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Pittston Gazette from Pittston, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Pittston Gazettei
Pittston, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

rouiz FlttDAT- T'f 1 1 i ........,,.,.3, 5 at tb Gesette Building, COt. t5 nt Jt Lsr CHAPTER I HEN Derek's note came that morning, Constance stood for a moment, holding it unopened in caressing fingers, her eyes on the bleak, frozen desolation of tbe little park across the street. She had always loved the little park. Having it there, framed by' ber front windows, lent an illusion of spaciousness to her cozy chintz-hung apartment. 'ft such times he to htr for reassurance.

At such times she loved him more than she could have believed it possible to love. She came to know, too, that money meant a great deal to Derek. She began to realize bow much hen Ernest Thorvald approached ihim tentatively about the portrait of his daughter. Ernest Thorvald was the owner of a California ranch as big, Derek told her, as some European kingdoms, on which be lived like a feudal baron. The pupils of Derek's eyes had been very wide and black as he told Constance about his meeting with "Baron Grapefruit" as he called him.

"If I can land this commission, Connie," he said, "it will give me so much publicity that I'll be able to sell anything I paint." Then his face darkened. "If only the girl hasn't a squint or a harelip." As the matter hung fire, Derek had grown restless and irritable. Then last evening, just two days ibefore their approaching wedding, be had rushed in excited as a schoolboy, with the news that Mr. Thorvald was coming today to ithe studio to look at some more of Ihis work. Constance must not and Irene 9:30 Spelling Bee 10:00 Boxing Bout; Max Baer vs.

Tommy Fan 11:00 Talk; Blaine's Orch. 11:30 Horace Heldt's Orch. WABC 680-Ko 4:00 Sing and Swing 4:30 "The Goldbergs" 4:45 Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe 5:00 Elsie Hits, Nick Dawson 6:15 Life of Mary Sothem 5:30 Sketch, "Stepmother" 5:45 "Hilltop House" 6:00 News; Children's Concert; Music for Fun 6:30 Boake Carter, Talk 6:45 Lum and Abner 7:00 Jack Fulton. Orch.

7:15 Arthur Godfrey, Organ 7:30 Hollace Shaw and Concert Orch. 8:00 Hammeratein Music: Margaret Damn 8:30 Paul Whlteman Sylvia Sidney 9:00 Hollywood Hotel: "Slight Case of Murder," Edward O. Robinson ELINORS COWAN STONE NCA Service, "Which one will you take?" he challenged her. Constance said again in spite of herself "The right." "Eight it is!" he cried, and held before her a shimmering scarf oi a deep vibrant blue. "Trade?" When he saw her startled face, he cried swiftly, his eyes holding hers with boyish pleading, "Please! It isn't every day you can make a canvas perfect with one touch ol the brush." "I'll wear it," Constance said wickedly, "if you'll wear th green one." With a shrug he removed his tie end when she handed him th green scarf, he put it about hii neck and knotted it into a rakish bow.

As she fastened the blu scarf at her throat, he watched her with dreamy satisfaction. "I shall paint you," he declared "in exactly that shade of blue." A ND he did paint her so poised against a shadowy background like a vibrant blue flame, with blue shadows in the raven of hei hair. He called the portrait sunplj Lady in Blue. It was the picture that had won him first place at the International this year. During the months since that first meeting Constance had found that Derek was not always a gay, irresponsible boy, any more than he was always arrogant and cock sure.

She learned that he had moods of deepest depression, when he doubted himself and disparaged every stroke of his brush. At imind'if she did not hear from him until late in the evening. Yet this was only morning, and here was a note from Derek. Con' stance opened the envelop, a tender little smile on heislips. When she bad readmit through, she glanced unbelievingly at the i signature and read it through I carefully, painfully again.

