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New-York Tribune from New York, New York • Page 1

New-York Tribunei
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


IIAYXKS IT CAUSE3 A BTIR IN' UFE INSURAMCT CIRCLES. His REIaATIOXB WITH THE EQL'ITADU" IATB AB BURANCE BOCIETY BKVERED s.UI> TO havi: fi'NK MONEY IN THf" THEATRICAL VENTfRES OF His WIFE, rORMERLY Miss MINNA K. KVB A ln llfe tn-urari re clrclea baa eauei bjr tbeeudden and ifAn hlbald C. Haynea, who for .1 number yeaa had been tho prtnclpaJ aaenl in this cltv tln- Equltable Llfe- Aaeuranea Sodety, nt Na 120 Broadway. Mr.

Haynea is th- beet-kn. arn nrien the iMurance bualneaB, and lt baa I.n aaaerted that moro bualneaa waa tranaacted in his agency lhan ln any simllar- agen -y ln th'- iri His lias boon yeara la tho flrepro bulldlng owned hy aodety, and on the aame 11 with godety-g general offlcee. He had under him flfty or agenta, whom he 'tiimif whllo ho -rtved iramlaalona from the ci.ty OO nli li.ios whlch paaaed through hi? apinoy. Hla relatlona to th- Equltable T.if,- Aaaurance lodety re 1 mewhal Blmll ir I thoae held hy a man in charge of .,110 ImmenM departmenl in an A ARCHIBAU) C. haynks.

enormrMin odfl eatabllahment. A lifo lnsur ance r. ently ap ke of him as a remarkably guoceaaful and bi lllanl dealer In Inauran da on a vaal acale, tranaa. Ung all ol hla ccimnjlr-Hi only with om I Hli aponts iu thla clty an.l In Phlladelphlg wrote i-'ii cioa for Equltable dety, bui lh? premlumg on all poll. lea were paid dlrectli ihe aodety, th- mmlaalona wi ra paid flrel Mr.

Haynba, wh in turn all wed llra i.i comml. hla agi 1 The 1 Idee paeelna through hla have an.nted mllll. na dollara each yi-ar. hla wMl Ihe aodety haa been anormoua, Mr, 11 on aet mnl ol ihg i udneaa irg aacted la hl i igency, bad an tenatve nequalntance aniona Inauran a men, and ba haa been regard. i aa man ol extra rdlnary uhility in the llne I hla bualneaa Naturally hlB ratilttMBl haa a ko at deal of talk am hia aaquatntanceg.

and many hava agpreaaed igggcngga t-. know Ihe reaaona for nis audden ro from tho agency In whlch he bad been for yoans promlnent and euc -eaafuL Ria MARR1 -OH TO Miss OALE. About threo yoars ag 1 Mr. Haynea was marrled to Miss Mlnna K. I a ll-known actreaa, who ha.l played bnportanl rolee wlth Booih and Barretl nnd to mak- h-r mark ln the tbe atrk-aJ wro-ld -jb a atar.

BM Mflorted later that Mr. Haynea, although 1 puti I I 1 a man of had been foreed Int ftnanclal dlfflcultlea by tho thfatrlcal ventnre In whleh his wifo was leadlna ngure. When la; 1 al the Btar Thoatro ln wlntor he ured large audlencen, it was reported, by pur baalng ttcketa freety and dlatiibutlng them to offlcera. 1 ta 11 I derka of Ihe Equltable Llfe Aaaurance clety. In his Unanclal dlffl rultiea were aald have reached ihe polnl where II was nol poaalble for him to meet all of the demanda up blm without horr.

wing heavlly, and aome hla paper wenl to sir. 11 bla I -qualntan 1 a have under al .1 that be ha I been ler heavy flnan lal dens, but that 1ns- redlt ra w. re is who were wllllng to ald him to the utrnoal llmIL Mr. Haynea wns nol eompelled 10 mak- an aa mont, an.l ho oontlnued lo tranaa hta large t.usl noss. in whlch there no 1 blm an I much proflt Equltable Ufe A eurance 8 lety altto blm by loana 1 meei tbe Intereat on hls dobts.

but loana re Becured by commla slons failim- due, ar: i 1 reata of the a idety wore Uius amply pr t- di I. Mr. Haynea offer hia reatgnatlon as nt of the sodety In ember laal bui afterward veiih drow lt. bellevtng th.a hf iul 1 free hlmaelf from th'- bnrden of debt whlch onpreataed him, lt la i-aid, an.l the fact that he ll nd. I 1 fr hls agor.r-y not niB'h- p'lbll at tho tlme.

About two weekg ago, howi ver, he deelded to re tlre, he 1 I la realgn illon ro Henry Hyde. the prealdent of the Equll tble Aaaurance Sodety. to take effecl on Aprll 10. Hls reatgna? tlon was accepted. Wllllam K.

Taylor, who had boon aaaoclated with Mr. Haynea a number of yoars. was appolnted aK-nt ln place Mr. Haynea ur. 1 be was in charge of tho agency yeaterday.

