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Pittston Gazette from Pittston, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Pittston Gazettei
Pittston, Pennsylvania
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A -THIS PITTSTON GAZETTS- February 3, 1955 FAGE THREE Mc; 0LITICAL ISSUES TJO SLIPODTIH? IGVO Lutheran AnnuJ Meeting Tonight The annual congregational Local Gleanings Second Truck Mishap Rt. 11 At New Milford Iitlierans' Sauer ICraut -Supper Plans The Ladies Aid, St. John's Lutheran Church, will hold its i o.miiv stvle Sauer RAISED IN REGARD meeting of St John's Lutheran Church will be held at 8 this evening, at "which time reports A MEETING OP ALL DRI-vers of Pittston Community Ambulance has been called by Stanley Serino. captain, for will be submitted by the pas tor, Rev. Carl J.

Goette; and LEADER'S PLANS Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock all organizations of the church. at fche Broad Street Garage Rev. Mr. Goette announced Kraut supper in the church par A DAUGHTER WAS BORN this rnccnlng that Sunday February 1 to Mr. and Mrs, lors on weanesaay Feb.

5, with serving -to begin A conference to discuss the "employment ills" of North Allen of 121 Glen- School attendance yesterday totaled 80 with the following classes having perfect attend eastern Pennsylvania, sched- Two tractor-trailer trucks si cte swiped each other during the early morning hours today, less than a half-mile from where two similar vehicles collided four days ago claiming the lives of both drivers on Route 11. South of New Today's accident caused injury to one driver, demolishing his truck and causing considerable damage to the other. Injured in today's wreck was David S. Tiews, 20, of Fram-ington Center, Mass, He was dale street, Avoca, hv Mary's Hospital, Scranton. The mother is the former Patti Lou ances: Mrs.

Thomas McCrone, Personal Mention Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence lis- Mrs. Fred Rickert, Mrs. Robert Gaff.

Scott, Miss Gladys Bowman, JUNIOR CHAMBER OF to an William SigUn, Miss Betty Commerce of Greater Pittston Rowlands and Arthur Albrecht at 4:30 o'clocK. The menu will consist of Bauer kraut, pork, hot dogs, mashed potatoes, gravy, lima beans, 'celery and carrot sticks, brown and white bread, pie, coffee and tea. Anyone desiring tickets may obtain them from the chair-ladles: Mrs. William Schrieber, MravDolph Huber or Mrs. Murray Hamlin, or from any members of the league.

win meet Tuesday at 7:30 p. Holy Communion was ad' m. at the Moose Club, West kosky, of 69 Center street, cele ministered in the morning wor AM? brated their 25th wedding anni Pittston. y1 (p, be held in Scranton City on February 18th, has become a political issue. Governor George M.

Leader has called the meeting as part of his recently announced "crash program" to aid the state. Republican spokesmen from Harrisburg contend that it is strictly politically inspired. Governor Leader in conjunction with his crash program has called a special cabinet meeting for Wednesday in addition to versary on Saturday, they hav sibip service, and a special prayer given for Fred Burkert who is a patient in Greensville ing been married on that date treated at Medical Arts Hospital, Montrose, for second degree burns of the hand and a severe out on the ring finger. JUNIOR CATHOLIC DAU-ghters, of St. John the Evange-list Parish, 'will hold a court meeting tonight at 7 o'clock in in 1933 in St.

Gaslmir's Church Hospital, Jersey City, N. J. here by Rev. John S. Kasakaitis, Altar flowers were presented His truck burst into flames pastor then as now.

Mrs. Lis-kosky is the former Helen Re the Music Room of the rectory. AUXILIARY TO FORT in memory of Mrs. Susan Hop kins by Clifford Reese and dau Pittston Post, No. 635, Veter moments after sideswiping the other vehicle and coming to rest against a tree.

that will get you into the driver's seat fast. But see us first. mus. The couple has tnree cnu-dren: Mrs. Helen Robovitch, of ghter, Evelyn.

Parish paper ans of Foreign Wars, will meet was in memory of Ted Klap setting up the regional conferences. He also called on his job FUNERAL DIRECTORS GREATER PITTSTON Pittston i Nancy, a student at Pittston High School; Rose Tiews escaped from the battered traotor cab as flames roth by his wife, Audrey. development committee, formed It pays! Miss Lorraine Savltsky will mary, a student at St. Mary's few weeks ago, to come up from a ruptured fuel tank licked at his hands and feet. serve as recording financial Assumption School.

