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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 51

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-OAKLAND TRIBUNE- JUNE 8, 1913, Mj $100,000 6-STORY HOTEL SOON TO BE ERECTED Mrs. Barbara Streil to Construct Fine Hostelry East of Broadway COST OF BUILDING FOR WEEK, $119,435 Two Apartment Houses Are Provided For in Permits ip KRSPECnVK OF BARBARA STRKIT HOTEL BVtLDlXG TO BE "FRANKIJX STREETS. ERECTED AT ELEVENTH AXD SUNDAY MORNING EVEMTH FRMtra Revival In building and "realty aotlvtty around Eleventh and Franklin street It TrfiflldlnirTinOakland for the week Is shown hy permits applied for at the city department of permits and license, to'aled $119,435. A three-story apartment house, to be built for Mr.Vlr-glnla ReimHajd on the north side of feet east of Grove, Is provided for. It will coet $15,000.

A three-story apartment house to be built for Annie H. Ppellman at the northeast comer of Twenty-fifth street and Tclegraph avenue, at a tost ef The summary" of permits applied for up to the close of business Wednesday evening, as compiled by Max Manel, is as follows: No. of Mrs. E. Wsck.

alteration. Forrf-flrst street; $125. C- M. Frost, alterations, 1332 East Twenty-fourth street; $150. A.

C. White, alterations, 405, East Seventeenth street; $300. B. Delporto, 1 -story 3-roora dwelling, east side Boyd, 200 feet south of Clifton; $1300. I TV.

J. Hennett Pons, 1-story 5-room dwelling, north side Bona, 535 feet west of Peralta; $2500. t'nlted Home Builders, 2-story T-room dwelling, north side Fourth avenue. US feet east of Montclalr; $3500. J.

B. Peppln. 1-story (-room dwell-Ing, west side One Hundred and Fourth avenue. 50 feet south of Orafftan streets $2400. A.

M. Bain. 1-story 4-room dwelling, north side Arthur street, 3110 feet east of Church; $1600. t'nited Home Builders, three $-story I room dwellings, east side Vicente afreet, feet south of Mlrandot west side Ays la. SO fet south of Mlrando.

west side Avala, 65 feet south of Miranda; eanh, $1S00. A. Hunt, reshlngllns, SU1 EightH avenue; $240. George C. Nail, addition, $424 San Fab lo avenue; $500.

Thos O. Dodge, addition, J04 Twenty-fourth avenue; $1500. F. Caines. repairs, 50 Franklin; $300.

Klks' Halt Association, alterations, 411 Fourteenth street; $200. t'nlon Ice Ice storage house, north side Twenty-second street. 10 feet east fLtfM- ip 'r ft iUi M. -''51 IS i i my ii1 mi i i if ni RirW i -TPS! ssssrKzE ant and sent money enough to make sure of the carrying out of the project. Mrs.

Olivia, Krampf intends to settle up her estate and affairs in Germany" and return with her children to Oakland, her native city, to reside. Chas. Btrelt, one of the sons, la In business here. Otto Strelt, the other son, was In business here In Oakland for many years but la now located in Pan Francisco, managing a large fuel business. The Strelt ffitel building will be a sbteel frama building, with exterior walls of reinforced brick.

The building III have 75 bedrooms 85 private and public baths. Will be steam heated and will have modern equipment The whole structure has been already leased to-responsible parties and will net the owner a handsome interest on the Investment. The design was made by William Wilde, a local architect. HOTEL SOLD. An Important business property sale during the week involved a.

holding on the western frings of the new 'retail district, west of Broadway. The Alamo hotel, a rewly-ouilt seven-story brick structure at the northeast corner of Grove and Fourteenth 'streets, was sold by H. Morris and F. A. Muller to the Sheehy Kstatn company of Ran Francisco.

The consideration was $150,000, cash. The sale is Hlsnlflcant on account of its Indication that San Francisco and other outside investors are taking an Increasing interest in Oakland downtown property, and because Ihls Is the third corner on Fourteenth street which Morris and Muller have Improved and sold during the last two years, showing that enterprise In Improving choice Oakland property. Instead of allowing 1t to remain vacant as an obstruction to progress, Is being rewarded by handsome profits. There Is further proof that the business district Is to be extended westward, south of Fourteenth street In the activity around Twelfth and Grove streets and indication that the erection of mercantile structures in the vicinity will soon force the removal of the Oakland Hiirh school to a location outslrle of the business district. Oppostte the High school, at the northwest corner of Grove and Twelfth streets, a $130,000 hotel building Is to tie erected this year.

