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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 22

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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OCTOBER 3, 1914. SATURDAY I SSl OAKLAND) I UU Ly Xzzf I aim HE SEEKS PRISflfJ Splendid Dessert For Sunday Dinner ffMyfc i The young bride who is 1 1 if wl-V arvmt to face the nrohlems 1 of housekeeping will find in xV Ghirardelli's Ground Choco- ii i late, a wnoiesome ana eco- TBart. 1 1 1 I tn nomical iood-annK. atart 11 housekeeping right by serv I ing this nutritious beverage. It will make any meal taste There la one feature about tehnhardt's desserts that ought t6 appeal to every one, and that's the splendid quality of the ingredients and care taken in makinjr them.

These bricks fire made from the heaviest and purest cream procurable, selected fruits and mixed by The special brick for tomorrow is made of a layer each of Walnut Ice Cream Orange Water Ice Vanilla Ice Cream better and will keep the ffYx)l health in perfect condition. I rWc thin rynt a nip (jjHLY V(C For making desserts and jM J) candy it is without an equal. fj Tell your grocer to send you ft In hermetically -t luA'm VV- sealed tins. JJ GljirartWlfs Ground Chdcokte is tho I only original ground chocolate. It IV y.

If has been used in Western homes for (111 i OTcr a third a century and its II 1 1 1 A popularity is growing day by day. 11 A pt. brick A qt brick Tft- A t. Dricic aeiiverea l. i- at the itorcuyv to your now at the store i Hazel Nut Chews 50c lb.

A delicious Special Candy for Sunday, i Ask the young-lady at the. Candy, Counter for a aample. You'll like them. f-TSw A D. GHIRARDELLI CO.

TV While osar pnea wil not increased STEAMER DETAINED. NEW YORK. Oct. 3. The Italian freight steamer Cerea, in from Ital PLAN MONTHLY PENSIONS.

WASHINGTON, Oct 3. Pensions will be paid monthly Instead, of quarterly If a bill introduced yesterday by' Representative Stephens- becomes a law. ian Duna. was ur laint'u u.l auHraniiue BETID He Demands Hearing Forthwith, But Finally "Stands on His Rights." LOS ANGELES, Oct 2. Constantino V.

Rlncardl, debonair attorney, charged with was defeated today In his efforts to have the charges against him thrown out of court on-a technicality. 7 Judge Gavin W. Craig, after having considered the case for. several days, told Rlccardl that would be compelled to stand trial. Ricardl replied with a demand that he be tried at once, and made this assertion: "It won't take twenty minutes to hear the evidence against me.

I won't put a single witness on the stand In my own defense but by the testimony of Mrs. Alma Shaw, the state's principal witness against me, I will secure my liberty." A moment later, however, Rlccardl consulted with his attorney, Paul Schenck, and he then said: "I stand upon my right to five days' time between today and the day upon whjch I must enter my plea." The case will be called again at the end of that period arid Rtccardt must then plead guilty or not guilty. The charge against Rlccardl Is that he lefpt for his own use $1500 given to him by William E. Shaw to deliver to Mrs. Shaw to be used for the support of their child.

The Shaws had I OAKLAND ELKS TO PUT ON EXCELLENT COMEDY Elaborate plans are being made by Oakland Lodge of Ellfa, No. 171, for the production of the well known play, "The Elks Tooth," which will be given at the Macdonough theater Friday and Saturday evenings, October 16 and 17, the pro-Iceeds to be added to the 1915 entertain-ment fund, when thousands of members i of the order are expected from all sec-j tlons of the United States and Canada, and to defray the expenses for a delega-I tlon from Oakland lodge to tlie national reunion of the order which will be held at 1-08 Angeles In 1915. -H. L. Brown, author of the play, Is In charge of the rehearsals which are how being held, and the members are taking a deep Interest In the coming event.

A woman's auxiliary committee has been chosen as follows: Mrs. W. H. L. Hynes, Mrs.

Leon Malson, Mrs. F. A. Hooper, Mrs. A.

Schlueter, Mrs.i C. G. Dodge, Mrs. Beach Dean, Mrs. O.

