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The Gaffney Ledger from Gaffney, South Carolina • Page 6

Gaffney, South Carolina
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Thursday, September 19G0 LITTLE CAESAR W.R.BURNETT mo Writ r.ttl,ol.v New r-4 it t.v ttlft mrPFNKO isaid the boy with a laugh ll ll.e SoillllWest WHAT HAS P'o! is 4 juuy In tlie tliivs ilO'i III Will belwern I a ve nau worse, buiu uie II. whi-ti thr luiluiN Wid trnl lust flliisheil and thf tune of th ot Tiii'l triKKr liniv liillv thf Kul Inlin WpsIcv llioilin ind their llk-wns biMrtntilns An tlie stnrv opened Army Ritr-eimt Inhn I )pnite hnd reunion In the hontet tnwn of Aeim vtth ni Civl' Wnt -otnrnde Nnttv Then Oesnort rule Mi to Ml it Kni-nntailn Interrupted t'y ln diomvetv ef vnntn with broken le?'d in a rovltie. i Hi it I The News: As a Catholic, who intends to vote for Nixon, I would like to enlighten my ninny Protestant fiiends who have recently read statements made by Dr. Bob who ohviousi has forgotten his history, past and more recent when he makes the statement "I don't want a President who takes orders from nn ecclesiastical machine." I have never heard Charles de Caiille or Konrad Adenaur accused of taking orders from the Vatican, Is Dr.

Jones trying to tell us that Catholic Charles Carroll was taking orders from the Pope to sign the of Independence and that Daniel Carroll and Thomas FitzSiinmons, also Catholics, were under order to sign the Constitution of the United Sta'es (of course there was a Pope then, too). The three Culverts founded the Catholic Colony of Maryland which was the first Colony to grant "freedom of worship to all Christians." In fact the freedom of worship was so valiantly carried CHAPTER 4 SF.P.GEANT Ilk. K-Wuuiwuvr had in to a his the neavv-dutv lariat saddlebne. He tied It The Gaffney Ledger 100 EAST PIRNIK STREET Fusinpes Office Phone IV 0-4S21 Fditnrinl Advertising Departments Phene IV IV 9-5742 Classified Advertising Phone IV 9-4521 Published TUESDAYS. THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS Filtered as second-class matter February lSi4 nt the post office at GatTney, S.

under the act of March 3, 187ft. By Mail: Inside Cherokee County 3 Months fi Months 1 Year So.OO Ry Mail: Outside Cherokee County 3 Months $1.50 6 Months $3.00 1 Year $0.00 Pv Carrier: 3 Months fl.HO 6 Months $3.00 1 Y'ear S. C. I.ITTI.EJOHN Editor F. W.

SOSSAMOX, SR liusiness Manager The spectacle of the United States paying half of the cost of the United Nations mission in the Conpro, of our extending millions of dollars in aid to the new and strange countries of the Dark Continent, leaves us somewhat chilled. Certain facts should be kept clearly in mind, when we accede to tho pleas of the pink-cloud et, for every do-good scheme that runes along. For instance the newly free African nations which France admi listered until recently have mostly refused per-niisinn for the (light of U. S. planes over their territory, in carrying out the mission of the United Nations.

Ail want help and money from the United Nations, but they also apparently want to be independent with such gusto that they will not lieh) the United Nations, or the United States, in the Congo crisis. In addition, these new nations many of them are actively courting the Soviet Union and constantly threatening to call in the Prussians if some demand is not met. The United States is footing the big bill, assuming that the new African nations will love us as a result. The truth is they will r.ot appreciate the fact that in this country the Negro has reached his greatest level of prosperity and freedom, in any large number. They are likely to be dumped by- ARREST INDIAN CHIIOREN-Indinn children are herded Info a police car at Dunn, S.

after oeing arrested while sitting under a tree on the grounds of the all-white school whic'n they had been ordered to leave. The youngsters, who have re-f iscd to make a 70-mile trip to an all-Indian school, assemble! after officers blocked their efforts to enter the building at Dunn. Scvon pupils were and live udults were jailed. Episcopal Bishop Scores i out that oppressed Protestants fiom other Colonies soon congregated in Maryland in such droves hat they eventually took control of the colony and then denied- Ke-hcious Freedom to the very Cath- "lies who had granted them their i I'leedom of worship. Is Dr.

