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New-York Tribune from New York, New York • Page 5

New-York Tribunei
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

report of the delegation whtcb withdrew from the convention. That report wm read and ep wen? made In which It wm ststed Lat tbe speaker. 1uoU of not fur the Greenbaeker. Lambcrton, aud to? did not think li? oould vote for the Republican bone-t eaudldale, Mr. Via Voorhis.

Beth? oilcans Republicans to rote their other words to Tote they a to support Mr. Van Vm.rtns wir down. There was nothing wad against bun, r. MIJ Ci WftS that of t.r.llorlal The Rothutrr Dnnorratand Chronicle until atlor Mfti'T. Uli I'l N.V 1 iMJ fraud plank in the Pf-inocratic.

hu. "nHHlH" 0llt ike party Tll, Hill whirl, ha oapopov All three eatidl a bill il. TU plan of tli? Democrat? is to raise a ol oust and wind the vision of people to the in tue canvass. The dodge a oue an.i won't Having played the frame of bluff niw wa esmrglag the BrpuMiren? with trjiufr the (rame. Iiutp no need to Indulge in any 'I'll, oiti? UJ to give a cow tollable suowiug of BVaaa.

The DmMMRUI are OOafnriBg defeat by their ffoi to form with the lucir ol carrying the State, always a torio our, apparently been eoandoued, and thev are now con? centrating their effort? on the Leirislainte and fAmgrea? men. Tiio Bepaolleane have only to keep their a lew dnys longer to win uu envluble tnum, 0. 1'. the last Ooiipiepsioiial nominee 0f in the? strict, la physician about sixty year? old, with some local popularity. His of the struigbtest character, and lie la to be wealthy and liberal." Hi? nomination wa? a surprise to Aeker, the Hrecnback candidate, who cx aa loraemeat.

Toe District uiBepubl.cau aud be kept ho. The Democracy are-certainly unfortunate in of tueir Th'-y ive lour nomi? nees for Coiigreas whose rvvorde are. so unsavory thai the better element In the party will refuse to vote for them. And they hare luet uomiiiHied a roan forfMate Senator who, a local paper out ol in int. tiaiv onlv a shall time ago, having been coi.m.

ted of auibezsliug Un Mr. Francis Wood, chairman of the Phila? delphia de io Hie League Couveution lately In session at eoiiflrrua tbesui ffort made by the 1) to capiure the oriraiilKation. He write? ton! that llie Midden et the wa? "to pren-nt the fortbei intimidation of its ninu l'i icritle police, who were then heartj and with the ffurt th'-n belnn by Mr. Toanxer a few to freiu lue (oiiVei.tiou an Ind lor Olli)? tue Hetlloeiiitie party." Mr. Kaml.ill'? claim that he is not in favor Of legislation met bv The l'hilatlrlithia iTfM With lertitiini u- stioiis did hi make aFne li fonjiiiittec ou Way? asdMeWM, t.ilnti" lull, wnieli waa fiaiiil in the intereet of the 'special class' of Btid airaln-t the Interest of the citiz'ii- pen.

rally I Whjf was he alon? of the KenreseTitativc? of Pennsylvania, la favoi ot that iniquitous measure, now ab? iinoei the praaMrc oTarwhelalug nopn lar opi I Why he re nenr.y the pollilosl power naaM the Ccnfaderatea, bol for j.nrp at 'line tiiemto frame Wlilatiou fiieudly to Bout a i A new play by Mr. Howills will, it la Sani, soon be placed upon the Mi. Hepwortb ha? bren thrown fri'ii tils borne, and has had his collar-bone sed. A il.en, the niece of Mr. Carlyle, who his house at Chelsea, ii a pretty and elevei

about twenty years Um has bright soft DTowa hair, and an intellk'i nt ezpreaatoa. IliM H.iuk, as Carmen, is said to be a youutt Spaniard In looks nnd manner. In Ike prettv BUle in the second act she the einbotli JU' Coq: mm) Forney is ahotit to the jiuhli oation a n-w weekir paper Poiladelphia. It to and will be a paper of of udv.itlsenicnts, lookniK iki Snhon. iiiiietal Thomas Ewing has been viaiting and foretellinir for bar a (freut future as a commercial city.

Be I the city Im the position to command aBd destined to be not onlv the chief Southern city, but oue of the greatest ujmii thisc M. Victor Husjo is as strong as ever, and is at work upon two new poems. One of the chi- dellffbia of tus lite is playmtt with bis two Krandchildren, Oeortes and Jeanne They are beautiful ami little creatures, and their gambols aro sure to divert the boel In hiH bluest iuo. ds. M.

upon the aeenery ana decorations ot oounod's in. prima donna is mod to baye received from the happy composer the first reproaentation of the afara a honquct two yards in circumference and it is stated further thai M. Gounod bestowed beer upon all the choruses. That General Grant is "greatly improved Is the opinion recently by J'ornev. In.

Qaaaael adds: It was a real pleasute to visit turn and his good wife. Their stmi'lieity and aaYathai for each other reminded me forcibly of Darb. aa4 All the honors they have received have not Spatted tbnm. The General has no uniform with him, and It was very amusing to sec the uio-cartcd voiaataer can Generals rldiiiK alxmt hi the review? in their floahlnic vrhll? the en soldb-r of the amoiii; without so much as aa eitru buttou to designate his at deserriiii Hfjmi Oct. Stanley bit bite Car Aew-Yoik this sfteruoou.

I ENKMA1 Itie excavations in the old Roman Forum are being conducted with aeai and thoroughness. It bas lieeii thought thai ancient Via Sacra would unocr the Arch ot Titus, ae there were many monuments along that httrbway. The excavations have vi-rr deep indeed, but no trace of any monument bat been found. A Biiminjihiini baby han been sntTocated With sweetmeats. The was eight week' old, and had been left In the care of a little girl about live years oh', bhe gave him some of the candy popularly known as The sweetmeat stuck in ihe bsby's thmat.

aud iK-tore a doctor could be summoned death bad from suffoo lion. Kind, McNally Co. have added another eleer and accurate map to their former publient urns In this Hue This Is a railroad and county may of raw I nio.l Mate? and Canada. Its Klze Is it is upon cloth, with rollen at the lap aud bot toB). Por denotement of boimdarles, eiesr let trntit Kiiisb this tnati no kii ut publications of ibis oder A.

tirant, the general Lastern ily 4 has suolooe No. 13 Park place lUaine sjxike in Des Moines, tl.ere was oue man In the audience who to hear bu-i. no matter what happenexl. Ismael Lee, of Mitchell? Hi-, a heavily-built man, well advanml years, It difficult to get a pbic? near euoueh to haar 'be distinguished (senator, and while attempting to Basaaadnr. and broke his arm.

