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Clearfield Republican from Clearfield, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Clearfield, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 W. MOOKE, Editor and Proprietor. VOL. XXXVI. Wi 1 OLE NO.

1831." A assessm uwIa? f- thit tho Cotumisslonora of Clearfield eounty will meet at tho followlue Maoos at in dayuatnod for the purpose of hearing Anneals tno "veral supplements thereto, it is provid-froiu Uie Inennial Assessment, to tlie electors of tho several ceuntics of tho i'ortbe townebipof tioshon at the school house severn' counties of the qualified lunuMiip, me usual place of holdinir elections, on Tuesiliiv Xovpmlu.r 1 mi. For the township Girard, nt Confess Hill Sohoul lniuse on edncsdav Kor. Kith. Fcr Covingt.m township, at 'tho house of Jacob Jlaurer, ou 1 hursday November 17th. For Karthaua township at tho house of 11.

lininoson Friday November 13tb. For Morris township at the house of J. Ndsun on November 1'Jth. For tirnhntn lownsliipat the house of Jaeob Itub- I ler on clay November 21st. For township at 4ho hnase of Jacob wu xuusuttjr uoveiuoer Z-d, Fur liRir township at the house of Andrew on Novombor For Decatur township at Centre School house on I Thursdiy November 21th.

For Woodward township at the house of Thomas Henderson on i rmny November 23th. For Uulich township afthe gchnol house in Juyns- villc on Saturday Novembor Xrtth, Fur lieccaiia township at the huuso of Samuel Fniith on Moudny Novembor 2ith For Knox township at Turkey UiU school house on Tuesday Nevimbcr T.Hh. For Ferpuron township at the house oT John on Wednesday November 30tb. For Jordan township ut the pablio scUol in An- sccvilie on Thursday Decembor lt. For Chest township at tho school house near Simon ItoribouRh's on Friday December For New Washington in suit borough on Sotur- duy December ad For "ilumside towmhlp nt the house of John Yfiur.g on Monday Docember 5th For Boil towcehip at the bouse of Asaph Ellis on Tuesday December 6th.

For Lumber city at the school bouse in said borough on Wednesday tieceinber 7. For Penn township at the house of Anderson ou Thursday Decembers Curwensvillo ut the bouse of Isaac Bloom on Friday December 9 Fur I'ike township at the same place on Saturday lleceniher 10th. Fjr Uloom township nt the house of Jamoa Bloom en Monday December 12th For Brady township at the house of William Erhwem on Tuesday December 13th For lnion townsUip at the house of William Johnson on woilncsday December 11th For Vox township at the house of John I Bundy cn Thursday December 1 5th For Huston township at the bouso of Jeese Wil. son on riday December 18th. For Ua'lield borough at the Commissioners' office on Monday Deceutbor lytb.

For Lawrence tjowusbip at the same place on All appenl fruu tlie valuations of Unseated Lands ill he Veld at the Commissioners office, od Tuesday and Wednesday, ibe 27th 28th days of December, ISA at which time oil persons in-trrettcd must attend uc no appeal can be ttikon sltor tliut Hv order ol tho lizard of AM. BilADLEY. Clork. C.i'iin isnuners (Juice, Out. luth lsfio.

OIIEVS LADY'M HOOK Til FASII-IJ ION MAUAZISE 0FTI1K WOULD. Lit- ralurc, Fine Art nnd Fashions. Tha most magnificent Steol engraving. Doublo Fashion riates. Wood engravings en every Bubjnct that ciin interest hdios.

Crochet knitting, Netting, Kmbroiilwry, Aniclos fjr tha Toilet, f.r tho Parlor, the lioudiiir, nnd tbo Kftchcn. Everything, io fact, to mko a complete LAPV'S BOOK. ME LADIES' FAVORITE FOIt S3 YEARS. magazine has beon able to competo with None attempt it. OODEY'S UECETPTS for every department ef a household.

These alcne aro worth tho piice of the Book. Model Cottages (no other Magadan givos them) Itilh diagrams. Iirawinir Lessons for tho Young. Another specialty with Oiidi'y. Original Muic, worth 3ayoar.

