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Statesman Journal from Salem, Oregon • Page 3

Statesman Journali
Salem, Oregon
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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Tuesday Mariung, November 5, 1929 PAGE THRIjjjgIT'- Gastonia Strikers Get Long Terms rain GRANGE GIVES GOODPURl LIBERTY GROUP MSB GLtlB OMCHW city. L. T. Robinson, owner of the patented new brooder, is the head of the corporation.

Officers of the concern are L. T. Robinson, president; Earl Ross, vice president. H. M.

Marshall, secretary-treasurer. Four hundred brooders have been put on the market in the last two years. The building to be used was formerly the Barr implement shop. "Several of the young -people of the neighborhood enjoyed the annual Hallowe'en fan of having ghosts and Jack o' lantern suddenly appear In the windows. This group make It a practice of visiting shut-ins.

Mrs. C. Warner who has" been suffering with blood-poison in her hand, has Improved sufficiently to be -able to leave the hospital. Mr. and Mrs.

W. H. Humphreys were Salem visitors Wednesday. Several from this comnunity attended the Hallowe'en party given by the 4-M club at the Mac-leay hall Wednesday evening. Mr.

and Mrs. W. Sheridan frmily visited the historical Me-Loughlin home at Oregon City Sunday. WOMEN II! where the latter fa attending- a two; day session of the Oregon commercial secretaries' association. Dr.

'and Mrs. A. B. Starbuck spent Monday In Portland on a business trip. Mr.

and Mrs. Erie Fulgham were in Portland Saturday where Mr. Fulgham attended a lumbermen's meeting. Miss Buena Fiske. daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. V. P. Fiske of Dallas, was married to Hugo Effen-berger of Westport by Rev. W.

S. Gordon of the Portland Mt. Tabor Methodist church, last Saturday. Another wedding during the week was that of Mrs. Elona (planfield) Burke to Cecil Brown of Dallas.

The Ceremony was performed by Rev. 0. D. Peter-son of the Christian church at his home Saturday evening. Miss Tillie Martens also of Dallas was married to Frank Reimer of Salem with a wedding at the Men-nonite church on Washington street last Sunday evening.

Community Organization Instead of Parent-Teacher Society Planned LIBERTY, Nov. 4--(Special) The neonle of the Liberty com- munity met la the community hall, Friday evening to organize a community club. It was decided ''nKYt. 11 11 I I ir-)rt i isTFYfrFT yt i 1 fFrri rn ri lit II 41 i -frf ff 2 5 x'f' liA nn PI rnflr ZdL nnnnnnfinnn' McCOY. Nov.

4 (Special) August Rhode and George Vincent have returned home from a hurried trip to Canada. Mrs. Frank Brooks and Mrs. J. P.

Peterson were in Dallas Friday. Miss Florence Snodgrass of Amity is spending a few dars with Mrs. Betty Lou Finn. Many residents of this community attended the Hallowe'en Carnival given by the Bethel high school Thursday night. Mrs.

J. W. DePries and Mrs it. xv. la) can ana son were in Portland Tuesday on business.

The Bethel high school basket-; ball team has begun practice. Professor E. S. Stuly and fam-j ily were in Portland on -business Saturday. Miss Beatrice Hawtey was at home from Oregon State college, for the week end.

Mrs. J. W. Finn and Mrs. J.

P. Peterson were In Salem Thursday afternoon. Miss Helen Prang of the University of Oregon was visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs.

Gus Prang, last weekend. Mrs. R. L. Land is and small daughter Louise of West Linn spent a few days last week with Mrs.

Landis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Stewart.

Robinson Firm Is Organized to Build Brooders SILVERTON. Nov. 4. (Special) The Robinson Electric Brooder company, a new $10,000 concern has been started in this ME IIDU WOODBURX. Nov.

4. (Special) Mrs. A. E. Austin will be leader of the program for the November meeting of the Woodbura Woman's elub which will be held In the library basement Wednesday, November 6th.

