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Statesman Journal from Salem, Oregon • Page 7

Statesman Journali
Salem, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TUBogaoos btatbdlhi attiidav. jwf. 12. 120. mneo The Wanta and Needs of the Capital Gty are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them They're Worth While Glass 11 littfim rmn ufAt ill ananasa-ama niiaMRManHMMMBMHMaHaHHIBHaHHaaiMHHinHIMnHMHHinHnMMnJ I'linnrLii "inn LODGES REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REVELATIONS OF A WIFE Tie Story of a HoDrynoca A Wcaadrvfal tlaaasara sATTW GARJU0-f NEW TODAY owawBvanaj FOR RENT OR HALK NKW MODKRN muirt aju Aorlli 24th.

Homes Placed at a Price That WaiMove: 1 ot to we have a number of beautiful homes listed that you have to see to appreciate. hi'iJ0 nd. th for $5 down, balance like rent. Immediate posses- I all A an We have many decent liveable small nniTIOsl fnr ass I a a. a 1 1 i down 7 UD- ind nd modern plumb.

1 Tt 1r 1 Mil Ilk me na we win be pleased to call and show. BECKE HENDRICKS Phone Ul. 210 U. S. Nafl Bank BIdg.

WE ARE HAVING MANY INQUIRIES for city property with a cash payment of $00 down and monthly payments on the balance. What have you? List jour property with Hay-ford Harford. 305 State street. CLASSY FORD BUG FOR SALE OR irad. Uht cr- Ford.

187 South Liberty street. FOR SALE FORD FENDERS GOOD as new. 187 South Liberty street. THK ORKCOX KIRK RELIEF ASS, of McMinnville. your own home company, issues policies that are paid up in full for the entire policy term, and are absolutely non-aasessable.

under any and all conditions or circumstances whatsoever. H. a. JehaiMM laanraaee Aaeaey Over Ladd Bush Hank. Salem Phone 347 FOR SALE JO ACRES MOST ALL IN logana.

Berriea are aetttng on well. Another crop in less than 15 months. The two crops should pay the price asked Address4 care of Statesman. WOODS BARGAINS 11 acres six miles out. Fair building, main road, running water, smooth land, some orchard $3000.

113 acres half in rruit, main highway, good buildings, five miles out ItiMtO. Five acres all In orchard near Pacific highway, fair buildings $5000. 13 acres three miles out. main road, good buildings $6000. 280 acre farm well improved.

$15o per acre: will take smaller farm part pay. 100 acres with buildings, running water $15 per acre; take Salem property. 7 room bungalow at half value, easy terms. F. WOOD lil State Street.

FOR SALE 21 ACRES ON THE OAR-den road. 00 prune treea years old, 2 acres loganberries bearing, more planted this spring, a great deal of other fruit. room house and bath, hot and cold water in house, large barn, hog house, chicken house Price IU.000. Half cash. HAYF0RD HAYF0RD SOS State Street I'beae 737 FOR SALE 10 ACRES 5 '4 MILKS south of Salem.

7 varieties of apple trees in bearing, also prunes, peachc-a pears, cherries, loganberriea and a variety of small fruit all bearing. 5 room houe. barn, chicken house, and other outbuildings: has a good well at door Everything goes if taken at once at a price of $5000. Good terma can be had. HAYF0RD HAYF0RD SOS State.

Street Pfce-ae 737 EXCHANGE 1918 CHEVROLET Touring car and cash for four or five room cottage or Also about a half acre of good land on 22nd street all plowed for rent on aharea. Phne 1341M evenings. HAYF0RD HAYF0RD REAL ESTATE 305 State Street 5 room plastered house, toilet and bath. and 7 lota within 1 block of atreet car Price $3200. room houae with 2 Iota 1 block to street car.

has some fruit. Price $2700. Terms. room house, paved Street, cement aide walk, lot 42xlSO block to atreet car Price $4500. $150 cash.

8 room plastered house, 2 lots. 2 blocks to street car. ITice $1500: $50 cash. 8 room modern houae with all the built in garage, lot 5 100 feet on paved atreet. Price $6000.

HUrWDaHAIIilRD. rhewe 737 aawft State S. EMPLOYMENT wiv-TiTi ivnuiV fHMllv FOR SUM mer vacation. Fbone 4. Slate School for Deaf.

WANTED WOMAN TO DO HOUSE-work by the hour or day: washing, hhinir etc. AddIv 1285 South Llb- erty street- Phone 13J. MALE MAN WANTED STEADY POSITION in lumber yard In Salem for man to work In yard and handle team. Ad-dresxs care Statesman. WANTED TWO BOYS TO LEARN printing trade.

Must be over If yeara of age. Apply Stateaman Office, upstairs. lUSCKUAXXSvtTtt i HUNT BROTHERS PACKING COM-Dany would like to have all women who have been with ua previoua seasons who wlh to work thia year to register at once. WAMTfciD MEN AND WOMEN TO work Ib our circulation department A ood propoeltloB to the right People: Address the Pacific Homestead. Statesman Bld- Salem.