II was aald al ihe offlce lhat Mr. Haynea bad oul the clty foi a ahorl rest, and that it was not known what his fuluro plana for bualneaa wera. HII KKTIHKMKN'T VOLCNTART. Prealdent Hyde aald yeaterday afternoon that Mr. Haynea had retlred the poaitlon of agenl voluntarily, wlth tho best wlahea of the offl -rs of the Bodety, and he added: "We re? ganl Mr.

Haynea ai a m.i.i hlgh character boaltwMM Integrity. He was very as an agent of the aodety, end tranaaetad a larp-o am mnl buBlneaa. Any sum whlcb may owe to aodety la amply Becured by 00m nrrlffrirn- accrulng. AH co.itractg made by the godety wlth blm will bt tulfliled ihe letter." Mr. Taylor, who Bueceeded Mr.

Haym 1 ag aald: "Mr Haynea had peraonal reaaona reatgnlna, whlch I ara at llberty 1 1 apeak of now. but Mb retlremenl waa entlrely volun tary. Tln- agei wlll go right and Mr. Haynea wlll contlnue 1 recelve cornmlaalona t.n tho ranewal poll whlch he obtalned tur Um aodety 1 do noi kn.w whai 11? plana tot Iba fut'ito ln a bualn. 1 aj are Thera waa repori yeaterday thal om rea on tha retlremenl of Mr.

Hayneg was dlaagree ment w'lth Oeorge Tarbell, the ihlrd nf ihe aodety, who formerly waa manaaer of 111 Chlcago the godetj Mr Tarbell aakl: have i.a<) tba klndeal li.K* for Mr. Haynea, and I atneerely hope will lt. any im-w bualneaa ba ly engage ln e.K-i.-ty alded 1.1*11 arhen be became inv.ivoij in iinnii'iii md his paper went lo proteat. wa underatood luana made lo him by ii- aodety wer- intended to pay Ihe Int-n-Bt on hls debt Tha loan- W-TB lecurad by comtnli 1 falhng due or accrulng. Mr.

Haynea may bave fell ba could not on carrylng th- i ad, it bag been uaderatood that hls credltorg were bla Menda, nn.i thal aoata thom were Intereated In the vn.if ire whlch pwyad 10beat Frnnk H. Iti.n.i'i. tba Baperlnteaalaa. of g-r-nr-li-s ln BOClety, snl.l thut Mr. Ilaynoe rll.l not ove BBVCb monoy to aoclaty, and that ailiannag which l.n.i bat nnde ta Mr.


BUB irniKit. TO TH? Waablngton, May C. The Btata Department haa rwcelved tha reply of Bpaln to Becretary Greaham'a demand In the caae of the Alllanca. anawer la aatlBfactory far aa it goea. but a mipplementary diapatch ls lo foUopr which may, and doubtleaa wlll, ln tti nature of a counter-demand.

The Madrid Governm nl ad mits that the aaaault upon ihe Amerl ran Bt. am by the Bpanlsh crulaer waa unwarranted, and expreaaea al the Tho reply reached tlif Stat" Department a few daya ago, i.ut, conalatently wlth the pollcy of auppn all newa Internatlonal affalra, Ihe fact has boon wlthheld from lhe pttbllc. The meaaage came from Mlnlater Taylor. throiiRh whom Mr. Oresham'a diapatch araa tranamltted to tbe Bpanlah Mlnlater for Forelgn Affalra, ll is in two parta, each of wblch waa aent from Madrtd nn aeparate oecaaiona.

In hla diapatch Becretary Oreaham sni.l that tliis country mual Inaial thal ImmedUite and posltlve i.r.l.-rs laaued to Bpanlah naval offl? cera arati ra nol to Inti rfere wlth paaa i.iK American commerce aml prohlbltlng all acta wantonly Imp, rllllng life and propi rty fully under the I'nlted Btatea Bag. Bpaln'a anawer reiatea to thls part of the demand of Department II aaya thal appro) te Inatructlona be. aent her naval offlcera In Cuban watera and lhal hereafter 11 is expected ihat tbey wlll more nni rautloua than ln the Alllanca affalr. Poll ft after came the reply to thoae parta of Mr. Greeh am'a diapatch relating the ln lhe i bi ited undi ath by Captaln Croaaman.

Bec? retary Greahatn aald lhal the Alllanca ai Ihe iim" sh-- was aaaaulted was outatde Ihe three mtle llmlt and on the blgh eeaa. Bpaln. i.lea ihis polnt. Bhe aaya thal upon Inveatlgatlon has been found lhal wh. Ihe md.

ih. .1 ai Ihe Am. rlcan ahlp lhe latt. more thnn three llea frorn Bhore, a i il Hatlni un ign ll i nrn ntloned tl on lhe nccaalon the gular nrnm ind. of Ihe Con le V'enadltn was nol nn hoanl, i eing al lanl i- Inl al.

A Junlor, li'sa rtli i Ka ln harge rul i ror of i ulgmeni ii ui fi im i.n*. nd ll -1 Inti fer. a th Its romi ihla replj i ,.,,1,1111111,1. nili.n '-M ih. i.

i. in hi In I lhal ahe wlll Ihe 1,1,. in which 'i i irlrm ih. vi nfl -ii will b. i Bl I- II ll ll "3 whal Hi iln wlll r.

