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New-York Tribune from New York, New York • Page 1

New-York Tribunei
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE Ir a It) i every morning, at No. 30 Am New-York, anl" delivered to Oky Subscribers fo N'NK CENTSperwejek. Single copie? Two Ceuts. Ma.l peranncrri.iii advance, ami the pape no beyond the lime tor which it paid. taken for S.x Months.

'I ernw of each Advertisement of PEN i.o<- (tri first Insertion. 50 rkV (been snlxeqncet insertion. 25 do. for SIX or one 50 do. fbrTVK KNTY-F1VK insertions.

5 Longer at favorable rates. Religio us and Funeral Notices, not ceiiK CP Tl.o WEEKLY very laTge paper, lor the Country, ii published every Saturday morning, at'thr iiw ot 5u per amtnm, in advance. T5k Tiu 1 One. Tariff ox causes are com? bining to ii'i'iro, we fear the manufac? ture of Salt in the central pati of this State, which has heretofore proved source of such profit to the Stato, and of labor nnd conseqiieiit to thousands immediately engaged in its various branches. To sonn- extent tliis may be owing to the complaints, which of late nre loud and fre? quent; i.f the quality of the article often sent put It.the Ohondaga works; but much more of the difficulty may be attributed fd a lack of efficient to the stagnation in business brought about in this Stab; by benumbing influence of tbe Loco-r.

ui policy. Weseo that already foreign Suit is coining in by way of the St. Lawrence in large quantities. A correspondent of the Albany Advertiser snys, that a largo amount hu? recently arrived at mainly for markets on the upper takes, while a large quantity ofNew Vork gait lies at Oswego waiting a market, which ir cannot find. The Canadians have the advantage of tts in this trade, in consequence of their being able to send wheat, bought i.i the States, to Kng Iand as Provincial escaping the heavy duties which British Free Trade imposes upon foreign grain.

They ran thus pay a much higher price in the Western States for our grain ex? portation than our own millers can afford to give. Salt is for them a very convenient ballast on their upward tlint they are preparing to sup? ply ail onr Weitetti grojin-growing country with this indispensable commodity. New-York is thus made a double loser, being deprived at once of the salt duties and of the canal tolls on this Western wheat. Our Provincial neighbors are prosecuting theirimprovementB of the St. Lawrence with great energy rapidity and, as tbe Advertiser's cor? respondent suggests, a vessel may soon tuke a car? go of salt at Liverpool anil, discharging it at Chica? go, return with a lotid of effectually destroying our market for salt, which we can pro? duce in unlimited abundance, and draining our Treasury of the tolls on the exported grain.

More titan half the Syracuse salt-works are now lying idle from this very cause. It is of little use to suggest desirable legislation, so 'long as we are under the of a selfish tyrant whose Will is ac? cidentally the Law of the hind. Henry Clay in Correspondence of the Albany Daily Advertiser. Lancaster, August 1842. IIarky of the West is going it with perfect rush in no mistake.

Previous to the late Scott Convention at Harrisburg, we hu supposed that the Whigs of Pennsylvania were divided upon tho question of the Presidency? but to our utter astonishment we find that wo are all oa the snrno side. This Scott Convention came off last a half dozen Counties were represented, and in the said half dozen rep? resented Counties, nine tenths of the Whigs at this time tiro Clay men, and it will soon be a race between the other tenth part who shall get over first. The Clay men themselves ate astonished at iheir own the annals of things po liiical make no mention of suah perfect unanimity of feeling, and such unbounded enthusiasm, us tiuw prevails among the Whigs of Pennsylvania. this same feeling exists throughout the Union, it will not require even the son a prophet" to foretell the result, of the next Presidential election. Henry- Clay will walk over the course in the most approved Tippecanoo style: ami the aura popularia which wafted Old Tip to thu Presi? dency, will b-v as a zephyr's whisper to the popu? lar whirlwind upon which Harry of the West" will ride to the White Them tny sen? he must shut his eyes und reject the evidence of his own senses who don't believe in 'em.

Lancaster County gave over four thousand majority for Harrison: she has already pledged herself to give fine, thousand majority for Hknky Clay, with the- understanding thai she can add five hundred more tbe hark of ii necessary. licit roiin for Protection. In an nrttclo about the New-York salines pub? lished some days since in the Ono; dugn Standard, and republished in Saturday's Argus, the follow? ing paragraphs There is another reason why die manufacture of salt at pu springs should be protected and encouraged, vit: The competition between our salt and the foreign in the Baslern market is oo doubt an Important cause of the very low price of the foreign article in New-York: for it does not low itiit. bei uuse it can bo imported cheap, tbe consum ers would also obtain it cheap, it iherie was no American salt to compete with Tbe contrary i- the fact; for wu. to the commence? ment of the manufacture of coarsi salt at bur springs in i ioor 1821, tlie priceof foreign salt by tbe cargo in New York, was from, sixty cents per bushel; and ilur the war with Great Britain, it was two dollars per liushel and but for the Onondnga springs; it might bring the enormous price again, if be interrupted.

If you will take pains to examine, you will find that in the proportion that nur infant manufactures have hem en abh supply ihe Eastern market wiUi salt, bus tbe price ibe article been cheapened." 'fhr fitct that ftv enee? iu "inc manufacture here tepdaoiu the price of the foreign at ticle, is of Ii on; works to go to decay, there im he no doubt bnl the importers and heavy dealers for I rear, a rich hatveaL We venture predict that on the would be higher, both here ami si, than it lias during the five rears," A better reason for the protection of domestic a.i- lines an scarcely be given than the one quoted. Not only has an American enter prisoand labor in this department of industry been successfully encouraged; but the price of an arti universal necessity has been greatly reduced by tin- competition thu-? excited. Tbe Argus tac? itly admits the potency of the argument in favor oi protection in this o-o, and what is here said ot salt is true of'every othei article of American man? ufacture. The effect of encouraging our domestic manufactures has been to cheapen the price of the article produced and gradually to render us inde pondl at of rbreign work-shops. Is not this a pol ii niclt coiumenda itself to every Patriot and rt s.M ami which Ute support of the whole People? Can it that more parly ties will induce any considerable portion ot fellow to a measure so certain i to promote the growth, prosperity and real inde pendencu the Republic 1 Eve.