Oraaron- FOR SALE SKAUTirUL WALL. TINTS. MAN! new colors 10c pound ad up. Mas O. Buree 170 N.

Com' I St. FARM PAPER. iinn ii1-" i i i i IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST r.rm naoer. sent 15c to the Pacific Homestead. Salem.

Ore for a three-months trial subscription. Mention thia ad. ruciiRi. CHE NORTH EST rotTLTRY OUR naL the biggest and neat in the west The "0 "gamin, 'or Mv. 9jjW nen 15 centa a year.

JT Bend ceuta for sample today. A-o7eae The Northwest Poultry JoaraAl. Salem. reon. Mentioa th'a ad HIS CELL AjrCOUh ORDER YOUR AWNINO FROM DILL- mann.

zvn aiapie BERRY A LOCK ONE-HALF price. Shallow pint Good quality. Ward K. Richardson.

3395 Front street rnone i. FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY rtjelwen. Rolsjad a Bnrtfuudt gjsldMt Axeat 871 State Bt, MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate T. K. Ford (Over Ladd Bush Bank) FAM LOANS HAWKINS ROBERTS 904-107 Oregon BalkUs CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Rale Pet Word.

Per Insertion Ic Three inaertiona 6c On week (six Inaertiona) 8c On month 20c Six months' contract, per It months' contract, per 12c Minimum for any advert's'm t.Z&c NEW TODAY WANTED TO RENT 5 OH ROOM bouse with several shade treea In yard. 996 South Commercial. FOR RENT 5 ROOM HOUSE ON 1 Mouth Commercial street. Wired in chicken house and good garden. John H.

tfcott Realty Co. 228 Oregon Building-. SAXTON TOURING CAR Motor Just overhauled, five tires, good Mint and top. Take it away at $485. The B.

i Motor Co. ITS S. Cera-. tnerctal street KS EXCELLENT INVESTMENT. A lew months time invested this summer will result in greatly increased esratng capacity.

Summer term op-ena June 14th. Enroll for new class Jn shorthand and bookkeeping'. Capital Business College. Salem, Oregon. LOST-COT'S BICYCLE TAKEN FROM front of M.

C. A. building If found phone 164. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG woman. Have had experience as operator, cashier, book-- keeper and general office work.

Address RC 9. Box 10 or call 8IF21 yoR RENT TWO OFFICE ROOMS. 147 North Commercial SEE THIS ONE TODAY Tht Monroe Four;" never been run or had a license We took it in on a truck at full price. $1700. but the first man here with $1495 gets it.

It Is a wonderful Httle cariand carries the factory guarantee. The B. dc C. Motor Co. 11 Commercial.

TOUR' CHANCE TO GET THE BEST little Colonial Bungalow in Salem at less than cost Just being completed at 440 Market. Modern in every detail and then some. Must, be seen- to be appreciated Also few good articles of furniture for sale Phone S84W 1 OVERLAND CLUB ROADSTER Newly painted, thoroughly overhauled, five wire wheels. -A good buy at 1150. The B.

at C. Motor Co. 18 Commercial street NOTICE TO COKTIUCTOBS. Staled bids will be received by the Board of Director of School Board of Aurora. Oregon.

4 p. m. June 25, 1110. for the erection and completion of a high school building; according to plana and specifications prepared by Charles H. Burggraf.

architect. Albany. Oregon. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check arable to "School District No. 23.

Larion County and No- 303 Clacka- mas County. Oregon." for the sum of 1104.00, as a guarantee that the cob-tractor will furnish an approved bead. Plans and speciricationa may 1 be aeen at County School Superin- tendemt'a office, Salem. School Clerk's office. Dally Abstract Off.ce.

Portland. Oregon, or at Architects office. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. IJy order i of School uoara iso. MAXWELL ONE-TON TRUCK With stake body, cab and windshield; motor in fine condition; hewpaint; electric ligbta.

Take it for $87S. The at Motor 178 Commercial street GARAGE FOR RENT CLOSE IN, 541 Mill bt. Eugene G. iTescott. 1918 OAKLAND SEDAN In first claaa condition throughout: good paint, good tire The price Will surprise you.

The B. at C. Motor Co. 178 8. Commercial.

11S DODGE Motor completely overhauled: gofcd rubber; new top: spotlight. Rood StiiL Some car $900. The A 178 S. Commercial Fine Buyf in Small Tracts 14.3 acres 6 miles from Salem in fine fruit and berry section. 200 prune 'trees years old.

few apples and peaches. 1 3-4 acres logana. 2 cr corn, spuds, beans, etc. Few amail buildings. A bargain at $3200.

2-3 Aerea Krwlt All In prunes, cherries and few apples, wly all in full bearing. Crops go with place If soid soon. 5 room house, barn and hen house. A real bargain at $3500 10.3 Aerea Frwlt All in fruit and berries, mostly prunes, la bearing except 14 acre logana. a room houae, barn and chicken house.