I i munl Btlon bul it la ihouglit ti ilmi whlle ahe, or, more atrl'-tl hi Impuli al fuull In Iho Alllai affi li ii' blameleaa, foi In ll pors.m i who i- nl mpathlxi a Hh nnd the rebHa belle I I I wlll nttempl lo ah iw lhal I. an i Ihoae of Ihe llne whlrh Ml helongs, have, whlle on the hla. fcrn .1 arma and ammunltlon to small I which afterward lhe oontrabund hi-ii ln Btate haa no Inl matlon golng to ahow tbat any auch chara Bre well founded Asked how ha regarded Bpaln reply. nf the Departmenl aald "Il I a aatlafa. ry anawer, dlgn elenl In every reapecl bb an apolouy.

Bpaln nut humbli i. woul i an trv under llk. i nndltlona. bul ahe Ib frank i nd admltfl the error of her agents." TO LIBEBATE A SOHDAX tVTlYE. A CAUPORNIA HOTEIJ.EEPER II.

EX P15D1TION TO r.i'-- STAT nn iy 8 tBp. laJl Army. Jamea .1 le, arho la i i a 1 here, haa arrana I pla, tlon to the I I I oll Dr Neufeldt. from alavery ur.di-r the Al I my for i. Kharloum fell an.l Oor i i He knew itely Blatln Bey ai oth.

i i arho lanaulshed for yeara ia rapilvlty, and it, of Blatln'a rompanlona Ib hh Pour ara 'oj a.ttempt to reaeh the eaptlvea at Oi drivi back by hoiera Bl itln, In tell i Btory, menlloned lhal Xeufeldl waa Btlll allv. thla newa haa Induced Coyle to make ai to free hls frlend Coyle aaya ilth: man of Pomona haa advanced th. nej for the tion and arlll a ompany hlm. ll arlll 1X0.0 know ir a tremendoua laak for ua to try to reacua Dr. Neufeldt." aald Coyle to-day, "bul we roean to go Ja-" lhe eame.

i nl.oiit Soudan and It. d.fenr.a. I in vi army frlend or upper VII. 'or ear aboul for a of iiiav- ii enier the -ountry of thi and I have heard from Dr. Neufeldl ha i- ln captivlty." A CYCT.IST ATTACBBD BY TBAXtPS.

HB PIRED ON TI1KM AM. THINKi HE OKB OF THE N'i Harry tVlntere, a young man who aald he llved ln Long Island Clty, aaya he had an uma near Maplewood, a few mllaa from Xewark, day night. Ha waa held up, he Bays, by trai and his head cut. He protected hlmaell arlth a re rolver, and tiili.ks he ahol one lhe altarklng party. Wlnt.

i red Into lha Hllton Hoti N.w.-.rk, aboul I ock Bundas nlghl wltht.lood Howlng rr a wound In the back of hla head Ha told hla Btory to party of men srere ln hotel. He be I. fl r. 'tne i.arly on I morning to ride to Plalnfleld Ha lefl Ihe latier place i-i tha afternoon, Intendlng rrturn by way ol llburn and Bprlngfleld, the Irvlngton Mlllburn route, over whleh thr champio-ahlp rares a held. When reached the lop of lha MU, when tha racecourae beglna, aaw a man emerge from the wooda, ai il bar side paH" rldlng.

He dismourrted and appr.iache<l Ihe man, askli i arhal he wanted. Th? man ired to i i tramp demanded tobacco. Wlnter he had none. The man deminded money, and Wlntera aaw other men come into thi road from th woo is ii. waa cloae to lha man ai li i i ravolver Ile flred Into lha blr, and Ihen hli the man ln Ihe face wlth the butl ol volver maa eouM i bb, leaped lnto ti, aaddle an i Btarted down the road -c a rapld 1 -i.

,1 had dlaconrerted tha llve oi six other men arho wera approachlng, and before they reeovered he had ridden paal them. Thej foi low. throwlna atonea Om of hli him ln lha back of tha head Tha blow ataggen I hlm thal ha ha i lo leap fi im hli aav. hlm from ralllng He altll had hla ln h.a h.iii.i. and when he aaw lha men arera buii ing toward hlm ha Bred al them.

Ha Bhota in -ini'-U aucr-eaalon, and after acrj ot pain He sprang Into the aadaia oaei mon awa) Tlli: WHEEI.MAN MAt jamea ilaldwia, of Jeraej Clty Hei raturnlng rrom tha Century Bfhmt mei i j'ai ihogue Bunday, aaa nw down by aad Beriou ly if nol m'-'11-- Tiu- eoaofa belonga lo s. Jenninga, who baa coun try at Marrlck. BaldwtB and wbaataMfl auempted to croaa Ihrougn tha aand ln whlrh they rl'llnx tba croarhmw aadeavorad ch, hla boraea, bul i io -io Ba Baidarin is rrtruck bj th. ar.i to the ground. The hoi twtct ui.on hla ln-a'i nn-i ebouldera and of ihr- earrlaga then paaaed aw Tba wh.el.

conrpletely tba young man wa. removed to by rall to hl. home. JAPAN MAEES A CONCESSlOX. BHE WILL HOT I'I uCTl'V THE LIAU-TONC- PENIN8ULA.

