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The Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune from Chillicothe, Missouri • Page 1

Chillicothe, Missouri
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

XVIII NO. 2QO CHILLICOTHE, TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1807 DAILY EDITION PRICE FIVE CENTS XACX 8KV13R- FBJET; AJiti-Vavcrs on JBIm Stvect JKilccl Rc- onoiiAtrancc Monday age of Property. A romonstruace to the paving of St. was. filed wiili the city clerk Monday afternon.

Neither tiiis nor the one against of Jackson street was by the council Monday Jty en STitteeL' computed I frontage the property einonstrators, 'Tuesday, and specif at on cither of the streets Chro? have 3. sufficient frontage ia at paving from being done. Ou Elm street a frtfiii- i'cot is rociulrcd of the rc- UWiU' cnt paving and only 1 4 2 1 feet. In finding Eh'c property on F-Jlm of the chnrciies' finrf i ---iivjol block were counted i as ttou-resulents i es i be con at its' noJo fcogetli- the figures ol LlW stands it would sevm that ing on the two streets would provided 110 injunctions is- fed. 'Several of tho names'that appear i both oC the rt'inonstrancos are to ho non-residents and are sign- el by" parties iu the city.

The prop- 'ty of these persons was not con- flered by tlie. engineer in making estimato. a iioa-resideui has no (Jlit, by tUc city to High 1 remonstrance. TO JjKAYl RVCKJ3R TKXDJBKS HIS AUTO. Says lii.s Private Secretary Will Shoiv Kldcr J.

K. S'nrfloiiner Around Congressman W. W. Rucker, having noticed in the Constitution that Elder J. B.

Pardonner had won in this paper's recent Jamestown Exposition contest, has written Mr: Pardonner telling him that when he visited Washington call on hiw (Rucker's) private secretary, make known and that the show him all over Washington in an automobile. will no avail himself of the Congressman's kind oiler and see Washington -witti the Second district Congressman's private secretary as a special guide. PAKTST LEAVES. young Homp of St. L.OUIS, who has 5tin third base i'or the Signals this season, has a splendid of- from the South Bend league in Michigan and will probably accept proposition, says the Moberly Democrat.

He is to let Manager Willot know Tuesday night whether or not he will go to Michigan. WKATfl EK. Vo.ii' tonight and Wednesday. Three Railroad Jobs Luke Riley, bookkeeper, Kansas City Southern R.R., Kansas City, Mo. Orville Briggs, stenographer and bookkeeper, Kansas City Southern R.

Pittsburgh Kas, 3. 3. Alexander, bookkeeper and stenographer, Union Pacific R. Omaha, Neb. We Guarantee Positions to Graduates.

MAUPIN'S COLLEGE ChiHxothe, Missouri. B. .7. Moek's large excursion with A. Strong of Kansas City, Mid .4.

T. Cunningham of this city cfu'r-v jpi't, Tuesday afternoon on the 41 i a land buying trip through north-Western T-wtffcs. The destination oi" the party was b'reno, Texas. The party was com- d- Ghillicothe people and peo- pU- i'roin' siprvomicHng' country. The party will visiC fja'ny other important en route to tfielr destination.

They left the city in it special car, which had all modern con v'Oii PATTERSON OF 8TURG.K8 raSAPPEARS FROM HOMIS. left Saturday Afternoon Presumably i'or His Cousin's But To- M'urcls Cliiilicothe. Charles Patterson of near Sturges vas in' tne Tuesday morning looking for his son, Guye, who disappeared from his home last Saturday. Saturday morning Mr. and Mrs.

BOD ITAMPTOX CATCHES OK. Coui'useoiiM Pintls Favor in ChiJHoodie JToincs Moii- (Iny TEvenmg. SliB J.10. IVlry. Gray Celebration the Fourth to Kxteud Over Two "Iayy.

61 1 Mrs. S. Palmer left Tuesday morning Cor Wichita, to be the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. Gray Dorsey, and her sou, Dr.

E. M. Palmer, and their families. She will be present nt a i celehration ol' the Fourth ol' at Mrs. Dorsey's homo Mrs.

Dorsoy is to entertain sixty persons at 7 o'clock i on the evening of. the Fourth and fifty on the following evening. THE aiAGic yo. Number three is a wonderful mascot for Oeo. H.

Parris, of Gn'ove, according to Cedar a letter which reads: "After suffering much with liver and kidney trouble, and becoming greatly discouraged by the failure to find relief, 1 tried Electric Bitters, and as a result I am well man today. The first bottle and three bottles completed the cure." Guaranteed best, remedy for stomach, liver and kidney troubles, by N.J. Swetland, druggist. SOc. Patterson- went to Chula to do some trading and when they left Guye was hoeing corn.

