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The Sun from New York, New York • Page 2

The Suni
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MM I Tftft stJN SATPitPAY, JANUARY 2, 1892. fey A WILD NEW YEAR'S JAG. HFi, I iraozK ion rjsr xoosk irrxn HE nf' HOA5 O' rj.T ASD" JIPK HUj Haw SJanha Jelly Jamboree HlJfJ W.iteBMa- the AUrrat of fc ri -AnfAiier Nltsafa VIII.V. eHTel Those who Fell bj tbo War. JWne 0Oiw4 In by flu ro1lcenn i fj( rM Court Justice Temperea with Mercy la the Moraine I NeYerelncothodayswhenoldTroodon-logged 1 tiP Pelrus Btuyrosant and Ms convivial $, ButohOuondlmin started tho Jolly coromonr up all night to sco tlio old yoar do- 5 Mrtandwelcomo tho birth of tfio uow yenr i hM Gotham wltncssod any such wholcsalo Jamboree at this town had In Its uproarious and wldosproad wolcomo to 1802.

Tho tro- nendouaand overwhelming outbreak of on- 6 cfrfe Jpm and nolao at Pat Gllmoro'a spoclal ft Sbf Jablleo around tho Illuminated Citr Hall, and V.ii the tumultuous glorification of Uio coming of ri "round old Trinity with Its VtJW nimos. woro moroly big concroto nun" thB enthusiasm that Bproad out IKVi 27r th" nUr8 lenth ond breadth of Uanhat-I SKr Island, and whloh was mnlntalnod from "udono Thursday untlUoni: after sunrise i rUy' ardor tlat nstonlshod ovon gSt the natives. frjt 4 59wn la used to huoe celebrations of all ttS b.ut too Now eor'B 'ostlval of 1802 was IiTi. of theso groat popular out- Voicing rolled into one mammoth Br, Jnbllee of uproar and conviviality. Itsoomcd Mlfthavholo town had with ono accord, and Which haB yot to bo explained.

rJV JOlnwIn making a holiday that would "bo ro-fw nnalsof tho metropolis as Jno)UnBueoeMbf the century. lmborc began hpforo tho sun jWWdown. IU first manifestation was nolso JgT ad simple, or rathor noise com-l Mtttd and tremendous. Small boys and rQ men armed themselves with horns M1 Wew them with a concentrated 1 power never bororo eauallod. They fc JM orta of horns.

Horns of tin and 5J0'wood and boms of pasteboard, and 9M.ta8' Prokers blew them on 'Change. men tootod them in tho dry goods Ira 5r'otVwld boTB and mon marched up and if tbo popular thoroughfares blowing a Vf-tvf imwrrearpi. tt Wbeatha adults got tired of blowing they St rat t00k mother style of horn. It gonorally I Pretty big stick In It. Bnd It ended by Ptyauoinsj a much more complicated ond mor- MS' Uou uproar than all tho other horns put is tw, toaother.

Ererybody who knew what good "Worwaa began to drink a health to tho other IS then a health to the new year, and I iS. O0C0M everything and overybody In LR iSI RVfiteQOmprhensIva burst of good fol- fWfc have rejoiced tho soul of JrrHSS. an unprecedented and unique HfWro was Introduced In the popular iublloo. cSr'ettir girls and tho matrons joined in POTty and oonsplcuouB approctaUon with tho youngsters ana the men. The pretty girls smiths matrons turned outupon the nvonues, JrttB their eioorta.

carrying tin horns and aMMJT Waw them, with a jollycood will too. This HO TTOt ftjhe pleturoaque oddity of the wholo oeUbratlon. The girls with their horns '-'A wpt past the Broadway hotels in tho cy I ty, piroossilon of promer Adora. They woro rosy-aK afw Ptk' And well drvssed. Thoy had yielded Xto tQ the mysterious and genial inspiration tliut Hi 1' fivereans the masculine populution to muku a 1 "$, xear'a racket Over In Hlxth nvcnuo I Were were more of thoso vivacious horn SW) Blower; In.

petticoats. The colored colonies aKI S'V Ot the Tenderloin and tbo Ninth Ward nrke Hi Wi" "PtJn A. wild tumult of nolso early in tho Hi trZ'rr finVt- hey had elongated rog-horns of tin LWI BWamped tho sounds of tho smaller korns. Hi i)0lrn In that staid district around St. Mark's HI twUt Sporehyard.

where rest tho bones of oldOuv. theroarof tho horns was almost fHwji-Mblatantasin the Tendurloln. Young clrls iMt'V''-" the tooting Micro, too. Tho small lac? Bpya of lower Hecond avenue had it regular Vwajo of it once the ooppurs didn't shut HPiEPI, UpUelr shrill shouU or curb tJielr faculty of scjuimg-uproar. enthusiasm burst out hero and lafr i tr5l 0)0 theatres an usual.

Tlioy had llie HosV tWUI jam of Mew Year's amusement seekers, WLaansuaLmanylnthejamhad takou lun Hf jJAP liQuld jamboree bnforo they fret losids the playhousu. College boys woro HlfK'fe crowd, and it was hard work to koop miWLWV s5F cellent spirlU oven half corkod up. HtVi' Oollego had cono in big HHtr-arr' IS Prfe Thoatro to see Ton Yonson so that nobody mWUMWKV- Wmelf think for time. Then H9IW! gqWsrHniUcarr, suddenly corked up thuir Htfev rsS uproar with warning that he would tttv SttdPt.UQUtiUI they didn't bchavo tlium, s'OHWItifil the, clubs of the town had their aVHwiunt' S5lSB.0?iIt,.on.s' a3d '1 keBpiiig with tho HfeSs' HeSlsBfrlt of tho daytiio flowing bowl of aalT.f'Y'''r,M1!,."lf0'll,Pl!Unuttnd popular feature HaKJitpiBCiM.fertlviUes. Thol'lavors' Club had its tajrinsr cup.

which Edwin Booth first, r.PMWitatomaJIps and thenpassod round to UWSXf 51. ctow. There was. big bowl HjMoi-Mlnt 'punch at tho. Tenderloin Club.

Tenderloin preolnct itself IMien tl ted so far on end that It was all 1 Ht Cpt. BeUly's Hawkshaws could do. with HH-Vi-V- jhi aid of his reserves, to keep it HrcH sff turning completely upnido down. Hi'! P-Ceolncf was full of collcgo boys. HaKi 99 had- had horns not made of bHBNu zfrtPArmllerawho apparently didn't know TO11" was 18tfi or IWiuiid.

what's inore. Itwasthomosttumultuous bHEuh I'swTaar'atae precinct bad seen. Enthusiasts '4 M.flMoff Pistols innumorablo when mid-HS'i MFArnVad. and they blew horns stead-Hal'i' me on to daylight. HHLj MNUiN who bowled around in cabs had nMl.stuok out of the windows.

The tin, horns floated from tho elevated Mf tnsualhat rattled along over the heads of tho travellers on tbo sidewalks. And tho sidewalks, who grew eom-HKJ-7: MMeaabla with the friendly lampposts, blow Hal' sjrfalssbly until tbo coniwrs eoaUscutod tho HHIj jilimta. fDlloeman West the copper with HHafiL" gftlttjir oustache. potro led HJxtii avenuo HaW. IS k9 Is he is himself.

Hair a Mjrfooter, lie had ta (en tho horn from Hnfi i jroaup who was lomeward bound HHM Mb l.aaki walk In the prac net rfbody pubioora. in the nrclnot HV v't; M7Mek Waaeboclc full of NewYearVclioar. HawVtf i aTCifOi1 Kn Any ordinary oommonplacu Hsmi.5 iwlitir. It was a ibyous. jolly, nud cumirai HsV thousands and thousands of cltl-HsWS-'' lay in bMf yettordsy.wltn their head BJBWUMI brain Willi tho wet rutleo.

Ht'ti lM was a YiMir'sBDy. 'v iji55? vlggost jug the totrn Jnniy MeMahon was ones, moro in his old Half sBJMW4blieb of the Tombs Court uliuro Hl' aanpsoAMt or a year. It was a buy New BaTaB'i' Ilor. Blin. ux buy tt Im ii Imupy oiiu.

HK'' ilr dui's work for tiiu HKtk Biornlug mid Hlturiuou, but olo tuuru wuro Hfi wMVMMlfrt tii prikonsrs' i-. HsSr- aatUJuK a nuuiber of Kuial oksnull and HM kssjaagnasssTlBsJustictfturiit-d Ills Hl.l of torture with lliviu. Jio uuiu HaV-r PsWlTUfiiirsoiltliuononiilly oMhuir crimo HK' mmmri vuvm, ujucu to tnury ouu's Hpf HI P9t VAeWHWI'i, ud if, I Jit'ur mi UlUrll us HK(, mVtM X'U whvijyuUtfi'tMiliiu HsV rjlaaa you sll up fur six nionilis." HK" IW fcfW aoMNi look Uiwlr liorus and duimrt sBalf aafia aiJiaiai Myaeu. HI JtfiJrWtL tuutyot drunks. Hi i MftsWIIwi, Miuvli.

