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The Sun from New York, New York • Page 1

The Suni
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ty iit ffi 9 THE EVENING SUN I THE EVENING SUN 1 Has a larger circulation than any Is the most popular and successful I I I othor evening newspaper printed un ful evening paper over known In English 4J Prico Ono Cent VOL LVNO 1015 NEW YORK WEDNESDAY MARCH 14 1888 RICK TWO CENTS DIGGING OUT OF IT Tho Big City Gets Up and Shakes Itself YOn CA GET AROUND NOW But You Cant Get Out Very Far or Get In COAL SCARCE NO MILK AT ALL All But a Few Wires Yet i a Desperate Tangle MOUNTAINOUS SNOW HEAPS The Elevated Trains Going Well Street Oars a Dim Prospect PAIR AND WARMER TODAY I There May be Occasional Snow Squalls But Nothing Serious Slnco Sunday morning nnd until thU morning the peonlo of Now York had not had any news to snout of except of occurronces in town close by and In the Old World Never in cose tho history of ttevr York since it became a place of universal importance und such a state of affairs existed President Cle eland might have died Joe Stanley might have put llama back In tho Hold Thomas Bajard might havo repented of the fisheries treaty und resigned hoary AY Grady might have recanted his Hncoch crcdltlne the South with fraternal feeling toward the Yankees and Winnie Dais might haa boon crowned Quoon of tho South No newspaper In New York could I have stated with any posltiveness until this morning that those things had not occurred Not oven tho World which prefers falsity to truth ventured nny articles upon these subjects Yesterday was tho day of the shovel I tho City Hull had displayed a flan and I had been at all truthful it must have shown the traditional Indians each arraod with shovels All the roadways wore between kneo deep and neck deep with snow and rifts and mounds blocked the sidewalks Tho Central Park was I wild vasto untrespassod and the other breathing places at Union and Madison and the other squares wore merely great mounds of snow Irlnged with Iceplatod trees Broadway was as white as a bridal ow deep white on the roadway and sidewalks and thin white where the snow had plastered all the windows and cornices and shutters and i stoops Bt Pauls and Trinity recalled the I engravings one sees of ancient Gotham whlto fringed and whitesprinkled with graveyards JI blanketed with snow all fcrouud thorn and snowclad etonos and monuments rising from the wintry ground Grace Church was like a 4 pastry cooks dram and the wholly modern elevated roads were made as ancient looking a tho streets by the omnipresent snow Tho new invention which we call the Street Cleaning Department mode its appourauco after twentyfour hour absence in the form of a mass of grubbing capcovered Italians with shoels In hand who cut a path alone Broadway throwing the snow In two long ranges over cither gutter while the clerks nnd porters from the stores Increased the two long piles by adding to them the snow off tho sidewalks Tho result of thistwo long heaps of bnow and three paths beside them recalled to nil oldtimers tho days of tho past when the vol unteor firemen ran the town when we had no Btroetcleanlng bureau and when the snow was everywhere as high ns mens heads But in other vas things remained worse than any ono remembered Tho elevated railroads were tho salvation of tho situation HO far as passen por truffle was concerned but business remained i lit a standstill In ono hour between I 10 and 1 oclock only aloe vehicles passed in front of TIIK SUN offlco the busiest port ot town and NIIHSKU street was only passable to persons on horseback who by tho way appeared In tho most extravagant numbers nil oor tbo city Tho houfees woro plastered with snow the shutters were frozen against the walls the areas were blocked up the stoops were tho sites of huge drifts the payments were channeled with single paths and not I horso railroad I not an express company not routine wagon business of any sort was In operation Famines ol half 1 dozen sorts threatened and still threaten the towu Nobody has bad fresh milk since lloijduj morning tho butchers are asking nn Increase of 10 cent a pound for chops and steaks many bakors wagons are not running the newsmen lire divided Into two classes tho small class that gets the papers nod tries to deliver thorn and the large class that makes no effort to do so Ells meat milk bread vegetables newspapers and plo are either bard to find or hold at a high premium No news in the possession of TiE SUN I indicates that there may not bo 1 famine in these nccasMtlos for the rest of the week Wonton who have not sot I foot out of doors since Saturday are to found In every house and tons of thousands of persons unable procure tho newspapers are wondering about the extent of tno storm Now York had noor seen such a quietus as Monday put upon It Tuesday was worse inmost respects for though the elevated roads resumed trafllo and tho big bridge kept open Its railroad the telegraph Hues remained broken down the telephones wore knocked out I the housekeepers supplies began to run out I and the necessity for resuming tho routine of I I life pressed with added forco on most people So desperate was tha situation that many I men on the elevated trains yesterday morning I said they had been trying twentyfour hours to got down town An EVENING BUN was read I aloud at the top of the readers voice to a carload I of persons on the Brooklyn elevated and everyman In the oar sold that Its news was the first I ho bad heard since Sunday morning From all I the elevated tracks in both cites the view was lie mime a constant repetition of thoroughfares I In which men wore shovelling ways from stoops and areas to sidewalks or of streets where tho only thoroughfare was tho driveway walled in by high rifts of snow Sumner avenue I Brooklyn was blocked by I dilft that I reached to the second tier of windows on the west side The drift at tho corner of Hart street was eleven feet deep twenty feet wide and forty feet long The American Bank Note fompanvs building In Now Church street in i this city was walled out of correspondence with the world by I bank of snow that prevented tho manager Mr Lee the only man who came there yesterday morning from getting 3 I I While the elevated railroad shovelled the I now from its tracks Into the strict tat and the neighboring corporations banked I up on I tho curb linen Tho snow had ceased to fall during tho darkness preceding Tuesdays dawn but Tuesdays daylight was accompanied by an intensely strong and cold wind The horse car corporations made no effort to run CUr Ono stockholder said that his company would havo to pay so much more than tho daily receipts of 30000 open tho road that ho Imagined his road would do nothing moro than walt for thaw Ho said that all tho companies would wait oltlior for a thaw or tlio Street Cleaning Department to render their tracks lit to run on Ho had not taken President Chnuncoy Depow Into ncconnU His Fourth avenue car began to run on part of their route late last evening On the elevated roads the trains did nearly nil the business of taking tho citys multitudes up anti down The cold was so Intense that thoso who rubbed peop holes In tho car windows found that 1 film froze over tho smooth surfaces faster than they could bo rubbed clean Whatever of tho general scone of Gotham in tho grasp of I blizzard was seen from