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Oakland Tribune du lieu suivant : Oakland, California • Page 2

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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-OAKLAND TRIBUNE- FEBRUARY 15, 1915. 2 'SATURDAY' EVENING eoosraii BARRETT CLASH IS a a a BOMBARDMENT GROWS wFIERCER IN MEXICO CITY PLOMATIG Diaz Refuses 1o Entertain Proposal of Peace Until Madero Resigns BOMBSHELL From Page 1) WEj we always print ftMs pictare (Continued know President Madero's stubborn constancy of purpose were pessimistic today regarding his resignation. Others believed he would yield to the persistent demands of men high In public life. Francisco de la Barra, former provisional president, played peacemaker today and promises to become as notable In this crisis as hs was In the adjustment of the differences of the Madero revolution, which terminated lh the overthrow of Porfirlo Diaz. The presence of war vessels of three foreign nations at the port of Vera Cruz and the developments of the past six days appear to have convinced even the Mexican cabinet ministers that it would be a mark of forbearance should foreign Intervention be delayed much longer.

This has been bluntly urged on President Madero as a motive for his resignation. PAXIC IS INCREASED. The aggressiveness of the rebels dur- scenes of Tame among the peopU At f'" tho.1Mnri nf.whrtfV, fillip thri persistently extending their ar- thousands olwhom filled the streets "Why fit the world do you keep running the same picture every Week at the top of your advertisements; why don't you change it?" asked 'ft, local newspaper man the other day. "Because that picture serves 8s a sort of mllepost 'or signal to scores of people who look for an announcement every Saturday night, was our reply. "If we confused them each week with a different design they'd have difficulty finding or recognizing an advertisement That picture has become a trade mark of real value, for whenever it Is printed it is associated with Lehnhardt's desserts, which always bring: sweet Lehnhardt's has always been -a ronsistent store.

Materials may advance in price, labor may become more costly, manufacturing Costs may increase, but the quality of" our output must and does always remain the same. Therefore the consistent, persistent use of the picture above Is really symbolic of the steady, forward, never-changing effort of Lehnhardt's to give to the public confectioner's merchandise of unlforrn quality irrespective of manufacturing conditions. Tomorrow's dessert Will be as follows: HAZEL NUT ICE CREAM APRICOT WATER ICE VANILLA ICE CREAM 25 for a pint brick if you'll call at the store 50 for a quart brick if you'll call at the store 80j for a quart brick if we deliver it to your home TP Sr S7 C7KV WW CANDIES Iced Desserts Broadway, Between 13th and 14th, Phone Oakland 496 Evei-ythlnghas a beginning. Th -only beginning to wealth is saving. Iff you wish to be rich to have all things that money controls-begin saving by starting an account with us -today.

74 interest paid on savings accounts. mum Painless Parker -HAKES GOOD- 12th and Broadway. FLAGOFPOIVERS IS HAULED OOWN banner of Greece Goes Up in Island of Crete Amid Demonstration. 1 (Continued From Page 1) ported to-have occurred at Bulalr Thursday. Portion of the town of Adrianople are said to be In flamea from the bombardment Sofia" reports that a delachment from the Turkish garrison at Adrian? ople haa deserted to the Bulgarian lines.

Turkey is expelling Greeks wholesale from (Constantinople and around the Dardanelles. An uncensored Constantinople dispatch to the Chronicle reports that the Balkan line of fortification was cap-tured by the-allies TuesdajCl According to this account the Tor kish fleet, operating from the Dardanelles, was assisting to repel theBul-1 Parian attack. The Bulgarians feigned a sudden retreat and were followed by the The Turkish warships, not realizing the situation, continued their bombardment and Inflicted heavy loss on their own men. The Greek fleet In the Gulf of I Saros supported the Bulgarians, who faced about, drove home their1 attack and thereby captured the Thirteen thousand Greeks landed on the Aegean coast at Alvajth on Monday. The Turkish position is considered precarious all along the line.

