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New-York Tribune from New York, New York • Page 4

New-York Tribunei
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Notum TO Hol SPlir.r.fF.R? liinw thaaaweaa. i Fi tun VTtii, iiap 'I at-1 Hoaaefaioieblaf Ii Now At rtflfl V. Ci. O'rrnw irf Hrneiway Br tt. ASMH NARY v.

i il-iardlati Itfklll a roriM of tmi n.le. In a. I IM WiatBI CiuTattu IA OB eapreeaty foe the retail trio- of to- nmaeOX wo? at a Ku.v OaAMI I the of mai.nh At DA Anxva, "mi in panic, 'm. a we ahfal be P'' Co it or 1 ia CeM aaJ taan.uw- eue st.e-? aaaaaawa prioaiwlta i to tl a ft Tiik Ki Bar aaafaAaa at JJaiii fa -u-* Fix tuaaaaj SUrai War, N-w Ml Bad Bioao. BTay Why It' Thaf otf-rthe moat uu taid of laxloearnenu.

aa star by eiklni at tha th-r a Bow marked ia Sr. 4 by raadiaa the lut af tlur.B Boi pT. eath China Coe-red V.i-talilr Wllm HUD Frail 6a "A bit- Cbiba Tee Seta, at 3 OLt Band Cbiua Tea Set' 44 5 Co'oied and (Ht Krenr Cl tna T-? 44 6 3n Vt htt. Cbioa Wat er Beta. 10 Out Baad China 42 co toured aad Ollt Chiia Dinner Seti.

1' I 45 00 QUl Dimmer a-ta ISI with raat paiatf flowera on each plere. JJ M.lrer paled Tab flpootii, the dozes. 3 AUrer Pteled Table Korea, tbe down. Plated Tea the Oos-I. i Ci Urn, re.

a. J'' Mil: r'ated Tea ea. h. 2 fct'eer Field Tea BeSa, 19 80 Oo. by ail end yi.rae-et.

for yon Can aar? a rocat raa Cknt! GBK4T Rr.lMXTI?>?l?KlCH CARPRTUrG. A LaKreufBT, Ko. AM Broaedwep, o-ar Graut aiSw Utaar fai i. af AiTal WiLroe, Vbl Vaaarrar, Baviiam, v'i aud IbobaI? Cabpbt at a feaal rednratr? fron, reoeu: pii. Salk of Oemh's Fck.h at AlTCTIOR, on 94.

Sat, ST aud a. at 3m Baa tn Drj Oejda ooHsmo. no. 319 Hkoahmav Til 8i Cmaaic tciirn Paiu Bt 11.per*era'an 1 irera' Htocr, ol toe above al Betail, per aaal laaa man ctMt Cmhm Li M. LRTfTIONS on THE KaCK.

Da eatlrely ave of a very thirk mi ray in form ot u. and ptmpina. wito Wtt I foarteeii It alto cured en acquaintance miue of atrere Johb No. Varick For by Dr. 8 B.

Smith, No TT Canal at near Ch'ireb at Hom oWAY's Pji.i.s.?Every atom mercury, trio, or nineral. in 1-LiDil. Th. ae ar- a ronibinttlm ot beaithfjL puri table they wall aa i reeclate, and relieve etory cornp.ainl uicidanl to the inter? nal PHOT. Ai.kx.

c. Harky's ta the letet and cbetpeat for D-' ialiir Beautlfyini, OtaaniM and the Hair. br For ay all throifbout tbe 0L TI E8DAV, WOYEMBEB 24, 1SK7. TO OOKtmTtPOSD frvr? Wmh i Mi 11 ui reiolttan.e*, B-eeaeotly ioilt to aaeo Oaea of Foat-OtBoa, ana Anquaatly oaawa of State, to which their paper ta ba aeni. mV era ft oiaaitlon name of tha ftxBaw and BJo ear be taken of anonynxaa Ciauaunloattaoa.

Wbak aewr kutanded for luaerw-u ruuat be ButAeuttoated aaaxa aad of the ueceaairtiy for Bew, bad aa a riaranty of food fntth. aaaavet to retara releetal Caaea inl atawa London Afirocy. Bampso? Low, 8on Co No 47 Hill, Lon ri are authorized re. elee to Thk Tut WmKi.Y Ti of this week will go to prees to-morrow In a ThtuaBay appomUjd for virjat AdvertuiameBtB for this vreek anuat therefore baLdetl is to Jay. We Buttiorixtd to tbst Uoa.

ha Mi th? Hoa. Eraatui the Hon. James the Jatnes N. Rtyaolds, the John H. Anthon, Jamet 8.

Tsayer. Vfm. B. Fry, Vim. M.