0 THE BANK FOR YOU with recommendations quickly. secretary of the Sunday School. Yesterday was the 100th But the Republican leader Troopers Donald Harding and Frank Kotsur of New Mil- Rev. Mr. Goette announced ship had an answer to the Gov that $50 was sent to the Amer! ford State Police Substation birthday anniversary of Mrs, Anna Senak, of 148 "York avenue, Duryea, who has made her home in that town for a con ernor's proposal of a public works program to can Bible Society; and Miss identified the other driver as Tuesday night at 8 o'clock in the post rooms, Water street.

CLEVELAND UNIT, PAR-ent-Teacher Association, will meet -Tuesday night at 8 o'clock ait the school MRS. ELIZABETH M. ED-wards, aged 33, of Elmhurst, Lackawanna County, who died yesterday at Hahnemann Hospital, Scranton, was a native of Pittston. Her husband, William R. Edwards, and eigit sons and daughters survive.

PITTSTON COUNCIL, NO. 372, Knights of Columbus, will Betty Rowlands cIbss had the combat joblessness. Edward C. Halm, 46, of Elmira, N.Y. He was shaken up, but tinuous period of 65 years.

She "The prosperity of the past largest contributions for mis sions and Sunday School. five years is ready to take an suffered no apparent injuries Confirmation instruction is the former Anna Kocz and was born in Austria. She was the mother of nine children, other upward leap," said J.C&J.B. GRAZIANO FUNERAL HOME 179 S. Main St Pitbton OL 4-7831 classes will be held today and George I.

Bloom, Republican state chairman, in a week-end four of whom are living. Mr. Halm, was headed toward Scranton with a load of assorted freight when he said he noticed the oncoming truck Friday afternoons at 4:30 Annual sauerkraut supper will Mr. ana Mrs. Raymond Tu- statement.

be held Wednesday beginning In another statement, House veer to his side of the highway, ronl, of 94 Pine street, are today celebrating their 40th wed at 4 p. m. Teachers will meet In an effort to avoid a crash, meet tonight at ociock the Council home. Speaker W. Stuart Helm of Armstrong County, said "rising of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League will meet at 8:15 tomorrow evening' in the Wednesday night at 8 p.

The combination of rhlne-itones and fresh water pearls ii pretty one. Treat yourself t( Din or earrings or both. ST. JAMES- EPISCOJfAIi Choir will rehearse at 7:30 Halm said he pulled to the side of the road, but the oncoming unemployment is a source of concern for us all. But every ding anniversary.

They were married in Our Lady of Mount CarmeT Church. They have nine children, all living. Church choir will rehearse to Thursday evening, Zone board parsonage. vehicle crashed against the morrow niaht a 7:30 o'ciook. business forecaster predicts aJ side of his trailer.

Tr.vftoiit.iv( Committee will Miss Joan Mary rexers, strong upturn in the months mt at 7:30. ahead." After colliding, police Said Tiews' vehicle continued down daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Peters, of 49 Wilson street, and DR. ALBERT M.

BIEDBH- The Governor has stressed man. adviser oi uiie uiw that his program is a short-term John J. O'Boyle, son 01 Mrs. TiASfl O'Boyle. of 12 Law street, Pittston Heart Fund Cam plan designed to offset what he the two-lane highway, veered to the left and hit a large tree.

Firemen from the Columbia Hose New Milford, were called to battle fee blaze in Mr. wttaton Township, were united paign, will speak at the week- Tj-I 1 considers a temporary reces in marriage on Saturday last in ly meeting oi iviweuu Club this evening at Fox Hill sion. The public works program would be telescoped into 46 Our Ladv of Mount uarmei SIDNEY B. MARTIN FUNERAL HOME Dial OL 4-6431 MS Wytmtaf Avmat jUR-CONDITIONED Country Club. His subject will Tiews' trailer.

Fire chief Stanley McConneil directed volun i wsv weeks beginning in March and would involve no additional ex be "The Human C. Church by Rev. Nicholas Peed, assistant pastor. Miss Carol Ann Rigonl was maid of TRI-HI-Y WILL MEET TO teers who were on duty for penditure of tax money. more than two hours.

night at 5 o'clock at me hnnor nnd Joseph Sharalba, of Both Republicans professed Mrs. John Scnmgeour, airee The tractor part of Mr, Wilkes-Barre. was beet man, to see politics in back of Lead tor, asks the girls to note the Tiews' fig was destroyed by The nrincipals are among the ers plan. riianee from 8 to 5 clock, the flames, police said. Much It was formulated "with most highly respected residents BOARD OF SUPERVISOK5 of a cargo of auto accessories hungry eye on Washington," of the community.

in the van-type trailer was de said Bloom. "An effort to make of Jenkins Township wil meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock at the iwvw house. The -budget stroyed. political hay out of a temporary Firemen were hampered by a business downturn," comment he discussed and William Dom ed Helm. constant stacatto of minor ex NOTES ABOUT SERVICEMEN broskl.

chairman, invited all Neither Republican advocat plosions of cans of drygas a interested citizens to be pres ed action on the sttate level. preparation used to remove water from gasoline which STANLEY M. LEONARD MORTICIAN MOST BEAUTIFUL THE FINEST. OL 4-0331 ent. "The Republican administra LOCAIL NO.

