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The Marion Weekly Star from Marion, Ohio • Page 5

Marion, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LOCAL NEWS. ami Mrs. H. FMier re- i i i a c. I'- Hudaon, ni Uiilion, is the nl -Mrs.

Cwiiiio Holland. i i is again a messenger on i if Li i' OUT. tin 1 0. A. li ll.umlion and wife lett Wednesday for 'u innbiis to make visit.

i i Leltler li'it for Columbus H't'. 1 llcr 'I'Uiyht'-'is during isi 1 Wiant returned from a h-sioual (rip in Illinois Wednesday en in I'ndei wood, the M-, it position at (ieorgo Lit-own'-" Uv i mid children, of i ate Mii. Mrs. F. Jyl wards lias rciuined to business flu spent at Medina I V'dl is ejecting a neal id isc on -oirth tfivsL sheet, north of diuivli.

9 i i i i i i iiiiu Mr. ll'illaud weio among the, Miiriwi M- in 111 Cincinnati. -M vt's Anlt. MM i iiU I''i'tie TlHlmprion wore hpend- i Tliiiriduj al I'rosoeet. i Alice ISiinkei, of Clay Outre, is in Nil- city.

lli! Jiiii'st oi Mis. hu liimkei KIIHH.I Be-yei lias icliinicd to hei nut' in Chicago alter a pleasant visit in Ul in i tin- Peuser. VW howsvs Vo itnV gtixfts i t-a. A. li.tTouiretic intends cruet ing mil iiiiliumamif.U'Uiiius end of town.

1 E. S.ugont is at her old position at W.irner lulwaid.s' in tin; of -Mis. i' 1 Uonls. who is at home ill. h.i.-h, ol HunUngton, Hits city, lelUoi York, I'lU'SiMi-io pirn and i i goods.

-'ilii 1 County Commissioners i i ses- -iitu i a i tit i ims Uvi 1 Moim nk I. T. I'ailtiifeoii i exhibit, a header hri'ilicr ai Ha' Indiana Jjtate ueti lui i IK- Marion Aliinur.icturintr cumuli -Sir, W. liitey and ehildren, of Hit, Kiis an- i i Mrs. J.

Hnlcs nit oflii'i tricmis. ulli'i an nhsi'iice uf nmi- t'liu. i. iL'iMfwards was down fium ninlA. liusmess.

acijiiiihitanci't a i ahvay-i to iiiiu. -T. Kelly. A. l.eillei, Jann's Vi u.

crs and ui lieis attended tin; ieiiniun if lilst and Mil leyhncnth at Kenton, aj -Dr. II. Ktih-wl lliirucr, Of the Medical Instilnlu. mado ins firaj, iiul lo Mariun Wednesday, stoi- iiiy it the Ken. -tU'oigc Joluiswu, Hie Nugifft (oiiiiuny, titinslerrcrl here shaking hands with many M.n on -Miss Mary Uoweii left Thursday for 'minims wlieie i i enter Hudson's Cullt'S-c of Mini I Hand and iinibh "her studies i ic art ofslenugiapn).

-Mis. Ij. S.ibiiu', aiTOiniwiiicd by her 1 and son George Hollamf is tit Iwnuc of Holland, (in eait South street. I IjOthei, of UardingUiii, nit Mis-, A a V. Emery, of Waldo, larriul the K.

jur-ionaye, Tnesdity MleiiKion, hy A. 0. ilarnes. iKidenl Ittiiiiulict. of the 0.

and iMSseit tliroitgli M.irifin on train Wl'dnes- (l-i) on lii-f a to i i i i to' attend the A muni elm lion of U. und A. dheciois. Itt'v. 13.

Thoin.ts has returned from 't i i i iind repfirfs a very nlonsant UH. i i rut urn i her mud, ami will remain .1 shott time -J. S. DiilF took out Ins first express ram TlinrsiUy. John was veiy shy a i i i feel at home in over.Uls, of hit will ovvv jvisl tislhuuthtii Ksilul.

U. Jlinei, pastor ol the t-'ree 'il'tibt i i i hold Sunday unices lit the Hunch ouSiindiiy. He i K'hirned homo hy a time 1'iom 111. --Tin 1 doetois aie Kept, on the gn very und stomach aie H'lypnividenl. I hough inoii-so in the conn- tliiin in town.

Veiy cases are falalj -11. II. Cuiiiimglmiii and Kranlc-Schrote li'avi 1 for Itoitoii, Satiinlwy night with as fiii'iiCiii load horses as lias II UT leu Mnrioii. Of course, lien won't until alter (he Dem ratio convunlion Bourns. -ilariou nml Miss Kale Jiieeher Friday evonitm at the lidiiic.

on puck street, hn mediate atiu's pre a ent to witness the uere niter whiehsnitpei was hened am ll1 went lo theh reapeetive homes. I'iie pienie of the Suhhath school of St church, at the (air grounds Ttinrs a a pleaMint ailnii. Tin. and thii merrj on MI tin 1 fvecnsini t( TMW mil been ulliurwbu than a haiii-j IHlil. i i i i Memorial chapel ar ll U'odnestiaj and the forec of orkinei Uj mij it TUursdiiy morning.

