Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 9
- Publication:
- Oakland Tribunei
- Location:
- Oakland, California
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 9
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
to to to to EVENING. OAKLAND TRIBUNE MAY 13, 1914, Enthusiastic Actress Praises Merchants Charming Violet McMillian Delighted With Our Many Up-to-Date Stores -Compliments Our Merchants on Their Progressiveness feels, perhaps, the Walnut, anyone Creamery isn't as sanitary as speak of, I am sure a visit there vill prove my statements. REVELS IN BEAUTIFUL BEADS AND FANCY DRESS COSTUMES AT CHARLES HOFFMAN CO. "Charles Hoffman store at 585 Fifteenth street is a place that gave me one of the greatest surprises of my trip. I dropped in this place get some theatrical 'makeup' and while here I noticed one of the most complete arrays of fancy beads I have noticed for a long while.
After a chat with the lady in charge, whom I found to be Mrs. Garside, I asked permission to look further into this very interesting store and the perwas readily granted. She introduced me to her husband, Mr. Geo. Garside, and he took me through the entire store.
My! what exquisite costumes I found here for fancy dress parties. There were gowns on my right side, gowns on my left side, and in fact gowns everywhere, all of them of the very best material, too. I told Mr. Garside it was like being in "dress rehearsal" of a big New York production to see so many beautiful gowns around. As was about to leave this interestinm.
place I was introduced to was very busy making up a wig that was to be delivered that night. Everybody a about this place was perfectly charming and I have nothing but high praise for this ideal costuming store and hair dressing parlor. IN LOVE PIEDMONT" WITH BEAUTIFUL "NOVA AND PRONOUNCES IT IDEAL. "If there is one thing I have heard about more than anything else since I have been in Oakland it been 'Nova I have heard it spoken of at hotel, I have heard it at the theater, my, have heard of it, everywhere. Naturally one cannot help being impressed and want to for yourself what it is all about.
sequently I thought as a befitting end to this' very enjoyable trip I -would see if arrangements could. not be made for me to visit it. I stopped at the Realty Syndicate offices, where isfy curiosity. Here me yanG given every opportunity to satwas a relief map of beautiful 'Nova Piedmont' and all its advantages were put before me. I became 80 anxious to see it in reality that asked if I might see the place in person.
This was readily granted and we soon found ourselves in one bf the most delightful spots for a home you could possibly ask for. Now I could 80 on for hours, tellifig all about Nova but atime and. space will not permit. say this, however: Just because it is in the most desirable part of Oakland and gurrounded as it is with the best people: of the city it is not too expensive any person of moderate means. pod.
lots run from fifteen hundred up and every one has its adyantage over another. I shall never forget my visit to 'Nova as. it 'Impressed me as being the most beautiful spot for a home I have. witnessed in a long time. SEMPRE GIOVINE BEST TOILET PREPARATION.
"Before I stop I want to say, that many ladies have asked me by letter and in person what toilet preparation I have found the best to keep one's face in the perfect condition, and I wish publicly to say that in all my experience have never found anything better than 'Sempre Giovine' (pronounced Sempray Jovenay). It is manufactured by the Marietti Stanley Company of Grand Rapids, and I am perfectly safe in saying it never disappoints its users. It does everything the manufacturers claim for it. I have noticed that all the leading department and drug stores carry it in large quantities, so you can 'get it easily I am sure. IN LOVE WITH OAKLAND.
people of Oakland for their closing I wish to thank the dear clation of my efforts during my engagement here. "Also let me thank Mr. George Ebey of the Orpheum theater for his He surely must have an extremely, been popular night theater, but that for it there has been very crowded. "It is so delightfully cozy inside. I understand that next week is going to be another busy time for Mr.
Ebey, as there is to be another one of those famously good bills the Orpheum the-" ater Is so Well known for. Miss Rosbanara is to be the headliner. I am sure that Oakland has a rare treat: when they are able to get such a high-priced attraction here. "Mr Ebey is certainly giving Oakland lovers of good, clean attractions the best shows for a of this size I have ever seen, and I am positive from the way the people are crowdthe theater that they are appreciating his efforts. "Last of all, let me' thanks, the entire staff of the theater many courtesies extended me during the pleasant days I have spent at the Orpheum theater, and if courtesy and goodwill mean business, Mr.
