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Richmond Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia • Page 2

Richmond Dispatchi
Richmond, Virginia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THK HAlt'Y Tlnryjoy AnpwM 9, IW. MRmciiwiM PfwlllfleatfaMi OU TblM. It ia a peculiarity of tbe straight land and pbar isalcal of abolitionism tbay MTir aeem to a single daftct ia tbetr awn character. If tbeea are guilty of tbe of tba publl their, vices are hallowed by tba sanctity of their and they gently style them "inftrattles" of tbe deab which ought to be overlooked fat them, though deserving damnation in everybody the State of Massachusetts seta model of American Union-loving Patriotism, and wbea South Carolina nullified, tbe horror of Masaachtiaatts at the Iniquity of nullification exceeded tbat of all the other Statea of the vonfederacy combined. She impatient for tha federal government to hurl ita thunder bolta at the head of South Carolina, and annihilate tbat andadoua nullifying Commonwealth.

There are people even in tbe South, who, deceived by tbe hud of thia Pecksniff of the- Statea, fancy she ia all she heraelf, and are ready to admit the inferiority of the Sooth ia patriotism and public virtue to Massachusetts. A single glance at her biatory enough to dls. pel thin delusion, and reveal tbe State represented by Sumner and Wilson in her true colors. A nullification act stands at this moment npou her statute book, setting at defiance the Constitution and tbe Laws of the general governme nt, and this act she baa repeatedly refused to repeal. But nullification is no new thing in the history of On tha contrary, whenever exposed to temptation and trial, her boasted loyalty has uui formly given way like ice before the sun.

We shall cite some memorable illustrations of this fact. And the witness upon whose testimony we rely no less a person than John tjulncy Adams The Embargo Law of 180? caused great excitement in New England. The Patriotism and the Puree of that section then came into collision, and we shall see which gave way. A plaa was started fur a New England confederacy and dismemberment of the Union! John Quiacy Adams wrote a letter to Senator Oiles, of Virginia, in the fall of 1808, urging upon the Administration an immediate repeal of the Embargo, and the substi. lution of tt Non-Intercourse Act therefor, so convinced was he of the imminence of the danger of dismembcrmontl lie said: "Their object was, and had been for several years, the dissolution of the Union, establishmeat of a separate Confederation," which he affirmed tiat he knot "from unequivocal although not proveable in a court of law; and in cane of eicil tear, the aid of Great Britain to effect that purpose would as surely resorted to, as it would be indispensably necessary to design!" Mr.

Adams afterwards mskes known that State Nullification was in full blast and practical operation at that time in New England, without even Sovereign ceremony of a Ruilyfying and in the same sentence communicates unmistakable indicia of the purposed secession! He bays: people were constantly imtigated to resistance against the acquitted violations of it on the ground of its unconstitutionality assumed in the face of a solemn decision of the Federal Court! separation of the Union was openly stimulated in the public prints, and a Convention of delegates of the England States to meet at New jlacen, teas intended and Here is nullification with a vengeance I A design to dissolve the Union, and to set up a separate confederacy, and call in British bayonets against men who, when Massachusetts cried for deliverance fioci British bayonets, were the first to fly to her rescue I This testimony of John Quincy Adams, that old foemau of the Sonth, is additionally confirmed by the fact that Sir James H. Craig, the British Governor General of Canada, despatched a spy, John Heury, troin Quebec, in January through Vermont and New Hampshire to Boston, for the purpose of intriguing for the dismemberment of a country then at peace with Great Britain. The followlag extract from a letter of this spy to hU government, is recorded by a New England his tori an Should Congress venture to declare Wsr, the legislature of Massachusetts would give the tone to t'ie neighboring Matm, aud invite a Congress to be composed ot delegates from the Federal States, aud crect a Separate Government for their Common aud in a condition to make or receive proposals troin Great lirilain, when scarce any other aid would be necessary, than a few vessels of war from the Halifax station, to protect the towns from the little American Mary Ho was he said, not to make an imprrscion analagoua to the enthusiastic confidence of the ujijuihition, nor the and that animate the friends of an Alliance beticceit States and Ureal War with Great Britain followed the sword was drawn, and Massachusetts, recreant to her new ally as to her old, remained in the Union, as she does now, but paying no regard to the obligation" ot law. The manner in which the higher ia worked among her juries (those juries whom she wishes entrusted with the derision of fugitive cases,) is thus described by a historian of that period: juries, the basis of legal admin is'ration, BUT INDUCING THEM TO VIOLATE THE OK I.AW AMI TH MR JUDICIAL INTERPRETATION, BY VERDICTS ANNULLING the introduction of that system of Executive, Legislative and Judicial fate National encouraging their individ nal rtjtction; proclaiming repudiation of Federal loans and debts, by eminent Statesmen: Altogether it wns insurrection abuse of personal freedom and State soeireignty!" According to the same historian, the Puritan parsons bad the same itcbinjr then as now for in troduring politics into the pulpit: "State and individual animosity fortified them selves bv the denunciations of the licentious press and pulpit virulence, all urging violence, till the whole Kastern atmosphere burned with malignant d. fiance of Federal authority, end in vindication of English hostility! What nullification newspaper in South Carolina ever preached Disunion more boldly than a Dos.

ton journal in following paragraph? "To the cry of Disunion," says this Boston paper, "the plain and obvious answer is, that the States art olriady stparoud. The bond of union is bt.vieu by President Madison. As we are now n' ing on, we shall certainly be brought to irretrievsble ruin. The Convention cannot do a more popular act, not only in New Kugland, but throughout the Atlantic States, than to make a pkack for HIE GOOD ok thk whole! The Convention must report to theii constituents on the subject of peace sod war. If they find that it is tocontinue, it is to be hoped that they will ho men ok shall hk tkhmitted to go on ok New England!" Ac.