Th ut nml (Ircasuii; is practically all doii 111(1 them fc nolhim; lo prevent an earl The new hell foi the chime ff.A.SUKSB A WIASE HUNTER, A A iWSTOAKOfl an! LOANS. -A. II. Kling was attending tbo State talr. haviiiR beoa favored ith the ai-point- iK'iit asjiulaeoftheracos.

-fleurge Wik-r, of firm of 3. B. Lutz is again seriously afflicted with hciniiaUsui of the shoulder. -E. Y.

Smith has located here lently and will engage in the inanufactme home-made elmeolate drops. N. and 0. trains 1 and continue he more leas late every day. The iftivy ami hnth end to tiling aliunt thai result.

--Mirror: Hlnll uml Otouse are in ttemluut-e ttctesatea al the Ktneral con- eieneeof Hie Kvanyelical church, held at Intl'alo, X. this coining week. -Ed I'arks, M. Bell ami F. U.

Laphum le new messengers here lor the Erie e.v ress runs on the C. and and Jim Cull, firmerly on tlie 13. S. run, is also on the lessengei iorev. Joe Uitier has with- raw u.

--The Haley diteh claimants, troiu Clarion and Kichland townships, were i i i a tearing before the county commissioners Vednu-sday, but the meeting luul to he ad- inirnedtouimtherdatc, owing to some of le iuteiestud parlies not having lu'en noti- cd. Caiedonhi Argus: A child of Samnt'l roUtHgutlabuuitwu of Intwel omplitint on Monday I)i. Slime MS tailed, hut he could not save it. The uncial services were held Tuesday after- oon at the house, conducted by Uev. A.

oil nek. --Williams (iurley have purchased a lay pitss ami are already busily eiiHaged i tailing hay for their immense retail radc. It is remarkable what growl the 'cd has attained in their hundh, nd the Si'Ai: tiikt-s plcasuii' in noticing leir success. --The Misses Anna and Clara Lehner, ot sko-sh. were guests oi their main, Mrs.

A. Hes. south West trect. Thej ic-turneil to their home Fri- ay cvmilug, tUtec liiivutg li.ul plmwAiil ojourn ul six weeks ttitli relathes and i lends in Ohio. --Caledonia Campbell, who las been lying very low with of le br.un tor the past lew weeks at Hutlalo, Vi'heiclujVaa enyiifted in the com- nssion business tor J.

V. JIuirihon, was roiit-ht home ami at last reports us case was looked upon its being serious. Kied llabcrman, secretaiy ol the ila- on Munufaetuiinn comjiany, toiui'I (he a works almost too small 'or him thin morning. A tine buy win- orn at his home Thursday night, ami the iiliiictiuit of having a bright son liniuiaiit reasons for Fred's lace to be loathed in smiles. --The Salvation soldiers' special salt alion ervices Saturday ami Sunday, iSeptembcr ti and 4th, ill be the visit of Stall' Captain ully, district officer Northern Ohio, ac- ompanied by Adjutant llalpin andltand- musical myster- A le door each nigUt.

--The two birds arrested here almost in lie net of burglary nml now serving a work- muse sentence turn out to be u'ry tough haracters. One of them made, no bones bout be.iiiR a penitentiary bird for more tan three years and acknowledged liis eserts would place lam there for a much onger time. was a fortunate arrest. --On nett Monday the, matter of freeing ic Waldo pike will come up before the Jounty (Jiniimissionors, as at that time the u.ird of appraisers-- Kx- Commissioners lehaiTy, Imbody and Ketterer-- will make leir report. They wade their view of the ike August 181U, and luivtt consiUHcd, inn; since then iu agreeing upon what they clicve to be a just and projier appraise- lent.

Wants Tilings Exact. Win. Sopher, of Prospect, whose wile hns pplied for divorce as already mentioned in iiese columns sends the following: "Mr. Sopher bugs leave to resent the following: in first place, misUke in regard the number of years he has been an tnal drunkaid-- it was SKVENTKIZN i.v- rcAw OF sr.VES. As tr family duty, i In; did ine he conU) in lhat line." I I I I Suddenly Siimiimiied.

i relatives, as well as tin nany acquaintances of (icorge Butcher vere. startled by the announcement of his sudden death, Thursdii) aflernoon, a he Hfje of sixty-lhnju years, ilr. Butcher, generally very hcalthj mm, who gave promise of more than pus sing the allotted, three score and ten, cume lown town early that morning attending, his errands as usual, and was preparing for work that afternoon. About 8 o'clock he was taken ill and, though medical aU WHS summoned, nothing could be done fo dm, and he suffered with paralysis of thp throat until about Uo'clock in the afternoon when death relieved him. 'Jlr.