THE DECIBIOM rOMMI-XirAT-D TO THE INQ THE JAPANBaB OOOWCIL TO MKKT AT KIOTO RATIFirATIOXa OF TIIK TREATT EXf-irrEl tO ttK KXCHAHOZD yOBEION FI-EBTB asskM ''ii''. IAPAKE8E f-l BPAIH. London. May 8 "The St. Jamea'g prlnta illapatch from Pfirla Baylng thal Mr.

Araaukc. tho Jupnnese Mlnlater lo France. yea? terday I-' M. IHnotatia. the Mlnlater of Affnlni.

lhal Japan. ln dcference the frl. ihe pr teetlng Powera. had un nl I dalm to perrnan. nl po aion of tho Llau Tong pe ilneula.

Including Porl A Un'll i Preaa dlapatch fi Parta conflrmB the Btatemenl thal France hai Infwmed i.v Japan of the latter'a I iti ol her ri-ima perrnan. nt poaa. lon th Tong i -i-iiisiila. dla-atch to "The Olobc" aaya thal .1 pan has alao Intlmated lo fjermi'ny her wlllli I lo glve up poeaeasion of Llau Bl'MMONED. A ifl ii "Th- Pl -I ir, t'ouncll I rtl l.

menl have hurrlodly Kioto to-m rr Th rea unun ia li nol Unoum. -Th- from hama ml r- ll I i. haa arrived al P. Arthur, ,,1 ariu Pi al "i lo Che-F where he Wlll Ihe ra, th. tt- ity 11 hanged Th nai Cablnel ld? rrequent I I a ir T.i.'i aaya thai the i mvoya Mn i Pai a ai I I I mldntght laat In Hl Kla Ihn I to 1 i V11 wi? THIXKH IT I Japan 8.

and will ii.l.-nn II li, i il aay, "wa i I Tho 1 rr- a g. ra a rmlty Wlth I I It la el i I wl and i t- i lhat. al i. ilan Ill) i. th' i- not ll.

V. ll. thal I't 1 it, IsIiir nol lo ahu Imi Bt tln r'" "Tl I ll Wlll tO I .111 linui. i i Iti aluill i- I 1, ll I ipporl ln return for her Toukin, May lt I reported lhal the cm cr-. and llle v.

i.mnany crula rs Tage and Buchd to the 0 i Th-y arlth munltloi and pi na yea rda) and nre i THR aPANlSH ALARMBD id, The Bpai I i nl haa and la, Ihn capltal the Phll Ipplno li lan I and llona al Manll an i 'ai ral ira wlll 1- requlred foi the Two natlve t. glmi nta with Spni i oil to i form. al on In the I1 nd l- i aro to I i-ini Bnd llvi ulaera wlll r. i i Ihe old la now nn du In Phlllpi I'-- water All i i taken In uf .1 Formoaa Herlln, May 6 "The Po i iyg In a aeml olTlclal at" fr, 'I I'l 1 ma to uf ihe thi i'. ii i -i tlon I ire i AN WITH Ill'BSIA (Vaahlngton, Maj ttt lal dlapatdi from i- i oer tiatlon hi i.

lo illow ratlflca llon of I I. .1 .1 It Ib prei.i from thi lhal un li rata ullna haa I i ed wlll Rui In bj ipan arlll ah i the i terrltm a i mltti 'I li) ih- the ti i lo o. i-upy, nnd thu pl.teat. Ru la ly op in- ti Japan, in any pn of 4 rttiiry, Thla Infm matlon lt rn Un ly ln llne s-. Ith Hl.

terahui i dl iv Ma) i i ttlng lhal the reply n.i i the oc upatlon Uau Tong i ai," i.u; ln ii itlna thal Ru 111'a mattei vi llfj Ing Ihe eaalnna made I.y i 'hlna mlghl tl, ibj. i of aub ii. i- itlatlon i. Ruai la and Ji pan It L4 im iiin- aet wlth Inform iii aenl i.i Ity dui Ing thi proj I the pe thal Japan had Intlmated wllllmt i not to make hei rt Arthur ihe pcnln il. rman nl, hui onl lo -1? thi ni aa hoalai foi Ihe falthful fulfllmi nl ol the ndltlona of Ihe ireat) ln regard lo Indernnlty, ln.

eommerdal freedom and other mattera. LEA8B I.IEE. THB i'I'M'IM' II' I.M.'t IM.i:l INITI Rlng Slng, i. It ii.i. lo-day bn ith.

th ni ha haa In weeka over hla good luck In havlng ugecuilon di f. indefli i lha eaee aow ahu hi innol I-- executed before Chrtatmaa. It ln tbe be ii, an a offlclala --f Ihe prtaoa thal before tl.e nettk i nn elforl will be made bave Iba death nti lluchanan commuted lo llfe Impi i mmei I by lha I ivernor. II OF A BTPDRBT. Nea Haven, Maj I Burtoa A.

Yaie, dled lata last nlghl of lyphoM f-ver. llo hai iu twenty-nva daya oaaaa from Broekport, un,) was tweaty-two yearB old. LAVISH GIFT8 TO COLUMBIA. SE TII 0 W'S UNIFIC EXCE. TO PAY TOR THK COLLEGE UBRART, WHICH WILL ABOUT $1,000,000.


