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Evening Gazette from Pittston, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Evening Gazettei
Pittston, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-Tka LQCU. CIXAKISGS. TKB WEST SIDE. spiiiflGSvEni AJicmim ixra mm wt um a 1 1 i tarn FIRST GRAND XCURSION 1U8SDAY, JXTSE 9, 1835. OVER THE Erie Wyoming Valley Railroad, TO SHOHOLA GLEN, The most popular pleasure resort on the line of the Erie R.

FRIDAY, 38lh, Under the management of the M. E. Church, of Pleasaat Valley. Exoursianists will find at Shohola oppoitunities for passing the time in a most enjoyabe manner. Boating, Fishing, Base and othe soorts and scenery unsurpassed are part of the attractions of this grtar resort.

TICKETS one dollar; children, from to twtlue, fifty otnttf children under six free. W. H. Hollister, E. E.

Teal, F. Sanders, M. M. Johnson, W. Is.

Williams. jti-Sweod Trains leave Pittsiou Junction ai 7 a Pleasant Vailey ai 1 30 a Duomore at 7 45 a at 4. 1 BROWN'S BEE HIVE. i rtj mai stkkkt Aboat huodred people assembled at h) Weal Ski. RDk last areaiug, to vitaeat rum of Polo between the basons Sales Cli aad tin Wfrt Pittetoni The two dab cae on lb flow shortly after, nine o'clock.

II Salem Club ia eornpueed of Urge, athletic luiiua; fellows, tad if taeir artraga n.rt ovar Ii the are tarvelloushe lfde- veloped for their years. -A vapwm nri ua ouera maoe falte but when the a hi-Lis wga fiiuJiv ighe rwached the hall first. Ths ntnuile for tuv ir gol ra8 erj epinted, mid Wext PunMoa bo) ahowed iii'ked ioiprvvpnieut in their plarinfr. it wae videtit il.ej were Dot a match for their more eirieLOod ofjueuia The Salem mad the Brut goal iu about tira miDutea. Hill had aereral feel the Stan before the whiatle wa again sounded aad wan the rush.

The strug- now waxed warm The fight in was mosuy about the Weal PiUBton goal which the home cljb defended bo stubbornly that it was aearlj ha.f an hoar before the T.suors ouooeeded dnving U.e ball home. Haghes won the third rush, but the Tisitars, by some clever work, gamed the goal iu about five tuiautea. A feature of the game that was much commented upon wns the skillful playing of the Salem goal tender Joe goal ten- er West also made some ry Hue stops. Notwithstanding their do the bome dub made a very creditable fight, and if they improve as rapidly ia the coming season as they have in the past, it will be no saiall undertaking for even professionals to "walk over them Inkermaa- The grove was well palrotiiid last Sunday' Many of the youug people of Pulsion tried hard to tlud the cave. The lukerman sightseers fared betier Thev had a gxd guide.

The Jenkins School Board met at the Sc-basiopol school house last Saturday and organized for the coming year Mr laugher, the newly elected director from Port Griffith, was seated Ford was elected president, A. Loughery treasurer, and P. 11 Durkan secretary. Mr Carsnter. of Hyde Park, was the guest of Mr I hvans on Sunday Mr and Mrs Cornelius Lvtich, of Parsons, spent Sunday here Some of our young gentlemen got home later than usual on Suudav night, ou account the storm Miss A hoe Murphv, of Wilkes-Barre, spent Sundav here.

Our young people do not have to go any farther than Owen Holland's when they want a plate of ice cream He keeps the most delicious cream at popular prices. His liar is always supplied with the choicest wines, liquors, fine Havana cigars, and purs candies 1 arlies dosiniig cream can be supplied by the quart or galloa Born, Mr and Mrs Peter Robertson, on the 4th inst a son Miss tlrace IMov lias returned from a two week's sojourn with Wilkes-liarro friends. Blanche. The heavy thuader shower of last Sunday night has brightened up voguutlipu wonderfully. Strawberries begin to lura rod, and in aa other week llie famous Wyoming strawtierries will ho found in the markets.

John (lay is quite ill with tho measles, but we hope to soon see him around again aa well as usual. Mr. Charles Tripp has moved to Scranton, aud will go into business with his uncls, Col. I ra Tripp Our new baker, Mr Charles Booth, ia lite busy supplying his customers with bread, cikes, pies, etc. Iu (act, he can hardly supply the demand, a.s all are well pleased with ihs staff of life" that lie makes, and many calls are made upon him for some of the splendid ice cream that he keeps constantly ou baud.

