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The Herald and Torch Light from Hagerstown, Maryland • Page 4

Hagerstown, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ffcotfces. -tu. Iitcitli'Hf nf tin- College HI i en. A Itttur from Minnesota to the lioclivslur Democrat tells this interesting storj: me relatte to yon and your an incident of the war which has lately come to my knowledge, and which lias never before toiind wav into the newspapers. In the olass of Waterville College.

Maine, wore rwo young men who had been chums fitting for college ut the same school, wore chums through tlie entire college onrse. and after graduating puihued their at the tunue si-hmil. and were i-lniius lu-rt' al-i. After admission ti the bar, line went South to seek fortune, the other AVost. Atter I he lireaking out.

of the rebellion, ihe one who went Smith enlisted in the rebel the othei in the Union arnix. Thev lioth ai'terwaui rose to the raniv of oolonel, both took )ait in the battle of Kidge. iu i-omniand of respective regiments. The rebel eolone), at the head ot a Tennessee regiment, was in of a bat- UT which the legiment in comiuaud of the I'uion colonel wasordeied to take at the point of the bavonet. anufacturer of A SUN UMBRELLAS, mid PAR Nos.

4 FUUHI'II Si. Septemliw 14, ISA4--ly. I'll II. i I A (rrllE ERCHANT TAILORS-S W. CORNER.

NINTH A. A I I I A I A Comtantly on hand, a larire and superior assortment of CLOTHING. April S7, 18154. A HOLESALE AND COM- MtSSION MERCHANT 505 A Mifc. Hlxx-e Fifth Nlrrft,) I I I A I A MONEY.

prepared to receive suli- to the new LOAN bounty mi at A 1 I I I'HK PKU nuNuni sK iMinilH i ttUtiti ut tho ot tlm'i 1 Into pt'i ititor Uma, M. A I In thr inatttu'of the uf fj.uwlH Ernle tin lnmtlMnit for tlm nt Laws Iarylani O. S346, by Olcrk -if Haiti CNmrt thin 4th ifajrof Pnlmtury, 1865 thut ilu- Auditor'n RciKMt ami No'l, Alod iu the lio flunllj Httlflml atul ronfirtnt'it l)j the Ontirt, lo the routmry mi luy Murt-li nnxt, prtivittod a otipy of this orilor IMI inni-rtotl in Home impur jtrhitml and in week Im 1 uttuks bufomtaid hint invitltonifd day liSlM. 1BAAO NESIUTT, (Jl'k Iu thu iiKiftcr ot (he Sale ot' the Hlixn tlt'( I tlw Qrpluitia' Court tor Washington ut v. Ordered by the Court lierc tins 3rd tltiy ol February, A.

I 1H(M, that Ilir 8alt- of the LiHUtehohl of this ri'jiurtoil to this by Smith will be ftmtlly tiititlwd und mmllrmutl on 3(t day of Murch next Ulwl oojiy uf thii outer be iimorteil uiioe week tor tlmn uvokn. in Home uml then appearing- to tho i uu iti thin Conn '(0). 8, UotfCim Sntith, iJxcinttr.Ji nt Kohrrt Samuel mi tli and Susmi uiul lloid 1865--In tlu Circuit Court for Wash- intfton Comity, Hittiiiff HK a Court nt Olt'rk said Couit duj if 18B5, that i Autlttor's Ktiirt and Account Nu. 1 und final, Hied in the limilh raliJled und by the Cuuri, un- hiss oaiiH tn tbe dotitran thereof on or btiJurn the iM duy of Muroh uixt, pruvided uuopy ot thiu order be hi Home jinoted and published tn iin bufbrw uaid luat mentioned OF TUB HOPE WELL OIL COMPANY. SHA.UMS, 200,000.

PAR VALUE, $1.00. Fi-b -The battery taken but e.loiiel» TAOOB IKW KK tl It'll WOllllded. Atter the light a uml Hint In- tr.iln a Union captain, biuiM-'lt' a at fn i i Uml nuni)iivie True eovv Tent I A A NBSBITT, Cl'k. capt ilie two being detailed to bury the I and Arm lead, fuuud the twt college and limns Ij ing l.v side ou the Imttle-liled, theii right hands clasped, and both They had evidently each other being wounded, and the old ties of had asserted their supremacy. logethei their had pasod into the eternal world.

Side by in the same grave, they sleep their sleep. tact in ict'ereiice to this college l.i-s is worth mentioning. Of the inoinberM of lie i i aie have been, in the I'uimi Of i lie other three aie and the le- tii.iinuig two offerwl theniMilves as. istir were not accepted on account of physical Usability. They have earned, aud well do i i hey deserve title of 'The Martial Cl.iss.

1 STOCK OF KKKSll GKOCKRIES. ALSO, Llljl Ol-' ALL KINDS. wtnh he i wll nt the l.l\\ to, CX.S1I. fi'HNITl'KK a'l Siindu to had STORK one d.xr North of liK I'lihlnet INtnhlUlnnent. 44, IS64-- tf WI1W V.

II st into i the A 1 A i i i In npphoutiuii of Cmnipttin, au Insol for the benefit ut the Jimohent law. No. INSOLVENTS. tin; petition of the applicant to have au- otiMr flxed for und answer, It Uns ut l-Vbruorv, A. I 1j Cintuit Cimrtlur County, that pruyor of tlif jiettnoner tfruut3U uud that firdt U)N1AV July Term of Ciitirt in tho yeur IBtio, Ite fixwl us tlie fur the HHH! 1'e- Ihth Court to or itH htscrisiitnrs, endorse and sure may propose IH lifpuiiMt i antt thnt mud petitioner by cawing itopyof tliiii imler to lie instiUsl in mmie newspaper in Wurthmgtou Owunty ft tor three nioutlia pimr tu tlit- first JMutuluy thu Tertnut this iMtlt i I i 1 HllT i I I I A A I IVtolwr 1-iA ami 1'cbruiirj iiotine of tin it't'itoil True Ti-Ht Ctm of tttp tlnv tor the pur- I A NE8BITT, Clerk.

G-OLD SILYEU is SAN San Francisco conospondeut of the New Times 1 go to my bu-aUfast I pass Wells tt Fargo's rorncr, und there is a morniug that I do not walk over iu leather bags and silver bars, that bestrew the sidewalk, aa tlu-y are passed out to be delivered by the wagons to the mint, Kellog. Heustons and other melters aud assayers. The evening boat averages a ton a day, as her freight down, of gold and silver, and I have over three anJ a half come aboard at Sacramento at one time, mostly in bars from Virginia City. There is a deal of -solid irrency floating about and it is not in Wall street yet, mere fraction finds it way there direct. the piratical Confederate steamers cruise your most of it goes to England, and lately large shipments have been made to Chi- pictures SOW 1-, THE I TO TOl'H A A A UK VlSIl'AS, FOfR FOll a t.tkf i irlierp and -it anj price RBCHKK'S SKY-LIGHT CJALLEKY.