Some time late iu the afternoon the boy harnessed his horse, told his brother that he was going to his cousin's to spend Sunday, and left home. Sunday night Mr, Patterson telephoned to his hrotte'r's home and was told that the boy had been there. He learned Monday thit his 1 son had taken the road to Chillicothe and traced him to this city, but was unable to loca-te him here. No rea'dri oa-n be found for the 'boy's leaving home, as lis appeared to contented. He had only a few in his po'cket when he drove a good horse.

He is a little o's'ct' seventeen years oE age. Mr. Patterson learned Tuesday morning that his Soil had been seen near Ludlow, going southwest. He has relatives living south of Kansas City and it is supposed that he started for that place. Mr.

Patterson left Tuesday morning for Kansas City, with the hcrpey of heading him off The boy has always been good around the house and had never complained or showed any signs of heing discontented. This makes it all the more difficult for Mr. Patterson to account for his sudden departure. JUDGE BEN B. Benjamin Liusay has something comparatively new in Hie World, but something which is taking like wild-fire.

The Juvenile Court is the creation of Mr. "Lindsay's mind drawing from his own experience. His lecture on the "Mistakes of Mickey" will appeal to every fotlier and mother as well as teacher and instructor. It is a masterpiece-which every citizen should hear. At Chilicothe Chautauqna, Saturday, Aug.

3, at 2 3 0 p. m. COURT NOT BUSV. SOJLIJ HIS RESIDENCE. John riarrali Tuesday sold his residence property on the corner Clay iinrt ISastoti to F.

B. Cesar for $2500'. The Texas Wonder. Cures all Kidney andBladder troubles. Sold by all druggists or two months' treatment by mail Dr.

B. W. Hall, ,,2926 Olive street, St. Louis, Mo. Send for testimonials.

BROKE HIS.ARM, Spencer, the Small son ol Mr. and Mrs. Ben R. Shore of North Locust street, fell from a binder on which he was playing at Frank Way's machine shops. Tuesday morning and broke his right arm.

The injured-member was set 'by "Dr. Stevens. The county court met Tuesday afternoon. The only business transacted was allowing a number of bills. The court was waiting Tuesday after- aoon for a report from the Shoal Creek ditch.

Scrofula, dvspepsia, rheumatism, kidney catarrh and gener- o.l debility are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. HE FIRED THE STICK. "I have fired the walking stick I've carried over 40 years, on account of a sore that resisted every kind of treatment, until I tried Bucklin's Arnica Salve; that has healed the sore and made me a happy man," vrites John Garrett, of North Mills, N. C. Guaranteed Burns, by N.

J. druggist. 2 DC. for Piles, Swetland, omfort at Small Expense HAT'S the use of going sweltering through the Summer season in heavy clothes, when for $1O or $18 you could be comfortably and stylishly dressed in one of our Schloss Tropical Suits? The price is no criterion of the value, nor of the satisfaction one of these Suits affords the wearer. the mere fact that in wearing one you are relieved of several pounds actual dead weight is something to think about when the thermometer registers ninety-something.

Come in and see the handsome models we are showing in these featherweight Two-Piece Suits. All styles, all fabrics, all sizes, all prices--and satisfaction guaranteed. Dider Clothing Co "GOOD CLOTHES" Boh' Hampton of Placer has caught on in Chillicothe. The courageous and cheerful Westerner had his formal iniToducUon in nearly every home in Chillicoihc icist night, and everywhere he Bob Hampton is the leading character in the new story, "Bob Hampton of Placer," which began in last night's Constitution. It is by that it'ted author, Parrish.

Mr. Parrish lel't his hero in a very embarrassing as well as, a dangerous position on last night, and takes him through thrilling adventures this evening.V This story will appear. from uight to i in the Constitution until it is finished. You can't a to miss it. 'If you missed last night's issue get it from this oOicc or borrow it from your neighbor and assure- yourself of the rest of this delight- novel by telephoning or sending your subscription to the Constitution office.

FACTORY MEE'lMiVG TONIGHT. Business men forget tlie mcLing to be held at the city clerk's ofRce this evening for the purpose taking action on a pro position from a St. shoe company i'or Lhe establishment of a factory hero. If immediate action is taken the con- with the company can be closed this month. Let every business man ittend.