Noiuu ill ilium HiilknJ HKt. fPf u.bu fulllu, irhileoiiu aBaK' flHMsVwM 4UlU adlifVtMlii-U'iVirii liyiuiu. BaHaV' Wlbf Mrw JUsli'iu oil ull foUl. flu SBBaVfs' '3 iBHMa Usik'ulJmt liu foiod 10 BaffaWavH kVu Motboil nil uiu'uUlit "I III," BaVBT r. PflWf.

of 111" t'Mjy buiiiuUli BaHt HsjV IM'bw Uuau pionl lis. Hoiiii wur BbVHe ijlaaiiViaihsra wurn lunruso, but In llm iviiim Hr azaWirqiMiiwy tv nlio.u jivliil sVF Pf trf Whphlll lilori'Utfllly lj loiuu BEhu Haiitlslk(lrfJiuvluoirru'i-iii, HK wmm0rTrnwm was lkln iim ii-ui ni 1)11 aHst horns Hamy HaWy aHWi'NC "Wlil'l "liaiJW'HH (ill MslsMsfasiya4tiisairtii ni loui-'ii irvvi Hf' KniClfW'r Hn )'ltf aHaV' iW Tl.yS'lin'rff fsitMld, wiUI4 lllll; BafK 1 aw. "IBtw will ji'ififfwl'Mlsy mid IM(' Hal' KBiwAMuMuuTijlriii huf iliu. Hf TKwITGm? iHrMy i with In urlili-li lo liii.i mii Mflm wnV' VMiwin rkr N' BaffB MSB)t synil'iaj'ia'u kUiu tulf Aii'l Jiu ifullv Hfl ft W.l l'l Jav-iil. KuryJiylm, HrS4 'ilull'u urhlih BaffK Hmsiawa in Ififl" lie I bHLL.

Msm, MW hit Mv lu flm ll4'k affaHaT BWjHt Vlipii IVtlliUli, III "Mil HHv' MMaVw. uUWus.K aflrsWl'iiuifjir kii'wii HK IiMi HffilUl Hr' l'li'g, lltflil. "riiliiiil. BaffMii yu Imlrm BaffB'' SMSatiBli tiltw 'rlif)lt lioi BaffMr PJtuy ttntitu vlmn bylnrti lliu tviilit jo Baffafi (MflMMVaa'iss a M(lf jil mku niji HsVaaS. 9Cu'n '''rl jul uul "I b'WsloluU Huulr, III' 'rifiiilVtloe tOBlvo hlra six monlhs In a whloh snakes and roptllos aro un- stroot.

nforctlmo oalloir'TheBlnners'liopo" In the Balvatlon PIi sho banged tho tumbourino. hut r9m crnoo and known ''Jvhs tho Jag. will hot need to make any Now Yoar'a resijlurlons rolatlyo to tho flowlnc bowl, for hy tho time she sets back to wherr- the bowl flows tho voarsrlll bn halfway toltscnd. Mlsslloaly. upon heating sentence, expressed an Im PlnuBrwtsh that whj-n'Klio did get back the J.UC" ralBhtlio well sett edin vworso neo than DiftcVwoirs Island.

Blio will not bo with-nut companion ipf her own box, liovrovor. PWoot Ratio "Connor goes with nor. liavinn disposed of tho morodlstlngnlshoit prison the Justlco became mprclful. nnd realizing that New Year doesn't conio every ay, he let many unfortunates off very easy. "jo who soemed.

ropontopt ho suld: Uon do It nasln. On homo und swear ofT" To somo of tho older olTrmlcrahtigavo "ono moro ehanon," which In mony casos means ono moro drunk before going to tho Inland. A great mirnbor got $. or 'vt days, and as thoro Vtns'hurdly ouough money In tho crowd to buy a Kepubllcun veto tho groat majority went bu-low. At longth all woro gone, leaving an aromn of spirituous ll(i that made marks on tho wall.

Tho Justlco loaned back in his ohalr with a slahnt relief. I'howf" hosaid. "noyouhavonBmanyaa this every day nuwadayn at this court?" Ho was assured that 'ycatorday was a remarkable day. "I should hope pa." ho romnrked as ho unirrod tho ntmosphoro onco moro and thou doparted In hnste. Thoro was an unusual number of drunk nnd disorderlies at tho Jefforsou Slarkot Court Justlco Ulvvor disposed of forty-two casos.

nnd each Individual had dlfforont excuso for His Each oxcuso, however, began and ended with "'A happy Now Year, your Of tho forty-two prisoners only six woro hold, and thoso were merely locked up for tho purposo of allowing thum to sloop off tho effects of their libations. Tho Tenderloin precinct led in numbers, furnishing fourtoen cases of "drunk, nnd disorderly:" th Twentieth proclnct followed with nine, tho Klovonth with sight tho xtecnth with five, tho Lighth Willi four, nnd tho Ninth with two. Essex Market Court woro not tho only romlndor that, anew year had bo-gun. A considerable number of tho prisoners showed that thoy hnd boon doing what thoy considered the proper thing by attending tho wake of tho old year, pnd then following up this happy coromony with tho oven moro joyous custom of drinking tho health of the now year. Many of tho ChrlMmas Day unfortunates excused themselves by saying tho day was "wet.

and had to warm thomsolves. Yesterday tho plea was that thoy couldn't hell) Thoy woro all fooling well, and wont with their frlonds. They didn't mean to get drunk, they told tho Justlco. But thoy did get drunk, they wouldn't deny It. It was Now Year's Day.

though, and thoy hoped Uio good Justlno would let thorn off. One thing noticeable was that most of them wore novices, and they lout themselves beloro thoy knew It Ono boy of 17 said ho roally couldn help It. "You aro starting In rathor early." said tho Justlco. I'll let you go this time, though." custom novsE aossxr. Collector neadrleka la Bon Nonr as Collector Erbardt Never Was.

Collector Hendricks, in the estimation of Republicans, Is now a figure in tho party In New York State As tho third Collector of the Port during Uarrlson'sA dmtnlstratlon. it is apparont to Republicans that Mr. Handrlcks can do about as ho pleases In his oflleo. Itwas said yesterday that Mr. Harrison could not afford, under any circumstances, to liavo Mr.

Hendricks retire from his place. Sir. Hon-drlckB approclrtes tho strength of his position. CoL Erhardt was greatly troubled by tho special agents. Thoy had their own Echemos to work, and thoy woro powerful In his day.

Fassctt was not long enough In office to ran up against those pooplo. But Hondrloks is the. man. according to tho Republicans, who can now dictate tho policy of tho Now York Custom House. Should ho domaud that tho special Treasury agents stop their interference, with the affairs of this port they would have to top it.

"FoBslbly Mr. Hendricks scarcely appreciates his power," bald an omlnont ltupublicaa yesterday, but I believe that ho does. Ho is a partisan Republican. There Is no mistake about that and I bollovo that ho Is laboring to ascertain tho means by which ho can elrcumnavtgato tho civil service rules and give tho patronage now enjoyed by tho Democrats to tho Republicans. I believe that it Gov.

Flower turns out the Cornell holdovors. Hendricks will turn out mery Democrat in tho Custom Uouso. Ho will do this despite tho objections of his porsonal frlonds. Tho Democrats in tho Federal service are protected by the Civil Servico laws. Frank llatton nnd other influential Republicans demand tho retirement of Theodore Roosevelt.

Thoro Ih nothing in tho Civil Borvleo laws that domands an explanation torn removal, llou-dricks. from the day ho entered tho office as Collector of the Fort, has had frequent conferences with the loen.1 Civil Hervlco Board. That Board must nohMn anyway, sot up itself neolsst Hendricks. Ho will not stand it Ho. Willi, conform to the laws, but ha wll noy permit the local Civil ServlcQ Board to run him.

and neither will ho permit Theodora Itopsovelt to play the high muck-a-inuek, and as for the special Treasury agents and their sohomes. ho will do what ho thinks is wise," It was even said that Collector Hendricks was now powerful enough to suggest any 'changes at tbo Appraiser's stores that may bo necossary. Somo of tho local Republican leaders object to tho distribution of patronage made under Collector Erhardt Tho Republican critics say that it was unevon. They point to tho fact that tho Thirteenth, Twoiity-sooond and Twenty-third districts havo hud "recognition" altogether out of proportion to their Republican vote. Tills is question now boforo tho Collector.

It is said that Frank Raymond may bo a very nice fellow, indeed, but is not entitled to tho vast patronage in tho Custom House now under IiIh coi.trbl, and that tho record of tho dlstrlot does not warrunt It Fred Olbbs has always had too many places from tho day that Collector Erhardt took up the rvlns, according to the Republican In control. People nay that Collector Erhardt differed with Sir. Plait on tho World's Fair quehtlon. uudgavu the great proportion of the patronage at Ills command to tho districts, tho Twenty, socond. Twenty-third, and tho Westchester region, which wore favorable to the World's Fair project rai.L is mitt yooxvADs.

