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The Macon Republican from Macon, Missouri • Page 4

Macon, Missouri
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dren'i Home of St. Louis and the So ciety for the Friendless. Interesting Items and Happenings Burlington Man Speaks Well of Saturday Morning, Nor. 1, 1913. of the Past Week.

From talks with a number of traveling Where Are You Going This Winter? Town Came Here With Staff. Miss Cecil Sherman bas been ill for men who lire in Maoon, we learn the general business eondition throughout Philip Gjjisi, Editor aud Ownsr Telephone) EDfUB Wn, New, Editor TeSepbOM JIS UBS. Ahnii Q. Run, Boolety News-Phone 0 Dice SncutB, Foreman, Phone White several days. Tbe private car of F.

H. Ustick ar Rev. Hendrix filled his appointment Maoon and adjoining counties rived on No. 12 Tuesday morning, and nere eunaay. EetereSMthepoataffioeintheolty ol Maoon.

exceedingly good. Farmers are op second ouh muter. remained here while Mr. F. H.

Ustlek, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Wages were shop timistic aad of course their feel in siacon riaay.

general superintendent of the Burling 21ST YEAR IN MACON DRS. APPLEMAN PRETTYMAH HE CELEBRATED SPECIALISTS. WILL GIVE 'free consultation examination JEFFERSON HOTEL Macon THURSDAY, NOV. 13,1913 8sMJuM.TOesOOP.lL Jteturn Tlslts Every Four (Veeks. i Rates of Subscription.

ing is shared by tbe small town mer Why not go to sunny Gal ifomia? Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith are visiting ton lines in Missouri, in company with One Copy, one year, 91.00 relatives in Kansas.

Subscriptions payable easb in adranoe chants, who are laying in large stocks tor tbe winter trade. As far as the traveling men can see, there bare been Mr. aod Mrs, Gardner Sherman made bia staff, went over tbe various features of work bis road is now engaged in here, and other improvements which Unless renewed paper will be disconun a business trip to Macon Friday, ued to your address when time for which Why not take yourself away from the chill winter winds the sleet and the snow no eurtailment of orders, but in many Rev. A. Foster returned Tuesday the city wishes made.

With Mr, Us yon paid in adranoe has expired. from his appointment at Coffey, Mo, cases merchants are increasing their demands and buying more of tbe better tick was M. G.Roberts, general attorney A. D. Castle is removing from the T.

Sulzer never knew bow popular be for tbe road; W. Chittenden, Super and go where sunshine, flew olass of goods. Another good iodica T. Cross property into A. F.

Gibson was until the High Court impeached intendent of Brookfield divisions, and nouse. bim. G. P. Large, engineer on this division Mr, and Mrs.

Marlon Miller of Keota tion of tbe conditions is that many farmers are buying for their homes higb-olass organs nd pianos and other ers and balmy sea breezes greet you where wintry days are transformed into Huerta declared he was not a candi Mayor Payaon, City Attorney Hughes spent Saturday and Sunday with rela. uves nere. date for tbe presidency of Mexico. He and most of the oouncilmen and quite articles for home pleasure and oonvenl number of citizens met the railroad men Mrs, F.L. Trippeer and brother, Her was just "mentioned." ence.

There is every reason to believe warm glorious summer? bert Gipson, were in Maooa Thursday and talked over the contemplated work the winter trade will be good. on Business. wttn tnem. The cost is as nothing com It will be no trouble for the average Missourian to find many things to be Mrs, Miller, of Jackson Its against allreason to suppose the Mr. Ustick listened courteously to all the suggestions made, examined the pared with the benefit and thankful for this year.

ville, spent Saturday and Sunday with men now trying to run the Mexican gov surroundings carefully and posted him pleasures to be derived. ner sister, Mrs, a. roster. The public school teachers in this vi ernment want any war with the United The November horoscope says the self on what was wanted, Tne matters 7th will be a good day to borrow money. States.

The Southern Republic is torn cinity go to Macon to attend Teachers1 called to bis attention by the Mayor and Lam- Vl The trip will be all the more delightful if you go via the The bankers will be in session at Macon by factions who hate each other a great Association Thursday ana riaay. officers were the viaduot west of the that day. deal more than they dislike the people Mrs. A. F.