"if," said another leading Journal ia Boston "all thk States South ok the Delaware WERE STRUCK OUT OF BEING, THK NORTHERS STATES WOULD SOON FORGET THE I OSS Of THEM 1" "Suppose that the State Government should pass a law, that whoever should attempt, in the name of the L'Hittd Statin, to class citizens of that State tor the purpose of selecting one from every twenty five, Monroe's prcjtct of increasing the army) to conquer Canada, rhould be deemed a public enemy, and be guilty of a high misdrmenvr ogaintt thr tvereigvty of the state; and shonld assign as a ressou for such law, that no article of her TREATT with the United States had givon such power over her cltir.eos: To irhom it the Sovereign Start an "VtTfil.ltfur nat) mil any one denu that the Mate paver to evaet such laic The Boston Gazette, a favorite journal of New England, thus speaks: "Is there a Patriot in America, who It his duty to shed blood for Bonaparte, for for Jefferson, at id that Host or Kuemanms who have set their fares as fop years, and spirited np the brutal the populace to destroy ns? Not one! Shall be longer held in slavery, and driven by A celebrated Boston clergyman preached a ser nun on the exciting topic. In which he said not to htcomt ikt tlaret of ikote umMeiv FrcncM 'Z's tT TMIt thk HAt l-OKO lisrr, IEKN VIRTUALLY Tn portion II IHjfVKITXP TAKK CAM Oip linMsrVTge: Bw tUa high matter mutt Uii g.Sortherii Eaitehk Convention. to.Broome mar. Han can b. or ckriltiAn rtnLr nation arrived WHW COMMON PRC-' nkftrt ARB MOMIUTION MM CfcASri) to nr.

A VIRTUR With one more extract from fbe historian, On tbe 'JOtb of Octobef, 1814, preliminary to Hartford Convention, the Legislature of tbe leading of Masaschusetta, pur want to tkt plan of a great En Hern Morment, MEDITATED WITH UCI FOB THE PURCHASE OF retained to raise an of ten thotmand to aid, bat atte tba Union Not to but the War: Not to be plaead under tbe command of the President's Prefects the United Statea Oenerala commanding Military Districts were stir matiied bnt. to he colled out. officered, uniformed, rtationed, employed and disponed of eic.luticrlf and altogether by their otrn disaffrcttd Governor, IN DEFIANCE or Federal Authority Hera ia New England Nullification I What do yon think of it? Did the history of Nullification in South Carolina ever exhibit greater disloyalty to the Union? Thia at leaat mnat be aaid of Boutb Carolina, that ahe never deserted her country in war. Maaaachuaetta still ia, and alwaya baa been, a nullifying State, and what is worse, a State which would create civil at rife, and tben call in foreign bayonota to settle it. She ia now the leading Fremont Stateof the Union; she heads the column of tbe infamous attempt to govern one section of the by another; and observe bow her patriotic aonl will shudder with horror and burn with rage if, in tbe event of Fremont'a election, tbe South threaten a dissolution of the Union 1 Clover Hill t'onl A new vein of coal has been discovered In these mines, which exceeds in richness any yet worked there.

It haa a larger amount of bitumen, it Is believed, than any yet raised from tbe mines, as rich as the Clover Hilt coal is known to be. We suppose this flue coal will be chiefly brought to thia city for family grate coaL The Clover ilill mines have been worked with great success. The railroad to the pits has recently been laid with heavy iron, and this will greatly facilitate tbe operations of the company. "The Rev. C.

If. Spurgeon, of Sermons, with an INTRODUCTION AND SKETCH OK HIS LIKE; PT E. L. York Sheldon, Blakcman f( Co. This is a highly interesting book, relating to a man of remarkable powers of eloquence, who made a great impression in England.

He is a minister of the Baptist Church, and resides in London, where he hag an uncommon fame in his walk of life. The biographical part of the book js in the exuberant style of Mr. Magoon, considerably however, sinco he was a preacher in this city. For sale by Messrs Worth am Cottrell, No. £03 Main street.

"Like ok Generai. Morgan; bt James Graham. yeic York: Derby if is a valuable Library book, inasmuch as it contains not only the life of one of the bravest and truest of the heroes of the Virginia line in the Revolutionary war, but his correspondence, including letters hitherto unpublished, from Washington, Lafayette, Wayne, Jefferson, Hamilton, and others. For sale by Geo. West.

The African Slave Trade correspon dent of the New York Daily Times, writing from Havana, under date of July says that nearly every steamer takes from that place to New York persons who are directly interested in the African trade, and who make contracts at the North for vessels and their outfit for the traffic. Within the last seven months not far from fifteen thousaud Africans have been landed illegally upon the Cuban coast, from Africa, in nearly equal proportions upon the north and south sides, and no csptures of any consequence have been made. Daring this summer, extensive arrangements have been made in all the available ship-building ports of the Union for the requirements of the trade for tho next twelve months. An Aekrat at Cake May Sunday after noon au affray, which produced considerable excitement, occurred at the Mount Vernon Hotel, Cape May. The Philadelphia Inquirer says It appears that several young men were seated in a room, and one of them drinking wine.

A wai ter, Joshua Gibbs, who is said to be a very civil and inoffensive man, was passing below, wlion fur mischief or with some more desperate object, a glass tumbler was thrown at him. He turned aDd remarked, that the act was not that of a aud then made his way back to the hotel with the object of making coinplaiat At this one of the young son of a highly respectable citizen of Waahingtou excited, and hastenod down stairs, armed with a pistol and a dirk. A collision soon after took place, and the waiter was stabbed in the back. The wound isiaid to be about an inch deep and not dangerous. A pbysi rian was immediately called in, aud every attention was paid to the sufferer.

