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The Oregon Daily Journal from Portland, Oregon • Page 37

Portland, Oregon
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tin. THE SUNDAY JOURNAL. VOirrLAND. SUNDAY MOANING, OCTOnCtt H-aava la 'lM aa4 ttl Gertrude Hoffman Ihings Russian Dancers a iT jil.l awJuaaa- ad iaa4 I f-m -r 45.i-a, aa uJ ti( "it wia.a' tM a taut It a4 t- THEATRICAL GOSSIP BAKER tkaiUa rta Ma Va lM aa tM) i im mm a ui ax a ava a a laaa I nnn ivnm a. BABaV p-rar -m- a.

gi-r ra-urT Ml Li iuim aaaa liW4 1W 4 a a Haf Binaa Ma Mm avea4 Le fa la 4 vaa U4 ta IM la'lanaim 4rhaa "TT a a aty iia'M ikwa k-af Uf aSar i44 aiaim 11 a a a 4a ataa.a a l-'WI Ma Ja VO. a4i laliaMK tn a a I a taaKii.a ftwaa li tl a a a. ItrtVal lia- ku. a -Tm a aviaaaa ta fwar aaai aa. la lhaa ia a fua aa-4 aata.

11 at p4 afv a IM laa Trials cf the Metropolitan ALL VZEK, COMMENaNC MATINEE TODAY. SUKDAV, OCTODEK 19U TVHZfVL MUIICAL COMEDY J4a taa4U-a. Manners; Feminine Idas cf Mile. GenwVAoe. laalra, Lata4aa it' fr.

if i aa a -r 1l fW ka ta no'l aaaBts a wW-aa-aa mm ae lat a a faaitag ana ll wM a Vawaavtlia wtil la aiaiio Af Ua la iaaaaf I iNt. f.1. 1 A.I la fcaaar Si 1 ai la. vMa 0.v a alt Mifl wavifaa4 aJakaaaf aa-l by joa. HOWARD CMHMr "MUi N'oUaJy Irtnii $4tfln4." "Tha Goii eifjtnj eaituae la iiMirb S-aaaiinaa, Aa ear Ja lltalfe ea-4 e4 Mr k- atf lie uixo(.

a-i if ta ia aaaaa a. ta eU i l.n Tb n.fia J'f iaa." Git. aal iMity Mhut i a I 1 17- a I4 cm tae mv HI-la4e lk etfsjaataalaaa af IM ttalfl. TllEATRE ImiW TaVa aaaa -1 "a-IIM I MIft I aa im a aeaaaa IM U-f II It li eke eat tum eVs im us.e. ee tui saae ni a4 wk.aea IU la aea Ifclag 4la4ltl t4 eWa, Maul Wf elltiaf I Ml IW( II.

tWj tl( IM afeia 4 NIGHTS BEGINNING TONIGHT rrca Uk iuu ariaa sovma oow laaw Kaaagtaja; Ira Mr BAILS AtSTV affara TM BKAX. Mta4 eaaaad MM mafcae. EXCELLENT CAST Jess Harris With Betty Caldwell 4.IN0!N0, DANC1NO 6 MOW CIRU AND PONIES FEATURE NUMBERS "Cal.toraia." 'In the Djr of -'Jii and N.jniii." "Uaichinaj the Siuir Ceil." "Jo. I 5 Yo4 Cari," ad Cnkgu' Uiral aong hi. "(kna Roll" A 8iA(lnf.

Dentin Vlrrry Uutical Out Show Bargain Matinee All SeU Sunday ainf Saturday Matine, 2U. and SOr. Evcatngi, 5, 50c, 7kR4I0a NEXT. WEEK THE TRAVELING SALESMAN" II eae ea UilWm If; IM I positive I sate fo atf Vt f-aliaatec eea 4ltlnrr a) eva eall )' flrsaeeee kaa nn. MM I aaaalaA.