D. Hamlin, Mrs. Thomas Hogan and Mrs. Ezra Decoto. The lodgemen In charge are Max Horwinskl, chairman; A Van-fler Nalllen Robert J.

Sheridan, Milo E. Hlckox and Lynne Stanley. STEELCOMPANY WOULD WAGE AGREEMENT PITTSBURG, Oct. 3. Notices were posted In the works of the Carnegie Steel Company In the Pittsburg district yesterday that the company desired to terminate the wage agreement which has been in effect fifteen years.

A. C. ttnkey, president of the Carnegie Company, which is a subsidiary of the United States Steel Corporation, said yesterday that the company desired to prepare for a prob- et Vl rt WAJTA HPfil P. I.UID 1 v. He said there had been a depression in the steel business on account of tho TCnrnnean war and that the com- Jpany would be better able to deal with Its perplexities noi resiriuieu by the present agreement.

It was intimated by President Dinkey that any change in the wage scale wmiM ha tnr a short neriod and de pendent wholly on business condi tions. CAPLDAY GOES EAST TO WNC0NVENTI0N Bearing commissions from- Governor tti Tnhnnnn nrt the Panama Pa cific International Expoaition, Capt. Wil liam I. Day of the uamornia rnson Commission will depart In a few days for St. Paul to represent California before the American Prison Association and to bring that influential organization to this state for the 1916 convention.

The association conslta of all wardens, chaplain, probatloh officers and so on. Its program last year Included five governors, and supreme Justices and other dignitaries are always speakers. Captain Day will carry an embossed Invitation from the exposition and an official Invitation from the governor to the association. MERCHANT MARINE GROWS. WASHINGTON.

Oct 3. Fifty-four ships aggregating nearly 250,000 tons, worth approximately $15,000,000, have been' added to the American merchant marine since the new, ship reg1 istry law went into effect Although the vessels, previously sailed under British, German or Belgian flags they were really American owned and had foreign registry only because Vhey were foreign Dunt. AssiHinni secretary Swecpt of the Department of Commerce said today the question, of price was not involved in any of the transfers. DISCONTINUE SESSIONS. NEW YORK.

Oct' 3. The liquidat ing committee of the coffee exchange was Instructed yesterday by the exchange to discontinue sessions until further notice. This action was taken because liquidation had been progressing very slowly, and, it Is understood, another plan was contemplated to hasten the process. It was announced that members desiring to liquidate October contracts might submit propositions to the chairman of the committee through the superintendent ROBBER SUSPECT ARRESTED. PORTLAND, Oct 8.

A man declared by the police to be Oeorge W. Martin, wanted at Spokane on a charge of havfng held up -and robbed the Spokane State Bank on August 28 last, was arrested here yesterday and Is being held for the Spokane officers. The robbery was committed at noon time when a teller was alone in the bank. The robber obtained 81530, after handing the teller a note threatening to blow up the place with nltro-glycerlne if resistance was offered. CONFIRM CONVICTIONS.

NEW YORK, Oct 3. The appellate division of the Superior Court in Brooklyn yesterday confirmed the conviction of William Wlllett Jpseph Caasldy, one time Democratic leader of Queens Louis Walter. The trio were convicted of conspiracy upon testimony that Wlllett gave Caasldy money with the understanding that he waa to retelve the nomination for Justice of the Supreme Court. Walter, the evidence showed, acted as the agent of both men. IS Man tries to Break in So Child Be Properly Nurtured.

LOS. ANGELES, Oct. S. For the sake of a 22-months-old baby A man today tried to break Into the penitentiary. The clared Judges.

of the aupeHorcourt de-they were amaied at his 'eager- ness to sacrifice himself that his child might have proper care. They are as eager to keep himVout as be was. to get In. The name of the man Is J. I Kauf-mann.

The manner In which the Judges discovered what they called his humanity follows In the report, of Postal Inspector Cookson: "The postal Inspectors today received a letter signed by J. L. Kaufmann; 711 East Sixth street, in which the. Judges of both the federal courts and the state courts were profanely arraigned. The language was of such a nature that Deputy District Attorney Graham, who examined It, concluded the writer was Insane and suggested- an Immediate investigation.

