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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 3

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-OAKLAND TKinUTVK- JANUARY 31, 1913. 8 NAMES OF MANY LOCAL STREETS ARE CHANGED Oaklahd Thoroughfares Acquire New Titles at Hands of Council MA Saturday Prices That Bring Business Tomorrow Is Your Opportunity Not Ours INCORPORATED FRIDAY EVENING MEIs Names, of Oakland streets were chanced I jr tha city council by ordinances Intro Overstock of G. M. Mill Bought by Us On Sale Tomorrow dueed by Commissioner W. J.

Uaocua an follows: Kelly avenue, from Excelsior avenue northerly and Chlraao avenue, from Athol avenu northerly, chanced to Had don road. Highland avenue, from Grand avenue to Everetr avrnu; to Greenwood ave- nue. Cvpraaa Way. from I.loyd avenue tu Kim wood avenuei to Thirty-fourth av-nu. rlamond street, from Moss avetms to Forty-ae-ond street; to Manila avenue.

liirvlt-w avenua, from Palsy strerr to Carson street; to Fair avenue. FERN AVENUE CHANGED. Kern avenue, from High street to Acacia street; to Kansas street. Kram'ls street, from Carson street west-erlv: to Fair avenue. Kil8on street, from Hopkins street to California street; to Thirty-eighth avenue.

Franklin avenife, from Kannlng street to Redwood road; to Thirty-ninth avenue. Grac street, from Frultvale avenue to Rough Neck Sweaters Overstock Salejrice Gartner Mattern Goods to Oakland city boundary Hue: to Wild-woo. a avenue. Baward street, from Broadway terrace to Carlton atreet: to HHgrave place. Neck and Byron Sweaters Overstock Sale Price Gartner Mattern Goods $7.50 now $5.45 Newton avenue, from eeley avenue to Pmapert avenue: to Merrltt atreet.

That portion of Sixty-first atreet that Ilea Immediately north bf Rlxtleth treat, from Maker street to the eastern termination of aald portion of Hlxty-flrst Street, ba charmed to Hlxty-flrst puce. Brown atreet, from Fifty-ninth atreet Lincoln avenua; to Kast Tniriy-ninin G. Overstock Sale Underwear for Men The entire stock of the Mill Iids and Odd Lines of the Gant-ner Mattern Mill have been bought by us at a bargain price. We offer these standard goods to you at the same bargain that we bought them. Men's Reg.

$4.00 Underwear Now $2.85 Suit Men's Reg. $5.00 Underwear Now $3.35 Suit Men's Reg. $6.50 Underwear Now $4.35 Suit Men's Reg. $7.50 Underwear Now $5.35 Suit street. Harrington street, from Seminary ave Unnamed path between Grand avenua pnd Mlra Vlela avenua, northeasterly of nue to Slxty-aocond avenue; to Hayes $8.50 now $7.50 now $4.00 now $3.00 now $6.45 $5.45 $2.85 $2.15 Elwood avenue: named Honham way.

street. Garden street, from Seventy-ninth ave. $4.35 $3.35 $1.65 Unnamed path lying between Cottage now $5.00 now $2.50 now nue to Klghty-seoond avenue; to Ruds- dale street. King- avenua, from FVwthlll boulevard southerly: to Tmriy-uiirn avenue. Iaurel plsce, from Frultvale avenue westerly; to School street.

Laurel road, from Hayes avenua to atreet; to Brookdale avenue Lock wood place, from Flora street, to Saturday Special $750 Orant avenue: to urant Special Priced Stocking Caps'ST 0 Mahel avenue, from Buchanan street street and Waldon avenue, from Urand avenue to Vermont atreet; named Ia-vldann way. Bancroft street, from High street to forty-fifth avenue; to Eaat Sixteenth Street. Bay View atreet, from Klmrsiand avenue easterly; to Wyman atreet MADE AVENAL AVENUE. Palrvlew way, from Foothill boulevand to Hillside avenue; to Avenal avenue. Bray atreet, from Thirty-fourth ave-Jiue to Thirty-fifth avenue; to Eaat Seventeenth etreet.