Council Appointed Nine Volunteers and Regulars for the Present-Mayor to Engineer. The man who has lectured heioro nore CUantauquas than any other living, is this famous clergyman. He is regularly iu demand from beginning oi' Chantauqua season i its close. -Ee is a famous- historian, a brilliant scholar, a noted preacher and author and lecinrei'. Dr.

JVIcArtiinr is pastor 'or more than thirty years ol! Caval- Baptist church oE New York, one of tlie greatest; churches oJ" tho del i a i in world. Among all the good things which may be salt! of Dr. McArthnr, tho best is thai 10 is popular. At the i i i a a i 27-2S at 2 3 0 p. m.

difewlt Commonly etuisc pimples, hotl.s. i wzr.raa, or suit rlicuni, or i oilier form of oniji- but soraetiiues they exist in the iudiunted by foci in era ol! wonkiiess, lanirv.ur, of appetite, or sencral debility, -without ciwsiDs: aixy out. Tlood's tiiu'Ktiparilln, expels ti'enjrthcus anil tones thy wljolo system. This is tho tustiiuony Iliousaiida a i i Accept no subsiitiitu, but. iusiat on Hood's SarsaparHla In utfuul lifjriid foiinoviu chocolated tablets mown ay Sarsatabs- 100 doses si.

MJSS EDITH SMITH El Edith Smith was Monday light elected to teach, the primary epartment in the Utica school. The oard elected Harry AYebster seore- ary and Geoi'ge AY. Rice treasurer, school will open September 1G. Impure blood runs you clown-- nakes you an easy riccim Cor organ- diseases. Burdock Blood Bitters nrifies the blood--cures the cause-- uilcls yon up.

THE MYERS HOTEL COKNER CLAY AND ELM FIRST-CLASS DOLLAR DAY EVERYTHING Thompson 8b Helms First, Class -Barbers CATjJ, i SE1-: IIS-- I KS'I 1 K.VI'TON A HLIIC Your Thirst Our Fountai Golden Ogangeade, Limeade, Coca Cola, Hire's Root Beer, A lien's Tame Cherry, Claret Fizz, Our Ice Cream Excels. Clark's Pharmacy, THe RexalJ Store. Tlie council Monday night appointed nine members ot tlie ChillicoUie Fire Dejiartment. Several the menabers appointed have served upon tho lorce before. M.

Strehlow was made clu'et to succeed G. A. Holt, acd Harry Priugle was appointed assistant chief to succeed Strehlow. The othr volunter members are, N. Raulie, Wm.

Rensch, C. Carpenter, Jack Smith, A. J. Roe, Joe Shirley, Harry MoCormiolc. The regular members were retained for the present.

The mayor was given power to enter into a contract with some hydraulic engineer i'or the darpose ol getting an estimate oE the cost ot a waterworks plant, and also given power to with the engineer oC the present water company in determining the cost or value ol: its water a Mr. McDonnell, the engineer who conferred i the council last week, will probably bo employed lor that purpose. D. Roe was ordered to produce his Jills for labor and his contract lor constructing sidewalks, and he was ordered to i his contract as the rdinances provide and to repair de- 'ective sidewalks. A sewer on Bryan street petitioned for by Joseph Kirk and others was referred to i.lie street and alley corn- i tee.

The treasurer's, recorder's, clerk's and auditor's reports except the salary and labor bills which were ordered paid, were referred to the finance committee. The street commissioner was ordered to grade the south side of Cal- hotin street for a sidewalk. The plans and specifications oi: the city engineer for pavintT; the alley running from tho side ol the square to Clay street were accepted. IMIKACHI.VC TOMORROW NIGHT. Mr.

N. Criifcher returned Monday i from a visit to Kansas City, he having pi-cached at the Liii- wooil a church in thai city. Mr. Crutchor i preach lis farewell sermon to his Chillicotho congregation at the Christian church evening. Regulates the bowels, promotes easy nauiral movements, cures consti- Liatoti.

Doan's Ilegulets. Ask your druggists for them. 25 cents a box. It is reported a the school house 11 the American bottoms district, ten uiles norr.h of Chillicothe. was struck i i i the storm ot iiinday night and burned to the OR.

ARTHUR J. SIMPSON SURGEON AND OCULIST Practice devoted Lo Surgery and Diseases of the "ISye, "Ear Nose, Throat. Special attention given to surgery of the Eyo, Nose and Thro tit, GLASSES Office in First National Bank Bldg. Norllionsb Oor. Ski.