Erarti, and addreaa the People'a Meeting in favor of Daniel F. Tieniaaa for Mafor, at tb.e Academy Of Muatc. (o-Bia'ht. Tsru colujuoa of troopi are be ordered to Utah California and Ore goo. aoc to our ad cob froat WadhiDgtou.

The Mayoralty Conveatioa of Boatoo, several utucoeosrol saoeejedwrl yei eVrelsy ia aomtnatiDg tbe Hon. Samuel A. Eliot, aa Ci Mayor of the oily. There have been terrible itorma upoa th rirers. Numerous are re Oce report, which, however, larka con hritiaUoD, sUtes that tixteeo cos! botts.

with one butadred men sod wBrth of osl. were lout kit WedPeiday, near Cairo, A atesmer was biimed the water Napoleon, on From fifty to lost. Tber? was a terrible gale blowing ail jeateniay and latt aifht, hut we have not aa yet heard of any te? nons marine dasaaters in this vicinity. San AdminiatrstioD papers have been very in digaant at the charge brought against the Kaosse hogu? Constitutional Convention of baying oastad the TeTiitorial as estab by the Kansas Nebraska bill, by setting up in placa of it a Provisional Government of their own. Xet aa examination of the appended to the begas Constitution will prove this charge to be atriotij aad literally true In the first place, it is to be rememherrd that this Cotvsntioa did aot irie--t utder any authority from Coogress, hut me-ely ueder an act of the Territorial Iiegiilaturs, aa hioh if that Legitlaturo had been free frcm aay objeotion aa to the manner of its electioa would bave been, according to the doctrue main taiued by Mr.

Buchanan in the Michigan case, a riiere asstitnption on the part of the Territorial quite destitute of any binding authority. This Convention was, moreover, elected by a mere handful of hardly fifteen hundred in oitmirer, and, as tbe late Territorial electioa proves, acted io defiarjoe of the wishes of a very Isrje msjority of the people. Tons either by the authority of Con? gress or by Bopular sontiment, this Convention hat budertahen to impoae the Cotutitatioa it ha? framed upon the people of the State without giving theo? aay option ia the matter. At the election to he held an the 21st of December, all who vote Are obliged by the very act oi voticg to indorse aad the Constitation. They are at liberty 11 say 4 C'tiatlttititu with Slavery," or Coosbtukioo wi ihvutbia very; but they muit say Conatitnton at any rats: and what is more, they may ha called ajp -'i oxder the fourteenth sectk-a tf the schedule, bfjti re being ail.

wed to to take au oath 11 eupport the Conetituwi.u if lent to ati oaquahhtd oaih ha auppcrt the t. l. iixirowbofver votes upon at all to adopt be.i.i; a a i a m. aiabofitat.) Uu cue. By the section of the schedule 'tili take rflect Ut force fr jatilcatwa iy tut That to after tie litt af and witheet waiting for My approval of tbe Constitution by Coegress, cr adiu'Mioo of Ka-wai into the lloioe, thi? bogue tn take effect tod be ia force," eie-t for offisers under it it to He held on tbe firit Monday in January, from time the ef tbe and Lieu tfD'nt-OewrDor are to tt a rate pro? vided for in the rn-du'e ft ii tme that tieaa State office ri are not to ajiauinH office, nor is the State J.egislature to till after theadrniaai-v) of the State ml Kansas one of the independent aid sovereign States of the- Union.

But io the mean time the authority of the Territorial I.egislature it totally suspended, in place of which is ettablitbed a Provisional Government, consisting of the bogus Territ rial offieere now in By thia provision not merely the Territorial Legislature, bat the peo? ple tbemselcee are prevented from proceeding to any new appointment! or elections, it being pro? vided by the (tilth of tbe schedule that all officers, civil ormili-ary, holding their offices under Ihe authority of theTeriitory of Kansas shalloon tinne to and exercise their respective offices till they shall be superseded by the authority of the State." In like mauaer the Territorisl Leg? islature is restrained from the enactment of any new laws or tbe repeal of any old by tbe sec i nd section of schedule, which provides that all laws now in force io the Territory of Kansas, "which are not repugnant to this Constitution shall continue and be of force until amended or repealed by a Legislature assembled by the provisions of tbii Constitution Tbe result, then, is, that this botrus Constitution, without finvu sen submitted to tbe ratiffcatioa of tbe pe-ripla, er without waiting for any approval by Congress, is to take effect and bo in force upon the sole authority of the Convention alone, from and after the 21st of I and until Congress may see fit to admit Kanras the I nion. The peo? ple are to live under provisional officers and a pro visiooal code, without any power on their part to hold new elections, to make new laws, or in any way to modify the bogus regime formerly es? tablished over them by force, and which this bogus Convention has undertaken to perpetuate until such time as Kansas may be admitted into the That admission may be deferred for months and even for but nntil it takes placs this schedole undertakes to continue things jint as they is, to perpetuate tbe Border-Ruffian rule which has existed iu Kansas ever since the first Territorial election. Standing armiee have for centuries been the curse of European nations. They have exhausted the financial destroyed or vastly disturbed the domestic economy and husbandry of every great and small state, have formed the props of absolutism and despotism, and generally annihi? lated morals in tbe social and sexual From the beginning of the sixteenth century, from the period of Charles V. who, seconded by sev? eral Popes, sought to dominate over all Western Europe and establish a preponderance for the House of Austria, this practical malediction has been frightfully increasing.