A fine buy at $5000 Some terms, ine adjoining fruit tract if you want more. KINNEY SMITH Faraa Land Dealera 4(1 State St. Ground Floor Modern 6 Room Bungalow Nearly, new bungalow on traveled street, built-in features, full basement without furnace. Nice fireplace. Uarage being built- A rgam at $3000; $500 cash, balance like rent.

KINNEY SMITH 9 State St. i Ground. Floor BEST BUYS I rooms on North 23d atreet; city water, lights, bath, aewer. plaetered garage. 1 only $1275.

easy terma. rooms and bath, modern except and fireplace; well acre of ground, garden paved atreet and car line. Price 7 room bungalow on Mill street, modern, basement and furnace pavea I rooms, modern, on Liberty street, lot 55x100. $3500 rMm on State street, not fJi. fcasement, city water, lights and batn.

plastered, good condition. $4j. rooms on Center, nicely finished and "early modern. $4250, term. rooms on car line and paved treef water, lights and bath, plastered, tarage.

$3200, terms. 9 rooms on Court atreet. nearly nod-. ern. $1000 cash, balance terms.

rooms on Chemeketa. modern except furnace, close in. $4500. rooms and bath, bungalow, fireplace, hunt In conveniences. Immediate possession $2000; 4 cash.

i We aito have a good list of farms, both rga ana small ror saie. S0C0L0FSKY HR SALE A 1917 AMERICAN Najwt PU nd direct.y. Stitemin. lH FOR AL-19l 8tAX- well good aa new; 1917 MaawalL rme 8000 mw.a. Chor tertia! l.l'SS Com mere laJ.

pbona lot. WALL PASTE." NO COOKLNO RJS-Qulred. averythlnat Maia 9 N. Commercial atreet. FOR SALE TRAILERS.

ALL SliES. cheap. Stelnbock Junk 32 North Commercial atreet. Phone 30 i. -WALFELT- TOUR HOUSE: IT superior to doth, at about half pric Max O.

Bursa 179 M. Com 1 Bt, -WALLBOARD- CAN BE UBED OVER lath or atuddlng. Caa be tinted or fST! MaJt i Bur North Commercial streC CAPTIVITY OF TUB OATMAJf OIRLS Thla true story of wee term loasal-rratloa baa been carafuUy reviaed. (ualtlat haadaoma UtUe book. II tolls la graphic terms of the aaaaaa-cro of the Oatmaa family, of tfeo ee-eapo of Loreaso.

and ts capUvlty of Mary and OUto. ataxy died of star, atloa and Olive was parchaeed front tho Indiana flro yeara Uter. The prtco 80 eeata. poatpald. Addreea Ororoa Teach era MoaOUr.

BaJaoa, Or OUR TREES WILL SELL TRY IT. Heavy demand and a good supply of well grown stock to meet It. Terma upon request. Salem Nursery Company. 427 Oregon Salem.

Ore. FOR SALE BARBED WIRE CHICK-en netting, vises, press drills, forges, anvils and all kiada of machinery and tools, belting, pulleys, shafting, cable, rope. gasoline engine, automobile parte of all kinds. RUSSELL STEAM TRACTOR second hand automobiles of all kinds. Also wo pay the highest caah price for paper, rags, brass, copper.

Iron and all klnda of junk. STEINBOCK JUNK CO. 820 N. Commercial street. Phono 80S FOR SALE STRAWBERRIES.

Phone 111F21. ITALIAN PRUNE TREES FOR FAIX delivery. 1920. Please phone 111F21 or write Fruitland Nursery. IC f.

Salem. Ore. WOOD FOR SALE CD. QUERRY. Phono 7 7 FX.

WOOD FOR SALE If INCH AND 4-foot mill wood; 1C Inch old fir. Prompt delivery. Fred E. Wella. South Church street Pbonc 1542.

FOR RENT AriRTHETTI FOR RENT 3-ROOM FURNISHED apartment at 1I44S State atreet. Over Leobold's Store. BOARD AXD ROOM IF YOU WANT ROOM AND BOARD phone 17S1J. TEACHERS MAY SECURE GOOD room and hoard for next year by phoning 1781J. HO USES Y.

I WOOJA 841 STATE 9Tm BJCAL as lata, rentals. FOR RENT SEVEN-ROOM FURN-Ished house. Phone 16C1J. FOR RENT ONE. TvlO.

THREE AND four-room houses at $1.50. $3.00 and $5.00 a One houae requlrea repairing and will allow credit on rent for labor on ime. Stateaman Business office. ROOMS FOR RENT TWO HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 160 Union street.

Phone 972R after p. m. FOR RENT. JUNE 14 A SUITE OF rooms on the flrat floor. Hot water heat, private bath, use of phone.

At the Alexander. 1030 Chemakcta atreet phone 1210. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY FOR SALE A CHEVROLET, cheap. 171 South High streeL THREE-QUARTER TON REO TRUCK for aale at a Bargain, inquire at Chemeketa atreet. FOR SALE 1918 DODGE; NEW tires; one spare; new Pantasote top.

