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Richmond Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia • Page 1

Richmond Dispatchi
Richmond, Virginia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ilrTtmronlr ttfSffT BV fr IvTHH DAII.Y WATCH te served tomib" st ftX era wsur, te the carrier Pnee mailing, 4 or for in advance, SKMI WKKKLY DISPATCH i.nuued fvrn ridaj at in advance, IVTRK wKKKI OteFATCH issued every Fv and to at $1 per annum. SPECIAL NOTICES I.adies' Men's I'ndcr Wear. "VI 1 001, and AMKRtCAN TS A KKS, For ami men. NU; HeautifntCl S.

M. 1 VKSTINtJS, VKLVK'fS. LXSi SiltK i lin f'i fATIOX ami lII.AXKKTS, 9inJ retail. cheap. 12 WATKINS A FICRI.CN.

To Tobacco ,1.. with Muwr their VaTKNT i'OUAOh movable RKTAIMNG i'RKcS ,1 tv prepaied to make them at short call the Attention of all manufacturers them. We cl vim for these mac hi iirk is itetter. i -'e' titej he iiTimeaso atvins of money in the outlay n'hif a :oti.vrco ietet hy one of these three fnc and o(f the track, allowed to -d in--- u'tr Ifenoush ot there vrecured, tiie to'-sreo can stand for i it the We refer to Messrs. Allison, A.

Pill, 1 Uottwr. J. H. Tnreia Varh. KPMONP.

of i'ortahie and Stationary tew Miiis.Carj oc a nil Elegant Stock of 1-" Al.l DUV (K)ODS At CHE.XSHiW, QUARLES 4" No 229. HROA 13 Street. W'c received oar entire stock of FAI.I. 1, i-; tKHifts. embracing the new designs that r.i market this season, and shall continue to to onr iwsonuifrt In evert arrival, so ns to 1 it st ail tunes nil! and complete stock ol ii- mid HOVi KSTIC OOf'Uf.


TRIMMIN'OS. Itc we have a and varied selection, and at prices that will tin economical buyers. gent's we have the largest stock ever I such as French and English CLOTHS, 1. ami Fancv Cassiuiores, Hlsck and Fancy VKI.VK I and Sil.K VKSTiNOS. SILK triil fSCARFJj, Byron and Garotte Silk and Cambric I'MRII EII.LAS.

Merino Wool SHIRTS and DRAWERS, kc. in eh: dren's Goods, wr have bright colors in sun. Ku-uredand Checked tioods. in all the difforent in SKKKKiMNCr GOODS our stock cannot lie siirpfifcHcd. in SERVANTS' GOODS we have a large and stock of the lies! makes, and at low prices.

t'e examination of our Goods as the test of their on ilitv. sttie, and price. se ZJ -lui A CO. and desire to call the atteiiti'in of to one preat and important trutli, viz Tint FlKf AND LIFE INSURANCE ear effected to any amount and on the most terms at the INS: KANCK AGENCV OFFICE. Main str'ft, a doers above the new Custom House, l'lease observe 1 Hit: live Rico t.

a vi) i.oynoy fire IXSIR ,1 'K 1 KM I' A A' a pita Vr Ith orer invested in the United States, an 3 an annual revenue oi 1 We are prepared to take risks on the MOST FAVOKABLETERMS. In addition to Uie ordinary mode of Insurance, tins Com par. issues PERMANENT POLICIES. On pnyri'it trn annunl premiums, property is permanently insured. 11.

this plan r. saving of uearly FORTY PEW CT. is effected! (the sum thus saved will, in fifteen years Hiinmitto tire of the depositee! I the rif and inconvenience ol renewals are avoided 'I can Ui cancelled it aiiv time by the -r, the premium returned, less five per 77'y A'Ely YORK J. I FT. I b'S URA.XCE With a capital of over iaonthe MUTUAL PRINCIPLE, great inducements to persons desirous effecting insurance on their lives as any other Company.

We respectfully s-ihcit a call, WORTH AM i ATT, Agents, IHO Main street. M- linil T. Colemax, M. H. Coswav.


Saluda, Middlesex August 11,1859. sirf. Mortim'T Sr Mowbrau: It is with unaffected pleasure 1 U'rir testimony to the great, merit of your Tincture. 1 was taken, lart spring, with the riud fever, ami dflbilitv of chest and liuibs. I r.ej annuo medicinca, but found no rebel; but on adviwd a friend to try votir Tincture.

1 did ain now enjoy excellent health, iiav- HU taken only 0110 bottie. "Mirabile Uiciu. You enn use this as best suils vou. Very truly aud respectfully yours, F. Hristow.

Call and tret Pamphlets, and see cores of Couth. leuinatism. Scrofula, As a restorative and im'U-oratur. it highly recommended. Hundreds will testify of cures on themselves and friends, after all other have failed.

FIMALES AND I I This Tincture will be found ay real medicine for all their diseases Call and Pamphlets and see cures. nvw bv PI'RCELL, i Richmond; in Dr. COOKE, Fredericksburg: by ail the i-ist" Petersburg: bv MORTIMER A MOWUK AY, Baltimore; ami by Druggists and evervwhere. SI per bottle; six Uittles, JX ttiw Great Ftfa CASH, AT PERKINS ic No. i4i. Square. 4 I Brown SHIRTING, Heavy, at tid. 4 4 Bleached atod. mi per. atlOcents The lies! 4-4 lou Past Col'd PRINTS, at SU cents English ind American PRINTS, at 11 cents VALENTJAS and DELAINES, atl2K cts.

Pans DELAINES, worth els. DH ESS cheap Rich ftILK ROBES, at worth I GLOVES, as trood as Alexander's, at 75 cts. Best 10-4 Bleached SIIEETJNUS. at 38 cts. PERKINS se No.

141 Eagle Square. J. A. Williams, M.offers hrr services to those of her own sex, and to children, whn may need medical advice or attendance. Especial attention to the management ol female diseases, and displacements.

Those wishini? an interview at their residence, can address Pott-Officii, Box 847. 0 on Clajr, between 4th and 6th streets, R.ctiiuond, Va. Jos. Hanlon would respectfully infwiii his personal frienila and the public generally. 1 tint may lie found durin all business hours at the NEW CLOTH INO STORE of J.H.SfRIOH, N.i7j SrKJtiT, next door to P.K.White's He 'tfcVilfw prepared to CUT.