The capture of Bulair haa not been confirmed by other sources. A Dardanelles dispatch to the Daily Mall dated Tuesday describes a similar Bulgarian ruse ifs having occurred on the previous Friday, with the result that the Bulgarian batteries' on the slope of the Kurudagh opened a terrific shrapnel fire. The Turks fled back to "the Shelter of the Bulair entrenchments with a loss three thour sand killed and wounded. The correspondent of the Dally News describes the demoralization of the Turks at Bulair, where, he says, the first fighting proved the vaunted Asiatic troops to be worthless. The correspondent adds that the Galllpoli armies are going to pieces exactly like Abdullah Pasha's host at Lule Burgas and that chaos reigns at Schefket Pasha." he declares, realizes that Turkey is untitle to- continue the war.

The Governor and Mayor Take Hand in Work of Creating Park. (Continued From Page 1.) cameras were adjusted. In another moment the strip of fllri) that will advertise this city in every part of the world was recorded. The committee members, in fanciful costume, added fun to the work by many unique stunts. Iiecrults from the ranks of men about town." attired as soubrettes, with peroxide Wigs and fluffy skirts, carried- water.

C. J. Heeseman, as "chairman of the water works," was present in colorful raiment and alHo held the humorous title of "grand potentate and inspector-ln-chief." Louis Aber was the official bouncer, as his large badge of office proclaimed. J. B.

Chambers occupied the honorary title "secretarv of commerce and haH5or." Others bore badges proclaiming that they were delegates from the "King of the "King of Denmark." the "royal court of Sweden," and the "Vizier of Sacramento." FIANCIERS WIELD HOES. H. H. Hart, the Claremont million aire, was among the men who werej on ine ground win snoveis and several others among the state's most Important financiers worked as laborers. After the Child's Welfare luncheon delegates from this organization, especially -invited to the affafr, looked on from the sides of therlot.

The Governor was greeted on his appearance by a shout of "How do you do, Governor Hi?" from the throats Qf all the workers, Fred Reed acting as yell, leader. Cheering followed. Mayor ilott stepped forward to greet the state's executive, followed by the city commissioners, Chief of Police Petersen and committeemen. It was late In the afternoon before the work was finally completed. The seeds were sown, the paths the.

palms planterL after which the committee left thB ground amid a final cheer. All that now remains Is a few minor details and the time that grass takes to grow. GOOD DAY'S WORK. "We have done a good day's work," declared Fred Reedi "and have gained for Oakland a valuable advertise-, meht. I think that we are well repaid for our trouble and we certainly had some fun doing it, anyhow." The committee has extended thanks to H.

W. Hogan. for lumber donated; the Ransome-Crummey Company, Blake Bllger, the Hutchinson Company; Borland, Bates Ayer, and the city street department for teams material; the three boys' bands which furnished music and the different improvement clubs and organizations which supported the move. The motion picture companies -were also extended thanks, as were the officials participating. THESE WERE WORKERS.

The committees in direct charge included among others tha following: Kenneth A. Milllcan, Bernard P. Miller, Fred B. Be'ed, C. M.

Wardall, T. B. BrldgesAI GerhardL J. JL Charles F. Qorham, George H.

Mason, JL Mlelke. W. K. Gibson. Louis Aber, Carl Mltse.

Max Horwlnski, W. W. Keith, K. D. White, L.

Richardson, C. J. Heeseman. Ad Club L. A.

Hearln, Glenn Barnhart, Lee Bertllllon. W. F. D. Brown, J.

F. Fugazzi, George Hughes. Henry Lafler. If. W.

McClain, J. R. Newsome, M. J. Schoenfeld.

Estate Committee P. W. Morehouse, W. W. White.

S. H. Masters, Hen-rv Barkmeyer, R. J. Montgomery, O.

R. Mitchell, It. L. Kaiser, C. F.

Burks, M. T. Mlnney, F. F. Porter.

Itotary flub Robert Robertson, D. E. Perkins, D. L. M.

Shrader, George S. Meredith, A. Townsend, L. Richardson, Victor George C. Smlthf Down Improvement Club Lee Bertllllon.

D. Knabbe, W. J. Culllgao, S. E.

C. Kayser, H. F. "Seller, J. Pantosks1.

J. H. Lesser, J. S. Elliott I Miles Doody, Edwin Leaders Take Steps To Override Veto WASHINGTON, Feb.

15. House and Senate leaders, aroused over President Taft's disapproval of the Burnett-Dillingham immigration bill began snaking a canvass today preparatory to an effort to pass it over 9ls veto. Senator Lodge, who was leading the movement In the Senate, 'de-crared -he thought It possible of and proposed to force an Issue Monday immediately after the 'disposition of the Connecticut River Dam bill. Like plans were being made In the House. 5 Officers Stay With Sinking Ship and Drown HAMBURG, Feb.

