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Statesman Journal from Salem, Oregon • Page 8

Statesman Journali
Salem, Oregon
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AGED RUSSIAN 'ReptaMie HOT WATER BP TOD DESIEE A ROSY COMPLEXION WOMAN COMING Grandmother of Slav Revolution Due to Arrive in U. S. Early in Week 8a ys we cant help but look better and feel Dew- after an Inside bath. L2 To look one's best and feel one's p. 4 mm i 'si sssr- ss YS Reliability and Endurance Mark Yale Padlocks IKE the massive anchor chain they hold on through Every praise that can be suggested Jias already been applied to different makes of Automobiles Tires.

This is the claim we make for Republic Tires. If you will give the Republic a fair show Treat it as a tire should be treated you will get more than your money's worth. You got a r000-mile settlement basis on every Republic tire that shows faulty construction. i These adjustments are made by us. .1 i Salem Automobile Co.

siresss oi storm ana in caim eeas. You can put Yale Padlocks on puard over your chests, bins, garages, outside doors, automobile accessories, etc, and know that nothing is going to break their tenacious grip. And you 'will appreciate that fact best after you hare found one, hacked at, mauled, and dented but still hanging grimly on, silent testimony to its victory over unlawful forces. For, like the anchor chain, Yale Padlocks serve best in time of need. Thai's mm $mll YaU Padlock mnd cam ncommend them you for every padlocking md Your name and address here SAN FRANCISCO.

Jan. 15 Catherine Breshko Breshkovskayla, known as the "Grandmother of the Russian Revolution" and on her way from Russia to Washington, has spent 50 of the 75 years of 1er life working for. what she believed to be, the betterment of her native country. Thirty of these years she has spent in various Russian prisons, and as a political exile in the bleak Siberian penal institutions. Born of well to do and educated parents, she.

early evinced an ardent Interest in the condition of the people about her. Their ignorance and condition of semi-slavery aroused in her the determination to do' what she could for their betterment, and this has been the keynote of her efforts ever since. Her activity was unremitting and of a practical kind, including lectures and the raising of money for the purpose of education. As an anti-imperialist, she was in the United States on a lecture tour during 1M5. the first revolution broke out In Russia at that time she immediately cancelled all her engagements and returned to that country to render what aid she could to the movement.

Again she came to America Just pjior to the outbreak of the great war and lectured In all of the larger cities of the country. Including New, York. Chicago and San Francisco. With RuBsia embroiled, she believed the situation there again demanded her. presence.

In the general arrest by the government of the czar of all those who wre suspected of having revolutionary tendencies, Mme. Breshkpvs-kayia was Included and deported to Siberia. Her liberation came with the downfall of the Romanoff dynasty. best is to enjoy an inside bath each morning1 to flush from the system the previous day's Waste, sour fermentations and poisonous toxins before it Is absorbed into the blood. Just as coal, when' it burns, leaves behind ja certain amount of Incombustible material in the form of ashes, sO the food and drink taken each day leave in the.

alimentary organs la certain amount of Indigestible material, which if not eliminated. form toxins' and poisons which If not eliminated, form toxins and poisons which are then suck? Into the blood through the very ducts which are Intended to suck in only nourishment to sustain the body. If you want to see the glow of healthy bloom in your cheeks, to see your skin get clearer and clearer, you are! told to drink every morning upon arising, a glass of hot water with teaspoon ful of limestone phosphate in it, which Is a harmless means of washing the waste material and toxins from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, before putting more food into the stomach. Men and women with sallow skins, liver spots, pimples or pallid complexion, are those who wake up with a coated tongue, bad taste, nasty breath, others who are bothered with headaches, bilious spells, acid stomach or constipation should begin this phosphated hot water drinking. 7 A quarter pound of limestone phosphate costs very little at the drug store but Is sufficient to demonstrate that Just as soap and -hot water cleanses, do rifles and freshens F.

U. DELANO A. I. EOFP 246 State St. After March 1st our location will be 151 High street, now occupied by the Farmer's 1 Cash Store.

Distributors of Republic prodium Process Tires--Chevrolet and Scripps-Booth Automobiles. NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH Apply Cream In Xeetrils To Operf Up Air Passages Phone 191 Ray L. Farmer Hdw. Co. Corner Court and Com mercial Sta.

fc ROIANIA TO GET FOOD LONDON. Jan. 16. The British foreign office has tent the following telegram to the British minister at Bucharest: "The British and States government have taken action with a View to securing arrangements that supplies arrive In Rumania. Provision for financial credits for the purchase of foodstuffs is being considered at the present session of the inter-allies supreme council of supplies and relief now sitting at Paw la." the skin on the outside, so hot water FIVE PRINCIPLES IN BOLSHEVISM Former Dutch Minister Sends Warning Against Spread of Russian Doctrines AMSTERDAM, Dec.