He ap a murmur unit planted bt? feet on the box, nttii for sn hour ami a half, tumi Mi. walked tos doctor's ofAc am had the Uwes set. That aort of politics aan asfeli i ut do? as stalwart Republicanism. Lovely imimn, if thon always be isweljr, llstea tke couoael of the do Rnsaan In tbe 4 Aiewoir 1 irre. When Ton are Past sbe says, never let more than five or sut hoars pass eyes for a short time? tea Minutes not naesassrlly to sleep, but to repose thaaiasetes of toe Every movement and play of necessarily tend? to fatigue tbeea he a smile or the expreulou of surprise or cf tfifwtkin.

ihsoloainaof the eyelids at lntervsls is recommended a beauty rest." The nius lose ifcelr tei.dency to that nervous con ifteir tei dency to tnat 1 trsnsiatee Itself lato wrinkles return to Franc? from Montreur, waara he had baea reeUngsnd play asaaob taiogago. Oareaah Jae itaaMar at Ballegarde, he wa? (raeted at the the Mayor, whose speech followed by ta Theorowd began Tire (temeetia bat OamhatU exolalwad. No, ery Tiva la Al Seyseel. tue -w saMtea, he had a elmiUr raoeptloa. We hare at iMt firm hold of the Repub a one of the crowd.

It will lire? he asaarod of that my friends," ro" plied Uambetta. At Alx-les-Hmnes be with little notice, not tug expected till the next day. At Qre, be received by tbe Mayoi, addressed tew words of welcome Id the name of his fellow itix'-ns to the illustrious vi-ltor, reminding hlrn of Ins vis.t to tiieir town an rears ago. and dwi llmgon RcimMlf sentiments of its Garnbetta, in loar, referred to whet had already bwn eari-h-d out since lie WH laat among thorn. There was much la i.e doue: bal with win, and through the law nothing Just ami g.

ucrou? waa inipuHl hi? tor tho Ki Ditch UlDMlQl? I HA TE UtPOKT. GOVERNMENT INDICATION for part hourt. Washington, Oct. 2'A, 1 storm last night east of Florida hit? moved, with gtcat MM lu a northerly path, and is now central near Cupo Hut iMIii un lias generally fallen east of the Mississippi aUYer, i icept In The tc.iup>T.iiure has gem risen the Middle States and New-England in th? Northwest rlanwfcare hav fallen. Easterly winds prevail in tue Middle Otate? ami Ncv-Kngland: elm wlicre BN iio.sily nortn.

rlv. The pressure is highest and falling in IV and Vova Scotia. For New-England, inert-using cloudiness, follow rain, wanner northeasterly winds, failing barometer, fol.owed in st portions hy rl ni barometer aud couler iioniiwiwt winds. Put Hie Middle Atlantic States, cloudv, rainy weather, warm eaeterly, backing, to colder northwest winds, full? ing followed rising barometer. Htnrm Signait.

Cautionary signals coiinutit'at Lewee, faite May, At Clit. Barnngat, Sand) Hook, Savannah, TvbtM island and Charleston, aud arc ordered (or New-York, HeW-Uavea. New-London, Newport, Wood's Mole, Boa loa aud Baltimore, Cautionary off-snore signals an ordered for Wilmington, Bailtbri Mae.m, Capo Look out. il.literas, Kitty Hawk, Cape Ut'iiry, and Norfolk. TRIM I.ocai, UrWlSKTATluXJ Hotrits: Moraine.

NUht. I I 1 4 f. 910111t 1 4 7 Tiitiit NK Oct. la. barometer remained stationary yesterday ntitil after 1 o'clock, a Inn ml inovetnent of the no renn sed In.

weather waa partly el nur, and the tempera tan trifle lower on Monday. Tho auiouut of moisture has hi" Cloudy and rainy weather, with lilt I ekange in tern peratarn, may be expected in this city und vincinlty to? day. TIIK TM6T I ht W-UA UPSBIRK. ITALWABT KKitlll.ll'ANS AI WOBK? liEMAHKS 01 IHK M't IIIKUN It VSM. 1IA.N M.RIt.

BtbUIYORD, N. Oct. Wb. Chao diar fat apuaking in the tippet portion of the State, Hecpoka ben in this Denocrattc stronghold ol Stratford to-day. Alter dieeneeina; the coi qorattoo, Um bald ttntea the rctnedi? tbarafor, and proving wisdom nl adiainifetra lion linea toe war, as efcowa redaction of the public debt and the mien Uteroon, sad azpand itiiic- ami Uutea, be tpoke oonoeruina botnaorigbta us And beat with me a few aaeaaeata while I to you to Mund by ike UepubHean party, erde Itmaj aecompiUii aaobjeel which i dear i-sl to i cliolt i.f Iran, I tree ballot al Ike bootk.

WiUi 1 s.y tool "I Idea of hi. toy uiHt In a iiiitt if not true human riahla will be i rtber Kite. al," ro Im: tous I i i arty baa lemulj ti pa ite tti pli iiself. 'l no ivaoiauooa ol Ike Cii on Bayi aiil of every re of New-IIa a p-h ro tuve io use th' Uacoace of tne i ti of 1877, t.iai i i United Siatea GoTiromeni la bonad to maintain and piotect each an i le in tin fit 1. am; if i rhj prtTtlege appertaliilos lo i In ll.

iniird. i and lutiin.l an a rearalar part of thi boutaeni of eievimnal In ut a six tin- oil ni bis i then and will be KepiiliJiean ni.tioi uns wheiirv.r mi tramelted political ajwsecii ami actiou and a (rea baliol received freeoom loiffiacr tot with thai ui tbe Vote! i. ran party and Ita Wky. inen, are th Jo no? trampled dowu and no efleet I In Kempei County, Mikof April, 1-77. ChtsboUn waa brntally ahot io deutn bv a ciuel, io.

tivcitli rn I boy of thirteen bia tatnei und mu? leras Ut bai tkrougb bk His inautiful ami beioic i. t.f (oa lia, to -h -bl IjIoi 1. th. 1 an', lio una, killed bv iiBmuerlesaaJugs nod i I noh mariyni were not bua slaughtered ii un mero ni i 1 ho a. lu Southerner and had i.eeu tua Couftdelate Army.

owi ta kla aftar ahot, tin- truth ind liona) unportanoe ol ihia faaaoaa nag-y i i av. te mur i red feeeaaae 1 uto a Ki nu 1 fret' m-t Vf aal d.u that a In.ioc ti alien mu aputitalied Va ti, and til.ia.d and oouDtenao tuiati metho rauquiablDK political opiKtin ais How lmik will lo. party beglect av. aoeb in a and bow loun i it, a poiii irai organisation 1 Fron Ina, even while we are ion- 1,1 i i tkat he Kepn maioitty is to be broken down, ami the rabel bu Wade Hampton elected i bj by armed and inken Dcmoerau. The VhmrUatnu SrwsawJ Oeartrr of September 7 'We warn no Btker put of eampaiga tkaa ikai ol Ih70, bni that plan oe ca? i a i 11 oaiT In Hi.