Will sell at a bargain. Inquire 1364 Court streeL Phone 8(3. FOR SALE 1917 MODEL FORD touring car. with demountable rims, shock absorber and spot light. 330.

Phone 613 day time; 1707 evening. STUDEBAKER SIX AUTO TO BE Given the person who leavea 8235 check at room 4 If Masonic Temple. Also a Studebaker bug at 8190. lioth have been overhauled; terma. Room 410 Masonic Temple.

0LES0N MOTOR CAR CO. 849 N. Commercial SL I'bone CCC 1910 five-passenger Reo. Al condition 80 Three good chassis for hags. priced $5 to 1920 7-passenger Chandler, almost new.

Come and ee It-Auburn 3-4 ton berry 250 CHANDLER CLEVELAND Sales and Service ALTO RErAIRI.XU BRING YOUR CAR TROUBLES TO ME. Reasonable prices. Room 2. 233 So. Church street.

WANTED MONEY WANTED 260 FOR TWO OR three years at 8 per cent and $50 'for the same period Security good. Phone 470. DIAMOND WANTED WILL I cah fur bargain in large iiinmnH Will be In town only one day If you have one for sale, sell now before furthr decline. Address J73 Statesman. LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST fIDE CURTAIN TO HIOSON car.

Finder please leave at th.a office. Reward. LOST ST RI NO OF RED AND GOLD bead. Return to thia office and get reward. TAKEN WHITE TERRIER IXXJ Call 125 Chemeketa Lodge No.

I meets every Wetlnsadav evening at 8. at the 1. O. O. K.

hall. BUSINESS CARDS txyniACTt)ics axu huldkks CONTRACTORS BUILDIXO CON-tractors: aitrratlng and repairing Frank Peers and Co. Phone 1559W. SKATS AJTD EX? XXX a. URHCR TRA'SriR-Wt MOVR AND uro gooae.

1M7 paoao 9IB. Might Obooe lata SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, lit S. Liberty street. Phone 25. Oldest Largest kimBU Established 1889 CAPITAL CITY aTT CAM LAUNDRY weetny worn, proeapt aerTleo.

1104 Kroadwav. Phoa 16a MtCUSU H1ID anJIUnTVRJB WANTED SECOND-HAND FURNI- ture. rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery and toola. Beat prices paid. The Capital Hardware 4t Furniture Co- 188 N.

CoW I Caowe 947 STOVE KErAIRlXtl STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years experience; Depot National fence, si sea 2 to 58 Inches high. lalnla, oil and varnishes, loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court atreet. I'hone 124.

i RAjisraut utuis CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. Ill State St, phono 913. DietrtbvtlBg. forwarding and atorage our specialty. Get our rate.

BRCOBO BARD SOODI HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL KINDS bought and sold. Highest caah price paid. We will give you a square deal. J. A.

Rowland, fit N.Commercial at. Phono If. WE BUT AND BCLL SECOND HAND goods of ail kiada. pipe fitting, bar-aeaa. oollars.

ooUar pods, toola, and chelae. Fred caladlor. 354 Caster street. WALL PATER, PAXaTT WALL PAPER AND CE I LI NO PAPER is ana as ooubie roll. Mas 4A Bu- rea.

179 Commercial Bl. BEE PORTER FOR FAINTS, WALL Paper and Picture Premlag. Oood workmen. 451 Cowrt St. Photto 48a.


JOHN LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Physician Bureau 403-404 Orego BIdg. Phone Office 1394: He, liri It. w. L.

Mercer. Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon, Kirkavlllo graduate. 404 and 45 U. 8. Natl Baak building.

Phone Office 919. residence fit. CHIROPRACTORS. DR. O.


graduate, 809-18 U. N. Baak BIdg. Phono ST: Rea. 81IR.

CH1XESR pntBlClAR 1R. M. MUM CVRESJ ANY KNOWN disease. 158 B. High Bt.

Phewe 988. PlIYSICLWH AMI SLKGEONS. "CATHERINE 8CHLEEF. Uy PMt-aiclaa and Surgeon. Offices Oregon building, rooms 411-13, Phone 040, 244.

Over Oregon Electric depot. WATER lALsal WAT KM. UUHT A POWKM Cos, ofTlco 801 Bouth Co sal atreet. Tea per cent discount oa dosaeetM flat rates paid la advaaoo. No de- aaleas water la ah at off your REAL ESTATE 10-ACRE TRACT 1 MILE FROM SA-lent on good road.

5-room aoose. good barn: 1 acre loganberriea, 3-4 acre straw berries. IS aerea potatoes. Rest land around Salem. Prtco $5230.

part cash. BECKE HENDRICKS 318 U. 8. Natl Bank BIdg Phoae If 1 A BARGAIN FOR FIVE DATS WE will sell a 5-rom house, garage, chicken house, fruit and several lota Only 1 block from school. For oalr $1200 terma oa para if wealed.

If you want a home act at once. R. 8 Martin. 410 Masonic temple. Phone $53.

