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Denton Journal from Denton, Maryland • Page 6

Denton Journali
Denton, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MBLVIM a. JOHNSON MBLVIN 4 JOHN SON. SATURDAY MORNING, JAN. 6, I Faith Clarke's Career By JANE OSBORN -r Newspaper Syndicate.) It wns the first time In Faith Clarke'H career as stenographer In the Gage Manufacturing company that she had been late. Her snttilt- purse had slipped from her numbed lingers on her war fr IJhilr Street Home to the corner where she customarily took the bus.

She had retraced her steps, bvjt the rapidly fulling snow hud hid- speed nnJ accuracy, na well us In what Mr. Gage considered suitable personality. So that wns the end of thnt, and Mr. Gngc decided to put off for uu- othcr day the choosing of a private secretary. Thnt evening after closo of the olllcc he felt the need of exercise, and In spite of the dretiry wenthcr, with thuwlng snow of iho morning underfoot und gray skies above, he walked for several miles hi the direction of the hotel tluit was his temporary abode.

As he wiilked he could think of nothing but the cnso of Faith Clurke. Why she declined his offer? Why would nny clrl decline $35 Instead of 518? Mr. Gnge made up his mind to solve the problem. Ills mcdltnllons were suddenly Interrupted, when his downcast eyes fell upon small purse on the sidewalk before him. It wJlxJuUf covered with snow; apparently It hud recently been exposed.

Mr. Gage picked It up and opened It. It contained $2.45 ami a key attached' to a wooden tug marked "Koom 09, Blair Street Home." Mr. Guge asked the pollcomm) at the next corner where the lllulr Street Ilomc might bo, nnd was directed to a bonrdlng home fur girls a den the It had fallen. So Fnlth went her on foot, punching tlib time-clock In tho entrance to Indicate 11 half hour's tardiness.

As soon as she had titkcn her scat In the room where nine other stenographers worked nnd hud opened her typewriter desk to begin transcribing 1 notes from dictation tyken from one of the- salesmen late the previous nft- ernoon, Faith was aware of the fact something of uuusuitl Interest wns In the air. "Better powder your nose nnd look alive," snid the girl at the next desk, coming In tills to-look us over." "Just my. luck," sighed the girl nt the desk on the otber side, looking Into llie tiny mirror on the cover of her vanity case. "The snow got- my hair und took out all the wave, nnd I've got on my oldest dress. I should worry 1" Eventually Fnlth Clnrke pieced together the Information that Thomas Gnge, son of "the big boss," hnd arrived.

He had previously hail charge of the western plant of tho concern, but had now come to assume control of the main oflice nnd would need private secretary, niul hnd announced he would choose one from the stenographers already' employed. He Is coming to look us over. Jimmy overheard him telling Mr. Mills. Tben he will pick nut the one that ho thinks looks the best.

It will mean thirty dollars a week to the girl that suits--" Fnlth kept on with her work and carefully rolled sheet of letterhead paper Into her typewriter. Apparently she wns not especially-Interested. "It Isn't likely he'd pick me," she murmured. "Oh, I don't know," consoled the neighbor nt the left. 'Tou've got a flue record.

You've got more speed tlmn any of the rest of us and you're terribly nccurato. Those things count. Though, of course, he's young and lino looking nud will probably pick a good looker." Faith Clarke sighed again and opened her notebook to bea'" the "monotonous day's work. For nn hour -little work wns done. The buzzing of- voices wns Incessant, nnd there were frequent pauses In work for powdering of noses and re" adjustment of hairnets.

Then a hush suddenly fell on the room, for the door hnd opened and Mr. Mills, cilice manager, I i tall, koen-eyed stranger, entered the room. Never Jind stenographers'-room of the Gage Manufacturing company hummed with such Incessant clicking of the typewriters, and never before ten heads bent In such keen nt- tentloQ to work. Mr. Mills and the stranger stood talking In subdued tones, but obviously the stranger wns making observations.