The father of the young mau expressed himself as deeply pained hy the occurrence, aud proffered all the assistance and reparation in his Massachusetts Fitchburgb, Massachusetts, American Slate Council held a meeting Tuesday, when a motion to endorse Fillmore and Donelsun was amended by substituting the names ol Fremont and Johnson by a vote ol riO to 52. A letter was read from President Hartleii, revoking the charter of the Massachusetts Council on the ground of recreancy, and authorizing the Filliuoreites to form a new Council The Fillmore men hereupon withdrew and formed a nsw State Council. The Fremonters endorsed the nomination of Governor Gardner, aud adhered to the nomination of Fremont and Johnson. President Tuesday sent to the Senate a message accompanied by various ofticial dispatches, relative to the affairs of Kansas, in which it appears, in reply to a resolution of that body, no order was issued from the War Department to any military in command in Kansas to disperse any unarmed meeting of people of those territories; or to prevent by miliary power any assemblage of Ihe people thereof The Secretary of War endorsed the letter of Col. Sumner, dated July 21,1856, reporting his return Leavenworth, with the fallowing: The communication of Col.

Sumner and the proclamation endorsed, indicates that cirenmstan ces not disclosed in previous reporta, existed to justify him in employing the military forces to disperae the assembly at Topeka. Tuough thus indicated, it is not yet made fully to appear that the which, hy hia instructions, be was authorised to act, viz: That the government bad found the ordinary course of judicial proceedings and the power vested in the United States shal, inadequate to effect the purpose which was contemplated by the employment of troops of the I'nited States Col Sumnor will be called upon to communicate on the point. Ratification Meeting Fillmore and Donelson Katiiicatiou meeting wu held in Faneuil Hall, Boston, Saturday night, embracing delega from Roxbury and Cbanestown, with baDdi of music. From lour to ti thousand people were assembled The principal speeches were made by Eras! at Brooks, of New York, and A B.Ely, of Newton. Some Fretnoolers present interrupted the general barmnny of the meeting by cheers for their and a banner borne into the hall by the Charlestown Club, caricsturlng Mr.

Fremont as a mitred Bishop with the cross in his hand, was attacked and to pieces. Otherwise the Kremonters kepttbe peace. The Fillmore men were extremely enthusiastic. Luck for the Baltimore Bonapartes rpeeial commission, to which Lonis Napoleon referred several delicate family matters, has reported, we learn from the Paris correspondent of Le Jford. of Brussels, upon the important question of the Prince Jerome's first marriage with Miss Peterson in America.

The camuiisston confirm the validity of his marriage, which was also maintained by the Pope, to the great annoyance of Napoleon I. In of this decision the grandsen ef Prinee Jerome and Miss Paterson, who it a sub-lieutenant in the French army, a legitimate member of tho Napoleon family, while Prlaee Napoleon, the of Jemn.e second marriage, is excluded. Liverpool, to learn from the State of that the propeller Cleopatra, the first steamship In the new Um of steamers between Liverpool and Portland, touching at St. John's, Newfoundland, and Halifax, is to sail from Liverpool for Portland on the 23d lost. A Pratt, editor of Jersey City Daily knuintl, died Monday sight, in the 43d year of his age.

The Hew Haves Journal states that Harna, reujont aad Fusion, has been elected Mayor of New London, Cfc telegraphic NEWS. RWFOIITgP fOlt frii PIiPATBH WAHHtwoTOK, 6 Smnmt Reward hi troduced bill for the change of venue in certain criminal etui now standing in the of tbe United for Referred to Jodlclary Committee. Mr. Hnnter, of moved to take tip the army appropriation bill, which motion waa defeated by three majority. The Senate passed several river and harbor aliio a bill for a railroad to the Pacific, and Orr presented the of Mr Keitt, of South Carolina, who appeared and waa aworn in.

Mr. Tlioiinfton reported a bill granting to Nebraska, Minnesota and Kanaaa for Referred to the Committee of the Whole on tbe atateof the Union. Mr Bunnell, of New York, reported a bill granting to railroads in Miaaiaaippi, which 93, naya 59. Tbe Honse then went into Committee of tbe Whele on tbe Legislative, Judiciary and Executive of the General Appropriation Bill. The clause appropriating 5800,000 to pay the of the of the L'nited States in tbe territory, was read Mr.

Grow moved a proviso that no part of this money be expended for prosecuting or detaining any person or persons charged with treason or other political offence in Kansas." Mr. Stanton moved to add "or any prosecution which has heretofore been instiioed'for political Both were adopted, ayes G5, noes 57. The committee here rose. Mr. Campbell, af Ohio, offered a substitute for the entire bill, omitting the clmse making appro priation for the Kansas Legislature, and excluding provisos of Messrs.

Dunn, Sherman and Grow, restricting the proposed expenditures. Mr. Washburne, of Maine, raised a point that the substitute waa not in order. The Speaker sustained Mr. Washburne, and the proceeded to act on the amendments reported to the Sill The vote on Mr.

Dunn's amendment restoring the Missouri Compromise resulted ayes 45, nays 110. Mr. Grow's amendment waa 84, nays 69. Mr. Sherman's amendment, similar to Grow's, nays 111.

Tbe clause appropriating to the tbe of tbe assembling of the Legislature of Kansas, was stricken 90, nays S3. Messrs. Grow and Stanton's proviso was adopte 82, nays 62. The bill was then 84, navs 55. The House then took a recess until 6 o'clock, P.

M. Duel. Washington, August duel was fought to-day, uear Bladensburg, between Messrs l'ryor aid Ridgway, of Richmond, ten paces. After one fire the affair was amicably adjusted. Washington, Aug.

duel was this day fonght, near Silver Spring, the residence of J. P. Blair, between Messrs. Pryor of the Enquirer, and Ridgeway of the Whig, at ten paces The first fire resulted withont injury to either. Mr.

