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The Alleganian from Cumberland, Maryland • Page 3

The Alleganiani
Cumberland, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

a iu it 1- rcadv choked with vh-te tro-ms. The con- KAJIYLAND. Wednesday AiiKn-i 10, ISOt. i-: s. th V1 -'ry m-aily er.un'd Had Mich been the Attack upon New An attack uj-oii ih' inilitary uf Creek.

Vs. in-vicon TiuirJay afternoon cf last Th" was it i- til- aiuno 11 thnl thrtiifi'ni'd nd on the purlins JInndny. 'I'h" i and i-onliiiiii'1 for remlting limlly in ilie n'pul-' 1 of thu J.tjlx-l Iroops. The t'lti'tit uf ou either we have bvcu unable to li-arii with anv degree of accuracy, and refrain from uiking an band upon the contradictory statements we have rweivtd. Another Thrcutoncd Haid.

fiovernor Curtiu, of Pcun'-ylvamu, i-ttii'd on Triday lust a proclamation ttatiug the advance of the licbul army had ugi'in crosttrd the Potomai occupieil llagcrs- tiwn. In view of (he probability that it wai Uie intention of the enemy to march into Pennsylvania--Governor Curtin calLi for thirty thousand volunteer- to be mustered into the service of the State, until the fmergenry requiring their immediate tcr- shall have passed. A despatch from UarrUbiirg, ccnOrmed by another despatch received at a late hour laat evening, leaves DO doubt whatever, that a force of Hc-hcl cavalry and infantry moving by wav nf Shcpardntown and Kunkstnwn did really enter Hagcrstowu Friday morning, taking thu inhabitants quite by surprise. It ii impossible, however, yet to state whether, as Governor Curtin asserts, these troops constitute the advance of a InrU'T force, or whether they have merely followed the example of MeCaiblaiul and furtvanl on a simple raid, with the intention of re- crofli-iug the Pi-tomac at an early day. At the tame time, it is proper to add tint it if confidently' believed in certain quartets that General En ell haa Joined Karly, and that the forces but recently commanded by thi 1 latter hare been largely of I.iU by fresh troops frum liichmond cr elsewhere.

--o-Tho Ropulfio before Petersburg. The assault on Petersburg on Saturday, the 30lh did not ri'sult in a success. The action began by thu blowing tip of a portion of the Confederate works, through which liuriwide'ii troops charged, only to find that the captured works -were eninmun- dcd by an inner line, and the ground gained was, after a desperate struggle of several hours duration, compelled to be abandoned. The official state the loiscs of our troops at 2300 men, killed nnd wounded, inclusive of in prisoners, which lln Confederates claim to reach the number of 1200. They give their iu killed and wounded at SCO.

Home Confederate prisoner? were taken. We fubjoin an account of tho battle from the correspondent of the New 1'ork Times: In accordance with the plan of battle, Ihe first division of the ninth corps (Lt-dliu's) was made the assaulting column. General Ledlio formed his troops in three lines of battle, having each a front of about six hundred. The second brigade of thn division (Colonel led ihe iiwault, followed by the first brigade (itcncral W. P.

Harlett,) and the third line made np the third brigade (Colonel The left t.f Lcdlio'a division was supported by Urig- tij'er General llartrnnft's brigade of the third diviaion (Wilcoi'a) and its right by General brigade of Potter's divi-- son. The fourth division of the ninth corps (all negroes,) was ported directly in the rear nf the ansunlting column. press forward if hcnever practicable. Thul-ltb New York heavy artillery were the first to enter the fcreach made by the explosion. They 1-oun- dcd forward "at the word, in the fntd-t of tho ihock of the artillery, through thedeiiFC clouds of flying dust, and clambering over thcdebris, found lhcinsclvc.1 violently pushed down into the yawnini; crater.

The sight which then! met them mu-i have been appalling. Ifodie" of dead liebcls crushed and mangled cut of all resemblance to humanity, writhing jbrms partly buried, arms protruding here and legs struggling ihere--a very hell of horror and torture, to a space fifty feet in length and half as many wide. lint tho time was not favorable to the play of humane chaos of mangled humanity mixed wiih of and mnuitions of war niu.Jt bo unheeded. Enough for the storming party to do was found in exhuming two Hcbel cannon with their ciiis- rons, and, in obedience to the law of self- preservation, turning thcso upon the tnciny, who was throwing into the crater a hhower of shells and Minne from the bills bevond, and from points on cither fide, they still held on this first line. Getling these pieces into promptly, under cover of their the waf, ruformed, nnd at tlio word of dashed font ard once more lo storm the crest of the hill.

It was a task too prrat. Tliry gallantly tiMiilitl il, and 'nearly gained the summit, subjected all (he time to a withering fire, which increased in Bcrccnchs at every j-lep. until they became lljo cculre of a converging htorm of shot slicl). AtL-ickcd on the right flank and the left flank, in front and rear, they were to fall tack to the partial protection of crattr, leaving their course thtok- ly ftrcwn with tlie dying and the dead. The colored troops, upon ihe hcclu of 1'iis repulse, wrrc ordered to charge, and they 'moved out gallantly.

A hundred yards pained they wavered. Then the'89th Mawachuecltii regiment, which kd, became pinic-f trickcn and broke through tho rear, demoralization twiftfy. Their "tlcerf urged then), entreated thtra. threat- tbra. hot failed to rally thcra, sod, ib: osw, liroVca and fbalfcrrf, swept hack the pauie t'i spie-itl.

result, it might have li-tru fortunate, and many .1 brave f-llmv who afterwards fell, might his file. Hut at the moment Itolwl On 1 which been murderously diivctvil upon the placr, maurially 1 nnd the white pjciuvrfl Our lines Were once more ftraij'htt'luil, nnd just in liiiu- tn cheek an impi-tuoui thai-ge, which was iifii'rwartl" re- pcatrd, and willi simiUr i-f Ihe inorninp w.ini' 1 It 1 nt, doiibtb 1 1 that the po-ition 1 miild net hi- la-ld without mure of lifr limn could wt'Il bi- alli-nlcd at thin time. At any llii-i M-i'in- a f.tir iiiferi'iiw. nil LIISCELIjAKEOUS KEWS. A correspondent the Netr Yorl: llenld MV thr: Hun.

William W. HanJlin. judge of'the Thiid DjitiiciCourt of Nvvr Oileaus, ha been removed by'Goveraor Hahn for rendering a decision in a which appeared 1-t-fore liim MI 13th, in which hi decided that the institution of "Livery still ex- i-tcd in the of New Orleaun and iu Uuintij; of A letter to tlw Itiyuinr, dated at Chsralwnibtirg'ori Slondaj. Augm.t let, cays: Tim approjch i) thiipl.ia?Hij tint heard of aUmt -I o'cliKk HaLuniay when a unall force. about five under command yf Liviitruuit fl.

truddrn crer fcj both In ertry tovu tiic more puUiu buildicga led the more eonipicuocj hare dcToitrwl by fate or riddk-l with shut tod thcll. ai LcadquarVM. or fur or occupied by prominent llebeb, Mich buildings have become mnglcd out for dcMructiou. In icstauecH churches hive not escaped. They have been Mrip- ptd for fire-wood or converted iuto barracks and Iu the towns one is ntruck with the nbience of J'oung and men in middle life.

Fences are demolished, and here and lordly tuauiiioti au uusight- Iv ruia." Situation Wanted. rrtHS ui.3cnl;BM! ilwlrra to olittia JL usi in Store. lie hu Uta to bBiinwi fat about ten Apply to, or urau ut a. SOJ AaguitS. 15C--1m FARM FOR RENT.

I TTILL I1EST thoFurm which 1 now re- tide, 'rim en th': TnrMpiku lioai. bout iniln Km of Tl.ii Kara uiuay Any cr-on i k-ft nn tin- merehani'-i nud businc-s rt cnc-i 'J-'ilh fur New-York with health fully re.itor- mem-ed pjekiiig up their to that be- I f'ro th' 1 arrival of the iarsuers the i Kc-lV-idunt l-ierci 1 and Hun. 3 1 Jurtiou ut the mercuMiiiiiu had ing an: at"gti. Wurks anupi'ii -pacv uiti-i 'MT i which one man in mvry twenty -'ire to be by vsl.ich Ml'opt thu i 1 omitti'd to Miy that 1 tli- viMon advanced to the dmrgi' tln-y Mippoilod nn the right I'riiuv Court Huiise mad by Turner's division if the tenth rurp-, which palbntly athaniitl a lunji bfVuml the win-re thi- broke, and -trovc bie.i-t the storm of thi'ir retreat. The li-t ofc.i 1 i in thiidivision was IHMVV.