Public ire "Heralil and Turi-h Pnnt- tis October-j. 18M jlOl'R CARD PICTURES IN THn BEST STYLE AT WALSH'S GALLERY, it MlltrH A-r CaKNKK 0 Ilir. PfllLK i A I I FOR ONE DOLLAR. Ciill and a i Spernne i tl AURORA I A I llPOSITF. THE A i In A IN HARDWARE and Cutlery, 1A t'KK thin be lia.l in or any wliere in tint HiH'tiou of ctmtllry, AXES A.

HATCHETS, LOCKS i Si-rena, FILES nil VimU. 1'LASES Had SAWS i i C'ednr, Turned ami Kiunnvllvl WAKE, BRUSHES. ItOl'llS and Mioe FINDINGS OILS-PAINTS, GLASS, and I 1 and Snathes IKON and STKEL ot nil Vinds and Ruli-H, ShovelK und Forku Butt ami CHAINS; WIST A Grttfuotutle, April a7, STATE of Adam is herfbj ffiveii, ban obtained irmn the Court of Couutv, Letterd ut Atl- Tunustration, on tlie of ADAAJ BEAKD, of dt'ceuhotl. All ptrsons iiitf the bttid ostatt', are hereby tu exhibit the aamu, i i vuiu'h- thereof to the sitbHoriber, on or before duy of Au- next, they may bj law be cjcoludetf troiu all hiMiefitol gaid Given ntuler hand thia 1st da) nf Ffbruury, tlnjiiisplrew indebted tn id estute to rail nud inaku Feh 1, JOHBPli MUHHAY, Adm'r. Sftm't.

Pr-ither uml Wm Prather, JeiiniDH Prat her, ct al. O. 1392--In the Circuit Court for Washington County Bitting IM C'mirt nt KquiU Ordered ly the Clerk ol said C.mrt tins 25lh diiy of Jamiarj 18li5, that the Auditor's Ueuort and Acuount No, 5 filed iu the ruse, lie finally ratified and ontirmed by tlie Court, catiHe to the contrary ttiereot be ou before the i24th day of ruary inst provided a rofiy of this order be inserted iu some nen-Hpaper printod and publlnhod in once week for three weeks before bnid last mentioned day. True popv--Tent i't-l. 1 ISAAC KESBITT, fjlerk.

I I I A I A FULL and general assortment of Fresh FAMILY GROCERIES haTejunt been rei-eired WINES AND LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS together with a variety of'other GOODS. During the abeence of the undersigned, Mr. RIDENOUR will hare full charge of the eitablilhineot, who will he happy to receive the ot and the. public generally, at the OLD "RKD FLAG," Lyi-eum Bnildiiiir, HaffOTtown, Md. DORSET HERBERT.

May 11 ISM THREAT "REDUCTION IN PRICES. s. OGILBY, returned from the Eastern Cities with a large diiig The lands ot Mwh aud Jiweph Smbert and cotitin- A nv. vrT.M\fl.'VS: imiK aid to .1 near a Wild Cherry tree ou the mail leading troni St Pauls Chun-h to the before mentioned ro.ul leading trtmi Oearspriug to Wllllatusport give notice tuut thdv ill meet at the pliu'e of beginning on WEDNESDAY the Istdaj ot MAltC'H, (it lair, not the next fcur daj pioceed to execute said i-oininis- A I 1JAV1D MILLEK, 95, 1W3 A D'TTO. EXAMINERS NO1ICE.

HE undersigued haviug been appointed, by the County (Jommmsionors of Couutv Exum morfa to enqnire whether the juiblic cunveuience requirou the tulluwiug public eouutj ruotl should be to i tuning from a point on the old Hancock road djre tly Mt 4 rojid tt L'luultV Mill dud ji ith the line the htnilb nt MiddleLautr and Jnlni t'oivton to point where said line its course, and t'oui thence directly through thp lands of John Con ton in the riMtd Icudiiijf Iroin C'lciirspnng to and from thence tUrnugb the luml of Juhu Coowton as strike the hue PHB8IDBNT, JOHN ROWE. SKORETAKY AND TBEASUBER, J. SIMPSON AFRICA. UlKBCTOHb "VV. S.

FLKTOHEB, SlcConm-llpburjs, JOHN IlOWK, Greeiicastle. F. BKNKICT, Bedford, J. C. EVEBHAllT, Martinsburg, JOHN J.

SOHELL, Somerwt, C. P. RAMSDELL, Oil City, J. H. SKYMOTIU, Hagerstown, Maryland.

OFFICE --NO. 43i WAI.MT8Tin:i:T, PIIII.ADBI-PIII*. RKSllUVBD AS A WOUKING (JAIMTAL Tint Company hat bun organ'--" 1 will, thi fMKf ffj the mid jilaiin uuJHtiiiatit value upon nt ftlofls, tin flian at Par. The Property of thii ConipaiiJ is "iluated in South CtnOf Townihip, Yimanfio County, known as "THE THOMAS JACOB'S FARM," recently by It tyro hundred wrefc of laud, hich the own in fee simple. Great value is attached to UUR location on accoiint of proximity to several of the belt jiroducing wells in the Venango Oil Region.

The F.tnn lies on the ncHt hide of tbe AlleirbNiiy Itiver, baling a i frontage ufuinvaldn of one inilf in giving suffl- cii-nt boring nurture tor tit least 1-111- liui-'ired linniedi- opjKMite on the enht siile ot the nvt-r, are success- full operation, exol lent oil veils. There is a fine boat landing on the Farm, allortling excellent facilities for the shipment of uil, the contiguity oi the ttaviug the great expense of iueuraed operating fttrther from the itreain. Thaie is also upon the premises large hotel, and tho gloat agrii-illtnm) value of the Farm is ailnntti-it 13 ivhoarc acquainted with the nature ot the soil. Tbe Company feel ell that the ojierations commenc ed by them uil) result in the elopement of OQH of the noh est Oil Basins in the Kejrion tact of the Farm being cuti-d iu the immediate of the bast producing Oil Ter ritory yet ered, is sutflcient asHumni-e of thia Tlwre it at niment the irreatest activity in this icinlty, and a great demand ior boring territory. The Company is organized solely with the view ot developing theii Territory und engaging iu the legitimate business of producing Oil.

The management of the Hflairi. of the ny has been entrusted to gentlemen of weH-knouu tnisini qualifications, will bung to the accouiplialmient of their purpose, their united enterprise ami Mkill. Limited Numbei of Shares will be Sold at the Par Value. i December 'JSth, 1MM--tt cootos. and varied ahXirtmeut of LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S FALL AND WINTER DKESS GOODS, He takei 'his method ot inviting his uiutemers and the public generally to call and see bit Stock before purchasing elsewhere.

Having bought them at a low figure he is enabled to offer them at greatly reduced Pncet. Thankful for past foiora aud by strict attention to business lie respectfully solicits a ihnre of Patronage at the Old Stand WASHINGTON HOUSE DUY GOODS STORE M.KHSTOW MIL October 26, 1864. THK ELECTION IS OVER AND THE COUNTRY SAFE. A. FISHER, Merchant Tailor and Clothier is ut nraniag set und supply of WINTER CLOTHS and CASS1MERES Henry 11 Kuhrback ilitrtlm Rolirbnck, )m wife Noah Hour back, Surah A.