Gibson and daughter, Wabash railroad a track connection with 1 i of this country. Tbey have no leaders Burlington, through scenic Colorado and Utah. Let me Last week Macon entertained the School Boards. This week she will do Dorothy Helen, returned Wednesday from a brief vlait -with relatives at Be that road; the flooring of the Rollins and who could unite tboee factions and Rubey street viaducts, the walks along vier. her best to make it pleasant for the present a solid front in conflict with tbe United States.

For years the country the west side of Rutherford street at explain how you can join Jeff and Angus Manning returned pretty school ma'ams. the tunnel and a orosBing to the east. Saturday from a delightful visit with Personally Conducted Excur has been in a turmoil, and weakened by oivil strife." Of course the leaders will O'her features were put in inoidentally "Huerta Fills Jaila" is a screaming their sister, Mrs. Jennis Watts of Kan sion and go right through Mr. Ustick seemed in no hurry.

He headline from Mexico. Shucks! We're sas uuy. be irritating to this country, because they are Mexican and by nature inclined and bis staff were here to become thor Miss Mazie Singleton, who teaches without a hitch, with a spec doing the same thing here, but aren swelling up about it. onghly acquainted with the situation, north of Callao, will be at home tbe lat to talk too much, but when it oomes to DR. APPLEMAN THEY ter part of the week to visit her parents, ial conductor all the way to show you the points of inter war with the United States they will and to try and reconcile their idea of what was to be done with those of the We never learned until Sunday why Air, ana Mrs, mngieton.

sidestep. Fate may bave written on the Kansas City papers were all jump Prof. Grubb and family went to ACUTE AND CHRONIC CATARRH Mayor and city officers. The discus the background of tbe future a war be ing on Mayor Jost all the time. He sions were entirely good-natured.

tween the United States and some Macon Wednesday, Prof. Grubb will attend the Teachers Association and only weighs 122 pounds. Mr. Ustick said: country, but it is not likely to 'be with Kinging In the Ears, Deafness, Dla-sharrlng Ears, Weak Eyes and all Eye, Nose and Throat Diseases. his family will visit relatives in Macon "Some of these days Macon is going Mexico.

In referring to the death of a noted est. Come in and get your copy of ourNfolder telling all about the trip and the "service. J. R. ricKee, Ticket Agent, Burlington Route, Mr.

and Mrs. James Gipson visited to be a good, big town. Nothing can THE CHAflPION HEN. St. Louis brewer the Maryville Tribune hopes he will be remembered longer for stop it.

The railroad is taking this in CHRONIC DISEASES their aged aunt, Mrs. SabraJBurkes, at Ardmore Monday. Mrs, Burkes Jaas to consideration in its Improvements his philanthropy than for his beer. The glad news oomes from Oregon been very ill and is not much improved here. We are building to meet the fu DR.

PRETTYMAN TREAT YOUNG.HIDDLE-AGED.OLDMEN 8ufftrlng from Nervousness, Dullness, Confusion of Ideas, Aversion to Society, Defective Memory, Nervoua Debility, Sleeplessness, Weakness and Exhaustion treated and cured in the quickest possible time. OTHER DISEASES Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis and all Bkla Diseases; Scrofula, Syphilis and Genlto-Urinary Dlseaaei skilfully treated. DISEASES OF WOMEN Treated in the moat satisfactor) manner. Oar home treatment pleasant to use and gives good results. Rev.

and Mrs. T. H. Sumpter were Rot Eastman who was caught by the ture growth of Macon. It is the desire Of the Lungs, Heart, Stomach, Liver, Ball Duct, Kidneys, Bowela and Blad-ar treated by the latest and best snethoda.

that something besides new devices of government are being hatched in that state. The Oregon Agricultural Col guests at tbe home of Mrs, Hepburn Kansas City police with oil and a kit of of tbe railroad to do what is right and fair by your town. As you know the from Saturday until Monday, Rev. burglars tools has "confessed" that ha C. G.