Dawson Mother Miss Grant Father Bouton Sister Mablo Grace Grandmother Page Maids 2nd act Old Housekeeper Butler Willie DooLittle Maid Mrs. Grant Bridesmaids, chorus girls and in the miuette: Mrs. Roy Turner, Inez Gordon, Mable Grace, Bessie Bolts, Nellie Knapp, Ruth Page, Mary Platter, Ruth Dawson, Louise Knapp, Eva Mclnturft, Agnes Newland, Tupp Hitt, Carrie Montgomery, Eva Milbank, Mary Henry, Lee Sawyer, Josephine Norville, Flora Bell Sheetz. Soloists, Mrs. Earl Mclnturff, Lee Sawyer, Josephine Norville, Miss Hitt.

Leta Bishop, Gertie Fanger, Vada McCloughan. Pianist, Mrs. G. B. Sherman.

SYNOPSIS. of Ginevra. The wedding. Act Old and its Awful Secrets. Act The Search Abandoned.

Act Green--50 years ater. Children Celebrating May Day. Wand Drill, Snake Drill, downing May Queen. Act Old Tower. The leuret ot the Old Chest Revealed.

Death Lovell. Vision of Bride Heaven. SPECIALTIES. 'As Seen In Wreath. Drill; 3ourt Minuet; Wand Drill; Snake i The Maid's The Hose md the Roses; Children's Scene.

Scale ol prices--Lower floor, reserved 50c; Balcony, reserved 35c; Gallery 25c. Seals on sale at Owl Drug Store. If you will make inquiy it will be a revelation to you how many succumb to kidney or bladder tron- jles in one form or another. If the patient is not beyond medical aid, Foley's Kidney Cure will cure. It never disappoints.

Sold by all druggists. FOOB FOE THE OU can call our delicious ice cream. Our Fountain Fruits and Fruit Syrups are the very best obtainable. Our Chocolate is made every day and has stood the test of four years here without a complaint. Try one of our Chocolate Nut Sundaes or a Soda, and it will be a treat to remember.

FARRINGTOINFS MORTON COMING Harry Horton, the tormer. Chill ioo- the pitchei'j wired Manager Jackson of the Blue Sox Tuesday, accepting the salary tendered bim. He will be here in time for the Moberly game and will spend the rest of the season in Cbillicotbe. Horton has- been playing- this season with Hutchison, Kas. He is expected arrive here Wednesday morning.

The Blue Sox will leave Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clock for Moberly, to play there July 4 and 5. TO FEAST THE PREACHERS. I. D. of Rich Hill Takes a Bis- Fried Chicken Contract for Wednesday.

T. D. Jones of Rich Hill township will-undertake the job of getting enough frying chickens into tile pan to satisfy the appetites of a number of Chillicothe's stalwart preachers. Mr. Jones has extended an itrvita- tiou all the Cb'llicothe preachers to take dinner with him Wednesday.

He will drive in after them tomorrow morning. There is a faint suspicion on part of the pastors that they may be put to work in the -wheat figld, but even this project would not deter them from accepting' Mr. and Mrs. Jones's wholesale hospitality. A Ijcsson in Health.

Healthy kidneys filter the impurities from.the blood, and unless they do thte good health Is Impossible. Foley's Kidney Cure makes sound kidneys and will positively cure all forms of kidney and bladder diseases. It strengthens the whole system, sold by all duggists. A DAUGHTER BORN. Mr.

and Mrs. Charley Riddle ot Gravesville announce tile birth Tuesday morning of a ten pound girl. A man who is in health, so be can do an honest day's work wben necessary, has much for which h.e should he thankful. Mr. L.

C. Hodgers, oE Branchton, -writes that he was not only una.ble to work, but. he couldn't stoop over to tie his shoes. Six bottles Foley's Kidney Cure made o. new man of him.

He says, "Success to Foley's Kid- ney.cure." Sold by all druggists. TO KEEP SWfcET is easy enough if you know- how. Just acquire THE HABIT by eating Alber'ty Huse fine home made candies and don't forget the fact if YOU want the best lee Cream 011 earth you SHOULD go to their parlor they always KEEP the purest cream and a fine line of COOL delicious drinks. Try them and be happy. Tom K.

Campbell, D.D.S. SURGEON DENTIST Grown Bridge Work Gold Plates Aluminum Plates Rubber Plates Plain Fillings omnef or Gas and local anes- tties)a given for painless extract tion of teeth. pert work of all All Work Guaranteed OESoe over Sipple clothing store. 689 We Sell as low as $5lOO per month. We sell Organs and Sewing Machines as low as $2.50 per Edison or Victor or Zonophone sold $1.00 per week.

A dollar or two a week will do. Get the Habit, Trade at STONE'S lEWSPAPERI lEWSPAPJtRl.

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