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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 4

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Dafclanti APRIL 20, 1916. THURSDAY EVENING Never Introduced, PRODUCE SITE IS KNIGHT TEMPLAR ivy i Next Pantages Bill to i Shine as Macrcfosmj From the depths of darkest Chsnatwn to the banks of the Nils, a weird wr')0 of shifting scenes in which daring dances Parade to Open Motor Power Show e-O-e -0 Many Prizes Offered to Contestants but Happily Wedded Just a little flirtation between Miss Emmellns. Arevedo of Concord and John W. Goddard, manager of Yosemlte hotel, has sent the young couple away on their III CQMCLAVE They met a year ago at Concord, Says Recall Will Be Filed Saturday It was announced today by Secretary J. H.

Somers cf the Taxpayers' League that sufficient signatures have been obtained to force a recall election against Commissioner F. F. Jackson. He stated that the petition will be filed without fall Saturday. "Homers stated that threatening letters had been sent to verification deputies working for the league In an effort to Intimidate them.

He alao stated that some of his deputies had been bought off. "We have enough signatures, and will file them," said Somera. "It Is not true that they had enough signatures on wnere the bride's father Is an official Of the fiplhv Rmtllllla unH tlste In the world. This Is the fsast in' store for theatergoers next weak, when Madame Makarenko, supreme among Russian dancers, comes to ths Pantagea for' her engagement In Oakland In thov "Dream of the Orient." It Is a veritable i 1 1 pany. They were married in Oakland Property Owners and Members of Exchange Wrangle at Session.

Royal Arch Masons' Close Their Annual Grand Chapter Session. vy jueuce or tne reace gulnn and will leave for that valUv wanL- They are now In San Francisco. V. r. lai all si UIUUIM 1 llUlJiVSCCUl Ui IIIB UlUBUnUVJin, Aubrey Beardley did for ths "Con! slons of an opium The main offering Is the most remark, able spectacle Manager Pantages has ever presented.

The bill next week Is eramr.1 with good things. Edward Farreliyand his company offer "After the Wedding." The De Mlchele Brothers, musicians, have another feature aot, and the Dancing La Vars are a notable attraction. The Australian Crelghtons, Juggling marvels, and another episode of "The Iron Claw" are also seen, "The Violet Widow" Is a mystery promised the public In the near future. ven tnougn we were not properly Introduced," said th bride, are very happy. I do not bellevs that conventions havs muoh to do with affairs of ths heart, anyhow." NOW WITH THE YOSEMTTE.

W. A. Steels, Mreli known In the Rrocery trade, and more recently connected with the Harry Camjbe'U la now the mana.s;er of the new aro-oerp department recently Installed as a part of the Tosemlte Wine Company's business, at 1433 Ban Pablo avenue. Only lately have they Installed thla department, including full line of staple and fancy rrooerles In addition to their complete stock of family wines and liquors. Oakland firms ina umer recall starred oy me jimey men.

They had offices In this building, and the other day the Janitor carted out a load of blanks which had never been signed. I know how many they had printed, and how many unsigned blanks -were carted out, and I know they did, not have nearly enough to make an election mandatory against anybody." BODYlS FOtlXB. Polloe and morgue officials are Investigating the recovery of. the body of a day-old baby girl from the waters of the bay this An autopsy Is be held this evening to detormtnn representatives of the Oakland Produce Exchange on one aide and property owners and real estate men on the other wrangled for an hour this mornrt; before the city council aa to whether the produce exchange district should ba restricted to south of Seventh street anfl east of Broadway, or to the entire, section south of Seventh and east or west of Broadwaf No concjuslon.was reached and the council resolution restricting the action to eaat of Broadway was allowed to stand. J.

Harris, representing the product merchants, addressed the. council. He said: "We are trying to get settled east of Broadway. It Is the more desirable location. We thank Mr.

Downey and the Merchants' Exchange for Its Interest In our affairs, and Mr. Pantoskey for offering a site. Hut at present we think we can find a plaoe eat of Broadway. If we. fled wo cannot do so we shall como before the council and ask that the resolution be amended to let us Co wes of Broadway." PLACED ON FILE.