Then they left the room and the door FOE four or five minutes more tlie type 1 writer keys buzzed furiously, and tliun lull. "Gosh said the girl at Faith's left. "Gee whlal" aild.thc one ut her right. the suspense something awful?" wild girl across the room. "How soon, do you think be'll let us know?" AfCcr the noon lunch hour the girls took their places Ami tlii'ii Molly Day, who had found the suspense so trying, was called to Mr.

office. She stopped In the dressing room for a careful reappllca-' tlon of rouge anil lipstick and went Into the sanctum with confidence gained thurel))'. "Honest, I wasn't bit Hcnrcd," she announced when she came buck. "I had lay biilr waved of getting lunch when I was out and that kind of braced me up. Gosh, but I'm hungry now, (hough.

VV.ell, I'll treat you all when I get my thirty week, girls." But presently surprise cuiuc. Jimmy, lliu oflice boy, came In with a message to Faith Clarke. Stic was wanted In Mr. Gage's olllce, nnd she departed nt once, without oven looking in a mirror. Her throat wus dry her knees were trembling.

"Poor kid 1" said one of the girls. "I suppose ho's looked up her record, bnt, gosh, what does good record do when girl doesn't keep up appearances?" In spite of dry throat and trembling knees Faith Clarke took trlul letter from Mr. Gage with lightning rapidity' and transcribed It hi an niljoliiing of- Dee without', fault. She waited while Mr. Gage rend It lie was consulting tier record for promptness ami nccin-iicy on 11 large pink card from the filing room.

"I think, Miss Clurke," he wild, "thai you may consider yourself advanced to the poislllon ns my private Kccre- tary. It Is an advancement, beciiusu It will meaa thirty-five dollars a week, nnd you are now. I bflluve. getting eighteen. Of eoiirw.

this Is to be con Qdentlnl for day or so." Hi? pnuseii look keenly Into the ilellcutcly featured face of tliu girl who but ai ttiu other side of his desk. "I nm sorry," Fallli sultl slowly, "hut I--If you don't very much nilml, I'd ratlicr not. I may luivc taken tluit lot- ter quickly, but really I know .1 wouldn't dn nt all. I'm very cureless end I'd much rather stay hi tlie other room 1 with eighteen week." Mr. Gage saw that the matter wus BO far as the girl was.

concerned. After all, she had right to refuse the offer she chose, and per- hups a girl so unambitious as to wlsti refuse such an ailvanceiiiuat would make a 'good secretary. Still, he iliad been attracted to the moment lie entered the stenographer's room. It only on the recommendation of 1'Mr. Mills thatjio had tried the other ''Klj-l first, and had found her lack- few blocks away.

It wns a dingy place Inslile nnd out, nnd tho high unshaded gtis lights In the hull did little to dispel the outside gloom. He nskcd the attendant nt the desk whether she would take the purse, to which the attendant mechanically reached out to a cumbersome electric press button nnd rang nine times and then nine times more. "I've sent for ninety-nine," said the attendant wearily, "I'd rather Imve you give It to her yourself." Mr. Gage sat waiting on a narrow uncomfortable black wulntit bench In the hull antf presently, to his surprise, appeared In the gloom Faith Clarke-- tho girl about whom lie had been thinking for the pusi half-hour. "Aro you ninety-nine?" he asked rising, njid then, "I didn't expect to find you here, Mis Clarke, still I au very glad thnt I did." Explanations concerning tho loss nnd finding of the purse were soon over.

Mr. Gage lingered, sitting there beside Miss Clarke In the dingy hall. He told her that he felt this a good opportunity to try to persuade her to accept his offer. "I nm quite sure you can do the work satisfactorily nnd I should think thnt tho Increase from eighteen to thirty-five dollars a week would make up for the additional responsibility. That mast bo nn Inducement." Faith Clarke looked about her and then back to Mr.

Gage. "You sec," she stild, "this Is home to me. It's the only home I've known since I left my uiifie's In the country and that wasn't at all happy. It's a working girls' 'home--the rule Is that no girt earning more than twenty dollars a week can live bore. I left one.

place because they raised my wages--tluit. was when I went to Gage's; und now--don't you see what it means to me? If I accept your proposition I would have to leave this home. It would break my heart." Tbonins Gage, felt something very mucli like a lump In his throat, at the thought tlint tills dingy place, with Its odors of sanctity nnd poor cooking, could mean so much to any one. Ills own home life had been so happy-- perlinps he had never quite appreciated It. "Still, I'd like to do your work," Faith admitted.