AnabrusUr MaU "Framr mm lb Next TfelBC Ul Waleli wu Oon. John Hnndloy, a recruiting officer stationed at David's Island, was walking In Division street, near Chryttje, at ii o'clock on Thurtday ulght when (liroQ men rushed up from behind and felled hlra to tlio walk. He was knocked Insensible, and. upon recovering, found (hut lie had lust a silver walcli and $''. Olllcer Bailor arrested a man who hud (lie walcli In his pocL't't.

The oilier tv.o got away. In Knix War net Couit ye-toiduy iim limn gjn his name us John IlodguiH.uiid lie wun held toaii- As Augustus Aruibrutterof ti'il First avuiuni wus ills vuy limnu ou TliurMluy night ho met (ur young uiun at Twunty-ulghtli tieol uiiil KlrtuYiiiiue. "Why, old wun, Jiovy aro you cried ono of tiieui AruibiuMtir been iu America but iuo wi'uks, uud In; EiiglUli, but liu out i illy repondidi "IWjtiiuujshr I "and grasped the pi offered luiid of llio young trunuor, But wlion lio went to U't ul. lip, uould not, Tlio fellow kept lulling und hukllig, alio Jiielly imli one of iliu other iiien grubtod Aniibrukler nutili, Jul wliirdiM' iippuiir, but llie iAhit lTiiu liivil Pilehid llilo lliumuu who hail sbdun llio vtuH-riuud bugsu puiiimi'lluig Mui ull muuud iliiiMiluualk, I'otli'fiiiuu Jlellioriey runiu up and eoiullivl tiiu whulv buwh. wuiidi ws found on uny nf I liem, Jii korUillu (iuit yMiily 11m fiiiii iiiwi uu lhi)r ms On iitfi'kiir, Ulllfuiu hreuini, iliillx VWiiilu.

and. MutUiuw JleMiiliolL Aind'iiitii-r Idunli liu) Kwuaii ill iiiiiu wfiu jiabbtMl iim n-ululi, und lliiler IiomII 'iln)u I wo imiu huh) of (lllll. Allllblllutei wu sunt io tint lliuwi ill JMuiillon uii'i llm ollivr in Hi uviuitluhurgMd. Jtaul' fHnul t'Mtm Nvfaa Waua 4 Mis. i'JIeil llugsu, i'J yesis old, of 107 J'4 ll'illi stiL-fl, )Yw Yi'iU, hu lii 4iidlnM lliuliolMsyimllliJierwiii-lii-lm Jvl'i Moiuu, In t'JgUUi tif(, Uti I'lly, Hie IWI llm lioum yilf riluy ultiiriiouu bvitljout lM'lngviii( wild whin bir iidullyes inlw lur limy inudii liell IHP'U Hill HuviUd pruillli I UiJU iiulilliul Hint iv tin nli-, A iiolluvuiiiii (ogiid ur lii lb- mwiIih; uuiiileiiug linouuii IJliii, Uw).

a he lllij Ii', know VIM kTlu llfjliT Mhurii bur inuIiiw Jlyud und jlio 'llfiiimi (wk iiir.lo 1'illtu liiud'uuilif, firiiii'iiiiMfouiiil ubvut su liuur itt-r add look hvr hwliie. VblaM tlmU4 t.tytft, rNtiralM Mllutl, IIM nl Ju 4 li M.M"k'ii Iwitm fWI. '( 'I li.lflKIU K.IIIK ih hi 4 ki'I Ui ml', I i4Mi.fri ft litiilufh Hi ttitiatl'ai 1 01 fill tlittlUd fl I Ilnikhlf tii III ruihlitmf ullltinytfittn't'li' lli lr'il mmj itiiu'ir lI" mill tr Ml Ul imMHUJUi lUffUUle llalli lultfiii lttfl riU Whmi'Iii s. MOURNING BISHOP LOUGIILIN rxnsoss watch a rt.v cor. its noitst: to litis vahieduau Fntlier Rylrrter Mulono aad Fnther O'Con.

the Ilenrt of lb Clergr The dody to Lie In Mtale In the Tulae. 4rnl Vatll 7 O'clock Thla Mrnlaa 'Thirty-eight years ago-rUA Nov. tVlrJM-ra man In tho primo of lite, attired In thexobeaot' Ctthpllo UJstiop, Stood at tho door of old 8t James's Church In Jay strcot, prooklyn. Willi hlra woro tlio, Most Rov. John Hughes.

Arcli-, bishop of Now York, ofton called tlio grcatoBt of American prolntosi Archbishop Rcdlnl, tho Pope's nuncio, who somo wcoks bpforo had consecrated tho man first montionod a Bishop; Ulsliop Rayley of who was consocrat-cd with that man. and a largo numbor of priests. Bovoral thousand children nnd rtiom-bors ot Catliollo societies had cscortod thorn to tho churoh. Tho man was Dlsjiop Loughltn, whom tho Pope had mado tho head of tho now-ly on. nted dlocoso ot llrooklyn.

Ho was about to bo Ipstallod. Yesterday hundrods of priosts, thousands ot children, and a great gathering of laymen escorted that samo Bishop to tho door of tho old church, but lnstoad ot singing Uio glad "To Deum," tho priosts chautod tho mourntul offlce of tlm dead, and a band pluyod a funeral dirge. Among the thousands who accompanied tho remains as a guard of honor was but ono man who partlolpatod in tho coromonles ot thirty-eight years ago. Ho was tho Rov. Bylveator Mulono, tho pastor ot the Church ot fcSttv.

Potor and Paul. At Xlshop Loughltn's installation he celebrated tho solemn high mass. Tho occasion of yesterday's great outpouring was tho transfer of the Bishop's body from tho episcopal rosldonco in Greono and Clor-raont avenues, whoro he died on Tuesday, to tho old Bt James's Cathodral In Jny street. pvor which ho porsonblly prosldod for moro than thlrty-flvo yearn, and whero his funeral sorvlaes aro to bu held to-day. Iroru Wodnos-day afternoon until yesterday ultcrnoou at least DO.OtiU persons passed through tho loom In which tho body lay In state.

At 2 clock yo-torday afternoon tho public, wore i stopped from viowtng tho remains. According to tho arrangoments, an hour lntor the body, whloh was attlrod In tho robes of a Bishop, was to bo taken from tho episcopal resldenco to tho old cathedral. When tho last ot tho general public, hadlookod at tho well-known face tho strocts In tho vicinity of tho episcopal residence wero throngod with people Tho house wns filled with priosts nnd conspicuous Brooklynltcs. Shortly after o'clock a thousand boys from the Catholla orphan asylums wcro conducted Into tho houso and marched past tho Bishop's blor. Thon tho clergy and tho pnll bearera of tho laity looked on tho taco.

Undertaker Farrell nnd his assistants thon closed tho plain coffin. While thcbo thlngB were bolng done In tho houso a squad of mounted polico formed in front ot tho Clermont avenuo door. Thoy pranced away, and tho thousand orphnns. In their neat suits with crape tied to tho left arm. marched after them.

Then camo tho trustees of tho asylums. Whun thoso had passed the door a liearso drawn by two horses camo up. Pooplo who knew tho Bishop well romnrkod that tho liearso was as simple as was tho man whoso memory the thousands In the streets had nssombled to honor. Just as tho hearse drew up to tho door the lay pallbearers omorged froni'tho houso In twos. Thoso of the clergy followed them.

In tho lino of tho clergy the Rev. Sylvester Malone and tho Rev. Dr. Joseph P. O'Connoll.

the pastor of tho Church of Ht. Mary Htar of tho Hon. ono of Bifhop I.oughlln'.i closest frlonds. walked first Conterno'a band formed on the onposlto side ot tho street When the coffin, borne on tho shoulders of four men, appeared In the doorway, tlio linos of pull bearers divided, thus making a passage for it. and Contorno's band began a funeral dirge.

A boy, carrying tho Bishop's golden crozler. walked beforo tho coffin. Tho croider was placed in the hoarse with tho coflln. A hundred priosts of tho diocese walkod after tho pall boarors. They were followod by a carriago In which wero Mrs.

O'Kceffe. Bishop Loughliu's sister; Mrs. Grant, his nloco; Miss Morrick. another relative and Miss Thornton, a friend of tho family. Contorno's band camo attor tho carriage and members ot Catholic societies and citizens followed.

Tho procession went through Clermont avenue, to Lafayctto avenuo. to Myrtle avenue, to Jay street, to tho cathodral. All along the line mombnrs of Catholic societies with badges nnd banners wero ranged at the curb, nnd buck of thorn stood people who had gutliored to view tho pageant. From the episcopal rosldonco to tho cathedral at least UO.OOO pooplo woro gathered. As tho hearse passed tho men removed their hats.

The Catholic societies fell in lino as tho end of tho procession camo up to them. At many points along tho lino mourning emblems wero displayed. Hhortly boforo 4 o'clock the cathedral was reached. The venornble edlflco was utmost hlddon in black, and the old houso across tiiu fctroot in which tho Bishop lived for thirty-five years was also covered with black. The coffin was borne up tho mlddlo aisle and placed on catitalquo covered with black cloth, that stood at the head of tho alslo.

near the altar. Over tho cutnfalquo was sproad a canopy of purple. Tho coflln was uncovered, nnd tho relatives, the clergy, the pall bearers, und as many of tho momberH of tho societies us could crowded into tho vonerablo edlflco. Fmblumn ot mourning woro ovurywhere In the churoh. The altar was covered with black.