It- are auana of III (I ef IM Stoat MUtl o4 ef iiwi rHyt "t(t eJaaoat tavarUat tu BUMUf tl or IM JiUUkH IMf at ate niwuim a imb law I wTTB OBlBUAJk aJa-k9BattXBva XRIXIE FRIGAlMZLAa I lae Ml ef fK last War Bar urea eae lime tr i for im fiJlo. laf oft ease fur l0 Mil," HMmI apart flag IM par farms ace ajtv ooktTLBTii i4 iuu rmooccrxoar With 0 Predominant Piny era IM I llltti The Mil alfrthaa IM IkM UMr lefonae aim IMI IM a-rriaa by CwUla aVaeta traaU by Jae a. ab bp Aaaiaaa VartMidl mU Ma vara x4 IM Klhl before, im a ire a tmmajtauif eease aul Ik kaM aaaeeger. call! IM tirMI Brwatag Laati fir. arp leal I rl II It If floor.

Ia I raw licr. a ma lie: 4 raaa 1l eells all sorts mt nam. aa4 demsiwla IM eaaae taiii tot that eight. Wheat he ceaoel (at I Men, Mcaaaa IMr ere ratlra I war fVaoc II Ikateaey. ftret 11 raw lie I II rwa.

fa unrr, raaarrad lie, Haa aaia Ill (aloor. taal II Uailarf. raar4 a4 la iraadr euiid ikr people, ta la la lata a having fcia tnoy Mrk. a4 II lka IM a. Ill af a diplomat la glATB BOW BXLLUr aaaa aa4 Oarrtagaa Ilia a7aa.

vtaee (M purraaaar MI IM thaelrel Betjlnnlnfl Week. Oct 9 ACArAMCSO VAUDXVUUB la adr a ebtlgailoe) la praaaal fclra i UiQiee II MraM he Aid a jaka IM I Iroubl la loan ai Ifca data oa lbl HEILIG THEATER NAT M. WILL 3 Nights, Starting Thursday, Oct 12 rk all txtfthaaad. tkmrcajy a prfornv paaaai bat wMl aoma ona -a to tha haul aaaar aaklnf la Mt bl atal Mand MraaM IMra la a fal maa la frant af aim. or Mean ib flrl M.

klad talk durtac IM plf. or toraua Ura la aa ma-aary draught, or tN raven I alt comfortably oil th lift HA of tba kouaa. or kun la far aaak, or loa far forward, or tM opara glaaa nachlni In front of fclm VIII not wart aid tht un d-maada (Ml tba thaairo rtura hla II Manes MwaHUy. All BLrvei Trsaaiyaa aa Vsw Tar. Vtawnwara 'THE HAPPY Gertrode-Ho.

ran la or ona of a tbouaand Pe3crCTl Brother Mai that ona caa rr Unaatita. I Oartruda Hoffman har oompany La Titcomb or iplendoK Mle noftman'e own particular ahare of tha apaetarla oonaiata In tM Impersonation of Mare Antony! 1 Mra uaad to complatnla about I of Ruaalan artlaia tn "La Bataott da womia'i bat, bat now lhr ail lak I Ballata Ruaaaa." rina to tM liitilv on taatrbatc off without raquaat. IThuradar. OctoMr It. for thr nlfhti quaen In "Cleopatra." tha ftret Mllet.

and of "Zobalda," the favorite of the Six BroVm BrotKers June Imes harem In tha final balUt. a dlerloaure of a portion of th Arabian Nlghta called "Sheherasade." Mil alalia Bal-dlna. ballerina. Imperial TMatra Mos IMPERIAL RUSSIAN BALLET (La aatswa Balat. a) Ztrotloa acorrU Oast aad T.

May 0majaa, cow, and Thodore Koeloff. premier danaeur, Imparlal theatre, St. Plr- La Arenerm' kn3 Victor Miud HaOl Macy Co. lnc tha ftra drpartrornt rrcula- with a Saturday matin, Tha American tloua forbidding paopla to Hand In tha publlo haa aan nothing mora ania-thaatri wnt Into ffoct, laat iprlng. tlonal and beautiful than tha rntartalti-a mw troubl haa developed.

There mant provided by thla Ingenloui and la certain aort of Utaatregoer that daring woman, who haa carried dancea like to Inelat upon doing what ehorographlo mlmodrama a la ahould not Not long ago a Uwyr RuaM to mw triumph. II la. IndaaMl. ha aald ha waa a Uwyer peraUtad In do to Mlaa Hoffman that Amartoa li tandlng In tha rear of tha New Am- aotoally ahead of European ewitara In terdam theatre. The fireman apoka to thla branch of amueement life.