Ebey deserves packed houses." FIRST WIFE GETS BIG C. ROBINSON ESTATE SAN FRANCISCO, May Mrs. Fannie M. Robinson, first wife of Crittenden Robinson, champion wing shot of the world, who died in January, 1919, will receive the entire $100,000 estate as the result of a decision by Superior Judge Seawell today. The court holds that despite the' fact that claimed to have obtained a divorce from Robinson, Mrs.
Robinson number one in Oregon, in 1894, she was nevertheless his lawful wife, because never served with divorce papers from Oregon, and that Mrs. Minnie Robinson, whom he married in share' in 1898, is not entitled to any" In the estate, My Affinity! THE Buick Six-Cylinder Car. "Ah! Could I but remain in Oakland, and have a Buick car to drive over the smooth boulevards and the picturesque drives. -Nothing more would I desire. Miss Violet MacMillan.
Six Cylinder Buick Touring Car $2135 Fully Equipped and Delivered in Oakland Miss Violet MacMillan's preference for the Buick Car is but the tribute of an artist to a masterpiece. An eye trained to seek the ideal will instantly recognize in the Buick Six a car of refinement, distinction and beauty. Let us show you why Miss MacMillan prefers the Buick. Howard Automobile Co. 3300-02-04-06-08 Broadway, Opposite St.
Mary's College. Phone Lakeside 3400. I LAWYERS EXPLAIN WATER DISTRICT Project Makes Action Feasible, But Does Not Bind, They Say. "People are trying to cloud the Issue on this water question," declared AttorH. A.
Johnson in an address last night before the East Oakland Heights Improvement Club. "They are trying to tell you that you are voting on the merits of this or that law, that you are voting to purchase the Peoples Water Company and what not. "The issue is a simple one. The election June 2 is to determine whether we shall form a water district that will give us the machinery to take advantage of rights and powers given us by the the general laws of the state. The question of the purchase of a particular water plant will be decided at another election.
question of the policies of this proposed district will also be determined at the another voters time. are At fully each protected, of these and it stages is to assure. this protection, and also to assure the voters that they are considering only one issue at a time, that several elections are provided for in the law. THESE ARE BENEFITS. "There is everything to be gained by creating the district at the present time, and nothing to be lost.
we gain the opportunity to obtain a valuation on the property of the Peoples Water Company from the present state railroad commission, In which we have faith. We cannot tell whether we will the same falth in the railroad should personnel be changed by political vicissitude. gain the opportunity of taking advantage of the fact that the Peoples Water Company is at present willing to do business with us on our own terms, for the first time in the history of that corporation. If we wait, the ownership of the Peoples Water Company may change hands, and we may have a corporation that will fight our wishes at every turn. "And as I said before, we lose nothing.
surrender no right that we now possess. We do. not create some Frankenstein monster of a board whose actions we will be unable to control in any way. Let me outline to you once more our safeguards in this matter, and they are many, and effective. COMMISSION TO "First we have the State Railroad Commissionte which company has and declared our board even of di- if rectors agreed to a transfer of property, and to a price, the Railroad Commission would still send Its engineers into the district and determine whether that agreed upon price was fair and equitable to the people of this district.
And, under the law, the commission has the power forbid the company to sell its property the district if the price is not fair, and promises that it would do this. "Second, we have the check given us by the fact that this property cannot be obtained except by incurring a bonded indebtedness. There we have a vote on the matter in its final form, after all the issues have been made clear, and the confusions shall have been swept away. There we have a check exercised by onethird of the voters. This act does not provide any means by which the to make this purchase could be obtained other than a bond issue.
direct tax could not be levied, As: the. means: pro-. vided have been declared, on the basis of Supreme Court decisions to be unconstitutional. Therefore, if the bond Issue was voted down, the directors would be powerless to purchase anything, even a paper of pins. PROMISE OF MAYORS.