Jour. Western papers state that new wheat tiling in liiinois, at Alton, for 23 cetits per bushel, or30 cents pet buaheL forthebest kind of rags At St. Louis, Mo. wheat is worth eciit.s, specie, er cents St. Louis scrip? ta the -8th nit.

the Sheriff of St. Louis sent in his resignation to the Governor of the State. Rea? son?" the people had no could n't get any and did a't know when they would have wen" miserably poor, and he'd not oppress them." Some eight or nine hundred, executions were re taraed at the satnu time by the Sheriff. KF A new fertilizing mineral in West Jersey has been recently discovered, according to a state? ment at tbe Philadelphia "Agricultural Society on the 3J Biddlo presiding. By applying a few drops of sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol) apow erfuleffervescence took place, and, upon a regular analysis, ir was found to contain more than 90 per cent, of carbonate of lime.

BY (3REELEY McELRATH. If. NO. 106. Shnvrneeloin Bank-Election in Illi? nois, Correspondence of Tke Tribune.

Galena, Illinois, August 1, 1342. Absence from home and ill health must be the apology of your correspondent in the Lead Minos for his long silence. Coming hither from my own New-England, Clime of the brave the nigh heart's home," I have been the subjert of a full share of the siis eases of the climate. Since 1 lust had the pleasure of addressing you i we had another severe sluwk in the monetary world. At that time the notes of the Bank of Il? linois at Shawneetown constituted almost our en? tire circulation.

Sin- was to resume specie pay? ments on the Loth of June, and the people had every confidence in her ability to resume, ami in he honesty and integrity of those who cou troled her arVairs. Every man who could get Shawneetown money thought he was safe. The miners took it freely fur their mineral and manv laid it by as specie funds. The mother Bank was about to establish a branch in this city, and our merchant anticipated some relief from the Eastern exchange which it. was said tlte Bank would throw into the market.

The loth of June came, but with it, unfortunately, no resumption of specie payments by tlie Shawneetown Bank. The consequence was that her paper went down immediately to fifty rents on the dollar. In common with almost every body, I was grossly deceived in the Shawneetown Bank, and 1 uow freely confess it. Our people have been so often deceived, cheated und swindled bv the Western Banks that they have naturally lust all confidence in Bunk Our Staple (lead) should secure to us the best currency in the coun? try, and the principal transactions in it are now in specie. It is now dull at $2 25 per hundred, specie, jvliich is lower than it has been for manv years.

This is election day in Illinois, and the contest is going on very quietly in this city. The 1 have said in my previous letters, depends en? tirely upon the Southern part of the State. It Joseph Duncan runs ahead of his party among the Suckers, his chance of success will be fair. On the other hand, if he only gets the votes of the Whigs in the South he is badly beaten. In the North the Whigs will lust: heavily on the vote at the Presidential election in 1840.

Van Buren then canied the Stale by majority. The Locos in this section are united to a matt on Ford utid are making a vigorous rally. P. S. The polls have just been closed in this city and the vut? stands for Duncan.411 Enough litis been beard from the balance of the County to rentier it certain that the Locos have carried the County of Joe Daviess, which gave 4U9 majority for Gen.

Harrison. This looks badly. For the New-York Tribune. The Ci'oton IVnlor. Mr.

Editor: The introduction of the Croton water into the city has civen rise to much specula? tion as the best plan to be adopted to enable the citizens generally, to enjoy those benefits, cither real or imaginary, which the public press has for many years been teaching us were to be derivod from It. Some of these speculations found their way into your widely circulated puper, bnt it appears to the that none of the suggestions which 1 have seen published will meet the expectations of the public. If the general cleanliness and health of the city are to be promoted, tho poor must be supplied, and this will never be done, if they are to depend on their landlords to introduce the water into their houses. Certainly the most equitable plan, and the one which above all others will se? cure equal advantage to all, will be to place hy? drants at convenient distances in all the streets, which be free to the public, for all the uses to which tbft pumps are now applied; and also to supply the water to those who desire to have it in their own bouses, at a very moderate for a three story dwelling including baths and sta? ble, ten dollars per annum'; and for a two storj boit-e with similar privileges, seven doilurs; taverns, livery stables, manufactories, to be charged in proportion to the quantity of watei used. Many public houses ought to pay from one to two hundred dollars per annum, and some a mach higher rate.

From these a very considerable in? come would be derived, and the deficit should be incorporated with the ordinary city tax, so that property should bear the burden uccording to its value. The reduction in the cost of insurance would seem not only to justify, but to point out such a course but if any of your readers can sug? gest a better one, they will much oblige the writei by doing so, through the medium of columns. As allusion has been made to the pumps, and as tbi? whole cost of maintaining them is only three thousand dollars per annum, 1 would suggest that be continued, until public opinion.will sauc tiou their removal. Aqua. Water in Boston.

Boston, August 3. 1SU. Tu the Editor of The 'Tribune: Having seen several paragraphs in the Tribune relative to the best manner of collecting a revenue to defray the cost of the Gruton Water, I hate thoighl it wuitld not bo uninteresting to you to be informed of the prices paid in the city of Boston for the use of soft water brought into our city from Jamaica Pond bv the Boston Aqueduct Company. I have made inquiry of a person who is in the em? ploy of that Company and he has furnished me with the following, viz: Rent paid by a family of 5 persons.f 10 per nun. do over and iletexceeding 10.J2 do for a large private family.1? do large boarding bouses.

$25 and SU do public housts, (say die do do do do Albion.75 do do Exchange Codee Rouse.75 The above named public houses have bathing establishments. There aie some manufacturing establishments that pay as high as $600. Respectfully yours, depll'it. New Statt. bill to authorize the Fund Commissioners to borrow on the credit of the Slate to be applied to the payment of the arrearages due contractors, has passed the House.