Frlenda of Columbla College have had abun danl reaaona f.r applaudlng the wladom wblch the truateea of thal venerable Inatltutlon played In the aelectlon of Beth Low t.i IUI the ofl.t prealdenl aboul flve yeara ago, and Btudenta of Columbla for numberleaa t.i come wlll have reason tn hold the of Prealdenl ln grateful and undylng brance ITndei hla guldan the college haa made rapld and aweeplng Btridea i poaltlon of com mandlng emlnen worthy of nn Inatltutlon of learnlng In the metr of the Ib publl Hla energy and Influence have for the college a ren arkabl mai lal ilth. to the time ul hla a. tl in the BETH I.OW, pn an in lhe xt llve yeara I ilfl he I the irm iua i 11 now annou i ald. ni hl glfi a new llbrai md that the bulldlr A $1,000,000 glft la ri In hoi A I. W.

i i have i tlafactlon of ne of Ih. i i. nnd wlll a. arhl li i- and utgn a and ne ln i n-li. wlll I i ilIil Inga.

Hla no iw ii l.ieted, and frlend the lutlon of IU -a 1-- I i. fatl ia foi many yeara lefl a eatl at about I i H- Hved ln i hta in ihe hlef of A A Low I ln thla m. a wlde i putatl n. Beth Low a i luat. -it dumbla Oollege In liTO I waa of BABXm ne wi i ffl- 0 Columbla of Prealdenl li v.upled wlth the ann nincem.

nl gift nf ai bulldlng to the i in of tbe Tru The hu by Mr. Behei ih" Pi i itv. and he In tb hermei rn mai thlrd ihe only bulldlng ln lhal tweei Fifth and Blxth av. whli uatm aa purp He wa9 araduati i fr Columbla College In 1840 he la a I by profeaalon. He ls in? terested ln tt'- management of the Amerl im of Natural Hlatory and of lhe uinn Muaeum nnd he la a membei of ihe Century, Knlckerbocker and Metropoll I.lll illl'S A MPJMI DAT INDKED.

Teaterdaj i mei ln the hlatory of Col umi iC re, and rarely. If ever dld tii" truateea i ma gether In nthly 8 I mu th aus- I ir i on irratulatlop over lhe of the Inatltutlon ln ns thoy dld yeaterday When Prealdenl Low entered upon the dutlea hla offlr. it Is wn thal he healtated Tor I rable period befora wlthdriwlng hlm from thea Ivltleaof ul I iii wlth -i he i lantlfl. .1 nsly ever sln he had reached the aga of maturlty There were many who belleved thal wlth hla brilllant re behlnd hlm and tha large BalbUltlea before hlm ,1 i he ia llkely i Bke a Bi l.rah 8 When he aceepted lhe offlce he a ioui publ Irtted i an, ai I lhe pn 'tlve li 111 I irge fortune poa i by fatker. it araa predlcted that Co i nege would in all probBbillty ba gainer by aecuring Beth Low aa its preeldent; but lt ls lubtful whelher Ihere waa any one In New-York al lhe ilme he i hl i dutlea who would have pi ph.

led that withln leaa lhan Hve yeara from the date of i aaa mpll of offl he -uld make bo munlfloenl a glft aa 11,.,000 Though hla fortune waa known to ba large, hia artlvltlea aa a colb pr. Jenl iturally for. ed his nt of opportunltleB for addlng lt by buetnesa aaaoclatlona Therefore, ll baa i me aii ihe more remarkable thal alm al al beginnlng o( hla prealdency he ahould have parted wlth ao maaalve a proportlon of hla fort? nei'. regular monthly meeting yeaterday wai prealded over by WUIIara C. Behermerhorn, ehalrman ot the Board of Truateea.

Othera preaenl wera tha Dr Chambera, Cornellua Vanderbllt, Charlea BIHIman, Btephan Naah, Anguatua Behermerhorn, Dr Morgan Oirard Beekman, Kdward Mllchell, Prealdenl Low, Oeorge smlth, Wllllam ii Draper, the Marvln lt Vlncent. John Plne, Wheelock, i-l- li. Coudert, II Cammann, Wllllam Lathrop and Jamea i. an Naah, treatwrtr, jiri.i th- BMttlng had organlaad Prealdenl Low aroae and aniwurwed thal a memortal hla father, tha late Ablel Abbotl Low, who, aa ha s.iid, wn. merchanl who taughl hla aon valua tha thlnga which Columbla Collaga atanda," ba pra lhe collage a Itbrarj bulldlng to be erected oa on Cathedral Helghta where lhe ntw coIImi bulldlnga ara non In courae of conBtrRotloB.

THI UBRART BUILDINO. The wlll lie altunted In the centre of a terrace oecupylng lha blghaal polnl land of tha alta. Aboul it w-in grouped In a reclangular courl tha mlnor ptarced Bouthern, eaatern and weaitarn proacbea, aU ob thr- axi.ii tba bulldlng, arhlch faeea smith. afiraaa to tha aoBtharn, or oa Thlrd STRONG WILL AVVROYE IT. HU DECI8ION CON'CKRXIXfl THE BIPARTI BAN POLICE UILI KANT IIMINKN'T REPCBUCArta UROB HIM TO CON T'l TIIK MKAaURR -KFTBCT OR TIIE PLATT PEOPLE- BRIOHTER POR THK REOROANIZATfOtf MI-I.

