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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 8

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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HAINES, Assistant Publisher A. A. FBEDRICKSON, Editor PAUL D. HUMAN, Advertising Manager Sole National Advertising Representatives: Wallace Wltmer New York, Chicago, Detiolt, Atlanta, Memphis. Entered as second class nutter pott- o-Mice at Blytheville, Arkansas, under ot Congress, October 1917.

Member of The Associated Presi SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By carrier In the city of Blytheville or any tuburban town where carrier service Is maintained, 25o per week. By mall, within a radius of 60 miles, per vear $250 for six months, $1.25 for three months; by maii outside 50 mile zone, $12.50 per year payable In advance. Meditations My soul melteth for heaviness: rtrenfthen ihou me according unto thy word. Psalms 119:28. The soul would have no rainbow had the eye no tears.

John Vance Cheney. Barbs Being broke certainly is nothing to brag about, but often seems to be something to write home about. Hot weather has done real to lots of home gardens, but the ol' cabbage Is still getting a head. A Georgia man pleaded Insanity after proposing to girls at the same time and all accepted. He probably went crazy trying to get out of the mess.

Why kick about price of fall hub- blei? Get your laugh when you Kt them, be satisfied. A writer blames absenteeism In some plants on workers feeling too tough at the end of the week. Or, could It be too tough a week-end? France Is Earning Title: New 'Sick Man of Europe' Looking at stricken France with any sort of detachment, you cannot help being puzzled by the contradiction between the nation's great potentialities and its actual performance. Here is a land with many blessings a balanced blend of agricultural and industrial resources, a geographic location favorable to trade.a skilled labor force, a notable tradition of cultural and intellectual attainment. By all reasonable measure, France ought to be a leader in Europe and the world.

Yet it is not. It has been undergoing progressive enfeeblement since the close of the First World War, and most particularly since World War II ended. This year it went 37 days without a government. And it has been embroiled in perhaps the worst strike wave since the turbulent "Popular Front" days of 1936. Few sober-minded onlookers would deny it is fitting to call France the new "sick man of Europe." But what is the malady? Obviously it is not some superficial ailment that can be cured by ending this strike crisis or changing a government.

The cause goes deep. It goes to some facet of French character, some aspect of the national makeup, which prevents France from dealing realistically with the 20th century world, either on the industrial or the political level. The French btisinesman, on the whole, has never fully embraced the methods of mass production, or the technical wonders of the age. His notions of capitalism were out of date in America by 1900. French workers never have gained a fair share of their country's industrial wealth, and it is against this basic mequity that they are really protesting.

French managers perpetuate inefficiency through rigged price schemes. They hoard their profits. They discourage expansion. And, to top it all, they dodge their taxes, thus casting a still more intolerable burden on workers' backs. As if this were not enough, the French have shown almost no stomach for the great world power struggle in which all peoples are inescapably caught.

There are, of course, individual excep- i '-ms like Robert Schuman, Jean Mon- iiet and Rene Pleven. But the generalization holds. If there were some way to pack up the whole country man by man and rock by rock and cart it off to somi South Pacific haven, the French undoubtedly would be all for it. It's no accident that most French governments fall on a minor issue. Leaders and citizenry alike never can bring themselves to get past minor matters and come to grips with major realities.

The French do not have much more time left for growing up to this tough world. Unless they do, they may find they have condemned their country to a stunted future in which weakness and frustration and an overpowering Sense of defeat will be the tragic marks. Soothsayers Differ Some government authorities pooh- pooh the idea that business has been hurt by the Korean truce. They say things are booming, and haul out some charts to prove it. On the other hand, some of the steelmakers, some lumbermen, and others are noting a drop-off in their orders.

And there seems to be a widening trend toward keeping less stuff piled up on shelves in anticipation of business. Obviously one group is looking back a bit and the other is squinting at prospects ahead. But somebody ought to get economic seers like these together in the same room for a while. Then the poor, untutored citizen, walking around without a slide rule, might get to hear what they agree on if anything. Views of Others Credit Where Due Democrats In Congress, a very large and powerful minority, are claiming credit for much of the legislation passed in the first session of 83rd Congress.