The Sather mansion. In the center of the block on which the hotel site Is located, was sold during the week at $350. The square of lend is owned hy the Brugulere oom- Imminent. The enervating Influence of the Hotel Oakland's completion la beln? felt In 11 parts of the business district east of'Broadway. Today THE TRIBUNE la enabled to announce plans for the Immediate erection of a six-story steel-frame hotel building at the northeast corner of Eleventh and Franklin at a -cost of $100,000.

by Mrs. Barbara Strelt. a pioneer Oaklander. Old buildings on the lot have Just been t-teared alto of the new structure has a frontage of 37 feet on Franklin street and 100 feet on Eleventh. On the opposite side of Eleventh street, at the southeast corner, building Improvements to cost are to be Commenced at a later date.

The l5t on which the Strelt six-story hotel building Is to be erected has been In the possession of Mrs. Barbara Streit Tcr over 0 years. "William Strelt. now deceased, and Barbara PirVit, located here vimis ago and were the pioneer builders In that section of Oakland. Mrs.

Strelt again Is the pioneer builder In that section as this 'is the first building of Its class and stse to be erected on Franklin street below Twelfth, Amnnff the old timers and pioneers of thts cltv the Strelt. family Is well re- (membered. William Strelt up until the time when he papsed away, conducted a butcher chop on these premises. Mrs. Ptreit Is now nearly fiO years old.

Is well able to take care of her business interests. She has followed the 'strides made by Oakland since it was a small burg and Is now showing her con- Ifidence in the future of the city by In- vesting $100,000 for the new improve-. iments, CHILDREN AID BUILDING. The rhildrn of the Streit family worked In harmony with their mother In brinqrlng about the possibility of the Improvements. Many Oaklanaers will remember well the daughter, Oliver Strelt.

who on her trip abroad met the celebrated architect, H. Krampf, of Bad Germany, and was married to him In 1893. They lived a happy llfo until In 1000, when Krampf passed away. Mrs. Olivia Krampf came, into possession of a.

fortune when heu husband died and when she heard about her mother's intention of building she rcadilv responded and offered her assist wawwerij Fin Fnji wrn -i i sej- im ts rrn Sessi a-j gga w.i mm pany. arid la In the hands of agents for sale in parcels. PLAN PRESERVATION OF ALAMEDA'S BEACHES Debris From Bridges to Be Deposited North of Harbor Entrance Your Home and Your Work Together on a Farm at Sacra men West flnss. of Buildings. Issued 1- story riwelllnus 22 i' -story dwellings 2- storv dwellings 3- story flats 1 3-story 3H-r6om apartments.

1 S-story 4U-room apartments with 3 stores 1 Garages; 3 Shed i Tank frame 1 Alterations, additions nnd repairs 2fl Cost. 4.000 S0.S9S 3. son 13,000 M.noo 500 125 M37 Total a The delnlled list follows: K. Van Ness, tank frame. 433-A Redwood road; John Flesores, alterations, 411 Klshth stteet; ISO.

J. V. thuno, garage, eaat side Franklin. 130 feet north of Seventeenth street; ion. Annie Xf.

Spellman, S-story 42-room apartment 3 stores; northeast corner Twenty-fifth street and Telegraph avenue; J. T. Hlneh, 1 -story P-room bungalow, south side Pleasant Valley. 275 feet east of Fledmont avenue; 12500. Mrs.

KoHe Marcus, 1-story 4-room cottage, soutli side Thirty-fourth street, 75 feet west of I.oulse; $1037. W. K. Ifelffer, 1-story 8-room dwelling, east side lllllegasa, 24S feet south of Sixty- second street; $1950. iMcArthur t-story 5-room bungalow, east side Sixty-fifth avenue, 120 feet HomJi of Arthur street; $2000.

Alert Kulldlng 1-story 8-room dwelling, south sld Hast Thirty-second street, Ifil feet east of Stuart street; 2100. M.uitell Taylor, alterations, 438 Tenth street; $75. A. rase, 1-story B-room bungalow, northwest corner of Brookdalo avenue and Itandwlck street; Muttle K. Allyn.

2-story d-room dwell-. west side Fourteenth avenue, 830 feet north of East Thlrly-elghth street; N. rtlzzo. aldltlon, west side San Pablo avenue. 50 feeet south of Twenty-third street; $1500.

W. I.lei-mann, alterations, 27J-74 Ninth street: $200. Weldersham A Nelson, alterations, 412 Fourteenth street; $777. n. F.