Butcher has been a resident of the i cinity of Marion for good many years, in fact life was spent in Delawar and Marion counties. His funeral Is an nounced to occur at his lite residence Sat urday at 10 o'clock. Council Proceed iiig-- An adjourned session of tht! council wa held Friday night, all members being prcs cnl uxetiirt. MtiMnrray antl McNeal, Ernst Xacliman applied for damages lire department during lire at iN'ationa House. Referred to Fire commit tec.

Ordinance accepting dedication of Jem street, and an alley in Park boulevard wa passed. A resolution granting permit to partic to put In a drain in i'ark boulevard and dedication of an alley near creamer was referred to Street and Alley com miltcc Some bills were approved and passe upon. On motion D. P. Kelly's bid for th east Center street improvement was at.

ceirtwl. Thelc bid was SCin.60, and that D.Limrcnce, 87411. The solicitor was instructed to prupar contract with 1). V. Kelly for east Cente street i in pro vein cut, and the major um clerk to sign the same.

Council adjourned. COVERED WITH A A lie Property in Mttrluu In the llfttulK ot the Shcttft lot Ag- rrecHtlnx Late Tuesday afternoon Sheriff IJeckley elected Julius Strclitz ami llolwrt Hopkins appraisers and, after aii appraisement of ie property of the Marion Water-Works o'npany- Samuel R. llullock the nine attached for debts amounting to early 830.000. Tin- titst suit nas Illcd by the New Phila. eliihiu Pipe Works company, whose claim set forth This was followed a suit by T.

Fahey for SKSOO, and that as followed by one by I i a Piendi-r- ast Bros, for glUl, and by W. J. F. Pren- ergast forSlW- Attachments made i favor ol all the suits, and ihe same ap- raisers served in each case, returning the ropcrtyat almut SSo.000. The suspension ot Samuel K.

Itnllock o. is doubtless owing to a tight Eastern loney market, and their inability to float ie bonds of the many plants they arc uiilding. What the effect i be on the lariun works is nut definitely known, 'he council contracted with the Holly Vater-Works company to build the works ml they Mib-contracted Bullock as the Marlon Water-Works company, is probable that the Holly company will utve the Morks to complete, but there is not ikely to be any veiy herions delay in (he 'ork of construction. I I A I I MT. I A Attempt to Burn Out Club KUOUIM.

(iilead UuKiBtor.l That there, aro iueenaiaries about Mt. ilead has lately been proven. It stands 3 a mark ot discredit to our town tat there lmvt of late bcun -several ate a i i i iroperty. but, fortu- ately, by ehancy the plot has been discov- red in time to avert what would, aotluubt, a serious loss to the town. Of course early all are heavily insured, and the ones tat are su heartless as lo attempt to tire iroperty would injure no one mure than icj would themselves in thus committing crime lor whieh the penalty cannot be too uvere.

It was on Wednesday night that a small re was discovered in the rear of the Oleu- ingy club rooms, and had the fire gained ttle more headway before being discovered would no donlit cnnMimcit not only IB saloon building, but other frame build- tigs, and possibly some of tint bt'jii business locks. The tmall onibuilding in among tlicr huihiings. had been liberullj iutii- atct! with coal uil and the. tire started when chance It us seen and extinguished. close ateh has been kept since and it is be tiiic iftirk itthti RtriHy v.liu was ttempt to apply Hie torch is not brought to ustice.

However much a person maj be business not in the line of eputahle traflio, or however great maj be ie sins ot the re-sort, tiie attempt to bring estrUction in this way, by iirt-, is by fur Kieatt'iA MU aul a wiiae that is uiuuitg he most hideous- C. A. Noted. The annual meeting of thoO. and A.

di- ectors and stoekiwultrs held at Himt- ngton this itfternoon. It is tho general im- iresslon that very few changes will be nade. Semaphores are being placed at all the water tanks on the C. and A. This will greatly facilitate matters nml a much needed want is supplied.

Harvey Davis, a hostler at this point, damaged engine No. 4 hy running into it with engine No- 11 while trying to pull it on the track. Sir. T. H.

Edson thelocomo- ive foreman put both engines on the track without any assistance whatever except hat afforded by a wrecking jack. A pump house will shortly be erected at jtiketon. The water supply will lie from Sel river. Mr. Goo.

W. Moses, mechanical account- nit of the C. arid A. H'y, passed through icre recently enroitta home, ntter spending wo weeks in New York Stole, C. 1,.

JIayne, trainmaster, is taking a short vacation. O. K. Gross is ofllciaUng as trainmaster during bis absence, U. Lcvings, civil engineer, and A.

S. Urane ere in the city Wednesday, attending to mutters connected with the com- panj's business affairs. Engine 58 has just been tinned out of tin simps, thoroughly overhauled and repaint ed. James Urlney i take charge ol tin engine. Joe Dill, passenger Conductor, will leave for his home in German Centre III.

C. K. McUnllougli had very severe at tack of colic in Chicago Monday evening A hypodermic injection was the only nun edy that afforded him relief. We are gla to say he did not suffer after the tirst at VAV.k. Passenger and freight businetfn still con tin ties heavy.