"It would be so much more Interesting. Would you let mo do tho work with the same salary 1 Thomas Gago looked perjllcxed, and then suddenly he laughed a little and held out his hand. "It's a go, Miss Clncke. We'll make It twenty a week they'll still let you stay here." If was there In that dingy hall that Thomas Gage made up his mind tblit he would probably woo Fnlth Clnrke ns his wife. "A girl who loves home as much ns that," he assured himself, "ought to make a wonderful' wife." Two months later he nskcd her to marry him, and.

of Fulth accepted. It was then that she fo'und that there was little bank 'account to her credit, showing a weekly saving (of woek. "It's yours to do what you want with It," Mr. 'Gage told her. "I'm going to give It to the home-maybe they could buy -plensanter light for the front hall and get a comfortable settee Instead of a old block walnut bench." THRILLED BY RACING TRAINS Lying In Berth, Traveler Enjoyed Sight of Locomotives In Keen Contest.

A looknr-ln at the window confesses to guilty (idmlriitlon for trnln race. He HIIJS tluit In his travels by night he lui's luiblt of looking out of the window. Sometimes lie enjoys views of the starlit heavens which he does not obtain In any other wny. Once he wus nstonlslied by tho filglit of brll- limit constellation which he had never observed before. He drew din gram of It find WHS told Mint he lind discovered Orion.

Early one morning on the Grand Trunk he observed Ciinn- diun I'nelflc truln gaining on his own, with tho flrcnmn shoveling In coal with umisunl energy. Evidently the Grand Trunk engineer and Jlreiiiun saw' It, too, for 1ho speed of his own train perceptibly Increased, nnd the natlonnl locomotive won out. While the Canndlun I'liclflc (rain was gaining ho regarded the nice ns a foolish and dangerous performance; but ns the contest be- cmue more even his point of view changed. It seemed like a healthy competition. There could be no finer race to watch--It beat horso racing nnd yacht racing all hollow.

He could sec nil the ttmu which wns gaining. Then to lie In bed nnd witness such a contest suggested that combination of luxury and excitement which wus one of the marks of the decadence of Rome. sobered him agnln-- he did not like to contempltitc the do- cllnc nnd fnll of our civilization through this kind of Indulgence. He iidmlts that It Is dangerous, but lie would like to sec nnother race. NUMBER ZM7.


S. fioviTninfiil m-turlUi's U. H.liotuls lu Btcnri" circula- (par value) HMKXI (X) All Oilier U. S. 17.702 Oi r.7.702 GC Olhur bonds.

gccnrUliM. 611.451 4r. Vnluu of Imnklnir lumen 12.01W 00 Krai cutnluowliLHl olbpr llmti hank- Ing liousa H.MXIOO Lawful reserve wllli Feilurnl lU'scrvo Hank Et.BI.n7 Cash In vault anil amount, due from rm- llonal biinks Clf.COlTit A int. luc fiomSlatu banks, bankers anil Iruet comimnlca olhtr than Incliiilnl In Itrnrt 8, 3. ur 10.

'Chprlts on other lunks In Bamucliy or lown on reporting bonk. ai2 11 Totals of llcms 9.10. 11. li Miscellaneous cash Hums 01777 Ititlcnipllon funil wllli U. S.

Treasurer and dui: from U. H. Trensilrer 2.MU 00 Tola! LIAniLITlES. In Surplus fund- ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue nf a power nf ssile contained in 11 mortgage from Raymond L. St.

John and Virginia VV. St. John, Ilis wife, to Albert S. Handy und Isaac H. Morris, dated the 27th day of October.

which said martgugo JKIS several assignments thereon, the lust heiiig to Cnlvert C. Merriken, for collection, said mortgage and assignments being duly of record in I.ibnr L. 13. No. 20, folio 496, of tho mortgage record books for Caroline county, the undersigned, us aysigiice, will offer and ITfi.OWJ W) Undivided iM-ortta J12.07 75 current.

exM-necs. Inter- 21.35879 17.9 ISM Circillatlni: notes oiitatumllnif SU.UOI flO Amount due to national banks lr-oi bounds as follows: PARCEL NO. I. 10 00 3J42U Nul amounts due InStjilubanks.bnnkcrs. trUBtroinniuilm (otliur tlmn Included In hems 21 orZi) Certified cheeks oitlstamllne Total of i a.2lnnd 2.V I W7 1)7 Demand deposits (oilier llian bank ilu- l03ils) subject to reserve (deposits layn)ilc within days: Individual subject tn ehrek.

