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Nevada State Journal from Reno, Nevada • 6

Reno, Nevada
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evada State Journal Sunday Sept 5 1965 EDITORIALS India Pakistan Broken rom Bread of Life Lester Coleman MD If any unusual reactions' Hutton 1 Emerson Titlow Nye County senator elected7 as an' Indepen dent may have put himself in a unique position when he re cently said he was 4 Gonorrhea most cer a serious disease Kashmir Strife Intensifies Dilemma for United States ti have Weight reducers must not de lude themselves in believing artificial sweeteners are the whole answer to their problem The sugar they are trying to avoid contains only 18 calories in a teaspoonful In young grow ing children sugar is particular ly important for their nourish ment Substitution of sugar by an artificial sweetener does not af feet weight if the total daily in take of calories remains exces sive came at a time of growing un employment criticism of the golfing jaunts and falling farm prices Three months after Harry Truman took office following the death of President rank lin Roosevelt in May 1945 87 per cent of the American peo ple stood behind the new Presi Sawyer's Refusal to Comment on Gives Rise to 'Pure Politics' Claim Big County Candidates Sought by GOP in excess Allergic reac and intestinal disturb have been known to oc Dear Mrs An incision or episiotimy is not always per rooms is to eat only those that formed on all women during are purchased in food shops Nya! Nya! So There entirely on the judgment of the in the woods is a highly dan physician and the progress "of gerous gamble' These may con taih eme of many highly toxic Incisions are made more fre drugs and cause severe reac with the way Democrats were going on reapportionment and may join the Republicans" Status? Hie result may be that nei ther party will want his sup port the theory being that when the state is reapportioned and this seems certain he will lose his seat In the meantime some claim he be trusted po litically by either party uviitrve uitjy vcui eitruc iiuuiy rve publicans from this area in next congressional election While it is true that many hundreds of thousands of new with dan The eyes and the joints of the body may become affected and leave permanent changes tainly is By STEWART HENSLEY United Press International The mounting battle oyer Kashmir intensifies the dilemma the United States has faced for 18 years in dealing with India and Pakistan each of which views with suspicion any Amer ican aid to the other It also vastly increases the in Dr Coleman welcomes Tet ters from readers and while he cannot undertake to answer each one he will use ques tions in his column whenever possible and when they are of general interest Address your your letters to Dr Coleman to Is gonorrhea no longer con cars of this Dettpsper Pakistan on their many points of conflict of which Kashmir is the most acute and potentially most bloody But without intending to do so the United States has ac tually subsidized an arms race between the two countries who regard each other as greater enemies than either of the two major Communist powers on their northern borders Russia and China Hie United States has given Pakistan $12 billion in military aid since 1954 India has re ceived only $200 million in such assistance and only since it was threatened by Communist Chi na two years ago But Wash ington has provided billions of dollars in economic aid to In dia making for the largest sin gle recipient This has freed some of resources to purchase arms elsewhere Hie Kashmir dispute has flared to a new high at a par ticularly difficult time for the United States The Johnson ad ministration is reviewing its large scale military aid program to Pakistan in the light of that increasingly close links with Red China and its virtual defection from the CENTO and SEATO Alliances It was because of Pakistan's adherence to those alliances and her professed anti Commu nist attitude that the United States undertook the massive military aid program for that country So long as Pakistan re mained in the anti Communist fold she had a virtual veto pow er over US military assistance to India But this was broken for the first time when the United States granted military assis tance to India to help her resist Chinese Communist incursions in 1963 along the northeast fron tier area and the Ladak Region near Kashmir Since then India increasing ly worried by China's emerg ence as a member of the nu clear club has abandoned her standoff attitude toward mili tary aid and guarantees from the United States and now wants more The United States has held up economic aid to Pakistan tem porarily and is still pondering a request for more 5 fighter bombers Despite in creasingly anti American atti tude the United States is re luctant to cut her off entirely or sharply reduce the assis tance There are two reasons for this of driving Pakistan even more deeply into the arms of the Communists desire to continue to op erate the technical intelligence installations in Pakistan which Nevada numerous additional legisla tor no matter what type reapportionment plan IsfiniU ly approved The party is reportedly to groom can didates But1 it faces a long uphill struggle Jin a county where Democratic: reg istration is heavy and numer ous Democratic legislators seek ing office will be incumbents? A Ormsby County Democrats (young and old) are having their problems This week the Ormsby County Democratic Central Committee meeting be hind closed door accepted ia resignation of Sophie Taylor committee secretary She said it (is) best for my party to resign" Why are mushrooms some times dangerous? How can the safe variety