive the machine, and that there be some concealed spring. So the machine was broken, but no motive was discovered At the time of his death, Mr. 11. was engaged in applying bis machines to clock-work, lie had been so much persecuted by the incredulous that he had provided a secret place beneath the floor of his shop, where his last two machines were deposited. It was in the form of a vault, covered by a trap-door, which was locked, and the floor so replaced as to avoid suspicion.

After his last illness commenced, he made known this secret to bis family, who examined the spot carefully, and found the contents exactly as described. The night of his death, the shop was broken open, the floor taken up, the trap-door prized off, and both models stolen. It is probable that the family, ia their visits, had not taken the same precaution as the inventor, and some prying eyes had discovered the secret. Fortunately, the drawings are preserved, and there is "a little machine, one of the earliest made, now running in Brooklyn, where it has up its ceaseless ticking for nearly six years. Mr.

lftadrickson leaves a family of four sons and four daughters, all of them, we believe, to inventions. (AT. Trmt Democrat. Mastkb Abmobkr at Hakfik's The Boston Herald says that Mr. Salmon Adams, the clerk and assistant of the master Armorer at Springfield, who was recently engaged by Superintendent Barbour as master Armorer at Harper's Ferry, in place of who resigned some time since, has revived a letter from Mr.

Barbour, since his home, canceling the engagement on the 'ground that it was not safe for a Northern man to take the plnoe at this time, is consequence of the suspicion of the citizens against Norihern men since the invasion by Brown's Washington Irving, it Is said, has received for hie works daring ihetaatten years seventyfive thousand PKICE ONE CENT. AIAO Th work of Inflating tbe great trane-Atlantic balloon yrsu-rday, in Reservoir square, In the province of a number of spectators. The flrat thing done was to wrap of cot ton oloth around the end of the attached temporarily to the main of the Manhattan dan Company's for the purposes of preserving the neck or the balloon fr jm the rust of tbe pipe, and to make a soft bedding. In order to prevent an escape of jcaa. A sail was drawn along in the range of tbe neck of tbe balloon, and one end placed nnder the gas-pipe, while tbe other end stretched away to the spot where the ralvo was suspended between two high poles.

Beneath this canvas, straw was laid to tbe depth of several inches. These arrangements having been completed, tbe neck of the balloon w. drawn toward the pipe, valve-ropes, of small cotton eord, having been was placed over the pipe and drawn tightly, so as to be made quite secure. Over this other layers of cotton clotb were wrapped, and the whole lashed to the pipe witb strong twiue to the length of about if; inches. The balloon was then folded in such a wav as to gnduallv expand the case.

On the folds heavy bags of sand were placed to keep them down. This having been done, the network, which is to be thrown all over the balloon, and to which the basket and the boat, are to be attached, was so disposed that there might be no entanglement as the inflation proceeds and the balloon acquires its ascensive power. The gas was turned on at 12jf o'clock, and instantly rushed through the ten-inch pipe in a dense volume. In a very few seconds, the entire neck of the balloon was the body of the balloon began to swell. The precaution of stationing men all along the length of the balloon was by no means useless, as they had quite euough to do to remove the weights from places where the passage for the gas was too small, and so to adjust the folds of the cloth as to secure an equable passage throughout.

During four minutes the metre indicated that 7,600 cubic feet had been sujtplied to the atrial ship. At 12:25 the gas was again turned on, and at 12:35 it had reached the bead of the balloou, which began to expand. At the rate of cubic feet of gas per minute, the balloon ought to receive feet per hour; and as the capacity of the balloon is cubic feet, it follows that if the process of inflation was continued at the same rate, without interruption, it would be fully inflated in six hours and a half. The only drawback, and a great one, is that the supply of gas by the company would not be equal to the task, as it would not do to leave the city in darkness for the purpose af inflating a balloon. Mr.

Ijowe will, therefore, be compelled to take his gas in such quantities as tbe company choose to furnish. The process of inflation will be continued for some V. Tribune. Irish View op the Pope as a Temporal Archbishop of has addressed a letter to Palmerston, in which he say that the Catholics of Ireland revere the Roman Pontiff "as the successor of St. Peter, and the Vicar of Christ on earth, and will, therefore, show themselves ready not only to defend his spiritual authority over the entire world, but likewise to assert Uis temporal ns well as his spiritual power throughout the range of his own dominions.

