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The Oregon Daily Journal from Portland, Oregon • Page 9

Portland, Oregon
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THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 2, .1911. WITH EXPEDITION lifted 170 fee if'': CapUln Thomna Sullivan Mountain has distinction of being the. onJj a '-living member of pioneer party tiVafcsnrveyed the "Willamette rir-V in Story of trial of early daya- recalled by birthday mi- y.fciWi..'!' pttt I By June MacMlllan prdway. AN HARBOR Wk Captain Thomas Sullivan Mountain Is the only kn6wn member pf the VfilKM expedition now llvjnf.

He born If I I in Oosport, Portsmouth Harbor, EJng land, April 1. 1832. His father was sea faring man, and for many years en aptain Hackett of Hesper to il ixm Answering Rivers and Harbors Request for Views gaged in fishing on the Newfoundland I i I Make Third Attempt to Lo banks. Afterward he entered the Brit Ish nayy, In which service he ended, his II I I 2' 'Oswald West Criticises the cate Wealth in Southern days, While but a lad. Mounts! "Pork BarT? Policy.

-A took passage on the brig arriving at the home of an aunt in New foundland In 1S84. William Douglass of Massachusetts became in IK. I-' terested In and adopted the boy and i fi fin ri in 1 1 II Ik v--" (III captain Fred Hackett, who was at Portland recently, nay a he will soon make-an attempt to locate an alleged sent him to school. Captain Douglass being an officer In the navy wished (gjeciil Dfoeatrh te The Journal.) Salem, April. 1.

-In a communication sent thla afternoon to J. E. Ellison at Cincinnati, secretary of the National Rivers and Harbors congress. the lad to become a navyman burled treasure en Cocoa Island. Ho savs In 1684 young Mountain joined the Governor Oswald West outlined his pol ho Is certain he can find It and that ha United States navy.

He visited many parts of the world. He was 10 months One view of newly completed Kennewick Highland cement ditch. icies in resDact to Improvement of the win spnnd a year or two In search of In the Fiji Islands, and also visited one nation's rivers' and harbors and sta'ed that lti his opinion there was no ques feflt Into the second. There la a fine of the. Navigator" (SpecUl Dlipateh to Ttit Journal Kennewick, April 1.

the tion cf more vital importance to this The sloop of war "Peacock" and tne Derore ne gives up. The bark Hesper Is now helng ntted up, according to friends of Captain Hackett In this city, and with a hy. draulle. outfit big enough and strong brick power house on the gravity ditch on the north slope of tha highlands, state than Improvement of Its water- sloop of war "Yincennes" were being big (00 horsepower motors utartcd to-day water began to flow through six ways, slnoo they meant developed com-i fitted for a voyage of exploration at wun kuo Horsepower motors. rneeiao- triclty Is supplied by the Pacific Light' At Pownr rnmnjtiiv.

which hrlnri itfl Norfolk. Va. Captain Hudson waa mas ter of tho "Peacock," while the expedi enougq to wasn away the entire Island, which Is but five miles tn diameter. Friends of Captain Hackett sav that merce, lower freight rates, expanded business, extended farms end magnified prosperity The governor's views wera given as a result of a request tion was under the command of Com water to the door of every rancher, cqn-tltute the system now in vogue on the highlands. The Northern Pacific Irrigation company Jias had a large force of men at work ever since the irrigation season closed last fall, putting a two-Inch coat of cement on Its two highlands ditches.

Th work was done at a cost O-5600 a mll. or a total cost of about $40,000. The water Is pumped Into these canals out of the main gravity ditch, a lift of 139 feet. Into the first ditch, and 170 power from Kachees. The powor plant Is double system throughout.

The wa modore Charles Wilkes. With 880 men the commander of the Hesper, which Is now at Eagle harbor on the sound, has ter Is carried In a 24-Inch main to aboard the Thomas Mountain tnllea of newly cemented canals on the Kennewick highlands. The work of cementing, the two highlands ditches, which has been going on all winter. Is Just completed. Six miles or cenienl-llned canals, with a carrying rapacity of 48 Inches to the acre and wittering over 4000 acres, also 22 miles of domestic water pipes, carrying domestic made by Mr.