RalO, What an appetite it gives how tful it makes me sloop, by using Jltint'i Remedy. Diad. In Piuston, on the 8th inst Maggie, daugh-tei of Mr and Mrs. Robert Gallagher, aged 3 yearH and 7 months. The funeral will take place al the family residence on lAmbert street to morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock In Hamtown, on the 8th a son of Mr.

and Mrs. John Richards, aged about years Tho funeral will take place to morrow after noon at 3 o'clock, at the Hughestown church T. T. Means Tip Top Tablet A thing of beauty, for the children grabble it. Plants for Sa'e.

Cabbage, lettuce, egg, tomato, Bweot pota lo, pepper, and celery plants, for sale by J. B. Carpenter, Pittston, Pa. Orders for large quantities solicited. Price list sent on application if How to Buy or Rent Real Estate.

See G. B. Thompson, who has a large as sortment of houses, lots, stores, farms, Ac, Ac Tell hits what you want. Then if he canno supply your wants as well or better than any-iody else, try somebody else. J.

E. Patterson Co Aro making very fine stained glass windows, as xvl as you can get in the cities also keep a full I inn of builders' hardware, and have on hand all kinds of common and fancy woods When you cannot find whal you want at any other place Pittston. go there. dec 1 2 Fine Strawberries at llallicld's markets 16cts. per quart.

For Rent. A burn in List Pittston room for two horses and wagons. Kor terms call at Jonefl I Main street. 25 cents cannot be invested in writing paper to better advantage, than buying the American Blotter Tablot. WHAT AILS YOU? I'uless the food is properly prepared in the stomach it bocomes corrupt and poisons the syetem it is intended to nourish.

Dyspepsia and ils accompaniments are bad broalh, headache, constipation, pilos, biliousness and depression of spirits. Sufferers wi I dyspepsia experience a rapid and permanent cure by tho use of Simmons Liver Regulator, it is purely vegetable and pleasant to the taste. A half-tahlespoonful r.Mhe Regulator, taken after eating, ensures good digestion. "Wells' Health Rouewer" for weak men. I Kw Mi Hatters of Special lata Ove J' aUwaa.

"i -i-T 'AM aire liar bi ret 1b another mersdM the that wttl slfereaH too telka of Trinity Guild, at thi fc Til at orgvaoa'l H-dl to-morrow ud TLura-day eveninga. Yeatardav a Oourt Proceed In its Before Hob. Chad. E. Rice, P.

and Hor. Stanley Woodward, A. J. Cummwon Pleat BeDe rredenberg vs Fred-enburnL Decree 'n diroree Sled. Jaj va Jennie BelUev: I supra.

Geo Hendareoo njk fiowple By afcinion of Judce Blc nte bv appeal from Judgemrnt of a juaucti o4 Um poe bbaii no Be atrfetea ooT, made abaulule. Wrlson ts tJurr: By opinion of Judtre Rica, rule for new trial ni refuo and -voaioa diamiseea. Brtb vs $mu Bradvr- Byepicion of Judge Rice, exseptious au-ttained and judg-emeot re ve-aed. vVataan, Ulam 4 Oo vs Tlml Br eptaiea of Jodaw luoe, exoepuoca ovemued and judgment adarmed. Suaoo Miller at al vs ktcOool and Met! ill: By opinion of Judge Rice, rule to dissolve attacb-BierH is discbarved.

Whitaker va Peck: Pv opinion of Jadtre Rloe, exceptions to Auditor's rv rt overrules and report coonrtaM, ordered tbat diauibutKo be made accord inglj. Charles Orworr vs Kons- By opinion of Jude Kioe demurrer overrul aad deteauant directed lo answer in twenty cava. i Norton vs Ira Carle By opinion of Judre Rice, order! that demurrer te overruled and relator file plea wiihm ten days from data and lo default judgment be entered for respondent. geonunan vs Deliiah Rennlman: By opinion of JudxT? Ktce, rule made absolute nod or dered that wltliin thirty days from date Ubellaut pay to respondent for council fees, the sum of and pay to her on the th of each month ber supfxirt pending this auit. In re as-iirnmeotof John Treffeiaen for benafli of creditors: By opinion of Judge Rio, exeeptlo to audnois suppieuienial report overruled anu same is dismissed and ordered that fund award ad conditiona ly be paid by naxt hen creditors.