Othr Mag-tinos publish old, worn-out music but tbo sub-icrilicM to (lodey g)t it before the inusio stores. Gurdoning for Ladies. Anotbor peculiarity wit (iodey. Fa-hion's from Messrs. A.

T. Stew.irt A of Nsw York, tho millionaire merchant, appear la the only Magaiine that has thoru. Fashions from tho celobrated Brodio, of hi-w York Ladies' Bonnets. Wo clvamoro of thorn in a Jtnr than any other Magar.ii. fn fact, tho La- dy's Bock enables every, lady to bo her own bon let-maker.

MARIOS TIARLASD, authoress of "Alone," Hidden Path," "Moss Side," Nemesis," and writes for (Iodey each month, nnd for 10 other magazine. Wo have also retained all our old aud favorite contributors. Terms of Goley't Lady's Book for '05 (From which there can be no deviation.) Tbo following aro tho terms of tho Lady's Book for 18C4, At present, ws will receive eub-eribers at the following rates. Due notieo will Is given if ws are obliged to slvnnce, wbieh will lT'l upon the nrieo of rarensr. Oi copy, ene year 00 Jwe copies, ono ycat Three 0u9 yr eo 60 10 00 one year wnmr mil All AXtr COnV to tho person sending tho elub, making six copies Ei(jht eopios, ono year; and an extra copy to the person sending tho elub, making sine cmiics It 00 21 00 Eleven copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the cluo, masing oepiei t- 27 60 Aiiditions to any or the boots ciuos, ou luliseriber.

Qodey's Lady's Book and Arthnr's Ilome Magazine will be sent, each ons year, on receipt et 4 40. We have no club with any orhcr Msg-nine or Nowspsper. The monoT rnunt all bs sent at one time for club. Canada subscribers must send 24 eents sddi Uonal for each subscriber. Address L.

A.GODEY, N. E. Cor. 6th Chestnut Streets, oc5 St Philadelphia, ROBERT J. WALLACE, AmnwET at Law ClearOcld, Cffie la 6iw'i Row, op f'ito tho Journal office.

dec. 1. 1841 tf r. KRATZER. IVTKRCilAT, sad dealer In Dry Goods illClothing, llardwar, yuseniwaro; Qrooeriss fetuions, o.

Front Street aboTS tbs Aeadsmy Clearfield Pa. AprU 20th lt, LADIES' Dress Goods New Styles Alpseas, Plaids, Moiatublque, Brochs-Mobair, alen-' Silks, Wool DoUnes.Frsach Merinos, Ginc "ms, Lawn jiut opening at J. P. ILKITZER'S. SUT ani FlasUr la large qusntitiss for nit fr7 J.P.HBATZEJt.

i Residential Election Proclamation WHEREAS, by an act of tho fioneral Assem. I biy of the Comnmnwnnhh i members or the Uoneral Assembly. ame piacea at which the same members shall havo beon voted at the proceding election On tho First Tuosday noxt after the First Monday of November, in tho year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty, nnd on the fnilia dnv in ,1 e. i rurpose of electing Electors of president and Vice l'residont of tbo United TI1KREKOKK, Euwann TenKa, lIiKh Skeriif ui viosrueiu county, in pursnance of the duty en joined on mo by tho Act Bbovo roferred to, and tha nrplaiuonta.thereto. O.l.

in Riving Notice to tho doctors of tho county of Oenernl Assembly, to meet at ilmir vnml i V.IUIUCMI, quanneu to vote lor members of the turn districts on TUESDAY, tbo 8lh day of NO- EMBER NEXT, then and there, botwean tho hours of Eight o'clock in the morning, and Seven iiui ine evrmni. jwen yoven Electors of a President nnd Vice I resident of tho Fnitod States. And that ll joreral Judgos, Inspectors nnd Clerks who shall have attended nt the preceding Ooneral Election are required to attend nnd perform the ulike du-ties, and be subject to alike penalties neglect ot duty or misconduct as they tball bo liable ut said General Election. The olcctors of (he county 0f Clearfield wUl take notice that the said election of Electors of 1 resident and tco will be hold at the following places, vij: At the house of S. M.

