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Pittston Gazette from Pittston, Pennsylvania • Page 5

Pittston Gazettei
Pittston, Pennsylvania
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TTEDNE5DAT -the rirrsrox gaeetxe- PAGE iTTS RADIO Hamlin PROGRAM L.j ALLEY OOP By av ft SHUdS: JUS VJUBiTWS) jf CVCH, fOLLOW UE. I zi fixating fl D(G6iKG your ground, deep. The aaiatiuu and nreak-ing up as of inestimable value ta your frdem. Proper preparation of the SOS means deep-rooted plants. Da not, however, go helow She (sod soil level 1 IU Tf 'I' fj f- i THE SOIL US REACT a if It win crumble when SDueeaea in the hand.

Much harm its dose toy working the soO which 3s wet and, ths hand is the bast taut know. WVEAF-46 He 4 -90 Henry Bosses Orch. 4.15 Mme. Ifdia. Piano 4 .30 Else Bite TTick Xhtwson 4.45 'The Guiding Hjght" 5 Adventures, DarUta" :15 Steich, "Uan Wmstow" i Jack Armstrong 5 :45 Uttlr Orphan Annie Our American Schools Talk: Carol IJcls Wews; Harmorjcas :5 Bffiv and Betty IjBO Amos Andy Dncle Xxra's Station Jep.

James Mead Vic and Sane Cm Man's famil'' 8:30 "Wayne King Orch. iFred Aliens Town Ball, April SVwil Portland Hofla. Van SteedBDk Orch. 10 9 our Hit Parade, Helen Jep-aon Gladys fiwrthoot, Prank CEhapman Talk; Trairoi' Orch, 11 :15 Women a Zposition THE TIME ta transplant i FOB oop GOT WE55E WWESI KM VO I nous Taey bated at The foot the slop. In night of the team amo" itaaw wMeh bad already aKBoted the last penalty from as menjr Innoosnta, The time hmi com Tor tfc Unal fiwm rt the )w.

A serial stay ly SAMUEL HOPKIXS ADAMS of lie FRAXK LLOYD PEODrCTION MAID OF SALEM A Special Gazette Feature Aconiaefl protest. "Who are you, SraTe fool?" -AtrJendtoner." Roger hubbuB a dagger into his nana. Txnrt nse it nutll yon must," he whispered. At sight ot their Moved physician, the rabid crowd hesitated. Aa object Jam-tied through the air: mot a clod this time, tint a heavy rock thrown with terrible.

Xaroe, though poor aim. It missed Soger, lor whom it was meant, and struck John Harding with deadly Impact. He toppled headlong, and the startled oxen, moving forward, crushed his head beneath the wheel. An agonised shriek In a woman's voioe rang out above the nproar as Martha Harding threw herself upon the body. There followed as awed stillness.

In which only Barbara's pitiful weeping was heard. Te Jit Cor.ttvvci) Too? itOooUnuefl tram Psge CHAPTER XJt ram of siuis lines when they have tnada their first pair true leavas. The fust leaves are the pair seed leaves which acre nttrejy different tram aha trne leal THE PROPER SPCIVfi af your plants as ahanlnagly nacesasry ta haw sise sni qnalfty. Tte puH-ing nt ff seedlings awmia wasteT id hut a Sew property ajsaosd win ajraa fas' tetsar n-' snflts tQuta amnai times their ammher tea tOdokSy planted. WITH ROCK cxrdeoB.

avoid matin Jt look ike in xhibitina area. The anost attractive rack gardens are natural tte the ca-tpeme and took as though they "3nst happened." PLANTING shrahB, anas the hole twice the sine awoeasary tte hole the roots spread out. atea plant Just tittle Sower In the Isreground than ft was ta Its originaS position. VOUK local garden clua. People who have an tnterest sa the same thtngs are always pleasant eompany.