I'rulmte Cwurt. Kiios E. Ircj andUbbieGnUmm license marry. Charles V. Kasey and Uachol Woolard licensed to marry.

Julius Blitz and Katie, Houseman license to marry. Elmer F. Jirebford and A mm C. Uhl li censed to marry, fircenville J. Lowther and Anna Emery licensed to marry.

Hearing of exceptions to accounts Pint; lie Wushhurn. us guardian of Kim tt'ashbnni, given Monday. How They Attended, The attendance at the -State Fair wa phenomenal Thursday, and contributed her full share to the immense crowd Agent Culbcrtson, of the H. V. and T.

stood stamping tickets tor nearly an hou that morning, the sales aggregating almoB three hundred. A train of eleven coaches WHS started a head section of the morning's train froi Marion, and the rear two couches were oc by lie employes of tin; team Shove company, sixty of whom went. --The fight for the execution of Kerr' will has found way to the Common Plea, court of Marion county. The question IN decided Is whether the Marion 1'robat court has any jurisdiction in the matter. ABOUT THE COUNTY- EWS GATHERED UP BY THE STAR'S I Wlmt Our Slwir, MnknigH Com i Uvparl of AN Tim) Mitlhm Vmtmj, Clifton Station.

Kvpryhuily t.ilks circus. (Join cutting time at bund. Patsy Kolly was in town Tnratlav. SiKVtyw Ivioknm iciwv's 10H 1 Tucsdiij. Several ot our people attended the state 'air during the Operator CiunjilK'll and another lice Line inn were in Tuesday.

The well Is gcUiitg down to- ards China. LCHK out for an illununa- DII. Candldiite.s are getting to thiek too he nn- lerous, ami all confident of getting icro Eli. 1). H.

Clifton shipped six car-loads of ool from Ashley and two from Clifton to biladelphiahisUvi'ek. Joe bus moved to the Titus mills nd Garret Postel has tented bis propt'itv. Uncle John Itiiiii wild 3SUO worth of cattle islweek. Mr. Hain is one of our most ubstantial fanuci.s.

John Alexander, of Scott Town, bus Knight lots in Clifton und will build yet iis fall. Theie is plenty of room formoro. ot the old soldier boys attended ie reunion at Kent on Tuesday. They retort big lime. It is reported thai a certain detimei.itii' andidatfi from Marion is the Cnights of Ijiiuor riickct big.

We could ame two or three democratic candidates ml will not recehe the support of quite umber in their party about here if uoiti- iated. Milt Miller's new house is up and m- loscd. Will Anderson, John Alcxtmdei nd Mr. McCumber ate getting lumber on ic ground for new houses. were In LaHue Tuesday.

The pco- )le are expecting to stride ijas and a boom. r. Campbell IKIS added to his ami on- oy.t the cream of the trade in that dace. We also i i Cold 8uriug reamery and was shown Unough by Sup't 'om Lcomtid. Tln-y are running ay and make a very superior article ol utter.

Politics are waxing hoi. If tho principles Uown hy some the. uulU'i'tuutulem- cratic, we may feel justly jmnui tlmt re republican. Smely soum of the attacks Hide upon the integrity and Imncstchanic- cr of Mr. candidate for county sure) or, arc bhamcful and most dnmnable nil may rt'ftct Mptm tlmir imrpi'UrtUirs.

Jemocrats in this communitj say they Will t.tnd by Scott. 1). 11. Clifton has been solicited to come ut for shcnfl on the republican ticket this ill. Mr.

Clifton is just tint man lo knock hat rtemoeralie majority sky high. Several ears ago be was tlie vuiidtdiitu i'ur aiwlituv, vhcn success was entirely out nf the ion, hut he cut tho democratic majority over 400 votes. Things have changed bincc and heean elected now. Montgomery and adjoining townships lave declared war upon tho drive well agents. They held a big meeting at Chapel tail last Friday night, four townships bong represented.

Kverylwdy hail blood in heir eye. They decided to light, and it is uportt'd that, the Agosta miliiiii i back hem up. If that is the case the drive well liitrks nor the United States maishals want do any monkeying around in i partol )hio. The notices they received to go Ui jaKiw labt Saturday and pay up was unheeded. Not a cent did they get, and the drive well agents had tn stand the landlord' off their board.

That's right, stay right with them, hoys. Sept. '87. JOK.SIMKKS. ClariOm-Alel ii(lf, Jack Krost visited us Monday night.

Williams is in Hardin county on a little speculating business. Mrs. of Mt. CikMd, visited ut Mr. Ihmser's last Friday.

Charles hcdertmm. ot Minimi, wtts in our village on Monday laM. Enoch Hoke was in tins last week buying M. C. Aye, having linished collecting Dr.

Devore's book accounts, will return to Kansas City in a few days to join his partners Mewtrs. Aye ami in Hie real t'shitc Imsiness. C. C. Owen, son of our inci rluuil, made i flying visit toClaridon on Saturday aftci- nuon from whtrv in; is attcndinj, school.