Ridgeway demanded a second fire, which granted by Mr. Pryor. At this point the seconds Interfered and the difficulty was amicably settled, lowa Election. Chicago, August 6 counties in lowa give 2,000 majority for Davis, Republican, in the 2d Congressional District. He is largely ahead.

Kentucky Election. Washington, July dispatches, ceived here, atate lhat the Democrat! have elected the Judge of the Lexington district, Kentucky, by a large majority over his competitor, the present Judge. Kuilroad Accident. Philadelphia, Aug. fi train from Baltimore last night, ran off the track by running over a cow near Gary's Ferry.

Three cars were de isolished, no one was killed, but a few of the passengers were injured. was among the injured, and Mr. Ball, the mail agent, sustaine i severe internal injuries. Missouri Election. Louisville, Ang.

4, P. with Missouri, by telegraph, is interrupted, and we are consequently without any information in regard to thu election in that State. Powder .11111 Bxploalon itntl Lara of Lire. Portland, Ang. afternoon the corning and glazing mills connected with the powder works at Gorham, blew np, killing Peter Ritchie of Canada and Messrs.

Geary of Portland, and White of Acton, Mass. tn Old of Capital in Xor rolk, etc. CORRESPONDENCE OF THE DISPATCH. Norfolk, Augusts. The llghtnfng here has been severe on the shipping.

On Monday the bark Gen. Jones, bound here from New York, was struck off Sewell's top royal mut being shivered. At. the samp place the schooner Cornelius, bound from Jjmes River, with wood to New York, was struck, and had her main topmast shivered The U. frigate St.

Lawrence was also struck in Gosport Navy Yard. Last night a frame building on the wharf, in front of the Hygeia Hotel, at Old Point, was burnt, with goods in it to the amount of £3,000 The draw bridge here was rented yesterday to Frederick Wilson. Esq, and others, at $,5500, for the ensuing year! Captain Jf-aKe Parker, formerly of the Macon House, and F. 1). Holladsy, Esq recently of the Maarnel a Springs, are about becouiirg proprietors of the Ooean House.

Portsmouth 1 bear that J. Milierberger Smith, formerly of the Ameriran Hotel, Richmond, and recently of the Gilmer Housr, Baltimore, is about leaving for California. One of oar morning that six years ago, a gentleman with a capital of 81,000 bought a farm in Norfolk county at In fonr years be paid for the farm with hired help, and bought worth of land besides. He has recently sold ont at and hia property ia now estimated at An order was received at the Navy Yard, yes terday from the Navy directing an investigation of the charges made against Mr.

Herbert. Master Stone Mason, by the employees of his department Petersbvrg Petersburg Express of yesterday has the following items Theodore Swan, a tinner from Richmond, while walking on a scaffold yesterday at anew building (omewhore near tho northern end of Washington street, bis foot slipped and he fell to a second scaffolding below, aad broke his arm. For Leslie, Oavid Dunlop and W. W. Mcrtens, all of Petersburg, expect to sail from New York In the steamer Persia, to-day, at 12 o'clock, for Liverpool.

The Mi lb recent rains have famished water enough to start the Matoaea Mills, which have for several days past been idle. At the Ettrick's Mil's steam is to be introduced, to avoid stopping on the account of drought. Heavy correspondent of the Petersburg Express, writing from Farraville.Va on Tuesday, saya: The heaviest fall of rain which has occurred in that section alnce 1916, now forty years ago, fell that morning Every bridge over the branch which runs through the town (five In number) was swept away. The Messrs. J.

A. T. B. Rice are the greatest sufferers. Their tanyard was entirely submerged, and a large number of from the Rkiuol'S shooting affray occurred inVicksbnrg.

Miss on Monday week, between a roan named Wheelock and Dr. Latham, of Canton, Miaa, which reunited in a wound to the former, which will probably prove fataL According to a statement In the Whig, Wbeeloek waa some time since tarred and feathered, by some of the citizens ef Canton, and believing that Dr. Latham was a participator In tho affair, had several threatened his life. The parties met in Viekibnrg.when bee lock commenced firing with a double barrel shot gus, which the Doctor tetnrcod with a revolver. They fired twice, and the sccond shot from tbe revolver indicted tho wound from which Wheelock waa not expected to recover.

Dr. waa (lightly wounded, bnt (gave himself tip, waa examined, and discharged. Submarine Tfi.coraph dctwckr Europe sinking of the aable which to complete tbe telegraphic communication between France and Algeria, waa to commence on the 20tb Inst. Great Bear Hurt 15 or 20 men and with guns, axes, elnbs and dogs, killed a bear and two cnbs in the woods at Machias, Me, on the nit, aad tbe proceeds of the sale of UlO animals warn appropriated to procore preaching for Kennebec Village. A fire occurred In Helena, Ark, last week, do etroy leg the Methodist Church and office of the Helena Shield.

-MARRIED, METH Aaagh of M. C.rter.all of Umoo toaf ra.jr the Mlkeo chord in fyoncaa. IM. iMtlema the invitation of the Central CotnmHee, to fc thflth mood, the African Church, on the Ith "fly arrangements of 'ha Commi'tee, the frost gallery will reserved for the accommodation of to rr-ir raa have of Jobmon'a FiVrr or PicruaM, yoa will to corner 7tb and Broad and ono or two Llkeneaee. to to your friend-.

are in the beat and than yon can cet JOHNSON operator in No. 7 and in. Ha been ahont twelve ia the an 7 MARINE WJ3WB FORT or RICHMOND, Aug 0. BISK WATia THIS DAT AT Sg O'CLOCg. arrived.