HOWE, lege announces that hen C543 has made Sumpter held services near there Sun Hemorrhoids, piles treated without was not on his way to Sunday school road bas already spent a great deal of what is declared a world's record day, the knife. money here, and I think every citizen of Macon will admit thit the work done Here's a good word for the hatpin Coffins, Caskets George, Hinton lost bis faithful old Though scarcely in her prime, being hatched April 29, 1912, she has just laid A Chicago woman was attacked by i family horse Monday, While in the NERVOUS DISEASES here bas been of a good and substan her 283d egg within a year. She bas hold-up man, but using her hatpin as pasture it was kioked by another corse tial character. We have always enjoyed been too busy laying to cackle much as a sword-blade put the fallow to rout, Funeral Supplies! and its leg was so badly injured that it Bpllepsy (Fits), NeurlUa, Neuralgia, Nervoua Prostration. Rheumatism aid the most cordial relations with Macon about ber achievements, but the au nan to oe xmea.

and we are desirous that such relations The ilit ikirt is going to be fashioa- II other Nervoua Diseases given tborities of the Oregon Agricultural Grace Powers had the misfortune to shall always continue." special attention. College are supplying the. omission. Store 'Phone 77. Calls Promptly Attended.

get ber foot badly mashed Friday, She able just ta long the newspapers are poking fua at it. When they turn to something else Paris will think tip a Tbey also remind us that the previous was riding horseback when the horse BEVIER MAN'S SUICIDE. The doctors carry all their nortable Instruments and coma nrenarMl to world record was made by a hen belong' struck a slippery place on tbe bank of new styie. Bevier, Oct, 28. James ing to that college, number not given, the pond aod fell, catching her.foot and If the authorities don't cease their cruising it, out breaking no bones.

rammer, aged 33, committed sui-olde- Monday night, at tbe home in 1911. She laid 282 eggs in twelve months. Details are lacking as to the CHICHESTER PILLS Till! P1AMOMB BKANB.f examine the moat obscure eases. Those who apply for treatment should bring along a a mall bottle of urine for examination, aa It will assist In the diagnosis, Namea of patients never published, but references gladly furnished on request Consultation free and confidential. Correspondence solicited and symptom blanks on application.

Address Drs. Appleman Prettyman While at work in bis office Friday, W. activities tbe Macon county bootleggers will find it hard to obey the governor's of bis father, south of Bevier. His life Garner happened to a painful acci age of the previous champion. She 4 buiHI AB jour irroHlai ror less body was discovered at six o'clock Pill in U4 tfej (iM rt.ni7 dent.

The job press was started and be suggestion to be thankful on a certain may bave bad some preliminary train bores, sealed with Blue Rtbbotv Tke bo thrsf-. Bur of tmp date in November. failed to get bis band out of danger ing. But hen C543 deposited her first 4111 rroiAJTA ATE SUE. CHICAGO.

Tuesday morning in the hayloft of a barn on the place, when Brammer's father entered the loft to get bay for DIAMUND liUA.Nl FlU.foils egg last October, when less than six The roller guides caught his finger, painfully lacerating it. Dr. Trippeer rout known as Be. Safest. Alwsvi Relltbla The first typewriter was put in com' months old.

The dispatches are meager. SOLD BY DRUfiQISTS EVERYWHERE mission ia the year 1714, It'a work tbe horses. By the body was an empty dressed tbe injured member. We know not how she was fed and train two-ounce carbolic aoid bottle. Bram The Masonic Lodge held a special ed, what objects were set before her, looks like a good deal of the typewriting we see nowadays.

No one could read it but the operator. meeting Wednesday evening and con Frederick mer was last seen about six o'clock Monday evening. His people can think what exercises she indulged in or even her general tastes and inclinations. ferred the third degree on Grover of no reason for bis taking his life, as These details may follow after tbe read A Los Angeles court clerk has been he seemed cheerful and apparently Leathers. After the work was finished, refreshments consisting of sandwiches, pickles, olives, oysters, and coffee were ing public has got its surfeit of the all- presented with a box of cigars by some happy at that time.

REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN struggle between the Giants body's blonde affinity. He had just Although living with his tatber on tbe and the Athletics, served. The visitors present were: Messrs, Ernest and Dock Rice and Al published a statement that 95 per cent farm be did no farmwork. For some But Missouri welcomes Oregon as a of the affinities were brunettes. Caskets, Qrave Vaults and Funeral Supplies.

Licensed Embalmer, Day Phone Nlght207. Bevier and Adrmore, Mo. bert Hooper of Jacksonville, George W. Butler and Andy Hardister' of Excello. There is one great industry of Macon PHONE 87 MACON, MISSOURI, competitor in one of the chief industries of this country.

