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The Evening World from New York, New York • Page 1

The Evening Worldi
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

IIIP.H.... 1 1 jj -taH fvjoRLD WftNTS JC- lfe)RLDWftNTS, 3 1 'B Insurance PWf X-irSM 1 Ay The Bricks out of 'II PRICE ONE CENT. NEW YORK. MONDAY. ARCH (.

PRICE ONE CENT. "THE WORLD ALHANAC WILL TELL YOU ABOUT IT. 1 JJSfEDITiOlJ JJldcapt.m'gullagh, Death of tbo Veteran Policeman in His Station-House. Ho Had Been III Only a Week with Quinsy. Tor Over Twenty Years Ho Wns I'reclnct Commander.

Follcc Capt. John II. Mccullagh, of the Tncntj-flrst rreclnct, died at u.tiu o'clock this morning In his rcom at the stnllnn-houso In 'I lilrt) -filth street, near 'lhlrd uenue. (apt. took to his bed In tho ftatlnn-hotise week ago to-day.

Ills family physician, Dr. Jlatihclm, was called In and found him suturing from qulnsr and an attack of Inflammatory rheumatism. a CAI'T. U'CCILllltt. Dr.

Manbelm wouldn't permit to be removed to his home, as ho regnrjed his condition too serious, Yes'eiday iho Captain ns believed to be Impi ovine. About o'clock this morning he tooL a cad ttrn. The nurse who wns attending 10 lilm 0t bcrgt. llatton, who was on desk duty, to send for a physician. Dr.

Jlanhelm a telegraphed for, as welt as l'ollce Surgeon lleurer and Prof. l'ullllps. They responded promptly, and found Ciipt. JliCutlagli In danger of choking to death. 1 he operation of racheotomy was resorte I to.

Dr. I leurtr performed the operation, but li afforded the captain no relief. Kvirj thing pusltle was done, hut the Captain breathed Us last at o'clock. II 13 nephew, Capt. John Mccullagh, of tho Fl.htb Precinct, who had t-cen summoned, was present at Ms bedlclc, with Ward De tective Ullam Prascr, who had been sluing up with the Captain ever since ho bicame I1L 1 apt.

MeCullagb's wife, who was at Irtlng-lon-on-the-lliidson, was telegraphed for. but aiaiiotairlio In tlmo to tie herhusbsnd lefnre he died. 'lwo minutes after tho capfiln's death took plate scrgt. llatton telegtaphul the fact to Headquarters. erj few if the men who Hept In tin station-house weie of their Captains death until they turned nut at o'clock this morning, when Hie sergeant I in command nitnimeJ them and made few rtmarks iclatHu to tho death of their command! r.

capi. ullagli, nlthoiiKli known as "Old i-ipt. Mcc ullagh," todlsilnnulsh linn Irom his I kinsman, apt. Jnhu Mccullagh, of tho Prince Mrtet s'atlon, was only lltlj-one jcars and apparently as acme and strong as ever. He had In en on the force neariv thirty Jtars, a captain oi twenty Nturs, and hud Ue llu-d nnd continued on the lone another yur lie would kit added the sixth gold mrlpe of hon to tnuso upon his sleeves.

lie was Lorii In Counti Tyrone, Irelaud, In 1M-'. and came ki this country with tils trials when he was eleven Nf 11s old. Ills larents went to Jle at Inltigtnn-on-tlie Iluilioii. Ilcforr ho wont on the police loii'e. It Is Sim, he was In tho employ of Cornelius Nanilirblli.

Win Capt. Mccullagh became a policeman Wt. 1HU4. he was barely moutli last his majority, but ho began to Ms ruord slinost linmodlatcl). Ho was noted asoni or me most athletic men on tho force, an 1 wai especially fleet of foot.

He ursl went to tho Lconaid street station, nrder ild Capt. I'ettN, whtre he fervid 1 Ightcen months, and was tl nnsierred to tho 'lhlrry-illth street Htntlon with Capt. nailio; atterwarils SMiperlntendmt. Ho partly broke up tho old Hell's Kitchen and arrested a notorious thief named Dutch llelnrlch' after a desperate fight. Ileinrtch had robbed tho Hudson HlNcr Halt-roid instil yards.

Ho was sent to prison for live jiars. Nf'er eighteen months' servlco wDh capt. walling hu was promoted to tho rank of Itouudsman and assigned to the old Harlem nation-house, In Last 0110 Hundred and Jwcnty-suth street, then surrounded by tlflds. capt. Walling, however, thought Slccullagh valuable amau to be chuslng goats and at nls re iuei tho young toundsuian was trans- .3 lerredbatk to Thlrlj-tlllli strict.

Here he created iontcrnnllon In tho ranks of tho Pilrotinen who had been Inclined to shirk 'Z 'Wlr duty and broke up the iractiee. ss one result I'ollceman James C. Taylor "us dlsmlssi from tho force, and In conse- utnce nearly lost his life, a laylorlay In wultfor Mccullagh and shot flm- lheballtut otlthe lower part of tho 1 'bo of his riBnt car and burled Itself at the pao of iho brain. The doctors hau to probo lonr Inches for It, but lhc got It. 'ho ury next day l'ollte commissioners Actou, Itosworth, Munlerro and liergln met a 1 mane Mccullagh a MTgcanu ilttullagh continued with Capt.

until the latter was promoted to 1111 nspectorship, when ho was sent to the brand Central Depot. I yo, 1H7K, Mccullagh was promoted to tae 1 captaincy. IIo was nrst detailed at the inlrty.nfih street station and biiliseaueutly the "Hioody Kightb," at I'rlnco and' "cosier sreets, and tho old station-house oat subsequently becarao thu chauiDers "reet DbspftaL he was placed In command mi0 "ffot station, at I Irst avenue ant irtti street, where ho remalnod, except-t a Blort period, when he had charge of another precinct, until year ago. i.iiu.rlPf Ills career In tho Hit ft btreet Pre. 2 1.1 Mtt-'ullagh haan great deal of troulle Anarchists In tho district, llobioke ISflTfral of their meetings and arrested oauvot them.

luV.neot ''la best cases was the capture of Wesley Allen, two thieves, who lo rol colsatt Co-'a silk store. Bent t0 Prison for ten years. iBWi ln "mtnand of the llloody Eighth IKi 1S'1" broke up the panel-house gang, wtilch thaiig Draper was tho leader. I'i 1 Durlnr tho Orance riots In 1871 ('apt. Mccullagh was shut 111 the Ipk.