Bark White Cloud, Ssunders, New York. Sekr John Warren, Loz er, New York, ice, D. Reo. Frasklin, Eastern Shore, corn, A Schr Hannah Martin, Ferine, New York, WI D. Colquitt it Co.

Schr flea Bell, Rowe, down the river, light. Steamer Virginia. Philadelphia, mdze. and E.Tnttle. Schr Providence, Mothersaid, light.

Sloop VV'm. King, Pollard, light. ARRIVED AT CITV POINT, Chip Win. Johns, Philadelphia, in ballast, to Palmar Clopton. CLEARED, Ship Ellen Maria, Lennox, Liverpool, with 11C2 tobacco, bv Clopton HOLLYWOOD CKIIKTARY Four will leave 25th and Main (THURSDAY) at 4 o'clock, for Hollywood, returning at 6 preciaaly.

Pare an u. STEAMSHIP ROANOKE City Point BAT- IJRDAY mo'ning, at o'clock, for jpBSaWBh NEW YORK, via Norfolk. Paaseagers driiring to take cheap and comfortable route to York, mint leave here by thePeterstiurg at o'clock Saturday morning. and bertha at our office, South fide of the Basin. Passage to New York, including and Stateroom only Steerage passage only an LUDLAM WATSON.

ii UK AYS, Miliar Company Drill at Lafayette Hall, on FRllil DAY NIGHT, at 8 o'clock. ill By order of Captain Elliott. JOHN ROGERS. Orderly. Itn.

A. P. Til KNJSH'B SCHOtM, CHURCH HILL, RICHMOND exercises of this School will commenee en the Ist of September, 18i6. Baku bakuains, uakuains. Being late in the season, we wi'l aell all Summer Goods at greatly reduced prices.

Oar stook is still large and we are determined to rednce it, and would invite all in want to us a call, an 7 MERCHANT, WEIBIGER It CO. IVJOTICE TO THE scriher having had a longexperience in ali the varied branches of Mining, Well Sinking Cleaning and Repairing, and undertaking Blasting and all work, he is anxious to get employment, of the above kind, and will do all work entrusted to him in workmanlike manner. All ardors left at this office, at F. Heffley'sTin and Sheet Iron Establishment, Main street, or at H. W.

Tylei's, Main street, will meet with prompt attention. WM. H. HARRISON, au APKIMK lot of 1 nad MACK Kit EL, jnst received, and for aalo by so 7-2 H. W.

TYLER. rrt BOXKf LK.1IO>!», in order; 30 do. Bunch Raisins. inn half and quarter Boxes; esses Sordines, just received and fur sale by DAVID JONES CO. au 7 No.

76 Main at Ob istth near Bank, on Tuesd.iy, a small snm of money, which the owner csn have by calling at this oflire and describing and naTi'K for this advertisement. an 7 2t JlPfillLli MILLS KLObU-AO Hlsla. and half bbls. Family Extra Snperfine aad fine, on consignment and for sa'e by EGGLESTON SL FITZOERALD, au 7 14 Pearl JUT (itlilDri- Hrsrelris, A Necklaces, Bteastpins, Finger Rings, Brooches, and many other Jet Goods in seta or singly, at less th in cost, for sale by an 7 ZIMMERMAN OAitll OABUM, Ac Bi'sotifnl Psarl and Ivory Tablets, Shell, ivory, and Pearl Inlaid Card Cases, Perunonnais, kc at lets than east by au 7 ZIMMERMAN. HAIR shicks VKKV UUKAF.A have en hand a large lot of Hair Stocks at 25 and emis, worth double the money.

so 7 JACOB A. LEVY, 15 Msln street. KASN nt 7H rents; Uaod Bleajheci Shirting at Shteiing. yaids wide, at37i cints, tnd lots of other chrap Goods ran be had by calling at JACOB A tn 7 to Mats street (iroiiHd Luker" a tierces, Iff libls. Calcined Piaster, afloat, pi scbr.

for sale by sn 7 DAVENPORT. ALLEN CO. BAKtiUNS INM.tIMKK CLOTHING I have on band a good Clothing, suitable for the season, to which I invite 'he attention of purchasers, assuring them bargains that wi 1 be to their interests, as I am anxious to close uut such goodslotrake room for my fall stock, which 1 am now mmufacturinj. Plaasa call at No. 114 Main street.

au 7 WILLIAM IRA SMITH 1 JIPtUtTAINT NOTICK lute duce our stock of nmmer CUthiog and Fur-isiing to the lowest poasible point, we will, from this date, offer great bargains In Cassimere, Drap D'- Ete, Merino, Alpaca, Marseilles and Linen Coats, Pants and Vests, with every other style of light Clothing, presenting a rare opportunity to purchasers to supply themselves with superior quality Clothing at a great reduction in prieis. au 7 KEEN, BALDWIN Ir CO. NOTICK THIS BOX, S.ipp».ert to contain Hardware, marked IV beaihain, Blue Ridge. Botetourt r.oun'y. Va, via Buchanan, cere Agent, Riilimor.d.

Va was witb another package bilied to me from steamer Virginia, and marks unnoticed until the depsrture of the drayman, on tho inst The proper persin is requested to oall (or it, rav charges and take it away. an OH Ot our onn Improved -5U make, ssmrted in quality and s'yle, 'a which we invi the att-ntion of all interested. We guar sntee to sell a much better Shirt in every respect for the money than ean bo obtained elsewhere in the ci y. S) drx and Bound Byron Collars of good quality and considered by ourselves hist SUMMER are still cfT ring inducements to purehasers of Clothing and Furnishing Goods, and intend clearing ont the lot if low prices will do it. Walk In.