Mali to ever) election preclocl ine Mate." Tt I i the MlsahUlpp! pan." Which i ion, Ii m-, and mardi und the nu uuled elubs the ebie! method of clot Uoneei i gine tini- is. publican mooting to be treated aa sim Uar gathcrrnifs in South CarolinauoM are, Suppu or time Democratic bul ira, motinud an nriued, bad ded the itreeu ol Si ratfoni, drinking, veilla? aud flrmg Off their gut. s. ant bad then I il tin? kali, xh.i.mug their cuaa and pistola, uui deadly ihn ai -manning for i sueakera haii the limn irf il nu ruing deaigaedly by Violence pi.

voatincali fraaaUaraacaatbj the iiepubHeaiu. Wetnow the aatecl of such laioiii artluaa Sonta. tint, lb ii, would be .1.1) eut free Mew-Hampablrc Tkera would i in of this BcetnaCj nor would ikare be aay peacefal fllacnnk of tbe antneota of earrrncy aad fluanoe, A qneallon of great et tkaa tkat of mouey and tu a battle for man and liberty," foi "freedom of in! In ano op? polllioal action" would arlae ami lie foofkl oui to a aneareaial man IM ill loitc would fiel that ai. boen made upon a vital principle of tie Republic, which must be resisted aud overcome at oaoe aud ut If no of such anpprenlon of frei of speech w- no! anbmitaed to, eran In tbe Mr Ltonioirit'lc In lAe can the Matin be liiibflinut nu suppression It sal lu six Sontkera Btatee of the tJaloal Ba publican goveruia nta do not exist them the iiinoauieiiia in.

le. on whi thin t't ui aWpoMlo is foi nd- if opanlT, eonalaatiy, avatamatteally, de igiv edh ooutemuod and Hau mut and colored white it? pub'n nativa Bnwtkernete and Northern erntet ids, are tnaalted, intimidated and mar dared lu ol Ft .1. ral law, and d. iio a of solemn pledgea of the Mtbite ib parir thai thef ne to eve Amerli sitiaea eom i-I? tt- liberty and iT.ait In Ute exeioieeof all civil, political and public ncata." and that to this ead there shall lit- Congress and Chief 1 te. ulive arbo fl eonraae and ndadty io abai ot taller until iiu ae r.

sulti are placed beyond dispute or ret i Re; un leans, Ihlnfi shall not much buigerltc. stand by the Republleao party, and whin it lulhlled it-ctldent im! lesse-rtlutv of inakln. paper dollar in the countrt worth a dollar g. Id an-i nlvt r. It will again, in ol heart lesa la I.e up lia bordea, towever or heavj of nutintitiuli.g and uforciug biitnan and free politice ail over the Nation.

Already the lucubaatkal for more than a oar has weighed like a gluuiat the lUpiiI.lic i'. brain and heart and lifted. No mofe is Wade Hampton proclaimed aa a and fend pa'iloflc hut ho at; tin Hunds forth as IC pi-rflilnois, bloody but. Iior that the high-tow eblvalrouj Boatkataer is an apt to ahow htanaii when it. nulilican victory over bmi in.rainent.

Wo aie uurepeniani Southein laid that aro to he rebooted for their uiaMin to the Union and tbelr war upon tie flat, and to he amnestied and dUcburgrd front ludidme ui and trial for political murders of our brother Bcpubli cans. Henoeiorth they are to be told that they are to obey law or to be pun? ished for th Ir disobedience: and In 18A0 a Heiriihllcan victory wlil he sgalu achieved only proclaim the danc? rs of "mi.ui s.mtli and rebel rnle." but whose election will secure, in taut aa well as lu name, inn Ubhity, free speech and political action, ami aaratliai Uattxl auffiage evety where undei ite flag of the Union. Thus and thus only ran th? Republic be saved from worse thau battles, and be medetperpotual. THE A POVCUhl.1 ESDI D. PotGHKRETSiE, N.

Oct. run on the aaviugs hunk baa ceaacd. Confidence has been re atorcd by an exposure The Kagle of the foolish nanee of tbe ill-founded A abort time aro the Blaio Hank Kxa'uuirr? ooueluded an exam nanou ol ibe null tutioo. aud a special dUnatch to ihr Kaylt. from Albany, aaya thai tbe examiners declare It to be one of the aoaudeal banka In tbe state.

Since the ran btgau tbs bank huh paid out fSU.OOO, and It ha? double that amount uow lu iU vault? ready io meet depositors. THEGREATCATHKDIULFAIK. NS FORMAL OPENING BT THE CAKBINAL. AN IMMKN3K imm WHICH IHK CATUK PKRSONt KHI IMA I TU BK PRKHKWT? Of SUME UF TUE HO? FEATURES. The Catholic Fair at the New Cathedral in Fifth-ave, waa formally opened last evening with addresses by Cardinal McCloskev, Mayor Ely and ral Quinn.