"Lastly, we have the pledge of mayors and of the board of supervisors that their appointees to the constituting a majority of that board, will not be given their appointments excepting on the condition that they shall pledge them-1 selves to abide by the will of the people as expressed at a bond election on the matter of any proposed You cannot see a way around or under or over these checks. They offer us complete protection in exercising our rights." A meeting was also held last night at the call of the Beulah Heights Improvement Club, at which Attorney P. J. Crosby was the principal speaker. The meeting was held in Beulah hall, Beulah and McClelland streets and was largely attended.
The value of this option, or so-called option given by' the Peoples Water Company has been called in question," declared. Attorney Crosby. been questioned whether the option could be legally enforced. Well, that may be questioned, and yet it does not affect the issue in any way. COMPANY CONCILIATORY.
option is, in effect, not so much An option as an agreement, what, when the district shall be formed, the water company will give a real under the terms specified. I do what option, precedents there are for this action. It really indicates the willingness of the water company to go with us before railroad commission, and to accept arbitration of railroad commission as to valuation and as to how much of the property we need. "But suppose you tear this so-called option to bits and throw it into the street. It is not to take advantage of that option that we are forming this district.
It is. to give us the means of exercising the sovereign- right of the people to condemn this property for public uses under eminent domain. "Under eminent domain, this district can first obtain a valuation by petition from the state railroad commission on the property and can then proceed to condemn the property. The valuation fixed by railroad commission would be binding upon the court in entering a decree of condemnation. And that decree would establish us, as.
the sovereign people, as the sole owners of this physical property, as against all claimants, bond holders, stock holders, mortgagees, holders of notes or other. That is the real right which we abtain a8 a district by voting affirmatively June 2." STOVE EXPLODES; $10,000 FIRE. SAN FRANCISCO, May to the amount of $10,000 was caused by a fire originating in the lodging house of M. M. Blue, Third street, at noon today.
A gasoline stove exploded and two alarms were turned in for the blaze. The Central Cafe, 564 Third stret, J. P. Holland, 'hauling contractor, the South Park restaurant and the Central rooming house were slightly damaged. CHARGED WITH DRUNKENNESS.
George C. Owens, giving his occupation as an attorney, was arrested early this morning at Twelfth street and Broadway a charge of drunkenness. He was held for examination in the police court. Sign Whistle The Public's Favorite De he Dainty Luncheons, After Theater Service, Delicious Candies, Wonderful PURITY 30 Fourteenth Street Opp. City Hall Miss Violet Mac Millan The dainty little Vaudeville Star uses for her complexion Sempre Giovine PRONOUNCED SEM -PRAY JO-VE -NAY Meaning: "Always Young" Miss' MacMillan says it's so easy to, use and so helpful to her complexion that she would use no other form of skin beautifier.
She recommends it for every woman's use. Many ladies in this city have confided to. Miss MacMillan they use "Sempre," and she says that their complexions verify it. A DELIGHTED We Rent VISITOR New Pianos $3, $3.50 and $4 per Month. All rent paid up to one year to apply toward purchase.
BALDWIN PIANOS Victor Talking Machines Easy Monthly Payments Fox Piano Company 622 Fourteenth St. Bet. Grove and Jefferson. Berkeley Office: Miss Violet MacMillan 2213 Bancroft way, MAS. C.
FLETCHER PASSES FROM LIFE Widow of Stephen Fletcher Cioses Earthly Life Surrounded by Family. ALAMEDA, May 13. Mrs. Fletcher, who was a pioneer resident of this state, and who had made her home in this city for the past twenty-six years, was born in South Boston, Massachusetts, August 28, 1830. In 1855 she crossed the isthmus to' California, where with her.
two children she joined her husband, the late Stephen. Fletcher. whose death occurred in this city in 1899. Mrs. Fletcher was prominently identified with the Episcopal church.
Her daughter, Annie A. Fletcher, is the wife of- the Rev. D. O. Kelley: Dr.
Mary Delano Fletcher, with whom Mrs. Fletcher has made her home. is one of the earnest workers of Christ Church parish. Another daughter is Mrs. Nettle T.
Cadman, wife of Julius G. Cadman. Besides her children she 1s survived by eighteen grandchildren and eight great grandchildren, of whom, with the ception of Lieutenant Reginald Kellev, U. S. who is now in Cruz with his regiment, bade her farewell at the last.