Mr. and Mrs., Mr. Gordon am MissStose, of Minion, at Claridoi Sunday afternoon last, the guests of I)r Piivore and family, A coin etiUtiT, opvialwi by iwo nu-n am a boric, will be exibilcd on the farm Adams this week by Uorin gcr vt Lehner, of Marion. We could insure r.imily ra timis this winter is they could be persmidc to live hero.

We boast of rats in great pio tusion, though the number was tempoiarilj diminished hy (lie successive visits of twen tj -three candidates during (ho last week. P.ev. Thomas lectured in the new M. church Saturday night hist to a huge and! encc, on temperance. Though soiiiewlui of an extremist on this subject, he is i sck'uliflc iind was listened to ith In terest.

Hobcrt IJiimbar, formerly of this place now of Altamont, 111., Is visiting friends ii this vicinity. He has been ah.scut twenty four years and misses a faces that IT familiar to him In the dasof I)r, Lewis, of AH. Cilead, was in tow 01 professional business this week. U. C.

Mitchell, of Columbus, made, i short visit here on Saturday, the gucs of Howscr. (lottlieh Fieschncr, living a hhortdislanc south of here, was kicked in the side by horse on Tuesday evening, but was not si rlously Injured. Ii. Owen is attending (ho Slate Fair. Miss Maine Miller, of 0., wll return to her home after a picas ant visit of four weeks i tier cousins the Misses J)evoro, Hiifih R.

Smith svntos from Alton, Mo that he is great improved In health. Martin Wtter, who lives luuile and a half south of here met a veiy sciioiib and irobably fatal accident on Snndaj uioruing iibt. While out, looking over his lidds, he attempted to step upon a smalt hut his foot slipped and he fell, striking hit- test projecting splinter. Mi, Hritton, a him, is nl his recovery, to the i i nf hlf: sufferings and tlit- severe eoneussion to i ie i snbjei'tcd. SU'ht'rt Adams, piesident of the Million County Teachi'is' Institute, and W.

A. Curly attended the TiMclu-rs' I i at It. liilcad last week. They report a ii not to be compared tu the one held in larion recently. Misses Maine Miller and Flora eturned fiom pleasant visit with itn 1111- leof latter, at Satuulay.

Wm. Colmerry and wife, (tf Iht'ila, i i Mis. Hiittiu Smith last week. Dr. levore has been quito imlispnscd foi ho xveeks, but leeling some otter al this writing.

Mr. ami Mrs. (it-urge Williams will leave )r Kenton, on Saturday, where they will UiUieoigo'ssisttT. hew Knhliimn's ponies, during another 'laytiil mood, ran away hist week and up- el the bngyy, throwing the uccnj.unt nut. Xn seiious damage resulted, huwevei.

On en. September comes in with tine ut the cool evenings and (he fioit Momhu lorning, whioli bit the corn blades, 8 that winter is not far oil. Mrs. Win. Stallsmith, who has been quite ek for some time, hut little belter.

Cirovtj Hitter, of Marion, was in town unday. Sirs. Chris Cromer is visiting in Dehiwiire, Chris attempting to soothe Hit delegates to the llemociatii: county onvontion. Our citizens wuiu highly enter! Sun- ay hy the per forma nee by John I), wens and John I'riester. They attempted drive Jotiu Texas pony ut the animal didn't choose to go that way.

Monday evening decided to try and they hitched pony to one ol Jan Owen's carts and started tor rive. When near George (iooding'salhtch- In wvuitt mt and let a wheel and this nule the iHiny so mad that he refuV'd to ring the ci)it home, hut the boys i tell ou the paiticulars. Last Tuesday evening the family of i-'iank 'ouit was absent from hoim: and upon re- urning found that had enleii'd ie and, supposing it to bo buigl'irs, ley wore fnghtenud. Upon In- estigulion (he only thing missed was -'rank's shot gun, and later Ihey toniid ambcrt Hydcr, Mrs. ComL's tnother, had ome to borrow it and, not finding them at ome, had helped himself.

Mrs. Oslwrri, of Marion, visited hei anghter, Mrs. J. 1). Owens, Suiuhiy and londiiy.

Mrs. Jf. F. und Mrs. Noiili (inst at- endcd a birthday party at Frank Gust's.

MSA. ot Prospect, TliUTBiluy evening. A number of our people will go to Pios- ift tonight to hear Mtlle Nugget. McClosky, of (ialiu county, WHS in own this week and returned home. iC'Ktlny- -to will move his a i hi'ie liortly.

Willimus is unable to work-- miller ng with neuralgia of Ihe lace. Our Sunday school will attend the picnic tie held in Mounts' grove one week from od ay. Oui town promises a good croud for the cm ion to lie I'ark on Sept. II. A ntimbiT of Giccn Camp people took the niiu today at this place for Stales Fair.

Bert (trace and Aduui Kile were, HL I'ros- Kwt Sunday. C. R. Sargent and Chile Welch, ol Marion, msscd th'rongh lime Sunday on their way Prospect to seethe groat tonntuin. September 1.