ORoSHONG TUPMAN, en 7 I It Wain street U4IK HKKKIXiS.UObbIs Potomac Gross Kairilv expected doily, tor sate, to arrive, by WOMBLE CLAIBORNE, au 7 No. II 'earl at. Oa II HUM prime brlabt Knrun Sides, without Backbone; hhds small bright Shoulders; for sale by WOMBLE CLAIBORNE, au 7 No. 11 Pearl st UKJC MOUNTAIN further supply of pore Rye Whiskey, from Harman Snapp, Augusta oenntv; for sale by WOMBLE It CLAIBORNE, 7 No 11 Pearl at. jVIKDICINAL.

KLtlli KXTKACPH, In JYI great variety, warranted to be of foil medicinal strength, for sale bv LAiDLET ROBINSON. Chenlets 7 4th and Kranklin ate. UjljA LAIDLET It ROBINSON'S Now Drug Store, 4th and Franklio sts JVMKMH TT I new ercp, for sole at re an 7 LA, LEY 7 New Drug Store, 4th and Kranklin sts Isr Prtsrrre Jars and Furniture Robbers, far salo at LAIDLEY ROBINSON'S 7 New Dmg Wto.e 4th aad Kranklie sts. KUAOIi prepa ation ia one of a now or rata aad mica, aad ridding the Boaae or roaeboa, to Eor sale oalv hv J. W.

rOLLARD, Dmggi.t, 7 Street. VyiNDOW OLAnrt- A Urn gaMrtaieai evi rfgBlAT tod odd iirge and small. doable and at tbe lowest p.icss. Odd sues cat without extra charge 7 8. baa on a lot of the pa'eet and swoorest Oil ever brought te tbis market.

For sale la large aed small qeaatlUea. au 7 8. p. SEMPLE, Ai IUU ft. WANTS OaoH," the Poet OfHee.

In handwriting ef applicant. an 7 cosd (IMOft WASHKR IRONIC R. Aleo. a good NURBE. Apply to HARROLD fc MURRAY, Breed NKUKUKN is for the batonee ef the tear 4 and Men, for which, libera priee wiil be glyj.

A vrEII A liidy ts aitsad lea Trimming and Fancy Store Oood references repaired. E. 00ij 4 203 Broel allMllea KOKEjMAN ft the manufacturing department of a Boot and Shoe store, bf a person competent to attend to customers' work and alai getting op work roitable for the Richmond trsde, such as Boots. Outers and of all usna'ly worn by gentlemen could make himself generally about a Phoe having much experience in the trade. Addreia Richmond 0.," and name place of meeting given.

an yy DINING-ROOM SERVANTS are wtnted once for the Friee, per month. Apply at once, at 11 W. FRY an Fearl Teatal lor Ofllre 4 Ballard Houae, (buemeot floor.) admirably donated, and (nited for any gentlemm 8n 7 JOHN BALLARD. WANTED A to emvv mloy a settled ao, who a small family, lo charge of a Mill, ia tbe neighborhood of Richmoad. Ha mud bring a good recommendation.

an ona can find immediate emplovmaat by "Box No. 6M. Rirhmond wishes to employ a middle aged genileman to eharse of a School of small fjr the enaniag jear. Add J. A an lm Amelia ceuaty, a A KHV AN It THE II SPRINOS I want to hire immediatelv.

8 or 10 Dining Room and 3 or 4 Women. Also, 2 good journeymen to to hurc. Also, a white lady to act a nurse, Ac. JOHN R. COOK.

811 5 st Fearl street We wish to rmplay for the rem tinder of the year 6 or 8 negro uien, to work in our rolling mill. an Armory Ro'ling A.NTKU—A by a young man, in a hardware or grocery given. A. B. through the RicLmoud office, or inquire of an STKBBINS A FULLEN.

MiRsE. A beulthy, 11 gea'eel yonng woman to act in the above ea. pacity, will be rendered comfortable with without incumbrance plication to thia an WANTED, ST ACi bulk of It bbla. can be atored at my warehouae, on the Dock, wbcnce it can be put aboaid canal or free of oharge. A.

8. LEE. jy a a few active, able-bodied YOUNG MKN, for the jJKBI United States Dragoons, to serve en the Ty South Western For further information apply at the "Mounted Reerni'ing Rendez vous," Franklin street, opposite Metropolitan Hall, between 9 o'clock. A and 6 P. M.

B. H. ROBERTSON, Ist Lt. 2 Dra'rs, jy Recruiting Officer. A.VrKI>--K A anbaerlber la anxious to purchase Regain large or small quantities, far whloh the highest cssh prise will be paid He canal waya he found at hia atore, on 17 th street, between Broad and Marshall.

PHILIP TOPPIN, Refers, by permission, to J. M. Conrad, Messrs Tbos. Jones Co Wm. Hurley, and Messrs, P.

T. Moore Co. iv 2S AMI'KU-1 wiwh lo employ 3D goad hands te lay Track on the line of the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad, about thirtyseven miles from Richmond Apply at tbla office. wm. n.

Bragg, sup't. Office R. F. R. R.

Co Richmond. 22. jy lIfANTKII-Te rent or lease, with a pros" pect of buying, a and handsome Honae, wirh not leas than from 12 good rooms and seeommodations for servants. One with caei'ND, stable and carriage bouae between Main and Leigh streets, and 12th and 2d streets Tossessinn will be at any timo ty the 15th For information, apply to Messrs. HARROLD MURRAY, Bookstore Broad street.