Larger States keeping bodies of troops, have for sod smaller ones to do the same. When, too religions reforms were in? augurated, Protestant States were obliged to main? tain standing armies to defend freedom of con tciesee, and their political independence integrated with it. Thia twofold danger aeemed to end by the middle of the seventeenth century, through the celebrates1 treaty of Westphalia; and was soon fallowed by the land to-hand duel for supremacy between the House of Austria and and by some smaller ambitions, such aa that of the Swe? dish house of Wasa. This conflagration, with brief reposes, extended from Andalusia to the fron? tiers of Poland; the latter country iu turn lighting at same time with Tartars, Russians, Swedes, and Turks, while the obliged the eastern ride of the German Empire of tbe Republic of Venica to defend themselves. To what history calls tha ambition of Louia succeeded in the course of the eighteenth century, the ambition aad greediness of England, especially shown during the Premier? ship of the great Chatham, in attempt! to destroy tbe maritime preponderance of Spain, France aad Holland, and to seize, at least partially, their trans? oceanic possessions.

CoWiuporaneously with this was the ambition of the newly formed House cf Prussia, eminently active under Frederick the Gts at, and that of Russia in tbe remote north east? ern part of Europe, But of a suddeu the tire of social emancipation burst forth in Fraoee, frightening the polity despots and the civil and clerical aristocrats of tbe European world. The altar of regeneration was then to ba leveled, and thus tbe conspiracy of kings evoked the insurrec? tionary lava. France attacked, the revolution waa finally incarnated offensively in Napoleon, and became an immense battle-field, from the mouth of the lagus to the burning walls of Moscow. The pacification of Europe irt 1816 was not fol? lowed by any real disarmament. On one side the growing ambition and overweight of Russia, on the other the nations of Europe cheated of their liber? ties, obliged their terrified rulers to maintain large armies.

Alexander I. of Russia, and above all, Nicholas, during their whole reigns, transformed tbe entire country into one imuiense military camp, bristling with wrath, where drill and drums made night aad day hideous. With the organization of reeervei and other manipulatioas of the public service, about one in fifty of the whole population of the empire belonged to the military. This menacing, establishment seemingly made it a duty for other Governments to be ready to repel Cossack invasions. Hitherto Russia i been accused by publicists of forc'ng upon other States an exhaustive military organization.

Now a contrary impulse and exam? ple are given by her. Alexander in disbanding 490 battalions of infantry and about 100 squadrons of regular cavalry, has reduced his army in all to less than three-eighths of its former number. The dread a Russia can no Icager decently form a plea for other sovereigns to oppress their subjects. Louis Napoleon reduces the military budget by two and a half million insiguificant reduction compared with the broad measure of Alexander II. The Austrian Minister unsuccess? fully aid adjures his Kaiser and eol leuguee to reduce the army, and save that empire from bankruptcy.

Put the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and of War answer with a peremptory No? poiuLog to Sardinia, Italy and Hungary. Poland, too. owing to her Indian troubles, arms her militia, pod increases fcer forces. Tbis action on the part of Alexander II. induces to believe that he is the tint from among a long of Czars, who understands truly the character of his people.

Hitherto, every nation exisbug ia history has sword in band established her political and go. cal condition. Russia has acted I ke otters, bar people at hvrga, wj Oallllg ltd ut cherish til tie delij-tU domeeW bosun, without berieg Lad! ambitious or dazzled by military glory ths Frecrb. or ready to become meraeaaries fr whoever are tie batirg been tbe bive of mercenaries for whatever orjait durirg tha whole history of -tut xm Ea rrpe. The ambitioa of rulers, rather tbsn the ia aard national impulse, bai dngged the Butaiaoi ioto Eurrpean broiia.