In egg production Missouri leads tbe United States, and no sly allusion to tbe outlawed practice of biding the shells is intend- Economy, Mrs. Chatterton of Iowa visited Mrs, county that is always helped by the cold weather. With the old-fashioned sort of winter the county's coal production this year will be larger than ever M. Cave this week. "''IJ According to the last available Herman Crawford and family spent Sunday with Andy Crawford and wife.

government statistics Missouri produced 111,816,693 dozen eggs in a single A. Sheckley and family visited A St. Louis editor has gone into court with Mr. and Mrs. Sbookley near with the complaint that the owner of the paper a wealthy shoemaker is FRED FRITSCH, MEAT MARKET ROLLINS MACON.

Onoloe fresh meat! and fall weight at lowest Prtoes. Htfcaest price for stock. Humphrey Bunch moved into the ten yearl This surpassed the record of Iowa 2,000,000 dozen, the next state in rank. The records of Ohio and Illinois were each 11,000,000 dozen less, while Kansas, home of the poet laureate of poultry, Dr. Coburn, produced over ant house on the C.

N. Moody farm this week. Guy Lyda came Monday for a few days' visit friends and relatives here and near Redmon. trying to clip bis editorial wings. He thinks tbe cobbler ought to stick 10 his last.

An old time king, learning that a court had delayed action on a poor widow's case for three years sent the judges to jail. The King wouldn't think of doing such a thing in this enlightened era. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Taylor and fam Edgar C.

Walker Auctioneer Post Graduate Missouri Auction School. Terms Keasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed For dates address Anabel, or Phone Clarence 535A at my expense. Calls promptly answered. ily visited Mrs.

Taylor's brother, Elmer q. McCulIy, a few days last week. Boyd Moody and family returned to Economy Friday after a few weeks' vieit with F. L. Reynolds and family near Macon.

Harry Kemp has been gathering material in London for some new poems. The Britishers put him in jail for vagrancy. That is a poor return for the courtesy our officials showed Mrs, Pankhurst. ELECTED DELEGATES. Mrs.

J. F. Pike and Miss May Ed Notlc of Final Settlement. ts hereby given to all creditors and otehrs Interested in the estate of John deceased, that 1. Cbas.

P. Hess administrator of satd estate, Intend to make Coal settlement thereof at the next term of the probate court of Macon county, Slate of Missouri to be held at the court house of said county on the loth day of XoYetnlKfr, ii3. Cbas. P. HeS3, Administrator.

If it isn't Zephyr Flour, you are not getting best baking results! For Zephyr Flour is proved the finest in the world for bread, pies, years be has at various times worked in the coal mines about Bevier, Coroner Gronoway examined tbe body Tuesday morning, but no inquest was held, as the cause of death was clear, Brammer was in Macon Monday afternoon, and he made the statement several times that he was going to commit suioide within the week. He said that he was of no use to his folks, and didn't care to live any longer. Marshal Witt heard of this talk and hunted Brammer up, but not noticing anything about bim to cause suspicion, did not take bim into custody. HALLOWE'EN DECORATIONS. Time waa when the Christmas holiday seaaon represented tbe window decorators' only opportunity for feature windows.

Nowadays, however, a walk about town reminds one of the time of year almost as well as does tbe calendar. Just now Hallowe'en decorations are delighting tbe eyes of tbe children and hosts of well. The downtown store of the Macon Greenhouse has a handsome window with decorations in orange and black, with jack-o'lanterns and autumn loaves aa back ground for some of their handsome chrysanthemums. The summer's drouth having cut short the supply of pumpkins, J. L.

Tibbs' Sons, Belshers' and the 5, 10 and 25c store, are displaying attractive substitutes. VanCleve's have tbe good old pumpkin Jack-o'lanterns. In the west window of the Sharp Mercantile however is where you look in, go on a little and come back to see if they really are alive and they are! Real live 'possums, three of them, with a camp fire, gypsy faces, Jack o' lantern and everything so weird you are almost afraid. Roy Hancock captured the animala and Arthur Bryden conceived and carried out the idea of uaing tbem for the Hallowe'en windowi 30,000,000 dozen less eggs than Missouri, This in the face of tbe fact that Missouri raised but 31,913,210 fowls that year, nearly half a million less than Illinois. Oregon may bave individual hens with records surpassing any in Missouri.