Then 'she stood for a long time motion-Hess, staring dry-eyed across the bleak little park outside no more (bleak in the thin sunshine than the frozen smile that still lingered ipalely on her lips. (To Be Continued) FOLKS: By EDGAR A. QUEST CLOTHING ARGUMENT It la little that I fare For the raiment 'dandies" wear, Canes end spate. Unto hostess and to host It's the man who matters most, Not his hats. I'm as sure as sure can be I'm the one they asked to tea, Not my ooatl Not my trousers, striped or gray; Not the necktie I display Round my throat.

If It matters what I wear. Send my best tuxedo there In a box. I can sit at home while they Have my garters on display And my socks. If It's raiment they desire, Let them hang my slick attire Out In state, But she scorns my wisdom grave With: "You'd better start to shavet We'll be late!" (Copyright, 1938, Edgar A. Guest.) from reaching out for land on the other side of the oceans.

Bygone Days In Pittston Forty Years Ago From Pittston Dally Gazette, March 11, 1898. Died, March 11, John Rlker, Elizabeth street, of Injuries received in Stevens mine three weeks ago. William L. Probyn and Miss Abble Armstrong, of this city, have leading parta in the "Ticket of Iieave Man" to be produced by the Wilkes-Barre Dramatic Society. O'Boyle Foy, of this city, have been awarded a contract to build a complete sewer system in Guadalajara, Capital city of the State of Jalisco, Mexico, for $1,660,000.

Twenty Years Ago From Pittston Dally Gazette, March 11, 1918. The mercury dropped 30 degrees in the past 24 hours. Karl G. Biws Is attached to the Quartermaster's office in the Philadelphia Navy Yard. St.

John's R. C. Church will dedi cate a service flag bearing 170 stars. Residents of Boston Settlement have contributed $839 to various work work funds. 4,800 STATE TEACHERS ARE PAID PENSIONS Karrisburg.

March 11. More than 4,800 former teachers are drawing pensions averaging $62.50 a month from the State's school employes' retirement fund. ChestColds t.f? quickly relieved rub on 10:00 The Songshop, Nadlnt Connor, Reed KermedJ 10:45 American Viewpoints 11:00 Jim Dorsey's Orch. 11:30 George Olsen's Orch. CHARGED WITH ROBBERIES Three youths were held in Phlla-delphla on charges of robbing 16 restaurants and laundries.

They allegedly confessed they chose only Chinese victims because "we thought they couldn't speak enough Knglish to make a complaint." Bros. ttntt UO uiMiii rue itaa, Losarst Coootj Ta. oazbtte co. whjuum pegs Proprietor to oldest newspaper ot eootlnuout lubilcaUun -In tb Wyoming Aouira Coe. Field SIMM) hi annuo) pair De In adeancol dellrered at 60 cent each moots or carrier, umn eu matt bt paid in advance, adding 6 eeata per oonin tor pottage wltuts tlral tares poetal aooea rv cati par month eleewnere.

fl.841 loPUUmON la accorded oj tba census of 1980 to tiraatet fltta tun, cuinprtsing Httaton Cits wlU 18.237! Weet Pittston; T.1W5, baaldai tb dependent adjacent boroagbi Hagbeatowa, Duryea, Aeoca. Rxeter. Wromloa and Heat Wyoming, and Jnstos and Pltutoo towoiblpa mil erird one Pottofflre 1000 BELL PHONE 0Q0 Prltat Branca Bicuange Connecting All Department. National Kepresentatleest DHJLIH8EU BOTU INC. New Tor OMleO 80 Rockefeller Plau Cnlrago Office 6I N.

Michigan Ae- l.aod Title Bldg- Philadelphia. Entered at tbe Pittston Poitoff aa Recood Claee Matter. A.ivrtiMo Rate Sublect Onanpt Wltlmut NoUc Mentor. American N'ewepaper Publish are' Aetoelatlon. Member.

Pennsylvania Newepapar Pop Illhere' Aenncletton. FRIDAY, MARCH II, 1938. A nan that bath friends must how himself friendly. Prov. Deliver us from fear and favor, from mean hopes and cheap pleasures.