Ellison, which will be Dtinted and -used extensively by the ssiled In this vessel. the first canal and a 80-lpch main to the second. These mains open Into a 'I national organisation. They are as fol a chart that has been handed down from generation to generation until It landed In his hands a few -years ago. Ttlala of wakes' Varty.

1 2-fnot r'ment-lfnri hnv at Abnnt tli lows: i In the early summer "7 of, 1841 the r.n u. I V. a r. 1 .1 a "The uuestion of Improvement of hid vn.iuftfl, ui'U 1 1 ftft Ml ft i Peacock" neared tha Columbia river. According to the story the il 5.000,00ft of It, was burled on Cocoa waterways Is a vital ane to Oregon and Improvement of waterways has no firm Commodore Wilkes wished to survey tha land by a pirate.

It la said that In river and finding difficulty n. enter er trend or stranger advocate man i the Bohemian club of San Francisco (Y183B when the Peruviana and Chilean ing, he laid off tha bar. 'The sloop of to'va-r (dm AN -A Improved waterwaya mean Improved conditions, and developed rivers and and Salamagundl club of New York, and it is said to comprise the best features were at war, the former, rather than give up their treasure, placed It' In the war "Vlncennea" and the brig "For poiae" could not enter the Columbia river, either. July 17 tha sloop of war harbors maaa developed commerce. of botp.

Lower freight rates maan expanded bus MEET TO SELECT HARBOR ENGINEER Peacock" made another attempt to en Invitations are soon to' be Issued for a house-warming and dance, and on this Iness, extended farma and magnified ter. A strong gala hindered and under prorperlty. can' neither fill nor occasion it Is said the bars will be WILL TEACH ART small sail at midnight the ooat went off shore wait In until tha morning of open and the women may enter In. The empty a loti; when a cork Its neck. Unde eloped rivers and shallow Thomas Sullivan Mountain.

harbors arc the corks In the bottle of tne 8th, wnen ane again siarcea -unaer small sail. At, 6 o'cloekVibb tlda was hands or the. British bark Mary Dier, Captain I Thompson. The money repr resented the wealth of the state. This Captain Thompson was really am pirate, and as soon as he had secured tne treasure he sailed away.

But the crew had their eyes on tlie vast wealth, and, fearing an outbreak, the captain landed at Cocos Island and, alone and unaided, he contrived somehow to bury the treasure. Later the erew mutinied and Captain Thompson was killed. It Is also stated that the a beautiful American flag. Ha also commerce, damming the prosperity of running out, and the men put back toJ gave the machinery and canvas. sea.

At 10 o'clock church servlcea were lielri nn hoard. At 2 s'clork the wind Tisltel Governor Aberaathy. The party reached Salem and were In had died down a calm. As the flood tide waa running strong tha ship began drifting and struck sand, striking vited to. visit Governor Abernethy In his log cabin home.

They journeyed Attractive Quarters Are Furnished and Real Bohemian Air Prevails. Public Docks Commission Convenes Thursday to Con- sider Applications on to Dayton; there found neighbors annual "roundup" is to take place th first of May, and arrangements are to be made from time to time by the bent known artists of tha country. Most of the attractive furnishings of the club, rooms are One art glass company donated the art glass, shades for the llgfits. Another has offered a French plate mirror to be Installed when a good place Is decided upon. A marble company has promised a flrepiaoo, to be patterned after the design approved by the club In a competition of Its members.

The labor was furnished by wholesale building concerns, and the decorating was done by club members. Several local furnishing companies have prom heavily. Joara was wrecaea ana an on Doara were lost Anyway, neither Captain Thomp- assisting-each other In raising houses One boat was lowered and the anchor On their return they stopped at Van a oo'lutry by preventing flux pf exports and reflux of shipments from abroad. Effects of Pork BarJI System. "Oregon has had Some experience with river and harbor Improvement.