231.G87 82 Stole. county, or oilier municipal deposits secured 'oy pluilgo of nsaeta of thin Irank or surety bond Total demand deposits- 23 Time Ueuoslla eubjrct to HOMTVO (payable after ilayn. nr subject to 'M days or more notice, anil poslnl llthcrtlmc ileposlln Tolul of llmo deposits. JW.3.7B3 G3 ICC9.783 H3 FANCIFUL NAME FOR BIRDS Many Explanations as to How Feathered Specimens Became Known as Birds of Paradise. Whom the earliest European voy- igcrs reached the Jlolnccns, or Sjilcc sliuuls, In search of cloves nnd nutmegs, which were then rare and prue- ous spices, they were were presented vlth the dried slilns of'strange and eautlful birds.

The Malay traders gave them the nanio of "Mnnuk de- vata," or God's blrdsj and the Portuguese, finding that the skins had no 'eet or wings, and not belne nhle to cnvn anything nutlicutlc nbout them, the birds "I'nssnros do Sol," or Birds of tho Sim; while the learned Dutchmen, who wrote In Lntln, called hem "Avis parnrtlsciis." or Paradise bird. One writer In 150S said that no me hnd seen these birds alive, for tliny Ived In the air, always turning toward the sim, and never lighting on he earth till died; for they hnd neither feet nor wings. than hundred ycnrs later another voyager wrote that lie had seen specimens nt Ainboyna; and wus told Hint they cnme to ISandn to eat mtmegs, which Intoxicated them and made them all fall down senseless, when they were killed by Down 1700 no perfect specimen had been seen In Europe, und absolutely nothing wns known nhout them. Chronic Deserter. Bill--Your father.was pretty wealthy wben he died, wasn't lie? Will--Oh.

yes I "Did he leave your-mother much?" "Oh, about twice a Answers. The Passing Show. "Do you think stockings will be worn with long skirts?" "Certainly," replied Miss Tattle Trll- le'r, "WImt's the without scenery?" good of curtains The Northwest Passage. The Northwest passage Is passage for ships from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean by tbc northern coasts of the American continent, loag sought -for. Sir llobert McClure In his expedition of 1850-1854 was the first to achieve the passage, although part of the Journey was niiidc on Ice.

Cause of Dew. It was the terminal examination, and a budding philosopher concluded his essay on Mother Earth with this startling statement: "The earth revolves on Its own axis 305 times In 24 hours. This rapid motion througl space causes Its sides to perspire; tills Is called Tlt-IMs Originality. TVhcte lies tile dffllcuUy of creating that taste by which a truly orlglna 1 jioct Is to he relished? Is It In break lug the bonds of custom, In ovcrcom lug the prejudices of false refinement nnd displacing the aversions of lues "Aunt Dorothy." The Dorotheuui, known more fa mlllnrly ns "Aunt Dorothy," Is state owned pawnshop and In Vienna, where a persoa can buy, scl or pawn almost anything. All classes use the Dorothcura.

Antiquity of Ocea'n Travel. The records of Aegetin civilization polat to tho great antiquity of sea travel. Neolithic: settlements oxenVHtec in Crete are believed to have been established by tribes from North. Af rlca prior to 10,000 B. O.

First Printed Words In the U. S. Tho llwt printing press In the United States was established at Harvard col lego In 1030. Tbe.flrst work printed on tills press wns the "Freemen's Onth," but Its most famous' publication was John'Eliot's "Indian Bible." STATE OF JIAUYLAND. County of Caroline, es: I.

William I. Norris, Cashier of llio above-named brink, do solemnly swear that the above, slnlc- rnent Is true to tlio best of fny knowledge nnd WIM.IAM I. NOURIS. Cashier. Subscribed arid sworn to beforninu lids -Itli day ELlZAllETH MACDONALD.