Hohibat Inn Jacub Nichulti Eliza beth Ins wife William Spieluiun Ann M. pie) man, MH itifr Djiniel Rohrbat-k, Dianu Roluback, Ins wife, PICTURES TOR A K. 1 I A -2. Mail eopy. I SO ARK A OUR CARD PIC TURES FOK ONK iOLLAK AT GALLERY.

V.V1' CORNER PUBLIC "iQI'AKK (t I- It lobt-r 't 1HM and one ot the I VRGEST and BEST SELECTED STOCKS in the he will sell and make to order in the BPHI and most Fashionable manner fur CASH. Also a full A I COATS PASTS and KSTS, anil thp Largest Stin-k lit Fun Goodt in hand. November Joseph Afury Hatipt, his John CutliH- rine H.iHkins, his wtfe Joseph HfdneK, James HedncK, Daniel Hohrbaok, Mary llobrback O. 1891. the Circuit Court for Wanh- tug-ton County sitting- us a Court oi Equity.

The objpct ot lliis init ts to procure a decroe lor sale oi oerliiui rual estate, situate in Washington f'ounty, nt the State ol MarLiml lull states that heretofore a certuiu Jacob H. Rohrback, late of said County in hu, life tune and ol a or parcel of land, mttmte iu Conntj und State aforehaid, boing part of Lot No, lOii, i VOIIHIJ Ull.l nittie o.nng pan OI io, nn gnmlk and Inuimmgs on particularly described in the bill, anil containing twenty three .1 A FlftHhR. i aoreB roods and twenty-three perches, and being so there- Iati4 seized and possessed, in the jear 18(4, departed this lite, in- ELEGANT GOODS, CLOTHING. MARTIN BEVANS, Ol'C'l TO J. J.

WILLIAMS i- FURNITURE CUR 1 A I BEDS and Jl South Culvert Strett, BALTIMORE. fnmUhed and USDEUTAK1XG promptly attend- e.L Baltimoro, March 30 1SB4--ly II Ml I.I.Kit MILLER ULRICK, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE DEALERS in all kinds A A I A No. Soi CALMUI STIILEI, Baltimore, Md. NEW STYLES, GOOD WORKMANSHIP, JsO DISAPPOINTMENTS AND REASONABLE PRICES are among tbe inducements offered at the FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORING HOUSfi JAMES A FISHER, Oyi'OSirE fllF. WASlllM.tON Hagerstowu, Maryland.

jty Particular attention paid to Military Customer work. Novembers, 1864--tf. ATTENTION, HORSEMEN would inform the public generally tliat we now on hand the largest asiturtment of fit-toiler lit, BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. ANKS, BANKERS, MERCHANTS, MANl'FACTVUEHS. A I ROAD COMPANIKS, i.C JLC i nuiiit to i i interest to order trum the BLANK HOOKS on ii.ind und iniMle to order, ruled to pattern anil made from tirat EXVKI.OPES a large atMortuient ol I A STATIONERY of all tor Bl I'KOFESSIOXAL, AM I A L'SE.

Foi S.ileat ii.ixler.jte WILLI XSI 1IANN, i I I Bl.A^K BOOK I I 43 South 4th St -eel, Philadelphia. Irtil. SADDLES, HARNESS, AND VTACKXN GEARINGS in tue State, (ont of thu City of Baltimore), which we -vill soil to suit the times. We have opened in connection thereto A A A and i iu the future, MAKE ALL OUR COLLARS, as oily Collars do not render satisfaction. Persons wanting a GOOD ARTICLE in this line mil do well bj calling before purchasing elsewhere All ask it a TRIAL, and i TO PLEASE.

SHOPS, on East Washington Street, one door East of Bow utan'a, and on Franklin Street, two doors of the Marke House CALL AND SEE US. Hagerito. March 30--U APPLEMAN A BRO PHILADELPHIA A A E. CORNER FOURTH MARKET STREETS. anufacturers of PAPER HANGINGS.


708,) PHILADELPHIA. W. PROCTOR invite the attention of their friends to their large and miperb stock of FINE CLOAKS AND FURS, unparalleled in any former J. THE PEOPLE OF HAGERSTOWN AND A I COUNTY. all who i.nor bim.

iie will be known 4 Breuen January 4, an an NDKKTAKER, (treat attention ami prompt W. ERSIAX WOOL. I a tew 1'KRSIAN WOOL -The nrv to oatl and examine our Stm-k B. KENDALL I tloont the House BONKS WANTED!" highest jirice, in will be paid ior i deln en-d atom null formerly known iu "Hei. i on tlii- iluKerstonu.


receiving BURR -i. BLOCKS ilm-i-t from the quarries of de la Barn I o( Fnuu-e. and are prepared to ui iUe t.j onler keep UaiHl a lanre aMorttnent Bl RH MILLSTONES of all 7e, ANCHOR BOLT- I CLOTHS Leather and Gum Belting, I-roof --inn nuu-himx Sereen Wire. Mill nnd Hammers and also. Cologne Cocalnu anil Ksotmi V.

STARR it CO at No. 173 Xorth street eorner of Centre opp N. R. R. Station, Bait.

Md. The increased accommodation afforded 111 oar new Itwutlon, enables to devntv the attention to our FUR DEPARTMENT which will be found well tarnished with ererj deneriptum oi FIRST CLASS FURS, which will be gtmrauteed as repre- sentini or the money paid.will be refunded per mail will be oarefully Attended to, aud delivered area pnid, any dmtanre inaide of 100 miles. PROCTOR CO Sept. 98, 1864-- 8m. No.

390 Chestnut Philadelphia. 1. PAPER HANGINGS AND WINDOW SHADES. Si 'Ml BALTIMORE STREET, (OPPOSITE HANOVER,) BALTIMORE, to the public a superb Stock oi SPRING PAPER HANGINGS, 10LD WINDOW HOLLANDS, all of the latest and mos Ashiocab'e styles and colors, and Tan-ing in ciaalitv from the to the HIGHEST priced Orders promptly attended lo. Baltimore, -March 3O, 1864--ly TOY US, STOVBS, its attention co our large ami varied atook HTOVE8 fur all We juat completed an entirely new ntyle of "DINIKG ROOM whiob entire Weask nenons wftntiniranvthiuir of the kind to give iw a call.