East Twenty-fifth avenue, from Eaat Twenty-seventh etreet to Eat Twenty-Tilnth etreet; to Twenty-fifth avenue. HUUlde avenue, from Seventy-third avenue to Eighty-second avenue; to Hillside atreet. Unnamed street, between Froitvale avenue and Peralta avenue, from Pren-1 easterly, to be changed to Polk street. Maple street, from Forty-eighth street to Claremont avenue; to Clarke street. In a Boys Suit A Knicker Suit, double-breasted, with two pairs of trousers.

A big value at the money. MILTON TO DAMUTH. Milton street, from Laguna avenue to The newest novelty Caps for the girl who wants to be dressed in style. Come in and see them. Lincoln avenue; to Damuth atreet.

-50c Cheney Silk Ties Ocean View avenue, from Ocean View drive to Mayes avenue; to Ocean View drive. Orchard lane, from Thirty-fifth avenue to Mldvale avenue; to Thompson lane. Palm street, from Frultvale avenue to tine street to Davis street; named Pren tlss place. Sunset avenue; to Kaiser street. Taylor atreet.

from Nlool avenue to the Charles street, from Surer street to street: to Thirty-ninth avenue. FREE WATCH $17.50 A Hart Schaffner Marx Suit for A Saturday Overcoat Special $18.35 Bi-rlln avenue, from School street to northern termination; to Cuthbert avenue. Hast Vmldes street, from Railroad avenue to the southern termination; to Cotton street. Eddy street; to Maple avenue. St.

Charlea street, from High street to Forty-seventh avenue; to Ban Carlos ave rue. from Seminary avenue Virginia street, avenue easterly? to Clarke avenue, from Wellington avenue With Every $5.00 or More Suit or Over coat Bought in Our Juvenile Department r.F.T THF ROY A WATTH to Sixty-second Bromley avenue. from Jones avenue to walker street. At this special price, a quantity of the world's standard make Overcoats will be offered. There are values among them worth far more than this Special Saturday Price.

Serviceable Suits made by the world's best makers of suits, in a variety of colors, will be offered to you at this exceptionally low Saturday price special. lis uuicin if" rimiiaiHiii rj. mirti. Portal road In Crocker Highlands, from Porter avenue to Ardmore avenue; to Ashmount avenue. Resin ok Oakland Porter avenue.

In Crocker Highlands, Washington at 13th from Mandana boulevard northerly; to Portal avenue. Lake View avenue, from Parle Boule vard to Thirteenth avenue; to East Thirty-third street. it STR. CLEVELAND ANCHORS T- CHARGES AGAIrMS BISHOP HUGHES i LI IN SAN FRANCISCO BAY LIQUOR SUPT. OF MINT' SPEAKS A TO.

C. stops skin Round-the-World Voyage Comes to Happy Chief of Polloe Walter J. Petersen to self-consciousness, a mean spirit of condecenslon toward the world; the making of Intellectua lgenlus a substitute for moral character, and tho making of knowledge an end instead of a means to an end, that Is, to service." The speaker bid his hearers beware of Intellectual Phariseeism, which he pronounced as much to be feared as social or commercial. Phariseeism, and urged them to keep the heart abreast of the head. "Knowledge IS a sort of a flying goal," said Bishop Hughes.

"God Almighty has declined to put any period to a man's knowledge. Knowledge can never be substituted for character. As well talk of a spade for a spade's sake as of culture for End This Morning day Issued orders to the commanding of fleers of the 'police department that com menclng February 1 the liquor ordinance Denver Official Charged With Violations of Civil Service, Rules. Perils of Knowledge Is Subject of Noted Churchman's Address. of the city would bo strictly enforced, and that this would apply not only William T.