Evnrv inch stand? ing in the Cathedral was occupied, and it waa estimated that 20,000 pnreoua were prea ent. Among those vrt-re the of all the Catholic in the city, und many 111 pelt noal and sinal 1 Many UMtaMaa trata iMatataaaalj dtoartted, and were attended by nclily du rimai ladies. SCENES AT THE OPENING CEUMOXIE8. Before BightbH the crowd bogn to mtber about the C.iliiedi whoae lofty glana van haaagbf the datln tu? haJMaaaj ttir light? within. At 6 1)1? ittfa wci lai three haart diml liialUlalllMl abatidlo liHIllt with the throng, to mvr from born? nlong tiy the lui" of nftor way to tin- toan l'ifil.

oata etapa led to aw to thu i'lttli-ave. or In? Calif liai to Ai ilium til? police wort a at attbtbaotowd, 11 1 abttr Mtj 1. aaraa was to neroobaekaportrsaof th. il.

h.r tatatwhist thrtateeed knot down Um tt-iiipomi imii.ivtiv led to Um door. sttadttgtl tlie door l'iftl? KTWIft of hurrylinr 00? 10M eaaM Hi-en for Moeka away, latos! ta i in UK tat Halt at tin- cerUool aeoeaoat, Pee. two hour? th? BfoWd potttad lato the t'atli' and aaet witliin all attaad to moto un with a laiaattt toward tu? platlof which had I. A I a rife number of poltM tie tl Ot plata Byaa tadcavtftd keep the atwwd ii; aheek, tint tl.iir cCarta wttt aJaao I fra BMtfft la th? oar? lii-r of th? traaiai aaata acaialy the Kant Hide.

It win? Batty. In tabla, bat oaod-aarared. it? earieelty waa booad and with no regard to the aaaTtaieaaa or tattt of other tight? Latea atara aadtarad ttetaoai waa introdui .1. tad late la the oveatac tbe atnagetl tottering irai Btehly Iahtet tad gealltaua wert JuoUod bj wuibtiet and their It holiday titlre, eaalttl ted lalHir for an hour in? eoataaoa eajo ol 1 great iptttai To on? who MOOd up'ti Iba of tli? i'.

Um gn ut ttunbti pn teal wa? aot Oaa eoold only an adtotjuatt I way through the aoUd l.iarn. wtt no exaggri to that tbort not an Inch of room tod thai fuiiv people trort tdtilttod before o'clock. All tl were packed. Iba ol inotlon wui uj) Imiiii dlreeuoaa.bat 11 woa alow.

to att. nut to foroo oao'a wtyti aralUafoam one tfiN 10. 1 woa wedged la twotij-teot, at that la get I vtlin akla to a bd Ui? jnilicii roulil not nakt a Uno wlon a i lercTDaa a dial Ihm twaatf ol atreaaoaa potbii uv from th? Kifti.tli-.t. lour to th? tanre Of not OTOf hutnlrril f. I t.

(Mich. th? crowd aoddealy bnrat ORoa thi vtat aptaratd taoeo tact Un are, while tin the aldi atable loapi kIik? 1. Sqaart ou the nU-lil of 4. Th? Ltl aaootlagt at laat thin ii i i. iad atrook op luuud'a id a Mtgo on Un il 1 lite tot freak acranittl.

forpoel lui ni i I fun lip be and foi a fi flu il if baman rp anil i I Ufi-lili of Meatreali tdr krehb i i A I in n.o. Iron Hi? eruwd ll'llt I- Ill? WU? 1 Ii i. 1 (i wiinl on the 1 M. i i In Ill Hi tod th died 111 util in I bai to i un i llllf Ql 111 Mai ot i. La mu tan I sxin ii i lb i.

i. ii. i portion ut- human ualltn tad il? 111 in 'in loi i rhailt.i IhU i i 0, rirefln. It Hi'- Ii ol ur CI.J. Ulli! bo? Un .1 Olli Mid Ii il irnU Hi.

oar I i.iii.m.. I a il i Blud Ity f. 11. Ill iiilirlunloll, I tnixt that the eflorta ol the Itdiea .1 11 .1 I i.l i pectatluna. TIM' IMIt-IN U.V Cardnal Mi th.

a Worda, I iio not lotead fritada, to In m.ililii?; I i by till rot aaaombled ben Lx-lon nie i i uulj to el prtot In iny OWt Batte und tu Ihn of all and In iliemMne ol tu? lini.i ol thn ill. u. ii Im ii Uk nu 111.1,m i Mayor of tai grate? oeeaotoawithhw II, it foaaaow by foar ptoa mil i Uilllk tllHtll Will In In- BBOlia III maunee In th? progrr of fil-, i.i.r, th? abund nl that you giTi to the tair, upon wtttb to maob tad it to m.ikr i. worthy of it? et to win. it baa been devoted.

lliin not oi ol ii? i pi. teure, hot of trim ebarity and religion. It proper for me, boldiog Ite posittut I iio, in lavoho Metolna Hu? fair. ttoa nil "A hu BOOM to patfoU I It aad upon all tbe ettlaena of thla great rltj ano com? try. Mai Uto Almighty, Ftlber, Bon i 11 i deaei upo i you tud nmiu you HOME TIIK Al The gnater iiiiini? at lahti an i flaoaratad laat algat aad wart aartaaadad by their r.n-ir, hilghl tyad attendiiiita.

Tin. ladle? unliK-d to in. to tun fatigue of their punition? and were lireleaa In their effort! at a leda hour aa at of TbOfoUrwiag are few of th? inure important which had a full ilUnlay of their atrrnnilona tetoingi the labia ol St. eg Xaner la one the rtchttt In Iba fair. It 1.

on rita feouMiern aUlp, tumt th? I'i tletb-tl enli nice. II? Uble in ill al i i anopv "I pcarwrey unique feature in di-curaUonal charge o' Teroai Uunmlly and Oootrtl lliughrr, amlMut by a large nuinb. ol lailien. Amont ihe urinlen ar? largo atraca. a blark inarnle parlor table, an esAtoaive coltettMn of irlta? and ailyerware, and a fine nword pieaan.ii Behnyler, llattiev which win totnl r.ilrh-k'B bung with a Il in wttu piott? nrtiaki.

among wnit-b are many a fine brouae clock, rxouir cuaneu gobieta, and a fruit ttand, a plein re of rma and a bnde and wax? aimed in the heigbf ot Hi. labia, dlrert.y tbii, na? oan opy and background of rieb niaroon. Una are piactK. a cabinet Mini vrui nue china din? ner fit. Among the mimr article? htndeoinu fur cloak, a nuit of Tentuieutr, and many llltl uf urlr-a-brar.

bo labio of trie Church of flt. Apnca la adornr-d with a fin? ui ti nit In oi liiabop Hpaunttuit; It ha? alao two bcteol ai.Tt., aeTrral antbiue ciiaupji'liiii. pot? tery, and for 11,000, Ule a will be raflhd for at tenta a Tue Chunib of lue Nativity haa rery neat tolde Xu it are grouped a eolid adver te? au, a im from the l'animal, a diamond ring, a rich Turk, inb rug, a bniiice card recrtver. a larg? Japaneoe flrn gold watch, and etverai oil painting? by young Un ni of tbe church. St.