It provides for the issue of Stock bearing an interest of 10 per cent, payable at the State Treasury, or (if the money cunnot be obtained on such terms) in New-York, redeemable after 1850? the Stock not to be sold for less than par. A more fatal blow to the interest of tlie State could not have been conceived. If the bill passes the Senate, the credit and character of the State is prostrated at once. More than bill de? feats its own object; the money cannot be obtained under it. State Journal.

Kr" A Scotchman named Robert Scott recently disappeared from Lowell. Mass. and has not since been heard of. He was about six feet high, had light blue eyes, and was marked with the small pox. He had made partially iusana by do? mestic addictions.

OFFICE NO. 2 SEW-YORK, MC A 0 I A I 0 I Or, Principles of a True Organization of Society. IIT" Lecture on the Moral and Social Advantages of Association having been deferred on account the indisposition of the Lecturer, will be delivered on Friday Evening, the 12th insL, attne Lecture Hall of th? Fourier Association, 411 Broadway. The Lecture will commence at 8 o'clock, and will be free. Cannes of Intemperance.

The blighting scourge uf Intemperance stalks through the selecting its victims among all Classes, and, whon once fastened upon them, rarely leaves thenvtntil it has dragged them dow through a career offolJy, madness and disease.into the grave, i The heart-breaking grief of wives and children, and thousand moral and physical woes and miseries accompany it. We want a radical remedy fur this moral one be i found To answer this question, we must ex i amine tkc causes which produce Intemperance. Intemperance, like Poverty, Vice and Crime, is the result of a false system of Society. Intem? perance is an EJfect. and if we wish to eradicate it, wo must eradicate the Causes which produce it.

There are four principal cuuses of drunken? ness; wo will examine und show how rt.rv can he removed, and with them oiw of the de? plorable evils of our false Societies. Great efforts are wow making by the Temperance 1 Societies to effect a Temperance Reform, hut their efforts can only be partially successful, because they merely combat the Effect; they do not aim at up? rooting the Causes. The good and great results which those Societies are now producing may also be but temporary, for if in ten or twenty years hence the present Temperance movement dies away, In lempcrance may spread again and as prevalent us 'Ihe error which people commit is a wish to effect one-sided or partial reforms; they wish to do away with isolated L'viis without going to the foundation of them they wish to correct, as we said, mete Ejfccis, and leave the Causes un? touched, which reproduce the same effects they cut the stalk und leave the roots, which bring forth new stalks again. Wo will first examine the ptimary causes of Drunkenness, and then briefly show how the causes and the effect can be extirpated together. This in? quiry is one of interest and importance.

We will show that Association offers a remedy for the scourge of a remedy which will be radical and permanent. The first cause of Drunkenness is prolonged, dreary und monotonous Labor, without change or relief. The lower orders of the Laboring toil constantly without variety or diversion at re? pugnant rounds of in dirty and con? fined manufactories and workshops others un canals, often in the mud and water: others again on the lonely ocean, enduring every hardship, and living in a maaner unsuited to brutes and others in ways equally as oppressive, which exhaust, de? grade and wear them out, in body and soul. The portion of the Laboring Muss, of which we have spoken, have scarcely any moral and intel? lectual pleusures and occupations, and few or no varied and agreeable Social Relations. The hu? man Heart demands, however, and demands im? periously, variety, excitement, pleasing occupa? tions, enthusiasux: and congenial Social Relations.

The Laboring Classes are Men; the same Divine Spark which animates tho most favored beings in Society, animates their toil-worn frames they feel instinctively the aspirations of the human Soul; they want some Happiness, some Delights, but they cannot obtain them life is a blank as to scene of monotony and toil. The inebriating cup is before them it procures a con? fused and brutal excitement, but an excitement which is not without a certuin exhiliration and exaltation, and it brings for the time forgetfulness of, and indillerencc to, the various evils which press upon them. Is it surprising that men who are deprived of all of exaltation and gay excitement, which the mind at times so strongly requires, whose lives uro a scene of care and depression, should lake to the intoxicating howl No. it is not; and so long as the condition of the Laboring Mass is not improved and long as they are not relieved from overburthening lubor nnd harassing cares, so long will tho lict Pinn of Monotonous Toil? exist. The second muse of Drunkenness is to be found in Habit ami Example; Drunkards of-'this class are composed of men belonging to all elusses of society, and who, from being constantly invited to drink, and having liquor before them at the dinner table, in meetings, parlies.

acquire gindualJy the habit of it. With time the stomach becomes accustomed to the artificial stimulus, und cannot only, not do without it, but the dose must be in? creased to make up lor the earing out of the sys? tem nnd the maintenance of equilibrium. This class of Drunkards can he reformed if the temptation he taken out of the they can he induced early to abstain from exciting drinks, so that the habit is nut contracted they can easily diverted from the ruin that awaits them. With this the Temperance Societies can easily succeed hut with the ether classes, they niMSl first extirpate the CJitses to obtain a general and permanent success. The third cause'oi Drunkenness is to be found in ihe disappointments, despair, dejection, and terrible violations of feelings, which are produced by sudden ruin und reverses of fortune, by failures in undertakings, by want of success and loss of hope after protracted efforts, by thwarted ambition, bad conduct of cbildien, Sec.