MCDOWELL Ar 11AKCHTEL COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. HIGHLY niPOKTANT TO YOTTNG MKN. YOCNft MEN who are out ot employment; YOUNG MEN about engaging-in business; YO17XO MEN wbohvebad limited means of acquiring an education YOl XU MEN well eduented in other re- apeets, but deficient in buai- affairs, YOUNG MEX of fortune, who would know how to manage own YOUNG MEN without fortunes, who would pOMesa the beat means of ri ning in tbe world YOUNG MEN of akill, enterprise, and ca- but lacking a knowledge of any of the branchwa taught in a complete course of commercial instruction Should attend thit Jjutltution, which ia now a moat flourishing condition, at Fa. are rapidly coming 1 in from all parts of the country, thereby showing their preference for an Initituttoa which ts ftmndedoathepriucipleot Ourcoune of butineM tratnlmg ntandn pre-eminent in United States, aa moiit thortingh and ooiaprebenaive. INSTRUCTION IN Book-keeping, Arithmetic.

Fenmaiuhlp, Commercial Law Phonography. Telegraphing, and bualaeM In general. for circular, girtng full partlculan. A. M.

TRIMMER. February 8, 1865--3sn. Carlisle, Fa. 1 and unmarried, leaving- the oompliuiiiiiiH and the defendants, all of whom tirv non-residents of the State ol Maryland his hoirn ut Ian. That said estnte oannot be out to the parties interested, and thut they are entitled to luive the SHUIIH sold und a tliviMon of the money nnsuig from mich sale, among: l(s parties, acconliug to their respective in terests and rights.

The bill pruys that decree may be jmrtsed tor ot the wild rval estate" and a distribution of the proceeds ot sale among the parties aforesaid, proportion to their renpeeth interests. It is therefore uitd ordered that the complainants, bj ctiusing fopy ut this order, to be interred in some newspaper published in Washington CVumty, once ID each of four successive ueeks, before the third daj of March next, gn notice to the said absent defendants of the object aud ot this bill and warn them to appear in Court, In person or by solicitor ou or before tbe nfth day of June next, to ausner the premises and sbew cause, any a whv a decree ought not to past: aa prityed. True copy--Test. February 1, ISAAC NESBITT, Clerk. Henry B.

Rohrback, Noah JEohrback and others, O. tho Circuit Court for Washington Cimnty, as Cmirt of Equity Tbe object of tliia suit is to procure a conveyance of a certain piece or parcel of land, known as Lot No. 101, aituattt in "Washington County, in the State ol Maryland, to the Btiid Henry Hohrback The bill states, That the Complainant and his brother Eliah Rohrback, Jacob IL. both ol whom are dead, and Noah RohrUick, in the year 1850, agreed to puifhae from a certain Isabel A. Itrien, devisee in trust of John McPheraon Brien, do- tu-iised, 'all those ot a tract of land, distinguished a recent survey and a trai.t of land raited "Antietam Works, as Lot number 101, and part ol number 102, part of number 105, purt of number 106, and part of number 109, mtuate in the County and State aforesaid, and v.

hich sind purchase from said Bnea ivas ratified by the Chancellor of Maryland and adopted tbe trustees, Jonathan Meindith and J. Spear Nicholas, who, by their deed bearing date December 1830, coin eyed the said lands to the said Jacob H. Rohrback, describing them course anil distance, metea and bounds. That, it was agreed by and between the lour brothers aforesaid, that the Complainant Henry, was to be the purchaser and owner of said Lot No. a conveyance of tbe said five Lots above mentioned, should be made to the said Jacob, and that he should subsequently convey to tbe Complainant and his brother, the respectively purchased by each.

That, that part ot Lot No. 102, conveyed by the deed aforesaid, was tbe land wnirh the said Jacob took to himself, under said purchase and conveyance. That, Jacob in pursuance and fulfilment of said agreement and arrangement, subsequently to the date of the conveyance of aaid land to him by said trustees, executed and a deed to said Elias and Noah, for the parts of said lota, which they liad purchased and paid the Complainant, paid the purchase money for said Lot No. 101, ami is entitled to a conveyance of the but was presented from receiving it, by the sudden death of the aaid Jacob. That Elias died in the year 1862, unmarried, and Jacob died iii the year 1864, ititeatato and unmarried, leaving aa bin hein at law, the brothers aistent, nephews A- nieces, viz Henry Rohrback, Noah Rohrback Sarah A Rohrback, his wife, Nichols, Ann M.

Rohrback, Intermarried with certain "William Spiehuan, and a Nephew Dauiel Uohrback, whose wife ia Diana, Rohrbaok, all of whom retide in Washington County aforesaid, Helen Rnhrbnck, intermarried ith West Stotlemyer, of Frederick County, in the State of Maryland, tbe two last above named being tbe children of John Rohrbaok, deceased, was a brother ol the said Jacob H. Rohrback. dcutwied. Mary hrtwfc, intermarried with a certain Joseph Himpt oi Jeftereon County, in the State of Virginia, Catharine Rohrbaik, intermarried i a cortu'ti John Jiomkina ot Warren County, in the State last aforesaid, Joseph Hednok and James Hedrick infants, under the upe of tweatj one jears, the children of Barbara Rohrback, a deceased sinter who had intermarried i a certain David HedricK, now deceased, and vthieh said mfaut children reside County, in the State of Virginia, Daniel Rokrbuuk, whose wife is nammi and reside in the State of Illinois, upon whom lias oh ed all the said Jacob's intercut in the said Lot No. 101.

That because of the number of heirs, because your orator is one ol said heirs and caunot com ey to himself and necaune dome ot them are and non-residents, the complainant cannot procure a conveyance of said Lot No. 101, without tbe aid of tbe Court. The bill then prays thut the defendarta may answer tbe aeveral matters charged therein for an oraer of publication and that a trustee may be appointed to convey the title to the said Lot No 101, to the Complainant, and for further or other relief. It is thereupon adjudged aud ordered, that the Complainant by cammg a cop of this order, to be inserted in some newspaper printed Washington County, onee in each of four suocensive weeks, before tbe third day of March next, give notice to Ike said absent defendants of the and substance of the bill' aud narn them to appear in this Court, in iwrson or by solicitor, on or the ftfth day of June next, to answer tlie promises and shew cause, if any they have, a dei-ree might not to as prayed. True Copv--Test February 1, 1865.

ISAAC NKSBITT, Clerk. (Carts. A. HAGER, WHOLESALE A RETAIL GROCER, HOIHH njKNKH IMWUf -Jl VUI- Utigoraltmn, Mil. Has constantly Iiund a lull nn.l -n-leeted mwk OOODK, consisting in purt us follows: FAMILY FLOUH, (own maVe UIO COFFEE, Frmioh Breukftist and Dinner OOPFKK, "Rubin Mills," GltOUND do HARD CRUSHED SUGARH, 8OKT do (B) do VEkLiOW do BROWN 8VRUP8, (dlireritnt quallHm,) IMPERIAL, 1ILACK A A A 1 I 1 8 A Pare Rye WHISKEY, (own make,) Old A i DARK N.