Jones also trying to say 1 that this country is already a ilic- tutorship and that any man, re- Sergeant, indifferently. The boy was on Mickey's back now, his right leg tn a splint and his ruined boot on the ground at the edge of the trail. He looked down at It meditatively. "Deen wanting a pair of boots like that all my life. Now 1 got em.

look what happened." "You're lucky you're alive, sonny," said the Sergeant, a little Irritated by the boy's casual manner. The hoy seemed equally Irritated. He gave the Sergeant that odd look once morn. "Sergeant, maybe I'm older than you think. Hell, I'd've got out of there some way.

I always do. You want to call me something, call me Bud. It's what my friends call me. Bud, or Buddy Boy. Smith, that is.

I'm nineteen. Some people think I'm younger." "You look it," said the Seig-eant. "All right, let's go." They started down the trail, thr Sergeant walking at the horse's head. Bud began to roll a rigarctte. "Ain't you curious how I got down in Hint canyon with a dead horse and all "Yes," said tlie Sergeant.

"Hut that's your business." "Oh. I got nothing to hide. It's only that a tellow's apt to figure he's got fnt-nUs when ne ain't. Yon see, those twe chums 1 had well, we made a pretty good deal up north and bought ourselves some horses to sell at a profit. We drove cm into Stinking Springs and sold cm overnight: then we started for Agua Pneta One ot them was carrying the money which was to he split three ways.

Well, they teamed up nn me and rode me oft that cliff, so they'd only have to split the money two ways." "Nice friends," said the Sergeant. "That's what think," said Bud, mildly. "P.eil nice friends 1 ended up with nothing and a broken leg Cost my saddle, ruined my hoots Doggone." tie 'Hate Catholic' Material Detroit Episcopal Bishop James A. Pike declared I here that "to seek to persuade citizens that they should in no wise vote for a man simply becau-t he is a Roman Catholic Bud shot a quick glance nt the Sergeant, measuring him, looking at him with new eyes. "Yes sir," said Bud.

"This man sure saved my bacon." The Sergeant glanced at htm In surprise. He was singing a different tune now and the Sergeant wondered why. "Get mil) down off that horse and let me cook you up something to eat, Soldier," cried Burro. "1 ain't had no company for four-five months, except a crazy prospector or two, and they don't count." After an enormous meal of Mexican beans, sowbelly, flapjacks with syrup, and black coffee, old Burro saddled up a big blue-colored mule for Bud, and at last the Sergeant and Bud were mounted and ready to go, and the Sergeant reached down to shake hands with old Burro. "That a right nice youngun you pulled out of the mountains, Soldier," said Burro.

"What you gonna do with Him?" "I don't know," said the Sergeant. "He's going to be laid up for a while." "Hell, his leg ain't broke," snld Burro. "1 can tell you that; I've tell down slopes enough tnysell tn know. It's lust a real bad sprain. Clood-by, son.

A boy wit!) an appetite like yours has got to be all right." "C'lcxl-by. Mr. Temple," said Bud, respectfully, and the Sergeant glanced at him again. Nobody ever called crazy old Burro "mister." But tnen the boy seemed to be going out of his way to he nice all around. They were on the desert floor now and heading due east.

Soon they'd be able to make out the Apaches' Sacred Rock, which reared up a hundred feet or more in the air, the well-known desert landmark for Mesa Kn-cantada. "Once I get this leg mended I ain't just sure what I'm going to do with myself," said Bud. "Oot nowhere to go irt particular." "Where are your "Folks? 1 got no folks. I grew up wild, Sergeant. 1 was left." "What do you mean?" The Sergeant turned in the saddle to look at mm.

"Never did nave a father, I guess," said Bud. "And the old lady well, when I was six is outright bigotry." carulcss ot religion, could com-r-lctely control this country. Does Dr. Jones not remember that wo still have three branches of gov-cninent, the legislative, judicial and executive, of which the President has unlf the control of the h.s', that he can be overruled by "To seek to persuade citizens tint they should in no wise vote for a man simply because he is a Human Catholic is outright lugo- I rv nriil vi.i i.ti.i.i nF of the constitutional t''i' Senate and House on any mat- I pommel ot the saddle, then paid It out gradually to the boy below. "Hang on and I'll pull you up," called the Sergeant.