Peoples' bank, of Pulsion. nd th js modiHed ibe supplemental report is conflruaed absolutely. Montanve vs rtasted et al: By opmion of Judge oe oroered that rule be diacnargeii on condiiion laat piauiiuY flie in Protb.onat.iry a office a stipulation that execution shall not be issued above judgement ajrainst garnlsbeee. In case pUintift refuses or of gleets to tile such stipulation it ts or dered th ruie be made absolute. In re assignment of John Stuart for benefit of creditors By order of udge Kice ruie in discharged, exception is overruled aud report of auono." confirmed.

Hringenberg vs FaahaviU: By opinion of Judge Rice rule wh) appeal from award of arbitral. its should not be entered nune pro tunc Is made absolute, defendant to pay cosua up to present time lo perfect his appeal and enter plea within live days from date, in default, rule be discearged. Henry Bone va HeCarthy: Jury flDd plain tiff hi Homini. Foy vs Patrick Harrieon Case od non suit allowed. and A Jeitta vs John Hunter: Rule on defendant why judgement shall not be taken against him for want of sufficient affidavit of defense; returnable Saturday, June 13th.

10 a m. Kurey vs Kurey: Decree In divorce fi.ed. Rockwell Hurlbutt vs 0 Uovd et al Plea of Anna l.oy.i is permitted to be tiled. Gibbons and wife va Township of Kingston: Motion for new trial made and ressons tiled dl rev-ted that same be heard at next argument court and stenographer directed to write out the testimony and cbarge of court and flle tbe same Timlin vn Mover- Kule whi appeal and ball s'neken off sball not be reinstated; rt-turna bie JuDe li, 10 a depositions to be lak'n. Eiper va A Eiper: Court awards In divorce; returnable first day October term, John Hunt vs McOai tney and Margaret Mc Cartaey Yerdlct for plaintiff for Joun Welsh vs Lehigh and Wl'kes-Barre t'oal Company: Oase on ortfinuedH Bacon vs Martha and Wiliiau Pennavlvania Coal r.

-mpanv vs IVnn sylvanla an. I ew Voik Canalsnd Railroad Com 5 winy' I Shoemaker, trustee, vs Marcus Smith, I llughes administrator vs (leorjre Richards. Delia Lane vs Lane; George Hughes vs lbtnoD Mutual losurai'-e Comiianr. Before Hon. D.

Rhone, 0 C. H'AatM' OourfEsiiite of Win Swetland -n for annuity exanui era report confirm. 1 uisi; formal decree filed Kstata of Nathan Cocber, Auditors repo confirmed nisi. Kilate of Pat rick Return af tule of real estate confirmed F.stateof Rob.rt KlU'iis: I't "lipra. Estate of l'homirt Fai rel: Ut supra.

Estate of Fannie I I supra KsKtte of Anthony Wsl-b. Hclurn of sale of real estate contii med nisi Estate of Samuel Gould. t'tupra Estate of Isaac Fran, Ul supra stale of Eliza Fell: Ut siqira Estate of Yalp: supra. Estaleof CW Yalp- Rule whv real estate for (layment of debts "ball not be sold. reiurualCe June 12.

at 10 a. 111. Estate of George Brown: Return of Inquest confirmed nisi. Etat of Eliaa Stokey Keturn of sale oon-flenicd nisi Estate of Thomas Hutchlns: Decree dtscharg inir aimlnistrntor filed. Estate of Mary A Wllderniuth: Report of audit fTed Ea'a of William Murrj Referred to Landmegser Estate of Michael Duffy: Petition executor to flleaocount; citation awarded, returnable first dav a ext term 10 a.