Church haa been engaged only week in preparing trtlclea to. II? booth, uiili ouaef tbe Hast In the fair. It Is hung with black velvet trlini wtte tereaelea Mue, and Is with fern pi i the attractive article Is a clock of black rnarnl? Tne booth of fit. Church draped with trie Pine wan? aud elegant exposed for sale ami raffle. An sin and several kerchiefs of thread lace ore among the attractions.

The tabla af ike Charob of Ht, Jer un? draws a la number of visitors. A lite sise slatiir, The Kir-t II il (I. Turinl, is offend for sale at 81. It wus be, In li- in. awl was completed laal we? I for The Maiden's Praver," by the same artim, will he hlbited to-day.

A laig? palntiug by Murlilo, Prophetic Vision." occupies a central position In background, it wa? formerly the protierty of I'errlan, of Trinity Charca. If is to sale at Out). A head of St. Jerome, by vgtjio, is also ode 'or Th'Te Is a lariie amount of silverware, ami Which Is UM (Vnto-nial dinner set exiitbtieil bv the Mendea Ooeipaay. The Ueuteni ooogne fountain also betoauni to tie? ttoetfc.

Tue ladles of Ht. hureh cxlilutt a fine shi i i earl a worth faay have dressing bureau, a eet. aud a Clnua diuner sel lT? hi. Jnarpb'a riiiire'i sixth ave. has two beetaw; I las tine broi res, silverware ami china, oth han ai of fornltara.

A completa aal ef prleettyn itasants la exhibited '1 see; is to of by bailoi I h. the centre of the neiln als'e stood a maul ricuiy dressed la Orteaial costure Rebec? Hti.i at h. 1 an aaeieoi II from will for all who hirst. i sad refraahmani roam is la Crocberon, if? proprietor 01 tbe Bro oral young and of wa li r-. At uar is a so a hieb ibu mt heal of to: CattH be 11 patronised.

the ntraace is exhibit? fl'ty-poiini salutou rro'n the Kennt. pt. ircd for tab.e in the high? -t styl? of the callaary art. THE viv. si.

PATSIl K's. HM neu tb? K.iniau Cathul Charca rjty of stew-Tork la an 1 suiii s.u. ini mi.h parsanal lalarcat la wMca it a eoarmon home? ii has feata point und wl.leh l.av.- i.u ve pride aad fcoaeaat the bameler elaaeaa af our papal tloa who au-i tin e-irn-ugs to help pay for It and in di urth attOBg of buildings that teed bikI sattery the lo of whai 1- 1 w. 11 aa keaaUfal in 1 ahlteetnra, all CatbotW Hti.i Prutastaa Ilka, bees eo ready to weaauav the to the adata of our eity, that it sataly acata tin- with us in- aaablatapraav oardlallyai had. of the general plan of the Imildiaff there la no 001 plaint too? auule, because it follows with aa varleUei of impartaace the arraagameal of aare, lad whieb eeatartea prat a .1 ha suited at all ix.iuts to the rita OftlM .111.111 i.ureh.

The defeat? III ttM pliri a a.t Um o- duc to the mu lute. 1, aad hatead ha linn r.spoiisibie lar so tun. thai aa gr. in the bail mg that we state with plaaaara oar belief? thai bad 1 been allawad la follow out hi? original deals not eerlmped by ol money, bj the la 'imi ,1 11. ee of oat 0 small 1 the 1 by other eonalderalloaa 01 inj I thi woald havebeeeoaa 1 whb clients aad the rlij would bat b.

1 road, do not a of 1 ic m.1 11... one la to 1 otilar building? lu a coiin'ry tin rallar rbarartai reaaaj Hete, us in so ma" ml be found in the Old Wor 1 i- if jn men u.g 1 re. to, lit us build a t. vri-r whose top may reach um the alt ef win. has dij a.

wita -i and a ai. siil to rival rdaa and in si- our approach 1 far is v. 1 gone by When can bope to do more than to touch the outarmc oi the gar um nt el Iba glory of tbe past, rinll, we mtg? vi Baa tb plural p.i.iiun, for thai all of us who di light la I thlnca va rj noble Btaadard our own, might 1 a aad of tl u.iiin .1 Milan ilaa urt of at and u'l lh itllt tig 111 the leail .1 anything BcoomplUlx .1 1 wa? at fli trekblshap llugfie tli oil.or Ill 010 1 I ef it aoas I. all 1 thoiltfl I- th. aln.

ta io du. I .1 au? 1 eliUg hap? i-, 1 WOUli bave k-v In lb 1 1 illOIUI? B'. arrl 1 HI I runal 1 bow in nt-ti of iba I kof the otapai il tin- door.we will not would 01 of almost a pa lah it III the go.Ml t.f lecture. meao thai not larga in that rea eel 1 will compare favorably others bal whal could be mora trivial tbaa the ll Hi.f.!'.u?ate lli.ili dls tnbuUoo of iba mou dings ol the splay, ahile ail oV i ami eaftawettea of tbtekaeea ib taavalllai? ililoWo 1 rial of which shea one for a la I aal panda so 1. tins on tracery, ami daltcata mooldtuaa.

Tins auwbla bi ready not a saarMa at all, bat aaly Umeatoae, aad 11 uttatlj refuaea to be 1 ui ,1 aitb dellcei or t.ik" kit ihadaw. luamploymcnl bi tae presea) aroaltcatla Cfeareb aaaa'd bata thoaaht sa apparaat as te bava anula it uapoaalble for in to np. ii. It ieaatta uh a pity to no any mut? rial that in very 11, i.u Un 1 be fi aad, laea the mal tone, in order thai the eye may take all al 1 aartataly aaaa the praarat If nt tor ding is patfeet, ami the Interior design of mo in? in.ii.v good poiuie its harmony el pro portlon, It? leag perapactlTe, Ita llghtnaa thai ,,1,1 gi.uiiy let our raaaara dwell on theae esseatiahi not oth.r Meaailala vital laportaareaa gncvousiy Isckn.g. Wa allude ib.

int-nor of mateiials iiuwortliy of in so a etraetara aad tin aheap aad tfalwaj which the work out. lint, it urged. 11.ere was a want of money todo Very well, those in authority should bare wslte.1 until there was money enough. A very good second to none In tarif? to see his taks her at the bead of the aria and culture of our time, has ssid build the before were I was no neeesslty tor being In sueb a hurry Hup poMi that thts generation had beeu to lay the deep foundation ol a splendid chun'h, and perhaps to have carried It up so high in one part as to have mude a shelter for a small congre? gation. Kven this abstinence, however, waa not necessary; there really would have been money euough forthcoming If the mistaken iiarsimoiiy In deal? ing with the matter, that has been so fatal, had not shown itself In the very beginning.