tIme uplifted tracks must have boon viewed from tho car platforms It was all now to Now Yorkers Here wore men tunnelling through drifts higher than their heads to clean tbo sidewalks thor ware others shovelling tholr way to tho wagon ways to get out of their houses elsewhere wore letter carriers bawling to people In doors to come out over tenfoot snow heaps to got their lot tors Than there wore school houses not open lu two days walled anart from tho chll dien by insurmountablo ranges of snow parks that no ono had entered Ktreets that no wagon could traverse and shops whoso fronts wore fort I Mod iigalnst their owners The people who ventured out wero wondrous to see They had on every sort of footgear conceivable I Boomed a though most men must havo IsMiod from the hands of their wives Some had bits of waterproof around their legs some had bindings of cloth wrappings of canvas boot legs cavalry boots in full stockings overshoes und rubbers overall fabrications of straw and bindings of string to hold their trousers tight against their los As for their hats there Is no room to tell of tho various sorts that appeared Tho big bridge was the contre of Interest all day Toward 10 oclock when tho trustees hud been running one train at a time one way nt 1 time to bite out small mouthfuls of tho crowds that watted to cross the Ice in tha river became jammed tight in natural causeway and the tolder spirits of the two cities attempted to walk across from shore to shore Hundreds succeeded but suddenly at about 1 oclock the great bridge of leo cracked in soy oral pieces I left three men on ono big cuke ns largo as Washington square two men each on cakes that scorned the size of door mats And no ono on tho main cake that filled nil but the edges of the river Six tugs started to the rescue of these men but five of tho boats Instantly became edged und lu the Ice Five thousand Ind helpless II persons watched tho sixth boat with breathless interest I had slow work before I The wharves on tho Brooklyn Mda became crowded with onlookers Thin tug crawled through a narrow aisle of water to the big cako where the group of threo men stood It pushed tho manyaero cako slowly up to tho wharf and tho mel leaped off Then It Htonmed for the smaller cakes now floating rapidly into the upper bay As It bkllfully rounded up against tho second floating bit and rescued the last of tIm llvo men tho thousands of men on the river side and tho bridge yelled tholr applause In rounds of cheers and screams A SUN reporter Ibo walked threo mlle and a halt alone Myrtle avenue on Monday night reports as the only thoroughfare there a narrow footpath that zigzagged along the avenue now on one side and now on the other Ho met women sitting In the scow drifts overcome with cold men who reported dangers from freezing hose terrors seemed to them next to the calls deaths angels hundreds of stores buttoned up by snow whose occupants flattened their faces against the door panes In tireless wonder at the scone In the street He mat policemen who told him of numberless woman and boys they had rescued from tho drift or from freezing and ho was accosted by scores of persons whoso houses wero blocked up by snow drifts and who wished to know whether the storm was general or confined to their blocks ID great areas tho gaslights woro not lighted and tho electric light wires hung In tatters Peoulo began to be jocular They sent let tors to THE SUN ofllco telling of the massacre of old gentleman who had been an all lentloman foolhardy enough to say ho remembered just such storm in 1827 nnd they had the audacity to ask us whether wo had hoard the story of the man who spent tho night In Minute btrcot that is bitysecond street and said ho intended to move near the Battery in order to got bettor i lumlnntlon from tho electric lights But It was no time for jokes and they WOIO not well received Onco again the Stock Exchange acknowledged business a farce and nearly mary other rendezvous of men sighed for Its habitues who were held back by tho general paralysis of dully lit 1 It woro possible the town took tbo storm too seriously inniunuch as omplo ors often reached tho business places to find tholr hands not thoro while In other places the employees came to find tho bosbes absent Thousands of stores and offices were thus only half equipped The barrooms both up nnd down town wero exceptions They all seemed to bo packed from daylight until dark and tbo drinkers who I usually adopt an excuse for their sins asked I I ono another what olbu was there to do mind got no answer sufficient to turn them to sobriety piauiixa vEnt HAY AROUND If Were Oat ta be Storied Title Yy We JUaul tropeie la Htuy Na The metropolis roused Itself yesterday morning and stretched and kicked und struggled to restore tho circulation In its arteries of tralllc The outlook was desperately dispiriting The elevated railroads whose knock out Tas as Hourly inexplicable us Sullivans woio doing nil that was to be depended on oy the manses for transportation and us the deslro to cot down town was modified to moderation by the perfect understanding that business would not be worth talking about for a day or two the two car trains albeit not very close together were nearly sufficient for tho needs of the morning all of which goes to show that tho expedient of running light nnd frequent trains should have been adopted early enough to insure tho keeping open of the road MOUNTAINOUS SNOW DIIFTB Tho nspoot of the streets up town nnd downtown as well prepared the people for the repetition tUtors of their troubles of transportation and made them broad and comprehensive in their review tho situation boforo they took tho leap to struggle toward office shop or store The drifts that lined the north sides of tho cross streets and tho west sides of tho avenues wore In many plnoes llvo nnd six feet high Areas werefilled up and their railIngs covered while stoops wore hidden under white mounds The efforts of the shovel brigade that was early put to work soon cut narrow paths along those sidewalks The drifts rose higher under the contributions of these workers who piled the many cublo yards thus removed upon the tops of the huge drifts at the curbs In many places this resulted In huge white heaps that to the crossbars of the reached lampposts On the other tides of the streets bare spots and little drifts alternated Sometimes for whole blocks and alwa at oae or more points in a block the drifts extended into the roadways In the cross streets and a the narrow thoroughfares aorceiy one wholo block was passable and more wagons were soon stalled and left with thoso that had been out nil night Those who started gaily out with fresh horses and tho comfortable consciousness that the storm was over wore sppoillly undeceived to tholr expectations of getting anywhere A block or two of travelling traoln would use uo tho liorsc or horses nnd one or two experiences of digging I way through drifts would use up the driver low of time ninny drivers of tho Ninth ward known as tho truckmans homo ovrn made tho attempt to cot out their teams and those who did were soon obliged to rollnaulMi It In Charles street from Fourth street to Greenwich avenue hl drills woro Impassable oven to sleighs and Tenth Street In the eamo two blocks wore nearly ns bad FMtEMKN SHOVELLING SNOW Tho men of 18 Engine who hud been nearly frozen to death In a night run restored