Tb htm. tba Mbera tried to make htm take Ruaalan danca la a erata abroad, but hla aat. tha houM monar oame and "arar Men exhibited In the old explained the law. world upon a aoale equaling tha Hoff Well, don't let that bother man repreMnUUon. either In magnitude burg, contribute rnarraloua nolo dancea.

Aa an added apeclal attraction. Miaa Claoyatia A Mtmodrama In Ona Act. ka gylphld A Romantio Rvelry. Baeaaraiaie A Nfht la a Peralaa Ha ram. stag sTympa.

aay Oraaaatm. 100 riorti Hoffman Vllt Introduce her mw Revue, which Include over a doten of har fa noui Imperaonatlona of theatrical cele- Evening Prices: lCc, 2Cc, SOcv 76c brltlea. each- Impersonation complete aa to acenary and coatumea. siiiT lurmi-u, at. Mo.

xoxjsat aurinu jTifHt rrtoaa AJCOSft Tata tXTTJUAX. Maria Baldlna. Ballarlna, Imperial Theatre. Moscow; Mile. Cochin, Parte Opera liouea; Prlacaai Marie Cblrtnsky-Schlehmatow.

Moscow, Anna Moaoowi ieanwa Adelaon, Parla Opera House; Marie Zalewaka, Imperial Theatre, Warsaw, Poland; Victor Lauech- mtrsaxajr abtzsts ui Alalia IluUrakow. Prmlar Mima da Theatre. Imperial Theatre. 81 Petersburg: Theodora Kosloff. Premier Danur.

Theatre, Moscow; Nlchotaa Bolanlkow, Pr-mler Mima da Theatre, Itnswrlal Thoatre, St. Petersburg; Jan elw ky, Danaeur, Imperial Theatre. Warsaw; Ivan Taraaow, Imperial Theatre, Moscow. aald the iawyer. Til hava tha law r-' 1 i paalad tomorrow.

o. And ha aim ply would I rmmbrJ fhat "Thi TtKr RangaH -a not alt down and we elmply could not 1 1, xom TayloVa eld coitume melodrama, make Wm. Th only thing could do -rh. Profeaaor'i Love 8toryM, a PLAYS AND PLAYERS FORMERLY THE GRAND waa to wait for the city firemen to wnm.m ccmedy In orery day 111 Imparlal Thealr. Prague; roann.

report ui for a violation and nave udrea. fined ISO. I Tn Bou manager doea hla beif to "When E. 8. Wlll.rd w.i playlnf In hla bu.lneaa- J.

Hartley Mannera, author of The Theodora Koaloff, Otraetar OaoTOgrapaia tmi ADDED rATVTwal OCTTBTTPal KOTTVAJTal aTarW MTTHil Mlaa Hoffman will be aen in ber' celebrated Imperaonatlona of Ethel Barrymor. Oeorge M. Cohan. 151le Foy, Eva Tanguay, Anna Hld. Harry Lauder.

Ruth St Denla. laadora, Duncan. Annette Kellermann. Eddla Leon Houee Neat Door," haa Juit flnlahed an and If oeoole would hava' a nun oral other play for J. K.

Dodson. at tha end of tie aoeona act ana a a- consideration ha could be almoit Yrr ard and Valeaka Buratt. W. Griffith, author of "Tba Do- manded hia money Pin. happy on tha Job.

But whan It comei he wanted to are Mr. Wlllard In "The L0vtoK to treftt aunt of the el- inn innaraautua Dasanissa waiu SKianerv aaa DOBTomsai mlnlnn nf CanaHa." la rhlaf aacratarv Of BOirrt lutth mumttnm Ait TV.P flAA If? tialnfifiv 11 IA 1 1 ind tOa tr-ln-law of an actress piaymg aecono tne commlsaloner of 76c, too. uaiiery, 7c a eat I bualnaas In a middle week atock com- a ala Opeaa Vex Taaeday, 10 a. aa. pany, or supplying frea seats to thai Annette Kellerman Is ambitious to go olerk In a stora, or at hla favorite soda Ion th legitimate atage.