The bars of the Columbia and other rivers, the canal around the raplda at Celtlo, Improvement cf the upper Columbia and other harbor Improvements are familiar subjects In this state, and It is known that storms have washed away and pSKrage ot time has mitigated results of vas' labor and expenditure, while congress with It pork barrel system of son nor the vessel was Seen again. was run out; tha boat returned slightly couver. Upon this trip no whites were This will be the third attempt of Cap- damaged. All hands were ordered to seen between Vancouver and Salem lear shin and prepare for bad weather. tain Hackett to find the burled treasuce.

He gives good reason for failure on pre with the exception of the few boat At midnight tha vessel began leaking builders at Oak island. was no Portland has a new club, different vious attempts and he feels sure -now and men began pumping; others were When the Portland public docks com- Portland then. ordered to throw the guns out of the that the treasure will be his shortly. mission meeta at 3 o'clock next from every other club. With beauty Its Ideal and art the business of Its mem The brlgr "Thomas Perkins" having All the chests were tnrown He claims that a landslide prevented portholes, been purchased by the United States day afternoon; it la expected that It will pass first upon the inerita ef the famous him finding the treasure on his last trip, overboard also.

At 5 o'clock In the ised additional furniture, draperies, wall government sail in place of the "Pea The hydraulic machinery will obviate a I morning preparations were made to die bers, Its most rigid ruie Is the exclusion of women. Yet It prospers! hangings, rugs, etc. cock," tha name was changed to "Oregon." More clothing was beng made similar disaster. He says he will stay I embark. Captain Hudson and 80 until the entire Island Is washed Into the remained aboard; the others reachod Once every month the Trlanale-A club will have an During the and all were preparing for departure.

sea this time but he will find the money. I Baker's bay in safety. At o'clock In the "Oregon" sailed Strange as it-may seem, there are I the evening, tha water being caim, tne two weeas nearest in date to the Rose Festival the club will have a "House river and narbor appropriation was aa-cldlng whether to give aid and. If so, how much. "i di not believe In any haphazard issuance of bonds, government, state, county or municipal.

But I do that after engineers of tha United States, conservative, careful men, have set their seal of approval on the Important waterway, that tha government boats returned and took off the captain many Portland seamen who believe the for San Francisco, Thomas Mountain sailing for New York. In 1842 he was The club was born six weeks ago, and at Its christening presided those who said, "And Its name shall bo the Triangle-AJ Club1 of Portland." The words are said to suggest a racy western flavor, mingled with the beauty-loving spirit that prompts the 60 or more active members to gather In their with an exhibit of Its own and the remainder of the 'crew. On the handiwork In tiles, potteries, pictures, assigned to duty in the Brooklyn navy captain may find the treasure. YOUTH'S BODY RECOVERED morning of the JOth only the bowsprit of the vessel could be seen. The gal furniture.

In addition to Its rapidly rard, where he remained three years. growing active membership, the club's associate membership list Is Increasing new club rooms In the Labbe building of the United States should see engin Just prior to the breaking out of tha Mexican war, he was assigned -to duty on the brig "Sampson," a government provision vessel, which waa sent with in a way nigniy gratirylng to Us mem bers. eers through with tha work. And to discuss their latest contributions to art. -The significance of the triangle Boy Waa Drowned While Acceptin; a Dare From Playmates.

lant little "Peacock" was no more. All tha boats reached Baker's bay In safety. Tha ship's papers and chronometers only were saved. With Kudsoa's Bay Company. At Cape Disappointment was a trad believe that the government, once embarked on a project, should rush It to Is occult.