FOR SALE 10-ACRE ORCHARD Located on main highway four miles from Salem, about 700 full bear lag prunes, balance cherries, peara and apples, good crop; crop goes: beautiful building site, east frontage Price $lise W. H. Grabenhorst Co. 275 State street. HERE'S A GOOD ONE 3 aerea just In the edge of the elty; a-roont house, some fiult trees.

Price $3200; half eash. SEE J. A M1IJ-3 Bligh Hotel Fee Real Estate FARM. CITY or SUBURBAN See CHAS. W.

I EM EVER -Just Real Estate" 215-214 Masonic Temple. Kalem, Ore. GOOD BUYS 10-acre tract, 8 aerea tn thrifty tine old Italian prunes. 5 acres timber and pasture: house and barn, family orchard; located 5 miles south. Price $3150.

Improved 4-acre tract Waled east of Salem, house and barn. Price asaee. 20e-arre farm, located miles from Salem. ISO arres cultivated, balaaee In good timber and pasture; buildings. good road.

ITIee fill per in 40 acres bearing prunes and locan berrl.s. good road. Price 1 2 2. see. 17 acres located on main highway.

aerea bearing orchard: mostly In prunee. 2 acres set to logana. a-res set to young pruns. buiioings: implements, small tools, some chickens 17 good lota I orated on gravel street, buildings, good location. IT Ice $1SS0 15-arre tract.

14 aerea cultivated: I aerea straw berriea. family orchard: 5. room house, barn. well, good eott. Price $3100.

10 aerea located on mala Pacific at- war. 5 acres ot Italian prunes, price $5000. W.H. GRABENHORST CO FOR KENT 81500 WAUi lMU. arree, 0 mllee east mt A4tae Mra Oara II.

a Mo. Martay. If. nut SALE 80-ACRE FARM. pred.

la heart of frail belt Excel, tent loganberry and praae ee cberry prepweilMMi Abeate ewaer here Thursday and week ewd to dtepaeq valley boldtasa Will subdivide 31 and 43. Thla property rea be beeshl riant. Address care Btaiee-maa. HAVE lOU A BUNGALOW THAT I Of will sell for a fair prtre ee call tats snoramg. We have a aasabee of clients looking ler a nail bwagalow BuSBe have ell eaaa.

want terma. dv wot wish a tveg contract. Jest authority te aelL tsEt-XE A HnXDRICKS 2li U. B. Xatl Beah Bidg lkM III f-ROOM HOUSE OX OAK STTREET modern except turner.

cK-ee Ia tiood buy; price Sllae: eesne tvtsaa. 5 aerea. 2-stry heuee. rovma, acie pruaea: seme other trait; five blocae to car a. 11110.

aeath, W. C0MPT0N Room 7 rer pattoa ftek Store Pbeoe 1718 ARE TOU A FARMER IF tbia wbil it caa do yea earn ged Good land sells all Ik way from 8113 aa err oa up la thla Willaaaett valley wbea near Sm la spile tkis prw ther aa lie-acre farm tkat you raa't beat oa Ik market today at 8104 aa acre; 110 arree aa-der rultivatioa: balaaee eacelleat timber and peatere. large bowse with hot and cold water aad furnace, fair bara. spring water piped hews aad bara. Good creek throws posture.

This le aa estate peepwety aad meat move If Interested let wa akew you this tuday UECKE A HENDRICKS 314 V. It. Natl Rak meg Phoae Itl 110 ACKM ALL IN CULTl AlON. large bouse aad bora, welt located. Il see 02 acree mile from tew wilt exchaage (or city prepsrty.

93 aerea with good bwildiaga. oaly 4 milea from twa. 1-3 ol crp (eos wita this st liaeee 38 aerea. la acree ef peaeee with geod crop oa, aar Liberty at 1 10 see aero. ft acre aar street car with ftao crep oa aad l.n boon, at a bargain.

aslCAKE ULtL 202 U. r-aaa Bidg. Paooe 470. 9XR BALE a-In a )M MOtTC. MOD.

era aad ia etcvileot eeditia: eatra large Iwt wua aaade trvea. garoea. bora aad garage. corar lc oae blorh from tumerel a Prtc $lloe: terma IJS caa, boiaoee ttsao. S.

R. PEARSON ic PEED 403 Oregon BIdg. Phooe 43 FOR BALE II OWXER. T-ROOM hows end sleep.rg puecb. with all strictly modet a re tare, far-aac.

fireplace. rem at kasemaat. walka. driv aad garage- Large groonda, gardea. Chic a park, ever lag fruit aad aur Ire All fee lees tkaa kbM caa be built I today.