MAKE and TRIM all kinds of Oents' apparel, iu the best and most fashionable slv le. Uood fit warranted. J. 11. SIRICII would specially call attention to sm M-leniliil stook of OENTH KURNISHING s'Utt'd especially Jar this market.

tit IfK.K illney and Bladder and most important discovery for Kidney, Blsdder Complaints. 1 ri 11.1 ry Obstructions, Lcucorriiu-i or Winte.s, Sexual Weaknesses. Phvsieal Prostration and Debility of eilhersex, is IIAR ISHORNK'S BliCllU COMPOUND. Persons who have been ilttable to walk, havesoon tieenrelieved this powerful COMPOUND. It is prepared by a Chemist, and is pronounced hy medical men and those vho have used it, to be the best 111 CHI COMPOUND in the world.

Iwttles small buttles 50 cents. Afresh supply just received l.v lUSHER 4. WlNSTON.Drue*ists, je Jt-lZtn Mam street, Richmond. Bft. The Pnbllr invited to cull at my NEW and beautiful ROOMS, recently fitted up for thepurpose of conduct tiie PHOTOUHAPHIC ART in all its varied branches, and examine the numerous im- added to the ART.

i'IIOTOLRaI HScolored iu WATER or OIL, from miniature up to life sir, which stvles combine all tlie delicate finish of the I vorv Miniature, and the bold arid Portrait in oil. AMBROTVPKS taken in every variety of style. (i. W. MINN 18, 217 Main st.

nd Speedily--Use Unit. PLHS INFALLIBLE BAKING I rice auc. TO SAVE ONE-HALF THE LARD in making I'Mcuit, use Sample's lufa)lute Baking Powder. Price JOc, 1 rlf KW' food bread should use Stinple's Inlall Bakinr Powder. Price Iry infallible liakms Powder.

Price lor sate by JNO. W. GARLICK. la Mass and Stick, ef the best Tn iM A JU? lfS in for Tobacconists. UhzeO IWlt OLi Vk OIL, in class, of new croy.

In store aad for sale low J. GKOROK Blair and BuiMins, nth and sts. DAILY DISPATCH VOL 95. ftidhwmto fiispatfjj. TUT RBDAY MORNING OCT.

20, I II C- tr I AT harpers ferry, 141. A UTIC tJ Ij ait s. THE BATTLES THE THE A SEX A 1.. The 11 istory of the Ori the Town hy the lnanrj(ents-Approach Hit Jrffn county Troops-Arrival of the Mar) land of the Anonymous Letter, kc, The insurrection at Ferry is orer and the mails bring in full particulars of the Moody tragedy. The Virginia military returned to their homes, the of arrived here yesterday afternoon.

Among the companies who went 011 were, the Alexandria Ritlemen, Washington Guard of Fredericksburg, and Moiuicello Guard of Charlottesville. From the Baltimore American we take an excellent history of the insurrection, and some additional particulars from the Sun of that city: ORIOINATOM. The principal originator of the insurrection, and the chief leader in its short but bloody, existence, was undoubtedly Captain John Brown, whose connection with the scenes of ioletice and border warfare in Kansas then made his name familiarly notorious to the wholeconntry. Captain Brown made his first appearance in the vicinity of Harper's Ferry more than a year ago, accompanied by his two so as, the whole party assuming the name of Smith. They inquired about land in the vicinity, made investigations as to the probability of finding ores, and for some time boarded at Sandy Hook, one mile east of Harper's Ferry.

After an absence of some mouths they re-appeared in the vicinity, and the elder Brown rented or leased a farm on the Maryland side, about four miles from Harper's Ferry. They bought a large number of picks and and thus confirmed the belief that they intended to mine for ores. They were seen frequently in and about Harper's Ferry, but no suspicion seems to have existed that "Hill Smith" was Captain Brown, or that he intended embarking in a movement so desperate and extraordinary. Yet the development of the plot leaves no doubt that his visits to the Ferry and his lease of the farm were all parts of his preparation for an insurrection which he supposed was to be successful in exterminating slavery in Maryland and Virginia. Capt.

Brown's chief aid was John E. Cook, a comparatively young man, who has resided in and near Harper's Ferry for some, ysars. He was first employed in tending a 1 'Ck on the canal. He afterwards taught school on the Maryland side, and after a brief residence in Kansas where it is supposed that he became acquainted with Brown, retnrneu to the Ferry, and married there. He was regarded as a man of some intelligence, known to lie anti-slavery, but not so violent in the expression of his opinions as to excite any suspicions.

These two men, with Brown's two sons, were the only white men connected with the insurrection that had been seen about the Ferry, All were brought by Capt. Brown from a distance and nearly all had been with him in Kansas. THK COMMKBCBMEST OF THE INSURRECTION. The tlrst active movement of the insurrection was made about half-past ten o'clock on Sunday night. Win.

Williams, watchman on Harper's Ferry bridge, whilst walking across towards the Maryland seized by a number of men, who said he was their prisoner and must come with them. He recognized Brown and Cook amonp the men, and knowing them treated the matter as a jake, but enforcing silence they conducted him to the armory which he found already in their possession" He was retained till after daylight and then discharged. The watchman who was to relieve Williams at midnight, found the bridge lights all out, and immediately was seized. Supposing it au attempt at robbery, he broke away and his pursuers stumbling over the track he escaped. Tiie next appearance of the insurrectionists was at the house of Col.

Lewis Washington, a large farmer and slave owner, living about four miles from the Ferry. A party headed by Cook proceeded there, roused Col. W. and told him he was a prisoner. They also seized all the slaves near the houses, took a carriage and horse and a large wagon with two horses.

When Col. Washington taw Cook he immediately recognized him as a man Who had called upon him some months previous, to whom he had exhibited some valuable arms in his possession, including an antique sword presented byFrederick the Great to General Washington, and a pair of pistols presented by Lafayette to Washington, both heir-looms in the family. Before leaving, Cook invited Col. Washington to a trial of skill at shooting, and exhibited considerable certainty as a marksman. When he made his visit on Sunday night he alluded to his previous visit and the courtesy with which he had been treated, regretting the necessity which inadeithis duty to amstCol.

W. He, however, took advantage of the knowledge he obtained by the former visit, to carry offall the Colonel's valu able col lec toiu of arms, which he did not re-obtain until after the rtnal defeat of the insurrection. From Col. Washington's thoy proceeded with him a prisoner in his carriage, and twelve of his negroes in the wagon, to the house of Mr. Alls tad another large farmer 011 the same road.