I forward the names of ihn'-o in i The on both tin 1 numbi-rs engaged, wa ii'ry sjvero. Tlie woundiMl in tht 1 liopilaU ur: iiiorf than one thoiisatid. 1'robabh cijihtt-vn hundred were taken pri-nners, and the killed would swell the materially. Thu looses iu are roughly put at from tuliftn-n hundred, lliough then; are no correct metins of getting at the yet: compcti-nt say that Ujbctuceii four livt 1 tiit-n. Tin, negro division alone last fifty-three ofiicers.

Hriaailii-r W. 1'. was taken jirUuniT. i a a and urtiticiul limb was broken by uf earth uhilu he by iu the crater, rendering him unable luoie. and bin men nn! bring him off uxcfpt at the uf certain death.

--c-- From Gen. Sheimun's Column. We have nothing from General army to indicute that it is making dc- mon.itratiui, agninst other than that which might naturally be exported frum it JI- Mr-. Mary A. of the was taken, and Gen.

SchK-iih. Mrs. Gi.lir'-v I Ma'nu-bii'l iiiaJs i Lcailfivwrters in tlic 1 i 1!ili. i franklin House. Alter liiL.

mnde a i prwlamation to dem.i!idmg one I hundred th'ui-and iu guld, or tivc hunjrc'l thousand in threatened to bum town if the money not obtained. Thi.1 dcuiaud. of course was not eumplicd with. The Kebcl General wa- Qvidcntly awaro that the money could not be r.iUed; and was sure of it affording pr'-teit to L.i-'i.'uto the prem-JiJiated pliin fur tle-tri'jing fliiuilwrsburg. then allowed his men to scatter in over tiio to jilunder and ravajt' 1 ami the torch to I'm.

Kicliunl Gi-'i. lU-b-Tt G. T. Kldvr. Dr.

MiG'ill. Mi. K. JJntton. 1 Ilr.

T. I'-n. Kbcrt, A. ,1. 1'ul iiliLi'itt, .1.

.1 M. Selliiian. On tht: -i riot brokeouton Cipil'il Hill, U'inliingfm City, the soldiers niid Tin 1 furmer attackid i i with 1 and v.i'ry- tiling at which i cmiid u-i-. iiegriii-s (Miiiiumbe.cil thi-iii. and drove lln-m back i :i.ves.

insn bars. tr. i an 1 eut tlu- -oldier-, and nearly thr head uf en. 1 frum lunly, killing liim iu-tantly. Several wore b.idly woundtvl.

Tin 1 illier- fell b.ti-k. juiticd bv when I hey diovc ihe lu-gre-rs Ijai'k, ami lire to a 1'iag roiv of frame dwollinirs pied by All were deatnr.i'd. paper. editor has not the fear of Uni'ulu before hi-! he thinks it about tiim 1 t. fighting for the negroes, mid to fighting fur thy nf the roiintn.

Thoro an 1 a urcat many ho have long entertained a similar lltltiull. The I. Hidi.n i-f llbht 1 encefrum liii'liuiond JH'. i i t.T ri'prc'soiit: that tlu'ru uo appr'-'iieiisicu: fvr ths s.i:l'ty uf an 1 r. rt' i t.MHtVd.'ratesc-)iiU i ordered jfri.

McCiurc. hold the wink, around and a'mut tin; i-ity 0 verv sick at the time, out of the whatever llioy thought proper tn burn. Tln-ir mnic waifor the in the town, and hero they dcink to excess and then visiled private residfiicos, and de! manded of tin occtipnuis certain sums uf iiiniiry, thriMtiMiinir to l.iv their dwellings in ashen, of t'lc citizcnl saved their by roinplying with their others gave thorn to thnt thuy would sulfer ileath n-ther than give them GOINO Ilxcs TO The dispatches we publishing almo.Ht every day Irouj the Simthwest present melancholy picture, and one which eould scarcely fail to the moi-t painful solicitude were our countryuion not become, aa we fear they are, to familiar with war and its horrors, as to be no longer moved at the of harrowing deeds of violence. The whole Southwest seems to be relapsing into absolute barbarism.

The guerillas that are overrunning Eastern and Western Keutffcky, Northwestern MUsTOri. and some portions of Tennes- 1 see and Arkansas, arc carrying on their de- prcdatinns with a relentless ferocity, which can only be accounted for oil tin; theory that many of them are men whom the fortunes of have made houseless and homeless outlaws. to the pains and penalties of conlUeation. when the Federal armies advanced their homes were in many cruses given to strangers and enemies. It is not marvell-ius.

therefore, if when military IIB- compels the withdrawal of the troops, that the guerilla should vUit his old hauuts. inflamed with a for retaliation and revenge, and that the retaliation and revenge should manifest themselves often in deeds of horror which would rai-eu qualm in the bosom of a Semiiiolu savage, even. If slate of things goes on much longer thu inonev. A of renting will lw shown the tios to inc. Further infornution iv.u lr cl'tiunt-l of thr lion.

Tfaumu T-rrv. Cum'wrliiuil. Mil. I L. llKVAXo.

Augut.t, In. T.JUM MILITAUY GOODS, FOU HATS AND CAPS. roa GENTS' FUHMSHING AllTICLICS, FOR FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. WILLIAM BLAKE'S BALTiMOXK Nearly Opposite tho PoHt-Cllicc, a choice assortment of i 1 i O- ti isa vr A A A Of every conrciTable pattern and style: Qontlomon'n Furnishing Artickn Sniithnest will be beyond the pile of civilization. Men there are cea-ing to be men, and becoming demons.

Kffrtsi. against anv lie ailJs that confederates was in thpiieiii'iborhii'i 1 of At- close proximity to the city. The pick- lanta, but that mil-derate uonld be et-firing and occasional shelling of the rebel thcr a roit number-, lilies prevail. General Stoneman's raid tip- T'i' rxcitoni nt cau-ud in ttio railroad was a THE NEW T.Miirr.--The leading of this liw arc as duly on Tea of a huh" a dozen men 'J5 cents pcr pound; on cents per had been 1-y the Kobcl General to pound; Sugar, refined, cents por Coni visi( tin 1 i n''o uf Col. Alexander K.

fectionary, cents per pound; Molasses, i McCIuri', mtualed about a laile and a-half i cents per gallon; I'randy, proof, out t'iffn. Thi-ydiil uotknon the direct pcr gallon; other Spirits', first proof, per i locality uf MeCItire'j roiidency, nud gallon: Cordials, first pr.iof, per gallon; i v.hile iifncoeding on their erraiid they stop- Hay Hum. 00 per lion: tii" of Mr. liyster, and per sll other li- tint cotitl-uian being home, they ili'iuircd q'tors 100 cent, ad valorem. The duties i of him vvhort' the propeity vaa locsted.

upon Clears are almost prohibitory. On Ci- I'ina rocened a. they visited lac gars of all kinds, valued at $15 or leLs per 1000, 75 per pound, and 20 per cent, ad valorem: valued at and not over Ji30 per 1000, cents por pound, and per cent ad valorem: valued at over JoO and not over $-10 cr 1000. JJ" per pound nnd 50 per cent. ad valorem; valued at over tO i stole 4 ou the Mac-op railroad was a success, and had it lint bcf-n fur the disaster which occurred to his command on rotiiru, there would have been cause for congratulation.

Gen. McCook's division, while it was retracing its pteps, met by Ransom, aud a fight ensued, in which Ci-cncralMvCouk was routed and a large portion of his force wv.s captured. The division numbered at starting about three thousand men. The result of (Sen. Stoneman's operations was to eficctu- ally cut off Atlanta from railroad communication with Macon.

thun closing the only line of retreat which the enemy has. Xuw that this has been accomplished, we may expect that General Sherman will upon the rebel works, unless they are so strong thnt jiegi) operations will b. 1 imperative. The late battles of tiic 20tii, 25iii of July have in considerable loss to Hood's army, and it has thereby been greatly weakened. It is supposed, however, that he 1ms reinforced.