Edwards, garage, Eucalyptua and Hlllcrest; $1700. H. 1.. flrlswold. 1-story 7-room bungalow, east side Onronado avenue.

200 feet north of Fifty. first street; $2900. l.ouls Bnizione, repairs. south side Fourth street, 75 feet east of Broadway $100. laisffray.

repairs, northeast corner of Moss and Fledmont; Weldersham Nelson, alterations, 415 ourteenth street; $100. Wm. Henshow, repairs, southwest corner Fourteenth and Jackson; $50. Paul McCartney, alterations, $9M Telegraph avenue; $500. Mrs.

King, alterations, 1032 Fifth street; $200. 15 AT VALLEY DAKS Record for Rapid Settlement Is Being Made at Gait. The sale and subdivision fths tract of land adjoining the town of and known as Valley Oaks Is bringing a great many new -people to that section. At the present time, fifteen homes are under construction on this farm land tract. In nearly all eases substantial four lan(J structures are being erect- iefl.

Considering taat ring that this property has been on the market five months, the showing being made In the way of building and general deyelopment la marked, making this subdivision a record breaker In Central California for rapid settlement. Water for Irrigation Is found at depths ranging from 40 lo 100 feet, where a flow of 24.000 gallons an hour Is obtained. In the way of general development of Valley Oaks. Btlne A Kendrlck, agents for the tract, have completed all the roads and deeded them to the county. Thla concern has Installed practically every Irrigation plant that Is In operation on the property.

"PONY" PROVED TO BE JOKE ON TEACHERS Th following i1. pparef 1n rMlarlHphla nwpapr: "lrjt iorM, wnr4td, fn rr for pwy row! wg 4pjly PrnfMtnn In ForHgn Laoguagft rVparttTinrl Cnrfil btffh obool." VAifhtten nrtfra boy farrtlntf fWti oti W4rt walling at th dxr ni iha rmiral blgb t'tifvtl 'h8 nch'iol orwnrJ, Mr for a Jrth. I'rofa4r In the Ijatln fVpartmaut rpcwntly hflTA lnattMl pAft affalnat "ponlM" Mng awl by tnle.itn, and hare harrcrt thm from tht -l. rw-mi. rVrwral "pnnla" brought to claw rp Rpitf by tbi VV th ntri lada printv1 thi7ia4lrM, lam IHitton.

dfxirkMp, urinnd ib nrttr rarftilly. Mm cmiM ut think of anj prttt owtifnr a pnfiT Ttin th light dawned. BUILD HOMES 4 'of Filbert; $500. E. P.

Walters, 1-story B-room dwelling, west side Thirty-eighth avenue, 300 feet north of ftlta; $2250. S. Carnan, 1-story 4-room dwelling, east aide Park avenue. 50 feet south of East Sixteenth street; $2000. J.

W. Whalen, 1-story B-room dwelling, north side Forty-thlrd street. 100 feet east of Orove; $2500. J. T.

Hlnch, 1 -story B-room dwelling, south side Pleasant Valley, 245 feet east of Piedmont avenue; $2500. A. Carlson, addition, 1916 Ninetieth avenue; $70. Antonio Kerreria, repairs, 1S34 Chase street; $250. Mrs.

T. K. Surhiners. 1-story I-room dwelling. 940 Thirty-seventh street, rearl $150.

O. f. York. I -story, T-room dwelling, west side James avenue. 324 feet north of Clifton: Mrs.

Virginia Remlllard, t-story 34-room apartment, north side Twenty-second street. 84 feet east of Grove; $15,000. W. E. Dean, J-story B-room dwelling, southeast corner of Valle Vista and Bunny Slope, $4S0.

A. M. 2-gtm-y T-room dwelling, south side Aramo, 493 feet west of Valle-vleta; $3500. W. I- Hlireve.

alterations. l-f3Sw East Fourteenth stVeet: $160. C. Downing, 1-story 5-room dwelling, west side Fiftieth avenne, 144 feet south of East Fourteenth street; $1400. J.

J. Glover. 1-stary B-room dwelling, northwest corner Thirty-fifth avenue and Alexander Court; $2000. Dr. W.

H. Miller. 3-stor 10-room flats, south side Forty-second street, 400 feet east of Hlllegass; $3500. 8. Arena, alterations, 82S Broadway; $560.