But she bas not enough of them and tbey do not average so well. While she has a right to be proud of the feats of ber highly educated poultry, pampered and coddled as only professors in an agricultural college know how Missouri bas a juster pride in tbe faithful work of the plain, common, average hen, May ber tribe increase, But isn't Oregon ashamed to number her champion, as if she were an ordinary convict? By all means she should have a name that should become a household word in all that region "where rolls the Oregon, and hears no sound save his own dash-ings." Globe-Democrat, wards bave been elected as delegates from the M. E. church, South, Woman's That Kansas miner who was blown up by two kegs of powder, an experi Missionary Seciety, to tbe District enced no particular discomfort save for Missionary Society meeting in Bucklin, Thursday and Friday, October 30 and 31, Misa Edwards will be unable to at the noise, may expect to have Chautauqua agents negotiating with him soon. He's the only mau who can tell such a tale.

Kuticfl of Final Settlement, Notice Is hereby given to all creditors and others loterested in the estate of John WasBen-gaiedeceased, that It IanR. Hughes executor of aaid estate, intend to make flnal (settlement thereof at the next term of the probate court of Macon county, State of Missouri, to be held at the court hoose of said county on the 10th day of November 1913. Dan cghks, Executor. tend but Mrs. Pike expecta to go and there will likely be others attending if tbeweatber is agreeable.

cakes, pastry, biscuits, rolls, etc. Itmakes light pastry, delicious bread, and is best for all baking, too. HALLOWE'EN AT ST. JAMES. The children of St, James Episcopal A Los Angeles man was sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment for stealing an automobile.

If be'd only run down and killed some "careless" person crossing the street they'd have sent him to jail for a few weeks, or maybe fined him $50. church Sunday school will enjoy their cuBtomary party in the basement of tbe church Friday night. The large, comfortable room will be Executor's Notice, Notice is hereby given, that letters testamentary on the Estate of George W.Sherman, deceased, Iwere granted to the undersigned, on the 14th day of October, I9if by the Probate Court of Macon County, Missouri. All persons haying claims against said Estate, are required to exhibit them for allowance to the Executor within six months after the date of aid Letters, or they may beprecludedffrom any benefit of Estate; and If such claims be not exhibited within one year from I he date of this publication, they shall be forever barred. William K.

Sherman, Executor. prettily decorated and refreshments suitable for the occasion will be served by the Woman's Guild. The older peo- A Kansas paper tells in its headlines of a man having his head blown off, and to prevent any mistake, adds that be is dead. There's nothing like removing all the doubtful points in stating tbe day's news. bsu.

pie are always invited, and tbey always come, and bave aa much fun as the cbil- ren. i.iriir.n i Flour Why ne Did Sot Brink. I read the other day of four young men riding in a Pullman car chatting merrily together. At last one of them said, "I think it Is time for the In that reliable stand-pat organ, the Brook field Gazette, was this apparently startliDg headlioe: "Moose Score Another Big Success." The seemingly "disloyal" announcement is cleared up by further reading. It refers to the Order of Moose, and not to Teddy's Bull Moose herd.

Some small chattel loans, tf r. E. Wisdom, Agent. Albert Skinner Funeral Director Best of Service. Complete Stock.

Prompt Attention. Day 'Phone 526 Night Thone 525 drinks." Two of them consented, the other shook his head and said, "No, thank you." "What, exclaimed his Zephyr Flour is made from the finest grade of richest-ln-gluten Kansas hard wheat, ground by the Bowersock water-power process, run by the Kaw river. This water-power effectsabisr saving in fuel, power machinery, etc. And what we save in this way all goes into Zephyr Flour, making it the finest in the worldl You get the benefit. That's the reason why Zephyr Flour is so widely known as the water-power flour.

It is also known as The Only Guaranteed Flour The Zephyr Flour Guaranty means companions, "have you become pious? Are you going to preach Do you think you will become a missionary?" No, he replied, fellows, lm not MRS, 0FF1ELZER JANE BROWN. Died, at her home, six miles north of Callao, at 12 o'clock, Thursday, October 23, 1913, Mrs. Offielzer Jane Brown age 80 years and 7 days. Her maiden name was Jamea. She was bornin Hunts-ville, Randolph county, Mo Oct, 16, 1833.

Tbe deceased was married to Joseph W. Brown May 26, 1858. Five children were born to this union. Mrs. Seney Catherine Simpson, of Alfalfa, W.