A stands for art and artists upplles to Point Isabella. When Gen harbor engineers who have applied for positions under It. Since all the" mem- bers of the commission hav not at-tended any one meeting: Since the flrat organization? irtagTiot beenTpoaalMe to pass upon any of the applications. Be- causa It la especially desirable that Portland's public docks system a hall be ready for operation by- the; time Panama canal is completed ihv 1914. a great deal of pressure haa recently been, brought to bear upon the members of the dock commission that they might take Immediate action, not, only In employment ot a harbor engineer to de- viae the public docks plaa.

bet te ad- vertlse for sale tha flrsW block of the 83,500,000 public docks bonds authorised -by the popular vote at the last general election. h- In choosing a harbor engineer the' I public docks commission haa a wide range of choice Applications have come from France, Holland Germany and England, as well aa from nearly every eral Zachary Taylor started from that Orappler Hugh Brady this afternoon Succeeded In locating the body of Edwin Gerth, who fell from the Oak street completion with as much dispatch and energy ar would be exercised by a pri place May 7, 1846, to the relief of Fort Browny he was reinforced by several ing station of tha Hudson's Bay com vate Individual or a corporation. There dock while trying to land on the steam that marines of the fleet. Amnnr and hither -the shipwrecked men CAMPAIGN LITERATURE SWELLS SALEM POSTAL RECEIPTS BY A THIRD (Special OUpateb to tte' Jcsnwl) er J. Teal from a mooring rope.

these was Thomas Mountain, who was is nQ reason why procrsstlnatlon and needless delay should hamper progress and increase the cost of government touna tneir way. inaian messengers were dispatched to Puget sound, via TThe it is said, had accepted a assigned to Captain Duncan's battery. dare to cross hand over hand from the tho chehal IS river, to inform the set- work any more than it should private deck to the and just. as he reached Wounded at Palo Alto. The next day the battle of Palo Alto Uers of tha wreck; Dr.

John McLough work Tomorrow's Children Aid, saiem. April l-Increase 4 In the postal receipts at the Sa- 4 took place and Mr. Mountain was arid architects. The club also" stands for civic Improvement, a better claas of architecture, higher Ideals In art. Though women are barred, the club rooms have beauty, they have more atmosphere, the Bohemian, atmosphere created by the close association of men whose art Is not a profession, but their living.

The main lounging room is circular, with a skylight, and it Is most exceptionally well adapted In lights and shades for studio work. Adjoining are smoking and class rooms, and soon there Is to be a billiard room, for the knights of the brush and colors have alKQ a most delicate touch In handling the cue. Classes in art are to begin lln and Captain Blrnlo-of Cathlamet were very kind to the unfortunate men. wounded in the hand by a saber In the 'If It is necesssry te issue bonds to I em post of flee for the year clos- hamis of a Mexican cavalryman, In a secure speedy completion of work once the deck his hands slipped and he fell Irtto the wfcter. He could hot swim and wss not seen to rise after he first went down.

He was about years of age and lived with his parents at 121H KhsI Sixteenth street. He was an employo at Jones' Cash store. desperate but successful charge upon Ing March 81. 1911. was 88 1-8 4 per cent greater than for the and through the Hudson's Bay company soon had them provided with all necessary goods.

The sailors sat upon the shore and sewed their own clothing. Thomas Mountain, being an expert with the battery. He was sent to a hospital well known port of the United States at Pensacola and after recovering was started, then bonds should be Issued, and in this connection I hold that It Is only right that future generations should aid In the completion of projects of this kind, since the children of tomorrow will profit by them perhaps and Canada. The uniform salary asked by the better known engineers is 31000 year closing March 81. 1810.

For 4 4 the former period the total re- 4 4 celpta equaled 845.T87.07, while 4 4 for the latter period the total re- A sent back to New York. This ended his career In the naval service. the needle, waa kept busy. The men Grappler Hugh -Brady will leave early I were hrought-ln over the bar on tne a month. 1 1 Mr.