PROPEBJ FouNOATIOfll plant-tag Us very important for it can make the small bouse look larger and seftsa the bigness of the Barge bauae. THINNING OUT plants da sa several tOitanhisa. If plints are tte be several inches apart, there should be twa er three thinnings get the oesired ra-jtuTL Toons plants cannot stand toa severa thfanins. I TVLOCXD-EIH. the sua wax dijudnc tr -Che nreRt nT Gihhrtt HiH JUdSC lor burial and the post marsB ana performed yerierdcy afsernaaa attaa avguest of a son, wha jjneaad the bhef that hts mother may haac Baea pedsnsed.

Br. Frecla Issmfl sia ttnaoe of The evmner's n-nfUm fha najlwBT strasmea a motley procession, escorting the ez-csrt in Which Barb'-i Clarke rode. Six. aoldlers wit? jukea flaakei It. In tront.

Jndge SewaU. designates represent the court, gloomed in his addle. He had fliBcomlortiiig douhts el the vrftcharstt theory ana little 9nEr aa liuzsras county 13 POISES THE in liars Eooi County Caraow ILxnard Preda, foUowing a past mortem examination jwterday of he body of Mrs. Sena KasrkCTrtci. a.

ptttston, expressed ke jpiiulMB iQavt death ass casaed by a heart oonditian and alcsholism. The woman found dead tn bed at her borne is PJUetun last Priday. Ber body aas tehen as Ihcksan City County Detective JtcCm IiogJsney, at WiUges-Barre. here for the sa ScnavHtfm, March XL. An award of xiriB! was returned by a jory aminatinn.

whith was caadacaad ta the morgue of Jloto Wxckwoei. Babk. son Cny endertakar. SoranSaa Itastt lor persecution. Court laft night, the seetnt verdict in the past week te extend SSK tw figures tn sutoroaofle Satality tarje 7 44o Congress af Panmai and Heachers 4 .30 Bailey Arton, Tenor 4:4 i'Toung Hickory" Story, Msrlm" a Jean 3ckinaon Singine Idy 5:48 The Old Bomeatead TaSc; JLogena Orch.

Newa; Rewelers IjOWeB Thomas, TaBc 7 HH Sketch, 'Su Aaes" 17:15 Doris Bare. Comedy lium and Abner 17 Morrison, Talk Broadway Merry Go Bound, Beatrice LiEie 8:30 Etlbel Barrymoine 5 :00 ProiEESioBal Parade, JL. Brn- cst Cutting. Spitahij-'s Orch. :00 Sae ten, "Tic and Sade" Harpsichord Knaemble E.3y Shielfl's Orch Vrdaa Dr.llE Chiesa 11 JB0 Talk; Coleman Orch.

WaBC see Kc 40 Ourtis Institute of Music 4:45 Academy of Medicine Jomior Stase Corps 5:18 Ohflarenis earner So The nirtaJors Road" el Casino, Songs George Hall's Orch. :40 News Pretty Kitty KeBy 5:00 Jack Beadings "TOa and Pa" 17:88 Buddy dark 17:45 Boake Carter Cavalcade ol America; Voar-IheeS' Orch. :38 Ken Murray, Comedy; Soloists, Orch. 9 Wiao Martini, Koste-lanetz's OKch. :80 "Naughty Marietta," Jessica lDraonrtte 10:00 Gang Busters, Fhffljns Lord 10:30 Bep.

E. Cox 10 :45 Patti Ohapin. Songs 11 JOB Talk; Goodman Orch. Close on the Tight at the tmhbra marcbefl John Harding, ghRBtiF hut toravely smiling liia jiromiBefl en? couTBgeinent to the doomed pris-caex, and nert to aim Jeremiah Adams, open; weeping. On the telt Bead The OsaBaa: i damage actions.

The plaintiffs in baUSi issues were widows whs lost ttofetr nasbands in m9ssr aocidenta. ILRst tnghta verdict was nttnmed ifeEroS Elder Morse, his spine a in fnvor af Mary I. Cromley. west ChiQJsuusgue. jnarthnmbcrland able Court's service." rebel, with a reward upon lb (head, shouted Morse.