Alexander II. seems at leait decided not to sacrifice to the god of War. Ia a country like our own, it ia oot necessary to enumerate Ike multiform blessings which area, when hundreds of thousands of able-bodied men devote their skill, energy and labor to picifie pur? suits, instead of losing them in war's labyrinth, and from becoming of society, are changed into ita beoelieent ageoti. Hf Boiicn Courier, which doee not bear the I election of Mr. Hackt with that ph loeophicel equa? nimity wbieh ii always detirable under adverse eirruniatancer, it especially ezercieed and seandtl ized that the tusceetful candidate should bare pre aeoted himself in peraon before the eitiiens previ? ous to tbe he should, to uaethe eom iern pbraee, bare ''atamped the TAe Courier sees ia this a lamentable downfall of aaeient dignity acd in fact, altogether tubveraive if good government, rerolntiooary and disorganizing, The Courier declares that aach a BTM is not mit? to "the subdued taab-t of the people by it cac only mean the tastes of the atihdut people sine? the matt the voter? do a A appear to have hf grieved to the heart's core by the On the contrary, it it safe to say that the precedent introduced by Mr Iltnkt hu ce-iv-d a ni' decided sanction at the haodt of the honest and votera of Maestihuaetts.

and that it it much toon- likely to be f-Jlowe i than aban? doned. At really we cannot teet why oar brethren of Tie Ceniritr should bteak their at the prospect. In tbe first place, it ia not true that tha practice it sorb an innovation as oar friends seem to contider it. On the contrary, in many parts of the country it has always existed; and to a limited extent it has existed in Massachusetts, where it hat not been an entirely unknown tbite ftf candidates to address voters. In Englaad, the rigidost Conser? vative, aa well aa tke extrtsneet Radical, plainly aid plumply from tke hustings and without any cir? cumlocution, atka tbe people for their votes.

The mode hat never been th ught indelicate or undigni? fied except ir. States in which it wat not followed. We are not at all inclined to regard the foreign way at the beet and our own aa tbe worst; 'and it may not be amiss for Tht Courier to inquire whether, if there had always been "stumping" is Massacho setts, anybody tbero would hare found in it any innate derxoraJizing tendency at this tin A sirgle word of the indelicacy. We sapposo it to be a pretty well established fact in politics that hen a man scceptt a uomluation ha would rather prefer tticceas to defeat. The simple fact that be is a oaodidate is aa implied request for the rotes of tbe people.

Then, too. whea was it thought im? proper for a grntlernsn irtnomination to write reams of letters expatiat't a all things in hearea and earth in convincing and sednctive language Bat if a man may wtite a letter, why may he oot make a speech? For our own part, in searching for the disad vautaget and improprieties of tha cnttosa, we can? not find a sirgle one to Dornas The Courier helped li in our dilemma. Ti bo iure, that paper "Shall a i hereafter be ehoeeet (Governor of MasSMkiottte on the coiicitiou not tot bis ability, integrity aid ssalanol public sen ice, but bacaase it capable of treating us to just so much windpeus piration of lorctd breath To this it may be replied that a person only ca? pable of tbe windy tutpirat? aforeaaid ia just the man to go abont and show hinitel in order that tha people may oot be wheedled into supporting him. 11 it wind would probably blow him up in a rery short space of time. Some fools get a great reputa? tion for wisdom by 1 oking solemn aod holding their torgues; but we never heard of any one who was deemed able or honest because he went about ut? tering nonsente.

Voters are supposed to possets some intelligence; and if this presumption in their fat or be not a false cue, public canratting oa tke part of tke candidates would exercise a salnttry effect upon public affairs. What the peop'e want is political information; and we do tot know way in which thia can be furnished in a more agreeable manner than by thote debates between rival candidates which are uni? versal at the West and South. Taere public ques? tions are publicly discuaetd by the ablest men, who are never because they are candid ttet. Ia this way, the people become thoroughly a-wpiainted with political characters and events, and are just at likely to find out tie mere demagogue as he is to cheat tht If there be good objections to stamp? ing," let us have them. Those adtanced by Tit Courier are child sb.

1 be oily indelicacy whieh we ctn imagine as tbe result of tbe custom would be a forward aad im? pudent advaic? of personal pretensions, wbieh would be, indeed, offensive to "the sobdued tastes" which The I ourier does so reliih. Bit, as iu private affairs, this egotism and impertinence are sure to be severely snubbed, why not is pub? lic affairs Tbe people are extremely sensitive in these matten. In none of tbe speeches made by Mr. Bsuks. so far as our memory and the reports aerve us, did he suffer himself to be betrayed into any such imprudent self glorification.

Everybody, from tbe least to the most refined, uoderitandt that nothing to becomes a man as and we sup? pose thia baa been acd always will bo felt by a ma? jority cf orators and audienees. It is a matter of breediog among public men to speak with humility cf their servioes. They do so, if aot sin? cerely, at least from politic motives; so that under any circumstances it is cot probable that the deli? cacy of those who are of Tkt Courier way of thinking will be offended, anlees it really amounts to squeamiskness. We kave taid that political information is necee oary in enabling the people to form correct po? litical decitioot. We believe that if the naked and absolute truth respecting affeits in Kansas could have been generally presented to tha electon of Pennsylvai.ia, pretioui to tbe late election ia that State, David Wilmot would have been the triumph? ant candidate for Governor.