Mountain's first engagement to The members of the public docks com- pilot boat "Flying Fish." and landed at private parties was thnt of boatswain on more than we of the present day. mission are F. W. Mulkev. Ben Hslllnr.

tfiday tor Clackamas and will make an attempt. to locate the body of Chllders, the lineman, who was drowned In tho rlvr yesterday. ho clipper "Sea Serpent, on, a voyage '8lnce Improved waterways and de Fort George, on the present site of Astoria, July 23, 1841. The sloop of war "Vlncennes," commanded by Commodore ceipta equated 4 4 The Immense Increase la due to 4 4 the mailing of political material 4 4 for campaign purposes by the 4 next Monday evening. Including life classes, color classes, sketch courses, competitive drawings, etc.

Since its initial organisation the Trl- yeloped harbors increase tonnage, less WUkes and accompanied hy the bri Unsle-A club has been most active. Val 'Porpoise" in tha meantime had both from New York to San Francisco, after which he remained ashore for a time, but returned to Portland on the first voyage of the "Columbia" In 1851. Captain Mountain was a passenger on -the "Northerner," which was wrecked Jan en freight rates, broaden commerce, promote prosperity and strengthen the standing and position of the nation at home and abroad, I argue that congress sailed for Puget sound. While there Henry Ladd Corbett. tleorga Cornwall and Cha.rlea B.

Moorea. In addition to Ita power to employ. a harbor engineer and Issue bonds for the building of public docks, the dock commission haa authority to regulate tne entire water front and to gradually dls- place the venerable fire trap docka -which have made the Portland harbor an eye eore. 1 4 state during the past 13 months. 4 4 For the quarter ending March 31, 4 4 the receipts were 813.87f.89, as 4 4 against 811,860.60 for the first 4 4 quarter of 1911..

4 and the government and the people gen DeVeroux waa made temporary president and C. H. Bristow, temporary secretary. The constitution and bylaws have been adoptedas framed by Lute Pease, chairman of the committee. Its Commodore WHkea-tnede the- flrst-aur-vey of that body of water, and later returned and joined the survivors at Fort George.

ROSE CITY LITTLE DAMAGED I Harbor Commission Estimates Total Damage at $1000. -Information haa been received from Ran Francisco to the effect that the harbor commission of that city, which made activities are modeled after those of Wishing to the Willamette erally should unite in a harmonious effort to deepen the rivers and harbors of every section that the ebb tides may bear out ever-Increasing exports to distant lands, and flood tides bring back an hundredfold." river, Commodore Wilkes, accompanied an examination of the wharf where the by Captain Hudson of the Peacock," Rose City struck, estimated the loss not Dr. MoliOughlln, two sailors and two 1 T7i ri to exceed $1000. Had the Rose City uary 5, i860. He has been In Several other wrecks and haa faced many of life's hardships.

The name "Pioneer" to him stands for truth and uprightness In everything in life. THE. PIONEERS. A warmer clasp our hands should give, For soon they'll pass thy land of their reward Into the endless day. Would we could claim, as they pass on, Sucli strength and courage ours; Ah! May their -last, long homeward march.

Be strewn with sweetest flowers. struck a few feet farther up, consider boys, one of whom was Thomas Mountain orderly to Commodore' Wilkes; embarked upon the plateau which had tore able, damage would have resulted to tho FORTUNE AWAITS MAN WHO AIDED ANOTHER new sewer which Is under course of con been launched from the "Peacock" and proceeded up the river. Arriving at struction at the foot of Stockton street. After she had cut through the wharf Oak Island they found men at work ahd slid over the small rocks, the Rose building a schooner which they had City's stem came to a stoi onlv a few already named tha "Star of Orearon. yards' away from huge pllo of bowl- Dr.

McLoughlin presented the boat with oers. tt; MAKNI KIKIill HAKKI1K In tow, from San Francisco. Arrived at 3 and left up 6 p. m. -Steamer F.

S. Loop, from Han Francisco. Left up at 4:30 p. m. Steamer Olson and Mahoney.

San Francisco, April 1. Arrived at 1 a. m. Steamer Geo. W.