Notary Public. expose at puhlic sale lo tlie highest bid der in front. of the Court House door, in the town of Denton, Maryland, on Tuesday, January 30, 1923 between the hours. of 2 and 4 o'clock p. the following described renl eslute, to wit: All those two Iota of land situuta, lying nnd being in the Eighth Election district of Caroline county.

State of Maryland, und described liy metes nnd Beginning in the middle of the Concord-Williston county road where it fo intersected by tlie county roiid lending from Howard's School house; thence running with the middle of snid road South 50 degrees West G-I perches; thence 40 degrees East 8U perches to a marked gum tree on line of the Walter lieaiichiinip land; thence with said Uenuchanip lint; North 48J degrees East 4fiJ perches to the Concord- Williston road; thence with said road Nprth 111 degrees West 49 perches; thence North 40 degrees VVt-at a- perches to tho place of beginning, con titining Acres of land, more-or less, and except two acres of land described in a deed froni Sarah Howard to Sadie'Mnloney, datct of January. Correct--Attest: JAMES II. NICHOLS. A IIKUMBAUGII. J.

L. A Pirrcton. Report of the Condition April 10, 11)05. PARCEL NO. 2.

Beginning for the Bryant's Palace Theatre Denton, Maryland Be sure and see "Beyond the Rocks" night, with Gloria Swanson and Rodolph Valentino. i Tuesday, January 9th "Just Around The Corner" Another great, warm slice of life by the author of Humoresque. From the beautiful story by Fannie Hurst. OF-- Bullets Turned From Their Course. At a rlllc meeting In Swltierlniid It wns discovered that the steel-juc4celcd build's of the innrliflinen were swerved from their course by tho Influence of telegraph find telephone wires rnnnlng iloiigslde the range.

Experiments were then iinule nt Tlmn by placing fotu- steel cables parallel with the range and nbout forty yards distant from It nnd sending current 'of 8,000 volts through them. The effect, It Is snid, was lo tiirif- the bullets so far from their course that the deviation amounted to 24 ynrds on range of 200'ynrils. The bullets on' taken from the targets were found to be magnetized. Nest, on un artillery rmiRe of 3,000 yards 'lite electro-magnetic Influence was generated 200 yards In front of the targets nnd -10 ynrds to one side. The projectiles were swerved 14 degrees from a straight Star.

-Gas Production at a Glance. Tlie question of the conserviitlon of natural gas led 'the" Smithsonian 'institution to construct nioilul which Is exhibited I national museum, showing nil the steps between the production nnd utilization of this natural fuel. On account of tho rapid decline In quantity of liuturnl gns, the time Is not very fnr off when many towns now using natural gas will have to use niuniifnctiircd gns, nnd for this rencon the. Smithsonian Institution bus just completed nnd placed on exhibition model showing how manufactured gus Is inndc and delivered to tbc home, nud hus In preparation a bulletin covering In detail the future manufactured gas situation for the purpose of bringing within the experience of llie Inyniiin the salient "fen- liiros of both the natural nnd iiinnii- factured gns situations. Thfe Peoples Bank AT In the State of the Close of Business Dec.

20, 1922. ntcsouncKs. Loons nnd Dlscmmls Ovtnlrnfts. hccured ami unscciirixl. J5C-IJ Stocks, llonds.

Si-ciirillos. etc. l35.m'JO 10,00000 I.ICO BO 429 2fi 1 62 1.401 62 from National, State and Private Hanks and Hankers nnd Trust Companies, nllier than reserve Checks ami olher Cash Items Due from mipnived Id-serve Lawful Money Ilraervc In Hank, U. S. Currency and National HankNolc-s I8.G3SOO Cold Minor Coin I.IAim.lTIES* Canltal Slock paid In EO.OOOGO Surplus Fund 32.MOOO Undivided Profits, less Kitlienses.

Interest and Taves Paid Due to Nnllunal. Stain and Private Hanks and Hankers and Trust Companies, olher Ihnn reserve 11004 Dciionits (demand) Subject lo Clic-ck Cashier's checks outslondiag 49 7G 138.Wr77 Ka'viiil-3 mid Siieclal 300.40Gy5 outbounds of the same lit an ajiplo treo nt the junction of the above mentioned Concord-Williston and Howard's School county roads; thence with the first mentioned county road MO yards; thence parallel with the Howuid's School road 70 yards; thence. 1 parallel with the Con- curd-Williston road 140 yards; thence with the county road to the place of beginning, containing TWO ACRES OF LAND, more or I ess. The above two parcels being all of the land conveyed to Raymond L. St Jolin und Virginia W.