The voters wen hug? ger muggeted by the Administration newspapers into the notion that all was going on smoothly inthatper secutrd A general stump' of the State by tke rival candidates, each both speaking to the state audiences, have opened many eyes whieh were sealed by and perpetual Democratic falsehoods And we do not know any persona who an. or who shield be ao weil fitted to this war of avordt, of on jitoaa aid of facti, tkoee iipaoaai open ooe si4a or other to it eqnal te the task if administer irg State affairs. Another great i tjtmi is ti git tn vote bo can vote. Tbe peripatetic teeehirgs of gniabed men keep alive the popular interest in poli tica, make the thick, aharxe oat al idly away frna the pollt. n.fetirg or barbecue at wh ch a distinguished mmY dida'e is present will draw maty who would etaer keep away.

A thorough "stumping" of New Y- rk thii )ear probably hare drawn out our resetted, stay at home forcea, acd given us Bute. mneb for 'stuttpipg." We think our stu grafcoca in ita favor quite jual to Tie CtaraW'j objections. Some of our cote varies aeeni to think tnat the position taken by Brigham Young and the Mor? mons of actual resistanoe to the authority of the United States has relieved the Mormon question of most of its embarrassments. It is, they ted ui, ao longer a question of polygamy. became a question of treasoa.

But this doea not seem an en rery accurate statement. It would be more cor? rect to say that to the question of polygamy a ques? tion of treason has been added, and, as it aeems to us, a question no less difficult and embarrassing than that of polygamy itself. What is to be done with these traitors How are they to be disposed of In modern times, and among ei ltd natioos. this qneetion of dealing with rebels has proved more embarrassing than any other. It it not Brigbam Young alone that is be dealt with.

Here are a hundred thousand more or less, including an unusual proportion of women and children. What ia to be done with them To barg them all. or any considerable proportion of them, is out of the and wage a war of exter? mination aga rut them is a horrible expedient. Tbe idea ia suggested, indeed, that we shall get Hi of the Mormons by their moving away. It seems to bethooght that the present operations of Brigham Young are only to gain time, and that in the Spring be, and all the Mormons with him, wilt move ott iu a bedy.

Bnt where are they to g)' S' me say to the British territories, some to tbe Kusxian territories, some say south into Mexico. But we are uot aware of any bi dy of unoccupied lands in either of these plaees of a character sufficiently attractive to draw the Mor? mons thither, or in fset such as would hold out to tbem tbe prospect even of a bare subsistence. Tbe original flight of the Mormons to the Salt Lake Val? ley, foil of hardships as it was, would be a mere Pleasure party in comparison to this new migration. Tbey could hardly expect to alight by as before, upon another place of temporary refuge, like that of the Salt Lake Valley. It would seem mrre likely that, if pushed to extremity, they might scatter ia small bands the mountains, and, amalgamating with tbe Indians and subsiding into a savage state, might furnish those wild regions with a more dangerous and formidable population they have yet possessed.

Whatever may be thought of Brigham Young and the other leaders, it cannot be doubted that the great body of the Mormous are acting uoder an honest delusion. In undertaking to re? lieve these deluded persons from the tyranny and domination of tbeir we suppose to be the real objeet of the present was unpardonable in the Government to have played as tbey have done into the hands of those leaders. By omitting to make any distinct statement of the ob? ject of the indeed the expedition haa mt gone on witboot any distinct idea of what it waa to have left the Mormon leaders at liberty to stir op the fanaticism of their followers by putting their own interpretation on the uiive met.t. And the interpretation they have put on it ia very evident from Brigham Voung's tion. They regard this expedition, not as intended merely to enforce the authority of the United States in the Territory, but as intended, in fact, to dnre tbem out of the valley, jaet as in former times they were driven first tut of Missouri and then out of Taking this view of the care, considering themselves at having nothing to lose by to mention their confidence in special ces of Providence ia their is more natural than the determina? tion they seem to have taken, to stand desperately at bay an to repel fores by force.