Bhe li looking afford to aee him twice. When aiked why he had atayed ao long If the play waa not what he wlrhed, ha aald he had not dlacovered 'ha dlfferr(ca until the end of the second act. And It wlir be SULLIVAN CONSIDINE Week, Oct. 9 fountain ha Is obliged Jo be obdurate, for a play In which she can Introduce SEAT SALE OPENS NfeXT FRIDAY- RAE-BROSCHE CO. In the One Act Comedy "Bottle -40-f by Will Creasy.

kobt x. km an nutmrrs THE FAVORITE COMEDIAN HEILIG aaasaaawasjl a aajaaaa, agfa and gain the reputation of "being- stingy, her diving act. And he doea resent being accuaed of Henry B. Harris will eoon produce stealing tha contents of a lost pocket- "Tha Talker." a new play by Miss Mar- book which has been left behind by "the PLAYS MAIN PART IN VALUE OF A DOLLAR The Dublin Dandy CsTAKT.IBJ BAmTalOZAll snDAv.ui.DAi HARRY BULGER last person out of the house." which tne The Melodlua 4 YXaTBTIAaT TOTTM In Beautiful Muelo-Mad Venice. l.

a a In Characterlsatlona of London v. h. nut tacks Tim Murphy has begun his season In a. LltUe things Uka theaa put tacks Naw Coe wU1 TUESDAY RIGHTS Oct. 15.

16, 17 til the new year, when he will produce in tne managerial oca a ruoca, thara Isn't a house manager who A Revelation In Burnt Cork. TIBX.O ft BOUT Catchy Bongs. Clever Comedy and Eccentric Dancea. la modern oomedy by Paul Wllstach. Muslo HaU Favorites, Special Added Feature Worlds Greatest Tranaflrurator MB.

MBUT ruLaoai Offering Characterlsatlona of Famll. 1st Types and Personages of Famev IN THB MUSICAL COMEDT SUCCESS The Flirting Princess EVENINGS 11.80, J1.00. 7o, lOo. TUESDAY MATINEE $1.00, 76c, 80c, ISO, SS. wouldn't rather be something else.

1 it iner) aiau lail uu I an ila MHiianil pscxAx. mom MAT. TUXSSAT lngly change hla ob for anything only BUrt for thl8 country tTOm Eng. The International Arenlc Furore. MTT.T.rm, lAQU UTTiTiHB The Jluman Avlatora.

equally remunerative. nand on October 14, again to preaent OBAJTOASCOFB Rather a quaint atory was toia tn The Passing of the Third Floor Back." other day about Mil. Genee, the fa- a niece of the star. Miss Maud Buchan- mous dancer. While performing' re-Ian, will hava the rote of Stacla.

WORLD'S GREATEST WOMAN PIANIST cently in America, two ladles In the au-l a dienca were heard to say, lan It clev-1 Anna Cleveland is at present negotiat or "Rather," remarked the otner. mg for the dramatic rlghta of TDull "and I'm told she's really an old woman Jim," by Long, the story of 0LGA STEEB of 701" "Seventy! But surely, dear, no which appeared several months ago In old woman of 70 could danoe like that! a magazine. Miss Cleveland sees great Just look!" "Ah, yes," was the grave dramatic possibilities in the story, reniv. vbut It's all Dart of what they A I I TT Va.H.. Vbm mam.

iicui jr iuui iiiiici lias nahkc a call 'make There's, some trick In it' swashbuckler play. entitled "His IN RECITAL AT THE MASONIC TEMPLE Word cornea from London tnat joe Coyne nai decided to quit tha stage and Knightly Honor," In which he expects to play the leading role himself. At the i ao Into business. end of the New York run of "A Million1 As to what ha will as a Business one of the dramatic -firms will produce man Mr. Coyne not yet quit sure.

8:30 FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 27 Ticket Bale Announced later. 1 yrices xa, tS, $1.80, 91, OOo the play. Ifa rather difficult to mane up your mind nowadays. William Faversham and Mrs Faver I shall probably go ln for something sham, who was Mies Julia Odd. will In tha aculpture cr architecture line, or appear In a new play this season by fallina that.

I shall be a motorman. I'm Ddward Knoblauch, called "The Discov awfully keen on maohlnory, and love ery of pulling engines to pieces. My one anv Ty Cobb, the star outfielder of the 0 bitlon la to learn, bow to put them together again. Dertolt American league baseball team, is to become a real actor thla winter. He has been engaged by Vaughan Ola- "I did a bit of sculpture worit once," he said.