Our sucieries are subject to constant revulsions and changes. The Rich are often precipitated from aftlaencu into poverty; they are also frequently disappointed in their children, who turn out gam? blers, drunkards, or criminals: hope in life is lost, and trouble, the desire "of forgetfulness or the want of excitement, drive many to the fatal cup. Other persons, again, are contending agairst the chances of fortune: they spend the best part of their lives in endeavoring to attain some desired end, but without success; a period at length ur rives when the energy of the soul is broken, when i they lose hope and gave up; apathy and prostra- tion follow, and intemperance, or some other vice. them its victim. from these and various other causes, are overwhelmed by disap? pointment, and sink into dejection and despair: a fearful crisis then generally follow some are i saved by Religion, some become hypocosdriaeal, some even crazy, some commit suicide (this is more commor.

in France than in this country)? but a great many become Drunkards. To eradi? cate the Drunkenness which atises from this source, we must do away with the causes: we must establish a of society which will secure man against these terrible revulsions and trials. The fourth cause of Drunkenness is more Jitricult I to understand, as it arises from a passion or sea'j ment in Hum iiNature which is not comprehended. There is implanted in man a passion of enthusiasm, of exaltation, which is beautiful and noble in itself, aud which, in a true system of a So? ciety that would make use of it properly and allow it a legitimate and nutuaol action, would produce the finest results. But in our stale and monotonous Societies there is no use for this passion there is no outlet, no svstem of action for it, and it is smothered.

la some persons this passion is very iutense; it must act, it must find vent, but as there are no means of doing so in a true natural way, 10 ANN-STREET. AUGUST 13. the persons -limiilared by it seek in alcohol! in opium end in some other preparations for the appeasing this restless excitement, and rind in an artificial, false ard bruta! exaltation or enthusiasm, which is a reversed image or per? version of the true sentiment. Jn some characters this perverted excitement takes a dreamy cast: in others it becomes violent: in others again it rises to madness. Drunkenness from this cause has existed in all ages and riimatcs, and there can be hut little hope r.f eradicating it without a social Reform? without the Organization of a Society, which will satisfy fully man's spiritual nature, and allow a true and noble expansion r.f the sentiment of es altation and enthusiasm which burns within i soul.

To up. we find tour classes of Drunktrds. First, the Drunkards of prolonged atid monotonous Toil: second, the Drunkards of habit and example: third, the Drunkards of de. spair and disappointment; and fourth, the Drunk. ards of smothered exaltation and enthusiasm.

There are some other and produce Drunkenness, but wc will not enumerate them as separate Classes. In our next article, we will point out briefly the conditions which must be fulfilled to do away with Intemperance. American firstnumber el this valuable statistical work was pciilished in April, and each succeed inLr number on the first day of each month. The whole volume will be corapleted in 12 numbers, with 32 pages each, and will form of the most useful works extant, on the subjecLs of American Labor, American Pro? ducts, and American Resources, together with valuable Speeches and Documents on the TarirT, by the most emi i meat men in the Union of political parties. The price of the whole work'(12 Nos.) is 75 single numbers fit cents.

The back numbers still be obtained. Twenty complete volumes may obtained far $10. CONTENTS oy Tills (august) I to Editorials.Pages 12? to 13n Vit. on Hon. War mar Denny, to 137 the Protective Policy.

and to 142 History of thf Policy ok oca Govern? ment reference to Protection. 142 to 149 on Protection.149 to i.s7 XII. How Free Trade is Propagated.137 to XIII. would a Tariff do for the La? borers ok this 158 to 159 XIV. Thought for 159 House Tariff 160 Passage of the Tariff BrLL ttr the 160 Post Office July 17, 1842, rrUnited State? Express? FROM NEW YORK AND Post Master General, with a view to the accommodation of the public, ami to increased despatch and security, has established an express Mail, to expedite which Messengers will be employed under the im? mediate supervision and directioni Messrs Harxden U.

lor carrying the Mails between bis City and Boston, and the important intermediate with directions to cause the delivery at the earliest possrole time. Letters will be received on hoard the Stonington Line of Steamboats which carries the Mail via Stonington and Providence Boston, from past 4 o'clock until the time of departure, Curing which cau lie jiaiil ill lie re? ceived at this otlice up to 4 o'clock. P. M. This arrang ment will go into operation on the inst, jyinim JOHN LOR IM ER GRAHAM, P.

M. IT'United Stated Mail FROM NEW YORK TO a view to give the possible convenience," deipatth and security to the increas mg communication bet wren Boston and this city, ilv Post Master General has established regularly sworn Messen? gers attached to the Department from this city to Koston, under die immediate superintendence of the undersigned, to commence the 20'b insL To out die fullest possible extent, these views of lVrrt Oeoernl, tellers for Boston, Provia not New Bedford will he received on the regular 5 o'clock Mad Boat, (and if desired, postage can be paid) from past 4 o'cloci up to die Ume of its departure for Boston. Public nntirp is therefore hereby given of the abow ar? rangement and all persons may rely upon the increasing diligence with wbieti all mail matter wilt be forwarded as above in the shoitest possible space of time, and with the greatest HARNDEN General Mail Agents New York, July ISth. 1842. Im JS.

REDFIELD, Bookseller and Sta tinner, Clinton Had, corner of Nassau and Beekmnn streets, has constantly for sale an ussortinent Of Theological, Classical and Miscellaneous, and Schoolbooks and Station? ery at the lowest cash prie s. je27tf Children's Clothes. OYS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTH (1NG, either at wholesale or retail at OLSON'S ne Clothing Store, No. 98 Chatham street, cheap as the cheap? est ami as good as the that can be touml in any other p.irt of ibe city. articles in the Saddle or Coach line ran be bail at very reduced prices at the store of die subseriber, consisting in nan of India Rubber Cloth.

Webb SergCi "beep Skim. Skirtings. Patent Budrtle Trees, Harm's, Backen, Bits, Hides', Laces, Carpeting, Bands, Hubs, common ami patent Axles, Top Leather, MlniMou, Bows, Step Springs, ic. au3 Jm .) S. SUMM ERS.

272 Pearl-sL OLLED G. MOFFETT, 121 Prince-streol, near Wobsler, would particularly call attention of Hani ware Dvalers and Manufacturers to hSsuperior article ol German Silver, which he ofTcrs for sale wholesale und retail, of all tbirk nesses, and warrants it equal to any, either Foreign or Do? rnende Ci ami tl ROLLED AND PLATED BRASSY A tirsl rate article of Rolled and Plated Brass, can always be found at JA.MF.S G. MOFFKTT, 121 Prince sL, near Woester, at the lowest market prices. Likewise a very of Brass. VOLUME XVII.