General Sherman estimates the losses of the rebels in the battles of the 'JOth and nt S055 killed and prisoners--WDiindctl Gen. Howard estimate thi-ir in the battle of the ifitli will make a total of twelve thousand one hundred and fifty-live exclusive of wounded in the first two 011- which i probably swell the number to nt least fifteen thousand. General reports his losse-i in the engagu- meuts of the 'JOth and uf July at five thousand Iwo hundred and fifty, nnd General Howard those in the battle of ihu -s'th at not over six hiindri'd: making a total uf five thoiivaiid eight hundred and fifty, to that General Sherman's army has not been dcplded. General Hunker has detached from his command with General Sherman, and it is reported that he will be given a high position with tho Army of the 1'ulomnc. Whose place hi; is to take ia not intimated.

late fight bctw. Ahibama isabuut tha and tho reiult in a volume em everything that was of vsluc. and Kiirneil They it prcwacii- id 13 the barn, whi'-'a was flell filled with wheat, and this structure shared the Mine They wen: not awaro thit Mr. Mc- Cltne had several buildiuf" and barns in llu immediate neighboraai-d, cr they would eurelv Iiava been dcatrvcd. Mrs.

CL-rninx the career the Litter and her eon- McClure, although was obiigc'l to walk sort, the SttmtT. will mad. up frum nearly eleven miles. The Colonel had left the private journals of Ciptain Seiinuci and place before the Rebels entered, and had his officers. gone to Harrislu The Uiclmumd cMls fur retalia- fcllr torv throiiL'li r.arlv, oa orn Virginia and and in-Nt, hereafter thev Le treated as an eu-nu's countrv His loss will not fsll TKIIH-TBTO of Xi-w Creek.

W. recently I priucipil p.itb in public meeting for the of paying a Inmrs after they a tribute of respect to the late CM. A. wor nn jt ruins. '1 he Government start), the Court throo printing on-: belonging to the German Ueforajed Church, where the German Reformed and a lioriiKiu paper were printed; the oiSie of the J'r-iiildin lltpor'tary.

and tea office tho all hotels, grocery stores, of the town, was, tbeir all, there Mulligan, RU 1 adjpted the following rcioliitiuns: i WnEns: is, It has the i a i "ation- to take fro.n the Dcpirtni'-ut of i tlie I AVe feel from our with the deceased for the past two years, we would not do junici unless we; cEpres-sed our veil- eration fur the distinguished dead. Tbit iu the death of Col. A. Mulligan the country has lo-l a devoted patriot, a gallant officer, a br.ivo heart and i a triiu 'oldier of the Republic, tlie and social circle a kind husband and futlicr, a waim friend, and an intellect brilliant tvilh purity of purpose and in the d-jfenee uf right; may tho grief which ihe i fall of such a maij bt- soothed by thu God I of all. Tlut as citizens of Hampshire, county, who have been under tin: more immediate military protection uf the distinguished deceased, who has fallen a of unselfish devotion to country, we realiie more keenly the loss uf the strung arm, the determined will, and the eool judgment upon which wo have depended with unwavering confidence.

JCcsrittctl, That although pat-sod from our midst like the sun obscured by a glumny cloud, we shall ever cherish of his acts uf justice, kindness and humanity, not than ihe bravery which distinguished him an a Tlio imiftlcil Jrum the l.i»t march Ihc The solilicr^ to hia qnarter-i pr.ivc' 1 Uii-ltT (If.illi, hum hi: Coinnunili r-in- i mire he'll turn out nt Ihc "rcaily nliof." Hnt in spite of ti-rrort, or When tic licnr? the last bugle hf'11 lo hia arms. .1, That we tender In the Ivreaved and disconsolate widuw, our united and heartfell and wo will rver cher- 'ish in our memories tho name uf him we love to honor. COLLARS. CRA r.l XZCK-TJCS. Etc.

I very cboicv puttcnis A most can nhVtiys 1-c had. cinpldtt'l a tcut furrcof norkmcn in my Clothing Dcpwt- mont, ami sclcctetl with mrc my ClOthr, Cnsaimcrca and I nm ptopp-rta furiiKli at short notice nnd tn the -t IIUIIIIUT comnlcte wnnlrol-e. lltw tnc a cull nati sntisfv AVILLIAM ULAKE, Agu.t. JuniiSO, 1801-- per 1000. per pound and CO pcr cent, ad valorem; paper oip.irs tr cigaretes, including wrnppera, ihall be Mibjecteil to the same duties imported on cigars.

On SnufT, of all de- SOcents per pound. On Tolne cj in Icuf, unmanufactured und stemmed, cents pcr pound. On Tobacco manufactured, 50 cents per pound. Trustee's Sale or VALUABLE LANDS I.V ALLKGAXV -virtue of a dcrroc of the Circuit Court fur AliCjiany County, 0.1 Court ot Equity, prttcrt io tl.e of Thomas H. Ti irnnrd 11 Siimuel WarniA and wife Anil othcra, the sn- agcr tt public silc, on have been about tw.i hundred aud niztT building? destroyed.

At the time of the are, a strong brutfte prevailing, and the flanio 1 spread in every direcuca. of Cnmbcrlaml, all tlie following k-icriU-il VO- propcrtr, hint: in Cjuntv, lo wit: undivided bil: part of 1 r.ict ei Saturday, the day of Aujiist, ISI5J, AT 11 O'CLOCK A. ir. frCBt cf tac Jlorc of Brady 4 Startiann, in tlie It was really heart-reading to thewo- p.linoBt frantic, running to and fro, beg- the miserable U) eiiio thu work THE a issued from the Provost Marshal General's office it is ordered that the boards of enrollment shall continno the revision and correction of the enrollment lists nir respective di-tricls. The names of all persons removing lo or from a district will be added to or stricken frum the list, and any person enrolled mnv appear leforo the board and claim to have, bis inline stricken off by showing to the satisfaction of the board that lie is not properly rimiHi'd on account of cither alienage, nun-residence, over npo, or permanent physical disability of such a nature an lo render him not a proper subject for enrollment tinder the law and army Tho invites civil officers, clergymen, and all uther prominent to appear at all time.i before tho board to point out crrom in the nnd lo give Mich information in their possession no may aid in the correction thereof.

The object is to make eara carried all of tho proccfeiMi it cuuld COI.OXIIL ands of the people of Chicago turned out Tuesday, thc'Jd instant, to pay the last tribute of respoct to thp lato Colonel Mitllican, who was killed in the Into fight near Winchester, Virginia. His remains wrre carried on richly decorated funeral car from Hall to St. Mary's- Cathedral, and followed by a procession three miles in length, consisting of the military, mcmlMTHof tho city councils, various Catholic societies, Ac. At tho Cathedral a solemn High said and adisconrso delivered, after which the procession again movrd to the Chiengu and Milwaukee depot. A train of fifteen tho carollmont perfect si posnibla prior to'thc September draft, that it may contain only tho the actual able bodied men, and Ibut have the film 1 Kv-i." aecomroorlalQ lo the Calvary Cuuielery, whoi-o tho of Col.

Mulligan was interred with appropriato ceremonies. The Bum of his hern Mtfecrihcd at Chiongo in aid of the widow nnd children Ihc I.iti, VI. Mulligan. of f'hiliircc vrere running everv direction scekt-g for their v.Iiile the women crying ir.d hunting fur their children wLi cszld not bo ftKnd. were rushing fiom their without anything th-'y ccuM call tasir own the clothing La ujon thoir lo sec-k v.viirityin the ilcsolattd iiiius hrouud the town.

The cl' the old and hoip- lots were heard abov-; the ache of the conflagration, and this ferved t.i elicit the scorn and derinion of the who cairn: for the iDfamocapurpaxa of laying this once beautiful town rulna. Another letter frKm says: It was painful to the uistrjra and terror of ihe women and children thus suddenly and rudely thrust frc-m their homes, accompanied as it with tha roaring Same. 1 and the crashing of felling walla and timbers. Our citizens were paralyzed; but to the filthy horde who were present preventing any eflurt to extinguish the iiamcs it was a pleasant s-ighl. They jctcd at our distress, and strove to increase tl.e ccncral terror.

It was a great day for tho chivalry. There were many honorable exceptions to brutality, and npoko of this savage deed in appropriate language. They admitted that the have never boon guilty of such an instance uf wholesale destruction of private property. One of tb'jm declared that it would damn Confederacy forever. Several of them vrcpt at what they justly termed the vandalism of tho act, and that class of men did liiat in their the ladies and children and to save sonic little of their cflccli.