"I was with a large firm 1- 1 as New York. I took my departure, under Unequaled Vaudeville cloud. It happened, this way: one EXTRA- Held Over at Ihc N3SI Sftturdav afternor.n I rushed la. In a hurry to do a bit of clay wettng be Week Commencing Monday Matinee, Oct. 9th LH7TT ifr THEATRE WA I all.

7th Taylor fore I went to a matinee I waa very keen on theatres. In those days. The special object or my attention J. Prank Burkei ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY, Just then was a figure of a big man In New Tork. Great care had been taken over every feature, 'and experts One Visit to the Star Theatre to See DANTE'S INFERNO 2 PERFORMANCES 2 THIS had declared It a real work of art.

Unfortunately there was a kind of acaf- Does Not Satisfy Thousands See) It Many limes and AFTERNOON J. Frank Burke, who appears at the Empress theatre in the very near future in the principal role of, the groat homan Interest sketch," "The Valuo of a stands forth as one of the 'finished, performers, of American stages Mr. Burke had a wide, experience Sebaslain fold. and a piece of titrfber fell on the masterpiece and did oamage to Continuous Frorrf o'clock the essential features. I left hurriedly.

Still Long to See It Again TH GR EAT MASTERPI ECE WU1 Be Run Until Further Notice WORLD'S GREATEST UNICYCLISTS "On getting home I picked up a news II) me eaaL.aa ica.uxns iihmi twjvum stock companies, and then went with Mbtion Pictures paper, and there saw an aaveniaemenc il.raii.qA TTall tn thA. 'XTas-nlrf anil of Klralf Ho wan tea a nunarea FEATURING THE LEAP OF DEATH the Jny. 'When Maule Adama, selected ARCADE! THEATRE 1 hef aa star cast for the outdoor jro boys for some production. I and that la how I came to get on the stage." Tha business aide of sculpture or motor englneertna; might claim Mr. IN NATURAL COLORS: KING GEORGE V.

3000 FEET OF RICH PICTURES duetlon. Of You IJke It" Mr. Burke mavtnp. nif A MAN Suoerb Biofrach DELANEY WOHLMAN was cast for "Charles the, wrestler" at th Greek theatre, Berkeley. and later ha1 visited the northwest in sup DAYTON The Four-Voiced Singer TP.AT.niTS WIFE.

'and EZRA'S DREAM Double Corned and Dancers CORONATION CARR'S REGENERATION Drsma port of Theodore Koberts and Thurlow Bergln. The Great Coyne's energies when he takes to business; "Art badly wants bucking up on the. business side. New Ideas and more publicity would do wondera for the ealptorrHe wmpTwdroirta hla- art: he want, a business man to help him "Anyway. I badly want a he ays; '1 am a little tired of.

being OH JOY THEATRE FESTIVITIES JohnGanton, as played by Mr. Burke, waa pronounced the most finished performance ever given of the character. tmP. snilAWS TRAGEDY Gertrude McGill Co. In "OH, YOU A-Ba-BeV Postal Album 1 Living Pictures jit awuM.ii a ui Ar TOWN HALL TONIGHT in "The Value of a Dollar" Mr.

Burka Drsma HIS EXONERATION princes and things." i Xivoll Tlienfre In England, when the present plans Doria Grand Opera Trio First Performance, vY 1 o'clock. Second Performance, 2:45 o'clock. PRICES: PANTAGESCOPE Daylight Animated Events. UPS AND DOWNS, A Fine Com Operatic Selections or Merit are fully completed. $600,000 a year will be expended on government labor agen impersonates the character of the father who la tn the career of his son.

a lovable old roan of millions, whose crustiness la so thin that a pair of baby hands crumbles It to pieces. The part waa written for Mr. Burke by the young author-actor, Melville, Brown, aind la pronounced by the press anl critics one Of the finest bits of character trayal i in vaudeville these many years. i Crystal Tlicntrc THE WAGER An.f a Whole Raft of Oilier CLEVER FEATUnC3 cies in 140 place throughout the coun- edy Drama and "3 OTHER SUBJECTS 3 ARTHUR ELWELL A New and Great Baritone Lower floor-: try. witnin an ane aa large aa isew Tork.

Pennarlvanl New Jersey, Popular PricesMatinee DailyCurtain 2 '30, 7:30, 9:00 Balcony- with about twice the population of theae I.

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