15. The five officers of the steamer Christiana were drowned when their vessel sank aftej; bolng cut down Inst night by the steamer Galata during a dense fog off The Christiana foundered three minutes after the Collision. The and stokers. 19 In number, es caped In lifeboats. The officers declined to leave their ship.

LINGERING ILLNESS IS ENDED BY DEATH Terminating a lengthy Illness. Mrs. Nfille M. Kern, wife of C- E. Kern of this City Snd sister of Inspector W.

J. Emlgh and Patrolman Milton Kmigh of the Oakland police department, died at the East Bay sanatorium last night. Death wa due to heart trouble and other complications. Mrs. Kern was well known In Oakland.

She was a member of Oak Leaf Chaptei of the Order of the Eastern Star, and was prominent In church work. The deceased was a daughter of Mrs. Rachel Kmlgh and the late Thomas Pow. ell Emiiih Oakland, and was born at Rio Vista June 16, 1872. She is survived by husband, hcr sonEdwln, arert 12 years; four brothers, J.

and Milton Emigh of Oakland and James and (lay W. Emigh of Sacramento, ind sister, Mrs. Edith Pearson of Pan Francisco. INJURED MOTORCYCLIST DIES AT HOSPITAL AMID MEfin Head of Pan-American Union Scored by U. S.

State Department. Official Circles Shaken by the Brand of "Mischievous ,1 Activity." WASHINGTON, Feb. 5. The clash between Director John Barrett of the Pan-American Union and the State Be partment over Barrett's proposal for a "mediation commission" to bring about peace In Mexico Is hardly less a sensa tion In official circles here than the Mexican situation itself. The -two affairs divide attention today.

Th State Department's memorandum Fast night, characterizing Director Barrett's proposal as "mischievous activity, sentlmentlllty and amateur politics." dropped into official circles like a Coupled with the protest of the American colony in Mexico City, forwarded by Am bassador Wilson, it produced a situation, startling to say the least. The Pan-Amerlcart Union Is supported by the United States and the republics of Central and South America. Each pays towards its support by contributions based on population, and each nation has one vote in the selection of a director. BARRETT IS SCORED. At 12:50 this morning the 8tate Department issyed the following statement: "Ambassador Wilson telegraphs and asks If anything can be done to restrain John Barrett's mischievous activities.

"He states that, Mr. Barrett's utterances are being published In Mexico City and are producing a bad effect on the situation, which calls for anything rather than sentimentality and amateur politics. "The Ambassador adds that the American colony at Mexico City resents Mr. Barrett's utterances and protests, against them." Barrett proposed mediation in a letter addressed to President Taft and Congress. There was nothing unkind or disrespectful in his statement of the facta as he saw them, and found much favor in both houses of Congress.

Barrett is president of the Pan-American Union and has spent the greater part of his life studying conditions. Both political and Industrial, in Latin-America, When the State Department statement was called to his attention, Barrett made the following reply: "This announcement from Mexico I tonlshes me, and I believe It must be founded'om a misconception of mv sug gestion for an International commission and what Inspired It. My only purpose was Informally and unofficially to proposs an alternative for actual intervention which would end the hostilities in Mexico protect the lives of 'foreigners and adjust the whole question in a peaceful way, sat is factory to the United States, Mexico and Latin-America. "My suggestion, moreover, waa made upon the request of many prominent men. who felt aa I did.

and only waa to be acted upon In the event that Intervention seemed inevitable. Director Barrett-later today gave out a further statement defending his media- tton proposal. He said he honestly bep tleved hat his action would strengthen the attitude of the administration against Intervention. "To brand as amateur politics the sug gestion of mediation by a great and accepted broad and practical agency of In ternational friendship, and to call 'as mlsctila.vous activity and sentimentality the application of international co-opera tion to stop immediately actual lighting and protect lives, seems to be the result or misunderstanding of what I actually had in mind," said the direr lor. "In view of the severity of the complaint of the American -colony and the attitude of the Slate Department.