Mr. Allstadt, and his son, a lad of sixteen, were taken prisoners, all their negroes within reach forced to join the they returned to the Armory at the All these movements seem to have been made without exciting the slightest alarm in the town, nor did the detention of Capt. Pbelp's train at the upper end of the town attract attention. ft was uot until the town thoroughly waked up and found the bridge guarded by armed men, and a guard stationed at all the avenues, that the people found they were prisoners. A panic appears to have immediately ensued, and the number of the insurrectionists at once magnified from fifty, which was probably their greatest force, inclnding the slaves lorced to join, to from five to six hundred.

In the mean time, a number of the workmen knowing nothing of what had occurred, entered the Armory, and were instantly taken prisoners, until at one time they had not less than sixty meu eonllued. Among those thus entrapped were Armistead Ball, Chief Draughtsman of the Armory, Benjamin Mills, of the Armory, and J. E. P. Hanger- Held, Paymaster's Clerk.

These three gentlemen were imprisoned in the engine house, which afterwards became the chief fortress of the insurgents, and were not released until after the final assault. The workmen were imprisoned in a building farther down the yard, aud were rescued by the brilliant Zouave dash made by the railroad company's meu who came down from Marfinsburg. This was the condition of things at daylight, about which time Captain Cook with two white men, accompanied by thirty slaves, and taking with them Col. Washington's large wagon, went over tho bridge and struck up the mountain road toward Pennsylvania. It was then believed that the large wagon was used to convey away the Paymaster's safe, containing if 17,000 in government funds, and also that it filled with Minnie rifles taken out to supply other bauds in the mountains who were down upon Harper's Ferry iu overwhelming force.

These suppositions both proved untrue, as neither money nor arms were disturbed. THIBIGISM9IO OF TllK OF A PRISONER. As the day advanced, and the news spread around, and the people came into the Ferry, the first demonstrations of resistance were made lo the insurrectionists. A guerilla warfare commenced, chiefly led on by a man named Chambers whose house commanded the Armory yard. The colored man named Hayward, railroad porter, was shot early in the morning for refusing to join the Next man shot was Joseph Burley, a citizen of Harper's Ferry.

He was shot whilst standing in his own door- About this time, also, Samuel P. Young, was shot dead. He was coming into the town on horseback, carrying a gun, when he was shot from the Armory, receiving a wcund of which he died during the day. He was a gradnate of West Point, and greatly respected in the neighborhood for his high character and noble qualities. The Insurrectionists at this time, finding a disposition to resist them, had withdrawn nearly all within the Armory grounds, leaving only a guard on the bridge.

About noon, the Charles town troops, under' command of 001. Robert W. Baylor, arrived, crossing the Potomac river some distance up and marching down the Maryland side to the mouth of the bridge. Firing a volley they made a gallant dash across the bridge, clear in it of the who retreated rapidly down toward (he Armory. In this movement one of the insurrectionists, named Win, Thompson, was taken prisoner.

The troops next arrived, marching down the Shenandoah and joining the Charles town forces gt the bridge. A desultory exchange or shots followed, one of which struck Beckham, Mayor of the town and agent or the Railroad Company, In the breast, pass- RICHMONB, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1859. immediately Mr Beckham was without arms and vu "tttotrd for moment whilst approaching the water-station, assailant, one of Brown's Almost immediately, but manhf i 10 engine-house when Ms dead body wu found the next day' The murder of Mr. Beckham brTifi 0 1 he cl 7 WRS Immediately made to Ut the 1 4 0n Thompson Ho wal brought out on the bridge and shot downturn the bridge he fell into the water and' me apuearancft of life still remaining he wm again riddled with lwlls. a RI commencing.

At thistimea general charge was made down the street from the bridge towards the Armory ha i IMtOWn and Shepherdstown err 1 t'rom behind the Armory wall a lusilade was kept up and feturnwl by the insurrectionists from the Armory buildings. Whilst this was going on the Martinsburg levies-arrived at the upper end of the town, and entering the Armory grounds by the rear, made an attack from that his force was largely composed of the railroad employees gathered from the tonnago trains at Marttnsburg, and their attack waf KWieraliy spoken of as showing the greatest amount of righting pluck exhibited during the day. Hashing on, firing and cheering, aud gallantly led by Captain Alburtis, they carried the building in which the Armory men were imprisoned and reloased the whole of them. hey were, however, but poorly armed some with pistols and others with shot-guns' and when they came within range of the engine house, where the title of the insurrectionists were gathered, aud were exposed to their rapid and dexterous use of Sharp's rifles, they were forced to fall back, suffering pretty verely. Conductor Evan Horsey, of Bwtf more, was mortally wonuded, and Conductor George Richardson received a wound from which he died during the dav.

Several others were wounded, among tliem'a son of Dr. Murphy, of Harper's Ferry. A guerilla warfare was maintained during the rest of the day, resulting in the killing 01 three of the insurgents and the wouiiiliug of a fourth. One of them crawled out through a culvert leading into the Potomac, andattempted to cross to the Maryland side, whether with a view of escaping or of conveying information to Cook's party, was He was shot whilst crossing the river, and fell dead on the rocks. All adventurous lad waded out and secured his Sharp's rifle, and the body was afterward stripped of a portion of clothing.

111 one of his pockets was found a captain's commission, drawn np in full form, and declaring the bearer, Capt. Lehman, held that command under Major General Brown! A light mulatto was also shot just outside the Armory gate. The ball went through and through his throat, tearing away all the great arteries, and killing him instantly. His name was not known, but he was one of the free negroes who came with Captain 1 His body was left exposed in the street up to noon yesterday exposed to every indignity that could be heaped upon it by the excited populace. At this time a tall, powerful man, named Aaron Stevens, came out from the Armory conducting some prisoners, it was said, and was shot twice, onto iu the side of the face, and once in the breast.

He was captured and taken into the tavern, and after the insurrection had been quelled, was turned over, in a dying condition, to the United Statesauthoritics. Another imin was shot in the Arcennl yard. During the afternoon a sharp little affair took place on the Shenandoah side of the town. The insurrectionists had also seized Hall's ritle works, and a party of their assailants fonnd their way in through the mill-race and di-lodged them. In this rencontre it was said that three of the insurrectionists were killed, but we found but one dead body, that of a negro, on that side of the city.

Night by this time had come 011 aud active operations ceased. Guards were placed around the Armory and every precaution taken to prevent escapes. ARRIVAL OF THE BALTIMORE MILITARY. At 10 o'clock on Monday night the train with the Baltimore and United States arrived at Sandy Hook, where they wai'cd for ihe arrival of Col. Lee, deputised by trie War Department to take command.