Estate of Wm Lueder: Account of janllan confirmed nisi Estate of harah Totten: Petition of guardian for dischsrge; decree discharging guardian. Estate of Fatrick Eagan Deed acknow lodged to fatrick Moran. Estate of Elizabeth Fell: Ut supra to Lord WilHams Estate of Benjamin Warrens Petition for order directing guardian to pay funds in hand to u-d, rule whv prayer shall not be" granted' re turnable June 22 Estate of John Tl Shoemaker- Account of guardtsn conflrTnert nisi exceptions fllcd. Estate of Amzi Wilson I'etition fon renewal of lost fa, reiur able first day next term. 10 a.

m. Estate l'eter Rocko: Ordered that guardian be dischargefl and bnn.lsman released. Estate of Peter Hoffman: Petition of adminis tratrix for decree to raise money bond in sum of 1 Ooo approved. Estate of Robert Major: Prts-eedlngs in parti ti ut proof of service of rule on heirs, etc to fte cept or refuse, e'e; decree filed ordering estate to he sold bond In $9, not to be approved. Adjourned until Monday next at lu a.

m. GREATLY EMBARRASSED. Jeptha," anil Mrs. Jones, aa her husband rose from the dinner table. I wish you would get me some skeins of embroidery silk nt some of the dry goods stores, mil save me from going down town to-day." All right," said Jones, airily what olor do you want Oh, a mixed gray and hlaok, something like your hair," said Mrs.

Jones pleasantly. The first store that Jones went into, the girls Blood in line behind the silk counter, anil looked him over as be approached he felt cold chills running np and down his vertebr.n, his knees shook and a clammy per-qnrslion started out on his noble brow ts he asked for embroidery silk. What color asked one of the salesladies as she smiled Bweetly at Jones' mns-'Aeho. Just the color of your hair," he said iu soft, beseeching tone that sounded like yt lapping croaru. Ami theu he saw a ohango come over th face of the girl even as a thunder storm crosses he blue of a summer sky and ah turned hor baok to him, pulled down a box, slnmmcrl it on the counter, jerked off the oovar nnd revealed a mass of scarlet silks.

Jones started. Go-xl heavens I The girl had fiery red bairl He mode his peace with her finally, and got out of the storo alive lie said it was his own hair he meant, and he took off his hat hnmbly and she got the mixed gray skeins and gave them to him with his change. It would have saved you some trouble if yon had told ine in the first place that you war tod silks the color of a singed she said, sweetly. Jones says it was a hair-breadth escape foi him. Chicago Ldgtr.

A POSTAL CARD from Mrs. Dennis Smith, Louisville, Ky Bays: "For blood impurities Burdock Blood Bmers seem particularly adapted. Never before had complexion so clear. Use all the time." Tan Talk aad Haaaealaaa UmI tha The Baptist Sunday fcuaul have aa excursion to L' x-m Grove oo the iuh inst Xavier Arnold's license for a restaurant in the fourth ward of PHtsioa was jesterdev uuffrmii In Frodk Rhitier. Charles KuhlaWa family ax-red down na Smutoa laM Satard.iy and oeupy a i P1" dwelling on William The fiiDTl of J.ihn-no Lovtll.

on of Mr vH Um J.ihn Li'vpII. will be MtPndtTi 0 of fcn B-irnea, Soa'Ji street. 3 IT. to-morrow. The Id-t A the kVth-iit Priesunt Cf.urcb meet od ll iieru.u ud evsim of ThLrsdaT.

Juae 1 tte residence of Mrs. Chester Brown, ui Tftier Pit JtOtt Spnni orercoftU of thick were i domed this moruiLif and worn nearly all day. xe ladies mored about chiil? state, aod I wihed they had aot pui tiv their sealakics I aiid wooiec. snow ball fee. -t mty be iuteresliB to say that VI -s.

rd. of Hhestewn. disjuajed a slight branch a tree thai bore ten great snow balls. The s.e wai such as to attract geceral alteuuou. tch s.gLts of plant cul ture are rare.

The third anniversary of the Sons of Tern- I peraoc of Pleasant Valley will be held on June lith, when a picnic M. Iter's throve afford many pleasant or.oyrueiil. There w.U 1 ice cream, straw hemes and other seasonable refreshments Fvery booly icvited. Kichart died ai l. home io S.irrvrto, Fla at one o'clack on the morniag of li S.h Mr Richart was about 2' vears oil.

while Lore was engaged id the husiuess. In the absence of informs l. on to the contrary it is presumed that he will bo iuterred at his new hen -e Sorrento Mr Riot, art had a good many friends herealHMits, who regrel Lis uatimciy death Personal. Frank Rommel has goe to the fish and vegetable cities. John I.angan, who Iims Uhjii ahs.Mit from I' ltstoii for nearU a year past, returned home a few ihivs ago.