'87. KMIO. Onlrtliiulft. The continues dry, being veiy avorahh: foi the threshing of wheat and Kits and the abundant clover ciop, cutting corn, but not so with fall plowing foi wheat, etcept oat stubbly and corn giouhd. Without rain the output of wheat will he Ilijht.

Oscar Dexter and Uarbarn (Jnflitli wen: married on the 2fitli of Augnst, by llev. Drollshaiigh, ami nary a piece of caltc did WB grt. Hi 1 tnw tw iour liiista, tU'iii clill- hen. Tiidrow, the assistant i i at the Eureka mills, luu lu'en sick for few days, l.afii Ilijisher's family are all improving except Mrs. Hipsbor, tit thia wiitiuy, n.

is 1 not expected to live. Sir. Day was called to the of his sick father, miles cast of Mans He Id, last He is now better. Wes Campbell was brought home fiom IJuHalo 11 very sM man, SnUurtay, improving very slowly, Croft lost his youngest child last week. Mr.

and Mrs. (lotdsmilh, of Hllnnis, nrc visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Snndiiycd wll) friends In Hichland comity.

Our school i i is undergoing and a general renovating Mils week by our faithful janitor. Schools open next Mou day. We had quite a froat on Sunday morning but no damage that we know of. Willie I'M will return to the IJulfiih schoolH the fltli und steps are also be ing taken by the more generous and sympa thetic people to return Ferdh; Uanshorn. Charlet Margyraf spisnt a few days ii (ralinn with friends and Ihe.

soldiers las week. Many of our took advantage tin! low rates and visited the State Fnir. There weie seven thmshiug a i crews in town at one time one (lay Ilii week and no beer either, lint they wen; Jol ly all the same. Wm. Jjaffiirty's house, on north Mail street, Is receiving repairs.

is slill busy niun. John Cot'hran, while assisting John A i slcment mowing weeds, receiver! an ugl flesh wound on his foot, (icoigu I'lace and family, of I a i county, are visiting Jliram Hipsher anc family, September il, 1H87. Kiuua. AK(HK'. Thi'ir was mcctinj; at Scott Town a mid a HH'k'ty ihe -Miilual Ashuelution protect inn 1 fuim ail manner ut i i i i cl.iims.

etc. A hunt IlOt) u-t as per call and piocei-dcd lo filed the m.iui/ation hj flirting Church as Hcsideni. (iray pHsidcnt. U. V.

A Jones UiMsmer, ml Clink- collector. They then cn- cti'tl a bi-t of intes ami to be rned by, lo That each member suli- 'libing his nairn 1 to tin 1 shall paj cents to liie lUM.suit'i as a ntonihership ci i and tlul each mi-mbi'i shiill, If be on a bonus ol lluee dot ais, as i i per cent, on lid bonus. Ke.sohed, Thitt if a membn- u-y i run il to ihe utidci ICiuen ami aniong men. A mou' determined oiderly of leu never met fur any purpose. They icct, i Id mil on ihe cnliie nmuh ojoin haiids.

'i'hcic I I I meeting in hn- Ue today at (he i a Mouse. II will noi a lor any ot i i to isit any of named Wo a if'tuued the ci.lU-cUn:, in otilted to leave oi take Ihe i'm-e- ueiices. Wm. (iongway It, his slock vut hauled and Titus liios. are shipping lot ol 1 ill il-ehiss lumber.

Fathei ChamheiK mill family have iiiovod mnr i a i Union i is W. Coiey's f.ilhei-iu-taw. i is a i Id man, and a dou'l eorye. I'rof. Sharp and Itii assistants i com- H'lk'tt (he I'ublic schoiil i i i village Sent, h.

Sickness bus abided. We 1m had fiasts this week, but no amageas yet. Om fact 01 i.s i 1). K. Cock- ev at thi) helm.

A I .1. I'ui-i-Ttmti. Suivojoi Be 1 1 hi our i In.sL wit and Sniidajed ul his futhei's. have I fin lions in i low nvliln (or i mala's 11 somewhal jiul loi tMitbidtiHiipiiaiits li tttnU up dt'U 1 alion. Joe th'eMey, of Agoila, wild In om business last week.

Viola Obcidiei, hus been staying mtheasl ot Jhiiion a summer, is i i i limits in Hit 1 swithwtst. jmit oJ liowl- ug i Itimb and Jones, who ant the leiulei.s ol ie liirlluns In (his lown.stiiii (01 coiu- lissioner, a i i i Ihe eamius business so lli.d i Imviiii young election en- mnt l-'rhmy livening, lluwllnj; Orecn giiinsf the world! The investigating of the sbuig sehool honstt addition has been lolding (b'ily iiidigmilion mecllng. i a a iislnn i 1 bout time a the Demociiilic county mm'iiUuii Mtiuuil Sutuiduy. I'raiilt Hiirpi'r, ol' gave Lafayelli; loll a visit week. Mr.