"Hell, I ran rlimh said the hoy. "With a broken leg?" "Ham! over hunl, mister," sod the hoy. "Been doing it since I was six. Wmeli me swnini up." And swarm up ho did, with I tie Winchester strapped to his back, md he Serpeant steadying Mickey imi torcing him slowly iwkwnrrt to Keep the lariat taut. The hoy swung himsell ivet the e-lge, disdaining the Set Beam's helping n.ind, then lay pnntinj tor a moment.

lie was wearing a sweated old sand-colored Stetson, a pale-blue cotton shirt, t.i'led denim pints, and boots He looked about sixteen. The Sergeant couldn't make him out. "You better get that boot off, sonny," he said. The boy save nim an odd look. "Can't ge.t It oft.

My ankles all swolc." The Sergeant reached for his belt and unsheathed a knife. "What are you going to do with that?" asked the boy. "Cut the boot off." "Oh, no, you don't Them boots cost me sixty dollars." The Sergeant bent down and examined the boots: they tvere brand new and nearly the best money could buy in the Southwest. "You're mighty careless with your money, sonny," said the Sergeant. "What are we going to do? II your ankle's broke, I got to get it Into a splint," ''fhrn what?" asked the boy.

with narrowed eyes and a look that was partly suspicions, partly curious. "I'll get you in to a medico nt Mesa Kncantada. Vou've got to lay up some place." "We got only one horse," said the boy. "I'll walk." said the Sergeant. "There's a little ranch just off the trail a few miles, at the foot of the far slope.

I think we can pick up a horse or mule there." "How far would that be?" "Fifteen miles or so." "You're going to get mighty sick of me before eve get theie," a religious test for public oliice. Ilishop Pike described as "(uite legitimate" division on public is-sues on which "people may divide according to the teachings of their churches and their individual consciences." As an example, he said he differs! with the Roman Cutrolie Church on the issue of birth control. The Catholic Church opposes birth control. "1 repudiate with all my being the smearing of another Christian group." liishop ('ike said, and ex ter and that the members of these are picdominantly I rot est an ts. This election may kill once and for all the myth that a Catholic cannot he elected President of the States.

It would seem to be about time after ull these years of Ameiican History, that at last one lone representative of the millions of American Catholics should occupy the high post of the presidency and give the lie to the false charges which have accumulated over the years. Incidentally the Catholic Church has the largest membership of any one denomination in these L'n- The circulation of what lie termed "hate literature'' attacking tl.c Kopian Catholic Church and Senator John K. Kennedy, Democratic presidential candidate, was called "un-American activity" in sermon prepared hy Dishop Pike fur delivery at sunrise service at the Michigan State Fair. The h'ev. Mr.

Pike is bishop of the Kp'scopal diocese of California and himself a convert froc Catholicism. "We criticize and justly so otter nations for religious discrimination liussia for discrimination Hirainst those of Jewish faith and its severe limitation on the Creek Orthodox and other Christian churches; Spain and Latin America for discrimination against Protectants, and the like. "lint a situation is rapidly developing in the I'nited States and particularly mounting in the lust few weeks which should cause us to turn our attention to our own nation in this regard. "There is appearing in increns-inpr numbers and i (r sent through the mails in creater volume crude attacks on the Homan Catholic Church attacks pointed especially, of course, to the fact that one of the principal candidates for the presidency is a Horn 'in Catholic. "I think that all of us as Chris- pressed hope "all of you will af- milt ai every opportunity your re- I ited States jection of this terrifying increasing hate movement." i Greenville.

IlUTH I.AMMEKS "1 guess I'll went on. mildly, never learn The Seifreirt looked at Kud. turned and who grinned nt laughed. broadly The Se What a kid' 2 Mechanics And Inspector Killed At Darlington Race Darlington Two mechanics andl she Just up and left one day. Old Burro Temple was de-; and I was stranded.

In Pueblo, lighted to s-j? the lie jit was. A fellow at the saloon rushed out t-. -n nun as if raised me. I used to run er-h's shirt tad w-is or fire. lands for all the dninks in "Can I rent mule. town." asked the Tnen he I The Sergeant studied Bud. explained hr.rflv what had hap What the bny had said did pened th" nru-ntams. not sound like a plea sym- "Sonny." s-ni Burro, study- pathy, but merely a statement Ing Bud. "the good Lord must ot plain fact. No wonder he was be looking after you.

You tall lough and arrogant and hadn't oft a mountain and along conies (made a very good impression at the best man in the Southwest, 111 st. What could you expect? to pull vol) out." I (Coiittnurti Tomorrow) One of the cars plunged into the pit area, crashing into a UO-im-h concrete block wall. The victims were mowed down by chunks of flying concrete from the wall. Johns was treated for minor injuries at the truck first aid station. Tyner was unhurt.

