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Southern Illinoisan from Carbondale, Illinois • Page 4

Carbondale, Illinois
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SOUTHERN ILLINOISAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1959 Cirtendalt Herrln MurpftysDora Pin Fetrr Editorials: opinion Charity And Parasites iM I )i km -ry-i tttt--rf i v. i --i i 7 Est rant look on. In the group are, from left, Mr Lew is Brooks, Helen Crain, Betty Jean Cheatham, and Mrs. Muryl Willoughby. Mrs.

4 1 that those few who do attend the performance realize that they have been duped, along with those who bought tickets but were smart enough not to attend. In short, these modern wandering minstrels are parasites, using the good name of organizations to bilk the public. The best remedy is to find other ways of raising funds, without the aid of outside promoters. A local talent show im-doubedly would be just as entertaining as most of the visiting troupes, and it would leave all of the proceeds at home not just a pile of unpaid bills. There are probably some legitimate travelling operations of this kind.

But they should be checked carefully as to their reliability. Sponsoring organizations should be suspicious and skeptical, not gullible as some frequently have been in the past. The public has to bear enough legitimate appeals for charity, without financing a soft life for wandering promoters living off the people's charitable inclinations. IT'S ABOUT time someone called a halt to the wandering entertainers who stage "benefits" for worthy organizations and then haul out without paying their bills or leaving any proceeds. The most recent offender has been charged with breach oi contract by Herrin auxiliary firemen.

A Murphysboro youth who had been appearing a a magician with the travelling troupe apparently is stuck ith paying the bills. This isn't the first instance. It has happened many times before. Sometimes no outright fraud is involved. But the entertainers often use the local organization's name to solicit advertising and sell tickets, and then part with only a small share of the proceeds for the organization's charitable or welfare programs.

Most of the wandering pitchmen are high pressure silesmen. They seldom want to disclose their take or the local group's share. In many cases, the entertainment offered is so negligible X-''- the March of Dimes. The women will be on the streets of Herrin Saturday to sell the balloons for the benefit of the drive. Clockwise from bottom left are Mrs.

Conrad Moss, president, Mrs. Jeannine Guet-gemann, Mrs. Ai Rubin, and Mrs. Jeanette Brandon. On March Of Dimes Scots Prepare Haggis A Mother Editor, Southern Illinoisan: I would love for you to print this in your paper to help open the door to new victories.

I am a mother that knows what the March of Dimes do. We all feel at one time, it couud not happen to me, but we never know. It did happen to me. But, I didn't have time to worry one minute. That is why I am writing these lines today.

There may be someone somewhere who may not know. If there is, I hope they will read this. When my child was born, we knew he would never walk like other children without a lot of treatments, a cast, and braces all things wc could never pay for. But, when the doctor told us not to worry as long as those dimes come in, and there are a lot everyday, your lit Willoughby and Mrs. Brooks represent the Eagles Lodge auxiliary, which has taken charge of the Dimes hive in Carbondale as a club project.

Bobby Burns bie." Others argue for "Rabbie," or "Rab," as Burns himself signed his name. Even when an Englishman, William Kcan Seymour, produced a translation of Burns poems from the original Scots dialect into modern English in 1953, Scots could not agree as to the wisdom of the move. No Financial Security His first poem, "Handsome Nell," was reportedly composed in his 15th year, and thereafter he never stopped writing until his death. His writings never gave him any degree of financial security, despite their instant and large popularity. Towards the end of his life, after a series of farming failures, he secured a minor job with the British Excise Service, at 50 pounds a year, and in this post he died, almost as poor as he had been born.

Often criticized during his lifetime, Burns had confidence in the merit of his work and its survival. Only a few dayi before his death he is said to have told his wife: "Don't be afraid, Jean. I will be more respected a hundred years after I'm dead than I am now." On anuarv 25, "Burns Nicht" to all who revere his memory, the truth of tli3t prophecy will be demonstrated bv the world. As all proper Scots demonstrations do, it will end with "Auld Lung Syne." i TWfl Fl IFRC MFARIMH ENDURANCE RECORD Las Vegas, New, Jan. 23 (AP) If they're still flying at 4:06 p.

m. today, two Air Force veterans will break a world endurance record. Thev arc entering their 50th dav. The 1 iht plane endurance mark is :0 days, 16 minutes. ilobcrt Iimm, 32, I -as Vegas businessman, -and John Cook, 1 33, Los Angeles, an airlines pilot, hope to stay aloft for 60 I davs.

They took off from McCar-ran field here Dec. 4. Twice a I day they fly to Blvthe, to refuel from a speeding truck. Hemisphere Has WHILE Cuban rebel FiJcl Castro was whipping up the crowds this week in preparation for the public trials in Havana vhich opened Thursday, another Latin American leader was addressing the U. S.