But before a public declaration had been made by party leaders, President Elsenhower had acknowledged the indebtedness, and had spoken publicly words of appreciation and praise. The Democrats have taken pains to specify acta passed with their help, some of which would not have been successful without such help, since a number of Republicans opposed their own party recommendations. There has been more unity, less party feeling, than for a long time. It was such unity, in and out of Congress, for which Mr. Eisenhower pleaded as a candidate, and which he has promoted by following his conception of Americanism.

What Is best for the country Is best for Democrats and Republicans alike. It is not only generous, but just and fair, to acknowledge the co-operative spirit of the Demo- crats'In Congress. They have recognized tho fact that the people spoke last November with unusual force In favor of a change, and that public opinion In this country Is the ruling power. But they also have recognized that there was a mess to be cleaned up; that many trends were to be reversed if the traditions and ideals of America were to be preserved. Many of them saw clearly what the President has called the "creeping paralysis of socialism" and the danger of undermining the institutions resting on the Constitution.

It Is to be hoped that the next session will show the same spirit of unity in matters of grave public concern and when proposals of the administration clearly are for the best interests of the whole people. There was never a time which called more loudly for unity in the fact of a dangerous world situation. The Lexington Leader. Pity Poor Mr Truman is very amusing to see former President Truman trying to figure out some way to keep from paying so much on the memoirs he la writing. During last year's presidential campaign, the Democrats made a great to-do about the tax- break Dwlght D.

Eisenhower had gotten, perfectly legally, on his own book on the war years, "Crusade in Europe," and the Democrats in Congress were nil for plugging this "loophole" In the tax regulations. They didn't know then that Harry Truman was going to become an author, too. But now, poor Harry, under whose administration the taxes on all the people rose and rose and rose, is crying bitter tears because he Is going to have to pay taxes himself on the money he gets for his memoirs. It's a sad situation. The Lexington Leader.

SO THEY SAY The Lord saved the lepers, maybe He can spare me. Mrs. Huey Alford, cancer-stricken mother, after birth of five pound baby girl. The press in the United States is not a perfect press but is essentially the product of our tree democratic society. Julias Ochs Adler, manager, New York Times.

Our way of life back here (U. Is the best there is for all races. Sgt. Elijah Smith, Columbus, Negro returnee. While our party (Democrats) may have lost the election here, we carried every country over- Mas from Korea to Britain.

Adlal Stevenson. We should have assumed our responsibilltlei In 1920, and If don't assume our present responsibilities, we will be In for another World War. Ex-President Harry Truman. Can They Make It? Peter Edson's Washington Column Answer, Maybe, to Saucer Tales; Wilson to Attack 'Buzz Again Erskine Johnson IN HOLLYWOOD ON BRIDGE By OSWALD JACOBY Written for NEA Servlci Weird Opening, but It Had a Plan North's bid of three clubs In today's hand may seem a little weird, but it was actually quite clear at the time. Most experts use a response of three clubs after an opening bid of two no-trump to ask for a biddable major suM.

(It is part of the Stayman Conven- lion. which usually begins with an opening bid of one no-trump and a response of two clubs for the same purpose.) South duly showed his biddable heart suit, and thereupon raised to game. The Stayman Convention is of doubtful value when the responding hand has 4-3-3-3 distribution, and this is especially true when the opening bidder likewise has the same South was certainly no better off at four icarts than he would have been at three no-trump. WASHINGTON Just many "flying saucer" blips have been showing up this summer on the radar screens of Civil Aeronautics Aut i traffic control towers as were vis. ible last year.

But CAA spokesmen aren't talking a out it much and they aren't nearly as saucers as they Peter Edson excited about vere a year ago. After studying all saucer reports during the winter, CAA experts up with the explanation that all such sightings could be attributed to freak weather conditions, ike temperature inversions. A t. i. made up of alternate layers of varm and cold air.