I am forced In' self-defense to make public a fact that I would Infinitely prefer never to mention, were 1 not the subject of such criticism. 1 GET ANONYMOUS LETTER. "Late last night, and before I had been Informed of the report from Mexico City. I -received ah anonymous letter. As best I can quote and recall.

It was aa follows: "'As a friend of yourself and' your Southern Republics, want to warn you. You are In danger of attack from two opposite sources on account 'of the statement you have given out In regard to the settlement of the Mexican situation. 'One of these is a certain influence that wants Intervention and military occupation and is bitter against the President and State Department for their holding out against Intervention. Having so far failed in that direction. It la flow Incensed at your Suggestion and may turn on you, "both here and in Mexico.

The Other Influence is a man In a- great departs ment. who cordially dislikes you and-and everything Boutli American." "I cannot believe that tills anonymous statement is worthy of actual credence. I have the most profound respect and regard for the head of the department to which this letter may have referred, and I don't believe for a moment' that it re-fers to him. It must refer to some but who be Is, I cannot imagine" VEKY CAKIXE.SS. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb.

15. Mrs. E. L. Hueter, 2322 Howard street, visited a store this morning and laid her gold chateline bag beside her.

When shvarose to leave she found that it had been stolen 'With Its Contents, valued at 1160. hare kidney trouble in the less just what their ailment is and until the rxrisoninz of the svstem neeu and Liver Remedy BACH FOE A PURPOSE J-Kiaaay aad lr aaMdr -OtMoauUK mij 9-Hbetai RvbwIt 4 Astkna Rem.dr gattintT SOLD BY ALL JKUiGIRT8 WrlM for It tm mb.I emu tfc. mmahm. .1 imih labrf to WmWl Saf RaaMdM. Ce.

Pas. jaa Raabartar, N. conveniently feed and he did not re-gird reinforcements' as essential. INSIST ON RESIGNATION. It is strongly -Intimated that-the special meeting of the Senate called this morning Insisted on President Madero's resignation.

Many of the Senators did not attend, as they declared they were unable to traverse the city. The special session was called as the result of a letter from Pedro Las-curain, the foreign minister, to the First Vice President indicating that the members of the Upper House should assemble to discuss means of settling the present situation. Sonor Lasouraln declared, nftcr the meeting of the Senate, that it was ry no means certain Madero would resign. Tho President lie said, was anxious to end Uie lif-- ficulties in a patriotic manner if possible without farther bloodshed- bnt this appeared impossible? EXTEND "AliTIIXERV tillery fire, sending challenge shells In all directions to draw out the federal artillery and launching many heavy shells in the -direction of the National Palacev The rebel artillery occasionally threw shells Jdlrectly at the Palace, where the Senators were endeavoring to devise a means of bringing about peace. The general bombardment of the federal positions continued steadily throughout the morning.

After an executive meeting In tho Chamber of Deputies, the majority of ttye Senate left for the National Palade to demand the resignation of President Madero. They-were accom panied by Francisco de la Barra and the Spanish Minister to Mexico. A series of sharp engagements occurred at various points. AH -the federal forces- came Into a. tion at times 'with machine guns and Infantry firing, to which the rebels sharply replied.

The government batteries in Alameda Park came into action as well as another near the Colonla railroad station and still another on San Juan de Letran street, to the east of the rebel possessions. Madero's House Is Burned by Rebels MEXICO CITY, Feb. IB. The rebels obtained their first personal revenge yesterday, when they burned the private house of President located at Berlin and Liverpool streets. It was a handsome -i ncumbency of Madero had become one of the show plares of the capital.

The rebels had driven a detachment of federals in retreat along Barcelona street. They emerged on Liverpool street, the rebels at their heels. Shouting and firing at the fleeing soldiers, the rebels crowded Into the aristocratic quart, r. and the sight of Madero's house tnsptredPlhe Idea ofTfs destructtonT Only servants had occupied the house since the members of tfie President's family took refuge in the Japanese Legation. The rebels entered and carried off whatever caught their fancy.

A moment later the building was In flames. Cruiser Colorado Reaches Mazatlan SAN DIEGO, Feb. 15. The armored cruiser Colorado, which left here at 10:45 o'clock yesterday morning, according to radiogram received last night from Rear Admiral Sutherland. The message said that-everything was quiet at Mazutlan, and no disturbance in the vicinity had been reported.