The funeral services will be conducted from Christ church. J. HAY SMITH COMPROMISED. J. Hay Smith, a real estate man, arrested yesterday on a charge of failure to purchase a business license, compro.
mised by complying with the law. The was stricken from the police court calendar, and $10 bail, which he put up yesterday refunded. 'The man at first refused to purchase license or put up bail. Police Sergeant James Wolters orders him locked up, whereupon the hail was immediately produce? Miss Violet Visiting the Pioneer Certified and Pasteurized Milk Producers of Oakland, exclaimed: "Oh, you surely deserve the attention and a visit of all thinking people, so that they may SEE the method you use for the PROTECTION of the dear BABIES and others who drink MILK." One visit at night or in daytime will convince the most sKeptical to always use Walnut Grove Creamery Co. 70.
PIEDMONT Pasteurized and Certified Milk IT IS PURE! Large Stock Five Low Prices MISS MacMILLAN Floors VISITS OUR Fine Easy Terms Furniture "In the Shopping District" Metropolitan Furniture Co. "The Oldest Furniture House" 569 FOURTEENTH ST. Between Clay and Jefferson. Open Saturday Evenings. CITY BONDS AND WATER, THEMES Civic Center Will Discuss Public Questions at Saturday Meeting.
A special meeting of Oakland center of the California Civic League has been called for next Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Hotel Oakland. Assisting at this meeting will be the auxiliaries of the Center, School Women's Club and the Oakland Teachers' Club. The bond election of May 19 and the municipal water district to be voted upon June 2, are to be discussed. Both sides of these questions are to be heard from. F.
A. Briggs, chairman of the progress and prosperity committee of Oakland Chamber of Commerce, will speak for the bonds; Dr. H. F. Dessau will present arguments against them.
Horatio A. Johnson will appear in favor of the municipal water district and J. H. Boyer against It. BAR ASSN.
TO HONOR LATE JUSTICE FRANK Members of the Alameda, County Bar Association will meet Friday afternoon in Department Four of the Superior Court in memorium of the late Justice J. N. Frank of San Leandro who died suddenly in New Orleans last week while on his way Atlanta with Mrs. Frank. The services will bee hid at 4 o'clock.
President C. Chapman of the Bar Association has appointed as a committee on resolutions, A. A. Rogers, George W. Reed and R.
M. Fitzgerald. GEORGE J. GARSIDE CHARLES HOFFMAN Charles Hoffman Co. COSTUMERS WHOLESALE and RETAIL Ladies' Hair Dressers and Wig Makers.
Beads and Pendants; Largest Assortment of Sizes, Shapes and Colors. Toupees for Gentlemen a Specialty. Costumes for All Fancy Dress Affairs. Manufacturing of Wigs and All Kinds of Hair Goods. Costumes Made to Order.
585 FIFTEENTH STREET Next to Taft Pennoyer's PHONE OAKLAND 5806 SOCIAL WORKERS' CLUB HAS "SEX HYGIENE" TALK unfow can we solve the social evil problem?" asked Rev. Dr. Martin A. Meyer, rabbi of the Temple Emanu-el of San Francisco, In addressing the members of Social Workers' Club of this city, at the luncheon yesterday afterthe 'noon. "Education and refined environment will aid in solving, the trouble.
When not only clergymen and women. but business men as well, begin, as they are doing, to take an interest in education. in 89X hygiene, something is being accomplished. large Eastern railway, whose name must be withheld, recently made an investigation of sick leave with part or whole pay during an' entire and found that ninety per cent of it was due I to conditions of disease due to immorality. This is a high price for any corporation to pay as its contribution to the cost of ignorance and Immorality.
"The California Social Hygienic Soclety emphasizes the educational spproach, but it will be slow work, and rainful waiting, and merely repressive measures will not alone solve the problem. "We can better cope with and control the vice it we substitute social disapproval for social approval of the social evil, and eliminate social exploitation. For this both education and legislation are needed." Christopher Ruess, probation officer and president of the society, appointed the following nominating John Fechter: general secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association, chairman; Miss Ida Green of the Young Women's' Christian Association; Miss Beatrice A. McCall of the Women's Protective Bureau; O. F.
Snediger and Miss Mabel Weed of Berkeley, On June election will be held..
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