If became known last evenlng that Mayor Btrong has linally dedded to glve the Bl Partlaan Pollce blll bla approvnl, although he may not transmlt lt hack to Albany untll to morrow. When it however, lt can ho said mi ezcellent authorlty. tho mgaaure wlll bear the of the Mayor. This newa wlll be recelved wlth gatlefhctton and dellgbt by a large number of Rs-publirans on both aldea tho Harlem, mor- aopoclally by that olomont r.f Antl-Mar-hlne Ropuhllcana who have labored wlth earneetneaa and zeal eonvlnce Mayor Btrong that be to ap prove lt. Among tbeae ar- Chauneey M.

De pew, called on th- Mayor at hls offlce yes terday and added his appeal to th.iHo ot many other well-known leadera, Including aa-Bena tor Warner MlUer, Sax ton. ex-flenator J. Bloat Fassott. Oeorge K. Malby, Ellhu Reot.

Wllllam Brook Cornellua Bllaa, .1 Belden, ex-Congreeeman Htnry G. Btirb-lgh and Roberta The effort on the Platt Machlne men wlll ba as dlataatefal and un pleasant as lt wlll be grattfylng to the Anti Platt Republleana. Mr Platt nnd hls frianda had eonvlnced themaelvei thal the Mayor ha.l mn l- up hi" mlnd to dlaapprove the blll, and were preparlng to take a.lvantago ln th- i-'gls lature and in th- Republlcan convontlons of interlor th- Btate what they intandad repreaenl as Mayor capture hy tba Antl-Republlcan element More esp-clally waa it intended "arork" tho experted veto for i- -aa worth in th- next Republlcan State Conventlon. Bome th- membera th- Platt eontinRont tearned last nlghl Mayor Strong waa golng approve blll wore rhaglined nnd bltterly r-irr-tted that the chance would of paaalng blll ovar th- Mayor'a dlaapproval it. th- two houaea -1.

ntatlveg who bear to Mr. Platl liave been preparlng to paaa th- meaeure of th- Mayor'a dlaapproval, nnd i.xp,-ctod to make Ihe occaelon ona of ,,111 lo Mayor Btrong and thoae oi bla io have advocated ihe return of th- measure wlthoul th- aanctlon of the eity's That theae wlll be gpared both thelr palns and pleaaure waa matter of rejoi. ina ummig the claaa of whlch Lleutenanl ilovernor and -x Sp- Malby are the and who would bave been oom party fewltj to Joln ln enactlng the The or, ll la undei.d, will accompany appruval witti a memorandum i-xpreaslng hla lark of confldence In lha Clvll provlalona whlcb place appolntmenta itiona in a igl of one pollca Inatead of them In ti- Munlclpal Ulvll Bervlce Board. Ha wlll expresa regrei thal thla parl of the blll hi r. llmlnated al Albany, leavlng Ihe lilpurtlsan prlnclple tu atand on ita own merlta.

i (,, prlnc it tha Indorea ni nt of the greal maaa -f the Republlcan party nn hoth aldea the Harlem Rlver, ns granl na irt of thuuaands of honeat Democrata who lo to it as ihe practical method for Ing honeel electlona and a falr count In thla Btate R.gnlatng thla fact, Ihe Mayor deema it his duty approve tha legialatlon as whole, hoplng, however, ihat a futureamend? ment maj place tne t-iii nu.r.- nearly tn wlth his vlewa lt reported that tho Mayor'a ictton tv be followed the paaaaga the Pollce Reorganlaatlon blll, whkh was regarded ns almoat a dead meaaure Week ago. mi BEFOBB A BBOOELYNJUSTICE COHTIOAS, HOWEVER, TIUI.HY. UED ro 1118 M'l'i: Xlt "I'- COURT. anawertng to the name of I arraii ned I re lUBtlca H.trriman. ln court, Brooklyn, yeaterday.

Thi, nol i pleaalng man to look upon. titrt ra long gaabes -n hla chaafc, hkMen urt plaster, im 1 hla lefl nrm la Bltng. bla face dlrty wonder Trtlby dled," muttered cl, rk of the ur; il I di exactly llke a ense of hypnot Ism." remarked the "itvcngall. you are ireused -f issaultlng Antonlo i aupaoaa then araa a woman ln the caae. rall nodded hla head aaaentlngly, and then Bngllah tol I iw h- and I-egarlo, both ii Broadway, aad eul aacb ih kntves Was ihe woman'a name Trllby? askeri justice II -Ha ali ll waa Ann atigan, reaponded Bven Both men were commltt In default of I tu BWSlt ti lal.

Al PIATT XOT To BB ASXIHILATED. IXABT ur. tiiinks nn tBtTT-OBt OTBER HAND HB l'l'i-T'liTS DfRB THiNoa ron Miy ma am Natloaal prom wera ealli I apoa t.i-lay axplaln lental prea In thla dty an 1 their acci ai the Arllngton Hotel Thoae auea n. i were Thomaa C. PlaM, of New-Tork; Junn-s riarkson, lowa.