And as if to en? courage tbem in this vsry determination, no less embarrassing us than fatal to themselves, tbe expedition, instead of advancing into the valley by midsummer, at it should have done, and before the rmi DB had had time to nerve themselves up to the point of resistance, is delayed to the commence? ment of Winter, and then approaeies the Terri? tory reduced to Iesa than half the cumber origi? nally intended, and nnder circumsttnees that irive the Mormons, if they arc inclined to fight, svery possible temporary advantage. Another great piece of folly bee been the leaving Brigbam Young in possession of the title and authority of Governor of the Territory. It is by virtue of that very authority that he now ucder to order tbe Coited States troops ont of the Territory. Thus, while resUting the authority of the States, he claims to act under tbeir ccrrmifsion. That this c'aim is utterly baseless is evident enough, but considering the perversions of authority whieh prevail elsewhere, it is hardly to be expected that Bngham Young claims as the lawful Govertor of the Territory let alone his pretensions as high priest and prophet invest his orders in the eyes of the ig? norant Mormons with a certain eeibiaoc? af le? gality A cursory review of b.story arfords nithing like the San Franc'scc Vigilance Committee The iast mail fn California brings to us an Address whieh may be regarded substantially as the abdica? tion of its authority.

It surrenders with a grace quite germane to its original pretensions. In its maaifesto. without abandoning ita vigorous and at tbe same time quiet grasp upon illicit authority, it pays tribute to the Law and the Constitution: and decrees that it will hang no more and mur? derers, if ou'y the regularly-constituted judicial autboritiei will perform the necessary atracgulatba. And tbe gentlemen of the Executive Committee appear to have arrived at the conclusion that here? after it will be safe to allow Juries to convict and Judges to sentence. Petty Larcenous persona will have no more chance, the bnrglariouilt disposed w.ll be packed off to that State which cost so much money: the Judges have grown fiddenly honest, and the Jurors models of incorruptibility: at 4 so the Vigilance Committee, having lone its work, retiree.

We cannot permit it to retire with ut paying to it a certaia meed of respect. With? out pretending to v.ndieafe. ae tray aay something ic extenuation of its usurpations. And, first, of those usurpations. Aaytaiog more can hardly be discovered in the world's at: 11 i-e: of Ike Irst iWfutiM tr tht at tie of revolution.

We think are may eay reeords af popular uprisings, nothini can found te challenge it. Here were ireo tertinf their daily and moat printable their own lives and I to their very faces the legally eon stituted Judicial autf tbe State jaxitdictu their personal money freely, since the public eipeiditure brought no requital? Jetermired that, at all hazards, there should be more aiietable marauding atd niurdermg in San Fraxcisco. The immensely flagrant matt swing? tbe tutpiciiut and disreputable may giro leg bail. "But hereafter." tad thit Vigiltnee Committee, we will not lire in this perpetual condition of e'atm. Hereafter, the bread thai! not be stolen from tbe very Hps our dearest.

are are scoundrel, however scoundrelly, but goes unwhipped of juttiee. On the other hand, he whips us. who strive to be honest. Ft go, if we catch him put Lining or murdering, we shall be under tae uecessity of requiring him to walk out of thit upper-stiry door of a warehouse, witk a new bempeo crarat. by us for him especially devised and twisted.

At "for tic minor sinners, let them, in tke devil's name, depart, under pain of capital execution if they return." A notable reeolaten, suggestive, undoubtedly, of anarchy, acd eatily to be proved illegal by the smallest reference to the smallest law library ia country. Very doubt, to the ad? venturous gentlemen who were compelled to walk out of the elevated doors. Positively inconvaaient to the hard orkers at private pockets, yuite dis ntticg to tbe burg'art. A perfect misery to the A general bursting up ef speculations not upon good terms with the statutes. Honesty be upon pain of danciig opon nothing.

Very bad It is due to these Vigilance Committees, both the First and tbe Second, to say that in no one instante bare we discovered any abuse of their authority, nor any attempt to employ their power for private ends. We cannot learn that either of them have huDg any person who did not, as human opinion goes, richly deterve hanging. Tbe people ban? ished were just tbe people to be banished: and it ia only to be objected that no one baa a right to ob? trude bis personal naitances npon hia neighbors. The gentlemeo who, for tbe sake of social order, cheerfully submitted themselves to the chance of in. iictment.

sentence and execution, must have taken very wide, and we fear that we mast add, wise titws of public responsibility. No more than revolutions are Vigilance Committees to be recom? mended Hut, as necessity knows no law, we do not propose to prescribe lawt for necetsity. And yet all of ua will be pleased to learn that tbe police condition of California authorizes the virtual disbanding of the Vigilance Committee. Law it certainly better than anarchy, whenever anarchy is not the better iaw. There is satisfaction in perceiving a consatena tion between a man's premises and his conclusions.