Tiir PIMILATION.I Oi' correspondent of the "Nashville Union," who has explored tlio region passed over by Shcrmin'n army, says: "From Ch.iU.iaoo.;* to Marietta there presented to thy eyo one vast sheet of misery. The fugitives from ruined villages- or deserted fields, scdk nhcli'T in the mountains. Cities eackcil, towns burnt, population decimated. All along tli roods are great wheat in which no tickle will nntcr, cropi atiflicient lo feed Ml New England, are to lw lost for want of laborers. Tbo owners havt: IN'CII driven into thu licbcl army by a mcr- cilcsi conscription, and tho black's have been sent further South.

I law enough of thia country ty get a mof t. vivid r.ud painful im- prc.vion of tho horrors of war. "Thit is a bcrmliful counirj." exclaimed a friend, ss hia cr. for tho lint time looked upon tho gentlo iinilnliitiona of the valloya, Mraiinalicg in tho windiuge of the rivers, fianked by tho luiijcstic hai-rioni of tKo mo'intainj. cnlir" r'niiilrr, in every rp "i of it, i- 1675 Acres of Land sa'ul land was 1 liy Gco.

W. Dcvccrao: aad wife to John U'afnick, "by do dated thp Ijth 'i-T cf Ociolifr, in tic yc.v Io51, ami rtcordcil ia Liter II. 11. So. folios CP5 aon 6f5, one of tV UnJ of County, uoi to for a full reference hfrtfcy Aiao, all lihit Trict of Land 12 "ONIOX PATCH," CONTAINING A more or lea, adjacent to the hud of Potter.

And nlso nil that Tract of Land xnown S3 "WAHNTCK'S RESURVEY," the old of John ITnrnick, laic of County, ika-nicd, anil lies about two miled of cnnt.iinintf 342 A OF I A more or lea, und Io which hy rttarrpy 85 AOEES OF LAND. TERMS 01' 5ALK primihcd Ihcdicrcci -One third the money to paid in har.d on the d.iy nf sali-, nr on the raiincation thtrccf; nnd the residue in tno equal annual installments, with interest Ihrrcon from Ihe dny of anle, the purchaser or purclmscrs to pvc note or bond, with surety or aurcties to opprovcd bv the Truitcc. THOMAS DEVECMOS. August, 3 Is. Trumr.

IMMEDIATELY nn nctivp, in.lus- Irioua nnd reliable man, to mnvaw AntoA- KT Coc.tiv for a publication concerning Ihc State of Mnrj Uud of nnd value and interest to every resident nnd citiien, to beiiuncii nl nn tntly day. ileini; gollcn up nt grunt lubor and thorough ranvars must be mnde, snd only one who cnn Rive Rood references neeil nhom a very liberal commission will be further particular! ace the pnblinher of tbi pnper. AlignU 31. Estate of Peter Martin, doccaacd. rillllS in lo Ritu notice lhat the subscriber has JL obtained Irom Ihc Orphans' Court of A llcgan Ountv, of Adminlitratlon on the personal estate of I'ctcr Martin, of said county (IcccMcd.

All perrons having claims npainst the fftid drccucd ftre hereby to exhibit Ihc Kvmc, with the voucher? thereof legallv nuthrnticnted, to thu xuhxrrihcr, on or before thn I llh nf Ktbrnary ncilj Ihoy may ulhcnfuw IH: ucluikil frnmnll benefit of mill rsl.ilc. All persons kmmtni; IlicmiflrM indrblMl lo tajil us- talr arc tnrall nnd make innm.iliati- pay- nii'nt. under 1117 h.tnd thii Jnl lUy of AiiRint, 1SG4. I'ETER JI.MITIN, AiiKiut 3--3t. Adinln'r.

IKON PLOUGHS. i Just received a Ijrnc lot of Ko. I left hnnd 'ilUburi; Iron Ploiirhs. For hr M.y 17 IIUMIIiniJ ft LOXC5. OIL CHAIN.

asrt tcr All ol" Coil (Tiuin on ha 17, O. CU.MIiEKLAND, A A Continues to tupply tlusj chian. PHrNTIKG PBSSSES. for Circnhra. J.

T. Corner of nnl dntrc and Hctuil Dcalerf- in Groceries, Winos and Liquors, Etc. EEP constantly on hand, a af- sortnier.t of above iiluch tlity cfii to the rui'lic at prices not to thusc of Tinusc in tl.e city. Tlie irjdc. "til buyers arc inviUfi to an LI thur r.

EFUN IF IT FAILS TO CURE. PSYCH AGOG The only certain and cur" fcr FEVER AJSJj AGUS. Intonuittaiit, E.oiaiS.caul; riuti Camp 1'ovcra. Dyspepsia and LOGS of Appetite Tcr Siic t'T Drufgiitj. Pcnil for a Circular, W.

G. MACKAV. June ran. 63 Kaucu St. Xitv Turk.

AMERICAN TEA. COMPANY, STREET, Since iu orginlzftticn, has rrciutl new ira in history of Krlliny TEAS in tin's Country. LI. our Tens arc selectwl by ten ciprctsly and rxclucivrl.t for UF, and we never charge over tivoconts (2 ci.Mr.) ptr nbovc coil for oriRtniil have bnt One Price lo every onr. for nr'i quality, nnd that price is always on iflth sample pflcknce nt onr store in phiu figures.

isjticn Mnnllily Price List of our Tun. rrhi--li will be sent free lo all uhu oriU-r it--ire- uih isc every S-'-llfr to sec it. nicnt sdti'ttil for every 1 iVrT rinccj. South Americn nini lire West ili, this list tiind is divided Into 1'nur o'- qiiiilities, nnmcly: Girjo, lltjh Carjo, aHl i. every one may nnd the nnncxril tho nrt- do tcrniiniil We piwrantn: to pell nil our Teas in nt not over mo n.M.s nbou- believing thta to be altrnclixe to the many who h.i\c heretofore pnyinp Knornioi: 1 Onr business islarpcly done on orders, tvl.iih v-r- nitv.iv ciecnlc as utrll nnd 115 thcnzli th" bmer came himself, (living true v-eielils end tu-ci and uluays cuanintteim: ex tiling; our irej.on- sibilily us to do nil vrc Kv ry dc-ilcr c-in order hiq tciis direct fnun ib-j nnd parties duinz within I'ivi- Iliindrnl (500) rallcj of New York, cjn lleturn 1 if they are not Ihall 1 the nith ln's barpiln, nithin fnnrtccn 04) dnjf, nnd iutvp il-o refunded to them.

Those who ore overl'ivo Hundred miles can have Ihiity (30) nnd tin- some privileges tatcndol lo them. Hesides these the Cnnipniiv All Expenses, both ways, if Ihc Ttns nre retnrin GItKAT AMEIUCAN TEA AND jiiimniiB, J)7 Vcnoy Street, Nctv York. July IBM--3m. Estate of John H. BiividHoii.dcccnscdT i to pifc notice that thr tulncriWr hn.i JL oblnmeil front Iho Orphans' Court of Allcpt- ny County, Maryland, I-ettcra nf Administration on the estate of II.

Davidson, late of said county tleecii-ed. All cluim- linst Ihc wid tlccenNiil arc hereby lo tx liihil the tame with Urn vouchers 'ihf rwf Kgallr to thu subsciibcr, on or Hfori: thi a rcbruuryncit: miy oferfftTn be occluded froa all benefit nf said ciiatc. AU knowing thcmSolrM imlfhicil to Mill ra titc are rrqncstrf lo oill and make innn din ir p.n r.l'int. ftircn nailer hnnd this 3rd il iy of II Ailiuin'r. MominR, August 10,1864.