Col thiy. of Ijittin, one of the piKir board auditors, was here yesterday iu the jiursuauce of duty. Mr Kd Blewitt, city surveyor of Scran ton, and 'Squire Plulbin, of Ijickawania, slopped here last night on their way homo from a v.sil to Now Verk. They were hoe-p tablv entertained at the Kagle Hotel Thfl Oilroy Murder Oase The tr -il on a writ of rorj u. of Mr (l.lroy, for the murder of her husband, Michael tiilrov, was concluded this forenoon before Judge Rice.

K.vidence not lieing siilllcient lo hold the prisoner, Biie was discharged, and arrived homo on the i4' train McAlee. Usq argued for Mrs tiilroy, while llie Commonwealth was represented by Attor neys Mcllahren and John Inahan. There were about twenty five witnesses produced by the Commonwealth, most of whom were heard vestnrdsy The defesso had no witnesses, and aflor Uie Commonwealth closed the defense demanded the discharge of the prisoner for want of evidence, which was dure as above staled There is no news of Klannigaii The state meals made by lha Sunday AVw.i I'taltr and other Sunday papers, being wholly unjimtitlod by the facts. The Oazkttk roporled correct ly Saturday ovonmg. The Coal Trade.

Anthracite coal is duller than it has boon before this year June brought with it a ew schedule of prices, but no change iu Iho rati although heavier discounts. The I'ennsyl vama Railroad is still mining and carrying anthracite in excess of its "suggested" allot meat. Tl Mne is ahead also, owning to "an understaaihiig" thai it shoulj have had larger share allotted to it than it reteived Lehigh Valley gels ahead of the others also by a clas8ilicatios of some of its semi authra cilo tonnage as other than anthracite coal Mean while Raadiug, Lackawanna aad Delaware Hudsoi am lugging hard agamsl the stream. 1 he lasl inmed is known lo have aecumnlaled considerahhwoal at lido waler, which is sold at stecial rales hi order to get rid of it Heading has been SHcriuciug a share of its prollts for si i months past, selling coal before it is minded Luckawauna wears the pleasautesi face of all. The total quantity of aolhrncttn mined from January 1 to May 10,4 I H.OOf, tona against 1 toas in a like period of 18S4, a decline of tons Bituminous is quiet llntiht ret Plymouth Tho close of last week Rhows an improved Rendition oi miairs at I lymoiitli.

1 here are now tifiy patients in the hospital. Kight were admitted during the week, and seven discharged The outside or dispensary pa lients miuilcr lifly eight. The hospital doc lors made 11G visits outside, and ihero were prescriptions filled No deaths took place in the hospital last week operator H. Swoyer has loaned the hospital an anthii lance, and Iho Philadelphia relief committee has sent on three tire extinguishing machines aad six barrels of crackers. There were no deaths on Saturday nor on Suudsy from iho epidomic rVjmWicun.

Miles Becker, Wholesale Ice Cream Manufactures, 33 West Market street, Wilkes-Barre. Dealers, picnics, festivals, weddings, parties, Ac, furnished with all Havora of Ice Creams and Water Ices, at rick bottom prices. Write or telephone for iguies. may29 at How vain the loving darts that fly From e'en the most bewitching eye, I'nless the teeth are pure and bright And ever kept a snowy white If you would save your teeth from harm, In SO.ODONT you'll find the charm. DIAMONDS AND PKARL.S.

Eyes bright as diamonds should ho supplemented by white aa pearls, and this latter element of beauty can be secured by using B0Z0DONT. If brushed in night and morning, this fragrant vegetable preparation is guaranteed to preserve the soundness of 1 16 teeth, and prevent their turning yellow. I Drt.aoaaa. IHOmaiiniMvt lawiaawaoo a a pa.ima ha Tilt BE5TI0N1C. ft Karirhea the Blae.

lavUeratee tke Sywtaan, Aeacarwa Aseatevaia. Dieadaa ooaa not hkwkaa or tnjote the teeth, eaaaa Baad-acheorneninn iiiaaiatiia iilirrwamwnai Dm. Q. Banux. a kwdtai iluin Sponsnaid.

earn; "Brawn's Iran Bitten la I etna I i mi axoela all other ferae of won. la eeaJuaaaa. ar a low oandmoa of the ajretesL Brown Iron Bitten a euUvansranaiMeeanr. It BaD taatatuhaawd fcr it" Genuine has trade mark and lyiewirt red baas oa wrapper Twite ee ataer. Made only by BROW CHEMICAL CC BALIlMtBE.

