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New-York Tribune from New York, New York • Page 9

New-York Tribunei
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

DOUBLE CELEEEAliON AT LAFAYETTE ow UBBMBTWD aso rirthday HONORg PAID THE PRO. WBBSDM Vs.tot) Ott -4 -The celebration and the seventieth birthday an Professor A March. I.I. StOB together laj the most notalde BSSSI UM Lafayette Coll. ge campus Hall fifteen Everything contributed the complete and aatfy-ai oui of the pniaraassm? The of Basten gathered to the number of l.nno in the public and

be 1 I i the 10 O'ctoCS, wh.te they paid their respect? to the sTstlngntahrfl la variety Mayor Kiel i presented to him the freedom of the dty, It with the gift Of ailvee and cut llaas inkstand, with containing the Key- Alii through the KeV psaJ luvc ii itz. W. president of the Hoard of Edward J. president ol IB? rOeaj sumn't: T- Drake. the Bralnerd Church, Orrln Serfaas.

representing the Board, also present? I ngratulatlona si I March fittingly o'clock sn andienet of tO? sssembled in pirdee where a programme of speeches bear up Dr. March's life sforli waa carried out. Preaideni irfl? I Introduced ex-President fatuh nreaide. ProfeBaor W. spoke on varch aril Ht? Work for Lafayette." Profesaor Tbomal 1- of Yale, on "The standar', ot Pronunciation." and Dr.

Msrch'a work in this conne-ctlon Pi fessor Jame? W. Bright, of joh'i? Hopkla? I'nlYersltjr. on "Professor Kontribution? to Bngllah Scholarship." en led tn. morning's exercises, after which It announced that the following honomrj had been conterrad by th? trustee? at their innual meeting: LL I', on Charlas Hice, of P. on Rev.

Robert R. Rooth. of New-Y an I I. P. on Professor Thomas msbui v.

of fhl? afternoon the women of gave a thS fr. Ill a distance, and Speeche? wire made bv a number of prominent alumni of the rollase. Yale, Harvard. Princeton, l.ehlgh. John? and other universities wer? represented by tbelr respective facull TIQILANCE LEAGUERS AT HISSER.

I'arkhirst wheeler II I'E? KHAM AT THE ST. DENIS Altho'iich the third annual dinner of the t'ity Vigil? ance League, which was held last night at the Hotel Rt. DsnlS, Broadway and not per? haps equal ir. brilliancy the memorable' dinner of last yet it was clearly demonstrated that the Istarest Of the member? It: the objects, and work of In- iff no diminution. More than two hundred members and guests BSSe-mbtsd In the handsome dining hall of the hotel, ami among them were many Whose names have become prominent bj of Their efTotts to secure improved municipal government.

Th? Rev. H. Parklmrst, the president league, presided, and beside him at the heavd table were C. K. Parsons, Ex? iler it ray.

J. A. Scryinacr, Crosby Brown, 1'olice Commissioners Theodore Andrew 1'. Parker and A. D.

Dr. A Kittte.Ige, the Rev. Dr. W. P.

and U. Peckham. Parkburst, In rislnsj to open the orntorteal part of the pfoceedlngs, aras received with loud mil His address In p.irt was: I' may be thai Inopportune In hclding our dinner in the midst of a cam? paign, it may be that it la somewhat mal apropos istlng ourselvea while full blue inoks.TlMre is. however, a in gath? ering at thts tun-, and it Indicates one the f-atureB of the Cltf Vigilance Langue, Von and 1 have come Into this thing to stay. You and I ate not lab for Although we ail like Immediate resulta yel from the lirst eye ha? been fixed upon dlatani mark, Much we be thinking of November 5, we are thinking a aigl I more about things which lie bej nd that.

we ara discomfited on Norembei the tth we will to rail) for November 4. i lidlj confident that ws are on th? substantial victory, come when it may, am in no way depressed or tormented by Bes still, whatever strength I between non at I November I to the work of Ion the i Th? many Hall spli fi I be let to be intelligent than a year ago. i lesson from the last for ua to continue than ver." i l-eckham, who followed, also had defining the practical differences between a satisfactory municipal gov? ernment am. a iwi administration, he proceeded to In favor of applied to ment ol x. w-Tork He said th? remi ly for the rascality and dts thsi marked the guverninent of thla city ieasl the number of years 1 have lived In my n-pinion it Is the organization of a The shortcomings of the ad mor-over, might be remedied by the tion of thornugn Civil re'ftrm thir, reform It Is Impossible, to take th? first toward a really effective Improvement In jour city government.

If all office? were to be ni.eii only after a strict clvll-aervlce examination, ana the system of gradually moving mon up tn higher position were to be introduced, there would oe little to be wlahed for In the municipal govern? ment. Commissioner Hooaevelt and John I Paraons also apokn. NEW FERRY HOUSE OE STATES ISLAND IT IS TO THE MOST COMPUCTK OP THE KIND NKAH XliW YoltK. Htaten Island Rapid Railroad Com? pany yesterday awarded a contract for the erec? tion of a handsome new and railroau terminal elation at St. The structure to Th- -tages, floats and foundations are already down.

Thai wet. completed a couple of years ago. The building was after the ground had been prepared because the long light over the s-ile of ferry Since then th settlement of th? business arrangement? sary to adjust after the sala of the ferry have layed the work. The building Is to be the mosl of Its kind about The boata will land under cover, and th? trains will reached from the boat? Without th? passengers going from beneath th- covering. There will b.

g-rooma Of all kinds, a bag? gage-room and room? for the company'? i The facilities for handling train? Will be greatly increased over what they at. at sent, and In the summer months it will be possible to handle the I S.nth Beach crowd? In far les? tlms than has been the case in the Work Is to be begun within month, and the building to be ready for use be for? the opening of the summer travel, I of Bl have the contra GOOD REPORTS FROM DP THE STATE. I DAVIS KSTIMATES REEI ABOVE THE TONKstRS LINK AT The callers at Republican State b-adiinarters. In the Fifth Avenue yesterday Included th. Republican candidates on the State ticket Secretary John of the Department of State; State Controller A.