488, PAINTERS was part of the Tiews' cargo, tion in Washington," said Bloom, "has repeatedly taken viaT 'tNfT' "'''H 4T Pn0m and Decorators of Greater Traffic on the heavily Jtrav- Norfolk, Va. (FHTNC) Francis W. Haduch, seaman apprentice, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hadiuch- of Pittston.

will hold a smoiter on the stand that the answer to eled road was tied up for 30 February 10 after the regular stronger econocy is to enoour minutes before police succeed tfie Veterans oi 1001 Clark street. Avoca. is age business expansion and job WHEN YOU READ YOUR Hometown Daily The- Pittston Gazette ed in opening the highway to Foreign Wars quarters. serving at the Little Creek opportunity through private one-way passage. MISS CAROLE BLUME, Naval Amphibious Base at Nor enterprise Heavy duty wreckers were daughter of Mr.

and Mrs In addition to the Scranton summoned to remove the badly folk, Va. The base provides training James Blume, of 97 Church regional conference, Governor damaged vehicles. street, has accepted a position Leader said meetings will be in all phases of amphibious on the nursing staff of Monti. held in Philadelphia, Pitts warfare. wllo Hospital.

New York City. burgh, Erie, Altoona and Johnstown, and perhaps in other cities. He advanced the Fete Bishop (Continued From Pare Oat) She is a graduate of St. John's High School. Class of 1957, and 8th Germany (AHTNC) Army Pvt.

Robert W. Breese conference idea as one without whose wife, Arlene, lives Hoyt School of Practical mtrs ine. WILLIAM SNOWDON FUNERAL HOME II Broad Street Thone OL 44221" Print Display Room prayer. At the conclusion of which no state effort against at 39 New Pond, Levittown, recently arrived in Ger the program, the singing LYLE MATNES, AGED 48, afirt Parsonaee street, frac' unemployment could succeed, well known and beloved hymns According to a spokesman, many- and is now a member of tured his leg Saturday in was enjoyed with Miss Ethel plans to date call for the confer the 8th Inantry Division. Golding as pianist.

fall on ice. Admitted to Pitts-tn Wrwntoai at 9:30 p. m. his Breese, a radio operator with ence to start at p. m.

in the Chamber of Commerce Saturday evening, Rev. and the division's 8th Aviation condition today was reported Auditorium followed by a series Company, entered the Army ax favorable. Mrs. Shaw entertained the executive committee of St. James and their wives at a dinner last May and received basic A SON WAS BORN FEBRU- of individual consultations by members of Governor Leader's training at Fort Riley, Kan.

ary 2 to Mr, and Mrs.Anthony This Is A Fact! meeting at the rectory, honor The Z3-year-old soldier is a Drank of 349 Liayroaa uu' ing Bishop Warnecke. 1952 graduate of Wyoming Me cabinet with area industrial, commercial and civic leaders. These will be followed by another general conference. mother Is the former Louise rvM Tavlor Hospital. The Those attending were; War Intonate Personal mortal High School and was formerly employed by Paterson T.wandoskv.

den Samuel T. Falzone. Secretary Miss Ethel Golding, Mr. and Mrs. Domlnick I Service Several hundred persons are Parchment Paper Edgley.

MRS. PROVIDENCE ESH-elman was elected president of expected to participate in the His parents live at 584 Monu conference here. Governor Woman's Auxiliary oi Alaimo, Mr. and Mrs. F.

Martin Falzone, Mr. and Mrs. F. Mich ment avenue, Wyoming. Leader is expected to outline ttnisromal Church: and DIAL OL 4-4711 the state's plan to stem unem ael Falzone, Mr.

and Mrs Mrs. Louis Falzone, secretary. Fort Bslvoir, Va. (AHTNC) ployment. Joseph J.

Falzone, Salvatore nt a recent meeting of the The Pennsylvania Federation Pvt. Leonard C. Brown, 18, son of Mr. ami Mrs. Chester Falzone, Miss Remains Ghes- held in the church.

of Labor today urged Governor YOUTH CHOIR OF BRICK lick and Mrs. Providence Eshelman. C. Brown, 502 Wyoming avenue, West Ptttston, recently I 1 Leader to call a special session of the Legislature if a "broader Methodist Church will meet at 7 this evening. Intermediate Youth Fellowship will meet at was assigned to the 79th En program" is needed to bolster gineer Group at Fort Belvoir, Pennsylvania's economy.