Congress. Both men may play significant roles in United States re lations with a large and strategic firea of the Western Hemisphere. In what may be the grand finale to the revolutionary purge of Batista followers, Castro will be plaving to world opinion as much as to the Cuban people in presenting a dramatic example of justice under his leadership. The United States will hive on hand a new ambassador to observe and report on the struggles of the infant regime. Philip W.

Bonsai, who succeeded Earl E. T. Smith, will be charged irh noting what effect Castro's promise to "revise and nullify onerous foreign concessions" will have on the billion-dollar U. S. investment in uba.

President Frondizi's eloquent plea in Congress Wednesday for recognition of all peoples of the Americas as dedicated to a single aim, as "born hivtrrv as the lind of hope and freedom," can prompt only sympathy in the United States. The Organization of American States and the fact that the Western Hemisphere comprises a unique grouping of independent nations have not been suf-to unite the American peoples, Squabble Over Lincoln? Springfield Illinois State will support the bill later when World Hails From National Geographic Society Washington HAGGIS consumption, never notably high outside Scotland, can be expected to rise sharply on January 25, when Scots the world over celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Rob-crt Burns. Haggis, a dish of ground lamb and oatmeal, is traditionally eaten by the thousands of Scottish societies and Burns clubs in and out of Scotland to commemorate the birth of "the ploughboy poet" who became his country's national bard. This vear's bicentennial observ-ances will, in most cases, be far more elaborate than usual. The centers of the world-wide celebration will be in Ayr, which claims Burns as a native son, and Dumfries, where the poet's stormy life ended in July 21, 1796.

Ayr plans a year-long program of festivities, including a major pageant. Toast to the Past Elsewhere, Burns' Dinners will be the order of the day on January 25. The haggis, which Burns called the "great chieftain jof the puddin race," will be introduced with pomp and bagpipes. The poet's "Address to a Haggis" ill be read or recited. As alw ays, the ceremonies will rise to a climax with the traditional toast to "the immortal memory" of Burns.

Acinercnce to tradition, is particularly appropriate to these dinners. In the view of some nistorians ana critics, tne sur vival of manv Scots customs and legends must be credited in large measure to Robert Burns. With Sir Walter Scott, he is honored as the preserver of much of Scotland's lore during a period when it was in danger of oblivion. Although much is known of his brief life, Burns has become almost a myth in his own country. Controversy, over various as-, pcets of his career and ork exist to this day, and even his nickname is debated.

Some partisans prefer "Bobbie," to the dismay of the Scots, who prefer "Rob Speaks tle boy will be taken care of one day. I said, oh, if there was something I could do. The doctor said, "there is, mother. You can pray for your little boy and me." I'll never forget those words I carried my son to that doctor when he was three weeks old until he was four years old in a cast two or three times a month. That is what those dimes did for us.

If there is someone that wants to know about those treatments or if I can help some mother in any way, I will. And to you who have dimes to give, please do so, for I feel when God sends little children into the world, these little ones need just a little more care and help. So show our love for them when you can. A Murphysboro Mother it is considered by the whole House, but by his action yesterday he indicated no enthusiasm for the effort to convert the courthouse to a shrine honoring Lincoln. That is indeed ironv but we hope it turns out to be a momentary one and that Rep.

McCarthy later becomes a Lincoln booster. It may not have been such a good idea, muses the fellow who had been entrusted with looking after the unheated home of a vacationing neighbor, to put anti-freczc in the goldfish tank. The death of Cecil B. DeMille reminds us of the irreverent fellow who said "I haven't read the Good Book, but I did sec the The early bird at the luncheon table on Friday gets a clam in his chowder. Scope Of Bills To A I I HV.

li mi mmXM DIMES BOOST A March of Dimes card at- tracts its first donors two younger citizens as the Dimes workers who placed the card in a Carbondale restau- Youth Backs Vote For 18-Year-Olds Editor, Southern Illinoisan: You arc to be commended for vour editorial. "18-Year- Olds De- 'scrvc The Vote," in Sunday's paper. Ncaring my eighteenth birth-; 'day when I will have to register, 'for Selective Service, and 'many others like me, can appre- ciate what the right to vote would mean. Many of the arguments presently used against lowering the minimum votine ace to 18 are similar to those offered against woman suffrage in the early years of this century. The United States has not fallen into ruin because of women going to the polls.

Nor would it if 1 8-year-olds were allowed to cast their ballots. In our schools today, students develop an interest in government and politics through civics courses and current events discussions that most of their parents do not have. But after these students leave high school after completing their four years, they will find that thcv will not be able to put their knowledge to immedi ate uc because of the age limit voting. Manv will lose their (interest in our country's govcrn- mcrt and, by the time they reach 21, manv will not bother to vote because they've lost interest. 'I here would be no better training than the exercise of the vote.