Roberts, Treaaarer a. t'olvln, Attorney-General Theodor? Hancock, and state Engineer Camphell W. They aii brought cheering report? of their canvass In their respective localities, controller Roberts'? estimate? of Erie County ware highly gratifying. He placed the Republican plurality there at IMQO to l.l.fion. BariMt H.

of Palmyra, member of the Re? publican State Committee from the XXVIlfth Con? gress District, Includes Wayne, Cayuga, Cortlnnd. Ontario and Yates counties, whs another of Chairman llackett's visitors yesterday. Mr. I who is one of the best-posted politicians in the State, lias niade careful, and he believes, a most conservative estimate of the vote of the State in the countlM above the Tonkers line, and gave the rosull ol his labors last evening at Fifth Avenue Hotel: "As 1 figure the vote of the counties outside of New-York, Klnga, Queens, Suffolk ami Richmond, In the light of the registration in that part of the Btate which closed on Saturday last, the lkans will come down to the Westchester with a plurality of not than Regarding the Legislature, Davla the Republican? not leai than thirty or thirty-two of the flftj State Senators, and si leist ninety of th? 150 memb? ra of the Acs? mblj. Mr.

Davis baa superior? In correctn? his political ml Last year ha predicted that I Governor Morton'? plurality would exceed the most enthusiastic Republicana thought that one-third of thai figure was a little wild, but when th? official returna gave Morton a plurality of 156.108, they remembered Mr. Davis'? prophecy, i Two ago Mr. Davti said that the cans would carry the and the Legislature when some of the faint-hearted were conceding 'he l.Ion of lasac H. Maynard. The result, eleel ng the present excellent State offl b) nearly 2S.0tW plurality and Republican Senate and Assembly, Indicated Mr, Davla State forecaater of rote? Palmer, who headed Republican ti.

ket two year? ago, he doe? now, was elected by a rot? of 24.484 Cord Meyer. the Hill-Tammany it? William Youngs, Republican State Committee ron the 1st Congress District, said yesterday thai hi? end of Lona island wrouid rive a good of Itaelf the tutest of November John Cunningham, of "The ftlcs Herald," Who also vis? headquarter? yesterday, said that for the Senate was assure! beyond doubt and that Frederick Weaver, the Republican can? didate, would win by a plurality of not lesa than two thousand." GOFEENOE COFFIN IS CBAELE8T0N. ML. WITH His AND A COMPANY OF FOOT Ql MtDf, IS Charleston, B. Ocl -Governor Coffin, of nnectlcut, and his stafT and the first company of Foot Quarts, of Hartford, spent to-day in tea.

The visitors arrived here about 8 a. and were mat at the Btsaiwn by the Fourth Rrlgade of South Carolina militia, headed by the Mayor and Aldermen of city, a parad? through the street? followed, and a breakfast the Charleston Hotel The visitor? were then takfin on to see the forts In the harbor and the pbospbat? worki There was a banquet I p. and at o'clock I the Governor and his escort marched to the Biatlon followed by an immniii crowd of the IochI Jlers and civilians, and started for Richmond The day la considered of the most pleasant Inci? dente since the visit her? in 1K81 of the Regiment. C. N.

DR. BRADFORD IX POOR HEALTH. in: PAIMT1 whim: waiting for his CASH TO bk IN triHl of Ot'jOMSC I Bradford anl John Xixuii. with having In their platea for fors iiniKe Addtooa Brotra, t'nited Circuit Court, real rday Th? doctor looked when he app-arel Ifl court Hi? face his hnnd? like one afflict ed with i ne could hard.y walk while in the j.en waiting 1.1? to IM but was soon revived. The testimony produced yeaterdajr wa? i repetition of that given he'ore State? o-n Alexander during the eumlnattofj of Hradfcrl ard Nixon.

STRONG AM? ROOS1JF.LT SPEAK. Tlinv STAND OB THEIB RECORDa AKTJ ARB POR BCPPRBaaiOX CBIRR Mayor Strong and Pelles Commissions Theoiore laal night to gathering at of the Ropublioaa organization of the vilth Election District, held in the rooms of the Hepubllnn at NO. Bighty-s? ond-at. Mr. Rooaev? In part: "I nil appointed witn the understanding that I be msclentlom before election srell as afterward.

Mr. Lauterbacli me advice i going i i five him some As are are tighting for the overthrow of Tammany lla'i. he nhoull raste energies skirmishing with his own Whether the Republicans arln in this cam palgn or arc I i I continue to enforce the la a i Sir Rnoseve'l the of crime, lie -i then per cent lesa felonies and 10 per nt more 'loni arrested ihsn In Mayor Strong of the nien he had "a lot of honest and faithful public I promised you that if I would rou non-partisan administration. 1 made no oth? promises that promisa wa? never was a man more al. than I.

Hut if i hu 1 to make my over I WOOld n-it change one of them." PASME USERS or thi: aller. Among the who arrived here yesterday on board the North Lloyd steamship Aller, from Bremen, war? the following Dr. and Mr? .1 Huron F.ggers. Mr. and W.

I'aston Hamilton, Lawrence Leo, Marry Psn dleton, Jesse A. Tilg-, F. Wldmsnn and John W'i-lmaiiii. EEIISTBD HE A LOB0IWS MOUSE TllIEf. Charles

of No. Ml went to his room "ti edii? l.iv afternoon and found a man inside. The latter started on a run fui the front dtor. but by who forcibly brought him back the room again Fend! nade an examination of hi? and I that two two stilts of and gold pin had dlsippeared.

He accused man of being Implicated in the robbery. stran? ger stoutly denied the charge. that was looking for a room. and. finding ths door the house open, above was sign, "Rooms to Let." ha entered, end wa? making an th? -m-, when lught.

Fen it ram moned -i in I the man was taken to the Mast Thirty-fifth st station Hs gavs the name of William Hulburt None of the stolen property found on him. The police think prisoner la professional rig-house thief, and th-it an accomplice got away with property. In the Torkvlfle PoSos Coun yesterday Hulbert wa? held in for trial. OlORISO PEICER OP SAS FRANCISCO stocks. Sin Fran Isc October 2-4.

iRB Testerdaj Testerday.To Asy lie roe? i Bel lean ,81 Ml 1" Uodle sol Si "i Mr 1 Potos? BO ''i "hollar i Cal a Va 2.45 Nevada SO frown Polni 'nl 7u uld fun IS i ta? 10 Hale Norcr i Tell nOROPBANS TI.AVEM.E.IS will lad th. cflce of Hi? Tilt 75, F.eet Street. a contenlri? to for The Tribuna fifeor.s. HOTEL SS, Uje Rt. Between th- Oardtna, Place Vandoms and New i ra Advantageous arrangements for families, ivmitiful Hall, drawing Electric Light.