I a i i i or Mssi't, was In Ihese ails last week looking a lionw i Ve are not a bit haclcwaid in speitldng llj avoi of Mr. llulnhiidge. Then: Is an agent in this lonk- ng itp Ihe i and I i Is a papei clrouliilion ticie, too, mid till who sign IL giee to test I well to Ihe xtent of 81! each. John Jones is down lor diove wHI.s lisa slut Lei. A niimhei ol our liirmei'K attended Ihi; In- i i i a hi.s! week.

Tltu main lijccl was lot'leclioneer. Atifjnsl HO, 1887. Tin: Quite an excitement wits occasioned his) I'hiirsday evening in by the lepoil hat a young a i i i man, ol had eommiUcd suicide. A doctor soon In attendance, and ion iiiseoveied the lact that the on ng man lad become iuloMcaled, and wishing uive Miniu amusement, had hied a bull rnm his icvolvei i Ihiieciliug I ecoveicd and promised to retiaiu i in- oxicanls i a i Mr.s. Kuim.i.SwIck, of 11.

IA Mwick, lied last Saturday, a i a leu days 1 sick- n-hiof paralysis. l'nnenilo('cniicd at i MeihodisL chinch Sunday. A t'liiltl ol TlmmuH SumU'rlaud died Monday evening. The (Jits and Oil company held a meeting Timirfday night foi the i ol Ihe Finance commit Ic and biisim ss. i i i i of otn people nlfcmled tht'Mali! 1'nii.

Onrphyslelans an; kepi veiy busy, as many persons are sick. Thu fanners an; busy i coin and getting ginuiid iwidy to HOW wheat. Thuru i he ip'he hi'gD acreage of wheat sown VWi Unv pi ice. wheat ciop In i township wus celteill- I'rospect i falls oi wheat. Corn Is only a i ciop, beinj, much Injured by (he dry wcalhei.

Mr. Kellar died Saturday murnliif! am wasliikcnlo h'aii field i i inlet ment The commissioners an; Inn new lloni ing pul In Hi" bridge, i i it has necdci for sume lime. A laigt; crowd niiius over i I i and Imd a nicini; in Ceo. Cast' giovr, about a a mile smilh of town Someol om fulk.s were pii'sent i them. Tb'T ri'porl an enjoyable fimt-.

i a i i Infesls im (own id present gambling i a i i bur of do nolhint! else. li( tlint; I a vice UN a i a a i of excifcnlent and This should hu A this i i Mrs, Wat i i i i jfieiit agony- Het i i i fiiendrf sorrowful. The of I hoi their primdry meeting J. W. Scott, for stmt'yor, was town Ibis ui'iruiiiK looking hi feii'-crf.

Out etii'-l; biejele lider, Uen -Sells, ex peels loalU'iid i.wc-j diffen-nl fab this fall. Work on Ihe gai well was stopped th morning si tlnplb if 17W1 feet. Hejtt. 1, IM7. A FOR A lit- Voli-riiii Slicit KiHH'ks (lu Uiiil Out-- U'lio tliu ItiiilKi' 1 The- weekly contest of tho i club was held Thnihday and suited in latororilieriluT-liiiimlftoiif.

eihaps (he 'Squiie's- outlook fot piose- itor made him feel yood and he had only his gnu and liu; and tho inanimate nds tleiv hithei nml i in an hnudred 'eees. Indeed, it is believed ho could have ade a perfect seoiu it he had nol desiied 0 await and win laiu'elsouanotlu-r iy. Uollund a a cloio second, wUite tone, Klinii ami Coon tied on tin: i i (O-sition by a i eveiy three. Jelow is 1 0 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 0 0 1 1-1(1 1 1 1 1 0 1 I 0 1 0 1 I 1 00 1 1 I (1 1 1 000 7 MH 1 I 1 MM) 0 0 0 0 0 1- il 1 1 I) 1 1 I 1 1 (M 00 I l-H) 0 1 1 1 1 I i) 0 i (i 0 1 lone 1 1 1 I 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 l-H) .1) 0 0 11 (1 1 I 1 0 1 1 0 ti i 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 I 1 1 0 I auie 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I i I a (i 1 It 1 1 1 0 00 I aihiiiHcr 1 0 0 I 0 0 0 II 0 0 (i 0- a i I I I 1 A Hie shoot of course it was intended (present the bailed in elegant style, but hi- cmdi'd was nowheiii lo be mud, and Mi. t'ayne was scaicely know the i foi his modesty foi hade him It that i and lone eouspiied In the i spiilted wuy i tho neM The fanner will Iind (he lollowiut; tubes nid lor his Million bityei.i, thu 1'iiduyot'nteli week: oin (H His ffi -RW liff uo TO T.liH'hms' Th( last clsissol' apiilicanls liu leaeheis' 'idlicatcs a one and onlj ol K'iii jiasscd, follows: Delia i Coehiimlim, um 1 year, T.