The letter included a request that the writer, be arrested. TALKED OF BABY. "I went to the address and, talked to Kaufmann. He told me of the baby. He said that he and his wife had separated and that the baby waa sick and needed care that he couldn't give it- The mother of the child, he declared, was an Improper person to have the child.

The child, he said, had been fed chile and beans when eight months old and still suffered from the effects. He had been told by certam relatives, he said, that If he permitted the baby to be adopted they would steal it "Not knowing what to do, he decided to act upon a statement he had heard that the government will take good care of children taken from criminal parents. Not realizing that he could obtain assistance from the Juvenile court, he decided to commit a crime, be arrested, and have the child taken and placed In a government Institution where It would receive good attention. "He thought over various crimes and finally decided that if he wrote letters to Judges, making numerous false charges, he would get quicker action and be put In the penitentiary and the child takt-n care of." The officers refused to arrest Kaufmann. The inspectors say the child will be taken care pf.

PERILOUS VOYAGE OF BRITISH SHIP ENDED LOS ANGELES, Oct. 2. Running the gsunuei qi mines, evading hostile warships and then skirting the friendly shores of America, the British steamship Arlstano, Captain Williamson, with 100 tons of cargo for. this city, steamed into San Pedro harbor today. "I never expected to see you here," exclaimed A.

Carpentler, her charterer, as he shook hands with Captain Williamson of the Arlstano. The Arlstano was loading at) Antwerp when-the war storm broke. Much of her $1,000,000 cargo of steel rails, wines, liquors, French preserves, fine glassware, chemicals, steel bars and other articles, were at first seized as contraband of war by the Belgian government. They were released finally and the ship, leaving S56 tons of cargo on the pier, steamed down the river Schelde, picking her way among the mines set for hostile ships anda I 1 Dli. q.

I did and was convoyed many miles to sea by British warships. Her trip began August 12. The Arlstano brought Irt 6500 tons of cargo. Some of this Is for other Pacific porta TEND EH FAREWELL DINNER. Robert C.

Lightbody, former mayor of El Paso, was the guest of honor at a farewell dinner tendered by a num ber of his Oakland friends last evening at Barnum'a, where a roast pig with all that goes with it was the feature of the menu. Mr. Lightbody Is shortly to return to En Paso after several months spent In Oakland. He has made Oakland his home during a portion of the year for many yeara. M.

Koford acted as toasimasier. Paul Steindorff rendered several piano selections while others present de livered speeches and original verse. Those present were Richard T. Kess- letrr Paul Stelndorrf, Kalpn uaraer, Sam Buerger, FMiip m. carey, j.

m. Koford. Dr. Benton, Walter Fry, J. N.

Swan, Walter Harris, J. Renz, Robert McAlIster, Dr. L. u. uionain.

EXPLAIN AEROPLANES CSE. NEW YORK. Oct. 3. That the main service of aerial craft for military and naval purposes ia for observation and the collection of lnfor- mtlon rather than as machines of destruction waa the opinion of ex perts and members of the Aero Club of America, who met Thursday to discuss the aerial lessons of the pres ent European struggle.

Captain Ed-wald Hecker, formerly of- the Thirteenth Royal Dragoons of the German army, and Captain Washington I. Chambers, United States Army, retired, and Beveral members of the club agreed that In the present war It had been proved that observation and the collection of Information had been the chief work of the military aviators. FILE BANKRUPTCY REPORTS. NEW YORK, Oct. 3.

Schedules in bankruptcy of the cotton exchange firm of 8. H. P. Pell which suspended during the selling movement that developed on the outbreak of hostilities In Europe, show liabilities of 19,998,361 and assets of The schedules nvere filed in the United States court here yesterday. The assets include debts 6f notes, atocks, $6,288,703, and deposits of $85,748 rt)LEY KIDNEY PILLS Note Thete Points latarMtfaf tenm and woman savins Kidney sad Bladder traublei That Foley Kidney Pills are successful evarywhar with all kidney and bladder troubles, backache, weak back, rheumatism, stiff snd aching joints, because they are true medicine, honestly made, that two cannot take into your system without having good results.