Number die? Companion, a monthly A si n-t a.herjost received and for sate by SAXToN MILKS, Broadway. This number contains two beautiful steel plate engrav? ings and a plate.of fashions, beside an unusually ricli collec? tion ofu: gmal matter by distinguished American authors, and paire oTmusic Sommer is breathing." aui ONE PRICE is generally known llMtsom? store-keepers a-k doable itje price the article is worrti; therefore any person wishing to pur? chase good cheap clothing can rely on beirij furnished with articlesat llie fobWing at cloib jark et- to cloth pants $325 to satinet p-inli $1 to .1. COfiSWKLL.l'oi Cb.ilbain-M. 1 3to rpHE Self-Instructor utiri Jiiuiunl of the a t'liivrrsal Lyceum, by is published monthly at the Exchange Lyceum. S4tl Broadway; at SO A discount will be made to aymts who buy by the quantity.

Agents of penny papers will find it a profitable work. For sale at Axford's news mom. ICS Bowery. tt TWO SAIL BOATS FOR SALE? The Henry Clay and General Scott, each twenty fed in length: lxith tast exceeded by any boats of their class in this city; titled in superior style anrf in (irst rate order. Can be seen at Bishop ii Shnonson's shipyard, foot of Sixlbstreet.

Applv to tf C. M. SIMONSOX, H4 Columbia-street. TENNESSEE LAND FOR I orier for sale 6.200 acres af Ijin in Onion County. West Tennessee, upon 12 early erants to Governor Blount and Capt.

John Williamson, for Lam'. Mine is a of each grant. I will receive in payment, upon a fair valuation, Ohio State Stock, the Stock of the Basik of Chillicothe, the Franklin Bank of Columbus, the Lancaster Ohio Bank, at par. II! nois State Stock at 00 ceuus to the dollar, tue Indiana State Stock at 120 cents to the dollar, or the cash, for any of the 12 tracts of the above-named Laud, or for the whole JOHN McCOY. Chillicothe, Ohio, July 7,1842.

au4 2awSrn IBLIC-ADMINISTRATOR'S OF? FICE, No. 56 is hereby given to die reistives and next of kin of Jukn Ifurly, late of the city of New-York tnvern-keeper, Patrick' Riley, late of New-York, grocer, Ernest Schotte, formerly of Sl Gall, Switzerland, (late of the said tv of merchant, and William late of Yorkshire, England, carrier, and who are alleged to have died intesUite. thai I shall ap? ply to Uie Su-mgHte of Use county of New-York tor LeUers of upon the estates of the said re? spectively, the 26tb day of August next, at o'clock in the New-York, July 23.1, 1342. E. KETCHUM.

Public Administrator. FAMILY BOARiTiNfT" SCHOOL? N.T.?Parents wish? ing to place their in a Cbrif-tian family for their educa? tion, are respectTully iuformert that this School is limited to twelve Boarders, and is in a healtiiful, pleasaal situation. Terms $150 a year. References-? The Facuitv of the Weslevan University, Rev. Dr.

Peck. Rev. Coles, Rev. G. Lane.

Francis Halt, Esq Cor. New York City J. Swinburne. Principal Whue Plains Academy; Elisha Hai sied, Rye. For farther information address, by mail.

an6 R. MAT HI SON. PnnnpaL DOMESTIC HARDWARE, at the low est aianufacturers prices, and a liberal discount for cash. EDW. PURCELL, 23 PiatT-streeL an8 2w? Comer of Gold-stretL FOLK HOLLARS A YEAR.

WHOJUB1 SO. INSURANCE. TN A Fire Insurance Company of N. No, 57 against toss or damage bv oo dwelling storvs goods, turn-rare, vessels and Ibeircargoes in port, and property generally, on as l'nvorahie terms BS anv otbrr ofticr. DIRECTORS.

Charles Town. C. S. Woodhull, John T. Stagg, John Allan.

George Poroeroy', K. B. Cisrytou, FredUt Peutz. P. Foulke," Colgate, Ross I Stebbins, .) J.

M. Valentine, Isaac L. Plan. Chester Clark. Wm.

iL M. Black well. M. Hoffman, Wm. A.

F. Penn, W. Con. g.D.Skiltht, M. L.

Marsh, Josv Jamieson, it. J. U. Joshua Jones, 1 w. Hnpeden, Jno.

Van Boskerck, Suas Tbeop's Anthony. L. Gray, William IL Thorn. CHARLES TOWN, PreshleuU Renkt Lott, Secretary. ii P.

Dcsn. Surveyor. THE HOWARD INSURANCECOM paoyv-Capitel office No. Wall This Company contirraesto make insurance against loss or dam? age hy fire, Ksdrahatd na? cation. DIRECT! I Rensseiaer Haven Nalab CoricLnwronee, .1.

(Jou-ii. Baldwin, John Mornsoni B. Wool ey, Nathaniel Weed, pan.) amain Fanning Rank i 0-v Lee, Meigs D. BentaroinJohn D. Wolle, Caleb O.

Halsted, William W. Todd, Ferdinand Suydam, Henry Thompsoa R. HAVENS, President. Lewis PHtn.trj.Secretary. US TIT UTIJ iN sl Dwell! 7.6.

lb es ind Fuenil ire only, returned to the Assured: THE HOUSEHOLDERS' MUTUAL IN? SURANCE CO KN V. Office Wall for sepai at ig the insurance oi Dwelling and Furniture from thai of stores and Merchandise. It is weii known that almost all the losses incurred in the business ofinsurance, ate the result of the banting of valua? ble stores and costly goods. This increases the xpeuse of insurance to the household? er, and may possibly deprive him ul the very security for which he nays his premium. The cash payments or premiums form a fund, which, al? ter paying and losses, is represented by scrip, and is issued to the assured in proportion to amount oi their insurance.

This Company is prepared insure against loss or dam? age bv tire, Dwelling in whole or In part as such, Household Furniture and all Household Property ordinarily kept in dwelling houses. Every person insur? ing with this Company is entitled to one vole tor each hun? dred dollars insured. DIRECTORS: GulianC.Verplanck, it. AJtobertsoo, Stephen Cambreleng, Roh't Henry'Ludlow, Samuel Martin, Frederick Depeyster. William II.