Messages from Captain Plunkett of the'South Dakota said that the cruiser would arrive at Acapuleo about daylight Sunday morn- ZONE OPTRDUBLE Walter Weeks Writes of War in Mexico; Rebels Blow Mine Buildings Up. ALAMEDA, Peh. 15. Walter Weeks, a former Alamedan and son ot George Weeks, a former Alameda newspaper owner and editor, writes from Mexico of stirring, exciting times In the vlctnlty of a large quarts mine In Pachuca. Hil- dalgo, with which young Weeks is connected.

Of, the operations of the rebels In the vicinity of the mines. whereJSVeeks Is working, the Alamedan "We are working steadily here, although there are lots of rebels within 60 miles of us. We hni'fl been having quite a time. All the miners went on strike. They blew down the doors with dynamite, burned bin and- fired hundreds of shots Inside the mrhe grounds.

"They had It planned to kill all the foreigners and paraded the streets yelling, "Death io the Yankees." In one mine th foreigner" were forced to fake up arms to protect themelves, and two of the rebels were killed. "However, things have quieted down somewhat, and In our mine the men have gone back to work. "Ws would be very glad to see the revolution end, but things are getting worse Instead of better every day. There does not seem to bo any solution of the question here In Mexico, and. while all the foreigners would dislike very much to see the I'nited States Intervene, many of us are beginning to think it will be necessary.

"What this country needs is Another man like Porfirlo Diss, but no such person has shown up yat. The people here have no Idea what liberty means they take It to consist of the right to steal and kill without being punished for their Weeks has his wife and family -with him at Pachuca. He writes that they are all In good health. 8 Court Holds Castro May Come or Go NEW YORK, Feb. IS.

Clprlano Castro Is fre to come and go in this country at will. Judge Ward, in the federal district court this afternoon, sustained tha writ of haheas corpus In his hehHTf over-ruUog tbs Immigration authuriutj. 1 AN hastened in Jostling masses away from the danger zone. Before midnight Diaz, taking advantage of the unltghted, streets, extended his lines for several blocks and shortly afterward engaged the federal troops from his new positions In the so-called "Juarez colony," which Is thickly populated with foreigners. Groups of rebel soldiers deployed along Versailles street and from the roofs of buildings on Turin street and Barcelonla street.

For a time they maintained an almost incessant rifle and machine gun fire at the federal outposts stationed far out in what had been called the "neutral zone." FIRST.XJGIIT BOMBARDMENT. BJrom time to time the rebel cannon threw projectiles In all directions, try ing to draw the federal fire. They succeeded between 3 and 4 o'clock in Awakening two federal batteries into brisk action, and a sharp artillery duel lasting a half 'hour gave the city its first experience of a night bombardment. From 4 o'clock until dawn there was practical silence throughout the city. At daybreak the rebel cannon got a renewed reply from the government lines and the battle was again in full swing.

The announcement of the resignation, of President Madero was made on the authority of the British legation at a late hour last night, founded on the fact that de la Barra's visit to President Madero had been followed by an cessation of firing hv hnth sides. The officials i teok this as an Indication that de la Barra had succeeded lri prevailing on the President, to resign and announced it as a' fac't. General Huerta and other federal commanders again assured President Madero this morning that the government forces win. This is thought to have been the cause of the President's refusal -te-reslgn. FIGHT DURING NIGHT.) "The rebel guns in the arsenal-were In spasmodic action duflrig the greater part of the night, occasionally developing a very galling nre wnicn provoked vigorous reply federal artillery.

The incessant bombardment of the National Palace and the lierce reply of the federals were construed as Indicating that President Madero has not decided to resign. It waa declared in so'fSe' quarters this morning the report of his retirement was only a strategic movement usrvjhe part ot the government For the Ilrst time, since tne remarK- able battle began there was a heavy sustained Bring lasting half ian hour In the total darkness shortly after o'clock this morning. The hostile forces at daybreak faced each other in virtually the sume positions they have held all through the week. The exodus of the populace from the districts under fire was even greater than that of yesterday.1 There was a constant procession oi people, hurrying through the streets to the suburbs long before drawn and this lasted until after daylight. The offices of the lmparclal were romanileered by the federal troops this morning for use in their operations.