the circulation of their blond by clearing away from their quarters to Sixth avenue Tholr engine had got Muck despIte its four horses a tho cornor of Urennwich avenue on Monday veulng Ito fet from the engine house door the boys Improvised a snow plough und broke paths out to tho avenue using tholr shovels to retnforco tho work of the plough and their best horso BLEimilNO BltEtKS LOOSE Broadway was filled with a lively tiaiude of vehicles and sleighs Cutters Ilunslan sledges Cuterl lu sledles and sleighs of all forts worn In the line Ono or two fourlnhand livery sleighs wore char tered In Iliirlem orlalnullv und remained to do I llttlo Broadway rallroiidlng nt good HgurpH The pliiinml sleighs nnd horses were the svvollost timings out Altogether It was II Unlit that BroiidWHy hns very hcIdom Been and one that the laying of tracks there waa supposed to have put an end to forovor Carriages und coupes woro thorn too and seemed to suit those of rhouiniitio tendencies or tlellcato rhellllo build though their progress was heavy amid lumbering us compared with tho gliding speedy sleighs GOOD EVODOK FOOT GOINO IN SPOTS Pedestrians wore plenty Their experience ns compared with that of the previous morn ing wits ploasnnt Tho nit was sharper but tho loll bad Improved all whore the fide walks had not been thoroughly cleaned path hud been Lenten by the tramp of hundreds of feet andltbo laborious tugging of the Monday mornings walk was ionlueed by something of springiness and sprlghtllnoss The air was more bracing nnd tlioalwnnco of thing clouds of snovvv particles line us fog made the trip 1 groit deal plcasantci liioro was not the further danger of missing formerly familiar landmarks or getting stinicknitly bewildered to Iotlo tclonly bowlderod look for Bloerkor street in the neighborhood of Canal or similar Incongruities TiE 1iorrn TAIKU IN CLOTHES As hIs already been Intimated many men on weighlug It up decided not to venture nut lhoso who did go out know what they out going Into and prepared lor It more than they had the day boloro A soft hat tied down over the ours with a handkerchief was 1 prevailing more and coarse packing cord tied tightly about the trousers at the ankle was the correct caper In west Ride high life A tow extremists who sported rubber boots to their knees wore scorned as dudes Coarse bagging or brown I ncklug paper tied about the loot nnd logs was good enough for ordinary folks like grocers boy and butchers assistants There seamed to bo no generally recognlred fnshlon for la dlim outdoor wear A gossamer coat with the hood drawn close anti I peaked expression of countenance cero tho disenable features of most female costume SLEDDING roll COIL SLEDIIO Tho attempts nt doing business wore not largely productive amid lu the especial und necessary matter of getting tires tlou mmmiii tonI the only real progress was made Coal lu 10U pound bacs was In very limited supply lu porno ncigliboiiioodg A west side coal man drew them to his customers on homemade sledge built on the pattern of an oldfashioned Btono boat out of picking box fitufT Others sent them out by nand or rather on the stout shoulders of men whose pity brought tho cost of tho coal up to double or morn than double Its usual price Toward evenlol the pressure lora coal supply became so strong thnt the lumbering Cal carts were brought out and with half 1 loud and a tandem team made to do what little could be done to help out PROVISIONS IN CHEAT DEMAND Tho marketing made necessary by thin three days havoc In Saturdays supply was very unsatisfactory work Hie retailers whose base of supplies It i Washington Market were unable to replenish their stocks and tholr customers woro In turn deprived of the opportunity to store their larders Down town the hotels and restuurunts were better off Strong men und cutucious baskets did time business I there und with some exceptions like Curriers where the coal was out and the Press Club whose cook was snowbound homo the regular customers fated pretty well The efforts to do business around the market wero vigorous to tli verge of heroic Seaman Llohtonsteln bon paid SlOt to get a load of produce up town to bomo of their hotel customers iMinovisEii A mo SLED But tho boss job of pushing was done by Alexander Iowcfl of IJriilmn A Powell Their buslnesx is with bnuthnrn hotels like the lone du Leon ant other a day houses lime Idea that these houses wore to feel time effects I of the blizzard was not to be efocte Tho people pay thonj figures to got uvray from such things Mr Powell wanted to get 210 barrels of moat poultry und other provisions aboard the steamer Trucks wore out of tbo questIon A double truck loaded with ton barrels and harnessrd to four horses was as Immovable us tho his Something had to bo done Sleighs wero sought In vain At 7 oclock In tie morning Mr Powell hunted up a doniitoivn wbeolvvright and cave him nn or lI der to build sleigh He did not cure for finish or shad runners or anything except ktrencth and to got I quickly At 1 oeock In tho afternoon the sleigh was delivered In front of Ills I store and after getting bin stuff down to the bout Mr Powell let his neighbors use the rough unpainted but very horvlceublo sleigh NO MAILS EXCEPT FBOM STALLED TRAINs Postmaster Pearson rose from 1 nights root on bib oftlco sola to ndayof masterly Inactivity I was not his fault or that of bin 1 men and they took no comfort In tho fuel thuttborxwus little for thor to do They knew too well that ltle day of leckonlngwut at hand nnd that un avalanche of mull mutter would tax their every resource I when tlio delayed trains should arrive and no ono knew when that would be In the moan time the collectors without reference te schedule time kept the lamppost boxes clear und the carriers also In disregard of the deliveries on tho card distributed the light local mails sifted from the result of the collectors trips Business was ut such a standstill that the street boxes did not furnish much material And the difficulty of hauling with the coitalnty that no malls were being sent out niudt publishers IUd others slow In Bending dig loads In i would have made little difference If they hud as the Post Ofllcfl people would simply have stowed the stuff away Monday mornings tur awul mOriOlt8 ncwspapnru and thoso of yesterday were held there und they madn the bulk 01 thus matter on hand Communication with tho local branches as reestablished yesterday but this did not Involve much IncrBUfio In the volume of business Mr Pearson was rather more sanguine tItan some of his man about him rush expected lmn sornl incoming traliio In tact he did nut expect any rush calculating upon their arrival at intervals which would enable tha clerks und carrion to get their mall out of the way easily TIIK BIO DIUITS 1IIOTOORAPIIED Tho fact that the city never saw SUfh an experloncn before amen I was a metropolis und tha reasonable supposition motrelols many years will lutorvuue before tho experience will bo repented appealed at ouco to the knights of the camera Amateurs und professionals a got their Instruments to boar on choice bits of blizzard scenery as soon as the light was Bufti dent for theIr inirnosu Broadway Union und Madison squares were especially luvored bythn picture tutors Tho prosnrvatlon of some of the stoirn effects by tho truth telling photog rinher will bo I blessing to tho future story teller who recounts his storm experiences to