be recognized? Mr Maryland Dear Mr There are hun dreds of varieties of mush These umbrella shaped growths belong to the fungus family Some kinds are edible many are not It takes a great deal of knowledge about this un usual 'substance decide 80 YEARS AGO The Carson ree Lance says: Reno Journal publishesjts circular map showing Renqas the center of the earth and tie rest of the world revolving around it This is Ac cording to the Rend And this makes Reno what it is the most enterprising prosperous and flourishing city in Nevada This she is without any excep tional advantage and with noth ing but the public spirit of her citizens to keep her One hundred tons of timothy hay were purchased in upper Carson Valley and willbo shipped to the East for Lucky race stock Hie masons have commenced laying brick for the first build ing at the State University in Reno 50 YEARS AGO University of annu al pre season foolball rally drew an enthusiastic turnout This will be the first seasori of American football at Mackay ield after seven years of rtig by Rally speakers were coach Jack Glasscock president AV Hendrick Prof Scrug ham graduate manager ijSi Ross team captain McCUbtfin Everyone present enjoyed a wa termelon feed provided jby Reno merchants riends of President Wood row Wilson are laying plans to have him re nominated in 1916 Hordes of Mexican bandits and guerrillas are a massing along the Texas border and 4re clashing with US troops'? 20 YEARS AGO When private car production resumes the 1946 models Will be drastically re designed wjth superior brakes oil pressure system better bearings tend springs more' chrome fixtures The industry is also working rear engine models possibly due by 1947 The Navy has revealed that after the cruiser Reno uas badly battered by a JapdMbe torpedo hit in the Sea last November was towed vanced base the way she was eral and a motion made by a central committee member praising her for her efforts on behalf of the party failed to win unanimous support in the closed session The committee say wjiy Mrs Taylor was asked to give up her office I In" addition young Democrats continue to quarrel One Orms by County Young Democrat said (after Mrs Taylor's resig nation) that it was doubtfid'fhe split in his group Cbe mended at this time sidered a serious disease? Dear Mr It must be em phasized and re emphasized that gonorrhea has been and is still a very serious disease Because this social disease responds so quickly to active penicillin treatment young men and women think of gonorrhea as a disease of a past era Nothing is farther from the This is a highly contagious in fection of the genitals of either sex Complications of neglected whether it is safe or not as a cases of gonorrhea are fraught food The poisonous varieties are called toad stools Mrs Tennessee A firm rule to avoid the dan cer of toxic effect of mush Nevada Republicans their work cut out for them at a central committee meeting to be held? in Las Vegas this month The party chiefs will be look ing for legislative candidates aced with the prospect that reapportionment is almost cer tain to occur the GOP must look to the larger counties for' She had been asked to resign candidates a few weeks ago by the chair Traditionally Nevada Republi man and executive board of tjie cans have been able to keep 'committee Members like control or the state Senate by electing sena tors However even this advan tage was broken by the Demo crats who controlled the Senate in 1965 (with Titlow's support) for the first time in more than two decades With reapportionment the Republicans must not only worry about electing legisla tors in northern and central Nevada but must if they want to have any power in the legislature elect Clark Co legislators Clark County? will undoubtedly have now and the 1966 congressional election it is estimated that by that time white voters will still outnumber Negro voters by a ratio of more than six to one The great preponderance of seats won by the Democrats in the South has made it virtually impossible for the? GOP to win control of Congress In the' 1964 election in fact the Republi dent cans failed to put up a candi date in 34 congressional dis tricts in the South Affected Kennedy The civil rights issue has been an extremely touchy issue with me American puouc fact the lowest point recorded in the popularity of John Kennedy came at a time of ra cial strife personal popularity rose to its highest point (83 per cent) after the Cuban invasion of early April 1961 His low point was recorded in October 1963 following a hot sum mer on the civil rights scene In surveys taken before and after Kennedy made his nation wide appeal on the civil rights question (June 1963) his rat ing in the South dropped from just over 50 per cent to 33 per cent By mid summer 44 per cent of persons living in the South approved of the way he was handling his job When his pop ularity nationwide slumped to me low or 57 per cent the fig ure? in the South had dropped ro per cent Eisenhower Truman Dwight Eisenhower en joyed his highest popularity score in August 1955 when 79 per cent of the public expressed approval of the way he was handling his job More than a year earlier however in April of 1954 the percentage of ner Negro voters will be added to sons approving had dipped to voter registration rolls between 49 per cent his low point Hiis Rev A Bailey the thankful spir says an old proverb will be to thee a perpetual There is an example of the proverb in the act of a New York physician who gave a large gift to Columbia Univer College of Physicians and Surgeons What prompted that gift? Prior to World War I when he was struggling to obtain his premed 'education this doctor received scholarship of $175 Which though small it possible for him to continue Did he forget? No the generous gift tells us more than the sim ple fact that this physician prospered It tells us that he remembered and cultivated one of the most blessed gifts: a thankful spirit? Remember all the way Which the Lord thy God led thee Gov Grant Sawyer last week said he would make no state ment on the proposal before Congress to repeal Section 14(b) of the Taft Hartley Act which would eliminate right to work laws in 19 states including Ne vada i In refusing to express his opinion on right to work Saw yer maintains the people of Ne vada have expressed their op position to repeal three times at the polls and is no particular reason I should take a The stand on the matter naturally gave rise in some political areas to the con tention his primary motive is purely political Political At a Carson City press con ference' Sawyer apparently somewhat irritated by requests that he make a statement on 14(b) commented in what may have been an impolitic man ner the governor or lieutenant governor may say would be facetious and a mat ter of pure political His choice of words was quickly grabbed up by the GOP and interpreted as indicating the question of repeal of 14(b) was Of course it was not Many feel the governor will not take a stand on the issue because it would alienate at least half the voters This is based on the theory that about half of voters favor the right to work law and half would like it repealed commented a Sawyer supporter could the governor benefit by taking a The big question is will the attitude taken by the Democrat ic chief executive backfire? Some feel that Republicans will continue to lambaste Sawyer for not taking a stand and the result may be that he will alienate both supporters and non supporters of 14(b) The governor also maintains that the right to work law is being handled in Congress and he see any reason to take a stand However some point to the fact the chief ex ecutive hesitated to ex press his opinions YonjA VIet stability in the area of Nam reapportionm'ent water where the United States projects crime Increases and is involved in a major war other issues being considered against the' Communists in Viet by Congress and Britain is straining? An obvious fallacy in Saw preserve her shaky position provide informa tion about what is going onin Russia and China However Pakistan itself niay force the issue if it goes much farther in its anti Washingthn policy In this event the United States might find itself graft ing request for 5s nd other military equipment 'The Soviet Union which once took side in the Kashmir dispute is showing a tendency to move toward the neutral sition always maintained by the United States apparently an effort to counter Peking's in fluence in Pakistan Meanwhile the United States although determined to main is finding itself attracted more strongly toward India on every other international issue Days Gone ByZ In the Journal fact that Nevada voters have Washington always has tried not at wa a tightrope of strict the polls on right to work since neutrality between India and 1956 The state has experienced a tremendous population growth in nine years and it is only speculation as to how the ma jority of voters feel on 'the is sue today Results In 1956 or example in 1956 (the last election on right to work) 91922 votes were cast on the ques tion Of the votes cast 49585 opposed repeal of the law and 42337 favored it a difference of 7248 In 1964 137378 voters cast ballots in the general election It is logical to assume that an other vote must be taken be fore it can be accurately deter mined how a majority of Ne vadans feel on the issue Some observers are noting Sawyer supported the National Democratic platform in: 1964 a platform which favored re peal of 14(b) His supporters can well ask however a delegate to the convention re pudiate the entire platform be cause he might be opposed to one diculous for Gov Sawyer to have repudi ated the entire Democratic platform simply because he might have been against one minor portion of it There probably has never been a knowledgeable politician who to Republican strategists who 4 npliPVA thpv ran PiPrt manv Ha favored everything Jns party did Even from a purely political standpoint it would seem more expedient to speak out Of the three choices open to him for re Iieal against repeal or say nothing the after will alienate the most people Being for repeal will anger the "next and being! against it the least or desnite the fact Nevadans voted on the ri At to work jaw for nearly Artificial Sweeteners Safe in Moderate Amounts crease in population this is still Nevada and its citizens favor freedom of choice But regardless of politics or lack of it in the refusal to take a stand on 714(b) the Republicans can hardly build the phrase into a major campaign1 issue Grant Sawyer if he chooses to run againwill be? elected again Word Choice by Sawyer Causes Political Stir Gov Grant Sawyer is rioted hot only inNevada but far beyond the boundaries of rhis home state for his ability to turn a neatphrase or to make an apropos off the cuff i But everybody errs once in a while The governor may have done so last 7 xj Wednesday at a press conference In re fusing tb commit himself for or against re i peal of 14(b) a looming battle in the USX Senate Sawyer said there was ho particular i reason he should take a position and added 1 vvnut uic guveinur or lieutenant goveriior may say would be facetious and a matter of pure political (See this page) It was in truth an ill turned phrase and sounded so little like the governor that one of two things may have brought forth the statement Either it was (a) suggested to him by an