On this ground we cannot but greatly admire, and probab our readers will do the same, a little extract wbicb we are about to quote from a speeoh delivered in the late bogus Kansas Conititutional Convention. The orator was one John Randolph, a South Carolinian, one of the moat fluent speakers in that distinguished body. The subject was the allowance or prohibition of Slavery and the Slave trade. In reply to a fellow-member who opposed the importation of slarea for aale, that diitin Borde r-Ruffian expressed himself as fol 1 ws Sat BBSS taa gentlemen sn by talking about ISSbVs in at firth 1 lines he thxk that Bitters are ftumaa, that tfley i- Beat aad oureeivee' Why. If Joha Randolph be iss.

that BSafari wer? men BO mat'er however a de? ine, this CVi.ver.tlon would cut find John Randolph on the Beerot that ball edvc-atlDg Slavery. NV If he thought that niggers were human fleet sod blood possessed of human feel etTerti. aud hat lag an irumortei soul. Johu Ran .1.) oh would be an Abolitionist What! buy and seil our own soil ll.xirj! Trade in human No! no! be believed Iu no sickly staff as that: snd for gentlemen effscttagto bold Ibat fllerrry was ebstrartly right, and put theuiselees for ward ai cf Southern to talk about the traflis In flesh arid blood waa simply balderdash. He didn't believe Diggers to te human any more than a horse or a dog.

If 1 ilv ite their to freedom Now, whatever opinion may be formed of Mr. lohn Randolph facts, bis logic is unexceptionable. If the negn ea are men, then it must be wrong to hold them in Slavery. Wa particularly recommend th speech to the serious consideration of The Journal of Tht Observer, and other prints of that stamp. They profess to be'ieve, and no doubt at yet they do believe, that the negroet are poises-ted of human feelings, atfectiots and thougbte, especially that they have immortal for the salvation of which those jour? nals profess a great concern.

Entertaining tiose opinions, instead of coming forward as the advo? cates of what are called Southern according to the new icterpretation of those rights, include not only the perpetuity of Slavery, but its it definite extension, if not indeed its reestablish mtnt in all the journals ought, in all consistency, to be Abolitionista. The abolition movement, whether in Kogland or this country, grew. Ln faet, out of the idea that the negroes have cot merely human feelings, aiTections and thoughts, but touls, and immortal souls. The movement for the abolition of Slavery was. in the beginning and still is, tubitantiaiiy a religious movement.

Politicians may per? ceive that the existence of Slavery leads inevi? tably to an aristocracy of the worst sort; political ecott mists may prove that it ia inoontlatent with our gteat increase wealth or development of civ? ilisation; but, after all, it hat been the religious view of the subject which has brought it prominent? ly i 1 and has led to action upon it Ail tha most d.ttingutsbed and mrVjentiai opponents Bia sty cave issued from tie very bosom of th church. Thit is beginning to be generally per ceived. Mr. John Randolph forhimsel merely, but for tbe great body of the more intelli gent advocates of the lawfulness of Slavery. Con tiatency and the security of tbe institution will auk 'f quire that the negroes shall be excluded not mere? ly from civil privileges, but from eburch privilege alto.

It il not be long before TAe uhstrver an Journal will be distinctly called upon by their s'aveholdiog clients to take that ground. In the mean me we recommend the eubject to their prayer? ful consideration. The hoetiLty and oppoai'iou to tne Koglith Di? vorce bil on the part at leeit of oettain c'ergymen and laymen of the Kstablisned Church tobe us rampant at ever Notwithstanding the pat tsge of the set, hopes appear to be entertained of yet prevett rg it from going into operation It retail that the act. by its termt, is to go into eifect only on or after the first cf January next, and tttn by virtue of an order in council, to be issued for thatpb-prae: and a petiton is now in the course of signature, prtyitg the Queen not to issue any tuch order in council until the act shall uave first been submitted to Parliament for revision. Tho ground of hois petition if tan, tan Diverts Aflt, Or It Leant those priwi.

um Of ft -TIU dim the aiseotability of tie dlvoreed parti et to be remarried a.vortJiig ta tie ritual ef tbe Eoguah (' hurch. are ia wife and aiaoaDt ta substance a repeal by tion of aertain portions of the Act of I (ItUrd 11 eh. 4). Tha ajZj fliet ia made oat in this way By that act, the Beet of Common Prayer, aa settled at the faaat revisit ii made the law of tha land; evaryhjaja. fired miniater of the Established Chorch baa? quired to deelare openly aod publicly congregation bis unfeigned absent aad casaaatht the use of all tcmis contained in it" Book Common Prajer, thus made the tk, and.

contains, in tbe form of eotemnitation of assaa moo) which makes a part of it a prayer as God. who by thy mighty power heat mun thirgs out of nothing; who also (after other than set in order) didst appoint that oat of maa (ertv ted after thy own aod similitude) shonld take her beginning; sad Bjasj to. that it fut inMndtt those whom by matrimony hast made ooe And the petitioners further allege that beside this cited passage the form of sale nans, tion of matrimony containa many other expreeetooa and declaration! to the same effect, especially the prohibitory words. "Those whom Qod has jaiaai "together, let not man put asunder;" while, as they insist, there is no word either ia the mtrriega service, or ia any other of the formularies of tie Church, to ahow suggest that it has ever hasa the judgment of the Church that marriage, ones lawfully contracted, foasd be dissolved except by death. Such beirg the case, the petitioners apprehend that, ia passing tbe Divorce aet, Parliaaentotold out exactly have known what they were abtat, or at toast, if they did, that they have most alarming precedent.