Ac. Telegrams. "Llllalblon," Paris. HENRT AUADIE. HORSES AMI) CARRIAGES.

BAY TEAM M' man I.aif ic, 7 rara kl un rr.alr family team Brook? lyn; brougham botli bull! ay Hrewster til p-rfert order; Kar sai mi half i simply for nt nee. Address WOODIirLL. sin klyn, f'2, tWO si I. al sold leljr 1280 At plv Weal lit), al BAN REAL ESTATE. AQENCT rON M.3NTCLAIR.

pr all k.nds: sale or rent. Tl'l-Hs" A TATLOR I Heekman-st. Ill ESTATE FUR SALE. (onntrj. Foi th? beautiful on Libert) nglewood wile it? a ras ntlty ol fruit.

trees anrubbrr-r; lntg of all modern proieineatt also hors sa, cows eairlage? minf prie? Apply I. MILI.Kit. 54d hr Mas) 1 MOUNTAIN aaa Iban ont i. from city. I r.esr location; aai SOW.


ls AN'P jn rose oh i ru bkekm PLATS TU II ITel-AVE WO i loonnr? Dtgaat art aient? faring Hark; lldO STON1 S3 IlrooUI vu. 1 KLTN PLATS TO LIT -15 minute? elegant fi ami 8 Im i i arpetad; ery Improvement: price, 122. Schneider, tm Dekaib er? klyn Moving paM PI. LET Furnished. furnished Bal young couple 1 family; tasv Fl RIBUslU AI'AH'I Let HAKD80MEL1 furnished or whole pan Janitor, Writ APAHI ME.VI'S.

HAWlHOhNL WEST 59TH-r'T Hsniso-n? fr-rocm apartini-nt ii decoration to tenant. App.y to laalter ei "Social MISCELLANEOUS. WAIVWWW A -A FoK COMPLAINTS as? Mitchell'a bal.e at MITCHELL f'ff i rHE Parisian Jee-elr) buekln mba so? L-. il i.e. Bra al.

I'NDKKWKAI Till V.iliK Tit I II' nEPEIVEl Till: aVeaSwsr, Barth A lawyer, rkllful in lloa, will claim? nieainst or es? tates. individ-ials --n cnn fees, exrellent prompt, attention to nil businee? 1.AWVKR. Postofflce Boi S.10 Kl BAKERT FOR BALI. a ran rtun ly right Pranklln-at. PUANT BAL? grlndlng'mlner I i ata, Irugf 117 Bth Jer i DERRICK ni I ullna lenee pace Weekly Tribune, October ci Patent f-r ABAPR NEWCOMB, ave.

reester CAPITAL WANTED t- develop business" 13,000 Al ami appointing Interview, Trll. mi FENCE RIBBON, rrugated dtagoni itlrTn. Patent at 1 will be I'r A W. Ilsvllle, T. FOR mu: Three untr) newspapers, fort a plant bargain an with energ? W.

B. HARPER Boi -m .1 FOR sale, ''hu- fa tory! all In running A -I rt'itni riKi-t parly; reason for sellins lech a 1res? fa Rit. Ml. LIFETIME OPPORTI'NITT, eaa -pel? nd filling lone fell want and make fortune; capital Investigate. St ''H.

Tribun. MY CLIENT ha? i- with which any I i tura In pi eum il lire remiiiv and ilred SI i to Its orli nal elasticity. It un be applied 10 iinv tire or Uni In n. ure.i over Inderin lely. The f-: patents fi.r wile nt figure, a a VKlt.MM.VA.

Tempts New-York, I'ARTNFR of absoluts Infgrltv who $1 oui 1r. real with advantage? fullea? In veetlgatloa solicited, Boa 117, Tribune t'ptown Broadway. i wanted with lo to extend high I profitable manufacturing v.rir? EXCEL? LENT OPPORTI'NITT, l'liii Broadway, Branch Office RELIABLE an with W.ono wanted la aetaMlehsd eoalyard, having water fti.nt pocketa and latest facilities in band! lit ooal; lease; cheap rent. BOLVENT Trll une nrnve. RATCHET A portable, at motion tool, working band i'-' Is, In niMiy 1n 1 mi- WILLIAMS.

New-Whatcom, Wash WANTED To purchaaa an.i Stationen or J. WILLIAMS N. Y. AT RSDUCBD aeeond-ahnd w-od and Iron W( rlclng fully guaranteed; nachlnery and changed UECROE H. EDDY Madl A PlEBT-CLA-- billiard parlor In good proprietor want? to on ac? count Apply A.

PERPIGNAN. It- aTTiTTLK'B TOOL STORE. 59 FultoB. New-York, workshop machinery (tool power). Hat deel.r.? and farcy Inc-jbaio-i and In operation.

A magnificent upright, brill lar.t fine condition, grout opportuni? ty, no humbug; bargain Ka.t TIFUL ell painting? by only gold only ISBO; worth 17 i CHAIR MANI'FAC'TITIFRS SB Mun OENT8' pa? i i ket an pawned 118; ket KERT, ITB Fl st Bi IRCHEBTRA snd conservatory! i (change rame i WO 1'AllM'H St IT must Mrs (IT 7.1 Cortlandt ISSId TOP EBKfl up all damaged of all kind? I Tl i i Ill i r.dit; I hsi i makes Id up; ren-rd RAt'gCK, 2d aw. near I BOARD AM) ROOMS. A .14 Ploor, en suite nr Beparataly; ball r-. in for gentleman; I- i A .14 WEST ST in family aae nd floor, handaomely fui or separately; hall non references. i 'lN SU.

TOth-at Dear Park. and taro lady studenta; refer? Moea I A 1,343 st handaom? ptMssi on rice 7 WKST 47TH ST Bafldsornrly furnished ad floor southern culalne, table refei -v 17TH ST IIS HAST (adjolnln? I niare) Bm ill Ameri fl for oi party sentlei nptl 2IST ST. 4i. EAST Bleeani large sunn ma; I nieeptkmal labte; -i ST. 41' WEST 1 Bquar? rv v.

I-. super! board: required EAST any, fleul le ai ale moma veni.ii.i-- rerj rates, referai 57 WEST Handeomel- fun larga from mea; -il hVwr, labia, i seserior; ex- luinaed. fiT'IH -T Ko with 1 ai I I BTTH-STT, RAST Ani.ri-rm fn sunn) an I ubi? re i board; lo lad i 77 ST. It nm? Ml suit? ainsi). with briard rvfei elrgani i parloi Boor; privat bath; olber cholee roorns; board.