When one looks at the aada of tea transepts aad sees the miserable parody on the ancient traoery forms that surround the doorway, with the still eboaper aod meaner treatment of tbe canopied nicbea at tbe sides; when we look at what pre? tends to be the carved slone dado with diapered pattern, and Had that It is only, at the best, artidclal atone, and looks like pressed plaster, and la withal of the coarsest and clumsiest Oiling; when we make the discovery that the cape of the columns ta the nave and sauetuary aia not of bul are la some caeee, wa believe, ef plaster and lu other? are only worked in tbe artificial that aeem? to almost tbe material em? ployed in tbe Interior "ith tbeexceptlou of th? column? themselves; snd when we find that the whole of the etereeteri is of tin? cheap aubatltuu- for -nuiii? stone, even the arche? of the nave, we believe, beiug formed of It; finally, when we that no on of tnd workmanlike finish anywhere to be we ank with fecllnc, aa we have a rich', whether It were worth wbtle to take poaaeaalon of tbe finest on the and to tente t. ppekete of theCatholl we wi'h trata, the Protestante, of our city and it? for twenty learn, to pro line surft a aa th a. How iii.iv-Im fniin the of view of laeiit, ara dt not know, and we ore qu.te Indifferent, but a of our rutidition In relation to tbe art ot ui'lilte. tur? and to the art? that wait upon her, cerely i'1-arel that tbe colon etion of the body of thl? ehorok eaoool a. an event likPl' to do honor to the beloved tad vciiBial'ln litirchman und whoso ti at the first American Cardinal It haa been aecottipllahed.


rUktKa of Barth, I. to be in a of ferment of William Ii. tad tatttMaatj written htfora hi? death. Ihnt hi? wife had been poisulieit. ('nope.

died on July 19, nud'. tily. from whai her thy? aiottn kattored to be iah raal routine. Phe had returned from the atathort la health and wa? a witn a fit tfroojiuog. filia taaTmad intense pmn mill hu death.

Darrag her lllatta abe waa not abb to apeak uaah, but aba eaei aatd to oaa "Sotnetblng rautl hate bean ra thabet? The remiiik wa? not no teed at th? Ile.r body was taken to N. and harltd that of a luriiier hii-huod Mart Tyrrttl. Kiuene Tvrreli, tweaty, kef by ter tir-1 tMttiage. aoattated to live I'll but ittp father. Mr.

(no i who wan a nephew of J. Feiiimoie Oooaer, th? aatbora wa? employed aa delivery in thtotthtof the Ottotaohrp Coapaoy tin? v. a nhtaara in hta wtt nu art. rthtdoetti of kit wife. Re attoted gltottr and anlinti aad tvolded tue company of but fritada.

He made attempts to km htroettf, tnd tt lat? mu? by takln? me pill? II? died un Ituruaj nud vvim nun on Mo id iv. called bv Juatiee a. (i. Oronatt to dty, gara a rerdiet or aalolde, a wbicb had uotitnini'd BMrphlne pilla beiag found the kedaide. The verdict wa? firmed on Sunday bv tn? ol paper IB one of hi? pooketa, eooietalBg in Mr.

baadwiittag, tgalntt three women who bed been Intimately tCOUtlBti win, I be i i family. i tbt Illllllerl Of til? women tobe made publie. With the exception of the I Ii? paper fullltil lulluw? lo xrhom it may Ii it ImpoetlMt fot to live any lonifer, for life oiilv a tt me. Mv name is W.

B. Paipai. I wa? roped into a criminal iBfttuaiton for a woman, and n. being taken rich I taten that waa icd also oharga-aa having a Im ml i.BHory io iho murder. I hope thai they trill ii-iiii on God forgii mv past w.o.

tbeoo women estranged bm nom a mi? loving wife tad mother, (in the bark of tho papar wan written i 1. ilu mv barattag with grief and re i.r. at lb? iota of a wife Who ia at uagu.mled hour I forgot aiioi bei. and that ooe i ben befor meeting my Ood, that I did BOthlng ber death except Bag-feet, Anything named tin? lei Will ends take my two ebildi lo Fuller, No. 28 it.

Msrke-plae New-York City 1 Ikoowal pul ten her-1 be will be better etred for than I eta. if latiera from ote of the women ic'irred i ata em ut louiul the hoii.s?. i be letters namedevdiiici agalntl tbt vriter which Justice reveal. All day retterUtr Juatloe i- pa waa engaged It trying to peranada toe Brook an lureatigattoB ol dead man'? ohargea, bin refused on the ground trial they bad no juriadloUou tu the eaao. The tire returned New-Utreohl lost evening.

i Drnry to Maty ol Bath, fur eoeapUetty ra to? inunier of Johaeon ia lbs wi.inw of th? late Ju? ul Brooklyn. ba. heretofore reputation. The offlcei found Mrs. and bo wtt Informed tb i had tell home; out be nut sot any in urunirtou as to the timo of departure ur tk which had coin, i name of Hmiii.

of ItiouKlvu, WbOla wa? incn ttoneo. aa being In air. atateoiant, hut oveulng to givo any further infor ni the tl Hi. reiBttd tO ipnke aay Itattaaiat anv lufonualion a reporter yesterday. Winn ankeu it Mr.

nh? replied: "I don't to ll." Mr, boute tl Bath deserted. Uta too tad atop eta ur? boarding ternpo at the lu un of Mr. a aeltabor, tud aie i daughter, a little, girl of MS, with an mini in Harlem. i TILDEN. I aaaf "fui' th? fa that the following latter lo bg read after tbt cipher It with the eiii.iiialiuiir.

uboiil tho eauio tune lroui No. 15 i iranien Pai a )hio, Nov. 1876. ah--1R I am greatly lui von, lettero( lu. Vou feel, am eure, ta Ido iInhiI tbla whole i election would bare ur tbnai (m i be ll and ami ov i.

i thingcroi'ked un oui part. tlr. 1 by liuiiiiid on fraud ratbel thin undertake to prevent it in ttetna it tu I i. bear lb? aererea scrutiny, I tppreeiatt tin work doing by ti bare gone Houth. aud am raprelalt-i proud ol th? arkuo? liltn ex-Kopubl etna bitter and tot uni i ri mill it.