As none of the commissioners offered 4 w. 51 whether or not the child was alive at the time her body was thrown Into tho bay waters. IV. 1 14 lfll 11 i I BAN FRAN'CISCO, April JO. With the annual session of the Grand Charter, Royal Arch Masons of CaJlfomta.

completed, new officers chosen, anil the bual-ness of the order fettled, the fifty-eighth annual conclave of California Orand Commapdery, JKnlrhts Templar, opened In pan Francisco this morning. Templars from will attend the convention In a hodv, the Oakland marching rank to participate In the parade. The Masons will for the coming year ibe headed hyr Csslmlr J. Wood an grand high priest. The principal business of the convention yeaterday as In planning details of the California organisation's work on the National Ml-sonic War Relief ARUclatlon.

Thla referred to a epeelnl committee conslst-Irg of ITenrv Asoroft. T. w., Charlea Patton. Charles F.

Adam and George H. Monroe, who will confer with High Pri'it Taalmlr J. Wood the anneal fr. assistance for the war rufferers of Europe. William H.

Oaynor ef Ixis Angeles, retiring grand high i rrjeat. was the recipient of a paat high rrleefs lewel. atod-lod with diamonds. The newly installed officers are: Orand high prleet, faslmtr J. Wood.

San Fran-cla': deputy grand high prleatt, F.J-vard ppeir-er, l09 Angele; grand 'king. r. Rimer, Pan Francisco: F-rlbe, Elmer II. MrC.own, Stockton grand treasurer, F. G.

TV. Mocbus, Alameda; grand secretary, Thomas A. Paviea; grand secretary emeritus, William A. avlen, grand lecturer, Hanry Ascmft, of San Frauclaoo; grand chaplain. John T.

PhurtlefT, Eureka: grand captain of the hoet, William Kett-rer. pan Diego; grand royal arch captain. Elmer E. Stone; grand organist, Samnel D. Mayer: grand sentinel, Goorge Perkins, all of Ban Franclsce.

Extraordinary Friday Specials 7 "'i Coats and ATTO FNTFitED BV THK LINtXH.N HKJHWAY ASSOCIATION I AITOMOBII.K PARADK. WHICH WIN, OPEN THE PACIFIC COAST I MOTOR Powell SHOW AT THE NICII'AIy Al DITORll'M, APRIL I 26 TO MAY 8. I City Officials, Civic Associations, Clubs and Dealers to Participate Silk Poplin and Serge DresBes several smart new models (ona Illustrated). All the new colorings all women's and misses' sizes. Try to buy the materials alone for $5.00, and you will appreciate what wonderful values these Dresses are at Special Friday price of the Cham- guesU while In Oakland Com ler of merce and the fflty olilcuua, EN COM PIT IT ION.

KE Keen competition haa developed for the an amending resolution, the petitions and protests were placed on file. A petition from the produce men asking that the restriction be allowed to stand was signed by UallaKher Harris, Hunt, Hatch I Scatena, Western Produce Oakland Fruit and Produce Angell 10. Martinelli D. V. Hatch, H.

(Jalll, San Francisco Produoe California Fruit A. Levy ft J. Zentner, Borana it J. W. Kadell.

Teria St Vargas, W. A. Rouse ft 8. DenmAO. A similar petition was signed by the followtrur business houses: Wm, Cluff Vermont Manufacturing Cudahy ft Pacific Wooden War ft Paper Dodge, Sweeney A P.

Puller Waters Louis Saronl, Oakland Wholesale Grocery Retail Qrooers' and Merchants' Association, Calvin M. Orr Sperrjr Flour ZeUerbaeh Fa per Ady, R. W. Kinney Crane Co Frank B. Peterson Ca, W.

T. Rancel. Endorsement of the plan to hare the members of the police department one day off a week. Instead of only two days off a month was expressed In a letter to the city council from the Building Trades Council, angned by P. H.