"Take him! "Across this?" retorted the soldi a JighQy. The bright steal Sashed, and ithe Slider shrank away with a shriek at tbe prick of its light touch npon )iis neck. "What do yon nera. sir?" igoes-iticmed the Judge, trowning. "I appeal to the law.

Krw vi-flence lor the Court." -State it" "lt was I your witnesses saw with Clarke. She would not me because of the price on' my nead. She 3s no more a witch than I am the tierfl." TJonU believe her." beSowed Horse, recovering himself. "How do 'we know that it is not Satan's seH, taking man's torm to saw his panton?" The blood-snarl of Che numaa tpack responded. "'Satan! Satan!" they roared, swift to accept the Elder's suggestion.

"Hang (hem both." They surged forward. The little squad, bewildered, gave tout half-hearted resistance, i "Drop to the floor," muttered (Roger to Barbara. He threw a swift lance of calculation toward the wood where, he hoped, his collegians lay: too tar lor a strategic ally. He had intervened too soon. "Now lie must play lor time.

"31 I can hold them" He whirled as a figure vaulted the rail. "1 will guard this side," said the newcomer. "John! John!" cried Barbara 3a tdekory ramrod, his corajtennnce a granite niBSk. Further out milled the rabble, erultant in their hlooa-luet shouting oceorations. -witchr County, msther of smaS chOdren.

Mrs. Crcmley sought damages for Ht lass of her busband who was ran down and fatally Snjnred st MChzm Janusxy 141, 193fi, by asa airtfr.iimalBOe operated by Allen B. Speioh. Buff ato X. T.

Speich was the defendarft. "TJancing wanton! Where's yonr jflark partner mow mi asks mm BFCIiMOra WBshjjgton March SI Sen. James J. Dark, Fa, today asked the senate that a comprehensive census of unemployment toe undertaken 'in She Hurled States. "A 'Complete inventory iff present 'employment and wsmploytnent 1 indispensable in planning any 3ong-hns program lor reemploymeiat and relisS an sound ibasis," Davis declared in support cf resolution calling for sush a census by a senate investigating committee.

"Without sudh an inventor' it is impossible to ten how and how last the unemplss'ed may he reabsorbed iby industry. DEXTAl, XlSC BULLED ArrorvrNEvr to SBCtTKITIES BOaBS lunar tor a- Bt aviaa mmt ft laMaaiatMunimka, PICK A ETASiS SKMH.mtaraaHQ cavoo ens atcsrsntisnr EW TOSS ajW CKKAGO USS mrsmT rm sjj PiCtsotcch, March S3 Mas Virginia Peach, formerly of Baltimore, cmiuoyed as mmse tn $be dental af ice off Dr. W. M. ThmnfBxm, 3d, was killed by eiither falling Jumping Jrcnn a 13th Ior window of affile? ta which he was employed.

Sac was 25 yam age. tjunmr Ave. W. P. BITTALO 4 Sis) HarrisbuTg, Mawih II.

Gov. Oeorge H. Barl- Ihes announced the appointment I Anthony J. Bamett, IKcael HOI, a member tbe Penncylwiiia Securities Commission, suossedlnc Seymour M. Bextbron, Fbiladelphia, cfjective tomorrow.

iBHOUgh." -See; she gawps about ler fcrpeeting him." "'Satan's second coming to aid hit deman," guffawed a iflwarflsh oow-therd. Clods Dew. 'One struck the girl on the shoulder. Startled, she cried out Judge Sewan whirled his horse. thein IbackT he hade the adIdlerB.

The townspeople drew away, crawling. Seizing the opportunity. Elder aaorss made his final appeal t5. Bukhara. "Ton can still aare muttered eagerly.