The reporters pressed on, leaving their military allies behind. They found the bridge in possession of the military, and entered the besieged and beleagured town withoutdifflculty, the occasional report of a gun or the singing motion of a Sharp's rille ball, warning them that it was advisable to keep out of range ol the Armory. Their first visit wits to the bedside of Aaron Stevens, the wounded prisoner. They found him a large, exceedingly athletic man. a perfect Sampson in appearance.

lie was in a small room, lilled with excited armed men, who more than once threatened to shoot him where he was, groaniur with pain, but answering with composure and apparent willingness every question in relation to the foray in which he was engaged. He said he was a native of Connecticut, but had lately lived iu Kansas, where he knew Capt. llrown. lie had also served iu the Uuited Sttites Army. The sole object of the attempt was to give the negroes freedom, and Captain had represented that as soon as they seized the Armory the negroes would llock to them by thousands, and tliey would soon have force enough to accomplish their purpose.

He believed that the freeing of the negroes was a proper purpose, one for which he would sacriflce his lile, but though' that Capt Brown had been greatly' deceived in relation to the movement. He said preparations had been makiug for'some months lor this movement, but that the whole force consisted of seventeen white men and live free negroes. This statement was repeated without variation by all the prisoners with whom we They all agreed as to the number in the movement, and as to its objects, which some of them called the work of philanthropy. Lewis Leary, the negro shot at the rifle mill, stated before he died that he enlisted with Captain Brown for the insurrection at a Fair held in Lorraine county, Ohio, and received money from him pay his expenses. They all came down to Chatnbersburg, and from there traveled across the country to Brown's farm.

HOW THK NIGHT PASSED. The night passed without serious alarms, but not excitement. The marines were marched over immediately after the arrival of Col. Lee and were stationed within the armory grounds, so as to comoletely surround the engine-house. Occasional shots were fired by the country for was not understood but there was only one return fire from the insurgents.

The broken telegraph was soon repaired through the exertions of Superintendents Westervelt and Talcott, who occompanied the expedition, and the announcement that communication was opened with Baltimore gave the "press representatives abundant, employment. There was 110 finding any bed. and daylight wasawaited with anxiety. I tsearliestglimpses were availed of to view the scene. A visit to tlie dili'ereiit localities in which the corpses of the insurrectionists were lying stark and bloody, a peep, close or far otf, according to the courage of the observer, at the "Malakoff" of the insurgents, was the established order of sight-seeing, varied with a discussion of all sorts of terrible rumors.

FORT OP THE INSURGENTS The bnilding in which the insurgents had made their stand was the lire engine house, and no doubt tlie most defensible building iu the armory. It. has dead brick walls on three sides, arfd on the fourth large doors, with window-sashes above, some eight feet from the ground. A dead stillness surrounded the building, and except that now and then a man might seen peeping from the nearly closed centre door, or a dog's noseslightly protruded, there was no sign of life, much less of hostility, given. Various opinions were given as to the number of persons within, and the amount of resistence they wonld be able to offer.

Cannon could not be used without endangering the safety of Col. Washington, Mr. Hangerfield, Mr Ball and other who they still held prisoners, fhedooisand walls of the building had been pierced for rifles, bnt it was evident that from these holes no rauge could be had and that without opening the door they would be shooting in the dark. The murder of the prisoners held was thought by many to be determined upon, and then a fight to the death as an ending of their desperate attempt. Whilst people thus looked and speculated, the door was thrown open and one prisoners was sent out with a flag of truce, and delivered what was supposed to be terms of capitulation.

The contlnnanee of the preparations for assault showed they were pot accepted. THE DEMAND FOB ATTACI AND CAPTURE. Shortly after seven o'clock, Lieut. J. E.

B. Stuart, of the Ist Cavalry, who acting aid for Col, Lee, advanced to parley with the Samuel Strider, an old and respectable citizen, bearing a flag of Tliey were received at the aoorby Oapt.Cook. Lieu t. St uart demanded an unconditional surrender, only promising them protection from Immediate violence and trial by law. Capt.

Isrown refused all terms but those previously demanded, which were substantially: "That he should be permitted to march out with his men and arms, taking their prisoners with tbem; that they should proceed nupuraued to the second toll-gate, when they would free their prisoners. The soldiers were than at liberty to pursue, aad they would flghtif they could not escape." Of course this was refusal, and Lteut.Stuart premd noon Brown kis desiderate position, and nrgeaa Thw expostulation, though beyond earshot, was evkh'urty xtiy earnest, and the coolness of the Lieutenant And the twnrage of his eged flue 1 were oil around the building, cutting encase in ary direction. The two squads, were ready tot- a daih at the door Finally, Lieut Stuart, having exhausted all argument with the determined Captain Brown walked slowly from the door. Immediately he for attack waa given, and the rines, headed by Colonel Harris and Green advanced in two lines on each side she door. Two powerful fellows sprang between the lines, and with heavy sledge hammers attempted to batter down the dowr The loor swung and swayed, bntappeared to be secured with a rope, the spring of which deadened the effect of the blows.

Failing thus to obtain a breach, the marines were ordered to fail back, and twenty of them took bold of a ladder, some forty feet long, and advancing at run, brought it with tremendous power the door. At the second blow it rave way, one leaf foiling inward in slanting position. The marines immediately advancedto the breach, Major Russell and Lieutenat Green A marine in the front fell: the firing from theinterior is rapid and sharp they (Ire with deliberate aim, and for the moment the resistance is serious and desperate enough to excite the spectators to something like a pitch of frenzy. The next moment the marines ponr in, the firing ceases, and the work was done, whilst the cheers rang from every dde, the general feeling being that the marines bad done their part admirably. When the insurgents wore brought outcome dead, others were greeted with execrations, and only the precautions that had been taken saved them from immediate execution.

The crowd, nearly every man of which had a gun, swayed with tumultuous excitement, and cries of "shoot them "sfcoot theat" from every side. The aplearance of the liberated prisoners, all of whom, through the steadiness of the marines, escaped without Injury, changed the current of feeling, and prolonged cheers took the place of howls and execrations. In the assault private Rnppert, of the marines, received a ball in tlie stomach and was believed to be fatally wounded; another received a slight flesh wound in the face. THE DEAD AND WOrXDKD. The lawn in front of the engine-house, after the assault, presented a dreadful sight.

Lying on it were two bodies of men killed the previous day and fonnd inside the honse; three wounded men, one just at the gasp of life; two others groaning in pain. One of the dead was Brown's son Ottowa, wounded man Ins son Watson, whilst the father himself laid upon the grnss, a gory spectacle, his face and hair clotted with blood and a severe bayonet wound in his side. TAIK BROWN'S STATELIEST. A short time after he was brought out he revived aud talked earnestly to those about him. defeuding his course, and avowing that he hail done only what was right.