Mrs. Austin will talk on the "Old Oregon Trail and Yellowstone Park." and will be assisted in the program by Mrs. Henry G. Hanson and Miss Julia Bell Austin. Miss Wilma Morrison will furnish appropriate "music.

This meeting is guest day and each member has been asked to bring an interested friend. Hostesses will be Mrs. Eugene Mrs. Minnie Moore. Mrs.

Henry G. Hanson, Mrs. Henry Layman, Mrs. F. W.

Settlemier, Mrs. Eugene Courtney and Mrs. John Muir. Dram and Bule Cops Organized SILVERTON. Nov.

4. (Special) Hal Campbell, music instructor in Silverton high school has started a drum and bugle corps. This will make Its first appearance at the Silverton-Wood-burn football game to be played here three weeks from Mr. and Mrs. O.

E. Dennis of the Oakdale district accomDanied by Miss Nell HoDDine of Dallas left Tuesday morning on a trip to California. They will be away a month and will go as far sou'h as San Diego. Members of the Methodist church will hold a reception Monday evening, Nov. 4, for their new pastor and family, Rev.

and Mrs. j. W. Warrell Lain! V. Woods has traded the acreage property he owns on the Hawthorne highway to Pearl Hughes for the latter'a residence on Clay street.

The two groups of Camp Fire glrlsunder direction of MUs Mabel Teal are fixing up quarters in the old schooL building just south of the school on Ash street. The work Is being sponsored by the Kiwanls club of Dallas. McCOY, Nov. 4 (SDeciall Miss Winona Finn, who is a teach-1 er at Airlie, was at home visiting ner parents, Mr. and Mrs.

J. W. Fitffor the week end. I ieoind the ban of the jail at Charlotte, N. are the seven textile onioi nen who were given long- terms after 06104; convicted in a second-degTC erdict for the murder of Police Chief O.

F. Aderholt of Gastonia. Thi were meted out by Judge M. V. BarnbJU.

Left to right (front) jjia McLaughlin of Charlotte, was given from twelve to fifteei. ears; Joe Harrison of Passaic, ji who was sentenced to from seven sen to twenty years, and William as sentenced to from twelve to fifteen Clarence Miller. New York communist: K. T. (Red) Hendricks of Gas- jniar Fred Edwin Beal of Lawrence, ranch of the National Textile Workers' Union, and George Carter of lizpah, N.

J. Hendricks was sentenced to serve from five to seven year; cGinnis, another Charlotte youth, who years. Left to right (standing') Mass- ornnizer of the Gastonia from seventeen to twenty years. Songs. were sung by the audi ence, a stunt was given by the flirts' Trna an ririrait hv Principal Murphy, another by 8.

S. Duncan, county school superjn tendent. and school songs ana yells by the students. The public dedication has been postponed to November IS. Road Improved In Bethel Area u.nnv a ori.n n.

-no k- ohi -t. cnriiif v.lUrr.l II 1 I Proceeds Aid Financing of Hall; Carnival Features Are Provided Nov. 4. (Special In an effort to raise money to pay on the hall. Stayton Grange No.

840 put on an entertainment Saturday evening. The returns from their efforts were gratifying. In the early part of the evening an excellent program was given consisting of music, readings etc. William Delzell of Salem, was principal speaker. About the hall various booths decorated in orange and black, had been placed, where popcorn, candy, doughnuts and cider were sold.

Then there were carnival fea tures, fortune telling booths, fish pond, games, circus, a weddi 17 trip and various amusement 3 which were langh provoking. All entered Into the spirit of the occasion. Lady's Waistline la Bans of Charge An excellent supper had been the male members of each couple paying for this one cent for each inch of his lady's waistline. Other novel stunts were part of the evening's entertainment. Both Stayton and Salem mer chants donated liberally to tne fish pond and other booths.