ITIIMSIIIID TO LET. a PLOOR loaalstlBg of i parlor bed i an.l prha'e bath it atrl II) t.ilvate I dwelling: open and fur batwaen and 8tl avaa pe? month; gentlemen ml! refereae? 4 Tribun? iff) A HANDSOMELY furnlahod warm rootn 14o Kast 27th-st i.esr Leaington-avs a-en'lemen wnlv. COLUMBIA HEIOHT8 ful. Bical) furnlahad fronl room, ad IBB bathl two Bight? all ne-lern 1m flm-M Incation; referenee. riio.vT alecre room aec nd r.

private i-as nable rmai ISS door fr 1 QUARTERS en, principal batwaen nth Ma li? llTH-ST. EAST, near oth-ev? Kant famished room; parlor Boor; warm, cheerful roui? v.i.,*: Pal suit doctor or dentist i rrlthout biard heal, othrr 3J8T-ST East Park" Kleffar.t with bath for eenllemrn; refer? B3D-ST SO W'fTsT -Second" front room ar.d btr? r. i gentlemen preferred 30 EAST privat? hath, fer. BCa? ST 18 I roots in prHiie famtl) ST. Wl furnUhrd it.

i Mi WEST Hal a prl? at? hous osmei fSTH sT 88 EAST -T i fronl i- in In Bn WEHT 221? HI i irn two or mora, with Kit tti HI i Navrly 111 KHT ST II indanm? isii'ir. fr. at hall bedrooms for doctor or careful yonna men. I HUM' WAX TE II. Mal? AOKNTB WANTED " lo Chll about The fastest and illds) Ma a week.

Freight and liiven Complete outfit. IS, also t.m-a t.k by Tsltnase. 'hrlMnia? and Write Immediately R. H. WOOD WAHD Bettln IJIF.N WANTED IIS per month and expe.nes Istrodiies our (e th? trnde, itaple line, position pleurant and Ad with U.

2U WANTED Protestan! I who gh- an I ahn wilt attend I himself rally Useful Addl BROOKLYN, H- Tribune if) IXFI IIMMII I) WAXTFII. ri.E with two rluMrea a large ti: find large un' irnlsiied In A 1 MTANDAHD. I .1 1 I III11.11MIKIM,. I TCRIERE Fun.y walats, dinner tailor mads ladles' material? used notice i ri elegant MME ANDERSON 'Ven formerly Brea. CLOAKMAKBR and DRESSMAKER garments redyed, repaired, r-m-'.

In.P?a* i llarettee an-i lacket? ce or da) OREIO. 131 IR I. ftrat-elaas 1 inore engagement? In familles -it? roua try; personal i. DRESSMAKER dtessmaksi wishes lo lake rk ratting tilting 1'Ki Eai? l2Tttl s' DRESSMAKER. experience, i made suit? Jackets, capea, etc e.ju.iu low; remodelling.

Mrs FM VIM. Ud st impetertl dressmaker; take? work bom? 01 b) latest rapes; alan alterations. dresses. Address Mr? IHxiD. Wesi 101 DRESSMAKER want? work lbs day or week; would Itting I FREERES, 103, 1' Oultenburg, .1 i flltei aTle-ratlona, men Una ees $1 iff.

dally, reference? Mrs MM. 71? i DRESSMAKER Experienced dreasroaker in all iiighe.i refenraeee, de engagements by da. at week, in il city Address THOROL'OH, Bos 1.242 Broadway street' tiiii.kttes taste? fuilv als, tailor ooatUITMe. n. it Ice moderate JO-JEFH INK THIBAFD.

7l Wesl Mtb-st. SEAL OARMENTB repaired, redyed. 'al? tered lo made ini capea and collarette? at day OREIO til Weal Bd st OARMENTB redyed anl altered Int-? fashionable capes and Mrs BARKER 116 Wen near I Bl idway late with Ounther'? 5th. me THE TRIBUNE rpiovn Offli.e. 1,348 Broadway, id door cf and subscriptions received there until (i o'clock f.

at branch ornen regular offi. i itaa sattl I i SBd-st. 1-3 ilth-sv? i or litb-sl Weal i.vh West neat JO il 1 HI V. esl I. 7th s-h I 14-f, BL ..1 I Karl near 1 ove mu, i- llbll i unir 1 I 1,1.1 4 17 137 ISli i near I 1st nhe OFTIC1 rp up at raaatsi ofn-e ratea HELP Frmiilr.

HOME WoitK for ployment. good no neressarv. stamp for 1 ART WANTED. Olrl. about lB.

and make In taerani I 842 fate? BiuSB9jU. Wanted a win took, and iron. Friday afler noon .148 West nut if. WANTED, competent aroman man an.l wife In flat; niusi he -1 1 plain cook, iivll. neat with 1 from lest empli.ver.

Monday, batwaaa 11 I RIDE1NO, S3 Enat ICtl I WANTED An Intelligent yotms lately be 17 aad learn a lai will fire Meedy and pleasant employment: sn-M from muit eome arell Address Ii. Burnt, Tribune. WORK NT F.D. A MAN. SO, pQBaaeetns as as? I exilent and recimm-n dation-, l.k- a post line Ibera p- aalbla of advancement At HEU, MB I n.

AN AltTISI in On? banging? an.l entire Interior nTrjigem-nt? for re ceptlon? and privat- engage ARTIST, 1.242 I' A young wi -ibl like lo And a will be found willing and obllgtns and nut afraid of irk Address ii. I 343 i Broad A TOL'NO M.W. 2' poaltron In law oOV? whoteaala when- he" himself; can Al refer? ence? ffeal 4ii ANT RO? iKKEEPER Aged .13 a member a Arm of publl desirous Of position either In or out of town at a salary: hns as an expert a. and capable of mon-? labor Ilng any of buslneaa; competen' keep running a minimum, an 1 acquainted with the best methoda of advertising. rafereacea i I iapebUlty.