He replied to questions substantially as follows Are you Captain Hrown, of Kansas A. 1 am sometimes called so. Are you Oswattamie Brown 1 A. I tried to do my duty there. l- What was your present object fA.

To free the slaves from bondage. Q. Were any other persons but those with you now, connected with the movement 1 A- No. U. Did you expect aid from the North A.

No; there was none connected with the movement but those who came with me. Q. Did you expect to kill people in order to carry your point! A. I did not wish to do It, bnt von forced me to do it. Various questions of this kind were pnt to Captain Brown, which he answered clearly and freely and seemed anxious to vindicate hiscourse.

He urged that he had the town at liis mercy, that he could have burned it and murdered its inhabitants, but did not. He had treated the prisoners be had taken with courtesy, and complained that he was hunted down like a beast. He spoke of the killing of his son, which he alleged was done whilst he was bearing a Hag of truce, and seemed very anxious for the safety of the wounded son. Altogether liis conversation bore the impress of a conviction that whatever he had done to free slaves was right, and that in the war in which he was engaged he was entitled to be treated with all the respect of a prisoner of war. He seemed fully convinced that he had on badly treated aud had a right to complain.

lien ilrst brought out he was. supposed to be mortally wounded, and he himself said he was dying. An examination of his wounds proved them to be net necessarily fatal, and he afterwards expressed a desire to live and to be tried by his country. In his pockets a considerable number of papers were found, among which were the articles of agreement under which the insurrectionists acted, and what purported to be a schedule for the establishment of "provisional government." In his pockets were found nearly four hundred dollars in gold, which was committed to the of Hr. Murphy, the Armory Paymaster.

The most important papers found in hii possession were taken in charge of by Col. Lee, on behalf of the government. The following note, characteristic of the pursuits of the man, fell into our possession "Captain Broirn "Deak have been disappointed in not seeing: you here ere this to take charge of your freight. They have been here now Iwo weeks, and as I have had to superintend the providing for them, it has imposed upon me no small task. Besides, they are getting discontented, and if not soon taken 011, some of them will go back to Missouri.

I wish to kflow definitely what you propose doing. "They cannot be kept here much longer without risk to themselves, and if any of them conclude to go back to the State, it will be a bad termination to your enterprise." rOMMASDER OF THE INSI URKOTIOKISTS. Captain John Brown, the commander and instigator of this most singular project, has been known by the name of "Osawattamie Brown," in which character he obtained quite a notoriety throughout the country, as one of the leaders of the Free State parly in Kansas. He was tlie hero of fifty guerilla" lights iu the vicinity of Osawattauiie, in one of which his son Frederick Brown was killed. THE I'RISOKKKS.

Beside Captain Brown, the prisoners taken are his son, who is seriously wounded in the abdomen aud not likely to live; Edwin Coppuck, who belongs to named Shields Green, who came from Pittsburg to Brown. The stories of all these men are precisely the same; they agree as to the object they proposed 10 accomplish and the number of parties in the movement. Young answer to a question, said that there were parties in the North connected with the differing with his father ou this point. Coppuck, the other white prisoner, is quite young, and seems less shrewd than the others. He said he did not wish to join the expedition, and when asked, gave a reply which showed the influence Brown had over him.

He said you gentlemen don know Capt. Hrown; when he calls for us, we never think of refusing to come." Several slaves in the room with the insurrectionists, but it is not believed that tlley were there willingly. Indeed Brown's expectations as to the slaves running to him entirely disappointed. Noneseem to have come to him willingly, and in most cases they were forced to desert their masters. But one Instance in which a slave made a public appearance with arras in hia hands is related.

A negro who had been sharply used by oneof the towu people, when he found he had a pike in his hand, used his "brief authority" to arrest the citizen and have him taken to the Armory. TRBATMENT OF THE PRISONERS. The citizens imprisoned by the insurrectionists all testily to their lenient treatment. They were neither tied nor insulted, and, beyond the outrage of restricting their liberty, were not ill-used. Captain Brown was always courteous-to them, and at all times assured them they should not be injured.

Heexplained his purposes to them, and whilst he had the workmen in confinement made au abolition speech to them. Colonel Washington speaks of him as a man of extraordinary nerve. He never blenched during the assault, though he admitted during the night that escape was impossible and he would have to die. When the door was broken down, one of his men cried out "I surrender." The Captain immediately cried out, "There's one him quarter," and, at the same moment, fired his own rlfie at the door. Baring the previous night he spoke freely with Colonel Washington and referred to sons.

He said he had lost one in Kansas and two had not pressed them to join him in this expedition, but he did not regret their had "died in a glorious canse." The position of the prisoners in the engine house during the firing on Monday, and at the moment of the final attack, was a very trying one. Without any of the iucenti ves of combat they had to risk the balls of their friends, but happily they all escaped. At the moment when the doors were broken in, the prisoners, at the suggestion of Cot. Washington, threw op their hands, so that it might be seen thejr were not combatants. XXCITIXG SCENES.

Daring tUe morning armed me a cos tinned to poor into Harper's Ferry, ia ait eorts of costume aad with every variety of vOvor two hnndred moa came in oaboreefcacfc, probably there were from one Uwneaadje waive buudrtd men aaaemMeri there. Tbe indict pressure not at all commendable. The tody p( one of Drowns party in tto riwr prevloue day, wm dletodfed firom the roe on ProbaWy a hundred shots, and have been thoroughly riddled with Mils. Capt. W.

D. wit, attached to the Law rays, detai led to guard a wounded Insurgent to the quarters, and protect him from the violence of the citizens. While so Ttr'j asked him to confess how long the plot had been going on, who were its authors, ann where their meetings, were held; but thi dying Suva refused. Capt. Brown took from the mans pocket a note-book of cyphers and secret characters, and has it now in his session.

The cyphers are interspersed with a 1 places, among rVi following: "Springdaie, Cedar co-, wa Paul, and the I once more sit down to write to A son of the leader, named Brown, was taken out stark and cold, he having been killed the day previous; Stewart Taylor, also killed instantly fay a ball through his head and one through his body, and Albert Hasliit, killed instautly. Ihe wounds were shocking to behold. The writer had a conversation with the dying man, Anderson. He said that the elder Brown had been their leader, and that he had always looked up to him as a great man. A letter was found in his pocket from his brother, J.