Hanson, F'-rk Schucharut, Daniel Seymour A. RODGERS, PresidenL f. TAYLOR. Sei reta-y. lUlLMI ANTS' Haifa Million of No.

AS Company continues to insure against loss or damage by Fire, dwelling houses; warehouses, and other buildings, ship? in port, merchandize and household furni? ture, and eyeiy descripuonof personal property, on term as favorable anv similar institution in this citv. DIRECTORS: Lawrence, K. Bogert, Thomas Blood good. Anthom C.Rosstre, John A. Stevens, Mo-es Taylor.

RootChesebrougbj Oliver Corwin, Fiaucis II. Nicoll, John LawrencCjTh Boydj Charles N. Talbol, William Wi Fox, James O. tstacev, George Barclay) Asa oh Stone, Jacob P. Glrau'd, Joseph Hudson, Dastd M.

Prall. Andrew Foster, Jr. Ephraim (L Grinnell, Oliver H. Gordon. JONATHAN LAWRENCE, President.

A. II. Sei tary. jell3m EF1NED SUGAR at Prices. The subscriber offer their standard quality double re? fined Sugar, packed lu boxes of ah ttioOii pounds Double Loaf Sugar, In barrels 2no Crushed Suirnr, In barrels 250 Ground Loaf Sugar, at the following reduced pi ices: In quantities of Donme Loaf Sugar, cash, five packages) Crushed Sugar, lOc cash, and upwards, Ground Loaf Sugar', lOjc rash.

Any number less than five halt cent advance on the above They also offer for saie their usual variety of Refined Sn gar and Sugar House Molasses, at reduced prices. The above Sugars are all refined without tlw use of clay orblood, and are of finer davor than where blood used, Jt. L. St A. STUART, 285 GreenwichsL au lo if corner Chambers si.

EF1NED SUGAR at Reduced Pricea. The offer their Standard doubUi Kenned Sugar, paeKetl Tu boxes containing about 30? pounds Loaf Sugar In barrels do do 'M) Crushed do In do do do 250 Powdered do At ihe tnllowiner reduced rates: Any number of) cents Cash or 104 cts. -1 mos. er. Packages not Cru-hfrd.

10cents do or inj less than 5. Pow.I'd. I0i cents do or 11 Any number of Loaf and Crushed, cents, Cash on Packages less than Powdered) 11 cents, Delivery. All orders punctually attended to. New-York.

Aug. 1S12. New-York Patent Sugar Refinery, WOOLSEY At WOOLS EY Offices 89 Wall street, and at the Refinery corner of South and Montgomery streeL au9 I STF.AM SAW il The Subscribers having their New Steam Saw Mill in complete operatioo, and also on hand a full assortment oi White Pine, White Oak, Georgia Pine, and Hemlock Tim? ber, of the best quality, nr- prepared to furnish all orders with which they may be favored on very reasonable terms and short notice, WHITE OAK TIMBER WHITE PINK TIMBER in cribs or single logs, or the ratt or single log, or ed to order, for keel pieces, iawed to order into deck mill shafts, i.e.; wale stufffplank, bridge mid scow and plank of all sizes; ma-(plank, gutter ricks, balus chim-ts' dimension and building timber bridge ilmlier. king am) queen of every description, posts, and trimmer beams, dock fenders, i.e. GEORG I PIN TIMBER in Logs, for topmasts; or HEMLOCK TIMBER sawed into plank, rails, co-tin loss; or sawed into raiit' lumns and girders, and cross timber, and trames, and every other des-ffor all other u-es requiring a criptiod thai may iie article, Public Contractors, Bridge Bmlders, Manufacturing Com? panies, Shippers, and others, requiring large orders, may depend upon having them executed nl the shortest notice.

N. have also in operation two superior Cuxolat Saws for making long or short small sized as blind lath, oakum slab, wedges, rocket rods, kc. or saws let by hour to persons furnishing their own timber for rip sawing or cross-cutting. all those interested in Ihe abdve we invite to call and examine for themselves at the Mill, foot o'' Fourteenth street. North river.

COLYER DUGARD. N. Wm. A. Palmer is now fitting up a complete Turning Establishment with Heaot power to execute eyery descrinuon of lurnirigat a saving from former prices, thus affording to buthlers and others facilities tor obtaining materials excelled no other establishment in ihe country.

orci Strato Saw Mill, Thomas footof Uth-'sL, N. River. PROOF IRON SAFES can be do eri ater evidence of tlie high estimation by the tt uder's Patent Sal imanderSafe ihau the lacti that since the inwntion of these Sales and their trials and te almost vary thing made for the pnrpote ol liOtding books and papers are ailed by the makers and venders by the ikoiieot' Salamander Sales The (Olio whig Reudern on composed a CoromUteeol Mer at the mat of in inmi me ftxrtoi Wall-street, and decided in favor 61 Wllder's Patent Sate. hh a asthe only one tlial stood ihe ti-st, vh: Messrs. WADS WORTH SMITH, BALDWIN 1 MINTt- RN CHAS.

H. MARSHALL, Ks-i Wilder's SalamaMdef Sates, wbkb ive never tailed to their contents in ca-e lire, ire to he had only of SILAS C. HERRING, General Agent, No. Water-sl, N. And his ituiy authorized Agents, M.

J. I Albany. K. SALISBURY, Troy. jv7 tf j.

STANTON New Orleans. AVDEN'S Premium Medal was J. Hayden for his very supe? rior Pens" by die American Instimteat its last Fair. 'Ihe Government have given them ihr Preference, and tLe i.est accountants nnd many ot die public institutions will use no other Pens. They bayejnstly obtained the highest reputa? tion, and are not surpassed if equaled by any in the country.