I iruni you wil tbe of the be aim" to return IV St. Ih JulIM SIIKUMAN, OrUnnt, l.a. UJilEUUE ENGAGEMENT Or MR. TILDEN. St.

I. t-, lieu i tg Til lieu Hi. i and will thai tha tftddlng vv ni tau? pi thia Ihr "111 onoihei yard of ilmt biadiog. if vv man iu i miif r-Jtn I IH I in I live "bul ryard wi 1 it more blndl It'? rnrettb. Heraan anil In i hlglu-nt i lou I I Vrlllllg I'aicU Tnrtar And wbnn caught scrui? slu Pon't anara It.

I.ft. If you i ii win iie.HiM'v mo bealthoi v.ur atoa i linatli. M.Hi lilt If jivi.i:- atAPBt On rburaday. Octobet tt? liurcb, Kariun Hi? i.ev John M.iiv Angtsta, tel or Leonard ot aetekeetar, v. ot 'm isJoraJ wiiu full eaaw und ttli i XKW Mkattktk? tbe'i Hii.nv.

-irullr lnriir.1 'u id ou Wan Train nein Saw Vurk li.1.4 It, tool of jitrclay Clinaltip! -t- tt i BALDWIN Ootober in, in, v.f i roy. -N v. "ii Moii'Uv i kaa Otedwtll, Hi ni thp fanill? ri Htl a.I tlie iu'i Look. Horn bi i tint No Bi wi COLU ab NewJiprli tfaadar, October ill.of i.ant Vv L'olltBe la t'? tUth in? age, rbartday, Oetetea liiio o'ciork, fmm in i "UN ini. in thi? cut, on Taetday morning, n.

nip, in th? year of tnv-tiM to attend the fanerai lervleeaal No. on Prldty tnuriuiig. iu.1. at I(hMo'clock, it Kinillr that no tOWtrt BSBi nuddeair. Bt Ma Janeiro, on the lfith George inei ot J.

natHiber Franco? wife of (Mia V. rear. fnruii? IB! the funeral tare residence, liiv.i depot, on tub. i l'. m.

Car. ork, fur Hirer at 10 a. and tor Pat enenat 11:45 a. m. Kl "i mi Baaday, netuberao.

tt hit late No. 08 V. Ii. Van Horn? iu Ui? yearot bU agt. UcUilre? and frlnnd? of the family ar? invited to attaad Um Illtttal at Trinity Churcb, on JarsiUy, 'JJd lut al 1 u'ciix'k p.

ui. MOORS At Llttl? N. Willie, fifth? lier. W. and lh? l7'h vear of hi? i uiierai ou Weiluesd.iv, in? at ltlo'clm a.

in. CiuTi igt? will in waltlnc at I.lui? Kail? htatlmi on arrival of irai? in? fool of at 0:20, by L. W. IU It. MOTTET-fluddeuly, In Providence, on October 23, Notice of hereafter.

PARKKR-At KoaevUle, Jfewark, W. Ocfober 23. 1878. A inn of Ulffurd W. Parker, id th? 1'uth vear ot bar aatt.

Funriti at Kt. Barnabu Chnroh, Bosovllle, Ooto her 3:1 p. ni Tram? froin York, on L. A W. B.

foot of Barclay aud -it? u. ui. at South Nnrwalk, October 21, JH78, lb? Rev. Oeunl? PlaM, In th? 7tnh year ol hw Funeral will be beld at 10:30 a. on Wednoeday.

Monday. October 31. at KliiabeUi, N. af 1er uiuob Iu the veer at hi? age. froto the reatieare el Mra.

Dnrkblem, Kilzalietb. un Woduna.l ly, o'lUock. are kindly not to do Wlill)UKN-At Aatigoalihe, Neva Oeteber21, Km Ur wife ul Witter It Whiddea, and daughtet uf Hieohan J. C. Aagell ef ihi? civy KKPUBIJCAN HFADQnAitTTRA OK TJ1K IM ITTU'f BTATK M1TTKK, ririH AVKNtF.

1I.1TKL. NKW-V WED SOS I) A Ut fjR, Gi.r*s nun BOBCOBOON'EI Al TIIKn M. IIU Al tVBI.LSVIIt.f. HortsaHRAItS. H.H.

I.I KB. BAmj JhIIN l. PAItl "M'B Al -TlN A si ill i l.i-u i PU II I Omiab Kit.f.tPl DWiuiir. 11.1'. oiirat Vallby.

Ha? i I'. VMM uhaiiucs d. hTOtrOBT Ont. A. h.

ni WKUaULkiJU. V. la BJ ilion. WARN KR MILI.Kit (A III. KKR1 WAl.TO?.

Moil. HILAN il. lit I. Ill K. pan Kit ipipkim? tlU'llsDAY, N.

uf.d. Hot; rw Kl ClUA.ip.ut.).llnu. H. L. WtXIDl I Hon.


t'AHTKB II4JJ Jlon. JtUIN 1. PAI Hot rrXA. TATKB. MiiKmv i.i,wi.< K.CARR AriAUAUOl.s.

llunsKTll MI LI.1KEN. in. i 1) Mit; Aiaauue. Hon. j.

havik. I cmiro.CHARLBfl II RAXKIl iiiariihxr.lion.o. p. vkiimkk. WiirrraTosB vm III I).

PB WWTItANHr 1 n.M.\ lu LYON wKBTitANBr. WILLIAM N. NoBLE. Orn uKOltnK RAT. HjcaarowB.Mon.

run slujvajiviliji.Hon. O. SMI I II. l.iCMii,?? illoit. WAi.N i Ml I.I.KB.

K.A.i ill? hl KINO BILAN 11 DO PORBB. KTXA PKI Mil Hill'KlA'8 ALBORA.Hon. W. L. NOY KB.

FRIDAY. OCT. ROHCOB "INK I.I N'a.> (p loit Kl.u Ua.n Mil.ill.lion. H.

VV.ii.IiKDHI). J. Kl I.l'A I Il K. I.lTlI.K. Wl.KT.


YATBO. I.I-.WT-i I i l.ivoMAWrAnoK.Mon l-'. l.AI'ii MaUOB.Mon. J.iM.N II. AMP MilKA-S.

I on 1 KM P. TanOur.Hou. J. T. M.

HAVIK. vn-ri'ur KO llii I. POST. VAI.I.KT n. P.

I Altl.Ks 1) HAKKR. mn. VKlinK Vai.1.11.WILLIAM J. Vm atomear.m.m. dwiobt OBaaaaroBi.CoL 11 liab Bt'MHET.