"TJecant Slepent I win stm take you to wile." She seemed not te have heard fcim. Her head was tilted as listen-tag lor tar-away music From her BunwsBrxG ff asaaafts! Ctflal4 lei (pVavsMaWI I '5 i arvFS mspmnme BtaBiBflaBtBBTOai i i i I other aide rose Dr. John's hoarse HIE lBM EKblTKiG MmIm. iStiffl, ir i lift Bplea. i "Bafbaral Barbara! It Isn't too late.

Swear to them that I was the men with tou." She made the slow sign ol denial, 'with tie change tn her rapt attention. Jeremiah whispered te his eompanicm'i ear: "'One might think Ian yet telt hope." I "Wto hope," groaned the young JinTaiclan, "'except confession at the 1 trallcwe-Ioot. And that she win nerer P. The alow, patient oxen plodded on. They baited at the loot ol the slope, la sight ot the beam and noose arhlch had already exacted the last penalty Irom many Innocents.

The time was come tor the final sjmooest of the law. Chains were Crock Irom the prisoner Jimbs. ISbe roBe, gripping the cart-rail. AW t-r: Vi rx ll E0XANTIC DRAMA EeaTy ol heart. Judge SewaH 41d fell office.

"Barbara Clarke, will you now ibetore Cod and man confess the crimes ot which you stand duly immricted?" "Tor your soul's salvation," urged Ithe Rev. Farris, advancing with rble In uplifted hand. "Tor the sake ol your on kid' avna atffl love yon," pleaded Elder jpoode. lapontess," boomed MorBe. I i Vi xi "BTTKBLrNa" ns the chief Indoor Sport W' I MytfN Stirgmg Drama cf that unporUiit penod 111 Amer- ffJf Liy azs'p ic BURKED rk XW Vl WOMEN AT THE STAXE for fh Supposed if Practice of "WTTCHCBAFT-.

Vi 1 f'i 1 Jjl Old Salam uid Colonial Boston EeprodQCtxl in JHer reply came clear, strong, iaj yspired by the desperate steadfast- I 3- IfA. Jti 1 Breathtaking Scenes YouH never forget Vrl- 1 CVA ti 1 Ilada and directed by the genius, wfco inad i -ITi -I "CaTalcada" and fMaB.ramTtaMrawr oven, seared, ana served snau judge Whether I have sinned TThen may Ha have mercy on ywar soul," Intoned the iludge, and turned away. The tight circle murderous Eaoei bulged and gave way at the Jmint where the tilackwoman, ITttnba, was pressing through a-ith kittle Am Goode clutching at tier jsMrta to withhold her. With the 2 ai im.i VlatTC71 TTlaf Tl IsbIIbs llasall-TJII ft 2 I '-yf rPLw 3 -Hu i ji i I -2l aj? yaeM a soldier reeling, and threw Ifcerseif before the wheel of the "Take me," she shrilled, "Hang Tse one. 1 liea, lied, lied, now I catn' lie no mo'." Turmofl and confusion foTlowed.

(VT.WI V' '-ai i'V i i at "Xilboet the niscx wrnch, too," jrose the cry. clutched her to drag her Jeway. She clung to the heavy wheel With Incredible strength, but was ttnally forced loose. Unobserved In tht distraction, an agile figure Cloaked 3a black crossed the open I 1 SPECIAL ADDED I-t SPECIAL ADDED 'cs-i try rbWon! EWoolt I 4 a nrnrn nvnis Tm a nen a lmeTnir nnvrrra iiniir-ICTB I 'aid A rCcCum A GIRLS BEST YEARS" A MUSICAL REVUE I SKELETON FROLICS" A SWELL CARTOON aimi im mi 1 mm mpct and leapt into the cart. AND THE NEWS ara, nd threw convulsive arms L7 mm.

Be reed himself, as the pikes soldiery converged tou ard him. "Ss atera voice of authority lnter-' liiwa. polntsl Who are yos that 1 flw Intrude upon lawful oc irtoaI" 4emandod Jt-e SewaU "Tloce Oovemian, at tte Honor A 5 1 CZ..

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