RESIGNATION IS URGED. Francisco de la Barra, former Pro visional President, professed ignorance this morning as to President Madero's intentions, lie deciarea me question of his resignation had been submitted to President Madero nad that the, matter at present had gone no further. A few minwtas later ae la oirra, b'fc General Felipe Angeles, a federal comander, went to the Palace for a conference wun jmkukiu. Following the conference de la Barra announced 'that' Madero had nuUiorlied him and General Angeles to confer with Felix Dlaa and Genertil Manuel Mondragon on the question of arranging an armlstlcv. Madero proposed tho naming of a commission by each party to contrive a solution of tho situation.

URGES ARMISTICE. De la Barra Imedlately made a visit to the rebel position ana OTieo with Dla. pointing out tne aiiiicui-ties of the situation, and urging the acceptance of an armistice in view oi the imminence or foreign- inw-rven-tlon. Diaz replied to ie ib jmit that lie could not consider an ar-' inlstlce, and that lie would enter Into no negotiations for peace until he waa officially notified of the resignation of President Madero, the Vice-President and the entire cabinet, Diax's reply was then submitted to President Madero. The Mexican minister at Havana telegraphed to the government today asking permission for Cuban marines from the cruiser.

cudk a land and go to Mexico City as a guard for the Cuban legation. DE LA TO FIGHT. The rebels extended their linen shortly after 7 o'clock this morning, and-there was a constant shifting of positions by the federal troops. nis resulted In fresh exodus of those who had remained on the fringes of the danger sone. large force of rebels by General Gerfe-veve de la is epcamped a few miles outside ot he-capita in readiness to obey the orders of Diax." De la Issued a proclamation this morning explaining his Intentions.

Dlaa secretly sent but a number of officers today to assist In drilling -the recruits under de a Hi ordered them to maintain their positions, as he did not want any more men inside hi lines than could la After Theater Specialties ELEVEN MILLION Springfield Insurance Co. Se-. lects F. K. Mott Co.

as Representatives. The Frank ICMottJmpany has made. arangements 'toT-represent the Spring-' field Fire and Marine Insurance. Conv-L pany, for Oakland. The company possesses several unique features, aside from its tremendous slzei' It is the strongest and largest fire insur--nnce company chartered by the Utate of Massachusetts, and is among the tet.

leaders of fire insurance companies the United States. It was organized ln-1849 and has been "fire tested," not' alone by the which happened In San Francisco In 1906, where it paid without dispute over 11.839.000. It aso went through Chelsea and Haverhill nres in Massachusetts 1908. The Baltimore conflagration In 1904, the Pat- crson, li. conflagration in 1903, to -say nothing of the one if Chicago Boston in 1873.

Fortlaricff In 1888. and Troy, N. In 1862. has paid in losses since Its organization $55.632,404., It has over $11,000,000 assets and Its sur-plus to policy holders is in excess of $5,230,000. The Pacific department has' its coast headquarters in the Kohl build-.

Ing In San Francisco. It Is. managed by Mr. George W. Dornln, with John C.

Dor- riin, his brother, aa assistant manager, both well known In Alameda county and the Pacific coast generally. The firm of Porter Maktns, former Oakland agents of the Springfield, will hereafter represent the Newark Fire In- surance Company of Newark, N. whose Pacific department Is also man- aged by tha Dorol a. AdTertliemtnt. LITTLE GIRL IS VICTIM OF FIEND Laundry Wagon Driver Blamed for Assault on' Child.

SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. IB TjoraJne Fraser, eight-year-old daughter of Catherine Fraser, of 129 Castro enjoying a child's lark by taking a rids' ori a laundry wajtron which stop every day In front ofhex home was attack by the driver last Monday. It was not until today that the police learned othe details and set a dragnet for the cap- i ture of the culprit. It, was found that the driver was a ois his. name were on record.

Aviator Killed in 2400-Foot Glide LEIPZIG. Germany, Feb. 15 The Oer- man aviator, Lenk. was killed here today' while attempting a gliding" flight from a height of 2400 feet, His aeroplane toppled Uver. in.

i Earthquake Shock Felt at San Diego feAN 15. There was a light. earthquake herejit-llia isst There were two or three tremors. The shock waa so llgrit that, many persons failed to it. No" damage is reported DOLLAR COMPANY i Proud Hunters Hide Coats Under Coats on Friend's Advice SAN LEANDRO, Feb.