those who taw nono of I Tho evidence thus brought to boar cannot be gainsaid und In no other way perhaps could those who did not hive 1 share lu these experiences be made to upprecltito the situation Rii was whoa yesterday morning dawned And after a few days of good solar printing weather bus omthled these artists to finish some pictures tbo windows of the photograph sellers will blossom with porno shown of the mad interesting things they have ever HACKS IN Non UL DEMAND The gilt edge was taken off the hackdriving business by yesterday afternoon nnd two blanketed teams stood In trout of the Astor House in poaot yesterday afternoon at un hour whelm tho contest foi thum was greatest the day tieloro Ibo VH and Xs vvaie not hIrIng around in the plenty of tho storms harvest rOY Irount tIme currying capacity of limo nimble nlnkol was again assorting Itself The drivers who were on runnunt kept I little of thin fat that had gladdened time fraternity on Monday but the average New Yorker Is not sufficiently inured to the chill delights of facing tho breeze in an open sleigh to make the demand for sleigh rides un town very strong tronl Women Ire rather morn plenty the streets than on Motidity arid they got along a crrout deal better They attracted great deal of attention and deserved II for rosy but I poor term to doteHbo tlielr complexions nol sparkling Is only a weak word to Indicate tho brightness of belt eyes ILINTI OF WOBK FOB LIEN The amount of snow to shovelled from oldennlka and tr It Bufflcl9 Jarulflk oc cupation for thousands of men who will find In the opportunity to make sonic ready moa mitigation of the otherwise adverse ircum stances of the storm Shovels were lu great demand nod I run on the hardware stores was begun early Iho Impossibility of having orders to wholesalers or jobbers Illlod made time retailers wury nnd In moht caso tho price wero gently lifted A good margin of profit Is looked form most of tho articles that the reo tailor deals In hut ns I rule hOle ore not among them lesiorday was different and llfty par cent was tho least that would satisfy many of tho doalorB JIOSCVK CONKIMO bVAKLT OBAD Think Sr UtT fce It In the 6nsw In Vnl Squats Jew York City Roscoe Conkllng said yesterday that lie hnd a pretty tough constitution and had been in some pretty tight places In his life but that ho had never found himself as far gone physically ns on Monday night in Union square I had been at the Stewart building In the afternoon he said and had some work to do In my offlco and not thinking that the city would be dark at night I went down to Wall street to look after the work A Ito after 0 oclock I wanted to go homo Thorn wasnt a cab or carriage of nny kind to be bud Once during thaday I had declined an oiler to ride up town in a carriage because the man wanted tO mind I started up Broadway on my plus I I was durk arid It was useless to try to pick out a path sol went raiiinilllcrntly along shoulder Inc through drifts anti headed fortho north I was pretty well exhausted when I got to Union squaio nid wiping tho snow from my ole tried to nuke out the triangles there But I was Impossible Thoro was no light nnd I lunged right through on us straight II line as I could determine upon Bonietlmeslhsve run across passages in novels of great adventures In SUXT storms for example In stories of Itunslan life wliore there would bo a vivid description of minis struggle on I fnovvsvvont and wlndv plain hit I I loire always considered I tho presentation nn exaggeration I shall never say so ugaln for after what I encountered In last nlgutH bllz bl7 rurd I believe Unit the zlrd can belele thlt strongest descrip ion would fall to approximate the truth 1 had got to thn ndildle of the park and won up to my arms In drift I pulled the Ice and snow from my oyos anil held rnylmndtiup there I till everything was melted off so that 1 might see but It wee too dark and the snow too I blinding For nearly twenty minutes I was stuck timers and I came UB near giving right un and sinking down hereto die as a man can and not do i Somehow 1 got out und made my way along Whn I reached the Now York Club at Twentyfifth street 1 wan covered all Or with Ico and packed snow and they would scarcely bollovo roe that I had walked Irom journey Wall street It took three hours to make the AD MILK AM LITTLE COAL Hardiblp Tbrentrnlnc the Por and Eves Already They Naffer Cold Mutton ribs of beef nnd other solidities were quoted at an udvaucoTof two to four cents the pound yesterday nt the fountain heads of retail distribution Uptown butchers soon doubled Washington Market prices for their customers and though thero was some crumbling their exactions were submitted to Thoro Is meat enough within reach to lust a week it Is tumid but after that time the dealers predict that their picnic will begin The dealers of I Washington Market say that they experienced I no difficulty yesterday in transporting meat to nil parts of the city They hold themselves out ns ready and able to 1111 all orders Notwithstanding their assertions howovor tho spectacle of HKOUS laden with meat struggling In ulo with the ruts of snow constantly recurred One novel of recured moans transporatlon was to bang great haunches of meat over the back of I horse and got up town without the dangers attendant upon the hauling of wagon The milk situation Is declined to bo simply appalling Not I mxir loud of milk arrived here yesterday Fifty celt was refused for I glass of milk In a downtn restaurant yesterday As the situation Imcume known most of the restaurants refused to hell milk us I beverage Later In the day this was the universally adopted rule No uillt was dispensed except with coffee In the tiptown districts not only was It impossible Uftow possible In some cases to get Any milk but even bread was out of tbs question 1 lie milkman of course was not und thE hiiec dude of innumerable journeys to tho curler grocery or the neighboring dairy wan In many Instances touching because It yielded no ro cults to anxious mothers or distressed housewives wie oor who are accustomed to bUT their milk In small quantities at the grocers ere greatly distressed by the fanlie This grocers hat no milk and so theso unfortunates were forced to do without This privation however could easily have been endured but the scarcity eclcty of coal nt all the places where they have been accustomed to buy I br thejmilful added 1 new peril to thrlr condition Hauliccoal was hardly attempted yesterday ant the existing supply nt these groceries was xh4USted yesterday in many iiuaiters Crowds of women and ohlMwp brought tin and patent pails for a little oni und In many placeS so great was the demand that policemen were stationed at the groceries to prevent the people from storming the coal bins For a patent pail full of coal sixty cents was charted and when a poor woman demurred at the price she was told that the supply was low and that if she would not pay the price others would quickly do so A patent pal contains twelve iiuiirts Thin supply of coal In muny grocery stores was exhausted oven at this exorbitant eh irge and cards woro posted In the windows like thisCOAl COAL ALL OUT MJ COAL BOLl Women bareheaded and sca tlly clothed drugging shivering children nt their heels and carrying little tin palls with them burst Into tears on reading Ibo placards and turned away to pursue too often an equally fruitless search at