Brown of Callao Sil-vanus Brown of Bevier, Mi Anna Moss of Callao, one child having died in infancy. The aged husband, Joseph W. Brown, the four children mentioned above, six grandchildren and many other relatives deeply mourn their loss. Sister Brown professed faith in Christ forty years ago and was baptized into the fellowship of the Enon Baptist church by her pastor, W. R.

Skinner. She never bad but two real pastors, Rev. A. Parrish and the writer. She was a most worthy and exemplary Christian mother in Israel.

The funeral services were held at 2 o'clock, October 24, conducted by ber pastor, and Rev. M. Parrish. She was laid to rest in the family cemetery. W.

R. 8. "Let us be kind; Around the world the tears of time are falling And for the loved and lost, these human nearts are calling. Let us be kind. To age and youth let gracious words be spoken.

Upon the wheel of pain so many weary lives are broken. We Uve in vain who give no tender token. Let us be kind." especially pious and I may not become missionary, but 1 iave determined With all his short comings Senor Huerta is the finest press agent Mexico baa ever had. It's a chilly day when he isn't in print under scare headlines, and if we bad a guess to make about it, we'd say he enjoys it. He's certainly a good friend to the news correspondents, and can furnish more "copy" over nothing of consequence than any man on this continent.

GREAT PACKAGE OF POSTCARDS -1 FREE not to drink another drop and I will tell you why. I had some business in Chicago with an old pawn broker, and as I stood before his counter talking that we return your money in full if the flour fails to please you in every way. We ask you to make the test with a 49-pound sack. Use the flour down to the middle of the sack. A bout It, there came In a young man A RESOLUTION.

Inasmuch as tbe Rev. S. Carothers has, by tbe action of the Annual Conference, been removed to another field, we, the undersigned ministers of the Macon Ministers' Association wish to express our appreciation for the unselfish service he rendered during the four yearsj of nis ministry in Macon. He not only won the respect and esteem of his own church members but the entire community learned to love him. We wiah bim God-speed in his new field of labor and pray God's blessing -on him and bis family, bis wife and daughter, who with bim were untiring in their labors for the Master.

W. L. Scarborough, Harris. A. Munyon, II it hasn't proved to you that It is everything you require of a flour that It makes the finest i bread and pastry why just tell the grocer to I take back the rest of the sack.

He will do so and I will refund vou the full price of the sack, chare- about my own age, who threw upon the counter a little bundle. When the pawnbroken opened it he found a pale of baby shoes with the buttons a trifle Ids you nothing- for the 24 pounds yonhaveused. Motrin your test today. 4epnyr flour bandied by the following: 8end only 25 cents to pay for that gteat farm publication, the Missouri and Kansas Firmer, to be mailed to your address ON ft YEAR and you will receive a great package of FIFTY-TWO postcards FttFK, postage all paid. These cards are most beautiful creations of art, latest designs consisting of Floral, Birthday, Greetings TbsnksgivtriK, Christmas, New Year, I 'At rick and Easter.

Nothing like this great oiler made before. The Missouri aod Kansas Farmer Is one of the best far publications in the West and published along facientlffic Hoes. hend 25c today and secure this great farm publication one and magnificent pack-Bmeoi cards. Address Missouri and Kansas Farmer, 8th and McGee Kansas City, Mo. worn.

The old pawnbroker seemed to have some heart left in him, for he said, 'Look here, you ought not to sell your own baby shoes for a drink." F. W. F. Smith, Macon. F.

P. Shoffner, Atlanta. 1. Wine, Clarence Roberta Lampe, New Cambria S. M.

Brock Excello. Eiley Warriors, Jacksonville Never you mind, go on, baby Is at Winter is coming and Macon will nold up her good reputation for remembering her poor by aiding the local Charity Board," It is not helping tbe poor to hand money to unknown charity solicitors. No real charity sends into the field solicitors who do not carry absolute credentials, and it is very seldom home dead and needs no shoes. Give me 10 cents for a Now, fellows, have a wife and baby at home myself (8 and when I saw what liquor could do in degrading that husband and father, Bowersock Mills and Power Lawrence, Kansas that any reputable charitable enterprise made up my mind, uoa Helping me, FAULTLESS CLEANING. We Dry-clean Ladies and Gents clothes, kid gloves and etc.

Phone 518. O. C. NcNalx. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A in the large cities needs go away from not a drop of that infernal stuff shall ever pass my Hps again." Ex.

borne for funds. There are one or two.

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