Smith for Beccaria twp. At the bouso of Aseph Ellis for Bell tp. At tho house of James Bloum, senior, for Bloom twp. At tho bouse of Edward Albert for Bogjjs tp. At tho bouso of Jacob Pearco for Bradford tp.

At tho house of 11. Moore fur Brady tp. At th houe of John Young fur Burnsi le tp. At the hool house near Simon KurnLani'h'a Chest twp. At the Court Ilouso for tbo beronth of PWr.

field. At tho house of J. Maurer for Covington twp. At the house Of Isiuio lilnnm. iIlciirsaiI.

fr Curwensvillo borou-'h. At Centre school-bouse for Dtcatur twp. At the houso of Juhn Oregory formerly ocon- pied by Thomas Kobison (Broadway) for Forgu- son twp. At the houso of J. Bundy for Fox twp.

At Congress school-house for Girard tp. At tho public school-house for Goshen twp. At the houso of Jacob Ilubler for Graham tp. At tho 8chool-hou80 in Jnnesvillo for Gulich tp. At.

tho housA nf J. an M'itann tu lf.i-.r.n ln I At tho school-house in Ansonville for Jordan township. At the house of B. D. Hall 4 for Karthaus township.

At tlie Turkey Hill school-house for Knox tn. At the! Court llouso in tho borough ol Clearfield for Lawrence tp. At tho nubliii school-house for Lumbar fit borough. Ai the house formerly occupied by Tbos. Kyler At tbo publio school house for the bnrouph of Now Washington.

At the hotel formerly kctd bv W. Y. Anderson iur 1 enn ip. 1 1 At the bouso of Isaac Elonm, decoased, in tbo oorougn or curwensvillo, for I'iko twp. At tno liouse ot i).

K. Dtnbakcr for Lnion tp, At the houso of Thos. Henderson fur Wood ward township. Wotice 13 iurther hereby triven. That all persbns except Justices of tho Peace, who shall any ofhco or appointment of trust under She government of the United States, or of this Stato, or of any incorporated district, vhother a commis sioned officer or otherwiso, a subonlinato officer or agont, who is or shall be employed under the Legislative.

Executive or Judicial departments of this State or of the United States, or any city or incorporated district, and also that overy member of Congress, or of tbo State Legislature, cr of the common or select council of any city, or commissioner of any ino jrporatod district, aro by layt incapablo of holding or exorcising, at the same tho offico or appointment of judge, Inspector or Clerk of any election of this Common, wealth. Tho Return Judges of the respoctivo districts aforesaid are requeued to moot at the Court House, in the borough of Clearfield, on the first Friday next after tho raid second Tuesday of October, then and tbero ta do tlioso tilings required of tnera nv law. GIVEN under my hand and seal, at CloarfioM, on this seventh day of in tbo year of our Lord, ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-four Rnd of the Indepondonoo of tho United States the SKAL EDWARD rEKKsi, SheriU.Vp "pvISSOMJTION. Tho partnership hcroto-Ihe nndorsiencd. in XJ fore existing between the undersigned.

the publication of the Clearfield llrpublienn, was dissolved by mutual consent oa tbo 11th of July, 1861. Tho Books are in tbo Lands of the junior part-nor for collection, Those patrons knowing them-solvos indebted to the late publishers for cither subscription, advertising, or job work, aro respectfully invited to call and settle their accounts at their earliest convenience. v. yr. Mooiin, a.

B. QOODLANDEIl. Clearfiold. July 27, 1801. Susquehanna House, Ult WEKSVILLK, Pa.

V. W. UOKKALL, Troprlctor. THIS largo and commodious HOTEL Is ds lightfully located on tho bank of the Sns quehanna, In tho borough of Curwensvillo. The present proprietor will sparo ao effort to render bis customers csmfortablo, and hopes to merit a liberal sbars of publio patronaga.

HIS BAR AND TABLli Will bs woll supplied with every thing the market affords, llafluian will always find his "latch string" out. War. 23, 64. tf. Licensed Auctioneer.