Tbia advertisement is there may be some persons who might rentorsell who will not advertise. iy soori WAUUNKHB for the remainder of the year. jy 24 CRENSHAW CO. To hire tor the Italanre of the year, a few able-bodied NEGROES, for surfaee operations, at tbe Coke Mines, mv JOHN WERTH. LOST.

the 3th brmem llnvsl Norton's Drag store and corner of and Clav streets, a small package of COAL BILLS, belonging to J. Maemordo. Jr Any person haviog fomid them will much oblige the subscriber by leaving them at this an C. J. MACMURPO.

LOnT-Betwffn liroari street nnd my Stable, r. week age. a Silver Plaied HUB, to the wheel of my hack. For the return of which, or any information, I will pay a liberal reward N. DICKINSON, an 7 LOB'f-Bttween ike Pnst Office n- rt (bo Old Maiket, a POCKET BOOK cot-lsining a small amount money and my free papers Ino tinder will please leave the papers at tb efhre and retsin the money.

SARAH JANE LL'CUft. an A free Woman of Color. JJ HEADQUARTERS EAGLB INKANt RY, Richmond, August 1P56. No. ill Attend a regular meeting and Drill of yonr Company st Lafayette Hall, THURSDAY evening 7th at o'clock.

Every member of the Company will be xpectnf to attend, as busiuessof importance will be biougbt before the meeting Sergeants will summon their squads. By order of the Lieut. Commending. en JNO. WAKBURTON.

2d Perg't. aKl VH UObI.AUM UKWAKI). Strayed from the subscriber, on the 28th day if July last, a large red BUFFALO COW, wth no msrks recollected, except a white spot in her face. 11m above rewsrd will bo paid to any person who will deliver her to me at my residence on Broad, between iSth and iti streets, hureti hill. sn 4C JOHN NETTLES HK I (i ilollUx cut Herrings, just received and for sale 1 TAYLOR.

'I 1 Juet received all ibe 1 most approved kinris Tnrrip Keni, fresh aad re- W. C. BATTAM.E, Druggist. corner 4th ard Breait sts. 1() BBL Kit nnd JOtl kegs piiiue i.t nf Lard, for sale by THOMAS JONES CO.

OR NUT TO IIMK Mafic Hoid it a qaettion of Titai importance to all who have any regard for the aeatness iv 0 and to neglertthis highly sppreeiated luid which gives such snowy whiteness and brilliancy to linen, betrays a want of taste. To save time and labor, and to avoid the vexation of having your clothes "badly done is only necessary to use the Virginia Washing Fluid, peepared OB 'T by E. J. PI COT, prrgglst. A UCTJON UOUDM, AUCTION Opening this day, bought at anction, 1 cue of aper B.

rage Lamm, whiah I am celling at oae (hilling per yard, worth SO cti. to bring to tbia country; greatest (aerifice a Tar offered is thit city. Alio, BUek and White Oinfthania, 12J eta and If per yard; French Fancy handeomo pat I'll per yard; 1 lot Caltceee at 6d. per yd Fia'a T.adW Pocket Crape Coraela; Mcaquito Nettino; Bonnet libboiu; Blamebed and Unbleached Domfitioii Irieh Lireoa; Pantaloon ud many other at of lam determined to cioao. to make room foi Kail Therefore may he expected by calling at AUGUSTUS MAILERT a No.

4 IMala (treat. Kialic MACON hIUKH, and Hnma, formOn by WOMBLE fc CLAIBORNE, No. II Pearl etrrat. 4(1 jmt KtMTMk For aale by WM. WALLACE SOW.

aid hxiti Flour For eale by WM. WALLACE A SOW. imk 1U, bM UNm Snpeifioe Adamaatiao Caartiee, rwitad. For fry WM. It SON.

1f) Umlmmi Bauer. A JMMitowa, receiving to-day. For eaU by wm. Wallace a sow. WIMW AND HUODLUkIUI tiereee (agar-eured baggad Hama.

For aaW WOMBLE CLAIBOftMC, I No II Peari 7U)T bhU. aau 40 knit do Puteaaao Cat to arrive, bT WOMBLE A CLAIBORNE, II 11 Pearl (treat. AMtTBBMBirm. WM. C.

MABrmn, Praprtetw Will e.hllrit In RICHMOND on WRONEflnt. THURSDAY, FRIDAY ud 13, 14, IMth. FOR FOITR DAYS ONLY! ett; and VIO, (Thn Star Kqaertrienna of thn World.) Mai.amk RHOWI.ES, celnbmtnd and Ton.n-.rt.eot eatnr) W. O'DELL.

(Ths rent Trick nod Rider of thn Ap J. BHOWLEB, (Thn Herenlneof the Arena Thn Vendean and MORRt. PON Mnttnr CHAS. SHAY, nod hoet of talent, will appear. OT For in principal an 3SSBS Irstfjxszzsfiz: Ist Oct.

iweepaiake two mile entraone or pay. the proprietor to add prnriHnd two nr morn wart, cloned with the following let. Mr. m. H.

b. m. Paatnre, br dam Emily TboniM. David Mc Daniel b. m.

Glencoe. 3d CalTin Green cb. m. Linda, by zer, dam by Qlencoe. 2d Oct.

aweepa'ake for three year 'hat. i.p»er won a racn, mile, forfeit, three cr more to rnaka race, to name and clote September, 18.16. Sd October S2V), two mile heata. 4'h Tmjasru Oct. Club Pom.

three mile with no inaide poat (take of play or pay, to on tbe lat of September, each aubacriber will be rahject to 5 per eotianc-i upon tbe purae. sth DAY Oct. mile three in five. Second rece. aame dojr, three year old two mile entrance, forfeit, to name and clone lat September, per cent to CALVIN GREEN, jy Proprietor.