Lee and wife. Ban Francisco H. P. Ixickwood and wife, Los Angeles. Miss Ellta Mott, Han FranclHoo.

Mrs. Clara Staffler, Santa Crus. E. T. Simpson, Los Angeles.

John W. Btohener, Oolma. Valentine L. Wilson, San Francisco. Sniffing typical San Francisco mid saloons and cafes, but to houses In the segregated district.

Petersen Instructed PUNVER, Jan. Violation of the civil service rules and political favoritism UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Jan. 81. Bishop Edwin H. Hughes of tho captains of police to detail a squad culture's sake.

"The end of knowledge the Methodist Episcopal Church ad of men to prohibit the sale of liquor at any time, In the disorderly houses of the The Hamburg-American liner Cleveland, In passing In the Golden Gate at noon today, concluded a round-the-world oruise of more than 22,000 miles, bringing te this port 400 happy passengers from all parts of tha world, speaking many languages. 't As the big 800-foot liner majestically steamed Into the harbor, a balmy northwest breese came from the sea and the sun had penetrated the haze which in the early morning hung over the bay. 8. S. Cleveland, Commander Theodore Kler, was sighted 18 miles off port at 8:40 o'olock this morning by John Hys- is not character, but character ex winter weatner and casting their eyes dressed the university meeting this torments fTlHE boo thing, healing medi-X cation in Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap, penetrates every tiny pore of the skin, clears it of all impurities, stops itching instantly, drives away eczema, rashes, ringworm, psoriasis, and other eruptions, and makes pimples and blackheads Far 18 years Resinol Ointment, with Resinol Soap, baa alM been a household remedy foe such common troubles aa dandruff, sores.

burns, chappirurm, and piles. All druggists sell Resinol Soap and Resinol Ointment, but for a sample of each write to Dept. Jl-T, Resinol Chemical Cow Baltimore, Md. over the city's picturesque skyline, the city. morning.

The bishop was Introduced by President Wheeler as "one of the Cleveland's round-the-world tourist crowd agreed that It was no wonder Congress The plan' to put this order Into ef fect has been under consideration for pressed In service." A short address was given by Dr. S. F. Johnson of tha Presbyterian medical mission at Batanga Kamerun, West Africa. Dr.

Johnson urged some of the students come out to West great powers to Illumine and lead this over a month, and was finally decided State and society." and the student upon about two weeks ago by the chief. are among charges made against Frank M. Downer, superintendent of, the" Denver Mint in a complaint filed with the United States Mint bureau at Washington, according to announcement made today. The complaint Is signed by George W. Llndand Albert McElroy, former employes at the mint.

It la based on the charge that )ln the last two years superintendent Downer had "Juggled" lists of civil service employes and failed to re-Instate men In the order In which they i had been furloughed. Downer Is In San Franclsfo, In the past It has been the custom for body was told "you are lucky people to be here and hear him." voiea Ban mranctsco ths great Panama. Paclflo International Exposition. As if smiling upon the arrival of the big liner with Its cosmopolitan list of passengers, the fog banks which shrouded the entranoe to the harbor and hung over the bay for four days were not In- years to overlook the fact that there are lop, marine lookout for the Chamber of Bishop Hughes, speaking out of thirty-nine plaoes In Oakland voiding Commerce at Point Lobos. Africa and unite In the work In which for 18 years he had been engaged.