These layers reflect a radar beam, simulat- ng the effect on an aircraft on a adar screen. This summer the CAA tower nen have Ignored all these saucer ilips as soon as they have checked hem out as not being aircraft, 'op scientists still aren't absolute- sure the temperature inversion heory is the correct explanation or the flying saucer phenomenon, iowever. And until they get final iroof, they're keeping an open nind on the subject. Wilson And The Buzz Saw Behind Defense Secretary C. E.

Vilson's appointment of his latest fflciency committee is a long and far fruitless effort to reorganise he old line Army and Navy tech- ical services. These include Bn- eau of Ships, Bureau of Yards nd 1 Docks, Army Corps of Engl- eers, Ordnance bureau, and so on. For years these technical services have operated like petty kingdoms. Much of the military red tape and buck passing have been attributed to their semlautonomous operations. They were also blamed for the Korean ammunition shortage fiasco.

Last November, former Secretary of Defense Robert A. Lovett wrote to President Trumim that, "Any attempt to reorganize these technical services is like backing into a buzz saw," Bad Case of Shingles The case of a law which requires the U. S. Census Bureau to count red cedar shingles has been turned up by the U. S.

Chamber of Commerce. The law was passed back in 1937, when the U. S. lumber" industry was worried about competition from Canadian red cedar shingles. Congress thereupon ordered the Director of the Census Bureau to count shingles so that the Presi- ident could slap a tariff on Canadian imports if they amounted to more than a fourth of U.

S. production. Ten years later a new trade agreement with Canada wiped out this tariff, but the Bureau of Census had to keep on counting shingles just the same because the law said so. The Senate voted to repeal this law just before it adjourned this month but the House never got around to it. And so, at last report, the office of shingle counting Is still on the job.

Endless Cost of War The shooting in Korea may have ended, but the costs will run on for a long time. Best are no accurate that the war cost the U. S. about $5 billion a year for the three The only reduced costs now are in human lives and expendable ammunition and equipment. The dollar cost reduction might be a billion or two a year.

One by-product of the war is that it has produced two million more U. S. war veterans. If Korean OI's apply for benefits on the snme scale as World War II veterans, the cost will be another 2 billion dollars or so. This is calculated, on the basis of 80 per cent of the two million veterans applying for benefits and receiving on the average from $1500 to $160Q apiece in loans or educational expenses.

A Veteran s' Administration study made in 1950, just before the Korean war broke out, showed that 12 million of the 15 million World War II veterans got G. I. benefits for a total cost of $19.5 billion. The average was $1628 per man. Dogging The Mailman The Universal Postal nternational organization which arranges for the handling of all foreign mails and payment for them to all governments of the just come up with a new set of instructions for letter carriers on what to do when confronted by savage dogs.

The XJ. P. U. bulletin warns postmen caught with only a mail sack or a fence between the letter and the dog's fangs, "never to show fear or mistrust of the dog." It adds that "friendly or soothi words might be advisable. "By all means," say the instruc- tions, "never kick the dog unless, of course, it is absolutely necessary." At just about the same time Attorney General Herbert Brownell came back from his personal inspection of the Mexican border, full of plans for ending the "wetback" labor problem, Scrtary of Labor Martin P.

Durkin cam up with a completely different angle on the story. Secretary Durkin announced from Washington that it would be necessary for him to consolidate two Mexican labor reception centers on the border because he didn't have enough money to keep both of them going. Congress had thoughtfully cut funds for administering the wetback program the rest of this crop year by 26 per cent. Legal Mexican labor importation will therefore be cut accordingly, Mexico has so much unemployment that it is glad to have its surplus labor wade across the Rio Grande to find jobs in the U. S.