E. RUM, HOLLAND I DOMESTIC MADEIRA I Sherry PORT LISIION SWEET STOl'llllTON I I I i 4.C 1 am prepared to otter indiu fin invite tho attention nl (lie l-iiMIc to tin i H. SN1VELY APOTHECARIES. N. AV.

rOttNKH PliniAC! WJITAHE, lire ri. a full ut DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PEllPtTMEBV, TOILET SOAPS, COMBS, BRUSHES, MKIJICINES, AC AI to which the attention ol the public If renperllully imllnil A suppln ou liberal terms Particular attention KIM to Compounding Pnwriptionit. October Sli, 18lil. stock 1.1 pui. hiiscrx a und net.

t. I tv ill dell or lh. linnet uinrli't fiivor me ith call The -HUM SH ol oin elturth fore, will be thegfllar.inti'i*, tluit our tliiMi.lri i no li ith out hit'ieimeil tut rt Uliliiltion to pleiiKe NnvemlM 2, IBM II I I A i i i undurriigiiud takes this method of iu- forming' his friends and tlie jiutilii i i OiJlt he hat. tukfii tlm OLD A I i GROCERY STAND, f.iniierl.l kept II Wise in West Washington miili-r Hotel and having just returned Irani tlie CiM i a In GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE. WOODEN-WAKE LIQUORS, W1NE.S, ie flatten hiniHull Ihal can rompetc other I M- the Countv.

pleaunn- i IM- tuli-n in i i i. GOO1 to all i i i COUNTRY I'RODI Ci: -n in iN April 20, 1RI4 I LL A GH1 A II, APOTHECARY --WASHINGTON HOUSE, IIAIIKRSTOWX, ESPECTFULLY calls iitteution to his 8'IOCK. 11RLGH. CJIKMICALS, PAINTS, I A A I I I'anej HOS'I I TKll 1O.MACH, I A I A A I 1 1 I I 1 1 A A i i i I I A i AHI.I: IMI.I/S SCMh.M is A I A I AI RE CA'J I I A I PILLS, .1 vrni: PILLS i PILLS I I A A I PILLS, iiiiuu otlii rh hi II.MII i. PI 1 for Ciuiwimptton: i i i i i.

I i i i i lor tin i lire nl 1111(1 i I i POi'LLAK, PATENT MEDICINES. Bouses. DAVID ZKDLEH. JOS. R.

2ELLK It ELLER Forwarding and Com- inmsion Merchants, offer their services and silioit the put rimage ol the public. They ill liny at the highest market price. WHEAT, CORN, RYB, CMJVERBEED, TIMOTHY SEED, POTATOES, and PRODUCE generally, and keep constantly on hand lor sale, ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS COAL, GROUND ALUM and FINE SALT, mid the l.iUenliifr for tthich are Agents HANCOCK A LIC CEMENT, Wlnlwliick i.Jo'»Cl;Ri;ALlZKRor I I I I A i 1 RhoiUs PHOSPHATE--Be. JI II'I'LATEC. Of nnd Permian (.1 A PEACH BOTTOM ROOF1NR, SLATE, 4o unit 'K Cents) I.x)«i tu the JOHN DO WELL, ROCER AND CHANT, 0 S3 SOUTH CALl-Klfl sy HVB DOOfS KltOM I I I A I I I I A I i Dealer in BACON, BUT'l Lll, I'l-li in.

i LIQUORS, iu: A(ri-nt for tlie I for Family fin H-, PEACHES, in OILS BLAl'lvHKHKlKS, in», Strawuerrn'11 ji Clu-iries mi Tiiiu.itoei in AunHed Jellies, kiiuuwi V. Ion and Catsups, and ewii Mini Baltimore, MarcB ill. I I I A A A 1 0 A inoitt ahi.ilili- lut n. h. i i i i na n.T\.iu^n»-- i( or twlor ut the i i I I I I1KW.S A A niaiUj Irom nu, un.l inaniil.ii i r---mtiM simpl.

an 1 i i i i ll i I I I I hniipni); I i i i i 'i i im.i A I D1IJS, ot Jin i i i A i I i A OH H.irM- Condili.m 1 I I A I A Cattle und Hut; POWDr.lts OLNT LlMMr.ST Mit.l h. niulu-. 1 Pure (iroiind I'LPPUR I I i I A ll.OMU I VLLSP1I i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i A I I IJ.S, I I I I I Ls, A i ii i i lie HUD' t.i hnii pl.H fli. Havfi It.uik, uli-r tlie n-hmfTtini I I I A I I I I I A I i niff J'r- September 7, 1PM-- ly ZKLLKR 4. SOMf C.

V. R. R. FREIGHT STATION, AIJERSTOM N-, February 1, 18(J4. MKRCHAXTS AND pn'f'iit to and from H.i£i'rHto\\n are a- i i 1st Claim i Yoil, 2il (JI IW) I'l (.

I.IM, 100 4U 4th (Jl.i I HIK '10 NO A I I A CIIAR(iE! i i-i'( i i bnnetit H.itt tnini the C.oi.U inii-t be f.illowi, At Pctiiui Prciirhi I mi I I If A i A i i No North 1 A hON Dei i he- 14 )Hi4 (JO-J'ARTXKRSlllP NOTICK. Cfinili'inod i ut di 1'iik I I GROCERS, A I i C(LM- A Oorner April 27 I I A I Khth initl PHILADELPHIA. AT JLl EW SUPPLY OF WATCHES, JEW- FOR RENT. HE PKESBYTEBIAN A A a R. GEO.PECHTIG (HOMCEOPATHIST.) OFFICE on South Jonathan Street, opposite the Marble Yard of Thomas Taggert tc.

Co. Hagentown, February 3, 1864. R. J. M.

M'KINNON, Offers his Professional services to the public in Hagentown and vWnity. Ciui be Jbund Bt his OFFICE, next door to the Leather Store of Daniul Schindel ii Sons, at all hours, unless professionally engaged. February 3, 1864. A B. A OMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN.

Office SOUTH POTOMAC STREET, formerly occupied by Dr LUNGREN. Fobruarj'3, JOHN L. SMITH, to take the Acknow- Vy ledgment of DEEDS and other INSTRUMENTS OK WRITING for the States of Pennsylvania, Illinois and Iowa, April 6, 1864 A LARGE AN1) SPLENDID ASSOKTMKNT OP FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, JUST RECEIVED. QCHINDEL LONG, having jubt return- ed frum the CitiuM, ure now to ftiriiiHh the ja with the latest stilei of new Ooodf, at the lowMt rated. Tlimi atonk of in lArge uotl ell selnoted, conmitting jmzt od every of LADLES DBKSS (iOODS, MERINOES, POPUNS, nil wool rniw, Cl.HS W.AIDS, Fig liiid Plain ALPACAS, Plllin BtidFignrpil nil wool rmuRED REPS, SOOl'OH PLAIDS, tetort Htj 1C, PLAID ALPACAS, FANCY, TOLOEED AND BLACK SILKS, PLAIN COLORED SILKS, PLAIN BLACK I BLAOK FIGURED BKOWN SXIJCK, A tuHortnient of BALMORALS, AT LOW PRICES.