WM. M. IILOOM, of Tikt township, desires to inform bis friends and the publio generally that be has taken out a License as an AUCTIONEER, and will attend to tbs crying of sales In any part of the county at the shortest notice, and at the most reasonable charges. Address, either personally or by letter, either at Curwensville or Bloomvills. April 6, '64.

tf. DU: M. WOODS, PRACTICING Physician, and Examining Surgeon for Pensions. Office Southwest cornor Second and Cherry streets, Clearfield, Pa, January 21, 1363. ly.

UStCAL UUUI'3 rtuws, violins, runs, Ilarmonieans, Preceptors Musio i'aper, 1 1 lin Bows, KriJjes, Strings of the best queJi-7 J. P. KKAZEk'S. Oil AWLS Brochs, Stella, Silk, Bay fitato, CsihuiKS. Ihlbet, all qualities at f.


For the Clearfield Republican. WISEP XO MOKE, II W1LL18 W. Say, Mottle, say whence comes this bitter prior! lint anger makes those silent teur-drnps flow Is. tbero no balm to give your soul roliof ro Doon to sooth your blighting woe norrot shocks you, or what burning pain 'f. k5 1ulot uf Juur youthful braiu UoCS TJ jour vision lhro 1 bnt Bcnoles hand has this deep aciruisb.

wroucht. i nt bids ynnr bosom with emotion swell nut thrillilnr chord a But sadness, like tho tolling of a funeral bell Bus throes of sorrow choked your wonted bliss. Or drowned your sadnoss in dolors dark abyss Has cere oppressed you tpouk, i'uir lady toll "Yes, care broods o'er me, deep and dismal as tho night That shroud3 Erebus' black and gloomy ball My mirthful caso has betook to wavward flight JlyTuind is wrapped in sorrow's shceuless pall Jly muse has dipped her wand into my brother's blood J'y brother 'a drafted-! you all." That pbruso Las told Too line, sins that phrase much more Las told It speaks a volume to my youibl'ul heart. That pbraro, to you so now, (0 mo has grown 01 J. Oft beforo it has bad kind brothers and bisters to depart Oft ba it summoned a noble soul to ylold Its vital flame upon the bnttlo fiel 1 And oft in other ajos it caused a tear to start.

Bat wipe nway thoFe glittering tears, and cease To pour your feelings levin your swoWon eye Uod ere long will bless this ttricken land with rsscE, And It A son 's light again will belt Columbia's tky. Let time roll oh let Tyranny storo its cup, 'Till sighs of millions drink Its misery up; 'Till countless sutcrs gasp in deepest ugouy. Let strife continue, and let darkney reign, Till Despots cruuiblo to their kindred clay 'Till each proud foo of whits wen's ihghts is slain, And Liberty once more resumes hor genial sway Lot Justice sleep her strength is not jet gone Oar ky is gilded with tho streaks of coming dawn, Tho bursting incipience of resplendent day. I VT'on In kindling wrath awaits A day more congruous to its awful flamo the ble, despoilihg Potentates, And rid tho nation of Ibis filthy spawn of thame. iuois ouiy uwuus me tocsin loua alarm To cut theso chains nnd cloavc tho Tyrunt's arm, And restore tho country to its former fiuuo.

A fow more months of torror and despair Will end tho misery of the Corsair's bloody reign; A few uiore months of fruitless toil mid euro, And our lard win niooin in veraant lieaee atfain. 1 no voters IUT. Kiounuiug throughout the lar.d Will swell the thundof of a pooplo's great com-' Iran And wash tho nntion of iti fratricidal stain. Hope Oct. 27, ISf.t.