Lewis Loomls, of Ocean ram, Is at L. 8. Lambert's this year, and is attending Stayton high school. Lewis Pooler, was in saiem Monday to attend the funeral of his grandmother. Mr.

and Mrs. Chris tenting are the parents of a daughter born early Sunday morning at the Stay- ton hospital. Henrv Smith, city marsh all who was confined to his bed for about eight weeks, has so far Improved to be able to be down town a hort while each day. Two planes were here from sa iem Sunday carrying passengers over this city. They used the hill near the O.

V. Meyer place as landlnr field. Pupils of Miss Liuis' room nave promised to put on their Hallow- ia en piay ior we r. 1. meeting ne iuuuj.

I Rickey RICKEY. November 4. Aut umn leaves and Hallowe'en decorations formed a pretty setting for the Hallowe'en frolic which the v. K. K.

folk of the Salem First Methodist church, dressed in cos- ltnmea eniovea ai we zx. wcaiu lin home Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. L.

W. Magee and (family and Mr. H. Y. Magee were -i tt gee aunujr and nd the others were given sentences Mrs.

Lena Bellinger visited Mrs. Bellinger's son, Bruce Bellinger and family at Lafayette Sunday. Graveside services for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sanders were held Saturday afternoon in the I.

O. O. F. cemetery, the Rev. Mr.

Allan officiating. STUDENTS DEDICATE fldC KHU AMITY, Nov. 4 Special) The Amity high school students dedicated the new gymnasium Friday with a splendid program. in nvmi Dim tho rinh the Liberty Com' munity club this year Instead of thai Tni-nt-TMchers The following officers were n.i.tiioiit Tnn Williams: icctcui vl oiva. ww vice president, Frank Ingham; se- 1 cuetary, Harian juuu.

fAaMant rhnsA thft follow A UO ywa-v lng committee to act as business nf fV.A clnh: Mr. Scott, Uiaun' vc0 nrrinn Mr. Ingham and 1T11 a. Dorothy Judd. It was decided to meet the se-TTHiiav in each month, begin- inv tho cPfnn Friday in De- cwww a onrdlal invitation extended to all residents of the Liberty and Rosedale communi ties to attend these meetings.

Tt was also decided to 'hold I Friday ev- oiiinr KnTtmher 22. A POi luck supper will be served and all Rosedale ana taoeny iui vited to help celebrate 4be boun Dninvod this year. At LCUU9 LI VJJO ter the business meeting a social hour was enjoyed. Vre George Morse delightfully entertained the audience with a number of musical numbers. Mrs.

Van Santen presented three members of her new rythm band which she is or ganizing la tne primary grauc. otv. mra nrspnted were: Bobby Dasch, Roland Cleveiana. -mill. vnrfs I 1 ThesK little LUO uicuiuio mm i-uiup ui viv, folk explained, aboilt 'their band iom An stratlon to the auu v- accompaniment of Mrs.

Gordon at the piano. A number of school children then animal parade which was deter and unique. i. a luncheon Alter iuo consisting of doughnuts and cider was served. A number of fealties are planned for the.

club this winter and It Is sure oe zatlon If all plan3 are. carried out. ur tcniia Dallas en- itll. uu 1 tertalned at dinner. Thursday evening, in h6noT of the seventh birthday of their son Robert.

The --o Maverlv decorated to represent a cornfield at mldnlgnt. nhnrir was In the cen- tPr snrrounded with pumpkins and yellow candles. Covers were latd tor Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Ingham, Esther and Junior Ingham, Mr and Mrs. Willis Dallas, Kath-erlne Dallas and the "honor guest. Miss Pearl Scott who has Just flftr spending 1 ClUl UCV1 four months in Toronto and Car- stairs, Canada, says mai hot and dry summer. uu unituiiiionrA tha crocs nave been rather light throughout the The pupils of the Liberty school met in the community clubhouse Friday morning for a general assembly. The flag salute was given and a number of songs were sung.

It Is planned to make this a regular feature about once a It is necessary to assemble the pupils in the community hall slnoa there room In the main Mrhool building large enough -to hold the 15 pupils attended the Liberty school. SCOTTS MILLS. Nov. 4. (Special) The R.