VERITAS I P. Boa MAN having 17 years' experience neigher In gran elevator? desires en sagement with grain exporters to check, weigh und Ken purl i News and Norfolk vcep'able; good refer? ence HENRY, 8, "73 Eme.ald-?!.. Phlla d'lphi-. ATTENTION -A "married man. middle aged, with food habits, employ men? anything: porte- apeak? Herman Kngllsa.

upholstere- In Address BRENTANO, 141 Leonard 'bOOEKEZPER Ha- (I business tra'nlngi best work irlallan, 31. AUIresa .1. JART, Wasl BOOKKEEPER OOuble-entry. seeks situ? n.

an dictation shorthand; ex. moderate PRACTICAL Boa 13 Tub in? i i i iK KIMT.K. with i irs of es perl-- e. elderly. either lam? Ore' HONEST Tribune Off! IEBR, itl and coafa 'i for-man, leading pa: rountr) preferred addrsM FOREMAN, ill' Bro ktyn RAKER PoremaB or nd-han-l a be.i and I ake.

i JBNSRg JO BOT, IS dealrea in drugstore; reference; on? year's erne active and willing. illAKLKS TRi .11 Bast si IT, 17. a illl In offl Sale house s-l'li rhanea of advancement. MORRIH kSHM INK. I I'.

IT, In ns l-rlen'-e full knowledge nf nd fool NI? 300 1.101 II eare of Park It' 18, who la lam? and (he bis poor mother, wlahef a i lion In wni an 01 -i ik? Ocrman English; public school graduate; tddi BfRi i Bi kljn BOT, 18. hrigh Ick, willing an.l i i it work i furnish e. EDWARD 114 Will? BOT (181 (Wires to learn trad? vii.i??aie printing houaa, thanca of advancement: reference. JONES rara Mr. Moore BOT position In ofTlce or wholesale house, with han.e vaaeemeat: referenc? THOMAS car? Mr Mt 449 ti? Intelllfent young Sanaa; Uermsn and BOOd coun? ter experienced in eroekery; heal start with moderate salary.

Addres? VAN. 1 242 Broadway. CIJCRICAb by American. hotel experl'nc- and iypewrltlng; best Boa 7. Tribune COMPOSITOR fjsbfcer) revns man thlrder.

II. 102 DRIVER, Ac By a strong Oer man. 22. would do any kind of work, ai qualnted In New rk. well rcommended OAMBON, Brooklyn.

CLERK sad aad es perlenced. poaltlon; Al referen, 818 Blh-avc, Brooklyn COLLECTOR Young married, man desires ssttoa in houaa a an? eaai paar; fumi-ii ai refarencca and tund RAMMEN. 477 Br lyn TOR Active man; can f'irnldt-. and Mtlon where en la required. RoRERT td av DRIVER A married man reara' city refer? an? MCOMR IS8 City .1 DRIVER.

By a fnusg man iv sa (trreer; English; inj kind of wort. Eaal restauran! DRIVER. Binai? American wlshe? situation 28 i temperst? M'HIPPLE King? Bridge ENGINEER onderstar. I- nam.s. i Mean heating: or call JOHNS.

217 vVoai American; ir, -r. arid sll la Ion PRANK in? si PIRBMAN or assist anl tnginaei ate ly a irk. i i imBitlng ni i-Pairing; -itv Address OLSEN IlB tir. khn MI'sii'ian Oer nan, a i is steed) Mtaail ti rymbal-piayer mi1. inati im? ZIRKEL, 2d VAX, "Ji with srhihaa can fui bas? a.

BCHt'LER 882 85tl la; yaars ting and 4-n? araires ALBERTrt, in Lui forth-are. Jars? City, N. .1. Poattloa mai Soulbern hotel board ii -h Florid i urefei red th. i underatanda every departmi-nt; ref? gi' en Addraaa MANAOER.

Rlverslda tase Ne? Y. ASSISTANT. By mai. Ihorouahly underatanda bookkaeplns mnmin refarencaa, VtV Tribune PAINTER Daeetator, paper-heasar; works ver, reasonably teal and landlords OREENWALD, IM Hr. orne PAINTERS' slide i up; moma room? painted up JAPPA, Baal PAINTER paparbangar and has references, win work reason able work.

ERICSSON Ta ifli Brooklyn. I PROOPR3ADER A competen? and able man open for an engagement in i a ornea. Address TRACT BMh-et. I REapgXTARLE BOT of IS. tlon to learn butcher with patent? It HENNING, 810 ave Brooklyn sTur RIOHT HERS A rasp? man.

vclillng ot-llal i I I tlon anything; worked 4 in in cadaacenl electric lighting, helped and plumber; referen-e? Apply 22" Eaai st. SITI'ATK'N -By tplenll I penman and e. pert American. 28; agreeal la manner? ce; Bta pay ORAXT, TO? Bro klvn i rpErvErrER. Ex- pen.

held position privat? secretary; ex. ornee Al understand? French; IIS MORRIS, Postof SITUATION anted b)' 'cuna man. not work. cnVe or salar? ICS I rlbun? office BALESHAS Mas wltl i busll a I il? -n aa ith i. ibllll) will a I.

Boa Tribun? i Ht ST OFFICE WORK B) a sj Si? a i rar P. SOB Franklin-a? Mr. rrHM tad as nlghi i refi II 41? ib i mpetei I man si nlglit THOM '1REOOR1 AtsVK ISKilFNTS IM' IO.Vi POB THE VI vv TORK TRIB NE ill BE KECKIVBI) A I north of Thi-ti i ai) VKItTIBEMENTiJ at ibr failowin? Bras OfTVe. Eighth WORK W.VNTKD, Mala ITM' WORK Wanted SS furni? ture StC. j.

v. SOX, -yrt West 47th Sth SVe. 'TOiN'i man wMfeaa eltoattoa in mer Imslneas or -Use; expert? in nfrVe work: k.khI excellent refer en.e*. It East 11.1th-*t. VOfN'l MAN.

a acti.o and artlH-C; preferred; txeeltent references. I. L. Miller, 811 tt'wl TOCNfl MAN of any kind. reference.

F. 4 21 Boor, front. TOt'NU MAN intelligent and not afraid nf a rk il ill 1 COLBERT, 230 W. 13tli yol'NO MAN'. -1 red, Work any kind Address i ORDE, IS South TOCNfl MAN.

II years of age. weuld like or store. Address LEWIS, Broi H'Nfl MAN. i.i i 19 In ri ability. Ad I c.

I TOCNO MAN. Oe man and Eng latinn; -it--n need sssls i tiint of. insistant. Address JACOB BECKER, Even 1 TOCNO MAN lining several years' bitslness conversant in and Engll'h sltii la an there a Addrcaa ft. .1.

Trlb WORK IVAXTF.n. Fi-malr. EltEV II Leseon? In exchange m-- in i-, tin -i family. Ad ENBCR. W.