On tho Bishop's throne at tho right ot tho sanctuary was an opon book of whlto roses, and at tho right of (ho throno stood a large crosBOf sinilax. clergy, led by tho Very Rov. Mlchaol May, pastor or tho Churoh of the Holy ohantod tho office of the doad. At Its conclusion tho public was allowed to enter tho cathedral and look at tho Bishop's face. Tho cathedral was opon all night and a stream of people constunlly-pourod Into It.

This morning at 5 o'clock the cathedral will bo opened nguln. und until o'clock tho public will bo admitted tovlowtho remains. At 10 0 clock the funeral services will bo bogun with a pontifical mass of renulem, eolobrated by Archbishop Corrigan. He will bn assisted by Brooklyn clergymen who woro Intimately asso. elated with Bishop Loughllu.

Bishop Moljuald of Rochohtcr will deliver tile eulogy. After tho services the body will bo placed Iu a erypt undortho altar, where It will remain until the nw cat lied ru I mi tlio hill has been built Mayor lloody and tho Common Council will attend tho f.meral. Cardinal Gibbon. Archbishop Ryan of Elill-ndelphla. Bishop McNlurtmr of Albany, Bluliup Foley ol Detroit, lllshnp Matz of Deliver.

Bishop-elect Horstman of Cleveland, mid Mgr. 1 aiitwell of Philadelphia arrived YfMorday, und many other prolate mid priests from ull parts of thu country aro expected lo-duy. Otri-lbe Convent Wall. Rt. I-guik.

Jan. 1. Pedestrians parsing tho Content of thu Good hlicplioid thlx morning wero attracted by tlio sight of a joung ulil running nloiu tho stone wall which surrounds that Institution, i-xulted tolces weio heard Inside tlio enclosure, oldcntly emanating from pertons piiriilng thu gill. The people outside shouted to the girl iu jump, but she lioBlluted.iind continued to mil buck and forth nlmig Dm wall until it liaiid mis reached nut from llm iimldii to i luldi'licr dio, wlinu idio luM'iiiod hurelf on llm outklde, and mis only ickiiuliivd from dropping by thu baud hut flung (o bur After a long siruuglu Die girl. wii pulled In-sldtf.

To, a ruii'irlor who called ut llm eoiiviint lull the Mother hupcrP'i' rotuxed to tfho any luforiiiulluii. but It wu leuriiud ulo. wlli'lu Hint (liuglii who sought In IjMlkn Imr uu'upii wu a protegee of lllf, I'. It. I', herein, lfuf lliumflllonulrii II.

C. helium, ulje'll Wow; friend of Vri-fUknt lluulwiji. nnd if MrK Jfen-iu, wln lib. rrulPUlluiiUMuf III" liiblilulloii, liiiivghl IJim gill iniru fioin Arkuiiu lieai I luai'ugn mid pliii'i'd iiur lii hu i'oiivviiI, Hlio kiild lo leiy beautiful, iiiii) i-oirunpuinllugly iiuywurd, Iklllril Hutmlui, IkliUHiliiMK, Jull. 1 Abuilt It imiriiliitf buigl'irpiiUiiuil Ihu kluiiplng i.uiii itl J) ill eli, In rU)uioijr, nd und iiLInu III It'll mid IH'i'LelbiiA, l(elplll l'i I'upu by lliy bunk kfli'hou, )lui, uln uwukuiudby lbs iiolsii, Mbmud llmlulindui- rlnerly, I'uU'tllig jillll wIkiUI flllcell feet fl.lMI Ihu l.tiUMi, A llvleu kllUUMli ellklli'il.

Ihupill iiiioiiiIiij ulilllllgleinu il ll" lulling I'lllii' ground,, i.lio hiuIuiipi und loltviful mull, Wilelilut Ikmi'IioiiiiiIIiu l.ytglur, iijivu iliiiiiiiitir jilpi i iiiiuiili Ihu JifH'i'Ukl, killing liliiiJiikfuiilly, 'h iniitfliir, Hhv i ui" prill ui kuoii llmkluriij uuuli I'u mIwh uhiIii uii umvvl.uii'luininii und t-illU'iiv iwiillii i.iiimiIi, 'iii (iuc(i us. fol)nyri'i iiiiii Uliu', l-ut liu ')imudnl III ii'uflilnjllie, t'itHtim I auiiilii frfM, Jun, (li( bru in ihu Doiululoii PbiJIuMWit iim llm J. nil) ol iuiu MwJolmld liwk placii in h'oilli Thu ri'luiu t' fur vltu Mr, IUi mip1MhIv 4 jiiuiwIu id lil.oul 401) 't ha iuiulliuvuy ktimiuhM. i.HilJiu inn in II ul lliii Mellellil eli.dloll ill ilivb 4t ru up. Iim pi llulln l.i'.

Sf.U l-ut I it WiutHlimt tMHrwl "i Urtldil 1 ti I py wliii hlluii I luU HwlUlllul Ulotv'Uuil) v( uy Kiiua mi ilivlr i VniXVART. Jacob Dyckman Yermllyo, Trosldont ot tho MorchnnU' National Bank, dlod at his home, 4 West Fifty-first stroot yesterday morning, shprtly botoro 8 o'clock. For" two weeks Mr. Vcrmllyo had boon 111 with nouralgla, compll- JKSnN, catod wlth'othor trou- (f bles. but his condition tftf gjfuwT was not supposed to bo fli ui itritloai ind hU death Kw6M WABwhollyunoxpoctod Only tho attornoon.

bo- 'Sii foro ho had loft Ills bod 1 wW and gone to tho library I to sign checks. V. 5tr. Vermllyo was for tho last twonty-flvo jiroi d. visilt.

years of his llfo a conspicuous flguro In tho financial affairs of tho city. Ho was for many years Chairman ot tho Executive Com-mtttoo ot tho Clearing Houso. and Prosldont ot that organization, and ho had boon Chairman ot almost all tho Clearing House com-mltloos. Ho waB Chairman of the Loan Commlt-teo In tho crisis of ItSKX Ho was 74 yoaraoldat his death, and for tho past two or throo years ho had gradually rotlred from tho many act ho obligations ho had assumed In his younger years. For many years Mr.

Vermllyo was a raombor of the Board of Education. In 1873 ho was mado Chairman of tho Flnanoo Commlttoo of tho Board, and ho hold that plaoo elxtcon years. Ho was Trcasuror of tho Prlncoton Theological Bomlnary, and was tho oldost older of Dr. Hall's church. Ho was ono ot the original directors and organlzora of tho Central Trust Company, a trustee of tho Royal Insurance Company, ono of tho projootors of tho Equltublo Gusllght Company, and a director of tho Continental Insurance Company, and of tho Bank ot North America.

Mr. Yermllyo was born In this city on uly If). 1H17. His parents woro of tho old Fronch Huguenot stock, and lived In John struot. botwoon Nbbbsu and Broadway.

When a boy Mr. Vermllyo booanio Jlork In tho Morchants' Exchange Bnnk. 185H he wus appointed cashier of tho Merchants' Bank, Teu years nftor ho was made Its President Tho members of Mr. Vormllyo'a family who Burvlvn him nro his wife, a son, JV. Vermllye, and a daughter.

Sirs, llonry W. Baldwin. Ills estnto lsextlmatednt beweeu $500,000 and $1,000,000. Tho funorat will bo on Tuesday nt 10 A. at Dr.

Hall's church, Jho lntormont will be iu tho family plot nt Newark. Thoso elders of Dr. Hall's church wlllbo pall boarors: Henry Day, William Bkldmore. James Fraser. Hobort Bliss.

John Sinclair, John Pnton. Malcolm Grahmi. WU. Ram Campbell. Joan Blouno.

Ewen Mclutyre. Gcorgo Hunter Brown. Blrdsoyo Blnkeniun, Silas B. Browiioll.Robort Beggs. CoL John J.

McC'ook. Honry Eilwnrd Holland. William Dulles. Henry B. Baruos.

Honry L. Smith. James L. Cooper, tho circus man. who was at different timos tho partner of Bnruum, Ka.loy, Cole, Hutchlusnn, O'Brien, and Hemmings.

dlod yesterday In Philadelphia. He waB ostensibly the only owner of thoForepaugh circus, but James A. Bailey wus a sllont partner. Mr. Cooper Btartud in business for liimsolf at tho ago of 15 in his nativo cay of Philadelphia.

As early as that ho was proprietor ot lino of omnibuses which ran from Philadelphia along tho old Second street like to Fox Chase, Ho ontered tlio circus business in Fhlladclohla in 18U3 in partnership with Dau Gurdnor. Dick Hemmings, and John O'Brien. Mr. Coonor soon bought Mr. O'Brlon's interest, tlio firm becoming Gard-inn x.

ner UommrngH Cooper. In tho fall of 18C5 W. H. Gardner purchasod an Intorest In tho show, and that winter Dan Rice was hired as clown at a salary of $1,000 a week and his expenses tho hlghost wages over paid to any singio circus performer. During tho seasons of 1807, 1HOH.

law. nnd 1870 the Arm was Hommlngs. Whitby Cooper, Jas. A. Bailey being the general agent in 1800 and 1870 at a salary of $100 per week.