Stevciuon. CLOSING "POORHOUSES" A Washington dispatch notes that bout 75 of the Institutions that used to be called "poorhouses" have recently been closed, as a result of old age' pensions. Also the population of many other such Institutions is being Some years ago there were about 8,500 almshouses in the United States, caring for something over lnmatee. people of former generations felt a great dread of having to resort to the so-called poorhouses. They worked long hour in the effort to lay tip savings which would keep them from having to seek this form of aid.

Recent years have seen such widespread destitution, and so many worthy people have been unable to find work, that the government has had to -pass out aid to a large section of the population, A good, many people have Rotten over the old, reluctance to seek p. folic aid, though in the main those who have had uch help are keen to find Jobs and wish to support them- If people have done their best, they need have no. sense of shame in asking' help. Marly, who are permanently -incapacitated could probably be cared for at least expense in the type of Institution called an almshouse, which Is sometimes referred to by the plcas-ntername of the "city home." Most of these places are very nicely conducted now, and people who have had misfortunes should not be ashamed to seek their shelter. The community does not want to be imposed on by the Indolent and lazy, but It wants to make life comfortable for those on whom life has been herd.

The old age pension terns should usually care for those too Cti to work, mostly in their own homes. There will always be some who have no home to whloh to go, and the community must continue to deal kindly, with those who must look refuge to some public dwelling. it uz. When Derek's note came that morning, Constance stood for. a moment, holding it caressing fineert.

n1 money this gorgeousness had run intoall her savings except the ten-dollar gold coin she had tucked away in the purse she was to carry. The prospect of life with Derek had demanded a gesture of reck less lavlshness. And Derek liked her to look smart. He was meticulous about his own appearance. "It helps with the right kind of people, darling," he explained.

"And it people who buy pio mm lures." Constance found herself vaguely bewildered by this philosophy. She had supposed that people bought pictures because they liked them. But, then, her whole assocU' tion with Derek had been a be wildering, breath -taking experi ence. Since they had been engaged, she had awakened every morning with an excited feeling that she was the heroine of some strange and beautiful tale of enchantment. CHE had first seen Derek Man- thon over a year ago at the I opening night of the International I Exhibit he had won Honorable Mention that year and she had thought that of all the artists present, he was the only one who really looked the role tall, dark, and handsome in his formal black.

It was the next morning that she had looked up to see hiirH standing by the desk in the American gallery marked "Information" where she presided. He began without taking his eyes from a list he held in his hand, "I wonder if you can Then he looked at her, and the pupils of his eyes widened in theii singularly clear, transparent irisea in the way she came to know so well. "Merciful Heavens!" he ex ploded softly. "Now why, I won der, hasn some one told you no) to disfigure yourself with that par' ticularly poisonous shade ol green?" The look he bent upon the bii of green silk at the throat of hei black frock held such active dis like thaf Constance barely man aged to keep her hand from flying protectively to the scarf. After an outraged heart-beat, however, sh said in a voice which she managed to keep level and quietlj amused: "Perhaps because no one who knows me well enough would be: guilty of such an impertinence." "My dear girl," he said shortly, "don't talk nonsense.

It's no impertinence to hate seeing beauty outraged." He moved abruptly away; bu1 half way to the door he turned to call softly over his shoulder with one of his sydden flashing smiles, "And I'm not talking about thi scarf, either." Constance spent her idle moments that morning devising silky, icy, devastating phrases with whicluto slay him if he dared to come back. But when she looked up from her work that afternoon WHEN YOU BUY A Warshal draw wie? Convenient Terms WEAF 6 Ko 40 nzo Jones," Sketch 4:15 Story of Mary Marlln 4:30 Rush- Hugiies, Talk 4:45 Sketch, "Road of Life" "Dick Tracy" 6:15 Songs by Carlotta 6:30 "Jack Armstrong" 6:45 Little Orphan Annie 6:00 Education in the News 6:15 Lehigh Glee Club 6:30 News; Piano Time 6:45 Blue Barron Orch. 7:00 Amos 'n' Andy 7:15 Uncle Ezra's Station 7:30 Hendrlk Van Loon 7:45 Bughouse Rhythm 8:00 Frank Black's Robert Simmons, Lucille Manners 9:00 Walts Frank Munn, Lyman Orch. 9:39 A. L.