And since American farmers want the cheaper Mexican labor, the two necessary elements are there to make a bargain. Therefore, say American and Mexican farm labor abuse won't ever be ended until first the Mexican government agrees to keep its migrant labor at home, and two the U. S. government provides for stricter enforcement against illegal labor supplied outside of government contract. Hungarian Goulash Life in Hungary must be getting really hectic about now.

National Committee for a Free Europe has been collecting odd items about the workers' paradise under Communist rule and has come up with some dillies. One of them is a new marriage law which permits the granting of divorces on grounds of "ideological differences." Either spouse can request separation by a Communist judge if it is reported that the other does not have "sound" views on the social and political Institutions of the government. Then there is a drive on to persuade the children in "Communist Pioneer Organizations" to go to the factories and farms to persuade their parents to do more work. By reciting slogans learned at school, the children are told that their parents will over-fulfill their work quotas. At public request, the Hungarian Ministry of Domestic Commerce in See EDISON On Page 12 the Doctor Wrlltei for NEA Servic.

By EDWIN p. JORDAN; M.O It is entirely possible for a child born with a club foot, webbed fingers, a cleft palate or other Inborn malformation to rise to heights of fame, and indeed to receive national and international acclaim. This lias bedone in many fields of human endeavor and speaks well for the ability of human beings to overcome adversity. Such conditions as those mentioned and many oilier physical variations from normal may be present at birth and naturally come as a to the parents. All, or most of them, are the result of incomplete inside the womb of the mother and are not really inherited.

What causes them is still not entirely clear allhough it now seems that Infections of the mother with German measles and possibly other diseases, while shp i.s cnrrylng Ihe child, greatly Increase the likelihood of this sort of trouble. Cer- tainly, it is a good idea for the prospective mothers to dodge exposure to infections, and particularly German measles, just as carefully as possible. A newborn baby with a club or other inborn malformation almost certainly does not suffer pain, but the parents are acutely distressed. They want to know if it is their fault, what can be done for it, will it Interfere with the child's physical or mental development, and how likely is it to happen again with other children, It Is not the fault of the parents. There Is nothing they could have done to prevent It (except to avoid contagious disease during pregnancy).

What can be done is something else. A lot can be done for hair lip, cleft palate, club foot and scvral of th othr congntal mal- (ormatons, specially. they arc attacked early enough. For tliu reason parent! should promptly consult someone who knows about these conditions, even if manipulation or operation is to be postponed for a few months or years. The more that can be done, of course, the less will be the interference with the child's normal development.

Once In 213 Births As to the chances of having a later child with a congenital defect, one has to deal with average figures. The parents of one malformed child have about seven chances out of eight lhat the next child will be normal, whereas taking all births, a congenital defect occurs only about once In 213. From the physical standpoint the disadvantages can often be largely overcome by modern treatment methods. It Is equally Important to battle the mental effects. The sympathetic understanding of parents, teachers, and the rest of us help, but the will to overcome obstacles on the part ot the youngster himself is the most Important.

Many youngsters with these congenital defects are remarkable In the way they face and surmount lielr problemi. NORTH 1 VK.J109 762 1033 WEST EAST AKJ104 487! If 765 V42 KJ652 SOUTH (D) AAQ9 AQ83 AQ9 A84 North-South vul. South West North 2 N.T. Pass 3 3 Pass 4 Pass Pass Opening 7 East Pass Pass Not wanting to lead away from his high cards, West opened a trump. South looked at the dumJay with something like despair but roused himself enough to draw three rounds of trumps.

He then cashed the ace of clubs and led a low club towards the ten. West, rather naturally, put on the queen of clubs on the second round of that suit and East made the fatal error of playing a low club. East should have overtaken with his king of clubs in order to cash the jack and then lead either a spade or a diamond. When West was allowed to hold the trick with his queen of clubs, he found himself obliged to lead away from one of his kings. He chose to lead the jack of spades, and South, won with the queen.