I'l'llLR'ATlOS OFI'ICL' Nciu THE STBEBT. RATES OP undorsiduid have ajrwd upsa tbc fallowing for, -nhli-h WILL it ctwatv Out: si'ifirc, "itc iti'criion, two iiucrtioni, One s-ju trc. tlirce Otic one $1.00 I. SO 2.00 2.25 3.25 4.00 C.OO 8. GO One s-iuurc, ui-juthj One months, One square, f.v:h«moniU% Two squares, one in'jiilh, Two 1'iiuircs, niontb 1 Two s.jaure#, thre, 1 m'-ilhi, MI Tivo nvchc nioatiu, Ten line- or loss In ccr.itllute square, to tiic a' avc nnd the party sc.ii] the mill rojidnJu'i.

th: pnytueul 5.00 7.00 10.00 of ao.Uimn, three rounliii fourth of a ci.Iunm, sii tu'jntlu 13.DO fourth of culuan. twelve 30.00 llnlf of column, throe montiu lUi'of Hculumn, six woaths 10.00 "if nerilii.nn. months 25.00 line c.j'iunn, tbrx-i-months Oti-: i-uluuni, fis ni'-ntUp U9.00 ctiluan, month' in on ln.Jn«.« within the city of f'aml trl.inl will I nf-i aj fullowi, i vitii. tier 'car ij i i the I'riiik-seof clnnsinc thi-Ir fir two ilullars adililional to the r.i'.m. The taust strictly I ta tliLtr 1 v.

ill L-c faiihfully complieil C.ird. tndudiii? Si: taontlis, A I 1ULLS. of u-luvt, 51. .10 for twmty-five; S3 Ivr liiti fur OIIP huadr-dj cad cents fur luUitirMi-il hundml. i in" a rficct.

53 fur ttMMity.fivr $4 i i 5'. hundred; Sl.30 fur ivi-ry iul- i. t-rcntj-fiic: S'i fidy: liir rt'erv litinilnil. I I I A TKLKI'-UAIMI. (SIX) T.

K.WUIt, I'aiaa. TIIK A A I A MILITAUY, pursuance of the rci'u-t mad- by of citi- on Friday evening General Kcllej liai named TllcnfDAY ArTEEMWS, Aiij for a Grand Uevietrand Parade of the under coiuaiand who took psrt in the defence of our city. The Ile- wi4 place at 2 o'clock; after which tats troofls xvill bo mare'ied Ihroughtho prin- r.f the city, fiuorge A. 1'carrc, deliver an Address on the occasion Mootins cf Citlsoat. In r-coordince with notice 3 lurgo tad mote thsn ordintrily tnthuaiastic intet- og WM held the MuutHpufe.

on Friday the Cth Imt. 3o motion the following were chosen: 0. H. Olllt. Mayor of J.

Mugrudcr, Johu tiephart, A. M. L. Bush. Jicerttaria A.J.

Geo. T. Knorr. Th'." Chairman stated the object of (he meeting to be. to tender to the military authorities and their forces the thanks of the citizens or their noble and successful defence of the city, during tho pint week, from the plundering atid (ierastutihg horde of Hcbels who strove to effect an entrance.

On motion, a committee of seven on rcso- lutiona was appointed, consisting of George A. Pcarro. Dr. P. Smith.

Geo. A Hoffman. Joseph M. Strong. C.

W. lircnglc, II. D. Wineow, and John Johnson. The eommittea after a short absence, reported through their chairman, George A.

1'carre, the following resolutions, after reading which Mr. Pearre, In a forcible and eloquent manner addressod the meeting; his stirring and patriotic remarks eliciting tho liearty applause of the assembled hundreds. Ho took occasion to repudiate the stigma which had been cart upon him by certain individuals, of being a sympathiser with 3e- cc.ision, denouncing in earnest terms that liellish dogma and its deluded advocates, and eulogised in a glowing manner our Iteptibli- can institutions and their inestimable He his remarks anlld tliccbcers and approbation of the audience, after which the resolutions, as follows were adopted: KenJral, by tho eitirens of Cumberland, iu Town meeting assembled. That ivc tender to UrigadierGcucralB. F.

KIXLKY, and the brave officers soldiers under command, T. Printer's hill, 3L.XST Of ALUEOAlfT COUNTY FOR 1634. I aceoritare StCtlaiL. 9 cf Article 23 cf tit Code of Polite Lewi cfi'ifjItfiiJ, the gutaacnt is The uadersljtatJ It proper eceeaiysAj' tbf aunt with few tconl) ofexpieuloai rrou (itnounl of UK uicizcml of Ibe cosn- of re bveu thoroughly tcfisrf. and are aim lo a uiore clrar and sntbfaclorv condition than thev have fur sooe time past.

AH the insolvent limi struck off, and many ones cdded to the list, which the work of much labor paiiu. The lew for the cnunlv for the current vcar amounts to the turn ut 37, bciap con- iuIcrtUy larger tliua it wu the last year; the per ceiilagcltini; 3 cenu oa tbc S100. This increase In the levy mid percentage wru wholly Iwyuad the tlieunderslEuwl. The cnormouiincrcme in tbc piictsof evi.ry urLicIcuf lias tardily to that A feiv heavy Mms in tlKlsry lijt, In which thcComuiUsioucrilifld nodUc-clion caa specified, which, of ihnuclrca, will aeuly nccount far tie The sum of $10,700 Ufl us diiiuwtal asd for ths support of the Schools of Allremiir county, and 53.500, under tlic obligatory provisions of the Act of Ifl04, chapter for tho creuiion of a 1 acrou llu; Yuuxh otlur bridjriM nimc for ne- ccsa-try provisioa. There was nl-io deficiency of nearly in the levy of last year lur Court The iieulectc and bud eoadiliun of the rottdi iiajwirutively increased appropriations therefor.

nT.UtL.E5 I'res't. J. TOW.NSHE.NU, KI.IJAH FKIbNU, JOHN I1E1.I-. JOHN 11. STALLlSf'S, Connaissionera.

Ttst--JACOB BHOWX, ITEMS. Herman nuntUrtiilp, for openinc; a new rond from Lomicaainc tu rir.c Grove roid S500 UO our wannest for the skill and energy displayed by tho flelU'ral and his olliccrs, and the bravery exhibited by the troops under their command, in their resistance to the capture of this city by the cl forces oa Monday last. And we also tender our thanks to the gullant officers and soldiers engaged iu resistance to the Ilebel forces at Green Spring aud Creek; the former of whom, though eoifiibting of but a Miiall force, made their own terms of capitulation with Gen. Bradley T. John-oil's rislun; and the latter of whom hUCcessfully Oc I'AST li.iv.--Agreeably i the I'l-eiidcnt's proclamation, Thursday l.i=t wns gi'ii' r.iUv observed in this city as a of f.i=:l:ij.

humiliation and prayer. i-hurchis werj raligious worship mid were generally well attended. The bu house' were closed, and secular pur s.uiw generally abstaiugd from. The va, exi mpt from accidenU cr disorderly pro cacuingi, nn.l eseitemcnt that had fo r.ianvdavs pervaded the city calmed down into more than a SanJay's stillnci3. Tin; In fill thin county i'i? iiiil take place th full of less than nioath freta thin and a yet wo hava heard of 11 from t'lt; county, nor any preparation? made fill tho quota.

In many uther and strenuon? efforts ore Ijcin, 1 made to the draft by the appropriation of ino-y for lonnties to volunteers. REMOI ING --A number of our rctuoveii portions of their of fjoocb to Wheeling and other prints, immcdinto danger is apprehended here, but in the present uuscttltd condition of things it is thought beM, to bo on the safe side. HOME VoLCSTr.r.ns.--The companies that volunteered on Monday week to assuit in the defence of the town, are now being per- inanrntly Company B. has ol- L-etod and appointed the following officers, viz: .1. Creagan Lieut-- II.

Siirivcr; Second Kirsl ftergnant--C. A. Scay; Second-John II. Young: Third---los. P.

Knorr; I'liurth--C. Smith; Tifth--John Shil- I-'irst Corporal--llobcrt Shrivcr; Second-A. Smith; Third--S. H. Fundcnbcrg; Fifth--L.

W. llranl; AV. K.irlonghcr; Seventh--0. C. Grphart; Kight'i--O.

V. Maltinply. buck tlie Hobel forces from their at- lack iijioii Xeiv ('reck. -nd. Jtriulictl, That in the opinion of this meeting wo are indebted to the hruvo men who risked tlicir lives in our defence and in defence of our town and property, for the avertion of a dreadful calamity, similar to that lately inflicted upon the people of Chatn- licrsburg, by the sume men who applied the torch of the incendiary to that town, and turned houseless upon the world thousands of non-combatants with their wives antl children.

3rd. Actultcil, That it would be highly gratifying to the citizens of this town to have them au opportunity to show to their brave by some public demonstration, their heartfelt gratitude for the obligations under which they rest for the preservation of the city: and to that end, that a committee be appointed by this meeting to wait upon General Km-icr, and roiucst him to afford them such opportunity as soon as the puhliu safety will permit. That a committee lw np- A Cooper, for work on roud Kelson Ik-sill. Itond tiaihiaer und Sur Jacob lUochcr, do do llcnrv Spikcr, do do William KoonU, ihiin curritr, Spiker, do do Cumberland Cit.T BniiU, Icoa ftir Court Inicnst on frcs: Auril 13, 1351, to October 1, laCJ, MathiaA 1 for support of E. Oliiss, F.