In tnoshiikeiip last jear, after Ilyrncs was mnilo Siiperlnieiidcnt, Mccullagh was tranv 1 lerred totho 1 wunlj-tlrst 1'ieilnrt, In Kast 'Inlitj-'lttli sheet. He assumed command iiliTeon prll tho twentieth anniversary 01 lilsiippiuutmeiit as (aptaln when he was assigned to the same oreclncl. tapinln Mccullagh died well to do. Ho owned plao- 11 1 IrUnston-on-the-lludson. Ills homo In the clt) was at UK Kast l'orty-ninth street.

Ho leaves a wllo and two sous, one of hnm Is a student at 1 ale college. 0uugC11pt. Met ullavli 10. contradicted tho teport that Ins untie had once been in tin: employ of Cornelius amlerl III. lie said thit thu story had been printed on and off for 3 ears, but 1 hat there as no trui In It.

Capt. Mccullagh was a farmer beforo be went on the police force. The body will bo removed to Irvtngton this alturnoon, wbero tho funeral will be held Thursda). SENATOR MORGAN'S ILLNESS. ErrBlplan Foil own an Injury to Ills Head necelred at Soa.

LONDON, March 0 -Senator Morgan, one or tho representatives of tho United states in the Dehrlng hea Court of Arbitration, who was a passenger on the steamer New York, which arrived at Southampton Saturday, was taken sick on the voyage. since his arrival he has become worse and Is now counncd to his bed at the Southwestern Hotel at Southampton. it lias irausplred that senator Morgan's Illness Is due to an accident. During a storm encountered by tho New ork, Henalor Morgan was thrown out of his terlb, and his head was Injured. On Saturday last a slight attack of erysipelas set in.

He was examined by three physicians this nfiurnoon, and they stato that they expect that he will bo nble In a week to attend to the ouslncBS which brought him to Kuropc. TAKEN ILL IN WASHINGTON. Commissioners Martin and Helntz Caught Severe Colds. Commissioner of Jurors Itcrmrd F. Martin, who was taken HI In Washington while attending the Inauguration of President Cleveland, wai reported better tLls morning.

Mr. Mnrtlu sent for his phjslclan Immediately on his return home. He had a bad cold lie-1010 ho weiii away, and It Is leared that It 11111) develop Into piieumonla- sn-eet comniisslJiisr Heintr. of the Annexed District, taught a severe cold In Wash-InglOii ami 1 lictM Himself under tliu treat-mint 01 phy.lclans there. Ilo was pronounced out of ilangir last night.

Ilelsix-puled home to-day. WHERE IS TOM GOULD? Sheriff: Gorman Is Looking (or Blm with an Order of Arrest. SurrllT John J. Gorman has ono of nls depu-jtles searching to-day for cx-Dlvekceper I Thomas Gould, for whosn arrest for falling I to pay a t7.l contempt of court tine an order as Issued '-aturdnj noon. I According to laycr Altmsyei, who pioe- niitol tho Judgment proceedings against I that wo.

mj was ihen In aslilngtou itching Ihu inaugural pjnule, am raking I tti i-hekeisfiuui thu Msltorsuj his winning wajs." I understand that Gould mado consldern-I bio Iiiunui In said ill. Alt- Miier. Mieilur nu his reiuniid or null I no not know. He hadn't been urrcaliu up lu 100U." PARTY CAUCUS AT ALBANY. I An Effort to Solidify Democrntlo Mnos on Political Measuros.

The Now York senators and Assemblymen 1 hate been notllied 10 attend a Detnoeiatlc cnucLS lu Albany at 7 o'clock to-morrow eculiig. Hlsundotstood that thol'crstnul ltcglitratlon, 1 lanket llallot and charter. Amendment bills will discussed and an I ellort put forth to make the negotiation and 1 Charter bills party measuies. 1 seveial ot the iirooklyn Assemblymen staxuaway fiotn the la-t caucus, li the absent themselves again, It will bo taken us ULunnriuallun thu leptrt that they will uot lo bound the action of the caucus 'Iheio has been talk tor some time that Mel aughlln's men would Jclu lu the fight against the machine. WANTS TO 5UE THE M.

A. C. Decision Reserved In tho Matter of a Note for $25,000. Motion was made before Justice Ingta-1 ham In tho Supreme Omit t'haniliirs to-ilay In behalf of the New York Security and Trust Company, which holds in unto for Sii.oiiO, sei ureil neci nil niort-ttuge Iminls as collateral, against the ile- funct Athletic Club, for per-, mission to sue th CTub and get luilg-inert. ho thut they mlijht go on anil sue thu latu Kotemors of the Club I111II- lilunlly.

The motion was nppoeil by Mr. fiolil-heck, of Stein ltushmore, on the ground that the accumulation of costs ugnlnsl thp Club, If permission were Utaliteil In such inn's to all, would detrimental tu the Intercts nf the creil-1 Itors. 1 Decision In the matter was reserved. 1 DONOGHUE'S RECORD BROKEN. A.

D. Bmltn Blcates 25 Miles at St. Paul ln lh. 20m. 57s.

1 ST. PAI'L, March 1) A. D. smith, ot this city, yesterday lowered the world's skating record for twenty-live ml es made by Don-oMiue uearl two minutes. Ills time was, 1 Weat Vlrslnla Countorfoltsre.

WIIKKI.l.NO, W. March Ik-John (.. Webb and Miullson Itever, who luno been 'nniHllnir Iho Slate with lountenett cnlns, ihaie been caplund tho l-ederal authnrl-I ties. 'Ihen lociory Is lltlloMlle, ntai 1 l'arkersburg, and the ofllitrs luo made a I big uatil of bogus coins. UnnRod Hlmsolf with HU Muffler.