They look upon tha: temporal power, "and uncontrolled, to be essential to the free exercise of his spiritual authority; nor shall they ever be content to see the holy father placed in a subordinate and position thatcould create a suspicion that his acts for regulating the spiritual interests of the Church might be elicited or controlled by the preponderating influence of France, or Germany, or Naples, or any other secular power." Shockikg Br*.—A very distressing case occurred in lloiiewell on Saturday evening week, at the house of Mr. Joshua Blackwell. It appears that a young couple, whose names we did not learn, were sitting together by a warm stove. They both fell asleep, tiud while asleep the young lady's dress took fire. As soon as they awoke, the young man made every exertion to extinguish the fire, but without success.

The young girl rushed to the door enveloped in a sheet of flame, to the room of Mr. Blackwell, and came very near setting fire to the bed clothing. She then ran out, but wherever she ran the flames continued to burn, uutil the clothing was all consumed. She lived only a few hours aftewards. The young man was seriously damaged, and will probably be crippled in the hands for life.

The parties were engaged to be married, and the lady had been to Trenton on the day of this sad affair, and had purchased some articles for the intended Trenton (iY. American, 2d inst. Large Bequest to the Democratic Show ell, the wealthiest in Worcester county, Maryland, and a Whip, died on the Ith inst. On death-bed, -we understand, he called tiis relatives around him, and told them he had willed them a very large property; but from recent observations he had become satisfied it would be of little value to them, unless the Democratic party is successful, liis dying request was that all his fatnilv and relatives should hereafter act with tlie Democratic paity, which they promised to do. The Shuweil family numbers near a hundred in county.

Lola residing in Brooklyn, N. with some friends who have stood by her iu ail her vicUsiiudes. She is said to have really experienced a change of heart, and those that know her best assert that, recently, she has the life of a devoted and sincere Christian. Since her marriage with Lieut, lieaid, of England, she has claimed his name, and always used it iu business transactions. Ileald enjoined iu his will that his executor should pay her au annuity of £SUO as long as she lived.

op a man named Champe, convicted of rape in Fayette County Court, and sentenced to the" peuitentiury for 15 years, inade his escape from the jail in Lexington, several days since Champe, it will be anoutrageous assault on his deceased brother's wife, quite a pretty and well-off woman, who had previously rejected his pertinacious advances. The act was committed within her own dwelling, and excited great indignation and sympathy for the lady, who was still in mourning for her deceased husband. From the Lakes to thi schooner Fame, Capt. Russell, cleared from Chicago, 2-jth October, for New Orleans, via the Illinois and Michigan Canal, a cargo of fish and evergreen trees. Slih is to be engaged in the fishing trade in the Gulf of Mexico.

This is the second vessel of the kind ever clean from Chicago for New Orleans by the same route. Exodus or Free society of "free lovers," iu Sau Francisco, has purchased 50,000 acres of arable land in San Salvador, Central America, for and about twenty of them, headed by a Dr. Tyler, left that city on thetith ult. for their new homos. One of the company sold an estate worth before leaving, and threw the money into the general fund of the society.

A Jury voting Thanks to the Lawyers. A couple of Boston lawyers went down to Belfast, says the Portland Advertiser, to try a case during the late term of the Supreme Court, and the members of the jury were so impressed with their eloqueuce that they held mooting and passed a resolution thanking them for the able mauner in which they had presented the case, and the sound law displayed. A QrEKK Came ov Somnambulism. young lady, residing near Aurora, Indiana, dreamed that two men entered the house to kill her anni, whereupon the arose and ran half a mile from the house without stopping to dress. She then came back, not into bed, and appeared to be entirely unconscious of her exploit.