Charlea anster, Oeneral Ruaat.1 Alger, of and li "itv Payna, of Wlaconaln. Mr Platt aald he rntne OB nvet hls wlfe, Mr. Mld had Jist atoppa "ff on hts aray home, tieneral Alger aald that he waa travelllng WaMiltigi Mr riarks. remarked that he arantad lo see furnlture, and Mr, Payna thal he cama lo a lll the for Northern Paclflfl Itallway L'ompany, whlch ba la one the recetv tra IVben aa If ll wera tru-. thal tha New-York Republleana "Intendi to annlhllate him," Mr.

Platl anawert I repori la nol true vmi I ir a greal deal of lhat aon tti.tt_r In the New Vorh newapapera u'i alao hi-ar iu thosi) sama newapapera greal ahoul ihe rei rmci A gentleman nam--1 waruiK t'olonel Wartng the he la known bj them ma) have aomethlng hla dolnt wlthln the Is 1 fea Mr. Platl is mu t.i be annlhllated Bui you will, perhapa, well n. announce lhat bla enemlea are aaeured ape from unnlhilatlon. Y.m can aay ub soliitely lhal there la nothlng In iba repon that i-ome here b) appolntmenl to attend ferenoe the obji 'l of whlch ln throw "Tom" Reed overboard and nomlnata Ilovernor McKlnley for l'i-. dem 'By thal la it to be underatood that you tii ri? adherenl of Mi ed7" Mr platl al hla watch an 1 aald: "My tr.iln In ten mlnutea and i have a mlle (,.

po Ani Ihe wl.U hls carrlag, liegan to move. Had hia train h. I i i leova al a later hmir lt ls poaalble lhal thU questlon been an swered, hut it probabla it would not bave been. LABOBISQ TBB 80UTB. iikssm I'ltl-Ai'llISO S'TNII MONEY IN AUABAMA Blnnlngbam, May I (apealal) Joalah Pat.

terson, Congreasman from tha Mamphla, who travelllng thnniKh th- loutlt ln the Intereata the Bound money conveatlea ta be h.l.l at Memphla ty nt o'ltrleira Opera 8ius atternooa to a larga auileac-. After revlewlng lha hlatory of golnaga, Oolooel Patteraon the queatlon gouth to glder whether it wouM allga Itaelf arlth Um Bolid aad Northern Htutes arlth the Ohlo and Mlchlgaa bnd gone ogei wlielmlngly RepubUcan aa gooa lha Democratlc party in tboea Btatea had deelarad fur free itlver. Pennaylvanla, Mlchlgaa und Ohlo wouM aavar free allver. In no north of the (ih!" and ibe Mtaaourl would ever be mnted in that ooliinin. "Bouthern paopla.

he erted, "ara coaaervatlve. Tliev havo f.xilel foi Htrlle by Popullal t.uf when they thla matter ar'Kht. ns they wlll see It, tho free tllver ragsrlea wlll thrown into the rag plle. The Bllver abOUl la 'He out, and tho Bouth Bhould he the last volce feebly to cry ou: the her. gy The aoearh was loudly cheertd at every nound money decliiratlon.


Washlngtun. May The reargnment of tha Income tax eaaea began In the Supreme Court of the T'nited States to-day ln the presence of an assemblaffe rhat, as In the occa.lon of the origi? nal argument, moro than exhausted the ao commodatlons of the small chamber In which it was heard. Kor tho first tlme last Novem? ber there was a full complernent of on the beach, an.l all nlne th- large leather-cov ered armchairs ljehlnd the deak that sepirated court from the spectators were occupled. Justlee tha youngest memher of the OOBft BBVa one, was Bt the astfOBM right of tha chlef Justlee, and-was naturally the of Bll oboanrara. Ba took an actlva in the proceedlnss, and th.

re was appar. ntly nothlng to warrant expoctatlon that he mlght not bi able to undergD tha fatijrue i the Among those preaent In the wera Joseph H. Chiate, ex-Secretary II. Clarenco A. Seward, Wllllam 1).

Guthrle, Davld Wtllcos, J. M. Wilson. y.imuel Shellabarger, tonu-y-General Olney aml his asslstanta, MerBra. Whttney, DteklBOOB and nrad; R- presentatlve McMllltn, the author of th" Income Tax law; Senator Mitchell, nf Orepon; A.

Kasson, of lowa; Bpeaker Crlsp, who ls in the cliy on hiJ way home from a vlslt tO master-C-neral Dofl M. Dl k'nsm, Rlchard con Gtlder, and many ladies who have from 'he first mantfaated an unuaual Interest ln the caae. The beglimlng Of thi- BtBJUIBOBt was prc-ceded by the announcement of oplnlons ln aeveral eaaea, none of them, wlth pooatMy single ex ception, of Intaraat or Importanoa, Thla occupled foity mlnntes, BO that it wis oa tOWOrd I O'clock when Mr. opened tha arjrument for the petltlon.r-, Me.srs. Hylo and who aeek to enjolfl the dtractOffB of tha Farm-rs' I.oan and Trust nnd ir.tlnental Trust of N.

w-York tr paving tho tax "ii tha dtvMenda daclarad rm the stock of corporatloaa, and ln Ing the oonatttutlonaltty of the law. The eblef juatlce said: in vs apoetlanta mada appUcation for a rehearlng as i thoae I-: ipoaltl ni upon tho court was aqually dlvided, wheraupon tha Attornoy-Oonaral praaantad a BUggeotion that if any rebearing were grantad it abould embraoa whole lae Treatlng auggeetlon aa amountlng in it.eif an appllcatlon for a re. hearlng and daalrtng io reatri tha of the arguin-nt wa sei down both applicatlona be heard to-daj before a full bench. which tha antlclpatad praoani.f our brothor happlly reallaed, enablad u. to do.