Alexander's Stories 10:00 First Nighter, "Mississippi" 10:30 Hollywood Gossip 10:46 Dorothy Thompson 11:00 Ruby Newman's Orch. 11:30 Henry Busse's Orch. WJZ 760 Ke 4:00 Club Matinee: Kogen's Orch. 6:00 Neighbor Nell: News 6:15 Sketch, "Don Wtoses" 6:30 Rakov's Orch. 5 45 Tom Mix Shooters Shield's Orch.

6:30 Organ; Revelers 6:45 Lowell Thomas 7:00 Story Behind Headlines 7:15 Jean Ellington, Songs 7:30 Four of Us 7:45 Craig Mathues, Tenor Central Station 8:30 Death Valley Days 9:00 Fredda Gibson, Songs, Tim is The "Andrey" tiny IT Jewel round watch with SO diamonds In a dainty 14K solid geld case. V.V ii vi' I IrfV -A il fr it rood ring, and lore. Easy Every dollar that yon spend for a diamond ring, yon rely upon the Taiqe that you ret out of that dollar throegh the judgment and integray of your Jeweler. That why $100.00 can't be wrong wfren yon spend it for a $100.00 Certified Perfect diamond ring! Tea are assured that the baa been tested and re tested by diamond experts to assure you of dollar for dollar value. At Warshal's you can be sore that if you buy a $100.00 diamond ring, yen are gcttlne; the upmost for you money.

Tes! It pays to boy a Certified Perfect diamond ring at Warshal's. Ml Yea Just 1X00.00 wiU buy nS coraMnaMon that you irill be proud to rive her. ft Hcres the rjif that she herself choose! The eniragement tine Is Certified Perfect and has 6 sparkling, matched diamonds. She will adore luxurious creation ft 1 VI Th rirun sirs nerfecily maichEd ai a choice cf white natural yellow told Only last night she and Derek had eaten supper at the table by the windows. There has been a golden souffle, asparagus, a salad, hot biscuit with honey, some of the cheese Derek liked so much, and a very special bottle of wine.

And there had been yellow roses on the table and yellow candles in the silver candlesticks her fellow workers at the Art Museum had sent her for a wedding present. The candlesticks had come while she was setting the table; and Derek had insisted on using them at once. "After all," he had said, "why wait two whole days? We'll be married the day after tomorrow, anyhow." Before supper Constance had! shown him some of the new clothes she had bought the smoke-blue satin dinner dress just the shade of her eyes; the velvet that wasn't brown or rust or burnt orange, but had a touch of all three "I must paint you in that," Derek had said. Then there were the white knitted suit with the variegated scarf; the bouffant gray coat with the swirl of fur about the hem, and the saucy red hat with a bag to match. And, of course, the gay posy-garden smocks "To wear when I'm cleaning your brushes for you, darling." She had not told him how much mausoleum rich in decorative is 22 To possess.

24 Venomous snake. 26 It is one of best examples of architecture. ST" 28 Uncle. 29 Spread of an arch. 30 Smell.

31 Bronze. Twilled cotton 33 Large casks. cloth. 35 Farewell, Mother. To make amends.

Female fowl. Gibbon. Junior. Beer. Variety "of 37 Office.

39 Behold. 40 Artifice. 41 Sun god. 43 Musical note. 45 Fireside shelf.

48 Fine coal dust. 49 Larval stage. 51 After the manner of. 53 Pertaining to wings. 55 Your and my asefetida.

Handles. Northeast. R0ad. Distinctive theories. Sound of surprise.