Mattiiiglr, for supiwrl of MM. Ti-igg, hidplcv, fur support of A. 1'urtun, Z. Julinco'n, fur support of Cnunicr, support of lev, 1" "0 rvcycr, -0 2700 75 20 -13 TUB IMXHN.U. i mnv be a matter of importance to our reader? to that under the revised internal revenue bill, passed hy the lato Congress, checks, drifts or orders, drawn upon nny hank, banker ur company; or for fiinn exceeding $10 drawn upon any other person or persona, companies or corporations, at i.ight or on demand, arc liable to a ttamp duty of '2 ccnU; bills of exchange (inland) not exceeding 5 ccnU, and for each additional "$100, or fractional pirt thereof, ii cents; and receipts, for tlio payment of any MIIII of money or debt line ex reeding gill), not being for satisfaction of any mortgage, judgement or decree of Courts and ii receipt for tho delivery of any properly, cents.

In this city, on the 2d infant, at her re- Mdcncr, Sirs. CATHARINE DCMIAM, in the 71ft year of her ago. In the city of St. I-onid, on tfia 27lti of July. Mr WII.T.UM Flicrr, formerly of ilii- pointed tc deliver to General KcLinvacon; of tlicsc resolutions, and request that thi same be mnde known through him, officially, to the gallant officers and soldiers under liis command.

5th. RcstAied, Tlial Wo also tender our heartfelt thanks to those of our bravo citizens who volunteered so readily to aid in the defence of tho city. Gth. ficiolied. That tho proceeding!) ofthis meeting be signed hy the officers, and published in the several papers of the city.

The committee called for in the resolutions consists of the following gentlemen: Meicrb. Dr. s. P. Smith, den.

C. M. Thrust-on, AVm. Wickarf. John II.

J. B. II. Campbell. John H.

Young, prnpoied the following additional resolution, in offering irhieh he made a few pointed remarks hich struck a responsive chord iu the breast of every one present. Ilii denunciation of Rebel sympa- thisers in our midr.t. and description of their dodging the national flag and ing from the contaminating touch of a "Yankee" soldier as they pasicd along our streets, cannot be delineated with any justice on paper. Tho resolution was adopted with the mohl enthusiastic and unanimous approval: Jieiolvfii, That all sympathizers with tho rcbcljion, male and female, who expressed their nympathy' during tho late attack on our city or who may hereafter express such sympathy, be Bent by General KBLLEV to tho so- called Southern Confederacy, whero they legitimately belong. Col.

Putnam, t52d Ohio Regiment, clowd tho meeting with a few pertinent remarks, eulogizing his own Plate and our 1M Maryland Kccimcnt, anil urging the citizens of Cumberland and the State of Maryland to perfect a Militia System, which would enable them to defend their own borders- instead of depending altogether upon their neighbors. C. H. OHIl. President.

J. AV. M.tnnunrn, V. Prcs'ts A. M.

L. Jiceii, A. T. ISoosr, 0-o. T.

William Slicer fur uf Uucbni.1 uud and Fanny Mn-sscy Win. Motter. State's fur Wush- inglnn cn'inly, for trying AHt-piny cuunty eas'js, Jacob ifroirii, expenses in eolajr to Anm- nn basinet for countr, Jucob tt'ickurtl, rrintir's bill, K. II. Hutli-r, pr-ivt-s, C.

II Ohr, 3 mortem ciaminnlioni, C. Wajncr. collin,'i Knight, Lridgf ut Wcs- ttrnport, John Kluich'r, cioramfr, Mut. Item do do C. H.

Wanner -do do Oeorjji: Ilobinctle, rend, Di-nion currving cbiiB, Nnthnn to do Oeorcp A they, irror in t.n on ntw rond, John J. Stotlltr, error in l.n. White Htother. r-rticles for jiil, Ilradv A Suirtrinnn. do da Evans Hoover, printer's bill.

Sourback Conrad, colfin und funeral etpenwl, 51. fee hill, Selby Christie, for Ford on Evatt'3 creek, T. II. room for Joha Peck, SIBIL- John Kisin, for jail. II.

Stallinss, carrying clirjn, C. do do Henry II. SlulTir, asdiiios 510 and cttra work City of Cuniljerland, Samuel fur niukinp Stiphia mom for 2 Khoea White. do do rind fuel, Edward Mmlcn, support Mrs at Mount Hope, Edward Mullen. Gcr.rpc Jntncs McXuilv, funeral cxpttnef.

Edward Mullen, support of Bridget Ma- 'crew nt Mt. Hope, Edward Mullen, do Jim- McCaa Edward Mulka, i'o C'. Shutl, Mnln, do Mary Cr. 2 post niorwm Ol) 50 100 j3 -13 -C -1 1 15 42 71 7 60 75 91 21 31 75 10 2 1C 370 -7 DO 10 -13 1-J in -71 13 is ii: about T- Tn INKS or run CITY TO run CITIZEN VoLUNTEcns. At a meeting of the Mayor and Council, hold on Wednesday, tho 3d inst.

tho following preamble and resolutions were adopted: -Whereat, on Monday, the 1st. of August, the jicacc and rafcty ol" our city was endangered by an invading enemy, and tho military authorities called on the cit'utms for volunteer aid, therefore Jle it Itctnlctd by ihe. 3fnyOf and Conn- cilinen. That the thiiuka of the Mayor and Council of tho City of Cumberland be and they arc hereby tendered lo thoso citizens and others who, at the call of the authorities, volunteered in the defence of the city by taking anus and marching out to meet and repel the invading foe. Qt.

it further Radctd, Thatlio gratitude and thanks of Uio citizens are duo too bravery displayed by those volunteers, and shcroltl bo held in grateful remembrance, and that these resolutions be published in tho city pern. I JOHN Snui.iiv,--, John nrtirlcn fur Ucnrv work on road. Miiryinnd Hinpit-il. of rrr.tikC»rt'C 150 -M. liuRlies, boarding cttontion to J.

I'. Lithcal, use of J. 10 -V. medical atleiidauce to 15 S5 II. SH-iirtrwcldcr, stationery for county, 2 CO He.irr rcoms for 1 dcrtions, lo Xocl 1'curcc dn Ho do 15 Gtorsc T.

Knnrr, Printer's bill, hardware for jiil, 11 45 W. A Kdn-urds, in taics. 12 81 Clerk to Court of Appeals, foe bill. 3 Archey C.iitet-1, for 2 dections, lo -John W. AVilsnn, room for one election, 5 -J.

Boycr, do do do William Shaw, for rankinc: coflin, 3 -Mosta Grosa, clothinp for prisoners, B3 37 Wm. Amlrcm" ttntioncrv fur county, 5o John Tnuber. j.iil bill, lo Co Wolf Grecnbaum, clothing for jail prisoner! 37 3i to bb to Was. rcrraullreci Lsamtizf nwtcrn- pert CJ. ItTjts arc unite the obligitirj- net cf tbt Lcjisln- tcre, cbsptcr 353, ISC I.

tluun Welsh for in ffaril to twt in 1332 of iion-iwideiil l.uid TUUa Slicer briJuc hoea White oba W. Llord Lowe O. ohn Fletcher acob Urtiwu for In regard lo Slate bounty avid Vaiisichle road eutnlacr olin II. I'riend J. Guard, articles for paupers.

P. J. Thrasher, liking 51rs. I Hospital, 31 15 K. II.

Butler, undtrtakcr's bill. 43 -Henry Mintcrbtirp, maVin(; coaia, II. P. Spiker, constable's U7 i9 A. P.

Slicphcrd. articles for paupers, John T. Soil, 11. D. Shipley, Jncob Mirtin.

Jacob Cftck, L. Ilct- Hi-nry Stott, Jacnb rnyer. Ambrose Bcvans, 1'reilenck Sit- tut, Cnllnn. Ashford Trail, P. Stottlcmycr, Josephus Char'ta Xorrls.