St. John Iy deed from Albert S. Handy and wife nnd Isuac H. Morris nnd wife dated Octob'er 20, 1D20, and recorded in Liber L. U.

No. 82, folia 685. The improvements consist of un Dwelling f-et, garage, corn crib, 100-foot chicken house, and other necessary outbuildings, all in good repair. TERMS OF SALE Are: One-half cash on day of sale, and the balance on the ratification of the sale; or all cash, at the option of the jiurchaser; the deferred payment, if any, to bear interest from dny of sale, and to be secured by the interest-bearing note of the purchaser, with security to oe approved by the undersigned ns signee. Title papers nnd revenue stumps at expense of purchaser.


County of Caroline. S3. T. V. Johnson.

Cashier of tlie nbovo-named Institution. do solemnly Bwearlliat stale- inunllstruftolliobeslof itiy tnnn-Iwlircnnd Utllff. T. K.JOHNSON. Cashier.

aivorn to before me this 4ih day of January. 192J. Correct- Attest: WM. S. CHOUSE.

Notary Public. EAm SM WM. It FOUNTAIN. v. j.

wRiaiir. Directors. Thursday, January llth Starring Licfnel Barrymore. "Devil's Garden" A First National Attraction. Friday and Saturday, January 12 and 13 wiling 1 Well, here we are now with NORMA TALMADGE The sweetest, cleverest picture Norma ever made.

100 per cent, a picture. The biggest picture of the year. Don't fail to see this great 8-reeler. COMING I 'Mack Knife Man," "Back Pay" and "Forever." I BRYANTS NEW PALACE THEATRE I Second Street The Home of Refined Photo Productions Denton, Maryland Report of Hie Condition --or-THE PROVIDENT STATE BANK AT PRESTON In the State of Maryland, at the Close of Business Dec. 1022.

RESOURCES. Ixttns nnd Discounts JI93.88C97 secured and unsecured. Slacks. Hands. Securities, ate.

Hanking llouso. Peculiar Milestone. A recent picture showed one of three old milestones Hint are found on the old Buy rond which runs from Boston to Portsmouth, N. II. Thousands of motorists pass It yearly, nnd the popular superstition Is tluit It Is a over the grave of thief, whom our Pnrltnn forefathers condemned to be burled, "where everybody might walk across his -grave." There Is quaint Inscription on the sttme --written wltb the old-fiisldoned which Is like nn up-to-date Jab 30:23.

"1'or I know thnt thoti wilt bring me to deiitb und to the Iiouse appointed for till living. 1710." This milestone Is tn be found outside the old Weiihiini burying ground In Mnssiwlmsctts, where It 1ms stood for more than two bundruri years. Better Late Than Never. A bricklayer of Bristol, more than seventy years old, has just retired from his trade nnd started a market gnnlon. Surely, this Is rather late In llfo to filnrt Show.

25742 45.970 2'J 10,00000 Furiii'turo i 1. BOO 00 Due from National. State nnJ 1'rivolo Hanks anil Hankers nnd Trust Companies, other than Reserve Checks nnd Other Cash Items 47 Hue from Approved Ruscrvo 10,482 13 Lawful Money Itcscrvo In Hank, U. S. Currency and National Uank Notes Jfi.B9C.00 Gold Coin 127-EO Minor Coin 1.740.C6 7.7C1 1C MlBL-ellancoua AsBi-tB 73501) Totnl $271.27387 LIABILITIES.

Capital Slock paid In Surplus Fiinil Undivided Profile, less Expenses. Interest and paid Duo to Notional. State nnd Private Hanks nnd Hankers and Trust Companies atlier than reserve Deposits (demand) Subject to Check S7.09.GG CerlliV-d-CheckB IJ60.32 87,88993 Deposits (time) Savings nml Sncclnl Uills I'avnlile. Including Certificates of formoney borrowed 20,00000 Total $271,27387 STATE OP MAKYI.AND. County of Caroline.

S3. I. James A. Trazzare, Cashier of the nbovc- namcd Institution, do solemnly that tlie above statement, la true ID the best of my know- ledEOand belief. JAMES A.