I I i i i i yeais. a i Aulil, Ibeiiu. one a i Taylor, NiU'dm, oneyeai. D. M.

Minion, one. S. M. Alild, Iberia, i veur.

BASEBALL NOTt'J. Uliicu'jo is lo 1't'tilt, of i entcliur. Vlcldtr INtlliHims, of lliolmlliiniipolis cam, tins buoii laid oil. reaching Iiigh viitw mm It Clmriis Diiiiioh, ot tin' Hurt fords, i iviiiiiiK) his old position ns umpho, i loifull, hydhbHmtiii would hino cost jiiclty noitily uivo liL'pL on. Uivkui'fl nuldliig nvi-rngo ftt base, slho licjiKivcKiKo held by imy plnyer In tlic UullVdo Imu Illoil an npiilicniion Lo (ill Hit h-sL vacancy iu tho A'liui k'ltii iLSHoeiatlon i i i a "Jiimity' 1 I'ceplM, tlni winning ciilchpr ol Uiooldyii'f, doing owellont.

worltul flist for Mini (nim. rilclioi- iMcC'Dimick IKUH Ioil moro games him imy olhL-r leiiguo jiltthci thli sens' 'ii, tli(j imiibui- buing hyvoiitoii. Tint Nww Ym ki tiuvo tried Uvcut y-tmo, tlti- trolts mnctmi, ln- hanapolis dglikicn tihiycrs tlilw I'llrltor Hhicvt', of (ho IlnUlinnros, mid lolnmon, (he Ilmlfonl rigiiL llcldcr, Inivo jei'U signal bv Altmngur the Indlnu- npnUs tfinn. jMruHigiir Is nh oiuly woi It trying to in imiga full exhibition ginncrf forCincln- nili H-llli Df-lnilt, Dldcitfifl, Koiv Vork, UOB- mid flic olbe.1* league clubs. i Iho Now York club, Imi lomispoliuii of in cotiiiDcllan i Ilio American association prwliluncy.

ITo would doubt- ass bu tiiim for thu olllco. Tlio I.hicoln (Nob) team contains tlneo fit tho mou blnektlstod in 188-1 for limping fo II 1.1 Uniiiii niwiullui). They am Jolnii, Urn Jtono mid "Unitor" Bhaelfcr. Hiilllulil, Um Holmkiui lad nlioiii Mimngor of Um roitlands, scooped hna 1(10 Irnrm Ho also luaiN tho Now Kng- anil kuui in run got! ing, huvfng ficorcd 1 riwidcnt Hari, of tlio Orlfiins uiwcl- (illon. Itolicvcs tlm Hotithciii Iwiguo tw hit uiiRor niiXt M-aHon thtiu UilH, noil UmlnH Mid Inrgo soulticni ciliiis will In except i a i Um Kciitnclty elub is od by Polo Jtnmuuig, nlifi ffll ti his cicdil.

Tlio OlmllHlor Pins nho miulw IKS liuwliitatlviRHiiKMHi, tlm Asuudu- tluii lecoid. TlKiUiilsvillelmlkTiiH nrodtibbi'd ui llcclioi' mid Cook, tho "Ijcitd butlory;" ClumibTlidn und C'rosa, Uio "wk-ntilic ImL: i i i and Ki-ihis, Uio "dynn- mltti brilU'ry." Hiticc. tho Ncivurl: 1 wns hi ton tho liL-ml bya pltelii'd ball, lihfiTfvMvctmi i ll choi li JIM Iwitii impaired, mill tliiu'liib Inn been niL'othiy with r-onstnnf de ft-nl over since, ntulivr fjlmw, of the Jcrrey City club, ie his itnniL-siiliu of thu 11 nllowed ii Ito pllelics pheiiomuniil (jitiiie, but if in flirco tftitosn 1m biUU'd 'I'lic '-f Uiku In i In bnvlilill iiful iiKiiiyurtlieinchtpioiii tin ill (llvijiVH win dnily It" Fci'ii i Kttnji'; in Hint city. tlicm tiu 1 hind IIIM-IS. H-IJ Ih't i till tlit- tlmo.

Johnny Wiml lilliks fielty wrll an Insu niiincr. IIn do nbmit Ficondi Ills utiill'iu 1 MMM About rom jt.iiN ttffi IViinl. nlnln in C'ahfcimn, bent Tom itroun iti i not fa-t tlicn. Cily very picwl of (he tiiciiilii rs lite pi Hub InVh I i i i lVs" a i a i i i i i i i i (-'nir lately i Ni-w Voilt. Hnuis, i f- ittiu lite b'twlinll i (list i i MiitDiimivU v.illi Voilninil 1 i i i i rnsidcnt the Ciovelmid ehib, i tit- Aimiic.iu grnunih nj" olflclilly 1 lo I i i i i i i i i ll.tttlimu-, i (lio (tiiint uttt UIH jH'oplu, Cincimiiih club Wfis piild in Miam of n- tt'iiils on bn-is 'if ft-w ndntis hiwti.

of OUT 1W por rwti..

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