Opkuatic Madrid, recently, Mario and Grisi, while singing in opera, were hissed from the stage, and the lady was complimented by a shower of potatoes from the gallery. She burst into tears and leit the stage, and Mario, who attempted to brave the storm, followed her shortly after. No cause is given for this extraordinary scene. Ay Wise has issued bis proclamation, directingau election to be heid in Petersburg ou Thursday, the 17th of the present month, for a delegate to the next General Assembly, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Alex. Donnnn.

Enormoi PllOl for a copy of the first edition of the Decameron of Boccaccio, was sold In 18 ia to the Duke of Marlborough for £2,360 sterling, about SrACO This is supposed to be the highest price ever paid for any work. The Dal ton North Georgia Times gives a description of the ceremony attending the "breaking ground," in that place, on the 94th Car the Dal ton and Jacksonville Bailroad. Mr. J. E.

dwelling-house at Great Cola pan, was destroyed by on Tuesday night, Ist tnst, with all Ma furniture, cloths, loss 91 no insurance. Supposed to have bean sat on Are. A commander in the British nary has re- i cently been on a visit to country to iafermatiau in to owr mm- TMMMB OT ADTtthsijtV. JUrntiNMiU published aabl forbid tri kttkirtMMmu itrnuMtf eight titles forth iaserUoa. will udU for tut aouUawiaee.

LOCAL Corontt'i Jury of iliqMt ed by Coroner Peaehey to tbe circumstances attending tbe death negro woman named Prise ilia, the property of Viebard T. Al vey, met last evening, And beard fbe fimony of from which we gather tbe following Oa Saturday night, tbe let of October, the woman was severely beaten br a negro called One-Eve Scott, (slave of Jackson B. Wood,) a trivial cause. Another woman, named Pauline, who wae present, went and called Daniel Bradford, who lived close by, on Fraoklin street, to ber assistance. When Mr.

Bradford got to the room, Scott had prostrate en the floor, choking ber, thumping her stomach with his knees, and declaring he meant to kill her. Bradford gave Scott several blows and kicks, and rescued the woman, who seemed to be much injured. She afterwinds complained much of h-r chest and throat, until she died, on the Ist of tfovernber. The owner of Priscilla testified that her general health, previous to this affair, had been very good. Dr.

Petieolas gave a statement of the result of a post-mortem examination. He found large clots of Mood between tbe heart and its outer membrane, and some blood on tbe outside of this membrane. An opening was discovered in the large artery or Wood vessel leading from tbe heart, and the Interior of this artery was considerably lacerated, lie presumed the immediate cause of death was the bursting of the vessel which allowed the blood to flow fo the heart. It would be dlfflcul'. to give an opinion to the connection tbe beating had with tbe disease which caused death.

If the disense existed at the time, any struggle, calculated to incresse the action of the heart, would have accelerated it, and death might have been hastened by violent pressure on ihe chest Doctor P. was questioned by the jurors on various matters connected with his investigation. After bearing the testimony, the Jnry rendered a verdict that the woman died from the effects of a beating inflicted by One-Eye Scott. The Agricultural is be I pel by manyor our citizens that the proposition for uniting the State Agricultural Society with the Central Society is in a fair way to" result favorably. The initiative was taken by the latter, at the meeting last week, in a spirit of manly concession that Is worthy of all praise.

The State Society has now instructed its Executive Committee to negotiate with the various societies in the State for terras of arrangement for the next exhibition. It is well known that a majority of the members of the State Society are in favor ot holding the annual Fairs in Richmond, and the Executive Committee will, we imagine, consult the general wish by tuking prompt steps towards the proposed fusion. With our magnificent Fair Grounds, and a singleness of purpose among all the friends of agricultural enterprise, an exhibition unparalleled in attractiveness will be presented next year. Once In the traces, and accustomed to the road, the two societies will pull together like well-matched horses, and confer lasting benefit on the cause which they are engaged. We say most mote it be." Wm. elderly man, was arrested yesterday morning by Ellis for disorderly conduct in the First Market. Bat Kins had a loaded gun, which he was flourishing about, greatly to of senders. ben taken to the Mayor's Court, he had a shot-pouch and game-bag slung over his shoulders, which made him look as savage as one of the Ayrshire bulls exhibited at the Fair last week. It appeared from the testimony that I)r. had bought some fowls of Batkins, tendering him a live-dollar note, which the latter was unable to change.