At 333 Nrtk Uib streeL do tou ant T.y fixi, lorn house Ikls week? If priced Iww caa Sell It right away If prwed reasonable it caa move It Toot wi er eweeter If away keep it aad wait for a packer. We prefer to dee! with laUll.gat people. ar trying to locate 43 willing be era when they caa find a piece to What have you? ItrX'KE A IIKVDIUi hi 318 Natl Bah lUdg rvat IC1 TR BtLS t-room mcdera boas, large roraer l. Improved street, fruit, gardea aad roe hedge. A -dandy pier 3 use, TlMUEH 80 acree of valeaMe timber, 11 mil south bear aew Pacific highoay $404 Its sasp FRUIT LtND 40 acree of first clase prwae and legaaberry lead, all In eltlalej eacept acre oek limn oaly OH mile oat $100 pr acre.

get 1-8 ot the crop DAIRY FOR LC We have oae ef the bi dairy farms la Ttllaaauok coealy foe sale: 40 head of alack. 20 registered: good buildiag wua ruaaiag water to therm, good pastor end bay land, verylhing go fr tile. I i cask mill handl It a sany saar JOHN II a-XrTT It LT 1 tX I.I Utdg hi W. ROWLEY Phoa lit. 408 Ov lU4g 89iDR srixco pRopsarrr Seitabl for garage or warbo: good buildings mm ptopwrty n.

cwwid a aed for a koil. 34 rone: ae aw paper mill: tsiet treat by 143 ft 8I30O0: terma Brick block oa Liberty street, running through to Ferry. lit baaiaeo -tioa of the city; 81L0ed. CITY PROPERTY $3100. reams, modern, garage, Pae lawa.

garden, eoreer, eatreet aved oa both Bid. $30, 0 rsoma. saadsra. garaf. la th Nb kill aoctloa of Bowtk aaleas.

$ltee. Centee street aear 1 1th Usee, twa Urge teta. good boo, bara. fruit, near Higwmad lltee. aear MigaUnd aveaao.

I tee. aear Hlghlaad aeeaoe Caemeaeta etrt, aaoderw i Hi er too aamsrses mslMa 3-ecre tract IS miWa freea city, boaaa. bora, la epteadid ekap. 1-4 miles from paved rood. $1410 30 aerea iaiag th city limits tado- padwc.

Steed. dewa. 3 years time fee tko baiaaea. ItO aera 8 mil fiao heaae, bara, el. 8lt-ed.

teram 147 acree aear Sublimity, fla boas. bara. etc. aa road botag Served right now. 8100 pr acre, ff 3-3 acres aear Lekenoa.

$l04. aaly kOO dowa; all la ewltlvatiow. 23 acres aear Lebaaoa. all slock. or sea.

toola. crop. etc. go, good bows sad bara, $1000. tm.

ail ia callivei BL W. ROWLEY Pboao TOO, 403 Orvgoa Baiht ag WHOLE Iffli JJTD fXODUCX WJLHTXD tUxioa Cmntry A Prodacaj Co. 8n, SEE WOODRY'S STOCK of Karallarr. Raageo, llewdrrw. HmzK Temle, etc, iWfoew yoej E70 X.

Coean M. Pttoaea SIB ar All FOR BALE 7-ltOOM HOUSE AXD 4 west eim: twta fruit; deal with owner. W. W. llalee.

Fifth street. West Salem. FOR BALE 21 ACRES. CLOUE TO town liood eaildiaga. all Improved Family orchard, price $44t.

E- C. Lvrnck. 443 blate street A NUM PER tK UOtiD HOUSES rival $10o to $:: good terms. L.V1LAR A FLA Oregon lUdg. ONE OF SALEM FINE HOMES WITH nice law a.

etc. $ieeo. LAFL1H A I -A PLAR Oregon Bidg. FOR SALE f-ROOM fiUNQALoW strictly mod era emcept furaaee. sa-rage.

Urge lot and some fruit. Thia Is an exceptionally good buy at $tlS. Hart 4k Muilcr. 28 Oregon buildiag. 210 ACRES.

CVLT1 ATETJ. IRRIQA. bie lead la Butherlia valley. Ore gee. for sale cheap.

A. C. BOH RXSTEDT 401 Masonic Tempi, balem. Oregon 350 CASH. BALANCE LIKE RENT buya 4 -room cottage on lith aueet; a I moat finiahed and ready to plaster.

Particulars at 449 North Capital at. 190 ACRES OF GTsrD LAND. BUILD- aga 2 or char as: ao cres In crop. 9 miles from Salem Vluick sale. $100 per acre.

LA FLA A A FLA Oregon BIdg. OOOD PROPERTIES WORTH MORE 'I HAN PRICES A8KKD FOR. Two l-roaa rosy cottages, good lota, lies a piece, cash. Two 8-reom plastered house, electric lights, bath, toilet, ao basemeata. la good condition and cloee la.

31730 a piece. 8500 down, balance good terma. Splendid properties. 4-room ceiled and papered, electric liable, bath, toilet. 2 fine lota, north on good streets.

$1800. cash and terma. 10 acree la Polk eoeetr. 8 aerea la 8-y ear-old araaea. balance ia pasture and brush; good Irult hooee.

owt-buildings, well; house burned down; owner aaa to sell; owlr $3040. Fair l-rwa houae and oaibuildla I acre good around. I Ilia. fa. 9 St aerea.