Declarer promptly cashed the ace of spades and got out the nine of spades. West had to -win the trick and now had to strike a second blow In the opponent's cause. West decided to lead a fourth hoping that the ruff and sluff would do declarer no good. South ruffed the fourth spade in dummy, discarding the losing club from his own hand. He then led a low diamond from dummy and finessed the nine, putting West into the lead again.

End-played for the third successive time, West had to lead a diamond back to declarer's ace-queen, ving him a free finesse. "A very sound contract," West commented bitterly. "All you needed was three end-plays and an outright gift!" By ERSKINE JOHNSON NEA Staff CorrespondeaV HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD ON TV: Phil Ba'ker'i charge, in the trade paper. Holly- wood Reporter, that the upper hierarchy of TV executives are busy passing UP talent, not passing ON it, has Its merits but doesn't stand up when you examine TV's record. Wails Phil: "There's a fundamental lack of show business experience and knowledge of performers by too many TV executives.

This new regime has taken over the reins in TV. They are agency executives and Park Ave. athletes who have never been a part of show business. They say they are alwayi looking for 'new' talent, but when a performer with worlds of experience who isn't momentarily famous approaches them, they won't answer the phone. A lot of wonderful performers, who have a great deal to offer for TV, are being kicked in the heart because the boys of the new regime never grew up in show business and know little of anything about it." Phil's charge doesn't stand up because it's the new talent and the little-known veterans with "worlds of experience" who are leading the home screen hit parade.

There's no need to list all the names. You know them and so does Phil. In such a short time, I believe the "Park Ave. athletes" have done a mighty fine job with a dium still in diapers. Autry Returns When Gene Autry returns from London, where the critics aidn't exactly cheer his western vaudeville show, he will push the "Annie Oakley" telefilm series starring Gail Davis.

But CBS, the network that controls Gene's own starring series and "The Range Rider," hasn't ordered any new stanzas and doesn't know whether there will be any more. Joyce Holden has been rushed into make-up as a substitute for Jane Nigh in the new "Big Town" series. The new character of a society page reporter who is assigned to the city beat has been created for Joyce, a former U-I star. Jane's impending stork date may cost her the series. 75 Years Ago In BlythevilL Mies Eugenia Crawford has been confined to her home for a week with bronchitis, Is still unable to be out.

Mrs. Tom P. Martin and daughter, Miss Virginia, spent the day in Memphis yesterday. Mrs. J.

A. Riggs of Little Hock will arrive tomorrow to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Conway. The clerk at the McCracken House has had few takers on a bet at even money that if income taxes are reduced ten per cent in January, the politicians will think up something that will cost the taxpayers morei Screen Star Answer to Previous ACROSS 1 Screen star, Gregory 5 Companion 8 He is a cinema 12 Cry of bacchanals 13 Palm leaf 14 Struggle 15 Weary 16 Dance step 17 The dill 18 Incline 20 Fixed lookers DOWN 1 Fondles 2 Wicked 3 Feminine appellation 4 Sharper 5 Soft drink 6 Exclamation of sorrow 7 Endures 8 Frightened 9 Musical quality lOMimlcker 11 Soaks flax 28 Female rabbits-M Native ol 25 Began 29 Entrances 33 Folding bed 34 Affliction 36 Scottish river 37 Most of his films popular 38 Weight of India 39 Pillar 40 Renovate 43 Trappers 46 Meadow 48 Compass point 49,53 His roles have not won him an 57 He enacted many good 58 Eyes (Scot.) 60 Notion 61 62 Burmese wood sprite Hindu 64 Honey- makers 65 Arid ft God at sound 23 Tidings 25 Cicatrlx 26 Ripped 27 Solar disk 30 Indolent 31 Drop of eye fluid 32 Hardens 35 Sea eagle 41 Seniors 42 Tiny 44 Collection Of sayings 45 Wire anew 47 Ameliorate Arabia 50 Sheltered inlet 51 On the sheltered sidt 52 Period time' 54 Jewish month 55 City in Nevada 56 Speaker's platform 59 Pigpen.

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