At that tinio this was tho blggeBt salary that any agent had ever received. In 1870 Harry Whitby was shot end killod by a desperado ut Raymond. Miss. In 187'J James A. Bailey purchased Mr.

Hom-mlng's interest und IIiobIiow wus then known ns Cooper A Bailey's International Ten Allied Shows. This 11 continued until tlio fall of 1880. In tho wintur of 1875HI the show put up in Ht. Louis, and in tho spring of 1870 it opened in that city, combining with Uowo's London Circus for ono week. Later tho show btnrted across tho continent Tho business ot tho ontire season was marvellous.

At Man Jose the door receipts amounted to $0.000 tho largest umouut tho show had ever taken up to that tlmo. Alter a two weeks' stay In Sun Francisco thoy sailed on Nov, 8, 18711, on route for Australia. Thoy stopped at Honolulu. Sandwich iblands, on tho King's birthday, exhibited tho animals on board tho steamer, whloh was visited by King Kalukaua and the family and thout-ands of visitors, 'hey also touched at tho Fiji Islands, and arrivod in Sydney twonty-elght days out They toured Australia and Now Zoa-land twice; visited Kouraba. Hamarang, other prominent cities in tho East India Glands; sailed from Auckland to New Zealand forCallao.

Poru; arrived therein May. 1878, after a voyage of fifty-two days; vlMtod tho principal cities In Peru, Chill, Argentine Re- Sublic. und Brazil, and arrived In Now York 10. 1878. after vory stormy passago from South America.

Mr. Cooper disposed of his intorest to Jamos L. Hutchinson, and rotlred from the firm in tho fall otlB80. But ho reentered tho circus business in 1880, his Jartnors bolng P. T.

Barnuro, W. Colo, and araos L. Hutchinson. For two years their show was known as P. T.

Barnum it Greatest Show on Earth." Tho full of 1887 Mr. Cooper disposed of his interest to James A. Balloy. retiring to his homo in 1'lilludclphla, and, as ovory ono supposed, to bid faiowell to tho circus business; but In tills all wero mistaken, for on the death of Adnm Foropauuh, Coopor purchased that show, taking Mr. Balloy In as partner.

Mr. Cooper's fortuuo was estimated at $1,800,000. Ex-Chief Bush) head of tho Cherokoo Nation died on Thursday ut the ago of 00. Itwas tho contest over tho election of his successor. Chief Mayor, in 1887.

which nearly resulted in bloodshed, thut formed the pivot on which the national election wiih to turn. Buh)lnad was educated In tho missionary school of Tonnes-see beforo tho Cherokees went Went. Ho wlt-noHsed the inauguration of William Henry Harrison us Piesldcnt In 1841 us a delegate ot his tribe. After being Clerk of tho Cherokoo Nation he went to California in 1K4II. Ho re-miilned ther nineteen years, and was In thu employ of Judge 'i'eiry when lie killed Brod-erlck In the fumous duel.

He wus el cried TroitKiiror of the Cherokee Nation In 1M71, niifl alter serving eight ears was Chief of thu ballon for nn length of time. Bunny-head's widow Is liutivu of Mouth Cuiolina uud roluted to a former Senator of that htate. Dr. Henry Mayo died yelnriiiiy ut I ho guickurbocker flat. Filth avenue.

Dr. uyu win, born Iu till Mute, und entered in United Ht.ites Navy ns nn insist, nut surgeon F.di. JHIU, Hie, first kynlco wu ubimrd Die kltip United Hiatus in Ihu Mediterranean no uud run. At the outbreak of ihu war hu uuh on the loop Huiaiinuh. and nn the stiaiii sloop I'mvlmlan duiuig IHO'Juiid IHiL'lln Ihu Ueit India Miuitd- (nil.

lio wus lliudo Pukkud Akklfctunl huigeou, 'b. 4, Huikiwiii, Jim. 'H, IM.MI, MHIeiil iikiiucPir, Muri-li fl, Ih7I, mil Mudim! UI-netor, le.W. IHTi. Hu wus reified.

IK7fi. Ho Miiu ileol.kuigcui) of tlio Asiatic k'juoilron In I870-7U. I). Jjiwlor, il widely LnOHliniiviiluichlterl, llled tklenl'l), thu UiiliitcjkUiyol III blltli, it riielhou, Uu ugud OK, Fur folly yeurs lie lud (ukuli a pioiillueiit uil In rjilp' lUlldlllg Ulld Vaellt ileslgbllig (II 0lkt io.tou. Gwir J.O niurohuiit le.toU hio illlll ffoin III ili'klguk, and llieku Include khiik.

bSlkk, llllgt. kelliuillel nf I WO, III lee, uud four IllUfl. Hu diklKlied iiuiiilivr of Intflwiilk, Ulld Ihu wli-iuii duklglivi' bud iliu-l of peuilyCW Vi uri'dll, The Moum lurhlu ili'klgiuul by ililll llllllller 1 17, Jllfolu Hip lain Ml, llurguk Weill liiloiniml UiIiIIkii. IllluuU piufi.kkloli hu flll llrlimi (liu teto. lun uiid iloni lilm gulmul ninny good point Wllliin.iri, DuuguU', Mh'tilli'dnf grli in ll'u-LiiHruyiiii Tiiukiliii night (usl, Vu burn Iu I nwiJIid in lie frluliliklicil "llungutu I lui.l)ll wlivlltlio IIXpU' bllfl link WU I'l'JIII'UlulJtldi' HOW bill fid tllll ((leutlirpjlllof II VMi III lliu Hlik'i'll ullu illisl uliUI Ihi Iti' ivmi nit'), III Diiuguliili'ii ii kniiiind ihiiui'luijuli leif, (ill liuillli'd, jllid kl (Hut of hi lUuulili'i' llu of ljiilk fin in 1(1.

I kf lil.l lllt'll jUll Ullll UU lllllWIIKll ill hi IIUI'lllllU IjIIIO'Ii, lillll'l, IsHltl III ueh Jlikt lllllue. AllHll.l ill wlio.o (ieilb1, l(lhi will' nt flulll A Ulllr.U puu.iiiiriiiiii I'lilbiA Iblilu, Ihv opi.Tilb ini luiiii,'kii III Kills, b'utlnn l'hlud lilm ii hiikl ui ll ill i li iwlilMHiniidil In Aliiui, liu PU bjii li i Line l'o ihi I'oiiidfy iii iwU, AU.ul inn hi) Muii.iUU. tWlh Miillil'u liuj, llviity Vf lie im id. Illlll Mkilll, furlii A.if.liiiivJinoii JIlkU, uuil i.lll.-l llol lupuctl ii.iiiiMu'l iim 'I Jii'uliu iVaii-y (in. lliii VDiin jvvjitJj Ifpili, IN IMlliirflii wjlli MuuWi.

(Uwh fm. Jim. id, li'iil ''iii Uulff', rllieulKI liu Iwi Ii klduil III Pillk, Jiiik Air In IliiiirdJ', tigu.l 7'L lie gju'lii, llt'il 'I'M il' K'Mll i-iibiii III JHIJ, rfjilJ' ilfd III in' 'JU'ul ilipiiiiM fi mi JUilii.ouili J'JiH DIi'IkI, ii dlluw iiiii.kUiii ful ii, en. i', ed I iipjiiguji, 'Ihiihlu Iiiuii wukuiiuliiw, ui JJslliiuojf. )m IiipIw if idilibuliug.

H'i pltfliisl (ftr uWttfl(idrt(i( vijUlvUr aaJsMsi Like Magic Is the relief glvon In many sovere cases of dyspeptlo trouble's by Hood's Sarsaparllln. Potsesslhg the best known stomach tonics us well as the best alterative romodlos. this excellent medicine gives tha stomach tho strength required to retain and digest nourishing food, ureutes A Cfood Appotito and, gently but nffoctlvoly assist to natural motion the wholo machinery ot tho body. Most gratifying reports oomo from pooplo who tako Hood's Hnrsnpnrilln fordysnnpsla. Indigestion and slmllartroubles.

HOOD'S PILLML-For tho liver and bowels, act easily, yet promptly nnd efficiently. 25c. bride, wolghlng COS pounds, on Nov. IRlat. Thu docoaaod was prohirdy tho largest man about the girth on exhibition, measuring HK feotwhllohls widow measurosOJ foot.

Twclvo men handlod tho box, ami it taxed their strength to tako It downstnlrs to tho undertakers wagon. Tho body will bo shipped to Baltimore for lntormont. Robert Wallace, tho President and manngor of tho R. Wallace Sons' Manufacturing Company of Wqlllngford. riled yesterday ot tho grip.