ITic real value of education comes from its association with responsibility. ITic President of the United Sates and the Governor of Illi- jnois look upon the idea of 18- year-olds voting with favor. Gov. Stratton has said: "To my way of thinking, there is ample justification for letting younger people vote because I believe cighteen-vcar-olds today are better equipped educationally and have the faculty for a keener understanding of die problems confronting us." Let's hope the General Assembly in this session sees the way clear to make Illinois the third tate in the nation to allow 1S-ycar-olds to vote. James L.

McDowell void Veto meant. To date, Republicans have not devised a newer answer than the "I like Ike' 'which met the case during the long Eisenhower honeymoon. What Johnson is mainlv creating here is excitement and an atmosphere of ferment. Democrats arc among the first critics to insist that it is more atmosphere than action, but the contrast between the heavy air at the White House and the air on the Hill is all in Johnson's favor. Nor is the American temperament congenial to the veto power as opposed to action and at least seeming advance.

The Johnson solution of the civil rights struggle will not be approved without a fight. The South seems resigned, but there will be attempted amendments and substitute bills to which it will not be resigned. Perhaps the majority leader is seeking to press his early triumph farther than it will go. The betting is that he will prevail, and at least one proxed Democratic civil rights advocate is ready asking to co-sponsor his bill. I i i I i I I I I HEADS UP Members of the Herrin Jun- ior Woman's Club put their heads together to blow up balloons Thursday niht i Dave Felts Column LATEST volume in the important Mainstream of America series is "The Angry Scar," by Ilodding Carter (Doubledav).

Carter, Pulitzer prize winning editor of the Delta Democrat and Times of Creenville, is one of the most persuasive of the moderate voices in the South. Although born in Louisiana, he was educated in Maine (Bowdoin) and at the Columbia School of Journalism. Ibis new book, important background for an understanding of the school integration and civil rights problems in the South toJav, is "The Storv of Reconstruction 1S6MS90." Author Carter calls his book "An interpretive synthesis of a considerable body of riting on reconstruction." He notes that "reconstruction" with a lower ca-c is a word, but the word "Reconstruction" becomes "for many a malediction; and for others an almost forgotten, unreached and needful ooal; and for still others a vaguely unclean memory." The Reconstruction years left in the South an angry scar that is not yet healed. Ilodding Carter goes all the way back to Abraham Lincoln's speech on his plans for dealing with the South, after Appomattox, and just before the assassination. It is difficult to imagine today the hatreds expressed by people in the North after Appomattox.

Vengeance a wrought with a vengeance in-deed. It is almost as unfortunate for our nation, concludes Hod-ding Carter, "that the North has remembered so little of Re construction as that the South has remembered so much." I Ierc goes a check for tuition, rom. board, fees and incidentals for the second semester. Now we have managed five-eighths of the normal college expense for two children. If the 45th President should find graduate study desirable oh well, maybe there really is oil under the ancestral acres.

Within the space of three days Bloomington lost two doctors known far beyond their home communities. Dr. Watson Gailey, renowned ophthalmologist, died Monday, Dr. J. (Norman Elliott, well known eye, ear, nose 3nd throat specialist, died Wednesday.

His sons arc Bumps Elliott, head football coach at Michigan, and Pete, head football coach at California. We are happy to testify to Dr. Elliott's skill as an eye specialist on an occasion when he pinch-hit lor his absent friend, the Wizard of Ize. Criterion Books will publish in Tune a new onc-volums abridgment ol "Ihc Golden Bough," the monumental work ion magic, folklore and religion by Sir James George Frazcr published in 12 volumes 3 years ago. We made the acquaintance of "Lhe Golden Bough" in a memorable course at llarvurd in Hie Philosophy of Religion." Among the lecturers in that course was Dr.

Hu Shih, the renowned scholar who later became Chinese ambassador to the United States Dr. Hu spoke perfect English, enriched with French, Latin and Greek phrases which he pretended, with a gracious smijf, thai his liiltncis A Busy Week trom Canada to L-nile, in the sort of brotherhood which would work to the best interests of them President Frondizi is reported as seeking a mutual security pact with the United States. But of greater importance is the considcrafion of problems which have strained U. S. -Argentine relations in the past, and which in larqc part lie at the root of tensions and misunderstandings between this na- tion and its other hem neighbors.

isphre The greatest threat to Latin America and to the United States via this region from Soviet expansionism is not in the military area, but in the economic sphere. A reconciliation of vital U. S. economic interests in Latin America, with legitimate intern-al interests of the Latin nations is one of the major challenges confronting hemisphere policymakers. If problems in this sector of U.

S. foreign relations cannot be worked out amicably, there surely can be little hope that U. S. policy regarding other, more distant, areas of the world can be peaceably resolved. President Frondizi's counsel deserves to be considered well in Washington, for he represents economic apd political stability in Latin America.