Foettten as governeai young children; enttn rharge; place. Mis? HOWARD, town-ave. f'hilad-lphla. MANICVRE wishes a aw? i booM at oat EMFRIEL, 341 West and TTI'EWRITINO. au kind? a -in- th- tna Remington No.

used. DODOE, 24 It BTENOORA1 HER Th roughly destie? permanent lit Ion; refer. en. e. Bo? Tril une "tu- VoJlAN wlshe? a any Hint.

41st TOCNO lilitl. to work in a It I German Bth-ave. UOMEITIC SITI WAXTI-II) A HE TAI1I.K tetarad man want? iltirit private family i ui i is- r. a III inr, lining Beat; ran -ne weil lended. Address ft I i BLTLBR By a col hutler in a pri famtl refi fn'tn last em Addresi ADDIBON, 41-? West Bid it.

Bl'TLER By a nurrle.l man; Eng ess TO01 HI.I. BBS Si BCTLEII si butler; wife excellent full charge; best city city 1, -ill East 451 BCTLER i-? competent Frenchman is? rfeel -n -nice; ell? nl reft .1 LVg, 002 OH I if- mai fli lei i i- laun first-cla rnpl an be If? i LKR. Rngllahm in luncheon vim be seen v. ER If a i -1 111 .1 fei lly when ne n. In kept; car give ten beal p.

1. B. ii Tribun? vw.ET By a thoroughly ncteni Frenchman; strictly sobei an ige ten. id 0 Wesl "HITLER Tii iiighly i an seen, i en w'lllng. rill t.

of an! parlor fl Address W. BITLER VALET By hartos arm hit dutli in es perl iber 1,242 27; In il! du of a flrsl i han I i.n aalada i entire Boer; will I iv. ity foi place; city re. nmmeii.l_iii.ns. BUTLER, 34 West lltl Bl'TLER, or valet and hutler.

attendant ob gentleman I an Englishman with referen cara .1. s. Joues, English tailor, L'l Ei BL'TLER fhoroughly rxp rien -l man. hi? duties: in private town or city reference, IT, liox 1. 1.342 Broadway CHEF I-'r-r? cook In hotel, lui.

or restaurant; excellent ref JOHN PEROTTI. Amsterdam-ave. V.AITEI! or man By an all-around young bualneea fr im Dakota, wh Is said to be thor Ugl and able; run -'irrritindlngs the preaent than high .17 st klyn. t'A RETA ER Man take car? -1 gen? place anywhere in country; car? by ft as carpenter any reaps able; th'? good f. any time.

W'M. c. BRIOHAM. 103, Beiden, But unty. Long I CHRISTIAN y-iun, i-iir.

dSSlrei poel In famllj take care of horse .1 il man By Oerman; middle-aged; thor lughly hi si ratal Is his buslnet ten fuma -e i.n 1 hai Is; refei Hnl.T. Bcbmldl SO 1st ave. young Englishman: styl' careful driver. un I- nan Ii th ughlj high est ndatlons; ti mi 'iol faithful: expectations COMPETENT, 1 920 iffic? 1 to 1 len F. KEL? LE 1 c.

iA'Iima Brat? itrti-ll; temperate hon empl ver l' all l-ayi H.MAN' Single thoroughly understands hi? Imstnesa best of try. Ji hi? v'HMAN man di ill fliid hi? MChman he II highly recommend. Call p. 7 East BSd-al "A'HMan' gentlfman gh ,0 pi latIon 1'i hi? -ii-iuui. who lived with Urn IS ai in rilgl him, 1 present employer, PERKINS, East and t'HEFCL-MAN a rwegtan 1 -t place rilling and i.Iiging.

best references LINDKERO Preel lenl Ifklvn. 1 Single, It? or 1 heal referMre? coachman, 7 Trll une 'ft; COACHMAN I' ITM reoommenda roung .1 man; ur country. 1 ib i COACHMAN tJRi I) len ex nt cltj refer? Illlng, re? appearance; skilful, careful driver; exp.ol itl? KAITHEl'L. l.dM Rroadwny, I riluin? Branch IIMAN Bj ins aingle man. it.

ughl) un Is pi pel care and harness; g.I driver dis? 1st m. ith famil) tiirtmu: n- theli rses; highlj i.mmended. 30B West IBth piu ite stable, B) .1 yoi ng 11 g. i- undersian Is hli business th as nl coachman best references; city or of 1 of 150 East st COA? IIMAN or i.Il'in.V "ftv tiri-j rood n--e. country preferred.

C27 n. ad? hman it-. Engll.hman; rledg I an abstainer; years' 11 -Ity refMret.ce?. age year a height 5 fl JAMES, of Fred Si 1- 0 -s- Mth-st. COACHMAS By an Kngtlshman.

XI. ala ficelleni references East coa. hman Vy a Brst-elass coachman Protestant; single: years thoroughly understand? his buf.noe? in all bran, hi? Irlver; refer, emplover a -Isengased vember 1. where lie has been yeai? 8 months JOHN O'PEI care of Mr A l-'at Baypoit. Litij Island.

i 1 man, agsd -i nt willing mi Ha embei co i I 1. islam! 'HMAN Married no I imlll Ih un lersi in ih? mi 11 cl r. 1 ike f-i mc highs i- 17: Ige HdAN iu ,,1 Englishman 1.11 iWledl 1 si I I i.hi 3 1 1 S6th HMv; ,1 BO Wife -1 1 1 heli 1, .11, lllina o- --'i? East i uth-si I DOMBMTIO WAHTBO Male -Ry young man: fast dis? engaged, ran be highly r.commende.1 J. SMITH. 7M single; nttttom; may be or at Ms BtaCS, IB a.

m. COACHMAN thor? oughly understand? esre hotse? and car Ssrsral driver, liest reference from lass country p-eferred P. 140 B8d IN Single. city thoroughly ooaiBetCBt; injurata obllglag. rssecetfut; prefarrad; moderate i iplrndld appearanoa, vviu.

INO, I Branch. i'd ti'HMAN" -Gentleman a sltua tloa h'? eoaebman; BtrKrtl marrtad; willing and ohlig-ing. six ySSIS" reference. BROWN, 80 Weal al 'I MAN Hy "bor ughiy man. perfee'ly nones: and -nd trustworthy In every way.

hi? employer. B. v.M. LET8, Merrlck. L.