Isaac linden, llansoa HisB' "i Wra. ShcrcIiiT, Joshua T. Hartley. Mary Stottler, Mary Ann lUrtlcv, Jamci T. llnrtli-y, Mary Cook, nnd Minerva Snvngc, 33 cents each: and Jno.

licit, A. X. Danforth, nnd John Aslikctllc, Mj cents, for State witnesso, lo -James D. Armstronp, s.irveyin^ road, 3o J.icob Urcalmui, road examiner, lo Gnape, do do lo Kiiah ItoHchcr, do do In -William liojs, chain carrier, 3 -Arch. do do 3 -Mrs.

Lone, room for James Fntlow, for Furlow rm 100 -Right of Way to Jnspcr Huff, Slo; n. Ba- ccv S3o: John Swcitzcr, S5: Xatbaniel Riibr S2o; and John Younr 515, llo -L CYewip. keeping hridjc in repair, lo Ifenrv Shank, for new road in Disl. Xo. 1, U'o Yudcr, viewing road, fl -Andrew Kiniel do -S Fticad, carryiiiff chain, 1 -Wra.

Hoyc of D. do .1 Townihcud, iurrcyinc ro.tdK, I Win. Walsh, for money found Io he nee him upon the sttilf nwnt of hie final Recount us trustee for Callan, collector, 127- Henry linker, nnd in the of rii.tlc Hiker, carrieil lo the Cuttrt of use of Dcvecmon and Thurinan Fmzec, error in tiif.t, fl 7 KPT bridge ncroM Town creek at Pack 13 in Daniel Duncan, one coffin, 7 6 It McCbrau, for medical lo i'nl ly Miuklty at Mrs. Urobtt's. I San3d Pool, keeper of court houu, 100 -For new bridge Vonfh, COO -For Bij Toujh; Ie- i.lroyed by the rebela, 600 Irfwiit Prichard rind Icidinj from rMirelxillp to 00; ti I'-t-II Knu-J'-Pir ryid W.

Crawford surveyinf; road W. Friend chain uinier no. R. bty avid X'lauickle fur urn in N'o. ahull.

Kricad 2 uiepU Lewis liwles Little 1 hriit. WuipiT bnlwuibuil ''H or across Big VOUKU Uuu fallen down and dtstroitd OUT PENSIONS. M. Bush sujiport of Anne Xftrlcn R. Fechtii: Mrs.

IVMi'iy lii. Cbaney, of support of 51 w. Clmnev tuiportof.M. Hnirv 1 1 50 J. UarU D.

1). Shnfli-r li. Sliaff.j Mcllenry 1). Wineow Ilicc amuil Kns''- cs. McSullv as.

Reynolds us. Mc'Xultv I'm. Hill 1.1'. Ilendricjoa has. Oiirley ohn I-'rant: of JoJ.

ohn Hartley acob Browu T. Olir I'm. Stanlna uiit-dict I IJurst of no Tr.iMtr of Jus 1 nu I'raut: of Jo? jci-1) Brunn Brady I. Ton n-ili Join? -211 ohn JlrFnmu js Fenton Kciitou Fenton A Unel.or M. Gratiiticb M.

nramliih jcob Brown A liuckey Townshcnd il. BrniipfiBii Via Shaw Brady Dcvecmon lasjicr lluif 'hotuus Bcall ubn Coulclun oba Coulchan obn ohn Coulchan ohn Coulehan dim Cuukllon ohn Coulehnn Icnrv Wilson Vtn Ifohliizell II. Widtncr Irs McDuvid Jlrs. Iliviivlilj Ci.lun-'l iiiil'1 Miiiit- ( 1't'vtun haw Mw. McQiiadi! Ulir Mary 1..

Kicc ruunit'i'l'ani Mury I'jldur M.iria McL'itnn Old llri'-W N. Vittentine Mn. Hover Jin. Vnnli Mrs. Fiicnil Wm.

Pool Mr-, imrct Jno Widi Wilan-l Marlit-y Polly ILtrnctt Kntb Kin? Kainn'l Wi-hh Ilf.irv lliti V.iunTly Thai IHciuii Mrj rU-kshuw MM MeCullnli Hrunt's uilu Clnrk C.i'.li Xi'iiit; I'ltd. 1 1 r.incr'.' Mrs" Mrr Durnidli' llrs Km-pp Anne Wulli Marv Div Mrs" McCurndl C.ilb lluckca Mary Mytr Mrs Kirkwood Mary Malonc Mrs IKldlnlr 15 f.n -at) 3J 2o of Registrr 1 Con Un)j-h-y L'y 2o 1 Mcftlnnis -u -i M.ithius Wilion Jo Joliiu-uti 3o 1 Reiuki'y 3o Di-furinid eliild 3u SIIKIUFF ANO LOU'S BILL. I and J.til Hill 32 McCulloh'B lli" u5 OHPIIASS' COUHT. 'cr dicia rud milcuse of Judge: ol Or- Court II. Widcucr--Hs; Orticc Hoover JUSTICE OF I I PEACE -VXD COX- STAHLKri.

II Franti Justice of Ptacc fi-cs 1 Jjra'noa Wade Wmltr.pttv H-' It liilli 2 VShvriy 3 Jobn I.JIVL! S3 lo Strong S3 19 Gondcr '-'7 Jas Ilartlcv 1 Johu IM1 3 S5 Kli S2 Jno 3 lo It CVdilington o'J i Jamison Shryock 13 lo pat 11 7S Win Wickard Wm Crow 7 14 Purker 2J Jacob Steelinan -1 -1T-3 Jno Crutshurg lo Co Tames 5lcKuIiy -IS 2o Carrigan If' Faicnuiker 2 io COnOKKK'S INQUEST. Strong, for 6 ir.r.ui^l; 12 suiuniuu; J. Strong, Jurors in inquests, 3i -John ohe 1'UIJLIC SCHOOLS. School Commissioners of AlltRituy county, for support of schools, AtTOltNEys. C.

Thruston--State's Attornrv firs, 51D.1 ritr.i, 1 to -J. Scliley--Dep. Suit's Attorney ftt-s, Ion do do do 14 15 10 325 00 500 GO 825 00 do do da do do do COUNTY Kidgcly per dieui and niilcnge 144 75 Klijah Kricud do do 25 John Ml da do 170 00 John H. Sulling-i do do 150 50 Toivushcnd do da 50 Jacob lirovnit elcik, salarv J'OO 00 Collcclor'B f) per cent, on State bT7 00 do County las 3.200 00 Contingent Fund 3.01)0 79 KLKCTION" EXPENSES. Samuel return juJga 27 SI Stephen Uik-y SO 92 IClisha Dui-sl Uriah Uuekirortli Xalhan Kroat Johu Jacob Hizcr XolhOii Kcal Llovtl Stallinga II SUircliiT Ii Elbin Israel Thompson Chiahulm, tr AVm Cunratl Ryan Shafi'cr (jcorge Shrycr Savage 1' Uraiil Henry llanckamp John DougluH Silas l-'itrivatcrj XVagnur Georga Miilthowft 'rtiurinati 1'razuc George Layman John Miller Kalhangh Lyon Thoina" 11 iimtwrson A inn? (irosj Jacob Itoward John llartly Hainuel uglier Nathan Trail John Fletcher U'ni Ueegloy H.itnuel Hall Ca-ssau Ktuljeii Ake Win Kruiruing Jiihn JSrowning Wm Slieor Jineph Friend Alexander Sluan Stewart John Love 22 92 20 -18 1-1 72 11 75 J- 00 (i 00 jo 27 52 90 11 00 10 00 21 a 72 11 32 20 00 33 50 31 88 13 4-2 11 -12 8 00 00 8 00 00 a oi 00 10 OH 00 10 00 10 no 10 00 00 8 00 8 00 4 00 8 00 00 00 oo 4 00 oo l(j 00 10 000 00 (i 01) 00 ti III) (5 00 4 00 00 CLEHKri.