A negro, said to have been employed in the market by Batkins, took the note and went to get it. exchanged, but failed to return. With the view of having the negro ariened, the Mayor continued the case to this morning. These mishaps of Win. Itatkins originated in the intemperate use of whiskey.

is the custom of the Episcopal denomination throughout the United States to observe the first Thursday in November as a day of Thanksgiving for the of the earth and all the blessings of the Aimighty, unless some other day especially apjtointed for the by State authorities. Accordingly, divine service was held jesterday at St. Paul's Church in this city. Morning prayers were read by clergymen of the various Episcopal congregatUnison thanksgiving hymn was beautifully sung, and an appropriate discourse delivered by the Rev. lir.

Mmnigerode. There was a large attendance, and the Services throughout were deeply impressive. Mr. Sullivan's li'nrfii. are confident that all patrons of the drama will be present at Mr.

Barry Sullivan's benefit to-nlirlif. Two of Shakspeare plays are announced for the occasion, and the public will have an opportunity of seeing this excellent actor iu two characters of an opposite description. As Shylock, in the Merchant of Venice, wedoubt not he will exhibit, those thrilling touches of passion (not "tearing passion to which the perfection of acting requires, while Petrnchio will give him a chance to display nature in its more rollicking humor. The Theatre offers attractions of the most lor kind for to-niirht. black disciple of Esculapins again made his bow to the or yesterday, llis master was required to a fine lor th" unlawful proceedings of the Doctor heretofore; a solemn warning was pi en with respect to the course of his conduct hereafter, and the case ended.

It Motes iiarria obeys the Mayor's we shall have one doctor the less in Hut Moses is a second Etibu Burnt; kt studied medicine while pursuing the substantial profession of would sooner extract his own teeth than relinquish his favorite and lucrative calling. Frederic Meyer, after a long com but. kuocked under to the superior prowess of King Alchy, last Wednesday niglit, and dropped quietly down upon a market bench, where he would doubtless have perished had not a kind-hearted watchman taken him Into the station-house. Yesterday he was unable to leave his cell, and the Mayor had no opportunity to dispose of his case or his carcase Meyer is a homeless and hopeless inebriate. afternoon, between 4 and 5 o'clock, a negro man named Erimond, the property of Mr.

John Priddy, fell a scaffolding to the cellar of the demolished building near the corner of Main and Kith streets, and broke one of the small bones of his right ankle. take pleasure in announcing that N. A. Sturdivant, will deliver an address at the Institute Mr. S.

bas a happy faculty of engaging the attention of an audience, ami we can safely anticipate a pleasing "speech from him on this occasion. following is number of interments in Shockoe Hill Burying Ground, for the quarter ending males 37, still-born 115 Colored males 4.1, females'it), still-born Whole uumber of interments duriug ths quarter, 105. Another Susan Motbjr, a free mulatto woman, who persists in remrtiuing here, though registered in Powhatan county, was admonished yesterday in regard to the impropriety of her conduct, with rather mora severity than heretofore. Larceny and a slare. the property of Charles Friend, was punished TMterday, by the order, for stealing Wra Thornton's watch; and Peter, soa of Simon's wituesses, a similar senuMwe for swearing to falsehoods.

Com in negro called Seatt, arrested on a charge of killing Prisons, a stave, the property of B. T. Alvey, was taken before the Mayor but the examination was postponed to await the result of the Coroner's inquest. Mian Yes'erdny was a cbanning Indian Summer weather Just such as every en jots. Fall fashions were displayed on Main street in the moat elaborate manner.

Lectures We understand that Mr. P. Baldwin will lecture the Mechanics' on Tbareday aad Friday nights, next week, in compliance with a complimentary vitatiou. Religions (Siirioltes'Hlle Republican that a revival is in at the Baptist Church in that Rev. A Dickinson, of this city, preaching to large and solemn congregations.

was imposed upon John HwraMffN'ntoy. for permitting unlawful assembly of on bia will in Chrealt Henrico this worniaft thn matnrtni new to the etty..

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