Ho wan regarded nn tho pioneer spoon pinker. Tho first dozen Gorman sllot-spoons which wero randu In this country wero mado by him. Ho purchased from an Englishman namud Sterling a receipt for the composition of Germnn silver, paying Slili for It Tho mlxturo was cast and rollod in Watorbury, and from this beginning nn Immonso industry aroso. John Howlnnd Bhoup. Treasurer of tho Automatic Register Company, died of Brlght's disease on Thursday oveutng at tho houso of his brothor.

James Shoup. 44 East Sixty-third stroot Ho was born in Laurel. Franklin county. Ind. His father was President ot tho Whlto Wntor Canal Company, and ot tho old Cincinnati Ohio Railroad.

Whon tho war brokoouttho son wns studont at Kcnynn College Ho enlisted In tho Federal army, and rose to tho rank ot Cuotsln. Fostor S. Hassctt oncer an Evbkino Sun ro-portcr. dlod In Now Haven on Thursday night at tho ago of Utlydars from the result of Injuries sustained while attempting to board a moving train In Bridgeport about ten weeks ago. Ho becamo editor of tho Jirtdtjivnrl iViriiiT last spring, and wan connected with the Slanilnrd of that town utthe tlmo tho accident occurred.

Mr. Bnssett was educated at St. John's College Ferdhum. Ho leaves a widow, Israol D. Colo, for thirty-two years a clerk In the employ of tho Eighth avenue surface road, died ol pneumonia on Thursday night at his residence.

3'Jli Wct Fiftieth street aged 82 yoars. His father. William Colo, was a clergyman and physician of Btaten Island. His mother was Betsy Totien, from whoso family Tottonviilo rocelvod its name. Twenty-five yours ago he wns a Past Noblo Grand iu tho order of Odd Fellows.

Three old persons died yesterday In Plain-Hold. John tho proprietor of Lnlng's Hotel, noted hostelry, was found doad In his room early in tho morning. Ho was 80 yoars old, and yoars ago was known from ono end ot tho State to another as a broedor of lino horses. Mrs. James Clarkson died nt tho ago of 83, andIrs.

Elizabeth Coles at the ago of Ol-Jamos B. Mathews, an actor and manngor of roputo forty years ago. dlod In the Oswego. N. poorhouto a few days ago.

Ho was of English birth. For flvo years he mnnaged a Rochester thontrc. Ho studied law ufterwnrd. was admitted to tho bar. and sorvod one term ns Pcaco Justice in Oswego.

Of late years he had bcon In dire poverty. Slgnor Edvardo Majoronl. who Is dead In Parts, was a conspicuous figure on tho Now York stago several docados ago, whon ho camo hero In the support of Mmo. Rlstorl, the trugedlonno. Ho marrlod a nclee of tho actress.

He had played In Paris of late, and as Aorn DfJUaulint and Kttex ho bad boen notably successful. Betsey B. Waterman the mother of Kate Cobb, who with Wesley W. Bishop, a grocer and drug clerk, is serving a llfo sontenco nt Wothorslleld, for poisoning her Iiub-band. died In Norwalk, on Thursday ot tho grip.

Sho wns a tall, spare, angular woman, with small, piercing dark oyos and wrinkled face, and lived ltko a hermit sinoo tho remarkable poisoning case. Mllo. Albertlno Forgue. one of tho most promising young actresses on the French stago, is dead, aged 24.. Sho was prize tragodionno ot tho Conservatoire, nnd mado hor debut at tho Udeon.

Afterward sho replaced Sarah Bomhardt during tho concluding performances ot "Jeanne d' Aro at tho Porte-St-Murtln. William Davidson, a plonoer rlvor man, died nt East Liverpool. on Thursday, aged 83. Ho was for more than sixty years actively engaged iu stcumbouting. and Is woll renien-bfcrod by river mon from Pittsburgh to New Orleans.

During tho war ho served as a chief engineer in tho ivy. participating aetlvoly in naval operations on the lower Mississippi. Tho double funeral of Mr. nnd Mrs. J.

G. Easton of Wntorvllle. N. tho llrst ovent of tho kind in tho history of tho town, occurred on Tuesday. Thu venornble couple wero victims of tho grip, and died tho samo day.

Mr. Easton wss for many ycursaleadlng merchant at Watorvilto. George Staples, agod 82 years, dlod yesterday lp Now llavon of heart dlseaso and grip. Mr. Staples wns born In 1810.

and was tlio son of the lato Seth B. Staples, at ono time a lawyer In this city. James IT. Allen. Mayor of Terre Haute, died last night Ex-Congrossmnn Thomas B.

Ward died at Plalnlleld, und Matthew Banning, a prominent citizen, died in Indianapolis. William B. Hall, father of Walter J. Hall, a pianist of this city, dlod iu Bridgeport yoster-day. agod 00 years.

Hanged on Xcw Year' Buy. WiNDSon. Yr Jan. 1. Stephen II.

Boll was hanged horo this afternoon for tho murder of hlswlto In tho town ot Fairfax on Doc. 2U, 1880. Attor ho had mounted tho scaffold ho sat In a ohalr whlto Chaplain Wassail offered a prayer, during which ho bowed and covorod his faco with his hand. Shorlff Lovell, as goon as tho chaplain had llnlshod. stoppod forward and said.

Syhostur II. Bull. hao you anything to say why the penalty ot tho law should not bo executed ou you ')" Bull, rather pale and tremulous, stood erect and begun a long talk, which lasted thirty-four mliiutos. Itwas rumbling statoment. In the course of which ho declared his Innocence.

When he hud lluishcd Deputies Uowo nnd Randall pinioned his wrists, arms, and legs. Hell then stepped on tlio drop and said: 'Gentlemen, I uin a dying man; good-by." Instantly tho Sheriff touched tho spring nnd tho droit fell, in fourteen minutes he wus pronounced dead iy Drs. N. Ignu of Wood-stock and J. Brenstor of Windsor.

Tlio body wus burled In Windsor Cemetery, i ttostoa (o llava a Combing Club, ilosToy, Jon. 1, Thcro In mery probability of Ukwcl! coaching club being staitod hero ou Ihu lines of tlio four-lu-huiid clubs of Loudon uud Purls. Menri. C. II, Joy, F.

D. Boylard. A. P. Gardiner, V.

II. Prlu-o, A.S. Blgelow.nnd Ilryeo Allen ore mentioned us thu liiktlgutor of thu iiiovuiuoiil. Mr, Joy was, oven boy, rreugnlzed being olio of the best tiudom driver (u BuMi.u. lie I now most prol cimit whlli.

A. p. Ulgelow liu ill ui owned lino Ikillllk. Ulld I dUilu expel 111 bundling thoiu. Jlekkis.

GardluiTUud Prlnci' wuru among thu ineii uh' drove tlio liidepuiidiuieii much lust M'Ufciin, sourupurtlnulurly well, known to tho liUlillc Whip uud uuuiiMlplikhed liofkuliiuii, )'. l. IbVluld, Willi I Ull LllgllklllllUU, Ik ulfcOli good ulilp. Ml', Vara My Id. JlU'lulem IIIUU' tulebruted ycklciduyfll lliuf'hiircli of Ourlidy ut Good Couiifcollu i'jibt Niuctlvth klreut in memory of Hh, Joc.Iiiiu Muilu Ague riltdler Vurd, uho died mi Wuduckduyullur biluf llliu-k.

riliu uu in lii-i iwiiiily.llilrd 'iir, and bei'ii iiiur- lli.rliiikl'uiid.j, Wulkiu H(iliirfleJ In I'-nglmid silun a boy to vail na, I Ih U'liej. il.ui t'Hiihig'! MUkuuiiiiJiiiJ by 4 hu eouil. 'ilmn Mr, turd iiiurrlod JjllkJCylingu nguln In lutn-yi'nr, All Jpl.uul li III" dholcuuoUll sepal Ml, Vul'f limnli'd hU'dful. hiuJ tail lV'MlliUtfii Wept I'Jho Willi liui'ivuiuu( 0 1'jitl'iMii'l sliuel, laki' llli' Vkullllua, Wsiiii-v)'ik, uii, l'a'piukvr uii, il Hioiiali ktlll gullti III, I iu.ivd Ihi lunililllg. Ill lukvi' lis biullUloki.j, but liu yry Hi.

iiiyHsii 'lndliiwd to uy lodu ubilhi'i Wi.i'il'li Kviod limibliiiiipiui kl leuf llie ipi'llllis "I III'! HoUsw on uei.luy Jji, ibllik Uiiil Ills ivielHioli VilH Wv(H Willi, sil uw Until VI I'mttiUt, H- V'l-ill I'llU'll l-i) nl VI, liutiiliitf III llm buy Mi i I fin lUUJIki. ill II llkli 'JliU Ik.) llllllel, (ii ,11111 III lido Ihu bull I uiid iu mii uwuy. tins' bl'u Iiqiii ii tunjilu ili j.ih Ely's CnKM IiIm fSfSJN It kkitli tAMI In tut jCtLlM Mn. Woman ot ChildSfJajMrj GATARRH.Lli fin W'M l' 't ksliit BBaVsyRaW.3 u.ym,ii M.rnutXf tWmSSOBkm I hi A MUCli JiKKVED JlKFOWIf. rrvitoslaa- to Hepeal All Lawa Making kVr asaasnt aad IndeShilta Aaarosirlalloaa.