I "or 7. He'ght? ENGLISHMAN to car? and de? liver Invitation care SKI West 42.1-??. FARMER COOK, Man and wife -i! 1 ilk? Situation gentleman? pla-e or farm; mar understand? farming, h-rees H-d tattle, lawns, hnndv artth wafe i houaeworh Ad? dress WM. BAUMERT. MB 3d-ave.

care i -grove. OARDENER Mam-'! no children; com nt under rlis? and outside r. gardening, horticultural bidding draughting; first-la-? desired. goM refereace W. D.

Henderson? 88 Marrie! man. 411 y-cr? no children, Proteitast; reliable and In farm, (faulen. seek? on gentleman's place. Address PERSONAL Tribune Ofllce, GARDNER. By ilaaa man; r.a? hag 22 In sll branche? of and vegetable gardening and man air-mem private eatate; -an furnish first-class reference? regarding ibrletv and character.

Addres? VI. si-art OAItLENKR Bv married ur.1er stand? gardening in all I'? everything pertaining to couti trv place; nest of references. Andres? OARDENER, r. O. Bo? N.

Brat-class Or? inan, one that understand? hi? busines? in -I city Address OARDENER By aaarrlad man dene-r on a gentleman'? place; under? stand? the care of Ir.uses. referen-es. Addres? THOB. HAL LETT IB East o- COACHMAN A lady wishes to fir. a for her man.

whom can highly re.ommend as groom ir eosej Apply St preieni 1 er ive. KSK An ti'jr-c; hospital and private testi? will take of an invalid gen? tleman. VT. Bos 17. NL'RSE Trained who also under ataada aad typewriting Be as ofBci niara? arlth or a pbyaiclana; willing divida up nei Um? owns a ichlne; bast raferencce.

dress EXPERIENCE, M7 II llr ok lyn. SECOND or t'SEFL'L MAN man indoora in family: can be rd: yea references; willing and obi 1.242 Broa BISCOND-MAN or Bt'TCKR Engllah, tged Il ly enmp? ap ober an i bilging beei refer. HENRT, ix 17, 1.242 adtaay. oi t'SEFI'L understands pumpa all Indoor orh good rs 1 IRSEMAN situai I privat" rhlin? master coachman or foreman nigh re mended Ad Ireaa O. Boa Tribune Of! t'SEFfL-MAN and LAPNDRE8H.

Ma oil -dish; man as useful und wlfs i- laundreaa a aa eral hooaeworker; dt) intry, .11 Eaal PBEPtTL MAN By un? North In man In ipi it? famll) ag. A its)- Ian led t. vil i I i a tonn, ti take charge country place; ran milk drive and inik' himself genet useful; U'-n-st. lamperate and reUable. car? Halaey am, ng Island.

voung ma private family; can be htshty recom? mend by City '-Terences: understands thor ougthly HEKRT, L243 L'BEPi ii privata fasatly; under? stand? ana oth fumacea; also vil'tltg gentlerien; long city D. lilt? L'SEPITL-MAN man an I wife, middle-aged; man all around workar; housework: country; reference. Address PER BONAL REPERENCTC, Tribune I rSEpi'L Swede or generally useful: cltv or country; re(. A PEARSON, By a Norwegian; all al-ait poultry. Incubator.

handy with tools; good painter; take of if wants board. E. HERBON, care Exrerson, 72t? Gre-n tTBEFT'L MAN Married family" yeara' experience, accustomed nil gen? eral of prleata pi. no with good reference? T. Header Jersey City.

USEFUL-MAN. -In private famliv; Ameri? can, 10; the -Ihr. window? and other four city refer-nce. RKLIABLE Fl'L-MAN. By colored man as stl around, generall) uaefuLman; test city r-fer-n-e Apply WILLIAM BRTAXT.

77? Ma ironns married i I tnta work of an) kind iaiin BON, 132 rth Br oklyn, 22. a. anything; under ir? furnaces; willing and ing. w.i. 104 33d si L'8EFPL-MAN 38 years Old.

In private family; wiii make himself generally useful; don English; will home Et'OENEVER eaj 4th basement tLET By a S-. ion sad N. fork referen es. A VALET Willing to aged city reference Address 1.342 Broa taray V.M.KT- ff'MTER Bv utl.I-r treatment; nnd useful man. speaks and Kren withaaen(teman oi family: BWEDE irson, 72s WAITER a c-lt) or oin? i y.

rerj useful Hbune Offlcs WAITER. KiRtaurant. A 01 OROS Rlajll, lut WAITER -Toung man, i r-i. 28 in private famll waiter and generally useful; sober, nest and obliging; refer-n--- tly Brat-class i Ofllce WAITER a red man referen a THOMAS weet l-ih Ai TKIi. intelligent vouiig man; neei aspearanc? ind obliging.

understands furnaces good referencaa waitkr. Uh Eaal Mth-at. WAITER. red man ss waiter and be useful arounl. willing and with reference.

Kindly address 0. 1,243 Rroadwa) WAITER B) man. KnaTlishT I tRLEB MOORE UM Pth-ave. WAITER kiiI MAN Oermaa a place In An. A merle house WILLIAM, 3dwu? WAITER, English and Oerman, ne? PRANK ROBERTSON VOUNQ MAN, North ur lielsnd araata poeltl ikei tarstanidi ears of hora SB! will do thing.

Address It Sd-av? v.ii MAN arlahes work of kind n. of har.l arork; od driver; un deratand? horaes and wagsa n. objact. Addrssa TRl'BTWORTHT td-avc irOl'NO OERMAN desire? a around hotias and garden; go lowm-n milker Addrei? V. Tribune Of fee.

DOMHSTIC SITt'ATIONS WAITED r'ruinlc 23 Ureas Bth-sv. otlivr Japanese ki, la.liea' maids. r'uneh. butlers, a i hTi'RCH Labor iiirlai" Employ men i of st Barthol Church Ik al BOS r. 43d-at.

Do? mestic aarvants. Peraoaa 11 BU mercastlla and n.i. iltlons. References o.i I Herman girl atlendani to an fen nee? i 333 3d nrat ri. COMPANION B.tlne.! Asneri ii-t man employment; bereeif impanlon maid child's wool I i going Wei i rado) in retun rapenaes; hlgbeei i fetmcaa home p-, ferrad arases elty MAItIK Tribu i pi iwn i 341 Broadwaj COOK By ISM Hwedlih excellent and laun ISa her aad good lands care i-hlldraa; of city refareneaa Oa! i si i i': rarj x.eii-nt in tine onoklns lived with faun.