The trade are sappiied at the MaaufactureVs prices by the agents J. P. IIA DEN, 5 Platt-street Agents also for Siltiman's School and Ink Star.iU_my9 tf QARATOGA PAVILION FOUNTAIN. subscribers are almost ilaily receiving of tliis orateo minerai water, which they are selling for present at very reduced prices for shipping or family use, and ill deliver to any part of ihe city free of exjiense. GASSNER ii YOUNG, 132 Chatham-st.

who have, also on hand a superior of Fresh Refm-5 and Brown Sugars, Con'ees, Sauces, Segars, i Oi'? Candles, fcc. at the lowest rnrtrket prices. 5a 1m CLOTHJNG, 98 Chatham sons in want of good Clothine and wishing- to sairea little the-e hard times, would do well lo call at ILL I AM DOLSENTS i r-w Store, No. 93 Chatham street, aiwl exam ine his stock if ready made Ciotldng, before purchasing I elsewhere as he is well convinced that diey will rxit mspute the RITANNLA METAL Sets, Tea and Coffee L'rns, Castors, Lamps, Dish Covers, Plan-s. Communion Tankards, Cups, rpt mnl fiom retiued rolled metal by Messse.

ReedAtBarton.ol Taunton. and warrameo superior any other manufactured in this country and equal to any inJWKOwe-tnr sale by their only agent in this city, lTHr.Kc.Lii., Jr. John-si reel. I Brokea COAL. JL dav from canal-boat Wm.

H. Har I nson, clean and in good order, at lowest market I price. Apply to A ARD At BROWNE, 1 aa9 411 Waahingion-street, eorner of Laugbt. i-I Orrfci ok JxrrtiuoN l.vs. New-York, Aug.

1,1842. HE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of ni declared a Setni-An c' the St-ckboid Teawftr troa, tfih 9ft, bat, iciest ve. retary. HENRY Vv '''ST1" ot the Demo York couoty of New Resuhffl. Tbtt the ouMicsiauj pitched tV Lift and Spervues o( liYnn Olaj OANTB MAI i of New York, undertaken with tlie consent ami lywobitinn of that distinguished statesman, is coiJ.

by this Committee to the favor of breihraa throughout the Union. Extract from the. (ill.KS M. HH.l.YKR, t. Cha-mua N.M.

The aln-ve work be in two large Octavo volumes of at least ekW pages ejeh. bound in clotb extra, wtttt a likeness of Mr. ChtY; a view 04 Ashtaod, his resiitenee. ami such otner pictorial engrav iU0S as may be advisable to adorn the work. The pnee will be live a copy, p.ivabie on delivery.

Agents authorited to obtain riU-rs ill be appointed asoa DANIEL U.I.OKY. jyg Im Walt-street. AR IN ET Ft RNI'STK will rind it to then interest to cart at No. 20 Catherine street, where may be found, on the sv ml rioor. an exten? sive assortment of splendid Cabinet the newest and most patterns, and vOn-h wilt he -old at prices below what lumiture of the same quality can be tmught tor at auction.

Tin- advantage orteretl in buy? ing oi the regular manufactory at auction prices must be evident Iftmennd long experience in the business are any advantage in manufacturing good Um Subscriber feels confident in -aving that any Who may rail at No. Jiv Catherine-street and mrke their selection siralibnve taU and.amplesadsfoctlOR, both us price and quabtv, in the purcltased. s. PANNING ie23Su) Bv ciai Xppo ntment JOSEPH (UI.l.OTT, lVti Manufacturer TO THE -The high charae ter of these Pens lias induced t(u? attempt, nn the patti.i several disreputable makers, to practice a fraud not Only upon Mr. GilUit, hut upon the putiHc An iaforfor ele in-arttte; name.

omitting Uie tinal is now ia the HiarkvL It can re.uUK Se dtfteefrd bv us unfinished appearance, und ihe very CQSnntna style iL us. it is put up. Observr. the are are all marked In tuft? GUIott's Patent." or "Joseph Gdtott, warranted;" and each nn? bears a the simile of btssignature. The above may be bad, wholesale, ol HENRY JESSOP i 15 1 94 John-street, corner of Gold.

MrJsiC AT TI1REE Cf NTS A Page, at No.72 LLspenard'Sb, cor. of T. GESLA1N, Music Publisher, Is constantly receiving new and fashionable Music, lor the Piano. tJuitar, and which sidling at the very low price 61 re mil. Also, on hand, a small lot of isicx! InstrumenU, which will be sold very low.

The DUblic aieinvitedt ih and examine for themselves. Wholesale dealers sup plivd cheaper than at any other establishment in the V. N. B. Piano Fortes tuned at 75 cents.

CH QESI tIN. T() and Welded wrought Iron Tu lor Steam, Wa? for, from I to3 inches diameter and in lengths from I InCbeS to 12 feet, capajiiw ol' an internal pressure of from to 10,000 Iiis per square ther witb linings of description, such as bows. T's, Reducing Socketsi Cocks to which the Tubes are joined Screws, and by means of whfi they ay be put togethci with ihe greatest facJUty by any ordinary workman. The great strength and tubes as com paredwitb Copper or othei material and then inoraj rentier them superior to all others lor any of the purposes above mentioned. For sale jyVS tf WALWOItTH NASON, 36 Ann-St H1TSEY .1 MM WATER PLUMBERS, No, I John street, near Broadway; New York.

White Pine, red Cedar, and Locust Lead and Iron of ftrjl itljty, ubs. Water Closets, Cistern Pumps, Cold Water Fountains, Lead Work, and Hydraulics of everydescripdon, furoLsheil fixed on the most approved principle and reasonable terms. Mr. Whitsey, foreman for Samuel Haydock of I'hila- delpbia,) baying been engaged for the last IS years in the above place, where he has superintende I some of the gest public buildings, will warrant Ins work equal if not superior to any in use, Certificates iron Mr. Thomas W.

VVaUer, Architect of Girard College, and others may be seen at the shop. All orders eudedto. im IIKENbiSSliS taken by the ij type Process, are taken at the risirascorner Broad and in a superior style, widi all the moilern improvements, without any regard to the weather, the re suit beinu always the same. Instructions in the above beautiful an are given und ap? paratus furnished at moderate prices N. B.