H. H. Valentine, alterations. 2034 Thirteenth a venue $500. ('.

H. Powell, sleeping poroh, S4 Sixty-second street: A. J-. Kemp. Hi-story T-room dwellltig.

north side Fifty-sixth street, 270 feet qsst of Dover; $2000. C. H. Adams, 2-story T-room dwelling, north side Clark avenue, 274 feet went of Everett street; $3S41. AT Chicago Man Is Surprised at Oakland's Growth in Recent Years.

"It Is really wonderful how rapidly this city Is growing," said a prominent Chicago business man who Is visiting, tl Oakland. He was surprised to see thj develonment which has taken place here during the laat few years and noticed the improvements that are under wan which means a great future. The question was asked by Mm, do so many people favor Oakland as place to make their home?" The answei was: Because the climate Is mtld an4 agreeable; transportation facilities aei unsurpassed. The service given by th Key Route and Houthem Paclfld roit panles are tinenualed anywhere, dpien. did school houses and many residential districts beautifully situated as they an on rising ground ovetlooklns; the Francisco bay and removed from smoke, dust and fogs, are particularly In vltlng to homaseekers.

Within the last few months there wwre more bungalows and cottages sold In th various locations than ever befftre) the history of Oakland. Wenham Ic TauL of 1444 SanJ Pal avenue, who do an extensive jbusfiteat In this line, report an Increase durins the month of May of one-third over rev lous months, and others report along ilM same line. CAT GETS COFFIN AND REAL FLOWERS METUCHFN. Juna 7 A that has been Pr. Sarah Kenney's pet for many years was burled In a hardwood coffin In a grave six feet deep.

Beautiful flowers mark the grave. The cat, "10 many weeks, was tenderly nursed by pr. Kenney. who sat up many nights with It. i i VISITOR MARVELS DEVELOPMENT Oakland Chamher ef Commerce Alame da Chamber-of Commerce and a number of Alameda county Improvement clubs and almllar orsanltatlonn, beaide several public spirited residents of the various bay cities, are at work In arenrd for the preservation of the Alameda lialhing beaches.

On Kundays And holidays the number of bathers and visitors at the beaches may he reckoned hy ten thousand, and Alameda residents consider these resorts as one of the principal attractions of the Island city. During the past few weeks a vast amount of debris from the dredRers at work between the training- walls at either side of the en trance to the Oakland harbor has, drifting southward and pradually covering the bathing beaches with a deep, slimy deposit of mud. At the present rate It will he only a matter of time, and a very short time at that, before the beaches become worthless for bathing purposes BOYS MISTAKE BLUING FOR RARE RUBY WINE WICHITA. Jnm 7 In your eon troubled with a highly unpleasant Ust in Mi mouth ort an Muffling imcfrtMn filing 01 till lri-Orlor? If in, my b. no nf th twelr nn ldot1f1f4 rniithn who rntertl a pnntrj at th A.

O. MutMIrr rpslilnc 14:. Pari, plan, rm rjintly In itpurrh of irup Juire. found nit Rrnpft JuIcp, hut a iMttl rontalnlna1 a mlTlnrp of In (h dark anil oxctteinnt aarft ymith took a awa'llotv or two of th i'ootMTtf twfori diapOTcrpd the ll tkf. 5 Thpy wr pd latrr waahlnlt thlr month at a nearby hTdrant.

Tb youth wr a part of a rrowrt n(1aroT-Inn to celebrate MIm Mtioli's marriage by hrvaklnff up ih ahruhtMTT, ateallng cream from thn rear porrh of the renirtcnre, fhr owing broom aoake in mud ai.d water tbronb upan -tn(Vwa and otherwise JItrblnt ilia peace. Mr. Mueller' effort to dHpr-H them were un-aralllng. Judge Thoma- VUbh. tf.

Elafe. eTentuatly acnttirrd thr rharlvarl gaeg threatening to euminon tbe pollrc. Player-pianoi at wholeaal prlcfrf and on your own trm, ut Rrpvf r'g al, 421 Thirteenth Btret, Oakland. 9 ein. 1 -J Here is a Rock ridge buy that makes you right at the outset: i 5 fet of gently slop.

Ina; frontage on Broadway, Just Inside the gates of Ilockrldge; three blocks' from -street cars, three minutes' walk to Oakland Si Antloch station with direct commutation service to Han Francisco; magnificent marine view that can never be cut off; a hulid-. Ing bonus of $400 brings the price down to IK00, which Is $1000 less than a similar lot could be bought for right across the street. Go out now and look at this lot. Aifk a salesman to show It to you. the price of lots nearby.