aide who thought it clever and used before he thought or (b) he had a 4 moment of pique and snapped it out in irritation The Republicans of course jumped all over it in glee They intimated that the governor was saying the question itself was Such a claim by the GOP is itself Sawyer obviously was only saying that he as gov emor would be speaking to cominent on the question when the voters of Nevada had three times approved the right to work law which would be' invalidated by Congressional repeal of 14(b)" 1 of Taft Hartley Of no consequence but further pinpoint ing the oddity of the phraseology was his use of the word In a purely semantic sense only this word was ft I not in keening with the idea he was at 'VLIi tempting to convey Semantically maybe but never The diction ary may say the latter word merely means humorous and therefore the governor might argue he meant that his comments on 14(b) would be But dictionary or 1 no taceuous means to most people not merely humorous but lightly humorous The word therefore is out of and Gov Sawyer is ordinarily very much aware of such nuances As to the more important aspect of the matter whether Jhis expressed opinion would or would riot be can surely be argued that it would mot 4 As the chief executive of a state which has a right to work law on its books Gov Sawyer should without even being asked have told the peripie how he feels If he feels the right to work law is an onerous burden on the working man and should be repealed (which we very much doubt) then out with it Or if he agrees with two mem bers of the Congressional delegation Rep Walter Baring and Sen Alan Bible that this is a matter for the decision of the vari ous states (which he probably does) then say so and go ori to the next question In some quarters it has been said that Sawyer subscribed to the Democratic Na 1 1 1 is liVW JX esiucm VI II I tional platform in 1964 and the platform son stands Negroes in the eluded a demand for repeal of 14(b) There most recent survey: fore Sawyer must be for repeal and against A right to work Hogwash This newspaper for Dpprove 4 instance subscribed in the main to the No opinion 8 Democratic platform but it has been fight HeJe how he stands with 1 i Southern whites: mg repeal of 14(b) ever since Big Labor PcL first demanded it It would have been ri Approve 46 Disapprove 96 No opinion 18 The relatively low popularity of the President With white vot ers in the South has given hope However popular ity then proceeded to slide steadily until November of 1951 at toe height of fruitless Ko yer's stand some claim Lis the Singapore rean Truce negotiations when it dropped to 23 per cent ap In proval Civil Rights Program Has Impact On President Johnson's Popularity The civil rights program has had its impact on President Johnson's personal popularity with two important groups in the popu lation Of all groups in the nation popularity rating at the present time is highest among Negroes It is lowest with white citizens in the thir teen state region which makes up the South popularity nation wide however remains at the same high level aS it was last month (65 per cent expressing approval of the way he has han died his job) In some groups he has gone up in popularity but he has lost an equal amount of ground with others Here is the question which the Gallup Poll puts to a true section of all adults of the nation each month you approve or disap prove of the way Johnson is handling his job as Presi Herp i how President John £tate journal A NEWSPAPER OR THE HOME Published every morning by Reno Newspapers Inc Gazette Journal Building 401 West Second St Reno Nev 89504 Charles Murray Publisher Clarence Jones Business Manager Paul A Leonard zEdnor Tyrus Cobb Managing Editor Albert Conton Advertising Director i Milton Gerwin Circulation Manager The Nevada State Journal Is a member of Speldel NemMen me a national service organization promoting through tbe publication of progressive newspapers the best frrfsrests of Mo community ano the home i 1 Circulations OMce Reno Nev as 2nd class matter Representative: Nelson Roberts A Asso flates New York Chicago San rancisco Detroit Los Angeles Portland Denver Omaha 'Dally 10c Sunday ate areas where home delivery service Is maintained: By Carrier Salesman 40 cents per week: by Motor Route 8275 per AT Jto 9tto tteyede and Modoc Lassen Plumas STZ OTW QOUnTWS OTO nW LOTV TM to CoUfsrnlajL one year 82b six month SIU tbree to toxwe swetjne year toMr SIX RrOflTnSg IRM fnOlttnBp S7J01 Oftt MMHU ttJSu Can artificial sweeteners be harmful when they are taken 'for weight reducing over a long r7 period of time? Mrs Maine Dear Mrs Artificial sweet eners or cyclamate have been under very careful observation by the Pure ood and Drug 4 Administration The drug is used in so many diferent ways and so extensively that its safe ty had to ba established The present studies seem to show that the drug is not a danger ous one wnen laxen moaeia lg incision always neces tion sary when' a woman Js giving It must be remembered that birth to a baby? any drug can De narmiiu when taken tions ances cur in people sensitive to cycla labor Such an incision depends Picking and eating a mushroom mate occur it should be discontinued People who are on a salt free diet should remember that so dium cyclamate a quently during the birth of the tions that may need urgent med goodly amount of the very sub first child in order to avoid the ical attention stance they are trying to avoid tearing or laceration of the" namely sodium tissues The incision usuaUy Speaking of Your Health heals quickly and does not leave any significiant after effects 5003nil tc PlawnuUMfefesti i 1 I.

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