About 80,000 persons sat in 00- I tians of whatever denomination should vigorously deplore and earnestly seek to counteract this rising tuie of 'nate literature in our midst. degree temperature to witness the a race official were killed during the running of the Southern 50U-mile stock car race when two cars locked bumpers and spun into the pit area. Three other mechanics were seriously hurt, but the drivers involved, Hobby Johns, of Miami, and Koy Tyner, of Ked Springs, N. escaped serious injury. Paul McDuffie and Charles Sweutlund, both mechanics from Atlanta, and Joe Taylor, of Charlotte, N.

inspector 'for the National Association for Stock Car Auto Pacing, which sanctioned the race, were the victims. Three other Atlanta mechanics, John Hlaylock, Kalph Kyers and M. Vermillion, were bos-pitalized at nearby Florence. At W. Fiom the novel publish-d t.y A A Knopf, Inc.

DUti ibnti'd by Kinq Features Syndicate tun running ot the race. The vast crowd gasped as the two cars locked together on the track and started sliding toward the pit where driver Joe Lee Johnson, of Chattanooga, was making a brief stop. Johnson's car was surrounded by mechanics but the Tennessee driver saw the two-car tangle sliding toward him and gunned Shelby Fair To Be Held Last September Week Cotton Picking Gets Under Way Clemson. Cotton harvesting operations are now well under vay in all areas of the state, the Clemson Extension Cotton Committee reported today. Farnieis are keeping a watchful eye on the pi ogress of hurricane Donna now heading toward the Two Hurricanes last his car on up the apron to escape, When the locked cars of Tvner .1...

.1 iiu unim mi im? concrete oiock fl tendants described jescrineo r.iavioek con-! mi i .1 lli'l'IIL, ll'KIU LIIVIll Shelby, C. Headlining the showmanship, developed through 37th airnual Cleveland County I many years of intensive exper, Fair which will be held in Shelby mentation and research at a cost-September 27-Oct. 1 will be a i of a quarU-r million dollars. World's Championship Rodeo, The JM) premium list, totalling RCA sanctioned, to be stag -d prizes of $15,000, has just been every evening before the grand-i published in tabloid form. Copie suiml- imay he obtained from the Fail lr.

J. S. Dorton, veteran man- i ffiee, age i- of the Cleveland extrava-1 Kochman's World Chain-j-'iinzu, signed the colorful rodeo i-ionship Hell Divers show wili after a deluge of requests for in two events, Wednesday turn of a world champion-hip tr'ght in a late show and Friday Vent. Cli apart. uuHiii enucui, wie ouieis as serious.

Tynei 's car bounded away down the track ami the rear "end of cars under Sam Nunis sponsorship. Work on the grounds is underway at the mammoth site just east of Shelby on Highway 7-1-A. Johnion Going North Lyndon 15. Johnson has announced that he would campaign in New F.nglamI early this fall. The Democratic Vice- Presidential candidate said Ronton would be one of his early stops.

Senator Johnson says he and Senator John F. Kennedy, the I residential candidates plan to stop in fifty although each ot them may not make the fell circuit. Johns' car rode up on the i pit wall and slammed along the A. M. Crawford, of Fayetteville, N.

a bystander, was struck on the head by a piece of flying wreckage. He was said to be" not st riously hurt. The accident occurred after laps of the race. The cars locked bumpers along the hackstrctch and sp ci out of tllrllt'n wall, perpendicular to the track, for several feet before it dropped hack into the apron. McDuffie, Sweatlund and Taylor were dead before thev could he rushed from the track' to the hospital.

racial propaganda. And our spending and giving is not likely to bribe these uneducated and inflammable people into loving us. WORLD WAR III DANGER In notes to Poland, Great Ilritain and the United States recently reaffirmed their official position concerning the Kast German-Polish boundary. It is in general agreement with the position taken by West Germany. In the excitement and publicity over Berlin, the question of Germany's eastern boundary has largely been forgotten.

Also, because the communists have maintained a satellite state in F.ast Germany, they have effectively prevented the Kast Germans from raising the issue. In addit'on, the question of German unity is paramount, and this is a question which must be settled before the final solution is concerning Germany's eastern boundary, despite all these temporary conditions, the long-term basis problem which worries some foreign affairs analysis is the question of Germany's eastern boundary. One reason why the Russians are intent upon keeping Germany divided is because of the Russian fear of future trouble over this artificial boundary. The Russians, of course, took much of Eastern Poland for themselves, giving Poland part of East Germany. In their calculating way, the Russians believed that future trouble between Germany and Poland would force Poland to be an ally of Russia as the power which could protect her and retain that part of Poland which was German for so many centuries.