1 The body found hsnglDg to a beam In a 6hed in George 'Ihompson A. spar yard, 7U4 Water stieet. vestefdaj morning Is sup- posed to bo that ot Andrew 'Ihompson, a I tailor, about nil years old. Ho hanged him-1 self with his mumcr. Tried to Cut Ilia Own Throat.

John cammnck, aged tlttj-tlvo jears, at-, tempted sultldo Ihts morning at bls( home. HI Av-tiuol), by tutting his throat 1 with a pocket-knife. How as 'Wf-, vuollispltalapnsoner.wuireltwasthou.-hil he would die. I cammaik was a 'longshoreman, tut had been out of work fcr some Hue and I ad He was unmarried. Ills I fflady t'ound him 'unconscious In l.uriMm this morning, bleeding from the wounds In his throat.

Y. ifc Hllrk Mrorlre, Aitfa and iilaat ao tbroat ramt Jf. THE CABINET IS CONFIRMED" Prompt Action by tho Senate on the President's Nominations Names IJrotielit In by Exaruttre Clerk Pni.len Trei Sllnutei Ilefore Noon. WASHINGTON, March 0 At It. SO to-day Major l'rudcn, tho President's Executlvo clerk, appeared upon the floor ot the Senato bearing the nominations of tbo officers of I'reldent levcland's Cabinet, as follows' Walter Q.

tlrcsbam, of Illinois, to bo secretary of btate. John (). Carlisle, ot Kentucky, to be Secre-tary ot the Treasury. Daniel I.imont, of New York, to bo Scored aryot War. ltlchard olney, ot Massachusetts, to bo Attorney-General.

Wilson s. lllsiell, ot New York, to be Iost-master-Ueneral. Hilary A. Herbert, of Alabama, to be Secretary ot the Navy. Hoke smith, of Georgia, to bo Secretary ot tho Interior.

Julius sterling Morton, ot Nenraska, to bo Secretary of Agilculture. After tho Journnlof Saturday's session wns read, Mr. l'rudcn piesentcd his message, nnd on motion of Senator Ilarrla (Dcm Tcnn.) tho Senato went Into executive session, 'the Cabinet nominations ntro then continued. 'Iho senato mterwards adjourutd until Thursda noon. NAVAL OFFICERS TO RETIRE.

Sixty-one Will Go Out of Sorvlco Durlnir Cleveland's Term. ANNAPOLIS, March SUty-ono naval onicers will bo retlreJ on account of the ago limit during Hie Administration of President I Cleveland, six of these wilt be retired In I ikiki, sixteen each lu imm and twentj- one In 1K1I0 and two ln 1HU7. I Admiral Ohcrardl, the senior Admiral In 1 tbo Nny, will retlro from active duty Nov. I 10, 1KD4, and four other Admirals will leave the Navy ttie saiuo jenr. i oimnander mills Igoesout May 14, lsli.k chlct Kiiglucer II.

Mntlonei at the Naval AcaJtmy, will be retired pill 11, lSlia. Klcliard J. Oglestiy, son nf ex-Oov. ogleslij, Illinois, has been reappointed as a laucl at laigo 10 the Naal Acaueni). NEW IMMIGRATION OFFICERS.

Four to Ee Named Under the Law Juat Passed. Kills Island oftlclnl are greatly Interested ln speculation as 10 the Identity 01 iho now heads of the Immigration llureau. It Is provide! ln the Mil pasicd during the closln hours ot Congres that tho determination of all questions linnilginnls shall be (ettudby "ailinii ot lour ln-pcOnrs," the I Mine to Le appolmed b) the uf iho 't 1 easury. Mlieii tbo 1'edeial Government assumed com 1 11I ot Immlgiatlnn matters lontrnl was I veiled In a idnglc coininl-slui er. 1 11L i tier, 1 with Gen.

o'ltcirue as his assistant. 'lli-Mr salarlei wer.i respectlvil il.uou and lae.u. ludir tho new Ian, It Is saM, tne Isnlsiy of the fuur commissioners Is tubu eacn. FAIR WEATHER PROMISED. Ice In tho Ittvers Caueod Much Trouble Thla Mornlnir.

WVathir I'rophet Dunn pi edicts little ttieak of warm weathr nov The southwest wind which pi ailed this foienoon brought the temper Uuro up from ileirrees at o'clock to Tl at 1 o'cloilt. '1 he repoiis kUm pinmls'. of clcur ami full neither for .1 few ilnj s. 'llure was cunslileiuble lie In buth rlM-rs at an tally hnur th's ami some illltleulty wus epeilincfd bj harbor trnttli. At 0 oclucl.

the ebb tide with strung wind hail curled tbn Ice up the I last Kler, wheie It extended from the oik tu tho Uroiikljn Hhures It spicad uut over the upper lui, but us inusi ilensii uriiuml Hie Itroukhii w.itei front where the wind hail It. On the HlMT nut ,1 spot ot tleui wati 1 1 itiilil lie seen at thai lioui. Snme ililn was causul tu the fei rles, hut o'cloik the lee wus can led up the Miimil nnil both ilwis uml the h.u-hor wile cli ur. FAYERWtATHER WILL CASE. Motion to Strllce It from the Cnlon-dar ArRited In Special Term.

The raxerwe.itlier will cusn nine up iiB.iln tu ilay Jiistlrp Patterson in the Suprenu' Couit Spec! il Ti nil on 11 inolliin by the cveutiirK of the will uf Kuerwi'iitliei 111 stilke the ciisi from the calendar until 1 'sin should le-joined, when 11 motion would l.e made tu hae the issue tried hv Jur. Col. Jamis and William lllnkle np-1) 11 red fin tin inotlun. wlibh np-puseil b' lohn i'aisniis, f-imUi' Vinmix, Charles Mill, Choa At Ueamiil ami nihil mr tin. ili-ti'inlunlH 1111 tin- ttrouiul It win lll.itorv pioieHiiii j.