9. (Cores-pondence of The Associated Fress) The' five cardinal points of' Bolshev and limestone phosphate act on-ithe Inside organs. I measure to check Influenza, met tonight and formed the anti-mask league. The announced purpose of the league is "to oppose by. all lawful means" the compulsory wearing as masks.

ism are. according to M. Oudendyk. formerly Dutch minister in Petro- Ah! What relief! Your clogged nostrils open right up, the air passages of your head are clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, mucous discharge, headache, dryness no struggling for breath at night, your cold or catarrh is gone.

Don't stay stuffed up! Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nostrils, let it penetrate through every air passage the head; soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane, giving you instant relief. Ely's Cream Balm is just what every cold and catarrh sufferer has been seeking. It's Just splendid. tors and nurses and medical supplies In western Siberia, declared Dr.

Arthur Rudolph Teusler. head of the Czecho-SJovak medical service, who arrived- here today from Ekaterinburg and Omsk. SUAFER SCORES ROUND CHICAGO, Jan. 17 Jacob Shaefer tonight scored a ran of 307 In his 3.600 point balkline billiard match with Welker. Cochran tying Champ-Ion Hoppe's and Cochran's best runs.

The score at the end of the tenth grad, as follows: One: High wages. Two: Don't work. You're Bilious I v'C Take Cascarets KIWAXIS CLUB ELECTS 1 I TACoifA. aJn. 17.

At a meeting held here tonight by delegates from Oregon, British Columbia and Washington, the Kiwanis club-International, district of the Pacific Northwest, was organized by the el-election of the following officers: Guy EL Kelly, of Jacoma. district governor1; Dr. George E. Henton of Portland, first vice governor; George Kelford of Vancouver, B. second vice district governor; Patrick Tammany of Seattle, treasurer; W.

C. Landreth. of Tacoma. Secretary. AXTI-MASK.

LEAGUE FORMED Three: Take other people's proper AMERICAN CONSUL DIES MEXICO CITY, Jan. 17. John R. Silliman, American consul at Guad-alapara since 19 IS and' the United States diplomatic representative with Carranza from 1914 to 1918, died at Guadalajara of -pneumonia today. I block tonight stood 3.000 to 2.

S3 7 Id Pleasant relief for liver and bowels, and cost 10c a box no 'gripe Mr. Silliman was graduated from Shaefers favor. Princeton In 1879, being In the same class as President Wilson. Four: No punishment. Five: No Said Mr.

Oudendyk: I "I wish to give a solemn warning to the working classes of all nations against the high-falutin notions which I have 'seen in Russia. Bolshevism, I say without exaggeration. Is the end of civilization I have known Russia intimately for 20 years the old regime and under new. conditions. Never have the working classes, of Russia suffered as they are doing at the present moment notwithstanding all that the present" so-called ruling classes in that Country choose to tell the: world.

"The bulk of the workmen In Russia are today far and war worsa off WILSON HONORED AT DINNER PARIS, Jan. 17. (Havaa) The Italian ambassador this evening gave a dinner In-lienor-of President-, Wilson. The dinner was followed by a reception In the embassy. SIBERIANS NEED DOCTORS The Atociate4 Prrta) VLASIVOSTOK.

Thursday. Jan. 16. There la urgent need for doc- SAM FRANCISCO. Jan.

17 Representatives of organization of citizens opposed to the mask wearing ordinance, which was passed as a All political exiles were set free and asked to return. Roads leading out of Siberia were filled with these released prisoners. As a mark of special attention, Mme. Breshkovskayla was provided with a special train. Hers was a triumphal return to Petrograd.

As she passed through Its streets crowds were lined up to do her homage while little children strewed her pathway with flowers. Then followed the days 'when Premier Kerensky was4 endeavoring to bring order out -of -chaos. To his cause Breshkovskayla gave every ounce of her effort and support. With the downfall of the Kerenskky regime and the rise of Bolshevism under' the leadership of Lenlne and Trotsky, for which she had no toleration, Mme. Breshkovskayla disappeared from public view.

Many rumors of, her assassination or death were In an Interview to her while In Japan, on the, -way to this country, she Is reported to nave said: "Neither Bolshevik nor monarchist can rule An elected government is bur hope, the people never will consent to anything but the constituent The Bolsheviks beyond the Urals and the monarchists who now are In power at Omsk' must go." Mme. Breshkovskayla has many friends in this country as the result of her previoui results. They are social workers and men and women who were students when she was in this country on her first visit thirteen years ago. She knows Jane Add'ama and has lived in Hull One of her early American friends was Mr. Arthur Bullard, now head of the Russian division of the Amerlsan committee on public.