Pratt, secretary. ASK FOR DELEGATES. Oakland was asked to send delegates to the first meeetlng of the California Statu Housing Institute, to be held In Los Angeles May 4 and 5, in a letter received from George L. Bell, attorney for the state commission of Immigration and housing. The letter was referred to Mayor Davie for his recommendation.

Commissioner F. F. Jackson submitted estimates for nine publlo comfort stations distributed through the city to the Entries ax pouring Into the headquarters at (07 peourity Bank Building for the big parade of Illumlaated and decorated automobiles which will open the Pacific Coast Motor Power Show at the Oakland auditorium Wednesday evening. April 24. From all Indications it will be the greatest of the kind ever held In Oakland.

The oommltteee In charge are meeting dally arranging the details and the automobile dtalera, own-era of automobiles, cltv officiate, the manufacturers' bureau of the Chamber of Commerce, the Downtown Property Owiwb' Aesoclatlon. the Merchants Ex-chanal and other organUaUone are working for the success of the parade. LONG PARADE. More than 0 pleasure oars will be entered. A large number of commercial trucks, tractors, road machinery will be New Mayor Is Named by Sausalito Board 8AVPALITO, April 20.

Charles H. Becker, Town Trustee for the last five years, was elected Mayor of SauaaJlto or the Trustees at a meeting held night. Becker succeeds Mayor Charlea W. Ounn, who retired from the Board of Trustees. Mayor Becker was re-eleoted Trustee two weeks ago K.

ft. Coughlln was also re-elected and Manual Flore drew the third position. All were sworn In last night. At Pan Anselmo last night Mayor Reginald Atthowe was re-elected and Trustees F. .1.

Btirke and DcnaJd Perry took their seats, succeeding Fred J. Crisp and prises which will be awarded for the be.8t decorated and Illuminated motor rati lcle In eactt of the five divisions. A loving cup la alao to be given for the best entry made by the police and fire departments of Oakland. K. C.

Wilson la chairman of the general parade committee H. F. Claxrage, vice-chairman, and Herbert S. Smith. Bectetary.

A. Berg la cialrman ol the arrangement committee. The decorating committee la composed as follows): J. E. Mauarhan, chairman; Commissioner Edwards.

Commissioner F. V. iackaon, Henry barker, C. K. Monroe, 8.

Castle, D. E. Graves, 11. F. IOm-ball, Romalne Myers, E.

Wahlman and Jack bherrv. Amonj the many Interesting floats to be entered will be one by the Lin Belted and Loose-fitting Coats some of Spring's smartest styles in dependable checks, mixtures, plaids, golfines and corduroys. Also a few silk poplins in blue only. Values you cannot duplicate. i.

j. i an. In line. The parade will begin at seven o'clock from Rtghth and Clay streets in Mavor S. Hrott was re- coln Highway Association which la co le fed and Mayor John Jones of Mill 'and after passing through the downtown operating; with the committees In charge Valley was llkeA-lae retained at the head streets will wind around the lke Mr- of the show.

Fire Chief Will Teach Prevention in Schools tne I ritt boulevard to diaband at the awoi- I torium. The trip around Lake Merrltt CYCIJST IS HI" RT. will be a sight Ion to be remembered SAN FRANC WO, Apri tO. "While nl estimated that at least 100,000 riding to work on his bicycle this will witness the parnd a In addition to the blr turnout of car morning. Moaes Penlch.

of 1116 Oakland there will be automobile street an employe of the Tubb Cord-' delegations In line from San Diego, San age Company, crashed head on Into at Francisco, Stockton, Sacramento. Sa" Joee, jl)emely, Alameda and otner oh joee, jijeraeiev. Ajaoieoa ana tuner 568-572 Fourteenth Near Clay. motor truck at MarlDpaa and Indiana streets He suffered a broken collar bone, lacerated scalp, bruises of the body and was treated at the Potrero rinsTiltnl The offlciala of the Pan IHego Expedition are coming to Oakland to attend the opening night of the show and to SocH for the Panama-Callfnrnla In-tematlonal Exposition They will be the city council today. These would necessitate an expenditure of between and $40,000.