.111.1 ilaltulim tl ,11 the idn'lMltTr hud hud pleiits uf time tu piHiiare thf Ir cas- I n- Tin- txeeutors of Mr1' I nttn an- mi I lilt th cii'ois uf Mr Wllltlier to ll.lM- the mnit uf the will contest sl aside on tin Krnuuil uf Irnml tJiilv twei n-live uf tin- lirtjitwn ilefeniliints Iiiim- answi 1 tin- niin- nlalnt Held for S'nUlnor h.'. Jamis Mitchell, sun Jars old, was hrldb -lustlie Hojan lu the luinbt (milt for lieatlng l.lxle llonius'ej, auraflshtecn, on the lace ami lie id' with bis clluilitd lists. Ilutliiiartie-iilrciit sireul MlleUell 111 kiiolde 1 U10 girl, whu Is a duii.istli, out said mat sue inuiie him ery nu.r) Thev Settled nti Old Feud. U.AHKSV1M.I.

March famll arfray Is rejiorted from litlewill. 1 ho Mm-rison and Hnss families siltled an old fiud. Hoi nud Tailor Monlson and Will Itoss wire fatally stabbed, all lline bclug literally cut to plecis. A Hall.Fttslramcna Kxtre. "The l.nlr Wurlil" will le on eilnrailKv night mi Hum IMIHnn.

el-Ihk the rmull nd Htnry the IImII-I'llslmninns llhl. ri 1 eive.1 by illrri I wire lrm llir M-rne nT llir i-oiilrsl. The imnrr will nppear imnirillnlelv at Ike rlo.r of Hie Imtlle. IH IrnJnl and svlll tuntaln the previous rer-rd of li'lh pusl.lala. HIS NEW AFFIDAVITS.

Oarlylo Harris's Counsel Fighting Hard for His Lifo, The District-Attorney Destroys the Value of Some Testimony. Then the Prisoner! liawyer Urlnx Out Some More. A regular fusillade ot affidavits was fired to-day by the District-Attorney on the one side and William K. Howe on the other In tho conflict over Carlylo W. Harris, who asks for another trial tor his lire tor poisoning his schoolgirl wife, Helen I'otts Harris, on the ground that It has been discovered that sho was a habitual morphine taker.

Tho District Attorney has the affidavits ot Druggist Van Mater, ot Asbury Park, that In ltioo tbcio wero less than nriy grains of inorpblno sold at his store, for tho whole. Reason, whereas his former clerk, I etlerts, had sworn that ho sold 180 grains to Helen I'otts that year. Van Matel also swears that his store was open from July 1 to Sept. lit); that ho wis peisonully present from 7 A. M.

to It P.M., except ono hour at noon nnd another at supper tune, and that lie had unl) ono dram of morphine! In su-ci: that only on piescrlptlon aud rilled but seventy prescriptions 01 all kinds that season. He swears, too, that Helen I'otts was never lu his store In 1 him). Charles K. King, a reporter, makes affidavit that tho lamlly of t.ecrgo I'otts was away friim homo from June tu October, 1800, and 1 harlcs took, a law studi lit. makes ani-divit that Drug Clerk Joseph Ii-lTcrtH told him he would lor swiar that ho had sold morphine to Hilen IiiLm fi-ii11i-.

iIh.iIi r- lilrhnril It. Wort nmi Ice d-aler, and leonard k. shepard, all 01 ssbury Park, swear that I.effert- Is trltlcr and tbey wouldn't behove I Win under nth Law student Cook adds In his affidavit, I however, that I.etlcits told lit til It wns a tact mat he suld morphine to Miss l'olts "lots of limes." LelTirts didn't know Helen I'otts. but he had been told that It was she. DilAorth Chonte, emtilojed by tbo Dlstrlct-Allorne), makis altidavit thut he Interro-gaud Misau 1.

It. Jackson, formerly ipilnilpalof the seminary ni tended by llclei. I'otts In Harlem. ctioato fuunu her at the housoof Mr. Mc-Klnstry, lliiuu llumlltnn street, l'hllartelplili.

lolhiiale Miss -lack-on said that It was au girl who told her she had taken a piwder irom I'otts thai minle her sleep and cured her heads be -not another 1 11 1 11 of the seminary. ti ulllaume Pons, proprietor ot the Hotel de I.otmo at Wist stieet, makes nllldailt mat Mrs. 1 thf I ll.irrl-. with a man supposed to be Mr. rreneue and two Lois engaged boaid at nls bousi ut 17 a week In the I all nf lhtil, stayed soinelhne but lalledto ly; maloeuii-tiatlii-ior htitiinents to him and were not agrienb'o to Mm, wneremie ho got them nut ot (lie house, thuiigh ivlth grent dllllciill), and Catharine Saudrav wile ot tho proruletiii ut the lintel Luxembourg, ton sixth acnuf, makes aflldaMl that lu 1KU1, Inn.

tie 01 llurrls ingjgi-l two rouiiis at the huiel 101 herself, liiislaml, ilnughler anil two llitte tors leu and iwelvi M-arsul I at fs a week. She pill fl down and neier paid an more. sheiallid li-r hii-uand Arraaml," quarrelled wliu lil in and the depnieni nnd if In ur stoilin unco a pliclier of bei 1 was ibruwii i Aimand at M. siandrny lujr- xci-urdln; this aflldult, the sanilrns 'wilt glad luk'et it I of mil nnd lamllv, 1 ten tl thei 1 1st me mrd bill nu-'. '1 lien- -lldivils won.

10 ill-credit llu- I nidi rni-d who last wtek 1 that I bey km li-1111 I'otts to le a Mel. mot the 11.01 plilne iu-LlI SUNDAY NIGHT DANCE STOPPED. Fortv Youne Peoplo Found at Nay- lot's Acnderuy nnd Liquor Sold. De ectlTe Schowlng nnd three pollrinun Irum street station ilstted Naloi's Dancing Aiademy, nl soft last si enlj-slth street, list ulght In 1 Illen's ilollie-. I I he found nbout forty jouug people of toth bixes dniiclng.