Information. NOTICE TO NERVOUS WOMEN Feel grand 1 Be Clean your torpid liver and sluggish bowels with good, harmless Cascarets They don gripe or sicken. Give your Inside a good cleaning and rid yourself of headaches, bilious spells, dlxxlness, bad breath, stomach sourness, gases, etc Cheer Up! Oet a 10-cent box from any dmg store. Also best cathartic for bilious, constipated children tastes like candy but never falls. Cascarets work while you sleep.

than, they ever have been and the state of unemployment is simply terrible. When I left. Petrograd the situation was one of utter starvation and most people hardly knew how they would exist through the following day. Wherever Bolshevism rules, the nation has been beaten to a pulp and Is utterly helpless. The future to me seems hopeless.

One thing is certain, that, left as she Is now, Russia will be in a state of utter and complete ruin. "Factories are at a standstill and are being ruined and, without the aid of foreign capital, they can never be revived. I have never seen or dreamt of the possibility of such corruption, tyranny, and the absence of all. semblance of freedom as there Js in Russia at the present moment. of the workmen now begin to see that the regime of Bolshevism cannot possibly last.

The whole world must stand shoulder to shoulder so that out of the ruins something may arise, but personally 1 know not what." Girl Guardian Who Kept Down the A. W. 0. List VJ.V I I i. sir What's the Latest In Batteries? Battery improvements are every-day affairs.

IMPORTANT improvements come only once or twice in a 4 decade. Mrs. Seibert Tells How You Can Overcome Nervous Conditions Louisville, suffered badly from nervousness, a run-down condition, no appetite and pains in my back until I just had to give up. A friend told me about Vinol and I felt better after taking the second bottle. Now I have a good appetite and am feelmg fine, strong and healthy In every way." Mrs.

I. F. Seibert. The Vinol was so successful. in Mrs.

Selbert's case, is because it contains the very elements needed to build up a weakened, rundown system, make rich. red. blood and create strength. Emll A. Schaef-er and druggists everywhere.

P. S. For rough, scaly try our Saxbl Salve. Money back If it fails. ement Experts agree that the most important battery improv in years is) the perfection of Threaded RnhW Inanlati ion by Willard the invention that indefinitely The Lowest Priced Electrically Equipped Autombile in the World.

You want a car for every day use Not for pleasure alone. You want Lightness Power Strength Service. You want a car that von can use in the KAIll flint -ril trnnl.l hl-a a Imm n1 battery insulation. full stock of Bone Dry Batteries every one as BRAND NEW as the day it left the factory. You're protected against delay in getting a battery and against getting one Jhat isn't IN EVERY SENSE BRAND NEW.

Ask for; a copy of the booklet 196,000. Little Threads, "Tt tells the stotry of this remarkable battery. WE CALL AND DELIVER YOUR BATTERY. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR SERVICE CAR. -1 TSF if hack as well as for pleasure.

You want a car that you cah'alwaya get the parts for and that arc carried in stock by your dealer; oU wawnt 'A SENSIBLE CAR AT. A SENSIBLE PRICE," and vou get it in the Chevrolet for $845.00. i ou get every item mentioned adove in the 4D0 Chevrolet. drivinS a Chevrolet that we have sold to (and there are about 225 of them) and ask him if this is true. ,1 irSS WETTA 0.

ROSS. Doughboys and sailors alike agree that when a fellow has been away from home for a long time it's mighty nice to be "mothered" and looked after. And the mothering Is all the more acceptable if administered by a pretty girl. That's the reason Miss Netta D. Ross has been such a success behind the counter of the Information bureau of the American Y.

M. C. Eagle Hut In London. This photograph will be recognized by hundreds of men who went to her with Inquiries ranging from how to get hold of needle and thread to how to get back to camp or ship before they were listed as' A. 1 SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO.

Auto Electric Shop P. O. DELANO raONE 97 A EOFF Hotel SEWARD Alder Street PORTLAND, OREGOTf The most homelike hotel 1a Port land, All Oregon Electric tralat stop at the SEWARD. Rate ft and np. Wtth private bath $10 aad np.

W. M. Seward, afaaager. 246 STATE STREET, SALEM, OREGON yj New quarters after March 1st 151 High Street Now occupied by farmer's Cash Store Degge Enrrell Distributors of Chevrolet Cars and Trucks Scripps-Booth Cars and Republic Tires Some one notes that the breweries did not send out any of their cute little calendars at the beginning of Conrt St. Phone 203.

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