MOURNING GrOOJOS, We hfive paid pnrtK'ulur attention in Kelertiou of variety of mourning froodHHH follows Black Frenoli MERINOK.S, 6 4 lilnclc DELAIXES, BARATHEAS, Black FIGURED REPS. Black MOHAIRS, Bl.ick ALPACAS Black, all wool DKLAIKES, Block Knjfliah MR1KOKS, Of Second mouruitiff, we verv of Dri lt UooJp. DOMESTIC GOODS, Brown and Bleached MUSLINS, Df.msntic GINGHAMS, CANTON FLANNELS, BED TICKING, OSNABUltOS, 10-4 IM SHKlITlNdS, FLANNELS, 4-4 SHAKER 7 8 do do GREY ACKING do FANCY COL'D do WHITE, RE1 and YELLOW FLAfNEL, A gnat variety and at all We have connected with our natublisliment a niude clothing tttore, and afl we employed tbe orkiiien, we are able furnfoh, on tuo iboitest uotire, the lati ist Gentlemen clotuinir, to order and constantly on hand a good stock of ready made clothing a nd goodii for Gentlemen's wear, ft hioh arw able to noil ut the -rerj lowest ratei having purchased a greater part of our stock old pnees. We keep constantly on hand a well selected Htock uf Men and wear, consiltinfr of BEAVER CLOTHS, BLACK FRENCH CLOTH, BLACK FANCY 8ATINETTS. FACTORY TWEEDS, MELTON CLOTHS, ALL WOOL KENTUCKY BASS, TLAID kSSIHERKS, KERS TESTINGS, BLACK VELVET VE8XINGS, BLACK SILK GRENADEJfBS, BLACK SATINS, PLUSH VEST INGS, Haiieratown, October 19, 1664-- tf.

H. to YlNGLING- SHINDAT Jt AT THE OLD STAND OF SOIXMON B. ROHRl OPPOSITE LYCEUM HALL, aa just returned from the cities, with i irob- ably tha LARGEST STfWK ot DRY GOODS ever brought to this town, bought nnder pressure of the panic, which will enable him to offer goods nt prices lower than were in It is scarcely deemed necessary to tax the read- erwith a list of all the nemos of DRESS GOODS, CLO THS CLOAKINGB, MEN it. BOYS' WEAR, HOSIERY, a all the varieties of goods required to make the fullest and most complete Stock ever exhibited in Haaeraiown. All that isde sired is a call, and an examination of the Stock, which Is the best advertiuraent that be offered, as no pains or 1 abour was spared in baying swch varieties of goods of every de scrip- tmn, that every one may be supplied with any tiling they mav wish to purchase.

Do uot fail to nll and examine the 3took of A. JOHNSTON, deceased. Reipecttully iiiturmi, hit tricmis and tbe public that he luw jilrtt ed rrom the i i must splendid nmf.ii tinent ol PINE GOLD and I LEVERS, PLAIN, ami VERTICAL WATCHES and .11 .111 nMortuient ot Jcnelrj, as ottered in He hue linye aasurtineiit ot SILV l.R i'liih-d und Brittuuia War Round (iothir ami Squared W.iteis and Ten Trajis Gold a Dd Sih er bjiei tacles Pen and PI-IK and 8teet Caril Nedlu and Thimble JJnxct, i and Lornl Music Boxes .1 ad fine Fans, liirjre ami HiMiititul iit-nt ot Bruuntpiiis, Rings, Uur UniifB. Rodp-r'- Ciuli-rj Strops, Poiket Ilookb, Steel Ilc.iib* Purw Bag and Clan jK, I i Tooth IJrn-tiei, T.inkarilK and lor Communion .1 U5i.irtni.'nt oj itsofnl articles for WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY REPAIRED in the moil COMPLETE and A manner. The hight-Ht price paid in cdih tur old Sih UIE uniJcrt-ijriifd, i a tlx-m- unili i 11.IIHU and ol li A.

1 ltr purport, ol i ondui t'ing Tin- CLOTHING AND A TAILOKIXG t.ilt of tr tncml the public jreueralK to i Store, in ihe I3F" It 1 J5 I 1 (i A I I VUMlh Of W.M I) I1LLI. re I .111 0111' ol I i Of J'l-IS 5 -5 A i A i I LO I ami IH.N I I I I tioous (tSomctliniy intend noiu lint the ol i i i king up our (j'lotliuijr nut one ot i tirin liav h.i'l in i timlm linjr tin 1 I lotliin itri ke. 1. ild 1 fe A A I I' A A A A ttllll I i I '1 FA It ME US A J) If A If JO Tin: THHASHElt, SEPAUATOH, A A '1 KBl'LK Oh 1 HORSE-POWER iX USE. A and a i i llSllinl Jill' llllllMllfll .111.1 I.II..-1I i -So dili nt'nli-1 iniimii tti 1 anil fr nn up It.

ln-el InuiiH to iiriMfnt iir hudi-is i i OM i i i i i i i HAKIMS i A inif niiitum .1 nl i i -1 ppi-r I'miik n-ii. rolfi tl tri '1 runX lias IIIUMT i i i i looxf fctup tumble Hh tin- iloulilc dim'r ranii'ii bi' can be i liuke-- i RACK 1 I I I i i i i a i not, i tojethc pr. Irin-ii I in li sidfnhli I KM' ut iii.l I of (, i i i i nil- in Ilie I i to th it i HaMtiir i i i i i iinpor'iiiit tU ofl tllH ltr.S-1 1 1 I 'I I ill. Bliil ui- i KM Ll I I i lur i i i i i i i I ml i OHDr.l! I i JOM A I Minn Airni u'lin i I'l-lj JI, H.ii;iiMinii A 0111 nl-. lui GREAT BARGAINS IN JEWELRY.

FOEKVTH and 44 Nassau St New-York, tin- Pmt ofler lor Httle the follUK Mag mill i-tit Llht ot WATCHES, I I A I i-C Vuiued at AKTIULK OM; UOLLAII ami nut tobopuiil lor i MiiiktioM i are tn iri't. (lold ami SilM-r Wati'liV-s, troinf HJI li Jnld lien IX) -ji-li "l)0 timl i i lo III li Hnltl llanil Br.icpii-ti, 00 i i 1W 1'a- li C'IIRIIHI, SUm.uoaiid Ji'tllroiH-lHS, IW Hi h. XI pun 1 5 A SKW- IXG mi.I i 11,1 I I i A I ami I'MT tliili)t elfi. to tbe tor .1 i) POPULAR KMJ OR1UM. II.IM' jn-r opened out M- ut tbeir i on i i 'ormr ol tin 1 Piibbi iu a a i a iMitnpli'li- a-Mirt MEX AXD BOY'S CLOTHING, i IH ,1 i i i i i i i an.I ni.uli 1 il to ii-toni Work I'OIHJLAR PHLCEb, ttr i i tin'v i ilt 1 the of jur I GEXTLILMEN'S I I GOODS, 1.H BI- 1.