A bar wus also open. IHtectlve schewlng callidlor whiskey. Ho 'di ink It, and ful.l that 11 almost killed him. 'Ihen le ariesKd Mont lausflg, tlm bar-uuder. i-oon as tl.e diiiiii is nilid Hi it nu sriesi Ind leen lusue thev were almost ptnli-Mrlckcit and imide foi the doois and windows In their mad basic luoeapo.

arriilgned Ihls morning In tho urktlllt! louri onaihuigi ot si lllng llipioi without a In 1 ii-e and lit Id for li.ii. AWAKENED JUST IN TIME. John F. Alt's Country Hesldonce Dentroyed by Fire. 'Ihe linn-Jsonie country ro-Jdeuce ot John Alt, on Manir roau.lntle town of North-tli Id, I was intliely destrojed llro nl .111 1 ar hur this miming.

'Ihe tainlD, consiitlnjot Mr. and Mrs. Alt and. 1 weie awakc-md about l.tlii 10 llnd III" house tilled with dense ii)oke, ilad tni-j tnide tin Ir escape uml luuk ntiiu In Iho laimei's lu-iisu on thu lli'i' lu.s Is ST 000 on lh" building, an 1 ft nun 011 the iiirnlture. 'I tic liuuraine Is tS.IIUO.

1 Herr Junefer, Fiolslnniifo Candldnto, Kloctod In LDlcnltK. I'-l III IN, 1 nh 11 1 lie billot in I fui a lit pn M-iitallie Hi the Hi iclislag was bel I lav nnil ri nil el In tiu-eli it ion uf Hi rr-lungfir. the l-rrl-innlcoi an II tale, ho tciilvid iites agnuist 7.4411 cast lur lien llirtwig, tho ininllliitM 01 the lelguil has lien 11 I ii-isiniilge lungbold Found Demi In 1 Snowdrift. Ihe II eless nod nf Mrs. Martin In, ram, ngid tilt, ut si 11 hi 'ii avenue, south Pa-irson, N.

J-, was louinl isluday mtrning burlid inn -mwdnlt 1 lily three lil sksfroi.i hi 1 uwu dm 1. Ihe loan Is tl.luly vtll-il wheio she sltid her i.iiull). sue lrit home siturdj lauiuliig mini sinin- tradliu'-on reiiirning at night, llr-s. Iiu-ram Must luio buoiiie ioii-Usid urd 1 st I ir wav. 1 To Fill Lodeo'n Sent In Conurose.

1 1YSN, Manti itetii nn-inounus llil ufurnoiiu that Kllhu It. Il.i)es Isacandlditefur th' lleuuuilcati noniliuitluu tor 1 ougresi In the sbm-liii Dlinc to ill tho vac-inc unused by the citillnuui Henry Caput 1 odgo lo the sunale. Ir yoiirtbtnat tickles usn Iikeks F.iric-tokist. It costs HO cents; will cure Ihe lUktlug. audutuaio.

LOST IN WASHINGTON. "Where am I at?" BOOK THIEF DOUGLAS HELD. The Yountr Qreolc Scholar Baa No Excuses to Make, learning has rarely been so much disgraced as by Theodore Olvnthus Douglas, a young tlreek scho ar, who was -uratgned this moniln' liefore Justice tlrady In the Jefferson Market Court. wtiols twenty-five years old and was-boru in Jkthunj), t.rtcie, of au gllsh i father and Greek mother, was chirked nl vi'lualilii books hMonglng to the 1 Aster ana oluinbla llbrarlc. I Hehadgono tu tlnse libraries ten weeks ngo hlghl recommended, nun had 1 njoynl the privileges of --alcove trader," whlcu gave I hlui opportunities tor likhlng which aru utterly out of 1 tic reach tho oidlnai) Ire-ipientersof those liLrarles.

Iho technical cliaign against him was Jauiny of iw-j booih-the lilstui ot I eru and tne hlsioi) ot thu Indies -tal-ied all lftO. Hie enmphlnant against Dmiglai was I Oscar ltrler-tadl. AMBiaut Iliuaruui of tlm slor Utirsrv. lieurge II linker, of tne Columbia I tbrarv, sub--i rtlied as a witness. 1 Douglas refused tu make an statement In lourl, eMept tosay mat iaiis llirl und 'I'llce liiul pruiiilsidto defend 111 in.

but lud failed to appiar. I lie was held for the Jury In 000 ball. 1 SHE ACCUSES HER DAUGHTER. I But Mrs. noss la Hcrsolf Held for Grand Larceny.

A mother who, tho lollce believe, tl I'd lu I shut thu gulll of herself upon lier nlui-ear- Plii was uiiulgnid In the orklilu i 1'ullc" 1 ourl this Miss catharlno l'llznehory, a pretty siles-I woman ot twent), now living at ill! Hist ono I I lliiudred ami suth stree-, In hotiruar) I boarded at Mis. dowdy's house, ills Wiatl Fuit5-iltnlf street. one day she missed tftO worth of valuable clothing Irom her trunk and susptrled trs. Au.eiiua itnss, a domestic, Hgrd lorty-oiie. I Thelaitei, when close priSMsi, said that sue futiiid the clothing In possesion ut her little girl Wlnllnd, ugnl nine, mid telletlng it to 1 be i-tolen took 11 irom her.

-lustice Meade, however, on hearing the stoiy, h-ld M's. Itossin i.iioo tmll to answer and ti-rned Wliilfrul ovei to thu hoi lety. I VARIETY PERrORMERS FINED. Austin Sisters Found Drunlc with a Companion on the Street. I I'ullco Justice llngg'ity, In the Stieet Court, 11.

this muriilni; 'lined Almee Austin, Known to v.irletj thcatri. Km ra as "the Hum. in I'lv Itnse Adbtln, lie! sl-ter. whu m-sl-tt her In ,1 llylng-tinpeste int. 11ml Wllll.inifiui, 11 ut l.oi-linei- street, (1 ruth fur Intoxb atlun Itcees fuunil the tl rne on ueniie i.nly Mnnl.i The "llutnnn I'l wns Ivlnit mi the pavement 11 ml waving lur nu.

ij-iiiri-nll In nn attempt tu p-ifuim her fiimoiis 11 lllng wall. lug act wlthuiit ii-llliu; I hhe was bin -lining ninl bei sister, whu found LuiiHlilei.ilili- ill II lv 11I I In I lur uwu fei iimli lu-i -I plilmil thut ,1 man bul ihe 1 ut! th" tail, anil thai V- 'whu was tlnni: .1 fum-iwu 1 illlre -iier, v.H giiniiliii. fur tlu- 1 The M-lc-mit llu ill all th statlun-liuiiFi llu Uiitln sl-dem kiivp iluir cuiriet 11111ns Mini- liei k. twi'iits-tlin-e iars nl-l uf Dliislim sin-el, ami Mi riinhh iwi-ii-I sl ulil i--' l.nrliii-i ieii Trunk, Arros-eil, In Ilospltnl.