clerk 00 00 8 00 8 00 .8 00 4 00 4 00 0 00 0 00 4 00 4 00 0 00 00 00 4 00 17 00 0 00 4 00 4 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 2 00 8 00 6 00 -J 00 IS 00 IS 00 8 00 8 00 0 00 00 8 00 00 00 ITVtaefcrenoer 7 SUbaugb 2 II Duckworth 2 James Burton 1 11 Octtr 1 Sllahi Getty 0 Kerncy McKcnrio Moriscy Kight Miifcr Sain Miller Lashley Tivett Stephen Kilcy 2 5 4 0 13 1 4 3 4 Chs Xon-is Win Hohlitzeli 1 Warnick 2 A Warnick 4 Philips I 1 A Chisholm 4 JLogsJonofE I 1 1 Wm Morgan Sam Wagnor Uubkirk t' itobiuctt 1 WWass 14 Frantz of Jon 4 IfeugMey Friend 1 1 1 10 1 II Wilson Win Uilpin Jehu J'nint; CiCTga A 1'Varrr lieorgc Charles 11 Getty Emory JJuckwortli Win TJclcw Win Dadysmali John I'arkcr II use Porter John WcU 11 Newton Jutcph br James Ilillcary Kichard GrosH Win A Ilinklo John Troxcll Kilcv 31 J' Piper John Noil Hartley Edward McKiiight A Ktevrart II Montgomery John Kohiuctt 0 Chiic-siit" jr Win WHJaiiinii Win IJineKitigh Livelihood Eli McMillan Hthvard O'Uonnell George Smith John 0 Mattiugly Tf.iacs II Friend Otto A Eilwartis tt.w II Shaffer 11 Towor George McKay John Itvan 0 Robins FOX AND WILD CAT SCALPS. JoLa Potter fox and wildcat 1900 -I -11 Hartley Miuke II Han-evi-Soii Heard I) Offutt Sliccri-TownaheiliJ Adair 5 Lower 8 Wiiaoii TGrimea 11 Townshond Delawdcr 8 Thnr Gilpiu 4 Sclby 2 0 MeElfbh lirovrning Hamilton McMillan Warnick Magrutlern Faugh 1 Fricml JO Fulkncr 0 1 Fruzeo 0 A Itrowning 12- i i i 'and 1 anil 3 14 "and 1 and 2 'and 1 and Euloc Ucwitt II Friend I'riend Friend of A Savage U'Urien Pranc WWliray July ISCt 3 2 "ami 1 11 -2 u---- 4 1 -4 -3 -4 2 -1 I -1 I -4 1 I 1 50 1 50 1-1 -4 1 --1 -11 50 5 -3 8 -'I 50 11 -7 50 11 -4 2 -5 -12 -4 'l -a 50 a -i -17 oo 4 50 1 1 1 "and 1 5 50 8 8 -1 1 -JACOB BROWK, CIcrfci BOOT -AJISHD SHOE, HAT AND CAP I HE subscriber has now on hand a largo end complete stock of Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, appearance in 11 e.m:?:i CH, Dcvecnion and Pcrrv, 1 'M, Hopkins, 1 iikini nnd iu. Thomas IVrrr, Thomas A. lioiikiiu, II. r.ortion, (7.

ThruMon, 3 2i. II 3 I 3 3:1, 3 3 3 lo 1.1 33 CLEHK'S Ot'TICB. Htlcbley Clerk of Court fnrliill, 1075 (50 do do for office expenses 81 50 Collector for Jury and ni Incites for October Term 2000 -Collector for Jury and witnesses for Jan. Term 1SU3 1:200 -Collector for Jury and witnesfes for April Term IJfiii 'JOOO Witnesses for 3 Courts 'JO'tO Crier 1'aililTs AUI'S IlOUSli. Trus.

of Aim's house for its support 3000 00 KOAIJS. Uoad for District No 1 250 00 do do do do do do do do do do rlo do do do do do do do do- do Ho- -do do do do do do do la do (To 9 10 11 12 300 00 (iOO 00 00 500 00 500 00 -ISO 00 00 u.iO 00 Oo noo oo 200 00 700 00 5ilaa Loightv II Shipley I I We-jniau 10 CruUburg 2 John 12 Heiidin -I A Har.ilibcrqcr I Wiloy 1 Henry Wilson 2 Moses Sam 0 Tf.wer 1-1 Jerry (iunrd Eh Kitziuillep A lUwaon 2 K'-cknian ti A Ma-ion 21 Thomas Callan 10 McCulloh 1 11 li Shaffer 21 II Jeiikini l-'i John Iiancord 1 Jacobs 1 II CShiplcv 17 A ChMioIm George Sloyor 1 llarvcy 1 ll.iuicl 1 Harvey Moan Ivitzmilicr 1 and 1 'and 1 and ii and 1 1 anil nutl c. Sly stock 1ms with prat care, cmhraco cmry varict.v, nml style, calculated to luit the most foatijioua and judicious taste of tho customer. Encouraged Ity tbc libcml putronngc of an np- prenating public, I have spared nopninsinpittiuf; up a ituiKRifirent ftotk of ran ivilh con- lidcncc Bill nltenUan to tliu splendid assortment an well a3 to thu Unprecedented low At which I nm now selling tliun. My assortment OF SIIOE FINDINGS Is large ami complete, und the particular attention of the trade Is invited to an cxanilniqioii of it." 1 have eonstmtly In inv employ a force Df rKriTrcd wofLmwi, mid am prepared to to orJtr on short notice, riETE AJIB HEAVY BOOTS, Ladies' Bnuts, Waili'rs, In most'c and durable manner, and on the most mlvanlngeous tcnns.

With "Quick s.iles und small profits" na tny motto, and promptitude in the execution of ordertt entrusted to me, I hope to Inurit a continuance of pulilie patronage. F. M1NKE, McKnig's 3 Story Block, Balto. Street. May 10, IStil-- y.

COLLECTIONS OP CLAIMS AGAINST THE 1 1 0 John Davis 2 8:1111 Fnrlow 2 Gco Crow 2" II II A 7 1" Ij D.IWMJII 2 Jn. Goldamitli 1 Grcfiicb.nun2 JMHulmoiColO I Davis 5. II Mattincly 2 EnstniantJJro A Duckworth 'J 50 -I -li 50 1 -2 50 a -G -21 50 50 10 15 -1 -21 50 3 -1 -1 -1 -'1 50 I -I -I) HARM'S U. 'ClinUSTOIT, Attorney- ct-Law, Cntnlwrlfind, having R-cnred IhtJ co-optratiou, in Washington City, of a responsible and very successful for (lie Prosecution and lion of Claim; Upon the Departments of the Government, and to itiK pruvlded with the Acts of Congress and latest necessary uilt undertake to collect all lawful claims apilnst thu Unitid States, for Horses nnd nthtr ordratroycd irhlle in thcjcrricu of Ihe United' Suto; ClotlunR, Subsistence, Trftnfcportiition, Uxpcnses incnrretl in Organising, Hubsislinc and Transportinc Troop? prior lo nins- Icr into tlic inrvice; Soldiers' imd Teamsters' pay, llountiui, Balances due to deccaxd Soldiers mul Bounty Uind. JHf OFFICE OX BALT1MOUE STHEET, near tie llallroad Depot.

Mny 10, 1604-- Cm, Onion 1 of Gco. A.TUruston, protheinl nmi of Frances lloxvcll and Louis Howcll. fi Cfo. 1333. In the Circuit Court forAlleganycouaty Frances Howcll and Louis 03 nCotnlof Equity Howell.

I RDERED, by the Circuit Courier Allcgsny county, Court of Kimty. this I-ttli day of July, 1SGI, that the Bilo nsil rttate ia thn procifdings in this cnasc menllnned, made cr-d rf hy the Trustee, be ratified mnl cau't lo the tuntrary Ilieitof be showtf on or the ITth day of Auftut provided n. copy of this order be published in omc newspaper prinlrd at the city of in'cnch of three fuccess'uc weeks Iwfore Ihe 12lh day of August n-M. The Ittport statc3 the amount of salw to be 5'JOO. II.

nESLEY, cleric. True copy: Test-- U. RESLEV, clerk; July 20, 3w Egtatoof JohnTully, decOBScd. mills ia to gun notice that lite fubfwrihcr uliuiui-il from Ihu Orphans' Court fur Allcn- r.y County, Maryland, Lellcra of.Adnilnutratlon on tlic prreonal estate of John Tnlly, late of niunty, ilreascd. AH persons harini; the said deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the came, wllh tkc vouchers thereof legally, authenticated, to the s'jUcrlber, on or before lb" llth day of February next: otherwlw rbe deluded from all becefit of nid eUte.

All pcrsopi knowjag- UicnKJlna to laifl Ute arc, jud ImraedUjc pay' ment. GlTen under HIT honl tbiSj' Sfcr uiy tf AiiEUKtl8i4. THOMAS GAMMON, Augat3--3li tTJMf CIIAJiVl- PUMP.CHAIN! .1 Tnnip Chain and Mnv IT. NEWSPAPER!.

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