other stores A horse hitched to a coal cart broke down while the blizzard was at Its height at the corner ot Thirteenth street and First avenue Several hundred men and women whose faces blocked the windows of the big tenements in the street saw the driver jump from the cart and unhitch bin horses In despair In another Instant fully 100 women and girls with palls and baskets and tin cans were swarmed around the coal curt clamoring for the coal In loss than live minutes I was all sold The load bl0Ullt over 1 FULl UK AD AND 1SVRIED IN SNOW Geo 39 Bnrrmere Folli 1 kli Way Home Ie the tliborne and Perish Ono of those places In the city In which the great storm spent Ito wildest fury was in Seventh avenue botweea FIftieth street und Central Park The thoroughfare here is on rising giotind nod the wind gets a great swoop at it through the bread street openings Policemen who were sent out to patrol on Monday shrunk shivering and bewildered Into the doorways and were almost frozen fast there The men around the Broadway street car line stables ut FIftieth street were almost terrified at lie stormund were as solemn In tho stables as I they woro on strike To a SUN reporter who looked up the street yesterday it seemed with its sidewalks half shovelled und with curts and wagons of nil sorts and descriptions lying abandoned In tho road like picture of ns utter desolation as NowYork 16 over likely Ikoly to present Iho Sixth aveuun elevated cars pulling at Interval through liftythlrd stuot ln Were the only things tbiit mude it seem likely that anyhody lived around there at all At a quarter to 5 clock yesterday morning a Policeman Henry Uaait of the Vost Forty seventh street station struggled up beventh avenue right under the elevated tracks at 1 If tythlrd street he aw a mans arm aud hand sticking out of Ihe snow In the middle of the roud just In front of him The policeman kicked tin snow away und dlftcoverod the mans body Time man was frozen diid and had evidently lain there lor hours He wim well driKsod und there was a gold watch chain acres his breast Ibo hand that was stretched out of this snow had the flngors wide iipurt The policeman pulled the body out of the snow to its full length and then tramped buck to Captain Kllllleus station house for help When they examined the mans clothes at the station house tboy found besides thegold chain and watch and a small amount of money in currency letters addressed Mr OIOBCI Bianonr Tie Oaborn utile I i Mu 111 c7t street or I A policeman who knew Mr Oeorgo Bare more a wealthy hop dealer when that gentleman lived ut the Dakota Flats Identified the body and word was sent to Mr Iaremores family at the Osborna laremors Mr aION1 wife and two little bOll bad cat up all night waiting for him to come homo I Mrs Bnreniore ruskeul llioolllcer to notify her husbands brother Henry nt 324 West Fifty seventh street lad tho olllior did so Mr ollor dil Mri I Henry Baremoro went to tho station house amid identified his brothers body und I was taken home Death vvns caused by Ireozlng Mr lnremor was 17 yoursoil und the son ol tho late James liaremore of Itundnll flare moro A Bllllnis diamond mm ehants ut 6S Nassau strcot Ho wus for lender In tho hop trade Ills ofllen was at 3 ntnr street anil he 1 started to go down thnni In tlio ihg Florin despIte tlio entreaties nf his wife nt 1 I clock nn Monday morning 1 ho my of tho blizzard proved too much for him and 1m cntno luck homo alter going a Couple of blocks Ho rigged himself In storm garments antI again Blurted for down town declaring that It was Imperative that he should go Mr BaremoroH clerks say lint ho got to theo co about 8 oclock In tho afternoon and after roninlnlngnn hour or so again started for homo Ho was urged to stay down town but ho ild that his wife nnd children would worry If ho did not canto home and that ho inupt get homo I he possibly could Ho probably mod in porno of tho downtown hotels on Monday night and Into yesterday morning until thr Sixth Ilto yestoldav Intl thl avenue trains were runulug mind then took a train up town Them wero no llfty eighth Street trains and Mr Daremore doubtless got ofT utility Iot ol lity third strcot and UlKhth nvonue with tho idea of walking back to Seventh avenue and up to his home on Flftysevnntli struct For the past year he hud been troubled with neuralgic pains in the elicit so severe ns to cnusn fnlntlng hits Mr Banimoro mot with reverses In Ids huM Tues bout 1 year and half ego nnd fulled for 100000 paving his creditors dollar 101 dollar I lu said that be had Miico recovered nearly I not all his fortune The report got around thnt It was Maurice Barrymorntha actor who had been found dead In the drift He was astonished nt the warmth with which ho ivius crested when ho got to the Hoffman House a C1 Iot I BUSINESS FLAT ov us IUCK YET Blank Dpyp en tbe Excknnze The Ireilace Exchange Hale Key HDed In In ileriey Wall street I Btlll In the grip of tho blizzard This was demonstrated in a zlrd demolstrutod II I very pronounced way yesterday when ouly 1800 sliuros ot stocks wore dealt In on the block Exchange II Botvveo 10 oclock and noon when tho Exchange adjourned half I hundred brokors I most of them governors wandered over the echoing floor of Hie great Board room Moot of those on hand hadnt been homo over night borne slopt lu their offices and others wero packed four in 1 room in downtown hotels There was a dreary effort by somo of the alleged wits to make things pleasant Halt a dozen played oneoldcat the base bull game In their boy hood games Tho Gov ornors saw how things wero running nnd decided to exorcise sonic of the ubsoluto prerogatives with which tholr fellow members have en dowed Hum They closed the Exchange ut noon Deliveries of stocks und loan accommodations vveru again extended twentyfour hours but unless telocruphlc communication Is established today with other speculative con tress thorn will doubtless bo another dreary time followed by a halt holiday moro effective than tho ono established by time Albany fiaternlty At tim bubTreasury onethird of tho clerks from Jersey towns und tho uiiimr Now lork districts woro absent Cashier illlum blioior lives In the outskirts ol Brooklyn Ho Is I 60 years old On Monday and Csterduy he walked the eight miles necessary to Utoud to hi duties aud get home again beidos lugging 11 well dres Individual un Monday night through one mile of snowdrifts to shelter The well dressed person had attempted to get squnre on the blizzard II the help alcohol und was in different about going home at all All day aniliteur ptiotogriupiiorm locusspd their cameras on Ubhlnctonn statue on the tub Iroasury stops professional secureda noca this for IClJe llf Ay Time Mltuo is I coated with Icy sleet and is lopped by while heal dross ot the shape of tho hits worn by King Georges len I hundred years ago The snow has settled the shoulders of the hal eliod on boullerl statue up to the ears so that the steontdiouldered and meditative manner of tho fIrst Napoleon are portrayed I is a curious combination that the blizzard bal thrust on the llrst President of the republic Tiiefotton aud Coffee Exchanges didnt open their doors at all tho Produce adjourned lt noon millet sorry and slimly attended pension the Consolidated Lxvhunge followed suit at 1 oclock and the Custom House although most of the prominent officials era on baud wus dull us on Sundays ltie Prodiico Exchange men in