3 aerea In assorted fruit, fine modern be lid tag. eery cloee te city; elegaal abort a home. Ill.Oee It acres north. 4 aerea 7-year-old pruaea. 4 aerea bearing logana, 4 aerea straw berriea.

second year; 9 aerea straw berriea aet oat thla sprlag 8 to 4 acree meadow; good farm buildings. Owe of the eery beet la-com properties la this state. Price $15,300 Also spleadld listings of houses and farms lar loo aumeroua to enumerate WALTER McL.REN Phone 430. Room 31. 110 X.

Com. SL CHOICE HOME BARGAINS 10 aerea. cloee la, fine soil, nice mo. era bungalow, bara. garage, henhouse.

8 wella. orchard, berriea. cow a fowla. machinery, crop, toola. $T000.

7 -room modern eotiage. 3 large lota good corner, price $1950; eaay terms. 84 acree choice prune or togaaWery land. IS aerea la cultivation, lota of wood, timber, good road, near school; 834es, terma. Xlce 10-acre wheat ranch, fine loc-itloa.

quick sale, $130. easy terms. Several alee 10-acre tracts to exchaage for Salem property List your property with as for reset la PERRINE MARSTERS Commercial Club Buildiag. $2150 A 8-year-old boar alow, east fro at. basesaeat.

some youag fruit tree, aear car line and paved atreet. Thla Is a good comfortable homo for some one. Terms. $4000 A strictly modern bungalow oa paved atreet. block from car Ilea.

Thla Is good property; located la South Salem; terma. $lee. $1300 dowa lakes a fine 7 -room bungalow oa paved atreet aear car Ilea, all modern except furnace aad the plpee are la for furnace. We have ma a other buya to offer We have a 55 acre farm at $100 per acre we caa take a resideaee oa the price la right Also a l-ace tract aear the city for a hooe In the elty. A L.

SK4MSTEK REALTY CO 418 Masonic Temple. Phooe 853 OREGON LAND CO. 3f aerea 9 aerea beet bearlag prase orchard la the valley: crop of pier brought 93000 net I acorn last eeeeoa. Practically mod era T-room howe. bara aad windmill.

Beautiful turban aad Income, located cloee la. "0-acre farm. 50 acree In crop, stock and machinery included la sale: only 1 mile out; road to be paved lata Mi tn mer. Our city aad euburbaa listings areareal values. Call aad See our new -eiaga Phone lit 413 State Street FOR SALE 10-ACRE TRACT.

3 acree of full bearing logaaa. acres bearing pruaea. small houae, two spring, some fine timber. of the crepe follows sale Price 8730. Urabeahoret.

273 State street. FOR BALE 18 ACRES. BEST OF SOIL all cleared and 8 acree In fine clever: 10 acre In grain, amall house sad barn. IT Ice with crop, fur a few das 31500. If ART a MI LLER 201 Oregon Building.

FOR SALE OR RENT ABOUT 3-4 acre good lead for potato, share reat: East Salem. Phoa.e litIM eve-alaga. FOR SALR I-room houee. lot llaltO feet, aitaaled oa North High street, cloee la; pries 81500; $10 d.wa aad $10 per mo Ik HART MULLER 208 Oregon lluildiag. FOR SALE BT OWNER FIVE-ROOM modem cottage, large roraer let oa paved atreet la oae of the best resideaee section a.

I offer It at a price for ee lhaa the house could ewlll for: gund terma If desired Lnk It over. Kuraitur fur sal. ItSl Chemeketa street, roraer 1 1 Ik. FOR SALE ROOMING IffU'Sl. 10 ROOMS.

FtR-nihed. cloee In. at a bargeia. Easy HALF IN PRUNtQJ TN bearing, half esrellent legaaberry or strawberry land, creek lovk( land. building, close to Salem.

price le Kay terms MCNGALOW. $1000. cak. rest llh rent 3 nm nf large lot. close to car lie Itlc $100.

ROOM HOUSE. OVER ACRE OF land in Salem, fine for poultry or iruit Price Il.Tee 8 Mt)l iK TWO LARGE LOTS. fruit, paved street, bora aad pultrv hou Price JOSEPH BARBER Rora 200 Grar Phoa 790 or 1T1IJ B.VRGAIN 40 A-RES. 2 MILES west of Marioa: 23 acre bearing I alia a pruaea. water piped aoae sad bara.

IT iced low. terma liberal. C. M- Smith, Marioa, Ore rilAPTCK CIS what Micn tan to suikI ci aro Tun pRKCtors tocc- 34 EXT. I tsraed the key lg my tedroo-w door.

trorastloa sever seflert rtsco Cos. i Agatha eatered Jr koas. withdrew It tried Ike toor kaob to male sere tko door was locked sees rely, aad laid tko ley poa my re-aver. Tbn with kirrwd fiat era I trapped the trVk wgtck frets gar wrist, opened the Uk. sad look fross It the May rait of old payer wklcfc kstw rostatsod tko aUghty latorttvat me-aaace m.y father kad roaslf aed to oay rare for delivery to lke wfcra sty father's com ma a 4 or when, aadltpated bows of kls death rhoald roa to sa.