J. Anderson, of Chilicothe, stating that the contents of his last letter upon the subject of slavery Were devoured with eagerness." Upon the body of Haslitt was found a lock of his wife's hair and a piece of her dress. INCIDENTS, Ac. Upon the person of the leader, the notorious "Ossawottamie Brown," of Kansas, was fou.nd by one of the volunteer surgeons of the division, Hr. David M'Laughlin, the sum of S3VS in gold, which wis handed by him over to Majpr Roeaell, pf the marine corps.

In acon 7 yersation with the writer as he lay weltering in his blood, he stated that he had figured iu Kansas, and was known as Ossawottamie Brown," or "Old Brown." He had had a son killed in Kansas (as well as two here.) He hated slavery, and he desired to avenge hia son's death. His Confederates desired to render when they word summoned by Colonel Lee; but he refused because he did not believe that the general government would slaughter his companions for the sake of killing him. He had always treated his prisoners with courtesy. He hoped that his interrogators would not put words in his mouth, but permit him to make his own declarations. He hoped Major Russell would permit him to die in peace, and would treat him humanely.

Major Russell suggested that he had better not make uny declarations calculated to compromise him in law, and also requested the gentlemen present to withdraw from the room in order that be might not be disturbed. It has been stated subsequently that his wounds are hot mortal, unfortunately perhaps for himself. The prisoner Edwin Coppee, upon being asked what he expected would be his fate, said that he only asked his country to give him a fair trial and he would abide the consequences. He manifested no concern or apprehension with respect to his punishment. The prisoner Brown, son of the leader, was too debilitated from his wounds to realize his situation.

The wounded have been removed to the hospital of the arsenal, including the rioter A. D. Stevens. Such was the excitement on Monday night that Stevens would have been shot in his bed, had it not been for the restraint exercised by others upon tLoso who permitted their passions to become ungovernable. The wretched man stated his willingness to go out in the morning and be shot upon his coffin, but begged them not to shoot him in his bed.

He is reported to be mortally wounded but it is thought by some that his four wounds are not fatal. About the middle of the stream of the broad Potomac lies the bedy of one ol the insurgents, named Win. H. Heemau, who was shot 011 Monday, while attempting to make his escape from the town. His black hair may just be seen floating upon the surface of the water and waving with every ripjile.

There was taken from the jierson of Stevens a printed pamphlet of twenty-five pages, containing the constitution, of Mr. Brown's provisional government. The work is in the possession of Col. Lee, and would be treasonable were it not too ridiculous. KILLED WOUNDED.

The following are among the killed and wounded in the recent conflicts at Harper's Ferry Beckham, railroad agent, on Sunday, by a single shot; Hayard Sheppard, colored porter at the railroad station, killed Sunday night in working at the train; Thos. Boerly, grocer, of Harper's Ferry, killed in Monday's assault; Wm. BichariUon, of killed in same assault; George W. Turner, of Charlestown military, killed on Monday also; William, son of "Old Brown;" Stewart Taylor, insurgent; J. C.

Anderson, insurgent; E. 11. Leeman, insurgent; Altiert Haslitt, insurgent, and several colored men. (old) Brown; Watson Hrown, a second son; F. vans Horsey, mortally; Allen Evans, mortally; Private TJ.

Marines, mortally; another Marine, name unknown, slightly: Alexander Kelly; Geo. Murphy, Stale attorney, of lyiartinsburg. Tnkm Edwin Coppee, of Iowa; Shields Green, colored, of Harrisburg Watson Brown, a son of ola Brown. CAPT. KILL COOKE.

This man is represented to be a most notorious and blood-thirsty individual. Possessing a large amount of brute courage, he is reckless of his conduct, and hesitates not to shoot au adversary. Sometime ago he got into a difficulty in the neighborhood of Harper's Ferry with one of the railroad employees. The man was very close to Cooke, and when the latter drew his revolver, seized it, aud turned the muzzle from his aim. Cooke discharged it, however, and the charge passed through the clothing of the right side of him whom he sought to kill.

Before he had time to fire the weapou again, he was felled to the ground by a well-directed blow with a slung-shot, from the effects of which ho laid insensible for more than two hours. That, however, did not deter him from further acts outrage. His nativity is not known. He is said to he a man of fair education, but is regarded by all who know him, as a designing and dangerous man. Cooke married several years ago in the neighhood of Harper's Ferry, but it is said that he left on Monday afternoon with his what direction he took could not be ascertained.

THE LETTER TO TIIK 9KCUKTAKY OF WAR. The anonymous letter heretofore spoken of as having been received by Gov. Floyd, the Secretary of War, reached him while at Old Point, lately. It stated that Insurrections would occur simultaneously at Wheeling, Harper's Ferry and Washington, for the purpose of freeing slaves. Itis understood that about 100 slaves have lately escaped from Virginia and Maryland under the agency of the emissaries.

The people of the adjacent country in Maryland and Virginia will be on the lookout for these runaways before reaching Pennsylvania. Gov. Wise, of Virginia, who in going up to the scene of riot, yesterday morning, had set on foot the measure MRrhicn it subsequently became ull carry out) for sending cavalry from this cfily to pursue and hunt the Weeing insurgeufs through any portion of Virginia, had jhso, by telegraph, requested the the United States to authorize the cavalry fa follow them into any State or locality, they having stolen the property and treasnreof the government, and placed its stolen arms iu the hands of negroes and others. If they should get into Pennsylvania, It is to be presumed that the Governor of that patriotic Commonwealth would promptly afford all due assistance and authority in capturing such bloody and highhanded offenders against thslaws, the peace and dignity of sister States. GOV.

WIBK AT THK SEAT Or DISTURBANCE. Governor Wise, of Virginia, after consulting with the President, tame down to the Relay House in the early Washington train, accompanied by ninety Virginia volunteers. At tne Relay Honse he was joined by Gen. George both proceeded together. Gov.

Wise will remain at Harper's terry several days, and will, meanwhile, institute a most rigid investigation of the origin and all the facts connected with the insurrection. ORDERS FOR MOUNTED COUNTERMANDING. At a o'clock A. General Steuart, thrWh Gov. Wise, acting under the instructions the President of the United Suites, communi.

cated an order to General J. Wesley Wafkins, calling upon him to prepare, equip, and mount immeditely a body of meu tor service in, trie mountains and fastnesses near Harper's Ferry, whither many of theinsargeots had flsd. The order was promptly carried out, aw vf o'clock a eompany of So mounted dratfecias were mastered on Camden street, at the ball of the station. was composed of the Taylor Light Dragoons, and the Lafayette Light Bragoons, Col. Zimmerman aud Lt.