The recommendations wore based on th plans considered at a 1olnt conference of City Health Officer Klrby Smith, Chief Plumbing Inspector John IXistlce and Superintendent of Iee 8. Kerfoot. I COST ESTIMATED. The most expensive would be tho large comfort station and women's retiring room planned to be plaoed beneath the 1 City Hall plaza. The others are estl-j mated at about J2S00 each.

The locations and estimates were as follows: Clinton Square, East Twelfth street and Sixth avenue, $2500; Madison Square, Lectures on firs prevention and methods of fighting fire arn to be delivered by chief of the Oakland Klra Department at the local high schools Rnd grammar schools as part of a campaign planned by Fire Chief Elliott Whitehead to educate the public to aarist In reducing fire hazirdB. "With Intelligent cooperation from the public in the matter of fire prevention, the number of flies could be reduced tu a minimum," Bald Whitehead. "It Is better to prevent a fire from happening than to fight It with all the apparatus In the United Stores afer It Is once under way. Moderiji theory of fire fighting lays stress upon the importance of fire prevention." EASTER EGG DYES 2 for 5 BofflnansABnlletiii HAND-RAGS TO MATCH VOI 'NEW GOWN Take Iron, Says Doctor, if You Want Plenty of "Stay There" Strength Like an Athlete! BROADWAV AM) OAKLAND, CA1. THCK3DAV, APRIL 10, 1919, No.

18. VOL. 4. The talks will be of a practical nature, and will deal not only with precautions strength and endurance, and entirely get trt, but with fire drill as a means Eighth and Madison, $2500; Harrison Seventh and Harrison, $2500; IJncoln Square, Tenth and Harrison, $2600; Lafayette Square, Eleventh and Jefferson, $2500; Jefferson Square, Seventh and Jefferson, $2500; Athol Plasa, Ijikeshore and Athol, $2500; the gore northeast corner Twelfth and Fallon, 1.1000; The Plaia, Fourteenth and San Pablo, subway comfort station, $15,000. vin occur Pub.

teen days' time simply by taking Iron lio buUdlnP- Ordinary Nuxated Iron Will Make Delicate. Nervous, Rundown People 200i Stronger In Two Weeks' Time, In Many Cases. NEW Most people fool-lhlv seem to think they are r-rfng to EASTER SPECIALS ON SALE TOMORROW and sXtURDAY Published Every Few Days BOWMAN DRUG CO 13th srd Broadway Oakland Other Stores 13th Ave. and E. 14th Oakland' Shattuck and Center.

Berkeley in the proper form, and this after they after they nai in some casea been doc rt Tb'Ju. Bfty Section Given niontns without obtalnluc anv But don't take the old forms of reduced Iron. Iron acetate or tincture of Iron get renewed health and strength from some tlinulatlttg secret noa- trum -or narcoli'- drug, said Bauer. PEACE PACT FAILS: 25c Tooth Brushes A large variety to select from French Rrushos at no advance In etmply to save a tew rents. You must take iron in a form that can be easily absorbed and asslmll.ited like nuiated Iron If you want It to do vou any good, otherwise it may prnyp worse than useless.

Many an athlete or prise fighter has won the dav simply because he knew the secret of great strength and endurance and filled his Mood with Iron before he went Into the affray, while many another has gone down to Inglorioua de Praise by Ripley SAN FRANCISCO, April CO. No extensions will be built by the Santa Fe Company In California thte year, according to E. P. Ripley, president of the road, who arrived In Ran Francisco today with a party of other road officers, who are tour of Inspection. The reason for this, he said.

Is the fact that It is hard to obtain money for railroad Investment. "The actuation of the San Francisco hay cities aa a great commercial and shipping 19c price. Easter Special Friday and Saturday a well known Spe'-laliat who has etudied widely Ivjth this country and F.urope, when nr a matter of fact, real and true1 strength can only come from the food you eat. Put peoplo often fall to get the strength out of their food becauae they haven't Inn In their blood to enable it to i food Into living matter Frr.m their weakeried, nervous condition thev know on'ethlng la wrong, 'f. HE 5c Easter Egg Dyes All kinds.