MABTiNaiil-ao IHea-WAKN K.HII.I.KIC, A CHIOKBBIMO. OKABO UOHCI SII.A-s B. HEB Wn-itii ht i. poar. Ni iitimi Mll.I.

I MiYt.s CArO IBA i SATURDAY, Ut I. 'M. fil? v.lion. Rom oK.coSKI INO. lAMga A.


Ju.t\ L. PABKKlt. AV A. LKW IS K. ('ARB (Hoe.


il MILI it. H.vKKK. Una a laph vi. J. lAViOHI.

Jliii.N II. Sl.l.k HlN.llAM MILIA. Mon. il. II.


II.I.I A KM i II tll AHKTISVIt.I.B. DOTCHBB. (illlltONn HA 1.3 U. PBABHB. McLeaB.

-vlXB W. I. BtOTKO. OCT.

'-'h. oarfiet Ol.KA.N.Mou. B. I. WooUKUlU).

ILLO. 1' 'I. IBOEW. i MAHuxuLia. Ben.

-II. a-s B. in HLit. VOI o. P.

K1S.NRY. VMtai lucurjau.Of. PBABBM. ss? uci.m. OBJOBU Hun WOODPORT).

r.lion. M. ai. loi.H?n (i. OBOa W.

Poiii AAtiHlsoroa.WILLIAM J. TOCS la. LA ill Wknl (t. 1' Kl.NNt-.V. JDolitital Notufe.

Hepablicnn Nomination. BIOHTH OOXOBI DI8TB1CT, FOB GEN FR A t. AN SON Gr. MeCOOK, Uepakliran THE HON. WILI.TAM M.

EVABT8 a-: -as on the BatiOBal UMMBM ol th? day st INMT1TUTB HAU, liriiMi.n Kv KM m. i er'JLatt The HepublicHO t'onatv (onvrniiun al H-i-i't II. au lia al o'clock. JACOlt M. clialrnian.


PBICB 6 CF.NI'S ta 1'KK HUBDBBO, KY OB Al TBlBOBa I 01 iKlL AAftraaa THE Krad and IOSO.000,000 DEMANDED itv i sou nr. WKK rii PACTO AMI PIOOBB4 OF TUB BBBBLB claims niVKN in thi: iimiunk EXTRA No. va. PBICl CENTO.er01 l'KH BOMOBBO hy ai IHIH1NK Diint.r. Succial Xot'CCS.

All vredilin? cania, in the styles in A. liKBAKRMT, I8z Ar'js. BraaOk uooograma, seals, Diteiiae? ol Preatale Chrortle Inflanimatiun Ihr lii.ei'li-i. uHt-n iCKluoeU unau.ixs-tixl Krl'ttirr, atir. i- iiuiFiit by ni? retliroiontr- thn fortf InelnantothKanthnr.

Kit WAR nil OKFlC'K HOC Ra 8 to 10. 8 to uiet 10 rvciiinBs. Hoot? sa p. tor lwiifs WAT KINS. Kg 4th Kvttaarli.tic srrvires be tho Rev.

IB. In A swlatiou Hall, au.i tthava.eaah ti-'iinrui, exaapt nalunlay, troui 4 to 5 cIjcX. At.L ARB Jaat Ptibllahed TIIK in hTBDICAL sei i.M'r nu -k liiexaareaad laopurlt 10 cetita, frointut- JAIXJI aod BBOM1K. 7 nirtTilly-place. New Nerroaa Ka'iaaatlea-A medical esaarcoini.njnn/tas.ti si t.I leclurea at Kalin'a Muaeiiutor AituUiuiy, ou cauee andere of proaiBiiin maj aitonlina a ll intpedlnvnut? Ui marrutre a i- rtin of Urt Mrleuce.

Ily mail. i slant Adilraa? Be? ii lary, KAH.N's Musaiim Breaawar, Niw-Yorit. Poai Odra lorsiBo mans or tu? woes nn no? is 11 i. AV. October i-'ti.

will a' IDA at 1-'in. tar Bureoe, br mean Wiacensin, Tt.i i WKUNKMtAV. at p. On bj kythia, via Queaaatewa a i. lui l-'ran.

us ba i mosr txt aiiet tally ami ai p. in. tor France utrect, by sieauiaiue ir.nt. via Havre; on TIILTtoDAY. at m.

I 0 iienusnv, Ac, or steainsiun lleriier, via Myin uilli. ci.srlanirK Hamtturir and til" lie forwantnd nv tlu? alwamer must be apoctaiiv atlur? saet? i and at )'- uu. lor Borope, hy iviiic, ria rjsainiislnan IcorreapoBdeae? ui-rmany and to tie loi w.iriltvi ov tlu? mnst be epasiaily ad. H1JAY, at a. neintAio naalp RheJa, via Southampton and Oreaaon leoere fur Britain and to ba 1 ttl by Mus steKnter must be apeoi.illy a.ldrvaaed: and at l'J tor bv aleemselp city of mil-Hi lor i.i-rinauT and ttcullam? to lie aarwastaai hy il.u steamer ai.e? lailv aitdreSMXl) aud at Itaa, ami direct, KthiopU via The aieaiuaiiips Wiscunain.

ecythla, Celtto and City of OerUn in Bel tai? nails Dei. mars. au? Tlietiiaila fur Asutuwall au I Soiilli Pseltlc ports leave New-York lie. louer Jl. tlieiuatla let Havti ami Ja ie York octotier 'J4 The taailsfur Havana leave Itew-Yert toie-i 'J4 'I lie null? tor Ac.

leava San lr October rot China and Japan leave han ma? naco liovaaauer T. JA KA, Postmastsr. office, O. lober 19. lKTa.

Kare Cere fer Lena, Threol eaal Malarial IHaeoaeo AND ROCK," I'KkPABKb MK. tMU.D BT LBADINO DBllYtHaTM AM) KK.COMMKNDKD BY fBOMi.NBNT nvaaujn. ask for my -bye AND BOCK. "AND TAKE NO OTHKR. $1 HKR I.AROB BUlTKK.


MAY FI.KMINO Will soon ootnniencaa new story writlea EKCLti'HIVBLY Bad ONLY for THB NKW-YORK WKKK htra. Flemtajr pmuuuncea this ne? stoiy equal to bar WOMAN aad'-OUY BAKLSCOUBVO WIFE," WBANCIS STREBT. 8. SMITH. rroprietora..

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