addition to hehmmg cut off from the outside world cue also up 1 stump because the manager of thE Produce i Exchange Safe and Heposit Company anL CompalY1 hasnt been able to got to town Irora his home In Jersey since Haturday right Tics securities I and ceitliicatos lenulred by the grain and other men uro locked un In the vaults The downtown end of the blizzard taken asa whole Is I about tnt successful us any and until the telegraph wires can be pitched und I rigged very mtle business can be dona CllAHGK OF TlY bUOrET JtKlGADF GUI for the Fire Iljilrunti Broadway und the Ferry Mreet Mayor Hewitt got down to his offIce at 1 oclock yesterday morning He came down from Twentythird street la 1 Third avenue elovuted train and got pretty well squeezed on the way Ho was deeply Impressed with tho emergency created by the storm and hud busy conferences nil day with the heads of departments with I low to clean and protect the city Chief Shay ot the Fire Department came down and urged that as a measure of protection from fire leading thoroughfares should be promptly cleaned The Mayor had aconference wIth Street Commissioner Coleman who Bald he had made all possible arrangements to get the streets clean That he haL required the contractors to keop up their full force of mou and had hired all tha extra carts ho could got commissioner Cole inun urged that In this emergency the restricted dumping grounds are not sufficient Tlio Dock Department rules require snow to bo dumped from the ends of tho piers at wide Intervals apart Tbo Mayor vvroto a letter urging the Dock Commissioners to suspend the rules for this emergency and to permit the snow to ho dumped Irom any bulkhead Mr Coleman took the letter over to the Dock Department to get the required permission XII Street Department stables era at Seventeenth street nnd Avenue jhe force were zit once ordored to work its way to Broadway and clear Broad WIV as quick us possible clearing first the bide streets leading to the ferries All tho men and carts that could be hired were at once put aD commIttee of merchants offered to clean Ferry iidd Spruce und Jacob streets and their offer wits accented Orders were Issued to clear the snow first from the vicinity of nil lie lire hydrants frt fore night there wore about 1 thousand men and carts at work on Broadway and side strnats Mayor Hewitt Pent a message to Inspector Williams last night requesting him to notify the police throughout the city not to Interfere with the dumping of snow from tilers other than those usually used by the Street Cleaning Department Time Mayor deemed this neces Boiy in order to facilitate thin cleaning of tho streets for tho resumption of tralllc CITY tKAYIL POSSIBLY AQAltT Tbe Elevated nod feme to Life by De lirro Mill Uoi bunded General Mnnngcr lEnin of tho Manhattan Elevated Itullrond Company passed the afternoon ot Monday ami nearly all of the night In the station at hhtli nvciiua and Fiftyeight street vvhaio he directed tIme work of clearing thg tracks nnd relieving the blockade Tho superintendent wus similarly engaged nt South Ferry Shortly after midnight traffic wan resumed on Mxth uvomio with twocar trains at regular liitorv ills truimmu i lie southern terminus 155lh street All through the early morning elevated traffic wn limited to twooar through trains on blxth uvenue our cur trains fronVClty Hull to Miietyoltlitlitstreet and return on Third uveniic and occasional trains from Jrund street to time northern terminus ami leturr I on becond I avCrt Lilt fly uhmiybreag when Ito iitronngn I of all tho lines Increases I suddenly Irulnitwnro I I despatch ed tuoie Ironuoiitly nil ull lines except Ninth uunuu tho nth of 1 jftvninth street where omplnyef were still at work clearing off time trn 1 lt fore oclock twocur trains vveru run up and down this line at Intervals of eight minute und UB time day advanced tho operations of thn road Improved steadily It was not until late In the afternoon however that full length trilns worn running With regularity on the vvest stile dlvlloux Thin Thlid avenue line WIB coonebt put In running order und nil dn yMerdnv It fur nlaho I lie best mud lit lue in nsrmorh rut I on In Ire lty Twocur minI ihrro ar nnd finally fourcm trains ran ut pearly rouliir Intervals of six minutes horn City Hull to 129th street and return It la probable limit longer trains might have been made up had there been men enough to run kern Many of time day force of eziztaers flroiacD conductors guards and station mon worked straight through the night because the night men could not got to their work Other day men had to walk ninny miles to roach the rondo amid KOmovvho lived In foreign parts reached only by ferryboats could not report for duty nt all Tho last part of the elevated roads to bo cleared and opened fur traffic was Ito mile of crooked track from Chatham square to Hotttli Kerry Wluon this was Ilimllyrfenrod away It waslmprnctlcablo to rim trains on that portion nt tIme usual speed tom tIme tracks wero slippery and snow was being blown upon them continuously The express traIns from IBSth treet to Cart Inndt slreet vIa Ninth avenue did not run yesterday mornlng und the return trips were omitted In the iiftornoon This was because tlm demand which these triune usually supply dill not exist They mire run primarily for tho accommodation of patrons of the Now York City and Northern Ilullroud which crosses the Harlom to 155th street and sends Its pasnen gets down town over the elevated road The express trains make losS connection with I tratn from nnd to the north but since Saturday I there have been no trains to connect with Several southbound tralnn on the Northern worn stalled early Monday morning and there they tire sot Not one line reached tho city A desperate effort wan made on Monday to force a way through the drifts but nothing was done yesterday but patient shovelling Passengers wore Imprisoned In the cars for many hours on Mondny and It Is not certainly known that any nf them reached the city but when time company abandoned Its attempts to move trains every effort was made to care for thin passengers The highways in the country are blocked by drifts amid ehunost impassahho but by yesterday morning I lie company hnd emptied ull I of Its stalled trains It Is paid lint some of the passengers I wero cared for nt houses near by amid that others wore enabled to roach their homes There Is lIttle Information In the city ns to thug progress the Northern peopla have mndqln clearing their trncks but there Is some hope that trains may be run to the city this morning barring delays from a new snow storm DIX 1ltObPlCT Of BTHEKT CARS Fourth Avenue MiikM the Flrit Break The Cart Cheered Wo died the hardest of any of cm said Superintendent Newell of tho Broadway and Seventh uvonuo street car line when a SUN reporter asked him yesterday afternoon how Ida road had fared In tho storm And said tho superintendent were coming to life as soon us any of em but no ono can tell when thats going to be Of cottrso wo shant run any cars todaj and probably not tomorrow cither I have about 250 men out shovelling today 75 of whom are Italians and men who wanted a job The rest are some of our conductors mind drivers The superintendent had good many more mon than 250 at work early In tho morning Each of the nowlyhlrod workers was to get 125 for his days work Pretty soon the police came around with stern notifications to