LIVING COSTS UP The cost-of-living index moved up again in July the thirteenth time in sixteen months that it has risen. In itself, the rise was relatively insignificant, it nevertheless is part of a continuing trend that is highly significant. The trend indicates that inflation is still pushing from down As a the belief among many economists is that the election of a new president will almost certainly bring about iiula'ion. P.oth presidential nominees believe that defense spending should be increased and both believe in expanded domestic programs. Thus, it is to sec how both these go.ds can be attained and fuitlvr inflation avoided.

The national disgrace of the post World War II and Korean Con.lict periods, when Congress refused to control inflation and many got rich on war, is a lesson which should not be forgotten; These two tragic periods have sent the national deb soaring and increased costs of everything manyfold plus pricing United States goods out of the world market in many vital areas of trade. MORE THAN NEWS As source of information on current matters of all kinds, you can't beat the newspapers. For instance, the student newspaper at the University of Kansas polled political science students to learn what they consider the most valuable source of information about this year's possible presidential candidates. From the results, a "popularity index" was made. On this index, newspapers racked up a score of magazines 200, jmd television 1T0 well under half the newspaper figure.

Radio scored a scant 107 and books Newspapers provide much more than news. They are a major force for popular education and understanding. YOUR TAX FUTURE 111 In the long light of history, 47 years is only an instant of time. But, from the point of view of the taxpayer, the last 47 years have been somberly outstanding in this country. Back in 1913, reports the Tax Foundation, all federal tax collections amounted to a mere $CG2 million now they are estimated at billion.

The states haven't lagged. In the same period, their collections have soared from $301 million to billion. And local collections are no small item either. The 1913 figure was slightly over $1.3 billion in 1959 it was about $16.8 billion. So much for the past.

What will the next 47 years bring? Also coming to the Cleveland County Fair is the fabulous e-J it if Waters, a combination of i v.ater, electric power, lights, iiiu-i sic, cngiiH't-rnig knownow and giant midway exposition will again I 'ay the Shelby fair and Satin--day afternoon's attractions include the big cur races which will feature Indianapolis Speedway type year caused thousands of dollars in lianuiL'e to the South Carolina cotton crop. The committee eroW'-rs to harvest cotton as rapidly as pos-, '4iie to avoid losses during the hurricane sca-on. harvesting only the wide open bolls, pickers will I able to progress mine rap- idly, and quality wili be maintained, tlity said. The picking of partially opened bolls high in moisture increases ginning difficulties and often lowers quality. When high tem-: peratures are used in drying green cotton, color is affected and lower grades result.

(linnets were urged to use only i heat in di ving to obtain Rip Kirby By John Prentice Fred Dickenson smooth pinning and to bypass tin-needed cleaning equipment. COMMUNICATION Calls Filthy To the People of Cherokee County: Please visit the little 11-year-t''l boy and its see what a filthy the mild has to stay in. What are we paying taxes for? I Just to Ih paying them? No! To have decent law and order. I bis 1 little II year-old bov could-easily CAN'T KEEP TH SPECIAL SKMUtT TZJm A LOVELY GUIPE IN A AWAKE EVEN THE HANPSOME ONE K'l mM STRANGE PLANE TAKES TH THIS IS GETTING SHOUIP STIS KIRBY TOWARD AN 1 OXttSEN. IT'5 SOON HAVE HIM rLfr PStF UNKNOWN PESTNATION.

BEEN A LONG PEEaV UVS' WZ.FFfJj THE GAS MUST MIGHT HAVE NOT TO KNOW. Iff" Vr WRK- A BTOEKEaQfj) LIVES IF HE GUE55EP -r4 tispS1 1 MY CABLING I L- THE LOCATION OF Wflh f.T" A TREASURE HAVEN CfJZj JlV-xl be your child. Would you want him to stay in such a mess as that No mutter what he hud done? No. So please help him to get out of the filthy place into a clean one. Mrs.

I. in ille Grant. Amendment Weighed Voters in thirteen states will be deciding simultaneously in November on wheather to adopt almost identical state cotistft'utional amendments. The aim of the amendment and the reason why the movement is so widespread is to grant emergency authority for filling state and colac offices and other-wise insuring the continuity of governmental operations. In the background lies the threat af a national emergency such as a nuclear attack that might kill or disable large numbers of officials..

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