Fur the AHItAIIAM, OH.AilKAlIA.M! Air Maryland, my The tyrant's reign will soon bo o'er, Abraham, oh, Abraham 1 You soon shall loavo Potomac's alwro, Abraham, ou, Abraham 1 Good-bye to you we-must abhor. You soon must full lo rise no more, Tor Little Mac will pcaco restore, oh, Abraham! Ou'r liberties you shall not steal, Atraham, oh, Abraham I In niggers you shall cease to deal, Abraham, oil, Abraham Our Little) Mac will make- you feel A wound that you can never heal, Then you csn dance a nier reel, Abraham, oh, Abraham Your Abolition's very strong. Abraham, oh, Abraham Your angols never can bu wron, Abraham, oh, Abraham 1 In darkness you can sing your soug, And as your niggers movu along, You'll lly before McClellun's throng, Abraham, oh, Abraham 1 Your plotting ill be all in vain, Abraham, oh, Abraham In Washington you can't remain, Abraham, oh, Abraham For we'll throw otl'tho tyrant's chain, And you we neror will maintain, And over us you'll never reign, Abraham, oh, Abraham I We eoon will lay you in tho riusr, Abrahamoh, Abraham I Your politics are bound to rust, Ahraham.oh, Abraham! Go up Salt River, Abe, you must, And in McClellan we shall trust, For to his country he'll be just, Abraham, oh, Abraham! With Andy Johnson as your chum, Abraham, oh, Abraham You shall leave your While House home, Abraham, oh, Abraham To Little Mac you will succumb, Nor will you dare to fire a gun, For he will make your shoddies run, Abraham, oh, Abraham 1 From tyrant's chains we will Lo free, Abraham, oh, Abraham 1 From war and ruin nndjroni thee, Abraham, oh, Abraham 1 Here's to our nation's liberty And death to traitors such as thee, For you shall ever, ever bo Abraham, dead Abraham Clrwe.nsvillk. ftoTMr. Tait, the original proprietor of Tail's Jaajih died in Kngland, in his 72 year, the other day.

HSyThe debt of the citr of Baltimore $12,983,000. not MEN. THE KEPUIJL1CAN. I fienr, icilliin the ienr, mi XI 2 Ivew England and Slavery. A friend tends us tlie following trnnsl.i lion nf nn nrl-nln i .1 I iuo uuove Puiyeot, irom tlie Aew York Courier do or il.

14th or Iast. We mis cua.ner in Amcncan history was over oeiore presented to the public in fewer ngp. JIow sj11 us ol tlitt on- worus nnd clearer lanm would it have hi for us of av.3 10 no ri, ui us cuini ij. uuao-stood tins matter. Tho fanatics Xe Km.lfxi.1 uavcsucceeueu in fprending to the Mid lie and ostern if this had been done The stigma cat upon' tho Southern Slates for defending laveiy has heroine mam.

i f.o olten repented tnat no longer uecpives any one. We know, that in any event, slavery litis had its" day, whether it disappears at onre, (which is ueiuier prouauie, nor even lictirable, on nccounlof the inexperience of the blacks.) or whether it is destined to pass through changes that will by degrees put tho negro in a condition lo bear his liberty. Many persons pretend to brlievb that tho North al'jno been the great eman-eipntor, without lemenibering historical facts. They attribute to the South btrorig slavery t-entiments and do riot inquire whether the real abolition ihta have the tight to destroy among their neighbors, without giving them compensation, i institution that they have always used to their own 'advantage. In 1777, Jell'oibon, a representative of the sentiments of the presented to the Virginia Legislature (ol which ho was a member) bill, which was ndopted, to abolish the institution of slavery, lie proposed, also, a plan of graJual emancipation, to which he added, ns a preliminary, a clau-e to authorize the emancipation of slaves; and this bill became a law.

At this period slavery- not profitable to llm South had become a burden to tho North. Massachusetts ul.olitihed it within her own limits, without erasing to import slaves for the South. In 1I, JctTerson presented to Congress a measure -r ll.o imnnplolinn rf (nlrv uie territories ceuea lo llio ruled States north of the Ohio, t'hat was a part of the plan of Southern emancipation. IJut this measure was rejected, ns being fatal to the negro trade thai Massachusetts was carrying on with great notivjiy. It was 1 rought forward again in 17J-7, by Nathan' Dane, and adopted ui spite of the opjiotition nf Xm Euyhtnd, In the meantime, the trade carried.011 by the North became rhe subject of warm debate in the Convention.

Tho North tefueed to have it abolished the South protested energetically. The North demanded compensation for the loss that would result from the abolition of the trade'; and the South immediately granted the monopoly of tt-o'coast trade. 1 I' to uie txciuMon oi loieign vessels. Thus it is that the slave trade bad been abolished since 1808, in spite of the edorts of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Hampshire. Finally, during the Trpsidonev of JefTi-r- shn, the State of Virginia proposed to Ie- voto to the emancipation or Mnves and their emigration, the proceed of the sale of tho public lands granted her.