WisaiMOTOs. Jan. 1, Congressman Joseph D. Bayers of Texas, ono ot tho lending Democrats on tho Appropriation Commlttoo. has prepared for presentation to tho Houso next Tuesday a bill to rcpoa! certain laws now on tho statuto books making permanent and Indefinite appropriations of tho publlo rovenuo.

Under these pormanont appropriations millions of dollars aro oxponded ovory year by tlio various executlvo departments, not In conformity with tbo constant rovlow and sanction of Congress, as Is tho naso with all other appropriations, but, simply according to tho Knowledge or lgnoranoo possessed bvthoGov-ornmontofflalnla, who apply tho monoy as to tho necessities ot tho objects to which It Is applied. Among tho long Hits ot objects ot permanent appropriation which tho bill la designed to roduoo to tho samo footing as ordinary appropriations, are tho customs sorvlco. 8uporv(sors ot Foderal olectlons, army and mall transportation over tho Pacific railroads, salaries of retired United States Judges, tho steamboat Inspection sorvlco, tho marino hospital service the oxpenses of regulating; immigration, cxpensoot tho shipping sorvlco. urming and oqulpplng tho militia ofttho various Btatos. and a largo numbor ot claims against tha United States Govorqmont Many ot theso objects of themselvos aro admittedly propor In every way, but Mr.

Hayors'a bill Is dlroctod not at the objects, hut at tho prlnclplo Involved, whloh has lod to dangerous results, and. If not checked, will lead to moro. Theso appropriations, utillko all others, nro not subjected year after year to tho rigid scrutiny ot Congress, but they tako caro of themselvos and cannot bo molostcd without tho concurrent ngrnementot both Houses of Congress and tho Executlvo. Last year tho sum ot tho pormanont appropriations outsldo of tho reach or Congress was 147.O(K),(K)0. Mr.

Bayers, speaking to-day of the clrpum-stances which lod htm to prepare the bill and to favor Its enactment said: Homo of theso permanent appropriations, which It Is proposed by my bill to repeal, wore mado ns long ago as tho oloso of the last century, and they have run along uninterruptedly, without change or alteration until now. Outside tho particular dorks In tho Treasury who keep thoso accounts and tho immediate bonoflclarles of thorn, probably not halt a dozon mon in tho enure country dream of tho oxistonco of nny such authorized urafts upon tho publlo Treasury. My bill proposes to repeal, after tlio fiscal yoar 1803. about 121 different appropriations heretofore known as permanent specific, and indefinite together with a largo numbor ot special Items for which Con gross has from tlmo to time made spoclfla provisions that have boon oonstruod to bo pormanont and continuing. Many of theso appropriations uro now obsolete, us I sutd.

or Inoperative, boeauso thcorig-lnal appropriations havo been exhausted, or tho balances havo boen. undor rulings of tho dopartmont. covered Into tho surplus fund, or boeauso the purposes for which thoy wero made have ceased to exist Expenditures, in fact, are reportod to have boen mado during the fiscal yoars 1888 and 1880 undor less than one-half of the whole numbor that tho bill will repeal, nnd in the aggregate for a little moro than JPJ.fJOO.000 for each of those years. In addition to theso expenditures, howevor. the bill will repeal two permanent appropriations made bv tho last Congress, namely, for the payment ot the bounty on sugar, undor which tho expenditures, actual nnd estimated, for 1802 aro reported at tO.000.000.

and the national bank noto redemption account undor which tho expenditures for 18011 are estimated ut SlU.000.000. The real effect of tho bill Is not to repeal any law for which a permanent appropriation is mado. but rathor to transform thu character of such appropriations from pormanent and Indefinite to annual and speclllo ones, that will require in their making the careful scrutiny and rovlow ot Congress each year. To this end. section 3 of tho bill requires that annual estimates shall bn submitted for tho fiscal yoar 1804, and annually thoroaftor.

upon whloh Congress may base appropriations for all objects for which tho permanent ones are repealed by tho bill. THE DEMOCRATIC SLATE BBOKKX. Ellxabeth'a Board of Aldermen Adjourns Without Electing Oalcera. Elizabeth. Jan.

1. Tho Elizabeth Board ot Aldermon for 1803 failed to elect city officers to-night owing to tho fact that tlio Democratic slato is brokon. Tho now Council stands: Democrats. 14: Republicans, 0. The Democrats caucused on Wodnesday night and fixed up slate for the ten city officers to bo elocted.

To-night somo of tho Democrats refused to stand by tho slate, and after Mayor Rankin's annual message was read the Bourd udiournod until next Thursday night The trouble Is said to be over the offices ot Street Commissioner and City Physician. Some of the Democratic members refuse ito voto for Patrick McKeon, the caucus nwulnooi and who Is now Street Commissioner, others am angry boeauso ex-Alderman Dr. Thomas Torrlll was selected for City Physician In plaoo of Dr. James S. Green, the nephew ot ex-Gov.

Green. Dr. Green Is tho presontClty Physician, but tho caucus threw hlra-overboard, and now his Democratlo friends In tho Board swoar thoy will not voto for-the slatod candidate. Tho Republicans are happy over tho turn affairs have taken, and lioso by forming a combination with somo ot tho disgruntled Demoorats to eomplote tlio organization and got a share of the offices. MAX AXD CUIT.D MIUXK.

Flve.Yenr.Old Pbaue Donnelly' Plight "When round on (he Hondnlde. Wihtb Plains. Jan. 1. While tho Rov.

Wlt-li'im Tolo was driving from Oroenwlch, this afternoon ho camo acrosB a man accompanied by a little girl, both ot whom woro stupefied with Hauor. Assisted by sovcral bicyclists, tho priest arrested tho man and had him taken to a Connecticut lockup, whtlo the priest conveyed tho llttlo girl to Whlto Plains, whore sho is bolng cared lor to-night at tlio rectory. The child's faco was vory dirty, and It bore evidence of exposure. When sho recovered from her stupor to-night sho said her name, was Phoebe Donnelly, uud that she had no mother, nho said sho was only years old. It js thought that tho pali cume from tho West, as the little girl speaks of bolug whore thoro wore wllil horses.

Tho man and child wero found lying by tho roadstdo. Tho child Is a blonde, andls droisod In plain clothing. Tha Ksaraenaaa Who Mocaaie a Trala libber. St. Jokitru.

Juu. 1. Albert D. Sly, the crook who was arrested at Los Angeles last Saturday on I ho charge of bolug the louder of thu gang which robbed tho Frisco train near St. J-ouls Nov.

30. tho street cur barns ut Kansas City, tho PuclUo Express Company on tho Missouri PaclUu road near Omaha, uud the American Express Couipuuy on the Milwaukee road, ut Wuktorn Union Junction, is a uullvu of St. Joseph. Ills wife has recently received suvurulpackugusofiiiouuybyoxpre. Yesterday uwurraut wus sworn out and Mr.

Sly' upurtinunt wuro eiclied. A large number ol bull ol kllk und ilruk good and uiuiiy other valuable article wuru fouud iu thu hou.e. Altliouifli uonti ot Ihu goods liutu yet beun idoiitllled. It UpPd.lliut liiuy uiiru taken from local storus lurgmilunl by hlyiind hikgang. hly homo pa teen In St Joseph liieo hi lioihood.

'Jen yeum hu wu ilriilng HUKon fur Hie Aiimrlcuu Exiire (ioiiipmiy. und run uHuy with puel.ui. if iii'liuy, liu uukufUirwuid utuglil, und part of Ihu moiiuy itiuovurud. Jiu WU I'onvlcled mid tu'iilonuvd (o kUVeli yum luMutuPilkuii.ulilell liu kvrtud, Muu and Wife Mill Tlwfli. Wumukii, Jmi.

-At a klioii i oiii lieie, on IlieOlilokldu of lliuiltur, (Imiu unlvud uu 'J'urkduy meiiliig of till Week youiw colli In who iiglkluiwd ut lliu J'Jutiiiug iloinl uJ ii, Cuiuuir und wlfo ill '1'hii iiisii wn upiiiinilly 'M Ijiellbv.nollillli Ih ium miu. iliuy klit tWiiukiliiy iiiely in iiiili ii.iiii,liiil yukt'ii. day luuiiilnaf did, ii.ii.iiiiiiy li bieuklskl. In, llkMol) iki.iii.iiiliii.tlliu,i koiim I juii dUllflg (Iiii nlglii lliii ilU'l IIOIllllll(d aulij.lii, 'ilmr lurfcldu by J.i"'ll III Ud uud I'l'o t'lllpfy itlli. Il.ld kluiy, 'J )i mily i' ui lij Ihalr J'JuMilir WJ.

ii'ito uu a lul Ilia llml Iliflr llvk khould tufr uanlvillu Jiillini't "Vi-iiiiyul I Iptindii'iu, A 5lcepy Hed nn Ui ji ri)IfrjitJy riujirr, Ind miiiiy 0 lltrd brulii.wufkrr taiiiiUy to npUf gtiit, 11 swli a oiiiJinofiilirfeU jiolJiliig Liquid Bread Hi f'urr Mill It .1 Jl.trkllmi, aiij irlrraiilDLc A irdl PtwtUtr at viti, WMf, Cnrrtngr 9, I 1 fl I 37 374, 376 Broome St. AKD Wi Broadway, Slat And 7th At. BARGAINS. yiboNaVltANn VCRC.E, Uitui, Rroaaliaata.