tho occupants ot buildings to clean off their sidewalks immediately The laborers found their services at premium and In a great many cases they loft tho street car tracks for the more lucrative task of cleaning the sidewalks Tho slush which formed on the tracks nt the bcelnnlngof the blizzard was frozen of course und was to be dug away with pickaxes It does not scorn as if cars could be running the length of Broadway linen three days though superintendent Newell says lie bus 1000 men promised him for today The workers yesterday only cleared thin trucks of the drifts between Thirtyeighth und fcortynintb streets The The worst drifts upon the Broadway track are nt Union and Mudlson squares and near Fiftieth street The Broadway road has twocars snowed in ono at Bowling Green and the other between Eighth and Ninth streets The Bev enth avenue cars are all In At oclock yeaerdav morning Superin tendent Moore of the Sixth avenue surface railroad left the road stables at the corner of Fortyfourth street and Sixth avenue with a corps of three hundred workers armed with pickaxes and shovels The workers comprised nearly nil tha drivers and conductors of the road and Italians and other chance laborers The men were distributed trom Vesey to Fifty ninth street and they went te work shovelllnr snow with a wld Particular attention was paid to the Sixth avenue part of the road from Carmine street up Before the day was done the upper part nf the avenue was cleared of the drifts but the tracks were still clogged with ice so that car locomotion over thorn was impossible It will require four or five trips of the sweeper over the tracks after the Ice Is off before the cars can be run Superintendent Moore said that it there was no more blizzard he hoped to start cars this morning The Third Avenue Horse Car Company had sap men nt work yesterday clearing the tracks They were put to work early and many were kept at It during the night Snow oloughu and sweepers were useless I have been In this business said VicePresident Hart since there was a horsa car and 1 never before know it to be necessary to use picks on the road But we had to get picks today and we couldnt get along without them The great trouble Is with the lea which formed on the ratlswhen the first snow fell on top of the rain on Sunday night Several of the horses were badly strained be fore the running of the earn was given up but none was lost Half a dozen cars were stalled nil but one of which had been brought back to time stables at Sixtysixth street by oclock I 31 Thin Harlem Cable rood which Is part of the Third avenue system had four cars running Monday but none yesterday There was no trouble with the cable Itself No attempt was made to start a horse car yesterday The Second avenue horse car line started out to clear the tracks from the stables at Ninety sixth Street southward About 250 mon were at work with shovels The company means to start the cars as soon as It can clear the tracks down to Houston street Fifteen cars were started yesterday and only three could be extricated Work on the track was continued during the night Fourth avenue horse cars ware out lost night nnd were carrying passengers en a portion of the road from the depot to below Twentythird btrcet People cheered them as they went fAZR AND WAKHER TODAY That the Prediction That the Iooal Signal Office Makes Vaefflclallr Sergeant Dunn the chief Signal Service officer at this station was not much bettor oft yesterday as to reports from other stations than he was on blizzard Monday He was able to give a good account of the course and progress of the storm but in the matter ef deductions and probabilities he wished to be distinctly understood as not speaking officially as he was not in communication with the signal ofllco at Washington The storm centre ho said was yesterday oft the New England coast and still elllngoastwnrdly In New England they were getting on Tuesday what was experienced here the day before Here us there the btorm centre was at sea off the coast However severe the Now Yorkers may be disposed to consider the meteorological treatment they have had they must bear In mind that they were only on the edge of the disturbance bergeant Dunn says that thero were fiercer winds near Its heart than vvu felt here and he Is positive that there will be many reports of suffering and disaster from tho sea along the coast Ho also says that the storm which was one of the most remarkable that has bean recorded since sclentlllc observations began to bo made will cross tbo Atlantic with little loss of Its strength This means In addition to great perils for ocean voyagers probability of a weather experience approximating ours for London and other Kuropeuu cities Tha remarkable feature ot time storm was the combination of bleu winds and heavy snow Wind btorma of eiiuul severity are not entirely unlioard of and lust as heavy falls of snow have burdened the liiMrumonts of measurement But to get them together is a now and not altogsthnr pleasant variation hercennt Dunn with the reservation already noted Mild that the weather today would be likely to be fair ami silently warmer with moderate winds homo slight snow squalls might Intervene The lowest temperature was above ut 7 A and the greatest velocity of tho wind vvns 60 miles an hour at 2 oclock In the morning From that It gradually slacked on being ut 2 and 15 at midnight The bnioinetar began to rise early In thin day mind continued gradually Its upward course The temperature nt midnight was 14 and Her gaunt Dutinh assistant repeated then his us hiirunco that the whither today would proba bly bo fair and slIghtly warmer The SfHyiir and the Wire Mayor Hewitt wild yesterday that he was in no way responsible for the failure to get the olectrio wires underground that he was the author of the original bill under which the Sub was CommissIoners wore appointed and that he Iind voted for every practical measure toget tIme wires underground Ho felt that lie had mme ull hoi could to get the work done lie did not think the work had been Impeded by his re fusal to open twentylive miles of streets at the beginning of winter and considered ft rather fortunate that all those streets an not now lined with open trenches maklnjt them mon UnPUBablt TRAINS BEGIN TO MOVE XKirAltK IMTOftMiy AND JAMAICA KKTVHH 2O THIS WORLD Xolhlnr aces from the Oraa Ceatral flepsi llnnllni In a Mallrd Train FIhI nt Leuut llllIniucrlhlr pwTf rliC tral UNat I a flueS but a IlduseS Sf Nnnn Cine Track lear Through the To nil Ten of Ibnimintli of Teas ol 55W be iirtril Out of that DlleaEl rlencei Aboard the mailed Train Another day ling gone and not a train hM left the Grand Central Depot except na a rescue i train nod not train has got In oxcopt train rescued How about our road wild President Do pew ot the New York Contra repeating the reporters question Why there Isnt any road Time roads are all cone W6 have not been able to do anything In tlio way ot moving 4j trains SIx hundred men have boon at work since Daylight trying to clear out the tnnnl between Fiftyninth cud Ninety sixth streets aid have made some progress There Is no way of tolling when trains will begin to move No attempt waa made to send out any train No communication could bo had wire with time agents along the lines and thoro WAR no nay of learning lie condition ot hose passen Kara who were confined In stalled trains at ray dIstance