TRA7.ZAHE. Cashier. Subscribed and aworn to bcfora mo this 3rd day of January. 1923. Correct Atttsl: 16.00000 7.0ti3 97 20024 Thounht for tho Uay.

What line world this would be If all of us as broudinlnded us wo pretend lo bo. Notury 1'ublic. A. F.SiSK, 3. BLIiEUT DOUGLAS.

E.T.1IOORK; Directors, Report of the Condition Chest Tones. From a concert program: "Jly Heart nt Thy Sweet Voice." Corset, solo by 'Margaret Trtniscrlpt. Articles for Writing Table. A thermometer nnd jierpetiml calendar nil In one, finished In green or roso leather. Is welcome addition to tho writing tuble.

The Effect? We've never seen Indies' man who dltln't hnvo trouble kcciilne populiir with 'em nt Tlihes- Dlsputch. --OF TUB-Farmers Merchants State JJank AT DENTON In the State of Maryland, nt tho Close of Business Dec. 29, 1922. HKSOUllCKS. Ijunsnnd Discounts J101.271 Cl Ovenlraf In.

secured and unsecured l.flfi'J 52 Furniture Fixtures itUiCfi Due from National, Stale and I'rivalu llanks.and Hankers nnd Trust Companies, oilier llian reserve 8CG 74 Checks iiml olher Cash Items 'J47 fii Due from niijirovcil Reserve 7,00601 Lawful Money Reserve In Uank. U. S. Currency and National IlankNoles 42.4KSEO GulJColii Minor Coin 1.605 9ti 4.201 96 Total $177.01105 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In $30.000 00 Surplus Fund fl.OOU 01) Undivided ProIUn.

less Kxiicnses. III(LT- eut anil Taxes Paid 11,91381 i i National. Slate nnd Prlvnlo Hanks and Hankers anil TrualConi- imnles. other llion rescrvo 1,911 CO (demand): Subject to Clieek 69 37.SG3; Dfiundls Uime) Savtnus and CerllllcatosofDciiosU. 20.177B3 12 Hills Pnynlilc.

IndudlnR of money burro v. ml 25.IK.G 00 Total STATK OF A A County ir Caroline, ss. 1. K. K.

lllKnutt, Cashier of DIG above-named Institution, do solemnly swear that tho stairmcnl la Iruc. to tho best of my knowliilgo and belief. S. K. 1IIGNUTT.

Cashier. Subscribed anil sworn tn before me this 41 day WM. CROUSK. Nolary Public. W.

BIIEWSTER DEEN, Attorney. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under nnd by virtue of power of sole contained in a mortgage from Ellen E. Edwards and Albert A. Edwards to Calvert C. Merriken, bearing date the 21st day of January, 1913, on which said mortgage there are several assignments, tho lust one being to Urewster Deen, which said mortgage nnd assignments are duly of record in Liber J.

K. No." 1-1, Folio 174, one of the mortgage record books for Caroline county, the undersigned assignee will'offer itnil expose at public sale to the highest bidder in front of the Court House door in the town of Denton, Caroline county, Maryland, on Tuesday, January 9, 1923 between tlie hours of 2 and 4 o'clock p. tho following described property: All that lot or parcel of land with the improvements thereon, the rights, appurtenances and advantages thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining, situated, lying anu being in tho Fifth Election District of Caroline county and State of Maryland and on tho westside of the State Rood leading from Feder- alshurg to Denton, and beginning for the outbounds thereof on the west sitle of the said road and nt high water mark at Faulkner's Branch, thence with high water mark westerly up the branch to a stake in gulley and corner line of Snllie Redhead land, now belonging to Elwood Allen, thence with said land and nn old fence northeasterly to the aforesaid county road, thence with tho same southerly to the place of beginning, supposed to contain Five Acres of Land more or less. It being llie same land and premises which is described in a deed from Harry R. Meiriken and Ella M.

Merriken, hta wife, to Ellen E. Edwards, dated January 10, 1913, and not intended for record. 1 IMPROVEMENTS. The above property ia improved by two small dwellings in fair repair. TERM SALE One-half cash on dny of sale, balance in six months; tlcferretl payment to bear interest and to be secured to the satisfaction of the undersigned.