Col. Hlndee. The corps was fully equipped with flfcrs and easien Ibearers, and was under the command of Watkins. A special train of two and six stock care waa preparing to convey them from the Mount dspot, when an order cagte ahout Gen. Steuart, countermanding his first orders, and the troops were dismissed.

TUB BAIT IMOBB PRICE ONE CENT. from their etom proximity the contest. When thw crisis Um irrived even the opuide military and lioaW hardly restrain themselves from forward nod discharging their calls of order arrested their impulses. vv Hen the prisoners came on there were vociferous cries of "Hang them" constantly reseated. The com pan ies and eitixens were to the government grounds, uitl all hadan opportunity to view the cerpees A the deluded fhuatics who bad so foolishly thftir Th of all the a subject of general remark ex.

Sibittid peculiar The pablic bSrtaT mad MPran em nt their A The following "commftolon" was found on the body of one of the dead insurrectionists: WiK Dkpautmmt 1 ted a captain in the army established under 'he ProvtsiamalCoHiHtution; now, therefore in pursuance of the authority vested in me' by -aid constitution, we do hereby appoint and comraiwion the said William H. Leeman cantain. 1 Given at the office of the Secretary of War. this day, 15th of October, 1859. Jxo.

Bfioww, Commander-in-Chief. H. Keys, Secretary War. COJtJIKNTS OP THX PRESS, The New York Express, writing before the Agency of abolitionism in the affair was certain, tays: In commentingwpon this startling demonstration of practical "Negro-ism," we are not disposed, in the light only of our present information, to go beyond the simple facts of the case, as the telegraph gives them. Still less are we disposed to indttljps in any exclamation of surprise or astonishment that such an outbreak should have happened: because, if it turns out that "Abolitionism" is really at the fbottom' of it, the whole affair (bloodshed, plunder, terror, and all,) can only be looked upon as the handiwork of a certain class of men among us who follow Abolitionism as a regular profession, and whose theories upon, reduced to "practice, have their logical results in just such "ItutxrREB.SIBLK Conflicts." The Philadelphia Bulletin in its commentary, says: it can do no good to the cause of freedom, Sand may irritate tbe slavoholding States beyond anything yet known.

If there were any sensible and practicable purpose in the rising, there might be some excuse for it. But It seetas to have been either a mere riot, having for its purpose robbery and plunder, or an at overturning the slave laws of Virginia and Maryland. The insurgents consistof a few huudred Ignorant negroes and white men, led by persons who have never before been heard of as either politicians, soldiers, patriots, or philanthropists. In some way or other they have poisoned the minds of their followers and led them to believe thai they could either revolutionize the Southern States, or could enrich themselves by plundering the government-establishments at Harper's Ferry. The utter folly of the adventure is shown by the fact that within about thirty hours after the first have been defeated in all their strongholds, the leaders have been shot or captured, and arrangements are already in progress for the punishment of the ofleuders.

The Alexandria (Va.) Sentinel says: I which has just been enacted at 'Harper's Ferry, the South will feel most deep- ly. Is it citizens will it possible that the animosity of the North against us lias reached such a degree of all-coiisuming hate as to drive any of her citizens upon such efforts, aud make them blind, notouly to iu vile wickedness, but to its utter folly I It Is indeed a most painful and startling (illustration of that fanaticism which Mr. Seward has evoked and harnessed to his chariot, aud drives on in "irrepressible conflict." From an article in the Gazette, of tho same city, written before the insurrection was quelled, we take the following But after it is quelled, aud the guilty parties are fairly before the civil tribunals, we exjiect to see stern jvtiice meted out to all concerned in bringing about, or acting in, this outrage upon law, this rebellion and treason, this great crime against the laws the country and the rights ot our peaceable citizens. The Abolitionists at thk Isbitbrxction at Barter's New York papers are puzzled to know what to make of the insurrection at Harper's Ferry. The Herald refers to an extract of one of Gerrit Smith's letters, written few weeks ago, which is Interesting in view of the fact that the "philanthropist" sent a letter containing It), to Ossawattomie Brown.

It says: We recollect a very significant passage in one of Gerrit Smith's letters, published a month or two ago, in which he sjieaks of the folly of attempting te strike the skackles off the slaves by the force of moral suasion or legal agitation, and predicts that the next movement made iu the direction of negro emancipation would be an insurrection in the South. Is this the first act in that programme and are those white abolitiouists spoken of iu our dispatches emissaries of the peaceful Gerrit! If not, is tho insurrection part of that" irrepressible conflict which is so dear to the heart of William H. Seward I and ffc it intended to effect the next Presidential contest! Latest by Telegraph. 19,2 o'clock A. There are no signs of the fugitives from Harper Ferry.

A gentleman who left Green Castle last night at 9 o'clock, says there had nothing been heard of them there. Bkdfoud, Oct. are no signs of the fugitives here. following important intelligence have just been received from Ferry: Last evening a detachment of Marines and Volunteers made a visit to Brown's The first visit made was to a school-house. They found a large quantity of blankets, boots, shoes, clothes, and tents, and 1,500 pikes with large blades affixed.

They also discovered a carpet-bag containing throwing much light on the affair, together with printed constitutions and by-laws of an organization indicating ramifications in various States of the Union; also letters from various individuals at the from Fred Douglas, containing from a lady; also, a letter from Gerrit Smith about money matters, and a check or draft by him for 9100, endorsed by the cashier of a New York Bank, the name of which is not recollected. All of these are in the possession of Gov. Wise, who has issued a proclamation 'offering for the arrest of Cfook, one of the insurrectionists, who escaped. There are a Harge number of srtued men scouring the mounubu in pursuit of him. THE ANONYMOUS LETTEB.

Washikoton, Oct. following is a copy of the anonymous letter received by Secretary Floyd, and adverted to in previotss diepatches: Cjkcissati, Auk. IMA But: 1 have recently received information of a movement ef so treat importance, that feel it my duty to impart it to you without delay. 1 have dis covered the existence of a secret sssociatton, bavins for object the liberation of the slaves of the South by general insurrection. The lesder of the movement is "old John Brown." late of He has been ia Canada daring the wiatararitline negroes, and are only waiting his word to start for the South to the rhey have one of their leading men-a armory in it is situated lam set enabled to learn.

As soon every thing is raady, those of their number who ars in the Northern States and Canada are to come in small onmpaaiee tea rendezvous which is in the mountains ol Virginia. 1 hay wid down through Penney to Mary land, aad enter Virginia at Harper's Brown left the North aboot three or four waeks ago, aad will arm the negroes and strike the Mow in a few weeks; so that whatever is done most be done at onee. They have large totalities of arms at the rsadeavous, and are probably distributing them already lam not fully their confidence, wo this is all the information I cm give you. I dare not sign my name to this, bet trust you disregard the waraiag on that aecouat. OrWaTiojr or tub U.