N. A. club held Its first meeting this fall at the home of Mrs. George Haynes Friday afternoon. Twelve member were present.

After the business meeting a luncheon was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Glenn Haynes and Mrs. W. T. Hogs- Members present were: Mrs.

Nellie Amundspn, Mrs. Olive Shutt, Mrs. lleen Lawrence, Mrs. Fay Lawrence, Mrs. Ada Geren, Mrs.

Nellie McConnell. Mrs. Pauline Swartout. Mrs. Mary Mar-quam, Mrs.

Eva Landwing, Mrs. Jennie Lawrence and Miss Norma McConnell. Dr. and Mrs. John Brougher of Vancouver, Wash, visited Dr.

Broughers parents, Mr. and Mrs. At L. Brougher, over the week end. Mr.

and Mrs. Joe Jennings and daughter Coral of-- Washington, and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Philips of Portland, visited Mr. and Mrs.

'George Myers over the week end. Levi Kellis of Bridge was a visitor here Saturday night and Sunday- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shepherd and sons Paul and Robert and Fiiun some tlmehas been widened andjguesw 01 r. graded.

Jefferson JEFFERSON, November 4. Hallowe'en pranksters were busy in Jefferson Thursday night, and through their raischievousness caused work for some. Obstructions were placed in the streets, cars moved from their 1 places and other articles misplaced. Mr. Gatschell of Swift found his milk cans scattered along the street, while some were hanging up on a pole.

However, no serious damage was done. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Braley and daughter arrived from Maupin, Friday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs.

Earl Lynes and other relatives. Mrs. Braley is a niece of Mrs. Lynes. Mr.

and Mrs. D. H. Looney, Miss Marguerite Loney, Virgil Weddle. Melvin Morris and A.

J. I DeVaney attended the livestock exposition in Portland this week. Jean McKee went to Corvallis Friday evening where she will be the guest of her cousin, Verna at the Kappa Delta house. Jean will return Saturday evening The many friends of Valmer Klampe are glad to learn that the operation for toxic goitre, which he underwent Tuesday morning at the Good Samaritan hospital in Portland, was a success. Doctors Else and Nelson performed the operation.

Mrs. Josephine Looney, Mrs. Lydia Hoyt, Miss Louise Miller and Estella Li Hard were Salem business visitors Friday. -O Dallas o- -o DALLAS, November 4. Miss Delia Viers, Mrs.

Pauline Aulen, Mrs. Mabel Yoakum and Mrs Blanche Eakin all of whom have been viBiting In California, re turned to Dallas the end of the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott were in Portland Saturday where he at tended a meeting of the reserve officers.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. HIbbard have moved into the Piasecki res idehce on Levens street, the Pias-eckl's having moved to their new home in Kingwood Heights.

Mrs. Victor 'Kern Is spending the coming week in Cottage Grove with friends and relatives. She accompanied Mrs. C. N.

Bilyeu. as far as Corvallis Friday morning. The famous backwoodsman, Dan Boone, triecl every means at his command to make the Indians "toe the mark." He fought them, pleaded with' them, tried to bribe them 1 but nothing stirring. THe Mount Crest Abbey Mausoleum Company Announce The Completion of Finally he offered them doughnuts, and like magic, the redmen began to sit up and act pretty. But the doughnuts Dan Used wouldn't go Today, folks want a substantial food combined with a delicious confection and that's what we offer you in our doughnuts.

Energy, nutrition, strength', appetite appeal. Our doughnuts have 'em all. And if you have a little "food crank' in your home if he has a taste that's hard to satisfy, dropiri at your grocer's and ask for a box of ew vomaors Extensive Beauty ling Improvements Throughout the Abbey VisitorsWelcome f- IE)riQS2aC Attendant in charge daily 9 A. 6 P.M. OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Telephone, 183 THE BIGDdR ORTUABY For Information, Direction of IgLOYD T.

RIGDOT VIRGIL M. ST0LIKER Made by to- wiig i.

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