7:30 in the dhurch. Va. JANE NASH MISSION CTR Cle of the Water Street Baptist Church will meet at 8 this eve Brown, a mechanic, entered the Army last October and completed basic training at Fort Jackson, S. C. He was graduaed from West Pittston High School in 1957.

nin at the home of Mrs. Glatz HOWELL FUNERAL HOME DIAL OL 4-1741 OL 4-OMI Alr-CaadltloDd AN-IMPORTANT MEETING of the volunteer workers for the Pittston Township Heart Fund campaign will be held at 7:80 thda- the township high school, Receipt books will Military Rites Held Today For Edward Jones The funeral vt Edward Jones of 512 avenue, West Pittston, a former resident of Broad street, was held at 2 this afternoon from the Harold E. Don't Take Chances The average family last week could have saved on grocery shopping alone had they been a subscriber to the GAZETTE and had taken, advantage of the food prices offered in the food ads. You can have the Gazette delivered to your home daily for only $1.00 a month. Youll Save Enough on Your Food Bill In One Week to Subscribe to The Gazette for More Than 3 Months.

be distributed, and plans maae for the house to house solicita. tions. WSCS OF FIRST METH Howell Funeral Home, 509 Wyo odist Church, Broad street, will meet at 7:30 this evening. Cattv Parris Island, S. C.

(FHTNC) Walter Stipariovich received a Marine -Master. Sergeant promotion warrant I wi his commanding officer Col. Glenn C. Funk at Pawls Island, S. Stipamovich is the son of Mrs.

Theodore Stipanovich of 247 Felmuth streat, Pittsburgh, and husband of the former Miss Lucille C. Echalk of 415 Watt street, Duryea. He is serving as a non-commissioned offioer-in-chairge of the Recruit Special Training Company at Parris Island. erine Gilbert will begin the study of the Home Missionary Book, "Christ, The Church and ORDER TODAY! -from the OLD FORGE COAL CO. Mrs.

Jennie Mlnieehella Proprietor MONET SAVING DEEP-FRESH MINED BURNS SLOWER WSCS OF ST. PAUL'S Methodist Church will meet at 7:30 this evening. Mrs. Lester WARREN E. STRUBECK Mortician funeral Borne Dial OL 4-1471 Meeker will have charge of the program.

"Christian' Action On ming avenue, West Pittston. Rev. Ernest J. Sperring, pastor of the Luzerne Avenue Baptist Church, officiated, and interment was in Memorial Shrine Cemetary, Carverton. Fort Pittston Post, No, 635 Veterans of Foreign Wars, held a military tribute at the graveside, with the following members: Commander of detail, Charles A.

Adonizio; Chaplain, Patrick J. Finnerty, Officer off the day, Walter Ring; Color-bearers, Joseph Smeden and William English; Color guards, Edwin Brown and George Kizis; Firing sciuad, George Zapko, Alex Coleman, Frank Klimek, Nicholas Areola. Buglersi James McKittish and The WESTMINSTER FELLOW' ship of Second Presbyterian MORE BEAT LESS ASH Church will meet at 7 this eve. REALLY CLEAN ning. Boy Scouts will also meet at 7 Pi m.

Church School teach' Thomas Conway Is Laid At Rest The funeral of Thomas J. Conway, 105 South Main street, Duryea, was held Saturday from a funeral home, 204 Main street, Duryea. Mass was cele- ers will meet at and Board PHONE GL 7-5431 of Deacons at 8 p. m. NEWSY CLEAN BRIGHT CATHOLICS ARE OBSERV- ing the Feast of St.

Blase today 1 For- when throats are being blessed Robert Sincavage. HonorguardJ Tsrated in Sacred Heart Church, At St. John the Evangelist CHARLES F. BURNS and SON FUNERAL HOME Air Conditioned For four Comfort 4 Kennedy Street PltUtoo Dial OL 4-6141 ASKING FACILITIES Church this blessing has been Gazette ittston and bearers: Francis Tigue, Thomas Boshard, William Git-martin, Lawrence Giles, Francis Mesaris and John Bolin. in progress most of the day and will continue this afternoon from 3 to 4, 5 to 5:30 and after Immediate Delivery Or Gall Your Own Trucker ACT K0Y! Duryea, by 4he Rev.

Eugene Frank. v. Pallbearers were: Frank Andrews Walter Naylor, Stanley Moleskl, Fred Vomer, Joseph iMUtitiah and Joseph Wnenta. Interment, Mt. Olivet Cemetery; Carterton, Novena devotions tonight until For Sale 8:30 o'clock.

1850 SUBSCRIBE TODAY Established TELEPHONE OL 4-3311 1949 Ford sedan. Cheap. Dial OL 4-0808. 8F3t Buy, Burn, Boost, Anthracite i rTT.

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