8. BAaxcb Mitt AT Nxw following Is the official report of tto deposits and coinage at tto New Orleans Branch Mint during the month of September last: Gold gold, MM other gold, 51,758 14. Silver from various iIJI.Mi titotal deposits, 00. Gold coinegs-Tae double eagles, Silver cottofs. -WMW half dollars.

coinage, The report says that no silver was partou from the California gold coined. 'I I' wba i oa' tto far to cWiedWeeati i 1 iMI i i LOCAL MATTm MS dr lT which Will prove highly yet been put to work, and superior to that of any other everaeea Institute, and is really worthy an inenMu tion. The department has never ban surpassed in variety or beanty: but the space set apart for home manufactures has not been filled, as it should have been, by our own citizens. To their shame, be said, very many of them have never tamed their hands over to sustain the Institute in any respect. To-night the exhibition will open at 7 O'clock, and at 8 o'clack, Tuofl.

Eva as, Esq, will deliver an address on a subject that cannot fall to interestall who hear him, Although not a mechanic, CJol. Evans has always exhibited a willingness to contribute to the of the Institute by every means in his power, and we, therefore, hope that the members will tnrnout in a mass to hear bim. Soppottd Murderer man named Een. Bowles, a resident of Hanover eonnty, has been arrested and committed to the jail of that county, to answer the charge of murdering the property of Dr. Ellerson, on Saturday night last.

The servant had jnst left his master's premises, where he deposited the mill keys, gone to cabin, and was in the act of passing np the steps, when he was stricken down with an axe and literally chopped into pieces. At the inquest on Sunday last, Bowers was examined as a witness, and then exhibited a good deal of excitement; but as a negro fellow was suspected of the deed, be was not arrested. Since then the clothes worn by Bowers on Saturday, all marked with blood, have been discovered, and the axe with which the deed was done, hat been found. Tbesuspected negro proved hie innocence and was discharged. Bowers hM been committed to jail to await an examination.

It is the opinion of some persons that the innrder was perpetrated to get possession of the mill keys, but In this he was disappointed. Return of Richmond Grays, R. L. I. Blum, Virginia Hiflu and Montgomery Guard, of the First Regiment, and the Young Guard, of the 170 th, Who left this city for Ferry on Tuesday morninir, in accordance with an order from Governor WUr, returned this city yesterday morning.

On reaching Washington received information from the Governor that their presence at the scene of the lute action was unnecessary. Company who accompanied Gov. Wise to Harper's Ferry, reached here in the Fredericksburg train attijjl o'clock. At Tuesday morning the volunteers from Richmond were joined by seventeen members of the Fredericlwnurg Guard, who accompanied them as laras Washington, aud returned with them yesterday. The Yoully tinder its new 4Pgaaiaation, should soon become as powerful as ever; and if its friends exert themselves as they should, its success will be certain.

The corps should attach itself to the First Regiment at once, if it has not already done so, and thus become part and parcel of the eity army, now hotyrly growing stronger. There is no real necessity for a secoud volunteer regiment at this time, and infantry companies are not apt to prosper In militia revetments. The volunteers must pull together harmonionsly, if they expect to succeed, for in union only Is strength to to found. Aiuuaemf.nti.—Citizeas and strangers wil have no difficulty iu finding places of amusement to visit to-night. The Theatre is the most attractive place to many, and the rare Joills gotten up draw crowded houses.

At Metropolitan Hall, Wyman is holding forth, and doing a fine business. At Odd Fellows' Hall, the Southern Night- Ingalea are giving rare entertainments. And at Mechanics' Institute Hal), an abundance of amusements are to be seen. Patrick McCarthy, who has been confined in the city jail for some days past on account of supposed aberration of mind, was before the Mayor yesterday morning apparently entirely recovered. He was difcchargeu with some wholesome advice from his Honor, which he promised to obey.

Tk'. i' Police, appointed at the Central Agricultural Fair Grounds, are requested to meet the Chief Marshal on Saturday morning next, at II o'clock, on tbe gronnds, to receive the necessary instrnctioas for the approaching Fair. Mr. Daniel H. London, of this city, is to address the people of Lynchburg to-day; those of I Hanover county, at the eourt-honse, un Tuesday next- and in Utchmoud some evening week, on the subject of Direct Trade and Steam Navigation.

persons have endeavored to annoy our worthy Mayor of late by writing to him anonymously in regard to matters "of which they probably know no more than the man in the moon. The trick is too transparent to cause any uneasiness. Threatened Moniellewas before his Honor yesterday, upon a charge of threatening to assault Ilobt. Rlce oti the Uth but owing to the al f. elic witnesses the case was continued until Friday, and Hon telle recognised appear.

Cornelius Carr, charged with insolent and provokinK to Gouldiog, ordered by the Mayor ester day to be punished. The Hustings Court not aDT other than civil business for someday fa expected that several cases of misdemeauor will be tried to-day. The Pubtir (iuard had a Square yesterday, and attraei'tf I JT XOi attention by their fine light in an try drill. Tin labt Fatal Oaiwomia fact that Dr. P.

Goodwin, formerly of Greensville county, was Willed in California recently in adnel with 001. Jeff Gatewood, been noticed. A letter. describiug tto affair, says The preliminaries were all arranged, audithe ready for position by 7 clock, A Tto are reported to both ap. petfred cool, and to have exchanged coarfrsirs at the moment of taking positions assigned by the seconds.

The given tW "Are you ready 1 lira one, two, thne. At (to interrogative part of sentence, eaah answered "I At tto moment ttot tto wort was aboot to arueelated, toth sprang the trimri of their Dr. Goadwia's bung and to lost his stot. Mr. Gatewood ehot struck Goodwin In the abdomen, ranaing obliquely and downwards, iojeout oZ the hip.

Immediately upon Dr. Goodwin's fall, Mr. Gautweod advanced toward him, hand, and remarking, "Doctor, I am very sorry that ttalaaflfcir has terminated sorry, indeed." To which tto Doctor replied, "I am glad to know that you eetsd like a gengleman." Gatewood thanked lifai tor kind loft field In company with Ms surgeon. Both parties were Democratic the deceased a and Dm sarvivor an They quarreled prior to late election, aad to aMto. GoWwiu wan the etaltougtai party, aad to Aaid tto penalty of act with Ate UA- gentlemen highly wis tiled la tto.

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