The job, he said, would be one worthy of their steel. Dr. Johnson will be federal llauor licenses and dlsnenslnsr She anchored In quarantine eff Metgg1 liquor without paying a municipal license. wharf before noon. Mayor Rolph and the a long experience as university president and' Christian' educator, treated of the perils of knowledge, which he summarised "a fonrful end weak heard again at greater length at Call- The reason for this was that the city re Panama Exposition reception committee fornla Hall on nert Tmirsdnv evening.

fused to receive a direct revenue from boarded the Uner. vice. Tide conditions ware unfavorable for docking tha 600-foot steamship, with its The Cleveland was dressed-from steam to stern. From the mlzsenmast flew the Panama Exposition flag, which was placed there with fitting oeremony when the vessel sailed from this port a year ago." Under these propitious conditions the 400 world-tourists until later in the after noon. 'Movies" made plotures of the arrival III Store open till ten Saturday nights of the big German.

iliiilifi Among the passengers were the follow Cleveland steamed slowly up the bay and dropped anchor In quarantine grounds off Melggs wharf to await the boarding of Chief Quarantine Officer W. Glover Ing Calif omlana: and his staff, consisting of Assistant J. I Barker, Berkeley. Miss Georgia Barker, Berkeley. Miss Gertrude Barker, Berkeley.

Frederick T. Griffiths, Los Angeles. 1KB Quarantine Surgeons J. A. Watkins, M.

D. Bretht, A. D. Dtbw and M. T.

Terry. a aali MMSUSHD IMI. Charles D. Haven and wife, San Jose. Thomas Hughes and wife, Los Angeles.

MOVING PICTURES TAKEN. tr.x The Greatest Shoe librae in the West" Major A. F. Jones and wife, Orovtlle. Anxious get sshore after their long voyage, the passengers were all on deck Miss Jones, Orovllle.

Mrs. Herman Kooser, San Jose. J3S I 235 Market 3i.ZSnn Francisco ready to expedite the quarantine exam I nation. Offer two good Saturday specials While the quarantine tng Argonaut lav DMN TO TESTIFY alongside tn Dig steamship and the yellow quarantine flag floated from the ymwvmyMym mm foremost mast, many small excursion boats with tooting sirens passed and re Our Great Value-Giving Sale Continues Lace passed the big liner. Motion plotures were made of the ani DABnOW GAS mated soen.

Many Now Styles Added, and the Reductloua Are So Groat That When the quarantine flag lowered and the siren of the Cleveland sounded three Curtains long blasts, Indicating that the vessel "it WIU Pay You To Cross Tho Day and Buy" YOU SAVE FROM TO Ja ON EACH PURCHASE had been given a dean bill of health by Alleged Bribed Juror to Tell WOMEN'S PATENT me quarantine offloers. the revenue cutter Golden Gate glided alongside with Chief Boarding Offloer W. J. McBrtde and Relations With Bert Franklin. 75 COLT, Hi-Cut 6- sixty customs inspectors.

WOMEN'S PATENT COLT, Blucher Cut "GIBSON TIES" pair Mayor Rolph and the Panama-Pad fin "THE BACHELOR-GIRL" Mannish Cut Button and Lace Shoes Patent CoTJTduU Kid Top Button Shoes and Tan Russia, lace styles. Button DRESS SHOES LOS ANGELES, Jan, 81. After 11 days mx position reception committee, consisting of Major Sidney A. Cloman, Lieutenant Commander David Foote Sellers need in procuring a Jury, the second trial of Clarence Darrow, former counsel for and W. T.

Sesnon, were greeted at the All patent colt; vamps and tops; new Hlshape tipped toes; wide gangplank by Chief Officer F. Krusa the McNamara brothers, on a Jury-bribery charge growing out of the famous who presented them to Captain Theodore New high' toe shape; dull kid tops; short medium height Cuban heels; all sizes; values to Sale price laces; extension soles; Castllllan dynamite trial. Anally got under way to Kler and C. Vogelsang, representing the heels; all sizes; high raised toes, fancy perforated vamps. welted extension soles, Cuban heels; all sizes.

Values to S3. 50. day. The first witness called was George Hamburg-American line. Ml Monroe, clerk of the superior court After an exchange of greetings the An exceptional value.

200 pair to be. sold. They era doable-thread Nottinghama. Ten patterns to select from. They are In white and Arabian floral rjeat patterns with smaU borders; also panel curtains that can be used one to a window.