They make your kidneys strong and healthily active, they regulate the bladder. Tonic in action, quick in giving good result. Try them. FOR SAKE 0 I ASIAtheWAE Palma Chocolates $1.50 and $3 Pkgs. Phone Oakland 496 FARMER KILLED Lindsay Orange Grower Pinned Under Overturned Machine.

Portervllle, Oct. 3. A. E. Thom-ason, a Lindsay orange grower, waa killed yesterday afternoon when his automobile waa struck and overturned on Sunny-side avenue, five miles north by a car 'driven by H.

A. Brlsco. a Lindsay machinery dealer, Thomason was pinned under his car. He was 48 years old, a retired lawyer and Is survived by a wife and four children. Kantfleld, Oct $.

The annual gtape festival for the benefit of the Presbyter-Ian Orphanage at Ban Anselmo JSroeing held today on the grounds of Congressman Kent's home, In Kentfleld. Intensive preparations had been made by club Lwomen of this county, Ban Francisco and uatuana lor tne entertainment or euuu persons. Scores of new features are list, ed on the progrtm, and dosens of booths have already been erected on the grounds. San Jose, Oct. 'J.

Proposing that the Board of Education provide a poolroom of their own for the high school, 150 boys of the school today signed an agreement to keep away themselves and to do all In their power to keep other boys away from uptown poolrooms. Theboys took the matter up as the result of constant scandal over high school boys who frequent poolrooms and gamble. Two arrests of school boys for burglary and another for passing fictitious checks in recenf'Jnonths have aroused the-pubUo and the school. Marytvllls, Oct. S.

The biggest land deal consummated In this vicinity In many years waa completed yesterday with the transfer of 1 110 acres located between here and 'Wheatland to the California Fruit Land Company by the owners, (). E. Betrhy. Sheridan Harding, William Os-trom, Hugh Morrison and V. W.

Laugh-tin, The consideration waa (225,000. The land Will cut up into tracts of 10, 20 and. 40 acres. WAjrr school improved. A large gathering waa present at the last meeting of the Peralta-Clare-mont Improvement Club, which waa held on Thursday evening- In the club-room of the Glaremont school.

The residents of the district having been advised that a campaign waa to be started for the purpose of getting a modern school structure on the old Peralta school alte came out In great numbers for-there is no other school In the city that has been neglected like the Peralta school. It seems that many years back the school property waa deeded to the. city with the proviso that It was to be used for school purposes only, and as the present building la about ready to collapse the residents of the district want to see something- done before the city loses the privilege of using this property for school purposes, HOTEL- CLOSINO KESTRAIXED. 8BATTLB, Oct S. -Superior Judge John E.

Humphries yesterday Isaued a permanent Injunction re straining the city of Seattle from enforcing an ordinance against three lodging-houses alleged to be unsanl tary. Judge Humphries, who la a can dldata for the Supreme Court, decided that the building owners complied with the ordinance in force when the houses werecpnstructed, and that's. new ordinance1 could not destroy the GOLLID Wha Is India Doing? Japanese Ambitions in the Pacific Sana Egal Chocolates 80c lb. Broadway Near 14th ROOSEVELT IS CAUSE OF CHAGRIN JO GERMANS LONDON, Oct The London Times prints an article headed "Through German Eyes," In which It says that Theodore Roosevelt's recent etatement aeema to have caused mucn cnagnn in uermany and Iti press expresses regret that In' spite of all efforts Germany la unable to win American iympathy. The Cologne Gsxette deala with Roosevelt as "This man was never lfted with modesty, never had a full Insight into European affairs.

When anybody is In office other people have respect for that fact, and that Is why Roosevelt waa formerly treated with especial respect In "To say." -continues the London Times, "that Mr. Roosevelt was treated In Germany with special respect Is below the murk, for there Is nobody whose sympathy Emperor William more assiduously tried to capture WOMAN WEAK ADD NERVOUS finds Health in Lydia E. Pinkham'c Vegetable Compound. Creaton, Iowa. "I suffered with female troubles from the time I came into womanhood until I had taken Lydia E.

Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. I would have paint if I overworked or lifted anything I heavy, and I would i be to weak and ner vous and in ao much 1 misery that I would I be prostrated. A Jfriend told me what your medicine had done for her and I tried it It made me strong and healthy and our home is now happy with a baby boy. I am very glad that I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and do all I can to recommend it Mrs.

A. B. Boscamf, 604 E. Howard Street, Creston, Iowa. of Boots and Herbs are used annually in the manufacture of Lydia E.

Pinkham's Vegetable Conv pound, which is known from ocean to ocean as the standard remedy for female Ills. For forty years this famous root and herb medicine has been pre-eminently miccpimfnl in ennrmlHno1 the rilnniuuis tit women. Merit alone could have stood this test of time. If yon have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will help you, write to LydiaE.Plnkham MedicineCo.

(confidential) or advice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, end held In strict confidence. stMie of Hie rfcUlterlag friaao. 1443 San Pablo Oakland Parlior tr.mj mmmm I rn ATtV BROAWAT. Lehnhardt How Germany Canada's Attitude Toward Japan BISHOP HANNA RETURNS FR0MJRIP TO ITALY SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 3.

Right Rev. Edward J. Hanna, Bishop of San Francisco, arrived home yesster- day morning, after a Journey to Rome In behalf of the diocese. Bishop Hanna accomplished the object of his trip and had intended to return sooner, but was delayed In Naples, Italy, for seven days by the outbreak of the Eu ropean war, which caused so much overcrowding of steamers. "I saw the late Pope a few; days before the end," said Bishop Hanna last night.

"He looked well then and his death was a surprise. I reached Naples August 18. Pope Pius died on August 20. "I had booked passage for the United States and decided that It would be best to return, as no one knew What would be the result of the war, and I did not care to be delayed indefinitely. "I served on a committee appointed by Ambassador Page to aid the refugees.

Italy waa in a tense state, but the Italians were exceedingly solicitous for the welfare of Americans. The Latin Is a kind man. "Some 1400 left on the early steamers for Naples, most of them with little baggage. I secured passage on the San with many ethers, all accepting the poor accommodations cheerfully. Only ten trunks belonging to the passengers were aboard the steamer.

Everything possible was done to aid foreigners and there were no episodes of moment that have not already been recounted." GAME WARDEN MURDERED. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Oct. 3. The discovery after a hunt of four days of the body of Edward Borle late yesterday afternoon has convinced the police that the man was murdered last Sunday. Borle was a game warden and the police believe he was shot by some poacher whom he tried to arrest.

In Thousands of Homes A early and certain relief is found for tie ailments to which all are subject ailments due to defective or irregular action of the stomach, Jivr kidneys or bowels in the most famous family remedy, the world has ever known. are justly famous because they have proved to be so reliable as correctives or preventives of the sufferings, dull feelings and danger due to indigestion or biliousness. If you will try them to cleanse your system, purify your blood, tone your stomach, stimulate your liver. and regulate your bowels, you will know why so many rely on Beecham's Pills to Insure Health and Happiness Urea Sale of Aay M.dtein. ia the World." unui examination 1 couiu niaKe sure sne was Tree or asianr rnoiera.

1 Provoked Japan Violates Neutrality Does to the West WET and DRY IN THE NEW Sale Everywhere American Press What the War Has the War Hurt the Expositions? Pan-Americanism and the War The WAR of READ IT ALL October Now on veated rights of the owners. Judge Humphries declined to accept the Olty Attorney's Invitation to visit the lodging-house basements In company wth a policeman. Step those tarly Bronchial Coughs. They hang en all winter if not checked; and pave the way for serious throat and lung diseases. Get a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, and take It freely.

Stops coughs and colds, heals raw Inflamed throat, loosens the phlegm and Is mildly laxative. Chaa. T. Miller, Ed. Enquirer, Cannelton, Ind had bronchial trouble, got very hoarse, coughed constantly from a tickling throat He used only Foleyls Honey and Tar Compound.

Was entirely relieved. Wants others to know of Foley's Honey snd Tar, gold everywhere. "-alWUKinniir" The rhap who gets locked up for being fill) la fortunate. If he has a friend wliu iir Tiairnirw AoU evanrwaer. Js Wss 25c 'Bold! 'eTerrwrierev.

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