Easter Special Friday feat eimpiy ror the lavk of Iron 2 for 5c nnd Sat- urday i i MUX commence doctoring for liver s.u.r. i of fh. ii or kid. lev trouble or aymptoms of some i compoesda. I'oMkd tb.

nln.r rnorf.nlc Iron wl community la better today than ever he CUUllIlUUllJ JD LWIWI limn Iron in the blood. This thing ma: -V I'C- gl Xlr, fore" Wplsysaid. Th. opportunitleaare mffers th. atoma-h; on th.

It la ainvwtp tremendous. So far as other Pacific Coast on for years. wh! the nation $1,00 Oriel Perfume A gSod perfume at Knstyf or any other time. Easter Special Friday and Saturday VJ. 25c Odor-O-No untold agony If yeu are not strong or test remedy, In nrlT ill form of tBdlrnttnn wi-n.

vrni own It to yourself to maae the wen at ror uerTcm. run-dmm aendltlma. follwfrr test Pee how long you can 1 11 Wnetiet0rer great eonfldenc work or how far ---i can walk without I "mated Iron thnt th ntfr to forfett becomir.R tlie! Vert take two charitable tnttltntlon If thT only one." He refused to discuss the recont demands of the railroad brvt herhoode for mere pay and shorter hours, declaring that It was, "their next Cither members of thn purtv are W. J. Uluck, of Chicago; A.

0. Wells, general managers Foster 17c grain tablets of ordinary nuxated Iron Our regular cut Special Friday and Saturday Circulation to Equal that of Any News-paper In Oakland. Suggestions Solicited. EDITORIAL Now that Easter Is approaclilnn, It Is lnwr-(Vittng to stop and think of the many appropriate Kaster rfq-ulsrttrs which can be fiii-nlnned by a drnjj tor of tho type and character of Bowman's. Bocans of tho fact that Easter marks the lrrinnliilt of the aortal season, the demuvidrt for perfumes, face powders and toilet specialties In gtweral Is exceedingly active.

Onr stocks of mien goods are sufficiently extemalTe to meet thene demand" to the satisfaction buyers. Handbags, to complete new spring: costumes, are always rapid sellers at En.ster time. With Uiese Ideas In 75c Vergo Violet Toilet Water Has ths fragrance of real vloleta, Easter Speoial Friday and 25c Cold Cream Bowman's Pure Rose Cold Cream. Esster Special Friday and 1 Cr Saturday. 50c French Ivory Nail Polisher Removable chamois.

Easter Special Friday and 90r Saturday: $1.00 French Ivory Comb All coarse or coarse and fins teeth. Easter Special Friday and 71r Saturday 25c Bowman's Nail Powder Qlvg a brilliant polish to the fm-ger nails. Easter Special 1 4. Friday and 25c Manicure Acid For removing stains. Esster 1 Special Friday and Haturday lQc Orange Wood Sticks 1 Oenuine orange wood, oorreotly shaped Easter Speoial fip day and Saturday 35c Easter Rabbits Jumping Rnbblts made In Franoe; a nice Eaatsr toy; a limited quantity.

Easter Special Friday OO-and Saturday Itcki Iron nnA hLr itronirlb to) pr 'mil o- ot.r In m-rki' time thT hv-t no trouM. They alni nrrfr to rt-nin' rcur rnvmy If It nnv ri-it three per day after meals for two weeks Then teat your strength again and aee for yourself how much you ri gained. 1 havo seen dozenH nf"'if rundown people wtio were ailing ail the double and even triple their lonaf ymir mjih and In of th road, uild Juhn J. iivrne, assistant pein.d in this Mtv traffic manager. Two years after dismissing one of the hardest and longesf fought divorce suits In the history of Alameda county, Mrs.