Fidel Castro, too, mav prove to be a major force in ridding the Latin nations of a reputation for dictatorship and mass discontent. In these significant processes the United States is inextricably involved. could lure people away from their television sets. He was last ten on the screen, however, in his famili-ar role as narrator in 'The Buc-caneer', a somewhat over-romanticized story of Jean Lafit-te, the early 19th Century American priate and soldier of fortune. Its most memorable scene was the depiction of the Battle of New Orleans in the War of 181 2 a historical event too seldom treated in American films.

There was never anything sordid about Mr. DeMille's films, nor did they contain the "social messages" of many recent Hollywood films. Thcv did reflect the idealism and patriotism of the producer, and aboe all, they entertained. In Australia under." If the water from the bath tub swirls clockwise down the drain in our bathrooms, the direction of the sw irl is exactly oppose in Melbourne or Svdnrv or Canberra. That theory of opposite is clinched by a news disptach from Melbourne reporting a heat wave in Australia, with temperatures as hiiih as 118 degrees for four davs in a row That is read in Illinois when some communities an paralyzed bv ice and with temperatures close to zero, or below, lor several davs in siKvcsHon.

If Australian (eel are opposite, they mut be hot. The Legendary Cecil B. DeMille Journal TALK ABOUT a masterpiece of ironv, Rep. Robert McCarthy (D-Lincoln) really pulled one this week when he blocked the attempt of Rep. G.

William Horslcv of Springfield to get speedy approval of a $975,000 appropriation for the purchase of the Sangamon County Court I louse. McCarthy hails from the only town that was named for i Lincoln in his lifetime. Lin coln himself christened the town. For this reason, if for no other, it would seem that any state representative from Lincoln would be in the forefront of efforts to immortalize the Great Emancipator. But not McCarthy, it seems.

When Horslcv sought Tuesday to advance the court house appropriation bill without the customary referral to committees, McCarthy put his foot down. (Any one member may stop a bill from advancing at a perfunctory session.) It mav be that McCarthy Plans To Restrict Sen. Johnson Bv DORIS FLEE SON THE LYNDON Johnson pilot model of the presidency took off Tuesday with civil rights as in its tanks. Liberals promptly questioned the hish-octune quality of the Johnson fuel, but all hands had to admit it contained every ingrcdicnt the Eisenhower 1 mixers were planningto put in to their civil rights propellant. The majority leader's action followed bv a few hours a trial spin in the labor field bv Sen.

John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts. Kennedy is seeking some presidential altitude with last vear's model which Republicans voted down in the house. Sen. Barry Goldwater, the Arizona conservative, rather plaintiveb announced that within the next few days the President at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue wxuld send to Congress a much faster and stronger vehicle for labor reform.

The effect of a strong congressional initiative which the president must follow or veto remains. It the deliberate strategy of the Johnson leader Off And Running For White House With Shrewd Program FFW figures in Hollywood had a career as distinguished and legendary as Cecil B. DeMille, one of the few great moguls of cinema, who died Wednesday of a heart attack at 7. He recently estimated that his more than 70 films have been seen by more than five billion people roughly twice the population of the earth. Fven in this dav of mass and irstant.meous electronic communications, that's a 'ate'' that will stand a long time before being surpassed.

Mr. DeMille's best known fiS'S were lavish epics, often biblical themes. Some-t -ves he remade his own epics, in hiding Hie Ten Com-n the last film he produced. His films Pally Opposite TO P.LSIDEXFS of the United States the word "anti-pdes" or anv of its variants mean Au-tralia. Even elementary students of Latin recognize the components of "antipodes" which means, literally, people wh'se feet are opposite each other.

Formally, the word means "The parts of the globe diametrically opposite." Thus to Australians, we live in the antipodes. Most Americans, that is, North Americans, have a general nodon that things are opposite in Australia. When it's winter he, it's summer "down ship and will be pursued in a variety of other fields, including space and defense. New frontiers and sweeping! reforms play no part in Johnson's grand design. lie argues that thcv are presently impos sible and would only give the President plausible grounds for.

the vetoes Republicans sav he I ill hurl at "Democratic spend-j m2- What die Texan is seeking is i legislation of immediate appeal, Iw ith its scope and cost suffici-j jcntlv restricted so that the President will have a hard time re-j jecting it. While his majority is 'impressive, he points out, it would still be difficult to muster the two-thirds of the Senate needed to override a veto. I low the emerging contest will end cannot be safely predicted. The White House is lethargic and its attitudes largely negative, but its latent executive power still remains. The President himself is coming under an attack which is scarcely veiled bv the insistence that no personal offense I i I I I I JT4l If I If I I -i I 11,11 III I I III Why, She's Gentle As A Kitten.

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