On sale Saturday only. No telephone or O. D. orders. party lunched In the captain's cabin.

under Judge Walter Bordwell, who pie- values to 18.00. Sale price Unlike the arrival of the Cleveland 1 sided at the McNamara trial. February 1 a year ago, tide conditions Monroe's testimony was technical, re lating merely to the fact that there was were contrary, making it well along in the forenoon before the 600-footer could $0.40 criminal case entitled People vs. Mo Sale price dock on the north side of the Union Kamara on trial on October (, 1911, the $11.85 street pier. date Darrow Is alleged to have bribed With the announcement of the arrival No delivery Robert Bain, a sworn Juror, through the instrumentality of Bert Franklin, who of the Cleveland in the stream, hundreds of persons crowded the pier, where thev .95 stood for hours.

Wl GROUP Nc aCL No. 10, si4 was a detective for the McNamara defense and later became the chief witness against Darrow In his first trial on the charge of having tried to bribe George If' Captain Kelly of the harbor police sta 3S GROUP No. 72 GROUP -t4 No. 11 tion assigned a squad of fifteen patrol men under Sergeant Bunner to the wharf. Look wood, a McNamara venireman.

A conflict of authority between the For wood Bain, who confessed to having taken a Air Tight Heater city police and the state harbor police bribe from Franklin soon after the sud GIRLS DULL was expected as a result of the action I en and sensational close of the McNa ths Harbor Commission In refusing BOYS GUN CALF "Mannish BUTTON SHOES mara trial In November, 1911, la expected to take the stand Immediately after Mon CALF Button Shoes the steamship company the privilege of having the baggage of the passengers WOMEN'S VlCI KID "Elastic Side" JULIETS Comfort Shaped Patent Leather. Tipped Toes, Sewed Soles Full Rubber Heels roe is excused. 'Broad Toe" handled exclusively by a transfer company of its own selection. The Jury which will decide the fate of Wi Darrow is aa rouows: Silas Setchell, music teacher. El Monte.

ROCKEFELLER RESIGNS shape Sewed Extension Soles' Values to $2.50. SALE PRICE. Walter F. Arms, retired coal mining en- vtiuir 1 stm Anaeles. All sizes Newest shape; sewed extension -soles; military heels; values to' $2.50.

Sale Price, George C'Hempel, cattle rancher, Lan AS DIRECTOR OF S. P. NEW YORK, Jan. 31. Aa another step 95 jkershlm.

Values $1.50. William H. Earnest, rooming house pro .35 prietor, Pasadena. preliminary to carrying out the recent dissolution decree in the Southern Pacific-Union Pacific case, William Rockefeller I Byron E. Street, orange grower, Clare mont.

Sale Price resigned today as a director of the Southern Pacific The vacancy was not filled. R. A Burner, ranch foreman, Duarte. N. Wj'Hughes, rancher, Norwalk.

II. J. Robinson, butcher. Low Angeles. David Dunn, artist, Florence, -Frank M.

Sanderson, walnut grower, About twenty-five of these left. They are fine for raoms where you Just want a little heat mornings and (evenings, or where you want a quick fire. Tu can burn old news-naners in them GROUP Cr GROUP '0. 159 k90c CROUP XO. 63 sT? NO.

10S Whlttier. Sizes Shi to 11 11.35 Sizes 11H to 15 Sylvester Grant, retired contractor, Los I Sizes to 114 How to Be Independent Read Column 6, Page 21 Angeles. Sizes 1 to K. 3-W Big girls' sizea 2 4 to 6 $1.0 Fred 9. Pettengill, contractor and build AJ As -Al Illustrated er.

and get considerable heat. On sale Saturday, t.c. Itelivered. but not set UBv JEST Shoes Delivered Free In Oakland, Berkeley and Alameda Alternate; J. T.

SuCtran, retired, Pasadena.

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