Lumr Hahc Boon a nil aad attreetne. oon-Uhung hat at prizee KW ncxpvn. inaa alaniwi about coina fiwn away bj all dealers Bsedidaa, dr mailed to aj ifidreM on reoatDt of ax J. W. NlMMO, PITISTON'S IS NOW RECEIVING Tl W.

LATEST STYLES And luvitt lDHotion tf hi kU ck of new go is, iiu'lii'ling a full line of TOYS' AND ClUIDIiKN-S ClrHlilNC Gents' Pine Fupnishin Goctfs, (If every description, at prices that DEFT COM PETITION Our Spring stis-k of (Tollts will be found very complete and select, ley- Opposite Fir Na'ioria1 Tlie lad of Trinity Guild will hold a fesliial FERGUSON HALL WEST PITTSTON. ON Wednesday and Thursday Even'gs .11 IO 4 Nil II. At which they will serve Strawberries, Ice Cream, Cake, etc. They will also have a tub', of FANCY ARTICLES Fi SALE All are liiv.le,!. Admission free A CABTKR, Ialntors, Gralners, T'aper Mangers, Katsontiners, and Guilders.


THURSDAY: KxeterSt overT.W Kyte'sstorv. PITTSTON, PA. HFOonsultation free. mavn T. Mo AT EE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW (Late of the Cheater Oo.

Bar) Ofllce second floor, corner of Main and Broad 8U PITT8TON, PA. leaveraaelat mmS fallewtlmw. 1 UIVKLY. M. I), PHYSICIAN AND SUEOEON.

Omci ia Brown's Blocx. nfflce Hoars: From to 10 a. 1 to and 7 to 9 p. m. Balance of time at his residence on William Bt.

All calls will receive prompt atten tlon. 1 B. RICK, PHYSICIAN 4 SURGEON. Office. National Hank Block, William Bt.

Rtsinrcifcx: Corner Luzeme Ave. and Vine 81. West Pittston. Omca Hooas: 1 to Sp. m.

GRIFFITH. CIVIL ENGINEER, Whow office In on Broad )tm opentxl ft Ratata Ag-encj In connction with his Rntfneer tnf buRinem. having property for rbJji or rant will do well to ptace ft in his hands. He hAH now some splendid lots for sale on York Ave. and River Bt.

Went Pitteton. W. .1. BUTLKB, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Howell Block, Hroatt St.

near (A Penn'a Company' Office. Omcx Hotias: 8 to 10 a. and from 1 to 2:80 and 7 to 9 m. m-lf I'plioiaterlnr, Carpet Laying and Repairing. Parties desiring upholstering, carpet laying or furniture rrpalrirur of any kind, should leave orders for Miobael Hodt-aos, at George File's, opposite the Ferry bridge.

Mr. Hodgans Is an experienced workman, anoV guarantees that any work IntruBted to hlwi will be done In flrst-class style. No 317 North Main Street. Election Notice. Ornci or Pinn'i Coal Oo.

I Bawlbv, Pa. Max I86. Publlo notiee Is hereby given that an election for nine directors of Ihe- Pennsylvania Coal Company will be held at the offlf-e of the Company, In the village of Hawley. Wayne County, Pa, on Tuesday, the th dav of June next, from 3 lo 4 o'clock m. GEORGE A.

HOYT, Pres't. Ftii iiInIkmI Roodin For rent, with or without brant Butter St. second door front Main. Apply to or address. Box 418, ().

Pittston Pa Junei-tf J- W. SNOW. For Sale. A covered grocery wason, platform spring, nearly new, with pole and fharts. Alsoa heavy, slngii- horse, second hand plat form spring wagon Inquire at Paper Mill office.

jun'i Sw 0- B. ROMMEL. For Sale or Rent-Five dwellings on Lnserne avenne, beyond the L. A B. Railroad.

Apply to W. Whyte, on Wyoming or of Frank Bnyaer ai roro a wi mil tf nce. For Rent. A dwelling on Lagrange Rt; four rooms. Apply to MRS.

MARGARET DAVtH. BMBI mil ii ii it ti mi ii bV" I.rttioa Villii Rail Roa -Through trains twrd leave PiUHtn i fotors- I. 5 and a. at tlae letw ttaruag rroot I. luKWal ui a.

m. tor New Ynr ud Tors and Phil iir. a i li. m. ud from I.