from the city One track ot lie three roads that enter the Grand Central Depot was clear as turns Mott haven by 5 11 yesterday The tracks OH tar as Voodlnn Junction are used In common by tIme Now York Central tho llnrlom and the New Haven roads nail tills one track therefore sufficed to bring In some of the trains on the three roads that had been stalled between the Grand Central Depot and Jlott llavim AtC oclock the llrst two of these the Htioro line express mind the Stamford local had come la The day had been a particularly hard one for everybody employed about the yards ot the depot Early In time morning the tracks wore covered with many feet of snow and it took hours of labor to clean thorn Sledge hammers had to be used In moving thin swItches hloh yere covered with thick ice An engine was eont up as far as Sovontyiilnth street nt noon behind the cane ot Italian laborers and tried to forco a nay through the bank ot snow piled up In the tunnel No progress was made howover and the engine wits kept running up and down tha different tracks In the yard to keep them clean The GOO men worked under the personal supervision of Superintendent Toucoy and their progress was rapid after passing Seventieth street In places drifts had formed seven and oleht foot deep and at 2 oclock the doauatchor of the Now Haven road said that such a drift extending a distance of 300 foot bad boon encountered Another engine was sent up but was stalled In the cut and It required a Croat deal of labor to get It back again Late In tho afternoon the officials of the New Haven roud 1 said that an attempt would be mode to run a rescue train to Woodlawn Junction They expressed croat doubts as to its success A train was also started from the harlem River branch of the New Haven road at Morrisanla to New Bochelle The wires all bolne down It was Impossible for the officials to learn whether this 4 had gotten through AT LEAST K1FTI TRAINS STILL SHOW BOtTHD The situation in the afternoon waa blat Seven local trains and a number of through trains supposed to be four were stalled at different points on the road Their exact whore nboutfl could not be ascertained On the Now York Central and Harlem BJver roods fourteen trains won snow bound around Bpuyten Duyrtl and Woodlawn Junction and at least thirtysix more detained elsewhere Superintendent Ton ceysald It waa Impossible to Ray just where these trains were but he bit certain that many of them bad been held at stations where the passengers were well provided for The Chicago limited dun hero at 7 on Monday night was held at Schenectady Mo trains ware allowed to move between Syracuse and Albany and all eastbound trains were held at the latter city The snow was reported to be seven feet deep on the Harlem tracks and even as far as Albany the snow lay piled up for several feet Mr Depow said that he had tried to employ more men to clear away the snow but had found It Impossible The present condition of the stalled trains he said shows the necessity for stoves in cars If it were not for the stoves In these trains the passengers would freeze to death because the fires In the locomotives are all out for lack ot water and there would therefore be no steam cither UYIHO IN THE STATION The New Haven rood officials thought early on Monday morning that they could get out the 5 A accommodation train fifty tickets wore sold and the passengers cot aboard time train An engine was put at the head of tha train but when It came to move It the train could not be budgod The engine could not be taken back to the round house either and was stalled In the depot The passengers nndlna they could not get away determined to keep their places and the cars were turned into a sleeplnfcnpartinents The passorigors went out to their meals and returned Tliny were still there last night and said that while their quarters were not the most comfortable In the world they were the cheapest they knew of They said they would remain there for a week If necessary A lank loneboarded Individual spent the greater part of yesterday In making the lives of the officials weary Ho travelled from one office to i another taking names and asking a hundred different questions I bought my ticket te Mount Vernon yesterday ho raid and I want to get There Ive got some cows and bones looked up In my barn and they are starving to death lo got the keys In my pocket Vihr dont you walk up from tho Suburban he was asked Because Ive paid to ride Ill sue the company I knew Commodore Vanderbilt and I Know all the heads of the road now Im going to get oven on this I lie depot was crowded with persons anxious to depart They were allowed to stay all night AEOABU TUB STALLED TCAINB The officials of the Now York Central the Harlem and the New Haven railroads sent sleighs up to the nearest trains and In this way removed the oassengors who were tired ot Trailing for the tracks to be cleared Pits sleighs got as far as Mott Haven and took All the passengers who had remained over night In the curs of the chore line express the Stam ford local and the Harlem locals They were taken to the elevated roads Of these trains the shore line had left Boston on Sunday night and wa due in the Grand Central Depot at 7 A on Monday and the Stamford local hud been expected earlier On both ot these trains the passengers had been well provided for however To the shore line express three sleepers were attached and every passenger had a comfortable bed All the snowbound travellers were not fortunate Food and fuel became scarce long before nightfall on Monday ID many of the trains scattered along the throe roads and In some cases the suffering was Intense Many paiwengers left the otalled trains and triad to reach the city by their own efforts Home were fortunate enough to pot sleighs at farm houses but these were very few Then others tramped through snow up to their waists and succeeded In pulling through at all only by keeping In groups so that if a man foil ho would ba assisted YONKKJ28 FOLKS MAKE A MOBT OF IT The train ttmt left Yonkern at 710 A IT on Monday became stuck In a snow drift just this side of Bpuyten Duyvll at U53 The snow blew and drifted around the train until it was even with tho oar windows It was Impossible to keep warm and there was not enough coal to last long The water gave out curly mid the tires In tho engine bad to bo allowed logo out There were only a half dozen women on the train nnd about sixty men When tlmiina I Bengers learned that It would bo Impossible to get out of tIm drift they turned nil thiS cars except the first Iuuhuu smoking cars The women passenger established themselves In tIme Ilrit car and Issut an order burring all tho men out Before night the novelty of the situation had worn off I her was no drinking water and snow wan welled Whmen tho grumbling Wa at Its imLight one old fuurmer nettled buck in hIs ient and removing his pipe yelled I Well buunceys boom IH busted now Some sandwiches wero brought to thin euro by the tialnmerii but they merely whetted mo uprelite of the men who had nothing to lu but rail nt their fate mind got hunim HUB ntutoof affairs gave some of tho shrewd but Jmnccunlous passengers en excellent oilIer tunity to make money Five of them left the train und skirmished around the farm houses and even went back to Bpuyten Dnrril They came back la ins afternoon loaded dorm wlta.

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