This proposition was (ejected. It was only when Iho time fixed for the abolition cf the trade approached, that New l'ngland, irritated at the South for taking from her this source of profit, began to consider slavery an evil. We know how, i-ince that period, the Northern Slates Invo got rid of tho curse of shivery. They a limit, nl'ior which alt sluves tvero to be fro. The measure would have hern gnod ono'lut for the speculators, who rendered it urelebs to those principally interested.

licfuro tho tiwa fixod for emancipation, the oa-ners sold their negroes to the South, in otdcr to havo tho double benefit of getting rid of an evil, and Bllinll their rollers. It enn bo said that tha North aloli.hcd t'arerv, but did 4ivt emancijiaU one Hack, Such aro tho men who have thrown tho country into the most terrible war ever witnessed. Since the great agitation which preceded the struggle, it has never entered the minds of the puritans, (so little scrupulous about the "peculwtr institution" whilst they derived great tenelit from tho trade, and had their own slaves to sell to tho South,) to compromise with the former, and to be certain, before cutting etch other's throats, ttial there wore no means of settling the question financially. We see overy day honor paid to Massachusetts and her sister States for their philanthropy. It is this that has compelled us to recall tho historical facts above stated.

One must be very blind, or of very bad faith, not lo agree that tho most intenso selfishness hasalwavs inspired the conduct of tho puritans, it is to the everlasting honor of the Democratic party to oppose their exclusiro views, and lo defend the rights of the States against a central power, the instrument of New England. Before posterity this section of the Union will bear, in a great measuro, the terriblo responsibility of the present war. Without the agitation continually arising in their midst, and thedsngcr always apprehended by the Southern people, secession never would have takon place. Tho South, proud and irritable, refused to abolish, by threats, an institution that would have tthnlislieil itself bv the irresistihla law nf rroaressaad reason. Finally, if le made a crime, what will te'olitionists thenilooeuimu fraud aid of the.

Abolitionist who yciterdsy Of- every desorlptiou. TERMS i poscj omanc; 'nation ivhiLL tln.r.n. us conttiljuteJ much to perretiuitc It i 0 uur nmscrit'crs. it was intetuloil last wt'PJi I'suc, but win oiowiloJ out: vicar uj In tho issu of R-iftf nutn's JnurniiK nt 1 Ln 1. 1 1 1 i .1 wi.woor, in wincu 7 anxious to lmvb tUe 7irzr in.

and tho einK-avor mitda to Vblofluy UI10 we, for tlie sitnpla rca- in" rrarn V001 Une el" nSo 1 hos diafted. I too itoorlopsy. and feeliii" ilmi I fill v. i 1 11 jjiiua grave loniereil the sit. 0r, 111 11 I approves, a cause which my conscience dis-' generated and doietioried through thoun-3i, I remained at home.

iSine.c Hint. worthiness of tlm mini, nf Mint 1 minions of Lincoln, who rnulfla .,1 i support tho Abolition ticket in bygone uuys under the pretence that it would bo looon.iuer tlieSoulh, iave sent hell-hounds upon my track to mo to the death. Tl, sulicrinirs uf the nonr I ,11... wero accustomed to rerountto mo. with mc u.llllllllUiO I ears Ot hvnoclisv in thpir Illoip eyes, were kit a tithe nf what they wished! to tiring upon me.

They were anxious nn.i corneht in their elhnts to compel the ol.icersof the law to have manaclos plac e.l upon my limbs, and tho brand seared lulu mv f.w i 'I info my flesh. The Gaoled patriotism which with curses, and with no stronger aouln-atiglit them to uo this, never le i them gy than that political dominion i superior wo us precirus to, mens theirs is lo tl.em. No train of thought over entered their minds, which suggested the iim-ssiiy cf their risking i their lives in a war lo which they were forcing their neii.dil.ors. Tho s.riU allection which coiled around Iha of the wives and little ones of Hie poor. humble, insignificant laboring man, could bear no comparison to tho delicate ntirs lings of the banker tlioconif tomfortably clad! of tiie litor and'ior and warmly housed circle of I the intelligent, cducatod beines whn i ..1 ui mo iiusuuuMer, or ino-'s wiio had been accustomed to the luxurious household of the lawyer and divine Dillerent thoughts, however havo cl.