Ida E. Qngg hia renewed her efforts to divorce Fred E. Ooas, a stage carpenter to whom she has been married for twenty-three years. Involved In ths caae Is worth of community property, th wife alleges. On September 32, 1912, Ooss brought suit against his wife On September 21 she filed a counter suit, with the result that his action was not pressed.

However, Mrs. Ooss n.ade a fieht for her share of the community propertv. her contest resulting In her being granted an Interlocutory decree on February 13, 1113, giving her J60 a month alimony. Her husband had the case re-opened and on October 2S was gTanted a new trial. From that time on the case remained on the oourt calendar, with various matters pending until June 10, lb'U, when the case waa finally dismissed by stipulation.

Mrs. Ooss allages cruelty In her new complaint and recites that she was forced to leave her home In 114 on account of her husband's actions toward her and their four children. Ttu Ow! Drug and all nfhr dmrvlttn. Advert Iwiuf nt. 50c Preceda Powder We wers fortunate in getting a shipment from Paris.

Take advantage of this Easter Special Friday and 17r Saturday OiL 15c Powder Puffs Loses 15,000 in Zone, Can't Recover Either wool or velour. Easter 7c Tribune's "Easy Chair" Route With Burton Holmes Travelogues Special Friday and 25c JVIousseline de Paris Stationery BAN FRANCISCO, April 20. John Mandero, who Invested I1S.OO0 and lost the whole of It in 'he 'lit Camp roncf-s-ston on the Zone at the Imposition, cannot recover damage, from Henry rale and other stockholders cf the conces- I'ounu ouxes too sneers) somo stores got 86e since the advance In ion. Attracts Children to Macdonoughj; Superior Judge Jfunt so decided today 19c price. Easter Special Friday and Saturday we hare endear-to arrange our on the grounds that Mandero should have lew, ored eued for breach of contract and compensation under the liability laws, MATCH YOUR EASTER GOWN A FREE CHAMOIS POWDER PAD Friend of Prisoners Summoned by Death SAN" FRANCISCO, April 20.

Charles Montgomery, known throughout the State of Specials' fr this week in accordance, with the nsual Easter requirement. Ixwik the list oyer carefnlry. Yon'll find the prices as Interesting as the goods are seasonable. The school children of the Flay Citlesi have only one regret in attending the specjai da'y matinees of the Burton Holmes Traveloruea at the Mac-donough Thefcter, arranged for them by The TRIBUNE. Their fipe regret Is that the two hours devoted to tho wonderful program of "travel rlc turea" and.

"travel talks" pass away so quickly and many expressions ar hear fr'-m children saying they could remain for hours and see the-Burton Holmes Travelogues and hear the pleasing talks. All children who desire to present at the Burton Holmes Travelogues peclal matintes, arrar.ged by The TRIBUNE, should do so this week, as the opportunity of seeing these renowned "travel pictures, and trnrei talks" at the special price of ten cents will terminals with the matinee to be given next Saturday afternoon. The TRIBUNE coupon printed below is only for the us of the school children of the Bay Two-Hundred To Be Given Away. for his davotlon to the work of assisting releaaud prisoners, died last night at the St. Francis Hospital after an Illness of five days I His fatal Illness waa brought on by climbing a bill to visit ths wife of a poor prisoner on Friday afternoon last, and renulted in a stroke of apoplexy.

He was 70 years of age, and for the last forty- With a New Easter Tho correctly dressed woman of today would no more think of arpear- Tou may notice among our "Specials" the announcement of an offering of 60c Preceda Face Powder at 87c. When you consider that we have to Import this article from France, and nt no time can assure ourselves of future supplies, you will realize why we thought several times be eight years had taken an active Interest In prison relief work. He was the proprietor of the Brooklyn Hotel, but Is more widely known for his humanitarian work as the head of a private organlratlon known as the "California Prison Commis Kerkoff, the creator of I'Jer-Klsg perfumes, has sent us 200 attractive little chamois face pads to be away tomorrow and Saturday, one free with tvery box of DJer-Klss face powder purchased by our customers. Those of our friends who have been using this delightful powder will be MUSTEROLE QUICK RELIEF! NO BLISTER! It Soothes and Relieves Like a Mustard Plaster Without the Burn Or Stinjf. Is a clean, white ointment, made with the oil of mustard.