Allrol Hlui, 11 line i.etman, mi- si-vinjear-i who a-, air tul at in i'eik)fs erday inorniii'; fi'iji'itu I 1 lu 1 at l-rmiil snil Uleinilrteis wiiiluikid up 111 a tin- 1 slu-ei slaiiun-uoii-i- IK th HU 1 on li 1. mini I ii l- Jul wa rinmiid tu 1,0 iveriu-ur llus.ui whin he tin it at ll.l.'i 01 tl I-, in. ruing I Th Collyer D'vorcm Suit. 'Ihe mlt nf Mi, lie'ie Monin- i il'er ngalnst lawyer IIium loliyir (orals, lute dlMine wa ill -d III (lie special 1 1 nil uf the supi rl-r 1 nor (bin murnlug. Il si 1.1 nl lwrs Me cuinuel nnd I.

-I. 1 Miln-e, C'iuii-i I plaintiff and def-iidaiii. Ni itlIi wasllM Uon as the dati o. (rial bc.uro Jud.e Nl, sdmu 1 Its Or.e I5undrd una Third Yea-. Iho Ursjlli Mret M'liisdlsl l.ilscopnl I Church has i-Jiiimeiiicil mono lnuidied and third yearoteiistenie.

'Iheaiinliersary was n-iebrated yeslinui. -erlie will be held nery evening this wrek and next sunday tUeie win bo a mortgage burn julllte." HftBRrSBN'S WELCOME HOME. Almost a Triumphal March Through Indianapolis Streets. Decorated Hullillngs I.lno Crovrdetl Thoroilshfares Weather Fine. Marih (1 Indianapolis win gall) deiorated to-day In honor ot the return ot e-l'reldent Harrison.

Iho day oprmd iltsr and when tho morning was welt on. Hie sun was warm, and the gnat ciowds suffered llttlu fiom traditional March wt ithet. 'Ihe uiillillngs along the line of march, from tho tilnu s'allon tu thu hew Denlsou lintel, wcr nsiootud with Hags und ami on many of Hum Harrison's pi luiei nnoill plaej. 'Iwein ot the ItecepMon otninlt-tee letl mis illy at this mianlng tu meet lieu. Harris 11 and htm back irom K)int this Mile ut itlctunond.

'ihe reception was psrllrlpaiid In a lnrg- number or in-gnnlsuoiis, winch, (he orJer ot tlm i.r.uiil Marshal, den. I rid Kneller. i ok --tl ills on tilhir side ot lilluoii iiru-l near the si mi in. lleiun-ill o'clock IIII110U strut, lioin llir I'lilun Station to sin-el, a ill tanco in three square-, as wl li p--ople. I ne train Ilanuon and party ai rived at the station at 1 1..

Undo. k. 1 ar-ibihes were In ienllni-. tl-e nrl being tor He 11-c ni x-l'rei'lilLiit Harrison, nut. l-u.

thews und Ilanlson a gi indsin, llinji-lulu llarrl-iou tliKie, als 1 on 11,1. t-il this ut. rlage, tilt was preu-iied b) (l.e mun hlng iliiu- the tlrstof ntikh was the loiumua 1 1Mb. tne welcome home ot Oen. Ilarrl'on was as warmnswai Ids Uod-speed to Wn-hluluu lour eai sago.

Ashismrriugc prorudid loI up Illluuls Ftieeito Washliuton, th-nie eal 10 1 eim-siHanUstnel, the rz-rresldeni wnskipi I usy boning and tils to llu ihei 1-Itigpiuile ulung the a. the piocesilnn Ulstianil'd at Hu- Stw Hi nls in Hotel, and lull in Hie atiernoou 1.111. llairl-011 was drln-n to Ills oil lion e. 117-1 Nona with Mis. Nliin.

and lamlly. I -iiUht a g. iieiai itei pll will lake place at the slate iiou-e. i.uv. Niji-heas wtil kti uldress on behilt uf lh 1 -tale and 1 1 inn auks will speak tor the 1 itueiis o( liidliuapo'K Mount WcGreirnr nallwuy fjold, tiM.l.sloN, March 11 lohn Persons, relcrte, nl looiloik this forenoon, i-cld at the loiirl-llouu tbo Mount Mcdregor Hallway loiupaii) prnperti.

Including llu rallnav fiom suratoa -prlngs 10 Mount Mc. i.regiir, 111 i ts, lucoiii itHe-s ear-, tbo lluti I lljlinornl AC bit OMiinlliig tlm lit ml and iiillagis until' inounlitlii. Ilie-ik-was 10 sutlsij lorclusuro on a mi ml in t-LHgplmud In Id i.eurg- et Ihe pui.i- rivasbouhi in Dun. Ins W. vniieuii l.

bslfi the tlrsi morlgago boudiiolieis, at (he nmoiini of jiiii.iiieoi. Hopubllcan Successos In Fpnnlsh Hleotlons YeHterdny. M.NDHID, Msri 11. il.ei I'i ilo-i heieus-terdin bus te-nltid In Hie ilio'ie ut si publleaus and two Minl-u-rliL-ls. -eiernl relumed 1 lie, li.ui miijurltt.

'1 lie 1 HU i.oNcriiuruf NU hid has rerlgned. Southern Cros Uoughlv Hnndl-il. I lie sboili-r -ciithern 1 10 i. of llallli. N.

am, ei it this pn iiiornii.g thirl) three iIji-. mil fiol.i 1 ar.lisgetia. A lu.1T) gale wa. ene l'uiteii I nuitiitf 1 II ilti i iluilng wide 1 she losi her ilbbuoiu, 'l-t and lit Slli-alul I I li-l il 'ks ne, ul 111 lauh -lie lU'siiirwii da) sou the inn imiii Haiiria. 1 Hnv You S'omi Fophlo Dolmer? I he police were untitle I te-da) Hut viplus I l.elmi 1.