57 Limb. 58 Afternoon. 60 North Arherica. This I Indian Memorial Palace Answer to Previous Puzxle v- AILIBiOjA IAIRID ne Q3m a a Ha" i a TD6 tiff YDS ADM TtjN0 NflE rftjC A IF CAR A PARtBt I A A a I33k BALBOA one: Opto tHt i unLVVn OOTmN eDcio HORIZONTAL 1, 4 Beautiful mausoleum in India. 8 It was built by Shah in memory of hiS'Wife.

13 To work. 15 Bee line. 17 Possessed. 18 Heavy blows. 20 Being, 21 Noise.

22 Upon. 23 Mother. Ir I A vrl I AIM ELI I I Al SALARIES FOR WIVES Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt says wives should receive a definite portion, of the family income, because the it.

The majority of men admit that truth today. Some of them perhaps do, so against their will, because they know their wives could go out and earn a living for themselves. The- number of men who turn over mosij their earnings to their wives, that the women spend family Hiohey better than the men, is con-Btantiyincreasing. Women are wonders on stretching the dollar, A great many men never used to give theta; wives any( allowance or regular part of the family Income. If Wife wanted a dollar, she had to a 4c for it.

Many of them thus appeared more like a beggar than a partner. A MUant hale of spark-feet rt that wUI always ling diamonds, form a glorious cluster per-thrill her. A i 1 ft alaed dlamonda in eotagement 10 diamond in tbe nwteh-ed wedding band. A glorious ensemble tba', will win her everlasting to buy on easy terms. The rirl yon adore will adore this luxurious creation.

Selected aide dia. monda, fine Certified Perfect center diamond. Here Is a perfect expression of your true affectPna. 25 Aeriform fuel. 47 To scrutinize, 27 Electric unit.

preposition, 28 Is in debt. 50 South 30 Bones. 32 Babylonian 'deity. 33 2000 nounds, America. 52 Unit.

53 Form of 54 Plunders. 34 Small tablet. 58 Sick. 36Enerfiy. 58 Ostrich 38 Astringent.

40 Kindness granted. 42 East Indian plant. 44 Electrified particle. 45 Inorganic. 46 Membranous bag.

feathers. 59 Average. 61 This edifice is made of 12 62 It is located atj4 India. 16 VERTICAL 1 Toward. 19 2 Genus of plant lice.

3 4 5 6 7 8 8 10 21 to find him smiling down at her, she smiled back in spite of herself. His hands were hidden be-; hind him. Vv A Young men who consider setting sail on the stormy sea of matrimony, should look up the position of that rook labeled "Money." 'JfORt ISLANDS? The, U. government has asserted a claim to ownership of two islands ja. the Pacific ocean, the bigger of which is only a narrow strip of coral land surrounding a lagoon about nine EDUCATION To Imtii how convsflhint mi comfortoblo a hotel eon be, come to Tlw Toftl 1000 tOOMS WITH lArM AMD IAMQ ftOM 2.SQ TEL AretCTuMgr.

APT SURl new yobk 4 15 I ia i jio 1 111 1 3 ST" i7 IS" "-1H 25- "T- 7T IT IT 53 zT jj jo 3T 32 srsr 3r jtsT 5T 5rb 32 sr iWSfe-h '1 111 1 Ika UK white) solid gold ease wlifa dlamonda. 811k cord and solid go-4 It-tines. Raised figure dial. Elgin miles long. There are about 75 little islands the Pacific, the ownership of which is doubtful.

It is possible that the United States may claim ownership of many of them at some future time, ''p Sometimes it seems as if many of the country's difficulties had come from trying to spread out and retain hold of lands far beyond the sea. The more such territory is claimed, the rgcr navy, it takes to protect it. "liese little spots of land in a vast can may be useful for airship Some will say it will avoid Twin heart shaped cluster ring exquisite crea't Ion. Choice 'Of many ether styles choose from. ,130 IV Vf II AT RADIO CITY 1 ace of trouble, If we can keep.

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