All the apparatus used in the business may be taiiit'ii at tlieabove place. Also every descripsloil Of Minia? ture Cases, Lenses, Plates, kc. Specimens may be at the rooms ut any time during the day. iy I ti BROWN'S BOWLING SALOON? Masonic Hall, intoiduciojr this es lab. tishment to the notice of gentlemen, the proprietor would call attention to it ns possessing mlvautages superior to nny I tliiiiff -gel in the world 4nd where can be torrod recreation uuasHociated ith vulgarity OT Objectiona? ble society.

It has beeti the aim of the proprietor, in udapi ing tills superb hall to the purposes of athletic in banish, by strict prohitory requisitions, all devfoHons from gcod propriety; to Insure this, he has been careful in Ins selection of assist nits, and particularly those charged with itsireneral supervision. TostrongeiS visiting the citv, nnd also ritir.ens desirous of amusement and invigorating exercise during Uieir ab? sence from business, this Hall has attractions ofo high order, laviting by the celightful coolness consequent upon Its site I and perfect ventilation ami the order decorum prevail? ing, from strict diseipdne among its attendants. N. this Salmon will befound six alleys, tbei bj preventing thr usual detention so mrfch an objection Jy93ro PATENT CHEMICAL oil, LAMPS, CHEMICAL OIL, BURNING sub? scriber would invite the attention the public to his -lock tip GREENOUGIPS PATENT which from their heauly and superior qualities, are destined to supersede all others now in use. The oil which is burned in them is i bamicnl preparation, very clean injts properties, and rives urery brilliant nnd eronomlcal light Tile Burning Fluid li a pdrtnbl? llgllt, lo from all smoke, si il grease, rrill neither sod norstain.

Coramon Ijunpscan be nliered at a triflrng expanse to burn the fluid. The rabscriber h) kindly permitted to refer to someof -ur most respectable who ai how using the ai liide. J. C. in kk, Broadway, p.

There nodnagerof explosion in either one ese nrtic.les. "21 it QTLVEK I No! k3 123 Wiiiiaiu strewt, to manufacture Silver Ware ot the dcscaption tlnrl At the latest Presentation Vases, Pitcners, Waiters, Tea irid cortee Ser? vices, Cake ind Fruit Baskets and Children's Mugs, richly ehased and appropriately designed. Also, Dessert Fruit Knives and rkSr.silver.bJades; Forks and and plain-threaded patterns. Prize Medals of vir ion- patten Suited for prizes ol Fl rjeultural. Horticultural and tgrlcultural Soi leties Orders liy letteVpniictunlly attended to.

The.wbole of these articles are manufaciured on the pre? mises of sterling silver, an.i no care or ense i- spared i thebeanty ol the workmanship. N.B. Drawings and estimates of artlclet lot presentati in will be turuished in answer to an application. jy2A 3m "SHE (ITT EAP EST HAT S' Vi i ElN THE WORLD! Grand street, has now on band, of the latest sprjng fashion, an excellent as sortmentofSilk and reduction of 50 cents on each former prices. Also a super.or article of Fur Hat for $4.

equal to any In the city tor nnd The pnbbe are wsrpectfnlly Invited to call. jfood assort11unit ot Bov's Hats nu.l hand. ZmtnA TThStS OOtVANT, near EV VX aughtsdian and Bngraver In Wood, No. 12 John street, 3d story New-York. Refers to Mr.

George Endieotrj22 John Edmund Kimball, Jr. Km). (Messrs. SbeidonJ Wall si, ft. II.

Pfarey (Edward Richardson CO. tSOSauth tt. Jtill.N for maiij jrean of ihe ttaaaar. roriiec ot Broadway nod COutllandt-sr. Imying lately fitted up at Jo.2Johri near tbe.corner of Broadway, a small, neat establishment the.

kind, with assortioeni nf very clynce Freneii; Knglish, Ger? man and American Fancy Goodl and PerftmefV, wouhl be happy to r.reive, a.s orporlunity may offer, i friendly call from former as also from the public in general. aulO Im rtHEAP PAIN OIL, AND GLASS and retail. fj- Lea.I, Pure Exl I Mo, 1500 Boxes from 6 by 3 to 2J by 500 Boxes Freoeh With a full of all for sale, by A. SCHUNCK. if.

Divisionst. R. SWAVNE'S Syrup of Wild Cherry may be had at Mllitor's St Broadway, comer John Sti er-t. Krom the ijreat satisfaction this rce.lieine piven Throat Lung weakenesl constitution, espe pecisilv when the us kv-'e-n i- impaired, ut claiming the attention of the medical proU-iAon in varfoaS tjoi the country, well as in cities from the circum? stance of its wonderful extract from the Weekly pnblished at states that Dr. late ol St Thomas, in this county, used Dr.

Wild Cherry personally duringa protracted, in L. to anv other nsedtCtne be could jy Id 'VQrATCXWvVEil TO iu the village if VVest Farm-, It miles IrcfB the eity. The Mill is accessible hy water, situated on the liver Bronx, and has a good head water mrrmghoot the year from ose to fifty horse power, to let, with suitable rooms, nnd or. rea suable terms. Inquire of JOHN COP-CUTT, 343 Wash? ington street or ai the Farms Saw Jfill.

jy 13 if DUTCHER, REYNOLDS ATTORNEYS-. SOLICITORS r. COUNSKL Nos. 81 and 82 MerchaaU rtreet. New-York.

SALEM ulTCHER, J. N. KP.VtvoLDS, JOHN WARWICK, Sweep Refiner In general, No. 17 John Purchaser of Jeweled and SilvessjaiuVj Poings, Pa macings, Lemells, Parting Bars. hUver Bars, Laer, GsT.ot.1 Plated MetaU.

ROLLERS of the best of all (ice of the New Wortl- Uqaire of J. W. SCREW WOOD equal to any pofjed, for sale at Joba-strecL jy?.

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