Elder, from Dredge Oregon Soon to Finish Work of Cutting Channel to Sea. The dredge Oregon, which has been improving the channel at Coos Bay since Pianos Player-Pianos All Fixtures at CQST PRICES We want you to call TOMORROW and CONVINCE YOURSELF that WE MEAN IT. We are RETIRING FROM BUSINESS and offer lease and fixtures also all Portland. Arrived at 7 a. m.

Steamer W. S. Porter, from Portland. Sailed at company and others, not to pay out' any moneys, or recognise any checks or action which are not endorsed by the officers of. the new commission.

The newly appointed members also adopted a resolution notifying the old members to turn over the property of the Port of Portland. Credit Impaired. The complaint of the old members is to the effect that tlie legislative act is unconstitutional, and It will be upon this score that the legal battle will center. It Is further alleged that the action of the new board has Impaired the credit of the port, and the busl- North Bend to Marshfleld, a distance otU Steattier Roso Clty- for Port land. three miles, and an average dopth of Coos Bay.

April 1. Arrived Steamer 28 feet. The dredge will probably move PLAYER-PIANOS Alliance, from Portland to the lower bay about April IS, to re Point Lobos, April 1. Passed at 10 la. m.

steamer Yellowstone, rrom San move some shoals, and when this work la completed, the channel will be opened from MarshfleM to the sea, allowing Pedro, for Columbia river. I 1 til v. nm nnnh larnp i.ilnr Ihl. ouiiuay nyjll MkUl U.WV ft. $550 $450 Buys 88-note Apollo, heretofore sold for $900.

Buys 88-nbte Player Piano, heretofore sold' for $675. 7.7 feet. Low Water 9:11 0.6 feet; 2.4 feet ALONG THE WATERFRONT MARINE rVTElUGENCB. The -Weir liner Kumerio, Captain Mo ness has been summarily disrupted. Tha Old members still contend In their suit that they are the qualified members of the commission, and with the newly appointed members claiming right to the office, the complaint asks the court to have the last named members show cause and by what right thev claim their offices.

There are two usual courses of pro Gill, after having been delayed a day in crossing the bar at tho mouth of the Columbia, reached Taeoma yesterday. Sue to Amva. Breakwater, Coos Bay Rose City, San Pedro 8 Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook.

4 Roanoke, San Pedro April 6 She has a cargo aboard from this port HARDMAN AUTOTONE, i BEHNING, BREWSTER; AND OTHERS AT HALF PRICE fl1AC Buys Player arid Piano, heretofore sold for tDfjUO $600 $305 FREE Tweniy RolU of Music for Player FREE valued at $168,771. Advices have been received by ship. Beaver. San Pedro 8 cedure for the new members, and they are to demur to the comnlalnt or to Ding men at Portland that the old Bear, San Pedro 9 answer it in regular form. To enter a steamer Germanic of tho White Star line Alliance.

Eureka April April 18 demurrer to tb complaint will bring! has -been sold, to the Turkish govern- SO 30 rtent. She will be a troop ship ibsen.7 Hongkong. me matter up for hearing at an!y date, and this Is considered the mit advisable course by the new members. Joseph Goodman and S. Mears.

fine motor uimi j-iuiij-pujj x-wi i- i niii i.tria una to apar. sa 1 1 PIANOS will go to Yaaulna Ray. She wlll'do a fden fet. passenger business between Newport and g1e Elmore. Tillamook' Is- the two remaining appointees of Governor West, have not qualified, and it ia not certain whether or not thev Apr.

the various towns up tne river (iisincs, Breakwater, Coos Bay Including Toledo ana j-jik tiiy. RoanoKe, Ban feoro The coal barge Melanope yesterday ore City, San Pedro. do ao. The other five members have each qualified, and met for the first iSasL 4Sis3 fllsohared 2000 tons of coal at Astoria. I Alliance.

a.ureK $337 $287 Buys BEHNING, heretofore sold for 4715 Buys Kimball, claimed heretofore sold for' $450. April It A 1 ft) i nras3rtftX fttTt'iPirar Shetwtll leave tonight or British Co; 'April Bf vi.hni.. th noiumhiaf With Cement and General. Ti PW.ftW. River assoclaUon, I.

at Astoria rnuM.r. Fr. Mc-AMW uui iiiuir morning, i. a. uray was elected president; James Maguire.

secretary; M. O. Collins, vice-president, and treasurer. The resolution directing the old port to turn oyer th8 business of the port to them wa8 adopted, as was the notifying tho county treasurer and the bank to not honor any checks not drawn ror me purpose oi inn com Marechal da Caatrlea, Fr. bk Tyna William A.