K. I ir tfnsn- aa. 'a WiiiflhMfw ThnMgii trama wcMtvar 'ioin Hew ami railaJo hta unw at HWi it a. is p. (Xt ia ruaaiac awljr lo Lit Junctioa.

i 1 TUdrM only TuBahaiiDoek: I ST a ad Ituiadelpiua and fcacon oL. i a ia, 4 4 tb from WilaesB io Klaura; a fnm Wiikai-Marr U. Juacaoa; tMI aad iip a from Surar 0 a juoeuo AH uauu except llv.9e uvaad wttto a atop at mrj aiauoiL Oaamti. R. ML J.

A Ditibio -WiMBCklMaP(ttat(iaaafoiiowa: ill. u. lit aad lu s. for New York; U.laod 4 LtorBaatoaaad land k. (or AahJar.

Traiaa aortii write at Pm- and p. fWHB i ioa ata.aod a. AahksTV l.a,taaad Id. p. from York ad nuadatpaat; a.

m. from Cxusk, IMoOooaalA ai Una nuu mcaiarlT u. L. A mina.1 PL. Drriaio.

Leare ri-tati-a tor North umbariaud 8 17. I Ml and I a. m. i PiMitOB for Plrmoutb at m. LaaTaPtBatoaforDaorille at i -a p.

m. Laare PutaM far Huatook creek at a ni IaTpSloafrao. KorUiambertand at 11 IS aau aad p. m. Amve nuaum (ran Plymouth at I 4Sp.

m. from Nanuooke at 1 01 a. from Ianllle 7 ra ET CETERA, tas from Bulla Men, and Facta aud Faaclas Oleanad I in ncquaiated with maiden la whose rosy lips, deep laden. Lies a hire of kisses long irg lo bo froe And bar tgurs sotnethmf odd is Thai ia, something like a goddess Say a Venus rising from her unlive sea And ber cheeks ah all the roses Where tha aad buibul repoeee. Aod lb water l.liea wkiter the suow.

Miied and tinted to perfection, Couldn't match the sweet com pie i on Of this dimpled little maiden whom I miow hit, 1 hive found, oa close inspection. That the tints of that complexion Are acquired by painting with a little br And that figure like a Venm Mind, 1 whisper this between us The result of puffiDg, lacing is, and hint. For behold yon little maidea (Hiding like a thing from Ion Toward us, is the maid of whom I tell Aad should she but chance to hear it, la her heavenly eyes her spirit Would like Satan ia that heaven, noon re bel HehotK'th UrrM Two dwelling houses in West Pittston mid one oo South Main Blreet, for reuL Inquire of 8. Barrett. Anyone desiring Mrs.

Sin.tllcomb's yeast can gat it by calling at Mrs Reese on New York avenue, above the railroad A tine line of ladies' and children' huts i very low prices at Kirby's. Do you contemplate purchasing summer suit? If so you Bhould interview I Bevau before you invest His assortment of piece goods is varied enough to suit sll tastes. It won't take you long to nmmfy yourself of this fact Straw Hats Largest assortment in town at Coobs Ullman's. Ki County Commissioner Casper Olierdorfer of Kieter, is serving as. a juryman this week.

Strawberries, pine apples, bananas, aud a full supply of fresh fruits aud and vegetables, at Hillock's market. Bargains in every department at (Vxins i Illlraaa's. The finest msile Host's "Bohemian Boor None genuine unless bought of Uihmau Kor sale a second hand bar counter Inquire of 8. II. Khoades.

There are aome very handsome styles in gents's light stiff hats at I Bevan's Mrs. Annie Peters, wife of Thomas It Peters, ex-Luzerue Recorder, died at her home, 22 Haile street, on Sunday, aftor a week's illness, from pneumonia. Her ago was thirty-five years. Hnr hunband and flvs ohiklrju survive hor W. Cur.

of Krpubli can. A firm in Northboroiigh, Mass, has rocoiv-ed from Baltimore a cargo of rags, aud in the ceatre of one of the bales was found an old faahiontd pocketbook containing a $20 Con federate note, a gold chain, and same, small change. J. Frank Siegel's dancing class will cl'iso oa Tuasday, June lGlh, with a social lo their friends. Tickets cna be hail from inrmWirH of the class.

j'j eod-td Kverything in iho line of irents' lino fur ailing goods is krpt at I 1,. llovan s. Seersucker coats and vests- comfortable garmeuls for wann wmlher for sale at W. Nimmo's. Something new every day in ladies' anil gents' goods, at Coons A I'llman's Trade Pal BOB.