Tko sight of tko oaxall fowril ras-s la the poeado Wtkrt kad gives) Be SB I4e Wkhta I Proceeded to Mt Into setio. ts-ocrowlgf the top of en ef tkd-ts I ilpped isto tko a pert a re ike roH ad oiled silk, sad not4 wuk satUfao-HOB that it fiitad prforUy. HrrtwiBg ea tko tot) agala I tUro4 Iks imall tklag la say kasd. vat. derlsg sa did so vkero I roa kidt it ssoat srs rely.

It aasal ho la a plaro akWk wsaVd Borer be dlrtarbod- a ylacs also ko-yoad Iko rooalklllty af aerr. okosl tko psoplo bpob tko irwk of tko so-rrt sapors UltUi aad I' were csardisg. uU tsto tkoir keads to searrk toy roots. Hoses asd trmtka were, of row roe. osl of Ike oaeatkaa.

Tko Uosght of sewlsc It Isold Iko of a ckalr or a roork ram la aa. tt was UaUked I at as Uly. I dll sot BBdorrstlfBAt iko rstslsf of rplo koaltsc for Iko paper. TkT woald saak a ssoat tkoraxt soarrk of Ik roess. aad on of tk firrt Ikisgs I hey wos'd do woald bo to tip sp tko roeenaca of Ik faraltsre.

Uk Aa Alur. As 1 baled tk aaeetloa I saw to It tkfl Iko trwk stUk Is. wklrk I sad rsrn4 tko Bfr siaro eatrstied It to ta waa aafeT) lacked away la a locked box aad pat sio tko bottom of my traak. Tkaa Uk aa mot loss I Utii feailac ibaakfaiaeea I otrspped apoaj asf wrtai agala tk otir.sAl wsuk Dwl ksd Uvea ta. 4 mtu 1 srta la-ssoaasrakly.

Its faltkfal aaads vsrpodl sa tkat I kad tat IB tala ale aaul Dwli rotsra. Ills irmia tasat ko rvea aew sea rlag tk tailo. Aad tkoa aa If deeperaUoa kad akarr-eaed gay say eyes fell spos a loag aioader Cklaaao vaa srkVrfc kad stood asoa sty drorctg Utt akrrevrr I kad t4 a roots siaro ary mi tsotkrr oral Sway frost aa forever. It was Sf1y kapod tklag oC woaderfal Ua colons Its baa was ha! hoe from which raoo a loag. a Wader ttem thai spread oat at Ik top ia a Us.

II a4 tB gitea to ay ta other wka ok was a mil gtrt, aad of all ker oase hold treat ar it wa kr too dearest. It woald fcold hat a ossgl flower, aad for yeara tefarw ker dealk I kad kept it roatiaaUy sppliod a Uk a kloaawao. -Doal let say raoo get loa she k4 wkltperod Ua-fstly oa oa at tko aarred Ua dare with ta. "I aover will. Mother ctirllsg." iad faltered, try lag my Weot to tee hark iko nob wktet ckoklag sa nag tkat aafal Hat a nrvviii.

Ska kad sailed falattf Ak fkal look of rotief which roam to ektlf-ra aad Ik aid wkra deal roc, in lJ sppoansg. itarr ksl iuj i-loroet to them ar graated. Tksi say owa tko ka Aid. aad ker kaad atraked say cheek geatly. Tko vaa kad lik a akrts to me ever star ft wa slat ta ay roost, sad it kad a ever ho without Ha freak hloeeoax.

Wkea saoved front tk a pan meat to tko old Breaaaa how, sad from tkat koaa to the home kad par. rkaaod sad wklrk I Sow eel. ft waa ih Uat tklsg to lake. I kAd always ramed It myself. I liked tk fa ary wkkk aorartimro ram to at tkat th van ottk ni prrraaul'y freek klowaom waa Uk aa altar ta wkKfc tko fir was arter rxtiagsltked.

A Itldlag Place. a Dicky. Mother OaVam. Kail. rrS CoaalS Agatha riarti es my feollag eoaesrnlag tb vans.

oao ever loathed II e-acopt my-self. 1 always arrsaged aad daotod Ik drecaer oa wkkh It stood, sal sow th replaisamest of Ik flower th tat kU If I oral aay frim kom for looter tkaa Ike ilm oa flower woald laat I took Ike vaa with tn. It soaed like prof aaa tio ta employ tk va for aaythlag Sato its ortgiaal pat-(-a Aad y. masy ways it woaij ho a sorfert ktdlsg plar took It fross Its plaro. rarer ally rem ved tk flower from i.

mptied tk water It keld tela. a taia aad lasperied it rare I falty to eo kow Ie- ro14 it wtta is least ha aco ar do-tec i loo To be rootlasedl Tht Stttemao't QattifTcfj Adx. Briar. Remit Read the Classified Ads. Xl 8tto Street 111 Stats St..

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