-if BOOTS and SHOES i li tor i IHMJ in--anil i i i i i i i xi.rp ,1 t'all mil i i i i I'l I 1VLK A i i 7 I 1 A AND SKPARATOKS A I 51 JI TtlOKOl I I I HI. i I ri) A l.l.l'C.l '10 I i 1 0 I I of our imjirovi-tl i Sfjuntor l-ir tlw MUWII i i it 'liinjr i l.oim'il i.n An-1 i I.KAIN mill I I A I I A i i I Ml.M i i suli' lli' ti'i-si'il in t-irin Hi'' ni.i- IT A HI; In- I I A I I 111. il before purchasing elsewhnn- Ocl IS i 3S4 THE CHEAP HAT, CAP AND FUR STOKE. AVING purchased the interest of hie late partner, Mr. FliEANEK, in that ell-kno BAT.

CAP, LADIES' FUR and GENTLEMEN'S FUR NISlMING STORE, on Ealt Washington Street, near the Pub lie Sq uare, tbe undersigned announces to hiufriends and the bile at that he has now ou hand a large and complete stock of HATS, CAPS, LADIES K'JRS, A GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, of the latest styles, and made of the best mater which he is prepared to sell at the most moderate terms co) jsistent with the times. He is at all times in receipt of good from the cities ll bound to keep up with the latest fashio He aim manufactures to order HOME-MADB HATS, experienced workman emptojeil in the manufcetunng pnrtment. The public are invited to call anfl inspect bis stock aud learn He is satisfied that no one really of purch sing by calling on linn will go anaj dfc laprminted He can prices. nd ill suit them as to quality and price. He tmats by unti ring 1 attention to business mid a desire to accommodate ALL, to merit and receive a continuance of manv favors already oestowed on the c-oncern rEO.


Mtl. Will give prompt attention to any businew to care. BACK PAY AND BOUNTY, promptly collected Fee's In OHM regulated 'ny Claims airaiiut the United States promptly collected. In fore connected it MOS D. BEN'NETT, MERCHANT TAILOR, CLOTff JEB, (Suiwensor lo J.

D. REAMER,) the public that hu tnken the Clnthing Stand formerly occupied by J. D. Hv.un*r, and invitee the old customer! of the MtabUtbnwDt to him their tfion, and rapaotfiilly a abiure of te twtronmKe of the public, guarranteeinfr at all HUM to Mil CHEAP, ont NEAT and up work aa DURABLE and FASHIONABLE any other Eitsbliahmcnt in the county. Junt returned from the City with a large of fiwllionable pattern! of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which he ill make to order in tbe lateet ityle.

He hai on hand a (rood atock ol A A I a Tery 1 "took of Genti' FurnUting and everything appert'ainloif to a Gentleman'! Wardrobe, to which Ui ff.endiand the public generally to examine before purchasing elmawhare. P.e feeto thankful tor the extended to him, and to Itf'iU a liberal ihare in future. STOKE on the Public 8e.nare. Nurwnber 1864. large and comom.nt Home, In South Fotranar mation nheerfully fumlihed, on all connected with thi.

Possession given first of April next. Apply to either of the Trustees of the Church, or to the snbwriber. S. OSILBY. 1064 en of free of OF'PICK Washington Street, Sontb.

Sldt, near foot IHfttman 38, IgM. tf A I DISSOLUTION PARTNERSHIP. The Partnership exiltinff between I ROUSER baring been dissolved, the undersigned wUl continue TANNING and CURRYING BUSINESS it. Old of 4 (ItKI and Floreiiline llrnoi lie Oil l.tXHI Cameo Har IX) to em li 41)0(1 Ldia i i i i i i i i Oil to Lar rirnps, Tl OOlo JM i i IKHI a i i i i Pin to Dili OUtl itch tin tn IM ai .) Full ami Ribbon VI at to li jUl) -etts ot liosum Stllil-, "ill to rl, OK 1 iel. Sleeve Kuttoiih, Til) to tl0(t eac Ij.lXID Plain and ChaM-ii HIIIK-, i-' "id ti, H) i.n li tllll) and Stone King-, I OIK) Loekel.s, 50 to tM each Ota aIitorinaUi.liiiond.Pins and Unifr- I Oil i Hi llll 3 000 Ladies' (lold Pewilh, 00 to IW e.u 3.CHXI Ladies' Larjre It tSOU to IX) li 10,000 Lathes' elr.1 00 e.ii 10,000 slher nietaled boldei-.

10 000 Ooltl Pens exteiihion C.IM", mid Peunl- f4 00 to i( (XI eni'h The artieles in i stn ol an 1 tin' tuMtt anil most fcinhiomble st le i i a i ot i t'ie i.inoif, i are put in wall anil i Mm- a a elmnee and hen tin a i tor li and on the i eipt ot the eertitkate it i a iijitmn tu st-nd 1OLL n.inied in it or not. TIM' i i i i i 1-1. eleTen i i one hundred 1" l'i r- tflrnte to be eiielosed mill the order CorM'spomlMiM-e promptly aniwered it dutmrtl) iindi-rsiood thai our biininess i- no lottery The object ot this i sr llnui i- to pun ha sern the ot 1 U) uifr the jinees ith Uieelianeeof .1 'XV'atcb or sunn ar tide, nntl all sent not sutistactoM urn he i and the money ill be retunded A nantetl in and Send tor Circular Address I A I leeember I I I 'lui 4i And 4t in i i II 11 A Strei-f, BARGAIN'S, 13AKGAIXS. JUUUAIXS. AI I.UIKI urn Cut .1 linr iit I llilM- jllf-t I I i 1, in 'i I I I'lM Cl.S lii'ioi pun i i i 1-ou i i i i i i i xtm 111-' i t.uti- A 1 l.n_- i-Mirliii-nt nt i Ivl I-O I 111M ou ii i I 1 i at i i i i i iTIiXlSHlXO GOODS.

.1 mil i i i i i i i i tri i i i ami i inonnii tir-t nti i Ii i in I i i i b.u i i in ui i il .11 i iu t. i I I I A I I i run LI: i i i i INnni i 1 i T.IL" tn il Ih. lu'vt ma. i l.iN.1 NIM ill i i i .111.1 1--I. llliltl lTu i i lo in i i Hi I p.

i i Ml li-tti'ri. pn I I I 1.1 II I I I ii 1 1 M.I i ami Si. .1 ullar. 1 i i i II i I I.H.MS V.sll iiii.l CLO'I'HES I i i i i III il-i an.l i to to riililn I i TO THE PUBLIC. i Ulldl i i li MilH- li 1M Ills.i.lJ ii rj-igni'd, ti.iilinj; i s.

i i i I I i .11 ,1 i il tin I ITI'tlli'l IMtll tin- Hi "1." A. tu I I ho i iiiiiliu I HIM i i i i i i Mb i I in r. 1 maiiji It lib. ral patron to liii.i -V I I II li STOVE.