15 That pride goeth before a fall was brought home to V. Bridges and F. J. Ilirschman, who after announcing they were going on a duck shooting expedition returned with, a long string of coots strung over their shoulders. Where the laugh came against them lay In the fact that neither of the sportsmen doubted for one' moment but that they had bagged big haul of ducks.

Consequently took the astonished looks of their friends as evidences of admiration and envy. "What are you going to do with that bunch of coots?" asked a friend. "Coots?" echoed the sportsmen; "why, we thought they were ducks." "Hlile them," was the curt but friendly advice of the friend. "Get any ducks?" asked another friend a short time after the had acted urj to the advice to conceal their haul. "Nope; nothing doin in that line- today," responded the sports, mournfully," as they pulled their, coats over the coots;" REBEL SOLDIERS Trouble Across the Border Is Feared-by.

American Authorities (Continued "From Page 1), who leads more than 1200 rebels, into Juarez and assist the regulars if any troyble occurs with the -volunteers. Sala-lar's forces for some days have been camped within 60 miles ofJuarer, along the Mexican Northwestern Railway. No telegraph or railways are operating below Juarez, and no word has been received for two days from the American settlements In the Cases Grandes district, or at Chihuahua City, the State capital. Manuel L. Lujan, rebel agent, returned from a visit today to General Salazar's camp and reported that under no circumstances would the rebels make an attack on Juarez.

They expected, however, to enter the town peacefully, as the Carravo rebels had done at Chihuahua City. In case of trouble between the regular and volunteer troops Salazar was ready' to assist the if they Joined the Diaz revolution. "General Orozcos whereabouts remain In doubt," said Lujan. "I could not find him. ghlazar claims complete leadership of the Northern rebels view of Orozco's disappearance, and I was made sole rebel, agent in the United, FORMER CHAPLAIN OF PRISON TO SPEAK RRRELEV, Fob.

15. Rev. W. H. Lloyd, chaplain of Folsom ana Quentln prisons, will give the second of a series of addresses on prison reform at First E.

church, corner of Byron and Allston way, Sunday evening, at In the rirat, of this series, given a few wpeks ago, Lloyd, who lias hceii a close student of prison mutters, gava a brlcl outline of prison methods and attempt at reform from the days of the ancieriis down to the beginning of the modern movement In Engla'nd snd America. The speclsl tonic for Sunday evnipg is "Prison Reform In the United Other lectures will follow, one each month. rixslinH with snch topics "Our PrUHm- Popiiletion," V'CHmlnal Character! iMics." "Cause and Prevention of Crime. "Capital Punishment" nnd other 'phases ef the general Subjects of crtmlnplogy and rrswr Only QUININE;" thai LaxaSve Eromo Quinine Cure Cold in One Dy, Crtn 3 Days 1 DNJUARE Nature Gives Warning Statistics show that thousands I A advanced stage, without knowing" many careieealT neglect themselves makes them aware that their kidneys are diseased. I JN store, Dowever, dm equipped rue human body with a perfect system of danger si (mate, more perfect than those used by the best regutateu ranroaa, ana uey snouia pe as effective.

1 1 -y ou nave a lama back, torpid liver, cloudy urine, inflammation of the bladder, urne are yvur auiger signal, iuu Yarner's Safe Kidney Accomplished important results where other failed. Made from Durest Lneredients: it is nleuant to take. Disease, wnicn is moss xearea by everyone. -TNsdy W.D mmd Seraae" 1 cannot speak toe blgfclr of War-Bar's Safe Kldnar sod livtr Bamadr. as It cured ma of Ilnr trooblas.

rao wSlch I bad tuiXared for rmrs. I Mad many rtOMidia. I despaired of weUoaUlItnaSWarpar-s. Altar osme trS months I am parfeeUr 11 and Sara BuraakSa, Danar. Colo.

C. St. John; who was injured in motorcycle accident on the mad between Irvlngtnn and Centervtlls on Lincoln's JMrthday. died last night at the Meixltt Hospital mm i coneustlon of the brain. Mrs.

ft. JOhn Is still In I serious conditio from Internal Injuries received h- tbe evmmt- I i i i a- as ML.

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