1 llirn yiars bten ir-111 home, Wist I rt)--evinili -tieet. 'lace last trliMi. -he l-ft her hi (ne I'm iU iu nnd a -itui'ii-n. Mn-1-tall and I ii, I s- a imui'it uu-e, inclfl taieaml ligltt lull, "l-i won- a lluirii 1 Ul 1 skin, bale j.hI.i 1 1111 1 miIM in New Yorlc Jwel rrs the LoserH. si I'M Mm- li it- I' I I sun, jiHi-liir, Ins mils .1.

owing II ..000, IT.fton. The iredltors are almost cxclualtel New lo, firm AdmirHl." What dojou thlnkot 11 1 Sot made by all ust. TWO CASES OF TTPHUS. Both Corae from Lodnlnij-Housei on the Bowery, The Health Hoard's bulletin this morning shows two new cases of typhus fever. James A.

I.yncn, aged forty-three, who has been living at tbo lodglng-houso GHl Iiroome strict, walked Into Newport Hospital last night with typhus. I lv-ul Johnson, aged yesterday found with tvphus at the loiglng-house 1 1 1 liowery, otner cases have been Hoth were removed to North Brother Island, i Johnson died this morning. mONUMENT TO CHARITY. Dedication of the United Charities Building To.NIebt. The ilt illr ition of the I'nlt'il Chart-I ties lliillillug, cotner of rourth avenue ninl Twenti -Ht'i-unil stieet, place u-ili Althmuh the ileillcatory exer-' I 1 les ilu nut lit-uln until S30 o'clock this i i-w-ulnic the Imll-lllm' will be open fur 1 ctlun lu tlclttt-hulilers from KO this iifti-rnuiin until in o'lloek tu-nlKht ll.inki-r luhu -1 Ketmedv, who has iluniti-il this uolilt- inotiiimetit uf 1 harlty I tu the It will preside at the dedicatory ex-ri Ihi-s anil will deliver the open-Inc mlilri ss.

1 In- bull. ling Is l.M) feet lung by 1M -I Is seien stnrles hlRh nnd cost liitwti'ii Mwuui uml The tlrsl lour iluurs will In- ui-ciipleit hv the four pilnrlpji nnii-MclnrlHii harltiible In- titltiitloi.s of Ni ork City- the New I iirK Cltv Mlsilun and Tiact Societs, 'th Ch.irltN iirRiinlrntion boclet, ihe 1 I'lillilren's A Id t-oelctv ninl the Asso- ititluu fui ImpiiiiinK the Condition uf the I'uur, CART-DRIVERS AT WORK. Ilrer.nan Saya Hie Department Is 1 All Rlirht Now. AH the Stieet-Cleaning Depsrtraent cart. ddn-rs who went on strike last week have nl irnid to work.

1 ouunlssloner Hrennan said this morning ttii! Ms department was In good working onlir a-'iln. llrondwny, Uttn aienue nnd the principal meets leading to ferries have been cleaned. 'I l.e snow will Lp removed from all Hie stieets us fast as tt can L- eirted awa). I ELOPERS ON THE SERV1A. Col.

Weber Will Detain the Loving I German Couple. 1 1 Wcbrr. ton miisloccr of Immigration, ha-a cablegram a-klng him to stop an rlop tng 1 0'tple ot Hermans coming to this port on tin htiamshlpserila- 'I I cablegram stated (list a pretty Herman mi-inn le't her husbind and ran away with an thi rtu 111 lhe were traced to i-nglana an 1 11 wis Hit re illeioveird thui Hie) had 1 inimrkt-il tin New irk. 1 he 1 toper- will le detalti'd v. hen they I nich I Ills l-laint.

1 A Case o' Small-Pox. me new ia-e of smali.pox was reporlid to the Ikalil Hoard Hits morning. It was that of liu'iinl II uiai I a.ed 'oily years, of Stio Wisi inii--i cuiid stn-et. Ile as removed to I'i 01 lu 1 island Wemnn Killed in Collision Mali Ink -At llelllnghani, jo-umIii a nu til iialn was t-tai ding at the a l-iu aim 11 ifntght raln ciaslied Into It. rue ni i I and pa-sengn iiiaihes woie le-si ipi-d.

and Hi -ar- ere -nun uy nn Mr-. Inuiiid, of lielllngliini, was trtisliul lodemt), Pn.norevvstt No- to Pe Mnrrled. I be run tr tin' I'ailerewskl, the pianist, wnsab ut to uarr a Sen s-h-iui girl, na-ireaied is 11 oke by people weil I 1 -lined oe luvters In mutlial i-lrr ei. c. V.

Iieilur, 1 New Noil, agent, said tin-loii'iiuon tieres no truth in tue ie-I oil. li a liisinui. Hell date's Enierta'nmen'. IhJ Ns-ocUHnu will give Its an-iiiul reception unl eutertaluraent a' cintial luin Ninlu HalL Wlij It irt Sklvttloa 1)11? Aaiwtr ll i Inti let lluinirut I A Flurry ln Wheat nothing compared to the consuming demand for "Old Dominion" l'kuxxttis. I'botojrcn la every package.

OlST EDITION, 1 IS NARONIG AFLOAT? I aH No News Yet of the Big White Star Freighter. 1H Sailors Think Retribution Hat Ovtr- taken Capt Roberts. He Commanded th Adriatic aad Kefused to Aid the City of Pull. The fate ot the Dig freight carrier Kirotta Is still a mystery, and as the days go tf iHI without any news from her the belief that VH she has gone to the bottom gains more adlwr- jB ents In shipping circles. -H Two vessels arrived from European port 11 to-diy, the Servla from Liverpool and th 'rjH French liner La Bretagno from Havre.