MII.LWKIGHT catod in the city of Richmond, I am now prepared for making to build or repair all kindaof MILLS, either in the city or roontry-- Sniistei'tiun guaranteed in case and tbe beat nf referenda given, Persona having work to do will at my residence. 17th at, naarlv opposite Mr. Pnrceli'a Grocery and in the neighbor hood of Wealey Chapel; or line through Offc, a atmg tbe will he at tenoad to C. B. McCORMIC.

an ALtAHLKLAiNUAI'I'UIVATJIHALK. 1 kifar for aale noon liberal of credit, the folio valnable Plantations and extensive tract of Woodland, situar.ed in tbe Norfo'k and Princeia Anna, within ten miles of the City of Nor falk.ail of are easily accessible by land or water. lat. The rich and highly cultivated Farm near De-j. Creek in Norfolk County, on which Or.

Jsmea H. now reaidea, formerly owned by John Gary Weston, containing abontTwo Thomand Acr. which Klve Hundred are cleared, and the reaidn covered with the fineat Wood All the ire excellent, and the location ia p.eaaant and healihv aa any in lower Virginia 24. A Tract of Land, containing adjoiain th- above, covered with Pine, Oak, Maple and Ship Timber, within a ahort distant of a good landing. 3d The iplendid eatite in roanty of Princew Anne, near the Bay Shore, formerly owned by Win.

Limb, Esq containing 400 acrea. Tna situation of rhia farm ia vary beautiful, eom naandint a view of Chesapeake Bay, and tbe and are nnaurpassed by anv ia thi county. CHARLES SHARP, an 6 10' Attorney far Jaa. H. AW JUtKMAL FOttJlLfT Li The Law of Limitati in Nerth Carolina No' ea of KngHah Constltutiomliry of Act March Slat, 18XJ Whet ia Literary Pitacy? What will authorize Remittaneeg by Mail) Fa'as Imprisonment Conifuction of Ageney Aet Power of Coort to Re-hear Attestation of Rook Reviser ports Index to Published hy J.

W. RANDOLPH, au HAMi'lMIh ON AND 16th HTRKETS KOR BALE-Wewil! sell a great bargain if application be in two verv hanrfaome Lota on tha South aide of Marshal) and West line of Itith each fiat hy 100 feet. They are near to the Depot of the Central Railroad. GODDIN APPERSON. an more Imnlly aevera) gentlearen, can be accommodated with Board, by early application at Mas.

HENRY'S Boarding House, an Corner Ermk'in and Of vrnorsU. LM)R HJKK-Kerihe Iberpnr a Negro Woman. old, aeenaromed to home bnaineas, Lc. JOHN K. COOK, au 6 -2t Pearl street.

tiavr in 1 a large variety of Damask; Oiapeia: Towelling; Bed Tick; Lines and Cotton and Ptllow-Caae Cut ten and Linea I'onnterpaioa; lc to be at that are bound to please. JACOB A LEVY, an 6 ISMainatreet Ml MDd A.UIiUIO TttlilliMlKKK. I in atore a large variety af Worked Wm lin ard alao, a Worked Capa. HiUfs, Chetni setts, ke The above articles having purchased at auction, great hargaina ill he offered an 6 JACOB A. LEVY Main at.

K( NII IIKt.MIK*.-tlair llraahra; Tooth Nail Eleah do Paint do Varntaii do; Wbita Waah do; Shaving Branding do: Marking do ('-. Hair do Blacking dn in grrat va iety, for (ale by A. BODKKKR an 6 No 10 Main RCTA ItAfiA mid other Irrah 'I urnip for aale by A. HODEKER, au No 10 Main at. WATh rrreWd.

frrah from tha Congress Spring, in rial cjnsrt DUVAL, NORTON, an 0 Main and 10th MAONKTIC rOWOBtt, iW destruction of of all rich Koachea, Arita. ke fold by DUVAL A NORTON, Conor the OKoK TO.NM iHUfuiMMMuy tarnf in a very ahort time, at the urns time htm a and eoat of hair, for worir.aand rejuvenating Kim Tha advantage in tnia tooie that it ean Ml the animii ia improved, bia falling cflTfi'bcr in llcaii or and only by DUVAL A NORTON, an Co our loth and Mam KlMibK'f If AW n7V friendi are infotme4 that we have out'iied onr liat for Family Flou. Thoae who with to (nt their year 1 aupply of 09, wi" call aod enter their aa CRFNHHAW A FISHT.R. liWin COLLAMH WKHTU OK THINKS. CAST hIT HAOS, BON NBT CASKS, AT FACTORY ing agert for eeveral of the Urgeet I can aell you at Call onee if you would a

S. MAURICK. an fi HI Main 'I'O KA.XIL.IKM AND m. 'hat Intend potting up will find at onr rore a ftoe Jiri, fron 2,3 4 Alio, a la; lot of Jan, patent tad plain 'one, of all aiaee, it the China of aafi BULKLBY A CO. Mala SVUAftMA TONIC W- A ROBINSON.

ao 4th and Ffank'ia 1 LAIDLET A ROBINsON. an ami»kiia»<» KMliMtt FHIiMJII TILLS for Ocut. for kr LAIDLEY JLOBINSON, Chemise, an 6 and MOUPAHW for bjr LA IDLE A ROBINSON, an 6 4'h and Fraaklte A At -Wkleli 1. without boning, and to all tine foodi for by LAIDLKY A ROBINSON, 4th and Oikfl Hlll (OKKKK. CMLnUNO AMP roWDBRJKD auU THOA JQNJCS IIUKICAUM AND eeived, a few very handwne that 1 witl aell at a avail advance en w6 AUtX.

NOTT. Aect- URUAHn. Mir ly, few thou Mod rapeilec Rag received direct from 3 ALBX. NOTT, Aaet- IMka Irtlk, fariua, both exeellent arttelaa of diet for nick Her at Ml BATTAILK'SOrai Md.

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