tained possion in my mind. 1 thought that men of wealth, churacter and sti nd- ing, should practico as well ss preach war That if jireaching war was really necessa COIlld liflilnni.mMUil.l industrious fanner or laboring .,1 iho I i7v tnilnr n.n ui, ir inu (lions, n'Lytws, mural and lioiXest lawyer. "vi1";u i uiivm tioniniiiieu, oi ofFeiice perpetrated against society, moral ity, religion or decency gives them tin crime which I have committed, or 1- eives them the rilu to iiiako my name a reproach and ny-woru in inn eomtntinity. 1 nnver r.tii,,;, ,1 in which I resided and compelled an hon- est father to atone for my Tll(j stroke of the cowhide never visited back from tho hands of an outraged la live, lor vil ifying my own bloo.l. My speeches in to mv wifrf- neve cnusc.lhor cheeks to Jinglo will, r.hamo after my bru.ality'hnd caused her to seek' her In her house.

1 t.cvrr il, liverv nf llenv-n to uesfcrated the sacred desk when I knew mUnrl R. .1: my hypocrisy, nor been ruiltv of usint sm li i n.lilnn l. 1 I r1! 11V lui- ji.uii iivn iuo. jihii I been guilty ol anything of this kind, 1 would deem myself fit (0 be pointed at t.s an object of loathing nnd contempt, and deserving of being driven lrom therein- aim. ity.

may reach Hoping tins corumuiiio your hand, and you will do lue tho favor to publish I remain yours. JUS. LAN.SIir.HIiV Lawrence Oct. 'Jtli, IbGl. THE STATE SENATE.

We give below tho names of. Senators holding over, and those elected at tho lute election by the home vote. Sesatoiis IIoi.niNo Over. rhiladeldhi.i Jeremiah XWj, G. Council, J.

JJ Chester Witmcr Worth injton, Susquehanna II'. J. Tu'rdl. I.uzoni J. C.

Stark. Tioga S. V. Wilson. Cumberland Geo.

II. Rucher. Adams Wm. M'heny. Clearfield Wm.

A. Wallace. Indianna lr. S. CVeir.

Allegheny James L. ilraham. 1 1 Ch as Mr Can: Hess Way no II. B. Ucardsleo.

Lancaster lien. M. Ditnlap. Dauphin- -David Hemming. Venango Thmas llJje.

Washington Wm. Hoppkins. Somerset Geo. 11. Householder.

Westmoreland oh Lat la. iNortuumueiiana David ZUontgnnv ery 8 Democrats, 11 Shoddyiles. Fi.n-TFD i ISC Philadelphia ('. M. Donovan.

Montgomery Ih race lioycr. Jiucks O. 15. James. Lehifih Geo- B.

Shall. Berks lleister Cly mer. Schuylkill Wm. M. HandaU.

Union John Wall. Miillin J. II. Walters. Blair R.

W. Christy. Allegheny Thomat J. Nngham. Crawford B.

Loury. 8 Democrats, 3 Kboddyites. Total Democrats Id, Shoddy, 17. VnTF.rXlTvhen vou eo the polls next Tuesday, before vcting examine your tick- ets carefully. The desperaiionof the Ab 50 Per Annum, if paid in advanJ.

SER1E S-VOL yZnoIT WHAT OTHERS THINK corned tho followin2 article tnm a I-on Jon paper to ytote Ch.isKins tonerally, and supgetst that they stk'. it undor tho nose of every ranting hypocritical preacher tvho prostitutes his faculties lo Iheadi-ancement of pai ly politics, nril encouragcins tho shedding' of brother' blood for the purpose cf placing the tugro on un equality with the white men The Chiistain Keligion in America, a Dead Failure. i It would be nodillioult matter to show that the practice of the Christian religion Oil the North American iu A. Hint its vital Knil-i. Inn l.nrn oo.J....