Nobby ties of all styles at I. L. Bovau's. Drink Best's "Bohemian Beer" Bole Agent, Wilkes-Barrn, Pa Restaurants supplied. Messrs.

Jacob Bryant, A B. Partridge and George B. Chase, deputy revenue collootor, stamp ageat BDd gauger, respectively, were yesterday reappointed by Internal Revenue Collector Staples. Men's gauze shirts 1H cents at Coons Ullmaa'i Trade Palace. To prevent epidemic drink Best's "Bohem ian Beer." The genuine at Lohman's restau rut, Wilkes-Barre.

Col. Keyaelds will entertain the field ofli eers oa Wednesday eveaiig, after the regi mental election. Republican. AU the new styles in men's and boys' hats at bottom prices at Kirby's. Houses for rent.

U. B. Thompson, Ag't. Some good bargains in houses, lots, and other real estate, for cash or on monthly in-stallneata. 0.

B. Thompson, Ag't. tf Greatest bargains at Coons A I'llmans Trade Palace. Ice cream and temperance drinks also a full liae of fresh cakes and fresh bread every day, at Brandenburg's bakery, North Main street, sign of the Red Front. j2 1 Mrs M.

B. Parker, 612 Exeter West Pittst jn, dressmaker. tf The new stock of goods at Kirby's comprises the finest millinery in town, and is offered at the lowest prices. Ask for Best's "Bohemian Boer" at ti Sinclair House, Pittston. Lehman, Sole Agt The 'family drink" Best's Bottled "Bohemian Beer." Lohman, Wilkea-Barre.

Parasols very cheap at Coons ft Ullman's. Tl trial of Samuel Roberts will take It is now on the 23d int If you intend getting a new Hat or Bonnet for yourself or your little girl, you had better not wait longer. The styles are all out, the manufacturers are auxious to sell, and if ever such a thing as bargains were owned by a dealer, then we have them, and we are ready and willing to give our customers the full benefits. If you want protection from the sun's rays, buy a Cape May Hat. These, and elegant "Rough and Ready" straws can now be had for 35 cents.

For School Hats, our trimmed Sailor Hats, at 15 cents, are neat and well-looking. A lady who does sewing and fancy work will appreciate that she cannot get up a Child's Lace Bonnet for 18 cents We have them. Fancy Silks, former price $2 per yard, we offer now for $1.25. our store from William street, you will notice right in front of you a large case, containing all sorts of Ladies' and Misses' Hats, very fine, fine and coarse. These are the remainder of last year's stock.

Ten cents will buy any hat in the case. In addition to our immense stock of Lace Curtains, we offer at present tarletan 2-yard wide, in any color, at 12 1 2 cents. Mosquito nets from 5 cents per yard up. It is warm enough to indulge in frequent baths. We just opened two cases of large size Russia bathing towels First quality, 19 cents; Second quality, 10 cents; worth more at wholesale.

CALL It w11 pay you. Ten Cent Sales are appreciated as well as Ten Dollar Sales. A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE.

NOW WILLIAM 8TKKKT OPEN! VICTORIOUS 1 New York. May 18, W. Doron, Wilkes-Barre, Victorious! We have the gold medal at New Orleans for remarkable quality of tone excellence of design and perfection of workmanship in Upright Fianos. Behr Bros. A Co.

BEVAN'S -NEW Merchant Tailoring Establishment. Our assortment of piece goods is very larjreand I includes all the new styles and patterns which aro most popular this soason. We can give jyou full information in regard to the prevailing fashions in gentlemen's frtrments and will spare no effort to please all who may favor us with their patronage. LEVY BLOCK, Opposite People's Bant I BKVAN. 3W IE.

Sole Agent for BEHR BROS, and GO'S PIANOS. 25 WEST MARKET WILKES-BARRE, PA. 'v. a Examine the Behr Piano Before Purchasing. W.


E. Fleming, South Main Druggist. Pure drugs a apecialty Prescriptions caiefully compounded at nil hoars. Night Bell..

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