Then buy It and make 11000. LAYMANCE REAL ESTATE COMPANY i 1432 BROADWAY rhonr Oakland S3. and a losing Investment for those who have spent large sums In the work of their reclamation and Improvement. Secretary A. A.

Denlson of the Oak laid Chamber of Commerce states that a petition will prohahly be formulated ask ing the government to compel the contractor in charge of the dredging opera tions to deposit the debris In question to the northerly side of the training walls, where It will be of use In the formation of the made land soon to constitute the Greater Oakland waterfront. Anothher plan, which 1ms the support of some Ala-meila residents; contemplates the construction north of the beatlilhg beaches of a solid stone and concrete breakwater or retaining: wall, which would keep the del-rltus from drifting upon the Alameda ahofe. After agreeing upon a definite plan of campaign, those concerned will make every effort to avert the threatened destruction of what Is now a moat popular resort. BE rSt FlVe MrinthS ShnW firpat in iMumoer or permits in Berkeley. BERKRIJIT.

June, 7. Bolti realty dealers' and city officials In charge of- the building department concede that this year will prove' the banner year In building Already the total of the building Pfrmiw Issued for the first five months shows an aggregate tola! of over a million dollars. It Is heheved that the tare million dollar mark will he reached before the. close of the year as tills month has already shown a tendency to outdo the May record. Since the first of January $1,033,560 lias been spent In building, while the total forJ the same period last year was but During the month of May 77 permits were Issued from the office of II.

Banker, hulldlng Inspector. The permits represent a proposed expendlutra of $180,. 000 fcjr construction work. Seventeen one-story building? -and 18 two-story structures were 'provided for In the permits. Real estate activity during the summer months this year promises' to be greater than In past years.

Although the price of the property Is continually Increasing. It appears that many desire to purchase before It becomes too hlgli. Those who do not Invest at the present time r-nllse that they will have to pay a greatly Increased flRiire for the same property within the next two years. One of the biggest deals which lias been consumma ted in this city for several years was negotiated this week when the Frank M. Wilson property, comprising about one acres, was purchased by A.

A. Davis, an Oregon property owner and mining man, who yill subdivide the land. The price Is said to have been $200,000. The new owner proposes to spend approximately In subdividing the property. It will be placeif nil the market again as hillside villa sites.

Many beautiful 'homes are nearlng completion In various sections of the city, psrttcularly In the new districts. One of them In the new rldence district to. be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. K.

J. Hill in Thousand Ooks. The Sill home Is on Ks-condldo avenue. It Is one cf the handsomest In Ihe Thousand Oaks section, being near the palatial home of John H. Spring1, 'which Is rapidly nearlng completion.

John Hudson Thomas, designer of the Spring home. Is also architect for the 8111 reside- i Dl RECORD I'll BROKEN In sight of California's capital, jith 'a city of 80,000 people not more than 1 5 minutes from your door, on a farm that is absolutely guaranteed to produce bumper crops every year this is what WEST SACRAMENTO holds for you. If you are an experienced farmer If you are an investor you will find in WEST SACRAMENTO the safest, most secure the most signally successful land proposition that has ever been an nounced. It is backed and guaranteed by the strongest financial interests in California. You.

cannot afford to ignore this project. It will be but a short time before this property will be out of reach of the man of moderate means. you will realize a greater profit on your investment than' is possible anywhere else in California. If you are a city man you can become a auccessful farmer at WEST SACRAMENTO because we have a corps of experts who will, without charge, show you how to get the greatest results out of your land. I $500,000 IN REALTY VALUES WEST SACRAMENTO CO.

Was Involved In two deals recently closed on our policies of Title Insurance Northrast Corner of Broadway and 17th Strert. Northeast Corner of lltli and Groye Street. No other local company can vBer such protection. Mail Us This Coupon To-Day Fred T. Moore, Manaaer Lnd Sale Nlcolaus Bide.

Sacramento. FRED T. MOORE Manaser Laa4 Sale Depasmeat Corner Pine and Kearny Sts, San Francisco NicoUus Building, Sacramento OaKland Title Insurance CaJ. Dear Slr KlnSly mall rae a eapy of your Illustrated booklet "Country Lir4i in the City," and giy me complete information as to price, etc. It la understood thle will not obllate me In any way.

Name Addre and Guaranty Company P. O. Box CAMTAI STOCK. The Oakland Bank of Savings Broadway and Twelfth Streets 4 ytfaX'Mikn -J TT.

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