Title papers at expense of purchaser. W. BREVVSTER DEEN. JAMES TEMPLE, Auct. Assignee.

JEWELL STATES HE HftS PROOFS Naval Academy fylochanic Declares Tan- lac Ended His Troubles That Were Fast Pulling Him Down. "I couldn't say what's in Tanlac, but I have full proofs of its power, fnr it has rid me of ailments that were pull- inu; me down fast, and I am not going to fail to recommend a medicine that can do that," is the recent characteristic statement made by Frank Jewell, 18 Northwest St, Annapolis. Md. Mr. Jewell is blacksmith for the U.

S. Novul Academy nnd a member of Elks' Lodge G2Z; of the Jr. O. U. A.

M. nnd of the Government Employees' League. Telling of his troubles and his experience with Tanlnc, he continued: "Off and on for years I suffered from a general run-down condition, weakness, loss of appetite, sluggish liver nnd billiousncss. I wns constipated, too, nnd had to be always taking strong purgatives. I lost several pounds and my work kept getting harder, till I would go home nights feeling stiff all over.

"I am now on my third bottle of Tan- lac, and Keel almost like a new man. I have taken the Tanlac Vegetable Pills too, and they have done their work in fine shape. 1 am going to keep on with the treatment, for I am convinced it id the very thing for anybody suffering like I did." Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. of January. 1923 Correct Attat: I I A I i JOSIAH A.

BECK. D. W. DAVIS. Directors.

Sun ihc New Yenr light! Subscribe for ihe Si.oo in llie cotmiy. Winter Sale Now On Clean-up of Winter Suits and Overcoats, Men's and.Boys' 25 Per Off And they will all be higher next season. $25 $30 now $22.50 S35 now $26.25 now $30.00 $50 now $37.50 Come at once and get the best as they cannot be duplicated at the prices, Winter Trousers Winter Underwear Winter Shoes Winter Clothing all at attractive prices and for best grades and makes. MULLIN'S HOME STORE WILMINGTON A Brand New Year There's a about the New Year that gives us all a determination to accomplish bigger things thart ever before. But it takes the inspiration of every new day to sustain that determination.

Our officers look upon every day as another opportunity to increase this institution's usefulness and to broaden the scope of its service to patrons and friends. it. ft THE DENTON NATIONAL BANK DENTON, MARYLAND A I so do mice, once they ent RAT- SNAP. And they leave no odor behind. Don't take our word for it-try package.

Cats and Dogs won't touch it Rats pass up all to get RAT-SNAP. Three sizes. 35c flizo (1 cnke) enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar." 66c size (2 cakes) for Chicken House, Cuops or Small Buildings. $1.25 size (6 cakes) enoilKfor all farm and out-buildings, ftorage buildings, or factory Sold and Guaranteed by Nuttle Hdwe. C.

Leslie Walls Denton, Aid. WM. PEPPER CONSTABLE Attorriey-at-Law 700-706 Maryland Trust Building Baltimore, Maryland and Elkton. Maryland. ST.

PAUL 7G84. For Sale. About 100 acres of woodland at Piney, nenr Carey's Cannery. Will sell ns a whole or in small Iota. HUGHES LUMBER COAL 12-9-tf Denton, Md.

Order Nisi. Harvey L. Cooper, Assignee, John Furraroet al. In the CircuitCourt for Caroline County. In Equity.

No. 2206. Ordered this 22nd day of Decembar, nineteen hundred nnd twenty-two, that the sale of the property mentioned in these proceedings, reported by Harvey L. Cooper, assignee, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary be shown on or before the 26th day of February next; provided a copy of this order be inserted in some newspaper printed and published in Caroline county once in each of four successive' weeks before the 22nd day of January next. The report states the amount of sales to be $3020.00.

GEO. A. DEAKYNE. True Copy-Test: Clerk. GEO.

A. DEAKYNE, Clerk. For Sale Chevrolet touring car, little used. Would consider good young mare or pair of young horses, OB port payment. In-' quire at JOURNAL OFFICE.

Money to Loan. On first mortgage. CALVERT C. MERRIKEN, Atorney-at-LftW, 9-7 Denton. Md.

The Woman's Tonic SPAPERf.

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