At ALL INVESTIGATED I breaking wll. be dtsmlssed from office forfeit all I clalmi ta fee paid. Brooklyn Office. 7, Corner COOK F.ngtl?h woman; pii fsmiiy. fame, good baker, rVrence? i Baa? COOK family 11 Devines I COOS Hy first E-gll'h took; lont experience: with kltchea IB 1.242 By ootm by put? ting tip dinners, lunch partie? and ttona in private families.

No "ards. dren? or call 0 Baal 21. COOK, Bj ok lauj or l-neemenl. COOK Bj yoong -tren od c-ifc; -I bras iki r. a al ent empl MB "A-" IkHI SI o'clock COOK l' competent woman; exeellerrt rook nl biker, private famllv.

under? her $2n Idresa Bos 1.242 Broadway. COOK AND My Herman girls; on? rook, good laundress; other and wait objection? to country or baU, F. r.fith-st. Itv a thoroughly Prot estant woman, and or would take charge of apart? referenre? K.0 Oth ave ciiiiK Ilv neat, reliable woman, wltheg nt reference, as gm-d reliable r-oog; Jellies city, wintry. lis to MO CaHal CHAMBERMAtTX Bj a fetal Swede and or 211 East and CHAMBERMAID I WAITRESS Bra in tri.nt.

tum'jl. witn referen C. IDLER. Asa CHAMBERMAID Bj a c.ermsn gtrt to So and plsl" parlormaid. Brst-claas Address Letterbox CHAMBERMAID i iady whe ha? broke? up housekeeping desire? to se.

ure a tlon for her can thorouahlv recommend. W. Hotel Bereaford, BIM-st. and Central rnrk We? Protestant girl do light rhamberworfc and piair, sewing, or Infant'? nurse, city -r country, be seen hi pr-s-nt empt 121 West BM from CHAMBERMAID I competent Swedish woman pelvate famllj cltj or countn ''all Fri? day and Bal 11 to i Bsst CHA-IrERMaId an-1 WAITREM -By a young girl 1.1MS 1st fl DAY'S tVORK i ble I imaa work the day KLe LEN STARKES. SIM Wss rear.

LAYS WORK A Woman by lav: a first-cleae houaedeener, cook, wash? sewer; my kind ef w.irk. Address 214 Weal 27-' in of houseki i i a-it? work 'in-, nd: out by the day Mrs. ltth-sf. EMPLOYER- TO PROMBERri ulM NEAR MTB. ESTABLISHED 1- YEARS BE3T MALE FEMALE HELP, IXVBc LAROE8T AOBNCT IN NEW-TORX.

I HOUSEKEEPER. In wldowei family or bach i mpeteai r.u???; NSiirstrus, Addreai M. 1.241 Broad? 1 fam" hang a anleti cultured i- thorough lady. t.n.- Tlf-tent set ii ISP HOUSEKEEPER roraaa: LEOMA, East 2sth i 2 tenement Bat: years' lenca a.i-1 '-htl? dren. Andren? .1 1,212 la a vtav By washer ne no ards.

Bail VOCNO c.ti'j, P1." ris'atit with children; grod i high 21? v.i: red" girl do in a llat. wok. FANNIE OREEN. 121 Wast a aoasaa do light housewirk. smsil compenutlon and a good M.

TTIeER, ISO Biecck KITCHENMAID. it? I girl; to do kit. hena mak? herself generally Useful. KERTINO, 1.11 lUlth-st. KITCHENMAID, A lad) -n meml a girl kit? mSi-l.

Can be at present em; I--ver'a, East n-, reap? la i- nan peraoa as Invalid'? and mmpanl go -i ground loor, left, HOUSEWORK By mlddlel. American woman for children, i.ghi houaeaork; i reftrencs. small 2.190 LA B) good to go out da; or tsl Boor NEWntUII, 207 Weet LADTMAID. By Brst-class ladymaldj best i Itv 101 l. i No LAUNDREM, l'y AJnertcaa an, I plain washing or as? sist with housework Bth-ave fourth bell.

NURSE By md da -i city reference 210 East nrsi It OOVERNEBti Prench govemees; .1 referen ea. 2S, 1.242 Bn i NURSE refined as iiutse Engllsri an-1 French; $20, Jfjth-st. NURH? Bj sn I'r. estant as Ii a 121 Uli.le House. NI R8E 'w-.

will f-r mental Invalid M. Slrtli a.e NURSE By tmerl, testant nur-e. reliable; nipetenl to uk. charge and bring i'p ea doeter'a mendatlon? nlceiy. A II Hurley, 221 E.i.r 44th-st.

NURSE By thoroughly experiei n-'iT die a lo.g obliging Kam 72-1 Nl an-1 surgical rofer? ne? fn ni So? sn I familles. A. Box BT, 1 2-12 Broadwa) NURSE Toung I landed from France, don't Eng i-? tiunte. MARIE VEHL4BR, Ith i asement. By Swlw.

Ii young wi'h Address MADEMOISELUC, st Mra im-ave. NURB? Englishwoman' with refe mee, chil? dren, good hell ISO Ad drei, lina n7. Englewo NURSE Hospital trained nui-e. in anv compaaloa: lady terms Ad 4M list NURSE foung girl who can read both English and Oilman, to take care of hlldren, reference. West 27i 1' RUE Tl lined wlslie? experience; exceptional ikM lumhin-ave.

PARIeOR MAID Can I Mi Ramee, BEAM8TREM By tiy or r. all kinds family llnlsittng dresses, repairing, alteratlotu, A.tdr.-??. Hl-LH, D' West st. BRAMSTRESS young leotcn ii la private family; -it. willing rk city SEAM? -s hlh flrst

No. M8TRE8S and children's tv tin day or week In srit its SEAMSTRKSS. skammT.e-is and per? h'ghly re- privat? family; I Apply at 377 2d floor. Laundress flrvt-clase family cured 1. tie.

of si chtldrea'? a LEE, 47 East WASHINM. iTeTmaa want? place for Ironing and Z4X East iiijuor atara CHAMBERMAID-Ry bwe.lish In a A. Ji'IIN- S. l.rtSS 1 Al TRES? Bj com pet beat elt) reference t-. en Issl cali 411 illivaa ai pi-tent a prU.Ce fainll? a fit? BfSl i A rlgm a mi.n as eflliient WOUld 11 -jw-iion not go V- Il l.Ml llroadway Ls.un.ti-?.

-I family wagbing ried oamt? mm f-ie-i irl eiilldiea laltv Mi? BB3 Boor..

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