The Act of I nifbrmity ta the legal and constitutional basis of the public min? istrations of the Church of England, and if tha pi is once admitted of repealing any material portion of it. indirectly and by implication, the plain meaning of the Prayer Book may be nullified, its express directions imperceptibly ebregated, aad fundamental alterations may be effected witbaat attention awakened to the subject, so that, ia fact, by thia procees, the Establishment may be all frittered away before anybody knows what is going on. Another poiat taken by the petitioners ia that, as the Divoce act applies to England alone, and not to Ireland, the United Church of England aad Ire? land is. in fact, disunited by it. inasmuch as ia Ire? land marriage remains indissoluble, while ra En? gland it has become diasolubre.

Under these eircumstances, the petitioners sag gest that the aet, before being allowed to go into effect, shonld be again submitted to Parliamentary revision, so that at least care may be taken that, whatever the legislature may see fit to enact re? specting the civil contract of marriage, no violence be doue to the plain language of the Prayer Book, to the consciences of the clergy and laity of the Church of England, and to the law of the Church aa identified with the law of the State by the Aet of Uniformity. In thus persevering to the bitter end, the oppoaera of divoree moat ba admitted te exhibit characteristic English pluck. Bat thee Lord Palmers ton is a man of pluck too, and aw apprehend that the petitioners will hardly aa in delaying the operation of the act A year ago last April a case was wmmeored ia tbe Surrogate's Court in this city, which was eon cluded yesterday noon, after one hundred aad eleven sittings occupied in the examination of witaeaaea, aad two weeks in the argumenta of counsel. Tha Parish Will case is undoubtedly the most important cause, in the amount of property involved, the pe i uliar and remarkable features which characterise it throughout, and in the eminence of counsel aa gsged, which has ever been submitted to the Court of Probate in this city. A brief statement af its more remarkable and leading points will prepare the way for a clear underatandiog of tha decision which is to be rendered by the learned and able who now occupiee the position of Surrogate.

Henry Parish, for many years a prominent mar chant in this eity, as well as in Charleston aad New Orleans, made a will in HI-', in whieh he be? queathed a large property to hie wife, provided handsomely for a large circle of relatives and friends, while the residue, if any, after satisfying arusiry specific be.juests, was given to his brothers Daaiel and James. Io 1849, Mr Pariah waa struck with paralysis, and from that time to his death, in was deprived entirely of the use of hie right side, and almost entirely of his power of speech. After thi para sis, three codicils were made to the origin? al will. In these he revoked the appointment ef bis brothers as executors, and the bequeat to them of his residuary estate, and aftej variooe bequests to charitable institutions, leaves the whole of tbe reeiduum to bis wife. His estate during hia illness had increased very largely ia value, being estimated io 1848, at the time of making tha original will, at about and at the time of hie death, in 1H6, at rather more than The probate of tbe codicils made after the attaek in '49 ia opposed by Daniel and James Parish, the ground of incompotency and undue influence oa the part of the wife.

The original wiil aad tha codieila are oppoacd by the two sisters of the de? cedent on the ground of implied revocation. This, in brief, is the summary of this important in many essential points to tha utal interests of society. Can a confirmed par? alytic make a will I The evidence has been unu ro? ily voluminous, occupying six royal octavo printed volumes. A large amount of proof is offered oa both aides. With the decision of Judge Bradford will chse the immediate interest which the public hare felt in the cause.

This may be expected, we understand by abtat the 1st of January next. The arguments of counsel have been exceedingly power? ful, indeed, we may character zi the summ ng of thia cane ai one of the greatest forensic efforts ever w.tnessed at the New-Vork bar. Mr. Everts opened for Mrs. Parish, Uie proponent, in a very lucid, learned and eloquent argument, in eveiy ra speet equaling the reputation of that gentleman.

He wu followed, for the contestants, by Mr. Coner in an argument acknowledged to be one of hia greatest Judge Edmonds followed for the sistera. Mr. James T. Brady occupied two daya for the couteetanta, and Mr.

Francis B. Catting closed for Mrs. Parish. Taken as a whole, we shall probably not ace such a contest again, or have aa opportunity to record to brilliant a passage between euch brilliant antagonists. It is especially a source of congratulation that they ere able to tte case be lore the Jadge who had heard the evi? dence from the beginning.

Another case of cruelty and unlawful violeeee board aa Amencan ship ia reported ia oar Itsl Ur..

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