TIN ind SHEET-IRON A ARBLE YAH1), Xoi-ili i i (n. tin- ll.i.,-,' II Ml I I I I I A i i A I A (0 l.i ih'ii in. in A I I I lii-t t'i'ii Tlnnl I A I I I I Septemlier 18W 1. i.l sn i i HHO N1TED STATES HOTEL, Corner of Mat-let and tfi'th A HUI'CUISON March 30, 18B4-- i i I ion MD DANIEL W1L.U, of Ciiilintlhbiirir, Mil I I I I HE Proprietor begs a to announce to the I'ubliu, tlint hBMiijT a and re flttii! tin- utxn KOUH? he is prepii.tfd to uofoniniiKtute Tr.tnbi* nt IVniui- none BOAHDEBSi mill board uud Iwtldinir nt niuilerate rnten. STAGES connect i nil IID by rail, nd our OMNIBUS ruiin to (he Fninklin Kntl liond tor the no- cainnwdatiou of GacsH.

April I i FRANKLIN HOUSE-- HAG ERSTO WN. ISRAEL KNODK, Proprietor HIS well-known House, for many years Kept by JACOB A. Wun.lir, Kwj mm under lenw to the Mibwriber, ill make effort to render itn comfortable. The House in (foixl reptur, anil oilier miproi e- are in progress All who may pleated put im' 1 1 m1 HE undersigned is prepared to pay CASH for QUARTERMASTERS' VOUCHERS, at a EEASONABLE DISCOUNT. All holding turn them into money by calling on at the of the Herald TVrrl, or on M.

MARSHALL, Canluer of tbe Hajrerstown Bank October 19 1864. J. C. AUSTIN. number (f Coal.

A A 1HOOP LEFEVEB are prepared to fnr- nnhCOAL thebuBhel, ton or lioat load--aluo LUM- BE1 tt desonptuni to order. Kebruar 3, 1864 A A A ''iivite tlie attention of the public to our to of LYKEXS VALLEY. LORBERRY AND --mr. ANTHRACITE COAL CUMBLR- ISHERS unrivalled Mince Heat, RRANTS Frail CURRANTS, CITRON, AOEB-8 MAMMOTH GROCEUY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. election, subject tbe 8 1 II 111 F.b'y FOR SHERIFF IN 1865.

HY WILL RICHMOND FALL Be. li. W. T. PKREANER, the and new i trii ad 1864.

M'OVES. STOVES. STOVES. I A I I I 'pur: i vim- Pin 4. IJ, would i i i t)ti i i i ur IK ll i i lilt" i-t I i M.nmt.ii tnrv "I A i-ih A I i A I I I A Ih it II.IH uml II i i i i i ml i i i i i i i COOKING i i i tin 1 bi 1 i llii a i i .1 mi-ill ul i I I I i i i i i i i i I'm- MI.M-, Man- l)(h riKini mil Ch milii'i U.ii|ro» dl.lti" ni JJbaw- A.I A Also .1 nl llOL'hK GOODS, HIII It 1 iiml lliit.un.i I in CUJIJUT Shi il I i i i 'Im J.IIMII in oaili-n 1 i Iranr ullii- Mllli.

'I MIITIH! Sam i' i i i li.ikm^ 1 jn a i i!- Min. A i ii 1 lo "Hi i i i i i i i i i i I i I I I I I I I 111! I 1 'TJ-l I htiii'k 1 i I i i I sroi-i. Hi HOI si. ri I I I A I I Il.ll."'i-linMl Il-'i! OLD IRON OLD IRON OLD HE liiuflioiit market pric-c in p.tid ior CAM' I r.I!'! U' ()14 lilJA.S.S a i Stmt-Hilil I'm I i i i i i i i "I H.l)rrniloMn 7 IHM II Vl'li I) A ants Jcyars. I ll 1" ll I.

-U I iilleu'ii il.iiJi i i i i Vf liri' jm IV-IMN! to Itl.tki i i mi! eM of 11, OKNA.M1.N 1 M. in .1 i inn i-xii-ll. il i i i i i i i l.l\ i I i mir tin' piitnin liri' I'l i L''111 i it i our i on-l tut I'llort in i i II i i i i I 1 a i i i i i i i i i i i i i. or (' i i F.btu.ii\ I I I A 11EKE1JY i lli-piiblir II.IM. am 111 ii .1 i Fr.iitklm sin i In low Hi" li.iilio,nl jlip.iri.Ml to hll onl- for oik MI.

I If A A A 1 1 I AM) All (in nork fru promplh filled, iilci it to hint imn'i I A A. I J. 1. JACOBS A. 11KO.


L'nioii I.A SAV1M.AXA, L.A AMBKOSIA T. ui Ham Tubwk Git mi, nnl A unm.ith, EXCELSIOU1JEMABANA HI- LAC LA I'HAT'I I ESPANOLA, LA BANANA. HBNKV fl.AY, LA A A I I I i A COSl'llA CUBA I'M 'KM Mem's Patent, Briar Root, Gutlnpcn-ha Plain Tut Rose Wood Imitation Meer-hunm, Box Wood, Cigar Holders, ic. WEST WASHINGTON STREET Oi-i-osin: WAMIIM.ION MI BAVK. WANTED.

LAUD TA1.LOW. HE highest pricce will be and for LAED MARSHALL, Hnffenlown, Md. HOO(S 1 AXD SHOES li.n inj; on .1 lot of HOOl.S sIlOI.S lint imiul.i 1 IM iiU iinwtli i 4 i uml i i i to nl i i i i i -ll thiMii at IMIItl.s I mail, "I tin' (ji st material uml I ol BOOTS mid ISOO'I AM) Tlioj i In' w'1'1 cm Mr A CORN CRIB ANi irOG PEN, uu.l M. fra I that it to- mnl mtt iinrliu-nhiTV I I 1 Kext door til atlii i' at IJr 18ti4--3m RESH ARRIVAL A II At of II A I ni-xt the Waslnu to )nn HOOTS anil SHOES at that i li.illengi' i onipt'liliaii Hi' mt from the East i a ami I.M ul HOOTS, and M1O1-S Mii-h MEN'S BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS. Calf anil Patent Lnttlu-r Oxl.ini 'I n- (Jail nml patent Cull Call KIJI Hroirans, Slipppra A I A Krt'Htb llujrbfth LaKtmif Cult uut Knl Fun' Kid hlippers, 1 ancj Mniwuo KM BiwKinn MISSI AMI CHlLDItEN'S A ull viitbruciiiK tuts (Jniters, ami Utitton BuutK I.iLV )HXTH of nil kinds fit in-y BtjlPH i-t- 1 ot TRl'NKS u.

selling lit the verj pru-eH. examine tor UK 2, 1W4. of TR HE UNDERSIGNED would persons in of TKI'NKS, A PET BAGS, to the LARGEST and most EXTENSIVE nssort- meiH to le found the county, at hw Store, tn the SQUAKK, ALL which will be SOLD LOW for cash. March 9 P- SMU.I. I TAX PAYERS FOR ISC4! HE nuderuigncd having been appointed Collector of Stutti utu! County Taxeit for itifonim tbe of Wtwlmigloii County, that books been nitwie out and that he now ready to receive and leeeipt lor all due.

He hypea thii notice will be nutnrietit to in diiee all who are interwted to be prompt in tbe theirimlebtcdneM. A F.I. K. XUCCI.KK.

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