Wiley. Aianu oiiu wi i.p uui vip i yiun Am. sen. of general supplies. i Tessa la la Fort, There Is a fortune awaiting William H.

E. tender Heather, Captain Oweenee, Br. bk. DAVENPORT TREACY, CROWN, WALWORTH AND OTHERS AT HALF PRICE Dealers and music teachers have bought during the pa'st 1 week, so the PRICES MUST BE RIGHT. Only 125 left there were over 250.

Hammerstrom, has received orders fori Washington JSaij Francisco A. Wiley, once or AiasKa, ana later of Portland a fortune that he doesn't by tha officers of the new commission Anvil mine laying service. It Is reported. Banco The' fight to oust the old was started nnvfhlntr about, but that haa been The bar schooner Joseph Pulltier has lost all of her crew, every member OLD PORT BOARD FIRES having resigned to go to Alaska for va early last fall, when considerable dis-' 8eeklnl for months. Years ago, satisfaction was abroad over acts of while 'jmlnln In Alaska, Wiley bathe commission.

The attitude taken frlen(liej a Chicago man. When he died nmt Pr in opposing the wllv a part of hu Broadway bridge was one of the 1 rious fishing concerns. i i a i (Continued from Page One.) GOING quickly at rate they are GOING will soon be DON'T DELAY qalified are Charlea D. Gray, R. D.

MARINE NOTES Acta which fhflamed the public against WlleV snTno. the one you want may be sold TOMORROW. SMALLfAMOUNT DOWN AND EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Every; instrument guaranteed or money refunded Inman, James Maguire, H. M.

Bsterly 1 1 i is 1 them. The, Investigating committee fathered the' movement creating the asked the Journal to aid in the aeardu and M. Collins. Astoria, April at 5 a. m.

Gasoline schooner Anvil, for Bandon and The complaint filed la and de- new commission. Atlee the new United bi n- in.r Diwinor i ciarvi legisiaijjra or 1911 Leggett, from San Francisco; Ar passed an act ereatiug tha naw Port rived" at 8:80 a. m. and left ud at 2 it. ml I of Portland it in mttA States senator from Ohio.

Is 4 years old and. a roan of Puritan habits ab- He left St. uouis ana went to the Yukon, in 1898. From then until 3903 be lived at Dawson, From 1903 So 190S he waa at Nome and was in Fairbanks iintll 1906. when came- to Portland." The; Jast known oT waa while he was tn this city.

A. Mata of Postofflce box S95. Chicago, 1s trylnr to find Wiley to turn over to him the property left byle frteod. Boring tobacco. Intoxicating -liquors ana 106 FIFTH STREET, NEXT PERKINSiHOTEL A OPEfJ EVENirG3 -Steamer Nome City, from San; Fran an la pretended to qualify 'aa cpmmia-cIscoa Sailed at 12:80 p.

slohers under thlajict, and held a meet-bark Bougainville, for Limerick. Sailed Ing Friday. TAt tola meeting; it ia net at 18 jnoonSteamer San Cwtb.V that" the commission paased a Pedro. Arrived at 1 p. m.

Steamer Ol- resolutions esJllhr ttpoiti' tha eounly aaa and Mahony with barge Amy Turner treasurer, the Security payings A Trust profanity. He is a successful lawyer and la aald 6y his associates of the Ohio hr. to be an exceedingly skillful do-baur and alo an orator of eloqutnea..

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