The report got about that tho Kerrta had sighted dH the missing A'hllo star ship, Dut this prored 'B to be false. The Cunard vessel did light a "Gil big White Star line freighter, but aha was tba 'P3 Ituntc, from Liverpool tor Now fork, a sister a btpto the missing Naronlc She was seen 'jH March 2, In latitude 44.00, longitude 43.09, rlifl and was steering a southerly course. At the offices ot the White marline It Is still believed that the Nironlc has met with an accident, and that she will eventually uffl turn up all right- A gleam of hope Is afforded "ijfl In the fact that three other vessels, the BU Enoch, the Italy, and tbo Alsstla, from Med- iH ltorranean ports, are some days overdue. lj and there is a possibility that tney mar be towing the Naronlc Again, tbo Naronlc may have made for tba )l Azores, and as communication with those islands Is very irregular It is not thought f.fM likely that her sste arrival there could have -H been reported up to this time. one theory in regard to the XaroolCa failure to bo reported was advanced to-dar tiy an experienced seaman, and finds many 'JHI who aro inclined to accept it as the correct -H solution ot the matter.

This Is that tbe Naronlc has met with an v-H accident to her machlneryratitl uelllg tsrjriod control, Is drlftlug north towards Greenland. nH The westerly gales, which ham prevailed for rl some time, would certainly drive her to tola 3IH direction If not opposed by motive power. At tbe Fame time It Is pointed out that tt tho iH ship was in southern latitudes she would XlH have leen reported long ago, as all the vessels recently arriving at this porl have followed a '4M stutui rly course. i be fate ot tbe 800 Scandinavian Imml- iHM grunts who were on tbe IH-tated Danmiru "3fl lHHti and were rescued and taken to tba vit by the steamship Missouri was not j. 9B known tor thirty days after tbe catastrophe 'tUM hiu occurred.

Among the many guesses which have been (t'S ventured by experienced maritime men of tsH possible mishaps to the Naronlo is mat ot tire. '1 his Is not considered as tbe probable solution ot the mystery, however, as the ovH 1 argo carried by the Natoutc la not especially tX iombutlble. 'il 'Ihe Idea most fevered Is that the Karonto I'M has met with a mishap similar to those which JcM have fcrmerly betalien the city of Paris and i.jB the Sinr, on board each of which the port "imm engines were disabled. Tbe weather eondl- sSfl lions were altogether favorable in tbelrcases. aud yet several days elapsed wllhodt aajr aMi word having been beard from tnam.

ChH apt. Hobtrts the commander of th SW Naronlc, had au experience ln bis career a 3H leu jcars ago In connection with tbe ao- -IB cldeni whlcu occurred 10 the lnmaa llnor -filH citj of I'm I', which is believed by well lo -it formca shipping men to have some bearing 'OH on the laci that his vessel has not Dees re- ported or afforded any assistance. hether such Is the case or not, the story imSI was revived downtown to-day, and expree- "Tilll 1 sloes of pity tor the fate ot the Teasel were 1JB 1 mingled wun irlttclsm of a former act ot tba i( now commander of the missing vesseL lu the Spring of 18H0 Capt. Roberts was sIH promoted to tbe command ot the White BUT -'11 line steamship Adriatic, which Is a passenger MH tarrler. He left (Jueenstown with a full mall aud a large list of passengers.

Tbe Import- i-Hl 1 nnco or the Adriatic's making a quick trip 1 was augmente-1. In Capt. ltoberts's mind, by MM I the fnct that his vessel bad been substituted iH for tbe Teutonic 'H hon seme distance from Queenstown tba 'Wm I Adriatic mil tbo City of Paris drifting help- lessly In imminent danger of sinking. The 7)1 1 Purls was bound from New Yorlc to Liverpool Cll ai had broken one ot her engines and stove mm 1 a hole In her bottom bbe carried a large 'imm numcerot raasengersfahd the serious nature (Ira ot the accident which bad befallen ber may J-iffl be interred wbeult is bald that she did not (AW rrsumo her place on the line for over a year. K-JJ capt.

Koberts would only consent to take iQm tbe passengers oh the disabled Teasel and 'llsll carry them back to New York. He refused JfB point blanK to assist the vessel ln any way, 1 and bis only reason for refusing to tow her i'lm Into port was tntt he had tbe mails aboard. ifiM An lnestlgallon of capu ltoberts's conduct Vm Inthls Instance resulted ln his losing the -jM command of tbe Adriatic. He was then placed in charge of a freighter. lr there has been an trouble with the Naronic's machinery the boisterous ana stcrmy weather which has prevailed on tbs -HH NN estern ocean for cveral weeks would ex plsln ihe cause of her delsy ln reaching port.

-( At the same time ll would be a great menace lS i tolier saiet. yjmm 1 he steamship California. Capt. Droescter, 71 which sal.ed from llnniburg Feb. 10, arrived 'ymm to-day.

she roports that she sw nothing ot tbo Naronlc. 'jB CHARGED WITH HEINOUS CRIME. 'jl A Ferry Entrlneer Accused of Aw tf sault on Two Little Qlrls. jy 1 lUk. engineer, of ino South Ninth JK stieei, 1 rocMyn.

was held ln ball thla yta morDlug lu hssex Msrko'. Court for examlna- Hon ou a charge of cilmlnally assaulting im Minle 1 errj, fourteen Broome 'JH Mitel, and Agues liuike, twelve years old, ot liYlU .7 st net, l.lsk was arnsted last evening In the boiler Stmt rorai it iheiirand street terry, where tbe 31 Kssaul'H are alleged to hsve been committed. HJiil l-elktinen luker and Deuney, of tbs De- ftMM lantey ureet station, made tne arrest- Llsk denl'sthat be assumed the girls. aVM Ibe ttetry foclet) has chuigeot tbe cbll- dren, tvm I Cleveland to Have an Road. 9M Cl.hVKI AND, March The proposed Ele- vaied load from the business portion of tbs city toF.uclll Heights, au eastern suburb, Is I now an assured tact.

The read will be about 'vmt 1 seven miles in length and will furnish rapid ior residents in the istern portion of 'B uieilt. New York caplltallits are backlog tloeulerjiitse. pnH An Every. Dny PufT. -uiiB I'ted every day, needed on Hunnay, MOu tH loutMON CioiKkiTCJ.

Photograph tree, 'IMM i'-B JuAJtMiimMmmm.

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