No furher argumeni will doBlred. war.rllgtd, bow ever, to lltnlt tho number of coubmI tw. oa each alda, hut as to tho tlmo wo awmlt K'-Kti of counaal. Attorney.General Olney to Mr. Choate, who BOid h- Bva hour.

would be suf Qdant for rddo. Tlie Chlef'-e announced that the Court would grnnt ao much. counsel f.r the ment of courae to occupy the same amount of tlme if they dealred. J. M.

Wllson, of counsel for John fl. Moora, who sued tn the oourta of the Plstrlct of Colum? bla for an Injunctlon reatrainlng Internal Revenue Commlssloner Miller from executlng tha asked and obtalned to (ile an addltlonal brlef ln that ease, which haa not yet been declded by the Supreme Court of the Unlted States. mh. otrnaua opexs tiie argcment. In the petltton a rehearlng, Mr.

C-uthrle sald appellants lnvlted tha crltlciBin of many opponenta of the Incomo wh saw in the oplnlon a decislon ln favor, ln part at least, of these who denled the legallty of tlie act. Counsel fatt that a great constltutlonal eontroversy ought not tO be permtttcd to tranaform ltseif lnto a test of Bbrewdnaaa. It was thelr duty bctag about aa BpeedUy as puaalbla a final end to these coiitro vei-jles that must eiustio If the decislon continuea stand as that of a dlvided court. There waa a doubt not so much as to Whotbor Congreaa had power tO tax, but as to Its method of taxatlon. Th-? declsion ln thls caae sh mli aettle 0aaUy and forever the giaateat constltutlonal queatlon ever brought before the iurt and took lt upon themselves thnt the de Islon should not ba un.letermlned.

He lnvlted the rr Bt rigid lnvesllga tlon, the closest scrutlny, the fullest reasonlng and tho most copious extracta from precedentB and cltatlons. The rule of precedents. he said, and stare cVeciela praauppoaed origln mlataka and etoood the door OB roaoOB and on truth. The Constltutlon dld not una Into eataten aa tba novel and original cre ation of the eonventl at Phlladelphla, It waa the prodoet anl reault Of the t-xperlence of agee. Tha framers were it recklaaa asportmoatora.

but praetlcgl puWlctata, Ihey preferred. eo far oa clr cumatancea parmlttad, to walk ln tho oM patha, to follow niethcils wblch asporlonoB had tootod. Yet lt seemed tO he now ii.le.l the jitovlalona aa to dlrect tax. were Inaattod Llindly. ln tba dark.

without any deflntta BOtlOB 'f thelr lmport, as BB experlment, a mere compromloa ln name, eijually to satisfy aiul to deootvo. Tiie effort to day was to have thls Court hold that the meru beru of that Kranklln, Hanillton and dld BOI under.tand tha t'-rins th.y oood, an.l dellberately haaardael tha daotlnli of tha Natlon in confOrrlng the power of taxatlon, the moat e.sentui! of elgnty, without whtOk thoy the new na tlni COUld BOt exist. If that wie the Con sutution ought tO liave rogBfied as a curaa of a btOOBlng. A vv.itV Constltutlon loneeived should parloh. tiu: POWER OP TAXATIOK in grantlng to the Fv.ierai Congreaa the power to lay taxea for tbe eommon defence and general walfaro of tho Btatea, tha framera Bt the Conatltuttort, Mr.

Onthrl.ntendod, daatagi lt e.s.-ntlnl to llinltatlons aml UpOB th-' mOtbod Of the lhal power. Th'-y ha I Btltflatod for geieratloiis fioui the oper atlons of BBOSJUBl tax lnws, nnd had fought tha great atruggto of Rarolutlon tu malntala tha principle that taxatlon Bhould he to repraaantBttoB. Thotr work wa. to f.nge BBtOOB for and foi- pi.terliy which would prevent from levylng direct except hy appirtlonnient accordlng to tha populatlon of the re.pectlve Statee, and from l.iylng ItiM- nnd excl.ea wnl'h wera not or unlform. The prlnclpil obJactlOB tO tne adoptlon of tho Owiatltutlon by the wa.

thi. powr of i -t nxatloii, and JefTer.on dl.l not th it he wished it id bOOB entlrely oiiiltteg. ln th? called to railfy the Con.H tutlon, tbe matter of taxe. ifl partlcularly r-'ferred to, and extracta from the debatea had been Mr. Uuthrle sald, lald befora the court.

Mr. Outhrie then CBllod the attentlon of tha court to the lnstances pernonal properly was partlcularly ro. in order to the court that the pooplo un th rratOOd that taxea un personalty were liuluded ln the dlrec. Marshall, ln tho Y'rgtnla Conventlon. ax plalned the term dlrect taxea when he eald: "The o'jjecta uf dlrect taxes BXB well understood;.

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