I-ahrjaleia, Vltlorlia, 'J fiafca-Daav HI boa- Carta, TVaaonn, a Muahboardn', Mnluemi- rJt Aoelern' Vehicles, 1 miaoacttaa, Ah 4.artalaMiH'kawat, LanilnuleU, iOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. i BRADLEY WAGONS. lltnay tTticont tn plnt nnd ntturnt wood: Binntf i I Bu((le, with four tylei ot bodlei and th. tkiltat it I riding iprlnj vr Invtsudj Snrnys, Exl.nklon TOpa, (J I nnd Bunlen Two.nh.oler that ar r. I "5' I from hor.

motion) notd Curt, that art mid. to enrry I pe.plr. BKADl.r.V As 1 WAr-N ST. HUTCHINSON'S OIXIBU (no llouldl. only r.m.dv v.r Vnown Hint will hsfr Snt by tnll on recgipt ofi 13.

T. 1IUTCUIN30N. rrurrl.tor.TiOp En.t S8tt H. rlltST JFOOT OX ELLIS ISLAND. I I Mlsa Annie Moore front Caaatjr Cork Aa.

I toal.hed at Iter Coralal Heaeatloa, Annlo Moore, a rod-chookod, laughing Irish girl from county Cork, onjoyod yostordfty th I dlstlnctlonofbolngthoflrstlmmlgranttoland at Ellis Island and pass through thoBpaoloua. slx-towcrod building Into the land ot tha huntler. Bho came to tho Ellis Island dock I with 147 other Immigrants, mostly Celtic on Blde-wheolor John i Moore. All arrived -l on the Gulon lino steamship Nevada. Tlio mo- I mont tlio sldo-whootor liovo In sight all tha ('; 1 bells and vf hlstloa on tho Island woro sUrtaoi I going, and tho enttro population of tho Island i 1 began choorlng.

JL Tho discord was kept up until tho'llttle Irish fV lass stepped asltorc Bho found CoL John B. HVobor, Commissioner of Immigration Assist-antCommlRslonor O'llolrno. Chief llulholland ot tho Contract Labor Bureau, -Tronsuror C. Manning, Johnny Htmpson, und nearly all tho other Immigration olllelals waiting; to recolvo lior. Col.

Weber-, gallantly iy gave hor his arm nnd escorted 'her uii the wido stulrwuy. Mr. Oharlaa M. Hundley, formerly private cCrofnry to Bee- rotary Wlndom. had the privilege, ot roglster- lng Annie, lio porfonnod, tlio unfamiliar duty with neatness nnd despatch.

Annlo said she was going to hor father uud mother at U- Mon- roo streot. i Co). Weber made a llttlo sreech woleomlng Annlo to America, congratulating heron her i luck in bolng tho llrst Immigrant to laud on Federal ground, and hoping that uho might nmko some young Irhdi-American happy. Then tho Colonel dazxleil Anulo by dropping a A shining new American eugln Into her pnlm, Bhe had never seen any American "monoy, ana aflhv, Bbont the rest of tha morning examining It. jflHl Bho got throo cheers junt lifter getting the 1 flHk engle, nnd bluMilngly walked aboard tho ferry- Jf bout Brlnckerhoff and cumn over to the city.

1 Annie's 147 follow voyngers wore regis- terod within fifteen miuutex. Tlioro were -i fljV ten rogistry clerks employed on tho sides ot ton aUles thirty-two foot long. Tha A work of registering can bo dbuo three annl time" ns expeditiously us It wus done in )t tho Barge Oflleo. After pausing westward through tho long aisles, tho immigrants entered two railed onelosures. Thoso who 5 wore coming to this city wont dlroctly from ono of tho onclosuros to tho forryboat Ilrinckerhoff.

und Uioro going nwuy from tho city waited until tho sldo-wheeler John E. Moora was ready to tako them to the railroad stations Ellon King of thu county Mayo was tho 11 rut Immigrant to buy a railroad ticket Hue Is going to Dorchester, Minn. Tho City of Pnria'B stecrugo pussongors. and a throng of Italians who came on tho steamship Vlotorla, wero also landed. TUB CAKE OF MISS CLETELAXP, Mm.

ClenOnln Dcnlca a Chars that Steeled on tier Uunhaud'e Iliuuaalty. The mental condition of Paulino Cecelia Wt Cleveland, who is a cousin of Mrs. Clende- I nln. a daughter ot Iloraco Greeley. Is such I that about two wooks ago Sirs.

Clonde- I uin was compelled in spito of her own I wishes to havo her unfortunate rolutlve I placed In 8t Vlnqeut'a llotreut, an unlum I rniatntatnod by th'o Catholla Sisters at Harrison. I In Westchester county. Miss Cleveland is a I daughter ot John Clovoland, who was up ta ,1 tlmo of Ids death llnanoial editor ot I the Tribune, lio loft a widow and two I daughters in Komewliot straightened clr- I cumstancoK. Ono ot theso daughters, Margaret dlod. nnd tho other daughter.

Oe- cello, livod for a long tlmo with her mother at' I theColemnnllousuinthlselty.ilothwerQOften urged by Miss Oabrlelle (ireoleyto come una live with her at her place iu Chuppaauo, but flj tho did not like the oountry. and flat so declinod. Mrs. Clevolaiul died about two JVM. years ago ut tho Coleman House, and during AW her HlnosK was tenderly Cared for by hor nlecu.

MlssOroeley. Bhn promtsod Mru. Cleveland to I euro for Cecelia. The mother said at the time: "Poor child. Bho will uoer bu pomfort to II you." i i I II Miss Orooloy was married Inst April to Mr.

Frank M. Clendenln. In contradiction ot a I story In morning ucwt.paior yostorday she told a Bun reporter or the earu sho hail be- stowed upon tho girl, who i nn.eplloptic and of tho reasons that compelled her at Inst to send hor to nn ustlum. 'Iu October last, she I dfl said, the strain upon her in earing for the Birl hud become ko great that it Wu moro than she I could bear. Long hi nee, bIio 'had begun 1 to havo tears for Ccculla'u own safety I I nnd for that of thotii about hor, Blie sent her tu.Kevernl ulures In succession bourd.

Oneo tho girl thought sho would bis a nun. und went to live ut tlio Convent of tha Kacred Heurt Tho HUtoM found that tbar could not keep ner, and at the end of two weaka -flL Mr, ciundonln wus compelled to take nr awny. Mrs. Clondenln denied omphuticallr that her husband had nought to get rid of the gin, aad that in vo, doing lie had treated hor cruel y. "Tlioblanio'ls all mine, if there is any." said Mrs.

Clendonlu. "und you msy aayuiat if there, is nny one or JllbMCIovelandnriTa. i tlvus who will agree iokeup her for a whole year. will willingly bu responsible for liar board. At Ht Incont'k (hu hlslera epros hop that In I me MIhuCIui eland uiuy pa ut least oar tlully cured.

Xaflsrclag lb l.w Against XaUateae Cean. fl wunliua. City Mrxico, Jan. wliolosal ar. I rest of prlukt uud monks continues here, Yea- tcrduy the polico ltml hguolutii aiU urb uud uriu.tud two prleilu ant sent tlteM In pillion.

Mod monks of the CtoAMreaelloa In ii-UpeuBu wuru turned out oiaatfaaal liiiijiillcocKreifflialiulldlB. totho3l5K I J.w.llnsdu Hsu Homa sill pflJSw0t1owa, I Tin; louiiiiuiily was dliaolyaJVM MMhWt 3 I lairlorarroktud. Tfio aulhorjtKs Kre, iwSu I urolla Vt'i I p1'J--nnivvnVVflViflMH9MBWVBHV WfiJMAIcohol tiura alcdbol W1ke Worry's Ajmb Mfcum. AtoMbgoUtoUrtaV, Jiisifoodortunakla. AhMUiktiUtf I iojirwUcutdf CokifM, I'lorW WtUr, jwi I Jly aiuui (lie luovB Am WMbm, A tuliiktlitrtUBMhhgUxttmUliBim im mi a (U ptU Mils mtVtr, Mm tylywii6iiM9iiiiiagtWyaMairZ ot tlikjjv 4W, uU Tji kStm that Uif euuu4 imimluU iMaUaZ $10,000 uUfli At'MN HtilHIhU NKll Mitt 1 A Uiun rt ultor rau wofiubly it il at fir, laiilJv, We ieVl'f Hill 041 tt ium i Jiu, in, mi, I) Murw lUMBObr, rum i ijjjIH, jk.

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