It docs all the work of the olil-fiishloned mustard plaster doea It better and does not Mlnter. Tou do not have to bother with a cloth. You simply rub It on und usually the pain Is gone! Doctors and nurses une MUSTER-OLE and reoommeud It to their patients. They will gladly tell yoti what relief It gives from Pore Throat, Bronchitis, Croup, PtUf Neck, Asthma, Neuralgia, Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism, Pains and Aches of the Back or Joints, Sprains, Sore Muscles. Bruises, chllbalr.s, Frosted Feet, Cold of the Chest (It often prevents Pneumonia).

At your druggist's. In 25e and BOo Jars, and a special large hospital slse for (2.50. Be sure you gpf the genuine MUSTEROLE. Refuse imitations get what you auk for. The Murols Company, Cleveland, Ohio.

TOO PRETTY TO BE CALLED BATH CAPS The New Ideas Even Eclipse the Attractiveness of Last Year's Styles. Bath caps are now being made so attractively that wo. feel that their name should be changed to Millinery." Indeed, som of these new rubber cbapeatix are even prettier than the flower Rnd vegetable-trimmed productions of real milliners. For several seasons we have specialized upon hath caps, each year securing, more and more attractive Ideas, until now It seems that perfection most assuredly must have heen reached. Tou know bath caps are worn upon many oo-rastons aside from hath, lng Nothing protects the hair against dust and dirt as well as a good rubber bnth cap.

Consequently a groat many Indies use them around the house while sweeping, also for tub baths to keep the hair dry. We have them from 2 Bo up. irt'g in a fashionable cos fore offering It as a "Ppe-! clsl." i We are anxious to popularise these sales, however, and it Is Just such offers as this which help the most. FINE WEATHER FOR KODAKING glad take advantage of' the opportunity to gjsj one of these. Oakland Tribune's Burton Holmes Travelogues Coupon GOOD FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN ONLY AT THE MACD0N0UGH THEATER Any Special Matinee Daily at 4 P.

M. Monday to Saturday, April 17 to 22. On presentation of this Coupon and ten cents. Good fur any seat In ths theater. This Is the time of year to take snap-shots espec To those who have noV, had the pleasure of know.f Be Is survived by three sons Oeorge Charles O.

and W. T. Montgomery and a daughter, Mrs. Margaret Torpln. D.

A. R. Fail in Vote to Name Vice Pres. WASHINGTON. Aprfl 20.

The twenty-fifth continental congress of the daughters of the American Revolution balloted again today for an honorary vice-president general and an editor of the D. A. R. Magazine. A reballot was made necessary by a failure of choice In these offices yesterday.

Aside from the election the presentation of committee reports was the principal business before the delegates today. A ypceptlon at Uie WTilte House In honor of the Daughters by the President and Mrs. Wilson was on the program for the This Is the crowning aoolal function of ths CullgTSSS. ially upon Easter day. tume carrying an out-of-date handbag than she would of wearing shoes that did not match her hat and gown.

On the other hand, a snappy, stylish handbag selected to match some certain costume frequently gives to the outfit the very feature necessary to make It noticeably correct We pell handbags to the moBt discriminating trade around San Francisco Bay, having made a specialty of keeping ahead of the styles. Ladles who ought to know tell us that our stock of handbags Is exceptionally attractive to people seeking correct styles at moderate prlcpg And srter you re made the exposures be sure to bring the films in to Bowman's for printing and lng about thla sweetly-perfumed powder we wish to rooommond it highly. Kerkoff, the creator of DJer-Klss perfume, has produced, In this face powder, a quality of ex If you will take reasonable care In selecting jour subjects and follow ourt cellence that will be mi I instructions In regard to light-and adjustments and will allow us to finish your work you'll get successful results. appreciated by those I IKIN'T FORC.KT j. TOI KODAK OS EASTER, DAY who are the most difficult.

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