"-'V unntioa, uuring me last generation that almost as martyrs, and who elected toeo- iure exile ntnl privation that, they might keep their fith intact, have, as a body, -r "un iiiv, Lir oi 1 i i fc11 "iT ivi H-4LU1 1.IIU13 UliU simulacra and thai activn nnd earnest 'liri i i If tula lini.nmu rrtt .1 1 1 it 1 hriilianilv Iwrnmi. failure amongst twenty-two millions ot' people, who contemn its ehoritublo and jUlj IV, V. Villi IUU UB III 1 merciful doctrines, and hava f. 1 abandoned themselves, with dissenting voice, Medina tc or years scarcely a i A ric r.i i- to the gospel, to an unbridled lust for rapine and sl.iughtcr.-(& 71 Abolition Patriotism. IjninvTP "1 Ul ii01' ia.

Ltor What strange men no havo in our i men sw4ar by l1 iey ni 1 n(A CT uuL SU' lueJ' iU Kt 10 Bh'J0t JU!" 6UoU 1 im wh hftvst in Trmlv Ullt i( (Vl i i U'cy AbllllUou uob, and turn tlici; uac k3 ln3i and soy lo an- J'i not go to the Army n.l figlsfc or mo to Help free my ack 011 1 cannot go I havs I a W1 aV, lw0 t0 1 rnl'aP 1 man ho wishes hire for tllO pUl'liOSO ol Stoilliilli; bullets fj-' e'- eight sinull child. eu to provida i ior, iiut nn ilillcrcnce the Abolition- Such was the rnco of one of tho Aboli tion conscripts Brady. lie ropni led at 1'tookrillo on the L'Oih for the purpose of getting himself exempted, but billed to rot it ilono. Alter he received J'ls trans'iioitaiiori ucKct, he uiowed right nB h.0 w9.RJ,nS -o "wollow up ad ''C Urady lownsL.p. buys n'V uown tu -1 LJot llt bnp "'I'-" wtlf fora KUt' T' 1" ouu ttitul for Uio poor degraded coward 1 I Shame on you, Mr for such talk I'lSllllllI 1 gUCSS J011 stay hero nnd ut1 cnrefu H' not hit any nf I II 11, Or OU Cll I CUSS 111 OO I Oril IO 111- tiers.

Democrats are not to befooled with any longer not i yen copperheads, ilewnie of such traitors ns Arnolds, or there was an Arnold in the Revolutionary iw ar Mid he was a traitor but i bolicvc I these nro traitors to their God nnd their 'country. Any prison knowing them can- thU Such is tho piilriolism of tho men who howl "traitor" and "eoppei head" at cverv man who is opposed to this cruel, fanatical war. Such men ought to bn cseortet' out of the county on a good sound oak rail. Mr. Kditrr, louse let the above have place in your columns; nnd if any man doubts its veracity, let him come to Brady nnd we will ptovo it to him by men who witnessed the same.

They dare not dony it. If that man has patriotism, it lic miylitv low (town ins t. roat. No more at present, but remaiu yours for tha UNION NOW AND FOREVER. VOTERS! If you are in favor cf the Union as our foi fithers made it, an'J as you have enjoyed it, until tho inaugiira lion of Mr Lincoln, vote the Democrat ticket VOTERS 1 If you reverence the Constitution, hich is the fountain-bead of your individual rights, vote the Democratic ticket I VOTERS 1 If you valuo tha right of hnhcas corjius, and are opposed to executive tyrahv, vote the Domocratic ticket! VOTERS 1 If you esteem trial by jVy free press, and free speech, among your icalienabto rights as freemen, voio th.

Democratic ticket 1 VOTERS Ifyou are in favor of p-ae happiuess. national and individual pros pentr, vote the Domocratic ticket 1 VOTERS I Ifyou oppose taxation, disapprove nf corruption and doHpoliim. vote the Demoorntic ticket I VOTERS I If you have friends and relatives in the army whose life you pri? and whose sentiments you nprrovc, vot' the Deniocratia ticket, headed ly great name of Uaorge B. McClellaa 1 VOTERS 1 Ifyou are orpoe to oe-r eduality, and in favor of the rig) is of white men, vote the Democrats ticket) VOTERS If yon are favor of your country vote tho Democratic ticket! -3Mocby'g command of guerrillit consist of about four hundred aul eight rnen..

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